SiW jSHHti lir4 ilLiMi iicr4 ill Wpk M iifrJ iPil ilk jlSi ;a sa f tk Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XLIII. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per AnnurrJ WKLDOX, X. ('., THURSDAY, AIM. II, 2!), l.)0!. NO. :-2 vr-f- -.J - --mi. a t rs: DON'T READ THIS, GIRLS. Reflections ol a Bachelor Uirl. TIu ui'0U IIa Alw" and which 1,9 been u uho for over 30 years, , borne tl.o lKi..ituro of yg a"l been mnde under Ms per (7&i ' 80"'a ""IHsrvUlon blneo its Infamy. . ' A-llowjiooiietoileoelvojoiiln this. All Counterfeits Imltutlo.mUil .. jst.n,.Sod urn but I.erlmei.U time trlllo villi find riirfuiiirrr tl.o health of Infinite ami Clilldreu-Uxpcrlcnco uSumst i;.v.eriinnt. What is CASTORIA Custorla is n ImrmlesH substitute for Castor Oil, Pnre Kone, l)i .,,,s nil,l Smithing Sjri!,. H i It i-uiiUlim neither Opium, Morphine not- other Nareotio MiosUme. It nK i its g-mrciitce. It destroys Worms and allays lYvorUhnr-mi. It cures ll.irrlii-ii ami Wind l-ollj. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Huti.lcncj. u assimilates the Food, rcgulute the Stoiim.l, i,i,d Howls, ghiug healthy and natural sleep. Tho ( hildren's l'anacea-Tlio Mother's l i lend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 20C 3013 CHOI OE Day I'ihisk l'.",. Nil im I'iioms lit and ."4. P. N. STAIN BACK, :r :::rx i )i :i.ta k mi, Weldon, . . North Carolina. l:ull Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and KOBLS. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AM) emiulmer. Seventeen yars' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere 301 OE3E30E 01J 3E 30 THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized tinder the 1-asvs of the State of North Carolina, a t a s r jut! i. is'ij. State of North Carolina Depository. Iltilifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $42,000. Kor murr tliaii liftri'ii yi'rs tlni institution las im i.l.-.l Lunkini; fai'ili tii'H for thin aeetion. lis t h-U 1 1-! i ami 1 ir.'i'l.u h Iiiim- lieen itli'iititinl itli the business uiteri'Ms of Halifax anil Nortlia.ui t-n iMiintii s for inanv yrais. Money is loaned ii aiprove.l seeiinly at tlie leiral rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The aurpltis and intdikidcd protits having reaelud a sum eiiial to (lie Capital Stock, the Hank ha. comineueiiii; .laniiaiy I. I!is, ot.iUlmlied a Savinirs lenartiiient allowine intete.t on time deposits as fnllons: For Deposits allowed toreniain three months or lonirei, J per cent. Six months or longer, it per cent. Tnelve niiintlisor lon.'er. I percent. For further information apply to the I'lesuh nt or ( ashier. rKKSiiiKsr: vu k i bksiiikst: essinhK: W. K. DAN 1 Kl., D H W- MAVIS. W. It. SMITH, (.lacksou, Norlliampton county) I A man's conscience is made of i India rubber warranted to stretch ! as long as the fun lasts, j Husbands are like Christmas gifts you can't choose ihem; you've just goi to sit down and ! Vl-'iir until iheo urriv ond llln an- I ' pear perfectly delighted with what I you get. The only people who believe in a personal devil nowadays are the ! ones who are married to thai kind. ; There is something about one ! cocktail that makes a man want an other the moment he has swal lowed it; and there is something about one woman that makes him , want another the moment he has ! married her. The only way to be happy with a husband is to learn to be happy without him most of the time. Strange how joyfully a man will : pay a lawyer $500 for untying the i knot That he begrudged paying a i clergyman $50 for tying. The average man looks on mat j riinony as a hitching post where I he can tie a woman and leave her I until he comes home nights. ! Bridegrooms have that sheepish look because every one of them is I morally certain that he is a lamb j being led to the slaughter, j It's a wise woman that knows how little she knows about her , husband. Nothing bores a man worse than ! the devotion of the girl before the ' last. In a man's opinion a kiss is an end that justifies any means. A wise lover, like a good cook, is one who knows when the fire is out. By Helen Rowland. " LEARN