M If!) lissl vv rrr-k ..... a. v rfmtll iSS iifM IMf Jw iv I PJyi 4 leL, I 3 W.1 I il l a I i fl UB ill L: MiWIH i vy' ' - 4 Xs.4 Advertising Rates Made Known on Applicati on. A NEWSPAPER fOR THE PEOPLE. 1 . nils of Sa''.ript;-.r,..i'"(' I i ; ! i r J VOL. XLIII. WELDON, X. (, THURSDAY, APRIL 1000. XO. TP l The Prudent Man Accomplishes ' that which He Determines. We Cannot Tell What the Puturc Will I nfold . i- 411 Mo; H II .1 4 Kt i TJTJJM 1 l unnri Dnv ! ; fl DUI' I IHt STRONG MAN. j BEFORE THE EVIL BAY COMES. i -. nut WIKtMJT W &' if If A ' "Mill. .1 pi'u it ANcgt-ialilfPrppnraliQnCif.ls ti-SHh' Sitinuu.-.'is anlH Wisi Promoh'snci'sfonfWiil- nvss aiul Vstf niiiiint neitir I'niimi.Morpl.i'.u' nor Mineral. hOT Alt C OTIC. s4t.xJ.tmi MA SJti-AmSt-l hAUftni thrw. Aptrfecl Rmedv foi Cuisllpa lion , Suur SlonvxIiUlarriM! Worms .CoUMilbioiis.lVuriii! ncssamlLosscrSLtlP. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Bears the Signature of FacS'i-l Sitjinrwf & KDV YORK. ivmj In Use or Over Thirty Years W' ... . t PJAWfAM-. i B I j 1111111 Eaact Copy of Wrapper. TOf (tt y tQ iTT imn mi JJ i,m.jj ill 1I'H'IJ.iji. ijjww,Minp wmiii.i iiiiimj Mjiaiiuiai pmijiMiinn ..jh..iiiimiiiimh i.Li miuii ii.l.ij.hui. Mll.U,ll.- Ii lAY I'lliINK '. h. ill' I'iu'm:- L'l aihl :.4. II P.N. STAIN HACK. . rXDHKTAKKIJ. Weldon, . . North Carolina. l ull Line of CASkLTS. COI I INS anj kOHKS. Day, Night anil Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNI-RAL DIKHCIOH AND FiMBALMFlk. Seventeen years' l:xperKnce. Hearse Service Any 101 o n oaaon where. M xoidJ OE 2Z WKLDOX. X. C Orjnnized I'nJer the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Aim r ."i ll, imj. Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vi'cUoit Depository. Capital attfl Surplus, For mora than lift.-cn y.'ur tlu nisliliitioii has i . v i. I.-. I l.ankinir fui-ili-tiM fur tills si'Cticm. It." slui'klinl I. i an. I .lui-rtni" Ii:iy Lrcn i.l.'iilitir.l Willi tli huain.-xH int.'n xtH i.f llilll'ax ami Vutlaniptun '..iimif fur ni!iny yi'am. Money i loan.'.l un'i upl'i'm.'.! .I'iniiy al Ilic l.'if:il rale of intiTi'st ix p.T Cfiit itti) iv..;inN . .ill ai.' wil vit. il Tln mpliiH aiol nn.liv xlctl (noli! Iihviiil' t.'a.'lu'! a mum . 'iial to tin' t'apital tiK'k. tlifllank lia. riKiiiiK-m'iiijf .lanuaiy I. 'm -h'iIiIh .1 a SavinirH Dfj.artini'iil alloinm.' i ntt i -t t.u tunc ilfi.s:i a follows: I'or Deposit alloBc.l torcinum three montlis or loinrcr. per e. nt. Six nioltths or lonirer. 'A er cent Twelve month'-or longer. I pel cent. Kor further information apply to the I'resnl.-iit ..r ( a-ln. r. I'KKsiiikv r : W. K. DASIKI, vn k ckii.kt: I'll. II . I.CV IS. l.laelsoii. Xoitliainpton ronntyi i asiiikk: U. U. sMllll. SEABUAJ ) AIR LI1TE Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY W ith Vestibule Coaches, Diiii"K Cm iil Pul.Hian I)rainj loom Sleepinj Cars Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L.. at Haleiifh with the Norfolk and Southern from F:astern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon. 12:07 p. m. 11:38 p. m. Raleigh, 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a. m Arrive Charlotte, 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a nt. " Atlanta. :'45 5:00 P " Birmingham, 12 10 p m. 9:50 p. m. " Memphis. 8:05 p m. 7:30 a.m. No. 41-Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct conn'ction for Memphis and New Orleans. , For further Information relative to rates, sched. ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND 13. CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or w rite to (Ml. (JATTIS, District Passenger Agent, i Master Roney Collins, Whose First i Thought Was Ever of His Mother. Col. Jolm F. Truton, presi ilont of tlic First National 15nnk of Wilson, j in y m tlio following triluitc to the incinoiy tf Mas I tcl' Koitcy Collins, whose first tlnuio-ht was ever of his mother: Rniiev Collins is ileitil, tinil in his ileatli ! lost tin unselfish anil Viiliieil frii'inl. Ami yon ask wherein was ho a val lleil fliellil? In this we met eiieh oilier on the street ami almost daily, he hearing his iesiiiMlilities nii'l I fonscioiis of mine, lie iliil not fnrt;et to howilv with me, tip his cap . tuiil favor me with a smile; this lat a Ketiei'ons expression of ; n'ooil will anil f l ieiiilship. In : the evenings when 1 had closed ' 1 1 1 y otliee and started home 1 1 fivnneiitlv found him "on his joh" delivering papers, and soinet imes for ever so short a, distance he would favor me j with his company, we talked j hnsiness, his own. Then his, his spirit of enthusiasm was 'contagious. His answers to I'luestions wen thout;'htful and nevee extravagant. This im-; . pressed me and I studied him ' the more. I found he was j I methodical, honest with him-j S self; ho did not loaf only once, j ; A irauiti of football was on and i out! side was short of players; j j he stopped just a few short ! minutes ami helped the weaker i side in a rush which landed the ball. Had he not done this I ! would have lost interest in him. ; I recall now his happy laugh as he gathered up his papers and hastened their delivery in ! bettor time than if he had not stopped. Had he lived 1 should never have told that I subjected him ; to severe scrutiny and study, j but being anxious to know the j secret of manliness asmanifes j ted in his steadiness and pcrsis ' tence of effort. I did seek dili gently without favor or partial ity. He told me one day, not ! in words, but in the tender ex pression of his eyes and voice as he made reference to bis mother. He was devoted to her. and she was his partner. The tenderness of his feelings for her was as retined as pure gold. He may have had doubts about some things, but that his mother was deeply interested in him and expected him to succeed there in his mind abso i lately was no shadow of a doubt. This was the secret of the success of my little friend, and the manner of his making good is a tribute to mother hood, which may be shared with pride by till mothers who mav read this. He was a stur dy little gentleman, and when he died not only the writer, but the town of Wilson sulfered a loss. Denied the sad privilege of 01 attending hisfuneral I make the . . ...r.. i i. It !. opportunity 10 nun mm nii.t tribute to his memory. If you can't talk of anything but I your w oes, don't. Making Good. Thri Is no av nt nniklne liMflrtf ' In. iets like - .Making tino.1;" anrl Doeior i I'leree's lll.sllrlln . well eielltpllfv llo-. tn.l llnir Itiemtv lifter more than tui I i inles of tiopiilailly. hh. ituni!er-.l lY lie liuiulriHis uf lli.iiwin.ls. 'I hoy li.oe i -II. lie tf.HMl " ttll'l they ll.lVP lo( lll.llle iti .ink.e.l A K'hiiI. honest, mpnire -ileal nie.llcli I ' kn .n . oinposiiion I- llr. I'kne'a Uohlcn , Mtdlial DliKOiery It mil i nj..y an mi ni. n-e sale. ulvLi in,.-t of the preparit- i i...n. thai l.a, ie into proinin. n.'e In lie. .mi'I.t H-ri.l ol In K..nl.irlly have "it'iiie l,y the l..ir.l" ami are never more lo'.nl ..I l tiele lltll-l Is' M.lne l'4-us..ll f.T ! tlo. lonir time N,pnlarlty mat ttial is Mi h. loiinil In ll superior inerils. Mn-n , iiii.