WE Wit Ill Ml ill ,UssaK Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSi. 50 Per Annum VOL. XLIV. WKI.DON, N. C., TIiriJSDAY, MAY 20, 1!0!. no. : P q? I y-rr AU'OlloL 3 PKH L'UNT-" ANegetaUePrt'pamlonforAs similaiiiHjihi'ttodaiHlIlftfiiia (ingUic SicHnaLhs ar.dUosclsat !.q ft 5 Promotes Digi'slionCketftiF iirssaisu RtJSt.Cotitoins neither Opium.Morphiiw norMiuvraL M)TAHCOTIC. fimAa SttJ" jitx.Srmt JMrlrSjtl- Itirm M lwW Stqnc . E 2 1 Pa .! Anerfecl nVrnfilv foiConsBiii lion , Sour Jtouiach.DlarrlM WoriusoiNulsHus.ri'vvnsIr rtfssandLoss of Sleep. FacSmiiW Sijnarare 1 NEW YORK. Extct Copy of Wrapper. (OODOE Iav I'lmsK 2"i. P. N. STAIN BACK, :T3zzz: r 1 ) 1 : 1 :ta k k i i , zz: NYeldon, . . North Carolina. Full Llneol CASKRTS, COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Seventeen years' Experience. 01 OE OE THE BANK OF WELDON wi:iJ)ON, x. c Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, .mirsriMTii, i-vj. Siate of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C api t al a n d Su rplus, $42,000. For more than fifteen yea this institution has proviilnl luuikniir facili ties for this section. Its at ickholders aiul directors have been idcntilicd with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money id loaned tion a. proved security at the Iciral rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided prolils having reached a sum eijual to tile Capital Stock, the Hank ha-, commencine; .lanuary t, IINin, established u Savings Department allowing interest on tit.te deposit- as follonh: For deposits allowed tort-main three month- or lon-rii', per cent. Six month or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve moiilhsor longer. I ptrivnt Fur further information apply to tlie I'resiilent or Cashier. I'HKxinKNT: VHK-i'KKsintxr: rAsllii.u: V. K. DANIEL, Uii. II. W. 1.;V1S, W. it. SMITH, (.laekson, Northampton county) 01 SEABOARD Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir- mingham, Memphis and all Points South ! and Southwest. i TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cart and Pullman Drawing Room I Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving ' si follows: I No. 41. No. 33 I Leave Weldon, 12:07 p.m. 11:38 p.m. " Raleigh, 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a.m. Arrive Charlotte, 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a. m. " Atlanta, 8:45 a. m. 5:00 p. m. ' " Birmingham, 12:10 p. m 9:50 p. m. " Memphis. 8:05 p. ni. 7:30 a. m. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. s. ; Por further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, I Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. i Or write to ? C. II- (JATTIS, i District Passenger Agent, , ' Raleigh, N. C. GASTORA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years TMt KNTAUII tAHMNV, NEW ITT. tOEl 111(1 .71. II SlI.IIT I ' I II X KH "J I unci .' ROWE, AND EMUALMER. Hearse Service Anywhere Si OE li NEW GUINEA COURTSHIP. All the Proposals of Marriage are I Made by Women. j Away off in the strange island of New Guinea it is leap year all the j limi in one important sense, for out there all the proposals of mar riage are made by women. It is considered beneath the dignity of the male inhabitants of New Gui nea to even notice a woman, and consequently, the women perforce must notice the men and must start any idea of weddings, etc. So when the island belle of New Guinea becomes in love she promptly sends a piece. of string to the sister of the lucky man. If he has no sister she sends it to his mother or to some female relative this because the man and his male relatives are assumed to be above taking any steps toward ac quiring a wife. Then the sister says to the man involved: "Brother, I have news. So-and-so is in love with you." If inclined to matrimony the man makes an engagement to meet the enamored lady. When they meet it is alone, and they either decide to wed or drop the entire proposi tion at once. There is no court ing, for the man is not allowed, theoretically at least, to waste any time on a woman not even en ough time to make love to the lady or to allow her to make love to him. The betrothal is announced, and the engaged man in New Guinea is branded on the back with char coal, but the woman's mark of en gagement to wed is actually" cut into her skin and is never allowed to completely vanish. If either one decides to break the engage ment nothing can be done by the offended party. - If the girl decides that, after all, site sent the little piece of string by mistake the man is apt, however, to catch her some time alone and beat her. If the man jilts the wo man her relatives often hunt him up and administer a sound drub bing. Blood, however, is seldom shed, as the breaking of these wo men made engagements is not deemed a very serious matter. Though the women propose the weddings in New Guinea, the con dition