TO BE SHORT. Long visits, long stori('s,liiii"; exhortations, tuul long prayers seldom profit those who have to do with them. Life is short. Time is short. Moments are pre:', ins. Learn to condense, abridge, and intensify. We Can einlure many an ache and ill if it is soon over, while even .pleasure grows insipid, and pain intolerable if they are practiced beyond their limits of reason and convenience. Learn to be short. Lop on" branches; stick to the main facts in your case. If you pray, ask for what you would receive and get through; if you speak, tell your message, and hold your peace, boil down two words into one, and three into two. Ho short. l'luiaileipiiia Tress. DeWitt's Little Karly Itisers. the hest kmmn pills and thels'st pills made, are easy to take and act trently and are cer tain. We sell and reeoi end tlieiu. Sold !y W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C. REMINDED HIM. ) J c Powder w J Absolutely Pure m ft The only baking powder 111 fBaking Fowaer Absolutely Pure The only baking powder MX made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. o SEABOARD AIR LINE Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY Drawing With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L at Raleigh Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, as follows: No. 41. Leave Weldon, 12:07 p. m " Raleigh, 4:10 p. m. Arrive Charlotte. 11:30 p. m. " Atlanta. m- " Birmingham, 12 10 p. m. " Memphis, P "i. Waiter-Haven't you forgot-1 ten something, sir? : ; Restaurant Tatron-Tm glad i ; you spoke ot it. My wife told 1 1 me not to spend any money j ; foolishly, and I was just goinrf to give you a tip. Kansas City News. aaaMMHawaae What Ails YouT j po you feci weak, tired, despondent, hiivn frequent headaches, coated toiinue, I hitter or hail taste in nioriilnit, "heart i hum," belching at gas. cid risliiKs In , throat alter euting. stomach gnaw ur turn, foul hreaih, ility dl, lr or viirUMe. appetite, nausea at times and kindrisl symptoms? ' It yoTNve any considerable number of ! ihaaNiverysavvtorni you are lufferlni I IriinliuusnyjNsfl'I'l wllh ei,,ll,,ntf ISSTnerwiM I r rjerq-.s . iim.i. i. in yie 'i'1,"!! I Medical Pi.wiverv linuolc up "I KOOin i .,,. . ... n...,,.l i,rin,.iiTi... klliiiill I'l with the trains leaving No. 33 11:38 p.m. 4:10 a.m. 10:05 a m. 5:00 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 'ilk TTeaT r, :iV.n..n.ilcnI NTiilLClUClire l.l It is a moki No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. to Atlanta, For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTEK, Ticket Agent. Weldon. N. C. Or write to (.MI. OATTIS, District Passenger Agent, N.C. e rlicient liver Invigoralor. itomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthencr. T!ie"t;olden Medical Discovery "Is not a patent un-ilicltio nr secret nostrum, a lull li-t of Us Ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrnptier and attested under oath. A glance, at its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful hahlt -forming drugs. It Is fluid extract made Uh pure, triule-retiued glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots ol the following natlie American forest plants, vl.,(iolden Seal root, Stone root, Hlaelt Cherri hark, Queen's root. ltloodrtKil, and Mandrake rr.ot. The following leidlng medical anlhorltli ,mol, host of oilier eslol i n '""" ' J, . ,,. ?r I lie cun. ol )st such "'?, .MTcsriiili"'!"" Indicate: I'rof. U. Htrlho Hw. I, p.. of Jelt. rs,.n Med. College. I'hda i 1 rut. H c w.ksI, M n. of I hit of fa ; I'm F win M ll.le. M II . "f llahneniaiiii Med. lollega, II, 1. aso: Prof. John Ko.g. M ! . Author of Ani. rl. an llsinsalor) : I'rof. Jno M s;uU d,r 3 ll.AulhorotS,.clll. M.Hll.lli.v Prof I ,, rcn.