-e iti ton a fair lrl.il fur weak Ktoina.'h, or lor liver ami IiI.kkI all.s tii.ns. Us si(pe ri.ir 1'iiralive qnahties aresiM.n manlfi"-l; I hen.-e it has snrwM'ii ami ir.. n in pop nliir favor, while seoies ol les merit..! ious arln-les havn Hii.lilenlv tlahtHl Into favor for a hrlef periiKl anil tlmti tiwn as siin o ,-l TTiousandi of millions o? car.3 of Koyal Baking Povdcr have been usca in making bread, biscuit a.iJ cake in this country, &nd ever hou3ekeerjer iu!ng it has rested n perfect confi dcr.ee that Iter food would hs lioht, EweJ, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe guard against the cheap alum powders which are die greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOYAL IS T3E ONZ.Y BAKING POWDEH MADE FKOM ROYAL CRAPE CXEAM OF TARTAR Tfl THE UNRETURNED. O the ships go out to the farthest shore, And the ships come home again ; The dew dries on ihe morning rose Returns in a drop of rain Bui the joy of a day that I smiled away, I call to it in vain ! O the princess hides, in a cup of rust, Her gold on the winter lea; And comes, her pilgrim stafTabloom With the flowers that used to be But the golden smile of a little while Will never come back to me ! O the stars go out with the break of dawn, And the stars are full and bright When the sun has turned his face away, And the world has need of light When the glad world beamed I dreamed I dreamed; And now the night the night ! O the birds forsake the coloring wood, And the birds come home to sing; The breath of the fallen rose returns On the wing of the swallow's wing But the harps I know of the long ago Lie mute in the soul of spring ! 0 rose that blooms in a garden wild, O bird in a lonely tree, 1 know the gifts of my heart lie deep In your far-off mystery, And bloom and sing in eternal spring Though they never come back to me! Aloysius Coll, in the January Appleton's. 'THE BEST DRINK." On a pleasant day in the early Fall A stranger rode into the town, And, stopping his horse in the public square, Glanced this way and that with a frown, For the place (lift he sought he could not find (Di inkshops had been closed that year). So he called to a lad whajpassed that way, And said to him, "Laddie, come here. "Here's a copper for you to show the way To the best drinking-place you know." "All right," he answered a quick-witted youth "Just turn that street, sir, and go Till you come to another, turn right again, And you'll sec it quite plainly," said John. So thanking the lad, the stranger rode on, And John, with a hop, skip and jump, After the stranger he went in a irice, Brought up at the old town pump. "Here you are sir," said John with a good-natured smile; "It's the best drinking-place to be found, Take a drink, sir; it's free, and you're welcome, I'm sure. And it's good for your health, I'll be bound !" The man took the joke in a good-natured way, And drank of the water so clear, Then said, " 'Tis an excellent drink, I am sure; As good as I've had for a year." So saying he tossed the bright lad a new coin, "The lesson is worth thai 10 nie, And if you keep playing your temperance joke 'Twill nitike the world beiier." said he. JUIHll- WILL WAIT AND SLL. had entered a plea of guilty to lar I ceny. The burden of the attor- ney's argument was that his client I was the Father oF twins and was NO LANDGRABBLR. lappni-is I i. He who of his own will can per- When w , lorm what he wills and execute his . consider t In- ! purpose is a strong man. 1 he man ; ists, the t' tiiiiii.-, ti.iit !,. who doubtfully questions condi-! corno to gri.-f --.