of the wife is miserable and unjust in the extreme. The girl is merely the property and slave of the husband. He can beat her unrebuked and even kill her with impunity if she incurs his enmity. HEATHFL'L TOMBSTONE. Nobody ever dies in Tombstone unless they brought it "with'm," or fall into a (50 foot -vertical shaft, or buy an automobile, or "sass" their niotiier-in-law, or try to thaw out powder, or mistake cyanide of potassium fot sugar, or start off a county seat removal racket. Some die of old age, some old partners of Daniel Boons, but none has ever been known to die from phys ical irregularities contracted in Tombstone aside from the above mentioned causes and occasionally an abnormal tightness about the throat, superinduced by a coil of manila rope, or from a cold caught through a hole made by a 45. Tombstone Epitaph. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIAs Some matrimonial alliances are defensive and all are expensive. -M9M Jgg- The Best Spring Medicine TAKE IT NOW To wake up your liver which has become torpid during the Winter. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will ckar the eye, steady the hand, stimulate digestion. PURIFY THE BLOOD THE CINUINI h t DID I Wl th frvnt l Moh naeliao mn4 th tlsnMur an ! J. H. ItlLIH a CO, n Mm Mm, In RED. roa can av all iwucoisTt Tbe finest, moat tasteful and wholesome biscuit, cake and pas try s.re made, v.ilh Royal Bak ing Pov.'Jer, and not otherwise. Royal is the only Baking Powder made (rein Royal Grape Cream of Tartar II BEYOND. It seemeth such a little walk to me Across to that strange country, the Beyond; And yet not strange, for it has grown to be The home of those of whom I am so fond; They make it seem familiar and most dear, As journeying friends bring distant regions near. So close it lies that when my sight is clear I think that I can see the gleaming strand; I know, I feel, that those who have gone from here Come near enough to touch sometimes my hand. I often think, but for our veiled eyes, We should find that heaven round about us lies. I cannot make it seem a day to dread When from this dear earth I shall journey out To that still dearer country of the dead, And join the last ones so long dreamed about; 1 love this world, but I shall love to go And meet the friends who wait for me, 1 know. I never stand about a bier and see The seal of death on some well loved face But that I think, "One more to welcome me When I shall cross the intervening space Between this land and that one over there; One more to make the strange Beyond seem fair." And so for me.'there is no sting to death, . And so the grave has lost its victory; It is but crossing with a bated breath And white, set face a little strip of sea To find the loved ones waiting on the shore, More beautiful, more precious than before. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. MY JEWELS. I have treasures laid up in the City of God Bright jewels that never can rust; For a while they were dwellers in caskets of clay, But those caskets are now in the dust. And as here in the light of this beautiful eve I number them all o'er and o'er, 1 say to myself in that city above, I will find my lost jewels once more. The feet that went down in the river of death As 1 stood on life's desolate sand, Are walking in gladness the streets of pure gold, That run through that beautiful land. The lips that tenderly whispered my name Ere they closed in the silence of death, Will speak to me yet in the Eden of love, Where life is no longer a breath. The dear hands that lovingly clung to my own As they grew in death pulseless and cold, Are learning fresh lessons in the City of God. Or sweeping harpstrings of gold. The eyes that turned on me with love to the last Now beam in eternity's light. They see in His beauty the King on the throne, And gaze on His face with delight. The dear Lord who gave them and took them away Will not leave me forever alone; He will give them all back to my bosom again, When I go where my loved ones are gone. Scujincjs of Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. Hearken unto my counsel, my daughter, and thou shall fear not any man. For a woman is as the X in algebra, an unknown quantity; but a man is an almanac riddle, to which the answer is always easy. Tremble not when he blustereth, for he is like unto the March Wind, which roareth and roareth but accomplished! nothing. Hearken unto him silently, and when he hath done speaking go thine own way untroubled, for, behold! he hath taken it all out in words. Yea, all the days of thy married life thou shalt rule the roost; for in matrimony he that getteth his say seldom getteth his way. When a man declaimeth loudly against marriage, agree with him," saying, "Verily, it is as thou hast described, an unattractive thing, and I am a confirmed old maid," but proceed to collect thy trousseau and have