-. lohni. M 1' . Med lieiu I nl of ; Prof Hide, Klllrgw..l. M '""" ' of Malena M.sll. aanU t'n.f In lleiuietl Mcl I ge. t tik aso. Send name and a. - dtesson foala! aid lo Ur It V Pierce. Iluf f.o N V.. and receire l"'Hel giving "tract, from writings of all ihe above nied I I ral aoiliowandnianroiheisendorsliigjiitha invigorate .lima. h. liver and hwl; 1 W n"av r used In with "Ooldea nun Itcpulilished I'.v JIM BLUDSO. BY JOHN HAY. out, Wall, no ! I can't tell whar he lives, Because he don't live, you see; Leastways, he's got out of the habit Of livin' like you and me. Whar have you been for the last three years That you haven't heard folks tell How Jimmy Bludso passed in his checks The night of the Prairie Belle? He weren't no saint them engineers Is all pretty much alike One wife in Natchez-Under-the-Hill And another one here, in Pike; A keerless man in his talk was Jim. And an awkward hand in a row. But he never flunked, and he never lied I reckon he never knowed how. And this was all the religion he had To treat his engine well: Never he passed on the river; To mind the pilot's bell; And if ever the Prairie Belle took fire A thousand times he swore He'd hold her nozzle agin the bank Till the last soul got ashore. All boats has their day on the Mississip, And her day came at last The Movastar was a better boat, But the Belle she wouldn't be passed. And so she came tearin' along that night The oldest cratt on the line With a nigger squat on her safety-vale, And her furnace crammed, rosin and pine. The fire burst out as she cleared the bar, And burnt a hole in the night. And as quick as a flash she turned and made For that wilier-bank on the right. There was runnin' and cursin', but Jim yelled Over all the internal roar; "I'll hold her nozzle agin the bank Till the last galoot's ashore." Through the hot, black breath of the burnin' boat Jim Bludso's voice was heard, And they all had trust in his cussedness And knowed he would keep his word. And su.e's you're born, they all got oft' Afore the smokesiacks fell And Bludso's ghost went up alone In the smoke of the Prairie Bell. He weren't no saint but at judgement I run my chance with Jim, 'Longside of some pious gentlemen That wouldn't shook hand with him. He seen his duty a dead-sure thing And went for it thar and then; And Christ ain't a-going to be too hard On a man that died for men. SUFFICIENT UNTO THE DAY, Some of us never seem to learn To take our troubles as they come, To meet each worry in its turn We look ahead and borrow some. Just when the rose is ruddiest We grieve because it will not sta Our hands upon the thorns are pressed, We make tomorrow of today. Some people that is, you and 1 Hush half the laughter on their lips, Send it a scurrying with a sigh; Or stale the wine another sips, By brooding on some fancied grief That may await us on the way. To his own gladness each plays thief fe makes tomorrow of today. We trade the gold of onj day's joy l-'or dross of doubt and discontent -The fine gold dull we will alloy Of baser metals meanly blent. And yet tomorrow never shows A dawn so dark or noon so gay As drawn by one whose borrowed woes Have made tomorrow of today. 'Tis besi to think each day is made With all the goodness it shall hold, With all the sunshine and the shade, And some small sorrow to enfold, Then wafted from the Master's hand. Where all of the tomorrows stay But still we cannot understand; We make tomorrow of today. Thje more daring a man been on the battlefield the courage he has in sick bed. t . Btantha CSS Bifaattr. 1 f HER JUST SUSPICIONS. In Dry Territory Satan Has All Sorts O' Schemes and Devices. "Sence Prohibition broke out in : Georgy State," said the Old Lady, "I'd be suspicious after the ol' I man ef he should come home with ! a big seal ring on his finger, for I'd : J think it had some conneciion wiih ' : drammin', an' that thar wuz a se j cret pipe-line runnin' from ii to ! some pocket where he had a flask 1 j hid, an' that you just pressed the I button an' the flask done the rest! j "I thought it was bad enough i when the ol' man wuz carryin' a I book aroun' marked 'New Tesia mem' an' lo an' behol', it wuz as holler on the inside as the ol' man's utau is, wan just room enougii rer cost Of lialt tlieir a flat phk flask! An' what wuz we all want to be BEAUTY. What is ISeauty After All ? Lath Eye Makes it for Itself. You think Smith's lady-love raw boned and hard featured. He calls her a "magiiiliccnt woman," and wonders ;,ou ee in your