A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDOX, X. , THURSDAY, .11' NE MM). NO. r JtCOZ "51 .U.nillui. 3 FKK CKNT. Al'it liiMc Pn'parsiion forAs stnul.nin! tJicFoodoiitfKcdijia liiiiJiIu'SioiiMlLsaiulBuweM Promotes Digcstionfhfftfnl ncss aw! kVsi.CuMaiits neiihr Opiuni.Marpliiiic norMmtral. Not Narcotic. jtnvetforjikWinrnwa Iwyntitf Sndm jHsSimn Jlmrttii ItwnSrri PtrMSuicr. tlmHftmi flmr. N Anerferl Renwdv forCTnsNlii tlon , Sour Sionach.Dlintea Worms jCoimilsions Jinwi mrss and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSir.iil Signature of NEW YORK "30 Fa E2? Exact Copy of Wrapper, If? 30EIDOE Dav I'iioxk :.'". P. N. STAIN BACK. tnt)i:htaki:i. Weldon, Full Line ot CASKETS, COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Towti Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G HOWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LMUALMLR. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. D 301 tor 3E 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Al'til'STSlTII, W2. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. P.a?Ll?l a.?A SarpIns. $42,000. Fur more than lift con yearn this institution has piov'nli'.I Imnkim: faeili ties for this section. Its stoekholders und diree tois have lu i u nlentitied with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton count ich for many years. Moupy is loaned upon approved security at the leirul rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus ami undivided prollts havinir reached a stun e.j tiul to the Capital Slock, the Hank has, coin mcneiiiir .lanoarv 1. Hh is, established u Savings Department allowing interest on time ilcposits us follows: For )eposits allowed toremain three mouths or Iont'er. J p,-r cent. six months or longer, H per cent. Twelve mouths or longer. -I percent. For further information apply to the President or ( 'n-liier. pkehidint: W. K. DANIEL, VII'I'l'IIKSIllliVT: Dr. H. W. LEWIS. (Jackson, Northampton county) OE SEABOARD AIR Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vcsiibuie Com-iics, Dining Ci uoj Fuiuiiuil Dialing Kooiil Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon, 12:07 p. m. 11:38 p. ni. " Raleigh, 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a.m. Arrive Charlotte, 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a.m. " Atlanta, 8:45 a. m. 5:00 p. m. " Birmingham, 12:10 p. m. 9:50 p. m. " Memphis, 8:05 p. m. 7:30 a. m. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (JATTIS, District Passenger Agent, Ralelgb, N.C EES For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought At Bears the Signature -of Use or Over Thirty Years Xiciir t'linNKH L't ami .11. North Carolina. 30E IOEZJ camiikk: W. H. SMITH. LINE M . I III- 0 TMI IttTAUH HPARlV. f Wf VOM ITT. J i A TOAST TO WOMAN. , God's Idlest, best and Brightest ' Gift to Man. I-;tk.t..ni. ' ITj ins li attt if ill toast to wo-: man was originally Riven j iy a man who li.nl linm u hard ! driuki-r. hut who hud turned from I lie wine enp and hecoine one of the lights of the legal profession, The occasion wan a haniiiot in I'hilacli'lphiu on April 17, IsHl. It isas follows: I should like to propose a toast tonight, although a total ahsti nenee man myself l toast to woman. To he drunk, not in liquor of any kind, for we should never pledge a woman in tlr.it which may hring her hushand reeling home to abuse where lie should love and cher ish, sends her sons ton drunk ard's grave, and her daughters to a life of shame. Oh, not in that, but nUherin the life-giving water pure as her chastity, clear as her institutions, bright as her smiles, sparkling as the laughter of her eyes, cheering as her consolation, strong and sustaining as her love in the crystal water I drink to her that she would remain queen regent to the empire she has already won, grounded deep as the universe in love; built up and exercised in the home and hearts of the world; I drink to her, the full blown (lower of creation's coining, of which man was hut the hud and blos som, to her who in childhood clasps our hands and teaches us to lisp the first sweet prayer to the fi rent All Father, who conies to us in youth with good counsel and advice, who in manhood meets our heart yearnings with the faithful ness of conjugal love, and whose hand, when our feet go down in the shallow, gently smoothes the rough pillow of death as none other can; to her who is thi! (lower of (lowers, the pearl of pearls, God's latest, best and brightest gift to man woman, peerless, pure, sweet, roval woman. "My wile is a very optimistic woman." "Indeed she is." "Noticed it, have you?" "Yes; when 1 was talking wiih her yesterday she said that if you ever died she would marry again because she could do tetter next time." There's nothing makes a girl so hateful to her best friends as really to have the beaux she says she has. People who do nothing are al ways worrying about what they will do next. The Best Spring Medicine TAKE IT NOW To wake tip your liver which has become torpid during the Winter. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will clear the eye, steady the hand, stimulate digestion. PURIFY "THE BLOOD THE GENUINE h Mis RED Z Ml tti lrn( ! mrtoh pakag and tfca attnalur mn al J. H. ZIILIN CO, a tha (Ma, Ni RED. ( I rOR SALS BY ALL DRUGGISTS ' ; OPTIMISTIC. i I I N mmm A SONG OF Oh, sing me a song of beauty ! I'm tired of the stressful song, I'm weary of all the preaching, the arguing right and wrong; I'm fain to forget the adder that under the leaf lies curie J, And dream of the light and beauty that gladdens the gray old world ! Oh, sing of die emerald meadows that smile all day in the sun ! The ripple and gleam of the rivers that thru the meadows run ! Oil, sing of the sighing branches of trees in the leafy woods. And the balm for the heart that's hidden alar in the solitudes ! The birds let them sing in your singing and Hash thru the lines you write. The lark, with his lilt in the morning, the nightingale charming the night, The butterfly over the flowers that hovers on painted wing Ah, these, let them brighten and lighten the beautiful song and sing ! And let there be faces of lovers, and let there be eyes that glow, And let there be tears of gladness instead of the tears of woe, And let there be clinging kisses of lips for a time that part, But never a tristful shadow to darken a trustful heart ! Ah, sing me a song of beauty away with the songs of strife ! Away with the specter of sorrow that saddens the most of life ! Tho under the leaf the adder of death and of doom lies curled, Oh, sing for a space of the beauty that gladdens the gray old world ! Dennis A. McCarthy. TO THOSE WHO Women there are on earth, most sweet and high, Who lose their own, and walk bereft and lonely, Loving that one lost heart until they die, Loving it only. And so they never see beside them grow Children, whose coming is like breath of flowers; Consoled by subtler loves the angels know Through childless hours. Good deeds they do; they comfort and they bless In duties others put off till the morrow; Their look is balm, their touch is tenderness To all in sorrow. Betimes the world smiles at them, as 't were shame, This maiden guise, long after youth's departed; But in God's book they bear another name "The faithful-hearted." Faithful in life, and faithful unto death, Such souls, in sooth, illume with luster splendid That glimpsed, glad land wherein the vision saith, Earth's wrongs are ended. Saijlncjs of Airs. Solomon Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. Verily, verily, my daughter, why should a woman seek to be a man's soul-mate, even his affinity, which is a side-dish and an amusement? 0! what glory dost thou consider it to flirt with a married man ? For this is taking candy from a babe ! Yea, it is too easy! Yet, what shall thou do, when thou hast discovered the identity of thy husband's affinity, whether it be a red-headed widow or a blond across the street ? For if thou revilest her, she shall rejoice in thy confusion and mock thee with her ha-has. But if thou invitest her to dinner, she shall wink and smile privily, saying, "Is she foolish or is this mere bravado?" If thou eatest thy heart out in silence, thou shall court worry wrin kles and nervous dyspepsia; but if thou flirtest with another thou shall give thy spouse a good excuse. Yet, there is a way ! For, I say unto thee, an affinity is only a chance, but a wife is a steady diet which hath become tiresome. Therefore, get thee into the country for a long visit and make the ways of the affinity easy. Lo ! make thyself the change and let the affinity become the constant diet. Yea, stuff her down his throat ! And behold, he shall grow faint with satiety and shall long for thee as one longeth for roast beef and potatoes after too much lobster and champagne. Go to ! Many a wife's jealousy of her hushand is mixed with a strange wonder that any woman should waste her time upon him. For she that stealeth a married man's heart, stealeth trash ! But she that winneth a seasoned bachelor is clever; for this requireth slight-of-hand. Then give the affinity the fruit of her labors, which is nothing but seconds, even the left-overs ! Yea, let her rejoice in canned emotions and should any woman seek to be man's affinity herself with warmed over love ! For she is welcome ! Selah ! HIS EXCEPTION. A religious worker gave a "Talk for Men," during the course of which he expressed his conviction that no young man should visit any place to which he would not feel justi fied in taking his tdster. "Is there any young man present who thinks one may safely disregard this wise rule?" asked the sneaker. Whereupon a youth in the rear of the hall arose and shout ed in stentorian tone: "Yes, sir, I do!" "And what, sir," demanded tho angry and surprised speak er, "is the, place to which you yourself would think of visit ing to which you could not take your sister?" "The barber's." Illustrated Bits. The thing a man takes the most pride in about his family is how much money he would have to spend on himself if they didn't do it