thy calling cards printed in his name, for thou shalt need them. Yet be not deceived by a mild man, nor by him who seemeth easy; for when such an one striketh a decision he sticketh thereto even as chewing gum to the fingers of a babe. He answereth not back norar gueth the point with thee because he hath no intention of doing that which pleaseth him not. Many shall waste the years of their youth upon him because he looketh like a good thing; but the maid that seeketh to draw him into matrimony against his will is as one that seeketh to sof ten a cheap shoe or coax a cat into the water. Verily, my daughter, a bear that growleth can be tame and led around upon a chain; but a fox that goeth softly wandereth where he listeth, nor falleth into a trap, nor calleth any woman "master I" Selah I ING 4trs. Solomon HE FED THE STAFF. Fine Dinner For a Hungry Crowd on a Small Capital. Years ago the late Senator E. W. Carniac-k was editor of the Xashvillo Democrat, a paper that had a precarious lifo and flickered out on Thanksgiving day. When the stall' came around on Thanksinvino; afternoon Cannark met the announce- j taunt that the paper was dead ! and they were all without jobs. ! This was sadder than it seems now, for the paper had not been pay ing salaries for some time. "Boys," said Carmaek, "it's all over. The sheet is dead. But we shall not want for a Thanksgiving day dinner. How much money have we?" A search of all pockets showed $1.7(1. "Plenty," said Mr. Carmaek, "Come with me." They went to the best restau rant and sat down, and Car mack ordered a sumptuous din ner,with turkey and everything complete. After the dinner was over and the diners were smoking the hest cigars the house had, Carmaek called the waiter in his grandest manner and said: "Boy, you have served us admirably. We are more than pleased. Here is a small sum to compensate you for your trouble and as a slight token of our gratification.'' "Thank yo', boss," grinned the waiter; "thank yo'. But how about this yere check of 19.70 for that dinner you all just had?" "Boy!" exclaimed Carmaek, "what is your status here? Are you the waiter or are you the financial manager of this con cern?" " 'Deed, I's only a waiter." "Well, then, said Carmaek, "don't trouble yourself about the financial affairs of the place. Leave that'to the man ager." . And he stalked out, fol lowed by the feasted stall". But he paid when fortune smiled again. Cleveland Plain Dealer. EVERYBODY SWEARS BY HIM. "Who's the best known man in this township?" queried the advance agent for the medicine show. "Well, young feller," an swered Uncle Silas Seaver slow ly, as he carefully packed the tobacco in his black pipe." Jack Seymour holds that record about now, by eatin' the fust new potatoes from his own garden, tho' Hank Calkins is a close second with his new peas Aunt Sarah Stanton is attract in' considerable attention with her flock of eighteen light hrah nias with an egg record of 12 dozen in eight days, tho same bein' writ up In the Smithville Banner, An' Wallis Weaver is huildin' a new hip-roof barn. But I guess everything consid erin', Squire Hamilton's about the most popular man about these parts now. Everybody seems to swear by the squire, seein's he's jest been elected assessor." Judge's Library. Won't Slight a Good Friend. "If I ever neeil a couifli tneilicine again I know what to if el," declares .Mrs. A. L. Alley, of Heals, Me., "for, af ter Usui)! ten bottles of lr. king's New Ihseovery, ami seeing its excellent re sults in my own family ami others, I am convinced that it is the hest medicine made for ( oughsf Cold ami Lung I rou ble." Every one who tries it feels that way. Relief is felt at onccand its quick cure surprises you. For IltonchitiB, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Croup, I.al irippe, Sire Throat, pain in chest or lungs its supreme, ftlc. anil $1. Trial bottle free, (iuaranteed by all druggists. A girl can't see why it's so very wrong for her to deceive other people when she does it herself. If you expect to get the original Car bolixcd Witch llaiel Salve, you must he sure it is HeWitt's Carbolizeil Witch Hazel Salve. It is good for eta, burns, and bruises, and iB especially good for piles. Hefuse substitutes. sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. And the proof of the political pudding lies in the plum distribu tion. What a lot or near-truth comes out in a political campaign! Child rort Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BRIGHT NORTH CAROLINA PENS. Witty Dashes Made by Writers in Our (iood Old State. Finally, brethren, pray more and prey less. Greensboro Rec ord. The man who orders spring chicken for Sunday dinner at this season, gets only the bill. New Bern Sun. Some men are so particular they demand a receipt even when they Pay their respects. New Bern Sun. One thing about politicians, if they bury the hatchet, they will certainly mark the spot. New Bern Sun. The fisherman is the most anx ious man in these parts. The weather will not give him a show ing. Greensboro Record. A few hens at large can "bring up" vegetables in the garden about as readily as they do their broods. Greenville Reflector. Carry Nation cannot get away from the hatchet. She now pro poses to raise chickens in Arkan sas. Raleigh News and Observer. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and the glasses are the panes which speak to all not to throw stones. New Bern Sun. Never mind, President Taft will hand out pie to all the Republicans, but with many it wilt be lemon pie. Wilmington Star. After all the "interests" get the protection desired what's going to become of the fellows who have no "interests?" Wilmington Star. We would like to see one ques tion raised in Congress on which all the Democratic members agree. It would be such a novelty. Wil mington Star. The Young Turks were asked by Abdul Hamid to be liberal with him as to his household. They were. We note that they allowed him four wives. Greensboro Tel egram. If some North Carolina towns have anything like the population tney claim now their growth since the last government census has smashed all records. Winston Sentinel. One of the most exasperating things to a man about trying to marry a girl is how he nearly always succeeds. The only way to end a family argument is never to begin it. In case of Accident to use the Telephone just one time MAY BlmTHA YEARS RENTAL As Little as Five Cents Per Day nlaces one in your residence. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Horn Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, N. O. ( ( ( ( VE FURNISH J : A Royal Feast to every one w ho ( buy their groceries at our store. ( All the seasonable delecacies are (, loumi in our store toe year u round. Vl r CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN , WARE Wrwln,, and W'iHmi-nni-o Vt (ijtioods delivered promptly any where in town, l'olite clerks. I'hone .No. SO. R. M. PURNELL, THE CHILDREN I.IKK IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP A WELDON, N. 0. J II It) Rheumatic Pains "My mother is a great suf ferer fruiu rheumatism, rind Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Pills is the only remedy that relieves her." MRS. ;. DAYKXTORT, Ro eefield, N. J. The pains of rheumatism are almo.-t invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' Ami-Pain Pills. They also overcome that nervous irri tation which prevents sleep be cause they soothe the nerves. To chronic suffers they are invalu able. W hen ta!;en as directed, they relieve the distress and save the weakening inllueucc of pain, which so frequently pros trates. Many sufferers use them whenever occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why not you ? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. Why not try them? (let a pack age from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and if it docs not benefit he wrll return your money. j t. cl-a.:r,:k:. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. t'. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoiuing counties and iu the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt return The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Ciood for everybody. Sold every where. The (Jenuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is ia a Yellow package. Kcluse substitutes. Prepared only by Foley & Company, Chicago E. CLARK. Spring Opening I I hatru 'urge assortment of Men's up-to-date Suim and an especially attractive line of Meietiaiit tailored Trousers, in all sizes and at astonishingly LOW I'KK'Ls, also a lartre line of Hoy's Knee Pants, Hoy's Suits and late variety of Patterns. Ladies' I Wan 1 1 fill Voile Skirts in the very latest and best watlerns. Ladies' & Gent's Furnishings, Including a beautiful line of Oxfords and Shoes. I 'ome and get my low prices and compare with others. Seeing iR he lievintr. 1. J. KAPL1N, Koanoke Hapids, X. C. We Ask You to taka Cardul, for your female troubles, because ve are sure It will help you, Ramember that this great female remedy has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said tt Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City HELLO! That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C, mm pri-tiilty nitimu If all coiiiiIitm 0 no F. TDt-lKl,(-,iiTPttfttiat,:ii'y'iKtiWreitlt lltfrt'il. Hctnl nkpich, Mo,M or 1'lmto, (or Met IMPORT on lHUf-nt-ahilitr, lalnt pract itt! fii'lumi'ly. BANK RKrCMENCKf. rViH iiwni" lntimifl for our two mviuaaW book! tm HOW TO OUTAIN nd SILL FAT. KNTt, Whl- li on1! will pay, IImw to ucta unit iter, iMitt'iit law mid oi Iit valimUwUiforHiutk-o, D. SWIFT & CO, 303 Smnth St., W8hlrnjumT O.C j PATENT LAWYKKm. i 4 FOLEY'S" HONEMAR

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