lit tle angel ith her baby face and stature. So it i-, the world over; and yet, we would each give some thing to be beautiful after our own fashion. How the powders and lotions which are to bestow upon poor billions mortals skins of'sarn and snow, and the hrir-dye and pomades, and cosmetics of all , sorts, sell, we need not mention to prove ihe facts. In France old ladies are being made over, at the fortunes. Yes, beautiful; and, if Headache Take ONE of the Little Tablets and the Fain is Gone (NF..IR A! r.!A Ibackachh the worst ol it, the pint Mask wuz ; only our ideas of beauty were what thar, an' hit plumb full ! ! they should be, we might accom- "But now I'm a-comin' to what ' plish our desire easily. Meekness wuz wuss n that: Deacon Jones j spent the night with us las' Tues- j day wuz a week, an' atterthe sup-; per wuz took away an' we wuz a settin' roun' the table the ol' man ! smokin' an' me kniitin' the dea-1 con 'lowed that he had a ragin' j headache. Now, it so happened i that once, when the ol' man come i home full, an' 1 had the fayorable J opportunity to sarch his pockets, I found a puny big box with a label on it, sayin' thar wuz 'Headache Pills' inside. "Well, I put it in the medicine chist an' fergot all about it till then when I gets it out, an' tells the deacon 'bout it. 'I'll jest try one o' them pills,' he says, 'mebbe it'll ease the 'pain.' As the deacon took the box in his han' 1 noticed that the ol' man looked mighty intelligent and said that as he like wise had the misery in his head, he'd jest try the remedy hisse'f. "An' now I'm a-comin' to the story: Both him an' the deacon took one apiece; then the deacon said that the one he took only eased one side o' his head, an' he reck oned he'd lake another. 'Same here,' says the ol' man; and down went two more pills. 'They're j mighty big ones,' says the deacon, 'an' they bust in yer mouth an' j slide down yer throat like they : wuz greased !' 'They do,' says the ol' man swallerin' two more 'That's the beauty of 'em.' ! "Well in less time than it takes j to tell, the deacon riz up an' hit j the table with his fist.sayin' that he j I wuz a better man than the preach j er; the ol' man knocked the lamp i over an' said he wuz a better man than the deacon, an' to my ever i lastin' horror, both of 'em start'" ' fer the front yard to settle the dif j ference of opinion. You see it j now, don't you? Them 'pills' ! wuz nothin' more n'er less than J you might call .concentrated licker I in dis guise ! To prove it to my ! own satisfaction, I took one of 'em myself an' in less'n tw o minutes I ' had a holt o' the broomstick beatin' i boih the deacon an' my ol' man ! j Alter that experience I sot down I with my hands crossed in my lap, j wonderin' w hat on ainh wuz a i comin' to the country through the machinations of Satan, an' the work of evil Sperms, by tne pint or pill. "Prank L Stanton, in Uncle Remus's The Home Mag zine for April. and love make all faces pleasant. Were we good we should be beau tiful. We ail feel this. There are plain features so charming with the sparkle of good humor, that we love them. There are blem ished faces so sweet that they are pleasanter to look at than the most perfect. After all, it is in the ex pression that the actual charm lies. i So that were anyone to promise j the secret of beauty for twenty- five cents and a post-paid envel ope, he would scarcely be an im positor should he return the gol den rule with instructions to learn and practice it. If we only could I kin 4 Or tikt' Ano-P.IM Plilj for jean find fta tkr, an BM o isiaf dun w.H ctnfca!, go l ftnr fee V.iv J l Br.iua. Toaacah, Nr AKi TH rAls, oe RHEUMATISM and SCIATICAj 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Dniggiu wilt t Mi A to-Pun Pllh inj Im t$ sutWviftf u return it prjt erf ik rw r.tft onl) l il n hut k btfwfx vow. E. T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDO.VS. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and it. the Supreme do this earnestly and truly for one ! court r tll,e s,aU'- Special attention . . , ; given to collections and prompt return gCHCI .IllOII, II1U IIC.M III1&III sun- i der whether it were not a fable ; that such a thing as ugliness was 1 ever known upon the earth. 