-oiii from mi. . tions and submits to environments i fortune, . ouo fr,n ,.rr.,r, j that are not in perfect accord with ! arealmo-t p.-i - i:,..l--.l ih.n t! J his purpose is scarcely evera man. parents wh , .!;:..(. !,..f.,.-i. ; So far as they may safely promote the evil d i r,m- v. hen tln-y the purpose in view, the present in- no longer lind pi. .,-in -- in tL. ii- i fluences and the attending circum- children. t!,, i,- n... v. i,. stances should indeed be used by die hupp,, f'.iil th- -her ; him who will succeed, To ignore who fondly elaj l,.-r j these forces would not be the part in her arms ;n ..hj-.-r of h i ; oi wisuom; even tnougn tne man temierest . be strong. Good judgment is a desirable companion, even for him whose will is of steel. The strong and prudent man accom plishes that which he determines. If immediate conditions can serve him, he employs them; if they op pose him, he disregards and tram-; over - inu' l.-n.-.l or di-gr.i -.. pies them beneath his feet. lin-! poverty-sti icki-nan I ii ii-tn!i.--vironment for him becomes either ' idle or insan-'. a worthies-; Vui I a helping companion or the pave-; abond, or a ilel.au.-he.l miiiioi r a vr7 i:h Or. .-..n !. O. I;.. v--as Vn!l .t Ci pravs wit I 'ife to be sp.i e. . ntinui' a cm and a proj. for she foresee tlit child, v. liic! from her. ill, v : i t i i. r I, future I is so ivis olil'l she i a y ie-r uM hid .iiu n ci ty r itiv cur ma a ;in:.u. e or nv "ii, :i a . dn'.vn in the dii if ment over which he walks to the aire, wav goal of his purpose. His work, . society, or away up in the scum however, while done by the will of; would not a change come o'er i Napoleon, maybe inspired by the 1 the spirit of her dreams, would heart oFa lion. i she not more fully realize that The great man has the fixed . life is only valuable as it is and steady purpose of the strong. well spent, and while she is He recognizts and respects the praying for life to last, pray rights and purposes of rflinds other j also with greater tenacity for r tot ot i: ni'.: t':io.-e who ha, bottle from vr, it all accr.-'.:;;j to ii it. dot-- r.-'.t 'in-, turn vuur inuncv ii t is 'ith trc almost vrtt.ktc !vn:c can a to write to ;-l it. Get a ".i''.-t. Ike !rect:-jn, and ut he v. ;lt re- than his own. This is he who can respectfully and reverently say when interests, apparently greater than his his own, may demand it, "Not my will, but thine be done." Thus the Master prayed in that hour of struggle and supreme con secration. No word oF man, per haps, more Fully expresses strength and greatness than this, "Not my will, but thine be done." When this prayer can be uttered as a truth From the depths oF the soul, the individual man is ready to con centrate his powers to the execu tion oF wills and purposes greater than his own. HenceForth God and humanity are the recipients of his service. The more extremely selfish and individual men become, even though they be strong willed, j the smaller, the more finite and j limited are they. The more fully i the individual will and purposes of J men harmonize with the will of ! their country and of their God the j greater they become. "Not my ' will, but thine be done" is the ! Christian's constitution, j Here, likewise, is the stone upon which statesmen stand. Notindi I vidual interests of man but the will ! and welfare of his people and coun try are the thoughts of the states man. The great generals and civil leaders alike remember first the greater will of the cause and of the country which they serve. Not only the Christian religion and the strength of the State are anchored in this principle, but there is no