on themselves. It is easier for a rich man to I know his enemies than his friends BEAUTY. WALK ALONE. MAXIMS FOR THE MARRIED. Never both be angry at once. Never taunt wiih a past mistake. Never meet without a loving wel come. Never forget the happy hours of early love. Never talk at one another.eithcr alone or in company. Neglect the whole world besides rather than one another. Never let the sun go down upon anger or grievances. Never speak loudly to one an other unless the house is on fire. Let each one strive to yield of tenest to the wishes of the other, Never make a remark at the ex pense of each other; it is a mean ness. Never sigh over what might have been, but make the most of what is. Exchange. '' Don't leave slander lying around where it will twist the tongue of gossip. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DANGER IN OPPORTUNITIES. Rushing; Irom One Business to Another Will Exhaust Body, Mind and Pocket Book. very ancient story says: "A farmer had a drove of hogs I ! which he assembled for their meals ' by knocking on a fence with sticks or stones. One day the waiting herd detected the familiar sound, and started off pell-mell in the di rection whence it came. Before they reached the place, however, to their vast astonishment they also i heard it from the other side and turned and ran pell-mell toward that. And so they ran, first in one direction and then in another, un til, when the farmer himself came down and rapped upon the fence, they were so completely tuckered out by chasing the illusive signals of red-headed wood-peckers drill ing trees for worms that they had no strength to go and get their food." In this great American Republic opportunities are practically inex haustible. It is this fact that con stitutes the gravest peril that we have to meet. While we are rush ing after, or else are actually em ployed in trying to utilize, some golden opportunity, we hear a doz en others, some silver, others bra zen, knocking on the fence around our little field. There lies your danger, friend! Can you turn a deaf ear to them? Can you settle down to till your farm while the calls of the city streets are sounding in your ear? Can you grit your teeth and hang on to your job at the forge or the loom, in the dry goods store or the millinery shop, while the gold fields of the Klondike are beckon ing you their way? Can you leave your money on deposit in the sav ings bank while promoters are flaunting dazzling investments in stocks before your eyes? How many people I myself have known who have rushed from one I business to another, until ex- hausted in body, mind or pocket I book to reach the fence when the actual, vital, heavenly opportunity knocked upon the rail! New Idea Woman's Magazine. NO MORE GERMAN MUSIC. A organ grinder, whose reper tore consisted largely of old-fashioned Italian melodies and operatic selections, played one or two of them before a suburban house. There happened to be a party of music loving people on the porch devotees of Wagner. The host, whose hair was long and brushed pompadour, beckoned to the man. "I should be glad," said he, with a lofty manner, "if you would kindly play a few selections from Wagner." Immediately the organ grinder, throwing up his hands wildly, re plied : "Wagner! IWagner ! Not for $200. 1 breaka three organ an' killa two monk wid your Wagner. I play him no more." CHERISH YOUR CHILDHOOD. Dear girls, don't be so often wishing you were grown up to wo men that you will neglect your girl hood. In a rush and hurry of these fast times, there is danger that you will reach and strain after "young ladyhood" too much. Be girls awhile yet tender, joyous, loving, obedient and industrious. Womanhood, with its privileges and power, its burdens and trials, will come soon enough. On this point one has said : "Wait pa tiently, my children, through the whole limit of your girlhood. Go not after womanhood; let it come to you. Keep out of public view. Cultivate refinement and modesty. The cares and responsibilities of life will come soon enough. When they come, you will meet them, I trust, as true women should. But, oh, be not so unwise as to throw away your girlhood. Rob not yourself of this beautiful season which, wisely spent, wjll brighten all your future life. What put you on the bum ? Doctors. Did they perform malpractice you? on Suspicion is the poison of friend ship. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. A TRUSTED WORD. It Stands for Honest and Good Faith and Is as Pure Gold. Hr.KF. were half a dozen drum-; titers on the train, and they : were talking about another drum-! mcr who traveled in the same ter-' ritory with themselves. j "One of them snid: 'He is ! straight. He's a Christian. What-! ever he tells you about an article i you may know is just so. He can ! go all over his territory without a j single sample, and sell goods to ' every man he calls on. His word makes samples unnecessary." j All the others said, "That's so," i "I know it." And this was said of their successful competitor. They felt no jealousy, they ad mired him this Christian sales man, whose words made samples unnecessary. A man offered to lend another $500. "What security do you want?" asked the latter. "I do not want any. Your per sonal note is enough." The man back of the word, back of the name, stood for honest and good faith. No additional backing was desired. A farmer met a man of another neighborhood and said to him: "I have an extra span of mules this season. They are five years old, are gentle, will work in single or double harness, and are without a blemish. I want $300 for them, and they are well worth it. Come over some day soon and look at them." "No, I don't care to see them. I have to buy a span and I'll take them. Bring them to town next Monday and I'll give you a check for them. Just consider them sold." That is an ideal way to do busi ness. And there is a good deal of it in the great business world. A trusted word is much easier to carry than a sample case. So do business that after awhile you can leave your sample case at home. Aim to become a sample less salesman. Exchange. MUST BUY HOME PAPER. A score or more of young girls at Beaverville, Ind., have formed a league to promote refinement among young men, and among other things, have resolved to marry no man who drinks, smokes or chews and who does not take the home paper. Drinking is con sidered the chief evil, smoking and chewing come next, while the young women assert that when a man does not take the home paper it is evidence of want of intelli gence and that he will prove too stingy to provide for a family, ed ucate his children and encourage institutions of learning in the com munity. WF FURNISH VIM waaaawaa i A Unval Feast toeverv one who' ' buy their groceries at our store.' ) All the seasonable ilelccacicfl are' ) found in our store the year ) round. ; CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS ) CROCKERY AND TIN ) WARE ;) ! ; Wooden and Willowware, Kte.li; (iiKxls delivered promptly anv where ill town. l'olite clerks. 1 ) i ) l'houe .No. SO. R. 1 PDRNELL, WEI.DON, N. C. 0 !) BEFORE - The Cold Weather Sets in Get Residence Telephone. It saves exposure It saves doctor's bills It means convenience ant economy RATES ARE LOW For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HIN0ER80, . . N. O. ( ! 20 Years WithHeartTrouble "Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has cured me of heart disease of over 2o year.-,' standing. I was so bad that I could not do my work, and could scarcely draw a full breath without fainting or smothering. The doctor told me be could do no more for me; then 1 commenced taking the Heart Remedy. .1 shall never forget that night. 1 slept better than 1 had before in months. I kept right on getting better, un til I was perfectly well." MRS. LAURA RUSSELL', Logan, Iowa. When the heart action is weak, it fails to pump the blood through the lungs with sufficient rapidity. Then the lungs do not absorb the proper amount of oxygen, although they may be taking in a normal amount of air. The result is shortness of breath, smothering spells, diffi cult breathing, oppressed feeling in chest. Dr. Miles' Heart Rem edy strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, and in this way increases the circulation. Get a bottle from your drug gist. Take it according to direc tions, and if it docs not benefit he will return your money. We Ask You to take Carded, (or your femalo troubles, because ve sre sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy: has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicir. e to take." Try It 1 Sold in This City JgJ T. CJ-J.A.JRIC ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLHOX, N. c. Practices ill the court of Halifax and a.ljoininir coiintieK ami it: the Supreme eourt uf the State. Special attention (liven to collections and prompt return KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. hifusi euatTiTUTie. E. CLARK. Spring Opening I I haveuhuyc assortment of Men's up-to-d:iteSuits uml an espeeiallvattraetive i line of Merchant 'tailored Trousers, in all sues and ut astonishingly LOW l'KH Ks, also a Itti-ee line of Hoy's Knoe I'ants, Hoy's Suits and lato variety of patterns. Ladies' beautiful Voile Skirts in the very latest anil best walterns. Ladies' & dent's Furnishings, Including a beautiful line of Oxfoidi and Shoes. ( ome and iret my low prices and Compare with other. Seeing m be- lievuitfi I. J. KAPLIN, lloanoke Kapids, N. C. HELLO! That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Plour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER. Wtidon, N. C. liMiai VrtiiitKlj oMairiHl lit ftll i'tnln-i O OHI. naovmahkb. ' ih! 4,:oirriKiiu iat'-mfl. ttrnd Hketiti, Hidl Ot I'boto, for rrilt HI PORT On iwtntrtl.nity. rAtent prtvet-iMfxrluUvl'lr- ANK ttiniflWII. MtnM wiit si In frtninim for our two tttva,ttiBhH book! Ol HOW TO OBTAIN fttrft t.L FAT NTS, ft hti-h on will pHj, IKiw to ni a uart iim MtitlKwaiMlotri4rvlaAlliuUniiauta, D. SWIFT & CO, 303 Stranth St., Washington, D. C. FOLEY'S