1 FOLEY'S jb HONEMAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy, 4 rs. 4V0 A SOUR STOMACH ARC SICNS THAT YOOW LIVER lit OUT Of OR OCR. TAKE Simmons Liver SIMULATOR And Feel I" ; It. V.,.fl Asoin " THC CENUINC h.a the RED Z Tnsfe Ic.ark on th Ironl of each paolmgo and tho aignaturo and aoal ol .' H. ZEIUDI & CO. on tho ttda, IN RED. For coughs, cold, throat and tun? troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR Uia a Yellow package. Kef u&e substitutes Prepared only by Foley A. Company, Chicaf. F CLARK Spring Opening 1 have a latsze as'.-rtnn ' Men'sup- menK! to-.lateMiits and ai esnee J:-' attractive . of Tailored 1 rousers. in all sues and at astonishingly LOW I'Kli 'l. also a laive line of lioy's Knee Pants. Hoy's suits and late variety of : patterns Ladies' lleauliful Voile kirti ' in the veiy latest and hest watterns. ' Ladies' & Oent s Furnishinjs, Inelii-'.iuc a heautifnl hue of Oxfotdt and Mines, i onie and get my low price and compare itli then-. MVinir is be- heviiu'. 1. J. KAPLIN, Koanoke Kapi ls.'N. C. C2 Hat Pin made out of Real Roses We Ask You to teke Carded, (or your female troubles, because ve are sure tt will help you. Remember that this great female remedy I "I'd Rather Die. Doctor, than have my feet out oil," said M. I. l'ni:liaiii. of l'njioev 111 , "hut you will die from ranirretie lulueh had eulen away right toesi if you dou't." said all doctor. Instead, lie used ltuek leu's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Kceiua. l ever Son's lloils, I '.in ns and 1'ilt-M astound thcnorld. 'J at nil druirirists. Coa;t;ws toa.i 1 u ivi , tv.w list to make out he doesn't mind being stuck with pins every time he shows her how much he loves her. You should not delay under any cir cumstances in cases of Kidney and l'.ladder trouble. You should take some thing: promptly that you know is relia ble, soinethinit like I'cW'itt's Kidney and Itladder fills. They aic unca,ualcd for weak, backache, inllanimationof the i bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When I viiu ask for IVWitt's Kidnev and lllsd- der Tills, be sure you pet them. They are antiseptic. Accept no substitutes; insist upon prtt i nf the rinlit kind. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. i 'Mi A Of mm JSH. HELLO! I I NVvf, I . I UX--HL I Real Rose Hat Pins' I j I has brought reHef to thousands of otler sick women, so my not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said tt Is "the best medicine to take." Try tt I Sold In This City n lln M Yoi Hn tlwap tomtit The comfort a woman can find in growing stout is it's because of what a happy nature she has. Children csiecially like Kennedy's Laxative Couirli Syrup, as it tastes near ly as (rood as maple suirar. It not only heals irritation and allays inllammation, thereby stopping the cough, but it also moves the bowels irrntly and in that way drives the cold from tho system. It contain no opiates. Sold by V. M Cohen. Weldon, N. C. dam Real Rose Hat Pins It doe not m pouibl. yrt It it true. th it these Hat Tina re mide out of In v rosV3ndchar.TvJ into metal by iiecrel prtKOii. I hi diKXveO' W without drnibt one of the lot tnt of the ancient btiypttuis. 1 hey ire the not bejutitul ol ml) Hat Pina. Nomoarealike. Mad In finishes to conform to the prevathnt tashiont in millinery. Six sites at the Mtowing prices i .Ht UM, $2 4, $i.M. $3.75, F veo bodv is talk ln about thtm. Doa'i fail to come In and aoet newt. T hese are the genuine DLLAMOllit ReaJ Roae Hat Pitu. W. W. CONDON, JEWELER, WELDON, - N. C. That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Vl'ilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Vi'ant flour to make bread for sur per. W. T. PARKER. Weldon, X. C. rtl vN.tvl, c HC TI T. t TIMS C4PliltaWC. Our C.t -TtM LOWCST. ss-to tmwrt wr- aj Irw i Mtr. airtiwctaniT m m-i rirt C4f4r4 ;-si-..sri tw Ttarsawi to.,t. T, " t . artH.aua.atAA U M4akMr A" ,v. i fi J IKalelgb, FA

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