other key for the home. If the husband is an absolute mon ; arch, his wife and children become j vassals and slaves. If the wife is ! a stubborn shrew, the husband j grows careless, despondent and ' useless. If children are hauty and i j disobedient the sweetness and har mony ot tne nome Pecome tne bitterness and discord of the living place. When each member is ready to surrender his own pleas ure and perhaps his purposes, that the interests oF other members oF the entire Family will thereby be better served, then the home is the spring From which How the lives and influence oF strong and great men and women. The anchor of greatness, the spirit of Christiani ty, the pillar oF statesmanship, the safety of the home and its key are together sealed in, "Not my will, but thine be done. " his protection from the soul destroying things of the world. The man who can't stand pros perity will find it harder to stand adversity. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'WELI'OX, N. (.'.' ' Practice-, in the courts of Halifax tad ailjoni'm; eoiihtirs and il the Supreme cjurt of the .-tatc. pi-c.al attention t'ivi-n to collections and prompt return FOLEY'S AVO A isoya STOMACH (..'.; jiC.4S THAT VOUft LIVEN OJ OUT OK OROEft. TAKE Siimnnons Over REliULATOB find Feel ' Ute Voutself Again." T-s ' CkN'Mir hat Hi Rro I T-d Wi- . .... tno Ironl ot aac, packaoa I Us; tgnatura and aal ot J . ZEILIN & CO. on lh tkta, IN RED. Hat Pins made out of Real Roses KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE BUBSTITUTIS. F CLAHK Spring Opening ! ansa1 An earnest plea was made by Attorney Charles I'etiijohn to In hrc Priichard. of the Criminal liirir.iiien. i u . t-i K.ir mriiiii liver with iw nttenJunt j Court, for leniency to a client who IllilillesoiHl. nvi.e.i.i, ii.'i. in.-...-, i -. -h;i.s .liuiness. '.ml hn.alh, i nsty eonli'il tuiiKiin. with hitter taste, loss i.f ii'pelite, with distress after eating, iicrvniisnosa an. I ijehilitv. n.ithiinj I sn k.hhI as pr. Iheree's (i il.len M.-ilieal IM.-iiwry. It's an hunest. sumire-ileal nieilh ine Ith all Its initr.sh.-Sis Mrintloii l..ttle-rai.:r : , . f - j . f..eJ tin s,vrel. tin li.KMis-Kien niiini hi, , tcrni'iiu ."- therefore. .("'I'' .i"-! !!! n M..-tlliiti that ; , , . ..i.- ,,f ,le infjins the .tealur mav ihly maUe a llltle hlC , moUIHS 01 IIIL 1111.1 us. ir-r prniii. ni..t on your rittht to have "Your Honor, I will say Iran K- 'k'n ttuv DVl'lerc.-i Tavorlt. Pr.crln. ! said Mr. Pcttijolin ill dosing, tiua evws'tini, It to imivo a "cure-all. '' It ; ,, , ;f , 1,., r.,,er nf tlic I. only adveii f..r man's ,Kei..Hil- I thai if 1 l PL tilt l.ltHtr 01 int. ment.s. It miiK.w weak wimien stri.n? and ; . j neeJcJ food for my faill- ily, I would not nesiiaie to go uui and steal it." "Mr, Pcttijolin, when you are the father of twins 1 will consider your proposition," said Judge Pritchard. Indinapolis News. All men are born Free and equal, but most of them spoil it by getting married, .nne i.renarati.ins mid fur like iiiirimsfs, Its .terllii curative virtues still maintain Its i-i.ilii.n in the front ruiil.s. where it stoisl over two decades ami. As an In vlit..rali!i tonic and strenatheiilnu nerv ine it is une.nmlc.1. It won't salfcfy thosa who want "h.s.r.e,'' (or there la nondrop of alrehol In it. Dr. Pkrce'a Pkaaant Ptllfta, thn orl; ii.il 1 .it llo l.lver I'llls. alllioimh the lirst pill of their kind In the market. Hill lead, and when once tried are ever after anil In favor. Kaay to take as candy one to Hire a iou. Much imitated but iimr "Thai boy," said the Billville farmer, "beats my time! Jest now, when 1 quoted Scripter to him he come back at me hard !" "You don't say ?'' "Shore. 1 told him to git a hoc an' foller the furrow. 'Thar's gold in the land, I said, and what do you reckon he made anser?" "You tell it." " 'Faihcr,' he says, T don't keer fcr the gold o' this here world; I've laid up treasure in heaven !' " Yon ahoulil not delay under any cir cumstances in cases of Kidney and llladder tnnihle Yon should take some thiiiR promptly thai you know is relia ble, siiniPthiuif like 1'eWilt's Kidney and llladder Tills. They arc iineqimled for weak, backache, iutlaniinatuuiof tin bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When you ask for PeWitt's Kidney and Mad der Pills, he ship you get them. They are antiseptic. Accept no substitutes; insist upon ci'ttinir the rxhl kind. S.hl hv W. M. I'oliett, Weldon, N. C. ft i 1 l.av,- a iarsr as- .nn.eBt . f Men' up. to-;ateu:t an 1 a:t i-pec:a!ly attractive I. ne of Mercl.a: t l.!eie.i Trousers, in ail sij.s and at ash mshiriirlv LOW I'Hli i. ai.se a !ai-'e i'ue .-f lioy's kuec I'ants. pi.y's .ui;s and late varetv of pa'.'.eins. Ij.iies i'.ea.itif'.d Voile skirts in the veiy latr-t and hc?l wattcnia. Ladies' & Gent's furnishings, lticlud.iic a beaut; 'ul line of Oxfords and M.ot-s. I .'ii.e audtfrtniylv pricen an-1 eempat..1 wit;, ethers, seem,; is bc- llevim: I J. KAPI IN. Ktt.i:U'At' Kat'iii-., N. C. I We Ask You S to fcike Cardii, fcr your femalo J troubles, becausa o are sure It rj w :H help ycx Ramembet that this grest lemsla remedy- has brought relief to thousands of other sick vomen, so t hy not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female veak ne.s, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City n HELLO! Children especially like Kennedy' Laxative Couli Syrup, as it tastes near ly as Kood aa maple suj;ar. It not only heala irritation and allays inflammation, thereby stopping the eoiili, but it also moves lite bowels gently and in that way drives the cold from the system. It contain no opiate. Bold by W. M. Cohen. Weldon, N. C. No man was ever known 10 for give another for stepping on his pet corn. "I'd Rather Die, Doctor, than have my feet nit off." sai.l M. I,. Ilinirbam, of I'rineeville, 111., "but you will die from grani;riie (which had eaten away eight toes) if you don't," aaid all doctors. Instead, lie used Buck len s Arnica Salve till w holly cured. It cures of Kctemt, Fver floret. Boil, Hums and Pilea astound the world. 25c at all druggista. Real Rose Hat Pins It not wr-m (vvt-ihlc. vet It tni. ih i th-'oo ll.il i'iiw arr mjdi out of ro' . t and chanirid into metal by a evert' t IMV.iM 'I his dksCOVt'fy WlthtHit ilii i I ow of the lout arts of tho an. irnt i vi'in ii. They arethenut he-iimtul o: 'l Hit Vin. Notwoarealikt. Mi Jo in ; tivhe lo conform 10 the nre .tiling it '.on hi nullniery. Sik te M lH' ..it; prices : S1.50, SJ.OO, $J.50, $3.00. $175, $4.50 KcryboJv inu1kinalVHitthcm. Don't tail to come in ami we them. Ihesear th. riuin DttAMOTHE Real Hom Pint. W. W, CONDON, jlnyi:li.k. WELDON, - N. C. That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. U. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want Hour 10 make bread for sup per. V. T. PARKER. Weldon. N. C. GEORGE GREEN. ATTO RNK V-AT- LAW, (National Bank Building) Weldon. N. C. ItvtiMit t . r t i h ' '. NYUM'tAr.iM.t, 'V C" Tltf - Vl avfw iivrl "Hi i it-- t eturt-, -! r ' k ' rtsio ok - Imwi a4Ki voerftf ' Oppo tt. W- !. f t aWWrffAri fri .11 111 ' 4 a V .1 ft Raleigh, N. C. J fn-

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