r,k pa n 1 1 j fS4 lirm Aw J m a Vafeaw" fti I Ajk M I Using Kates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per AnnumJ XLIV. WELDON, X. (, Till l.SDAY, JULY 1, 100!). NO.!) X' lvp fP ftcpt 1 iSffll ALCOHOL 3 PKK CENT AVegeiiibli-Pfpiiarailon&rA! Slmil.lIlllOlllfFiKiil.inflDpitifo ling to Stomachs ailbWki Promoli'sDislionflwtfol ness ;u:il Kntronlalns nciUtr Opiiini.ftorphiiK norMiiieriL 1SOT NARCOTIC. JujrtfUMIkSMUrmiBl JbLSm stawJM haittuakUi (la 1irit Supr teatosiwarrir. Ancrfeci Reiwdv furCnnsllw tlon.SourSloiiuch.l)larrt. Worntffoimilsioiis.riwisH nessaidLossOFbLF. Facsimile Siiaiurr of NEW YOHK. Exct Copy of Wrapper. 101 0IZXE3CI Day Phone 25. P. JST. STAIN BACK, nv i i: hi ak Kir. e Weldon, Pull Line of CASKETS. COFPINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMHALMER. M Seventeen year' Experience 1101 01 THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Anii'sTarm, isoi. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Mll8!. $42,000. Ip'or more than fifteen years thin institution lias provided banking faeili- Ilea Tor this section, lis sloes Homers ami tnreriors uue oaeii totmiut'o with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at I lie legal lute of iuterest six per centum. Account of all are itolicited. The surplus and undivided prollta having reaelied a sum tiiial to the Capital Stock, the hank has. commencing January t, established a Savings Department alluwinir interest on time deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or louder, '.' per rent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent Twelve mouths or longer, 4 per cent. For further information apply to the President or t'ashier. priisidint: W. K. DANIEL, vice -i'KKsidknt: Dh. H. YY. LF.VVI.S, (Jackson, Northampton county) SEABOARD .AIIR Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest.' TiTirr. a txt a tttt'D v nAV i WU 1 XWixx kj Za V iliXt 1 UA I With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections mad at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: Leave Weldon, " Raleigh. Arrive Charlotte, " Atlanta. " Birmingham, Memphis, No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II- GATTIS, District Passenger Agent, IKalelgh, N.C. I ! For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears, the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR OCT Nn.iiT I'iio.nkn '2i and 54. North Carolina. o Hearse Service Anyw vhere. ft 301 lashuh: V. K. SMITH. LI IT EI No. 41. 12:07 p. m 4:10 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 12:10 p. m. No. 33 11:38 p.m. 4:10 a. m. 10:05 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 8:05 p. m AW If the GmNBtsT woman. ; The Chariots of Ood Came Down To Ketch Her to Heaven. When you want 10 get your grandest idea of a queen, you do not think of Catherine of Russia, or of Anne of England, or Marie Theresa of Germany, hut when you want to nil your grandest idea of a queen you think of the plain woman who sal opposite your fattier at the table, or walked with him arm in arm down life's rail way; sometimes to the Thanks giving banquet, sometimes to the grave, but always together sooth thing your petty griefs, correcting your childish waywardness, join ing in your infantile sports, listen ing to your evening prayers, toil ing for you with needle or at the spinning wheel and on cold nights wrapping you up snug and warm. And then at last on that day when she lay in the back room dying, and you saw her take those thin hands with which she had toiled for you so long, and put them to gether in a dying prayer that com mended you to the God whom she had taught'you to trust oh, she was the queen ! The chariots of God came down to fetch her, and as she went in all heaven rose up. You cannot think of her now with out a rush of tenderness that stirs the deep foundations of your soul and you feel as much a child a'pain as when you cried on her lap, and if you could bring her back again to speak just once more your name as tenderly as she used to speak it you would be willing to throw yourself on the ground and kiss the old sod that covers her, crying: "Mother! Mother!" Ah, she was a queen ! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A S3 Do you Want Bridal Suit AND It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LEADERS, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE mm n tmrs Succeed when everything tl fcfl. In nervous prostration and femsl weaknesses they sis lh suprems remedy, as thousand hav testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It I the best medkln ever told over a druggist' counter. IMmTAIt. MTmM l'.lcbr.lfd tor Mtlt, r(t fit, .implitlly n1 reliability nurly 40 yfar. Sold in iimi ly vfry cily nd Ion II in ll tnilcd Slatr. ...d Cinada, or by mail dirttl. M(it any othei make. Send lot lies c MeCALL-m MAGAZINE More fuhtrnoera lien any ' mainline million a month. eat atylet, pattern, drr.ir- plain tewing, (:im y nrcri' etiquette, (food atotl' year (worth donb'' ' Subscribe ' -eAONDCar to A(er and a Choice Druggett ? THE OLD FASK10NEH GOOKS. Poets have sung of the old-fashioned glories, The old-fashioned pictures that hung on the wall, The old-fashioned people, the old-fashioned stories, The old-fashioned fashions they love to recall, The squeaky arm chair that our grand mothers sat in, The old-fashioned shelves with their old fashioned books, immortalized have been in Saxon and Latin, Bui I sing my song to the old-fashioned cooks. 0 come, all ye gods, and give grace to my ballad, Today I would sing as i ne'er sang before; I'm heart-sick of dining on lettuce and salad, And canned goods warmed over delight nie no more. 1 wish I could go once again to a dinner That hadn't been planned out of style sheets or books They may be all right for a sweet young beginner, But they were not needed by old-fashioned cooks. How well I remember the table-cloth spotless, The dishes that shone like the cheek of a child, The jellies and relishes, O there were not less Than eight or nine kinds on the festive board piled, There no little dabs served to make you ungrateful, They took it for granted, I guess from your looks, That hunger was yours, and they gave you a plateful Of viands most toothsome, those old-fashioned cooks ! You came to their tables to eat, not to chatter, And heaped were the plates that they passed up to you; In richest of gravies the meat in the platter, Was swimming, and side dishes never were few. They fed us with plenty, not starved us with fashion, They gave us enough and they cared not for looks, And just now with me, it is almost a passion I yenrn for a dinner by old-fashioned cooks. GOOD-BYE Good-bye, sweet day, good-bye ! 1 have so loved thee, but I cannot hold thee. Departing like a dream, the shadows fold thee; Slowly thy perfect beauty fades away; Good-bye, sweet day ! Good-bye, sweet day, good-bye ! Dear were thy golden hours of tranquil splendor, Sadly thou yielded to the evening tender, Who were so fair from the first morning ray; Good-bye, sweet day ! Good-bye, sweet day, good-bye ! Thy glow and charm, thy smile and tones and glances, Vanish at last, and solemn night advances; Ah! could thou yet a little longer stay ! Good-bye, sweet day ! Good-bye, sweet day, good-bye ! All thy rich gifts my grateful heart remembers, The while I watch thy sunset's smouldering embers Die in the west beneath the twilight gray. Good-bye, sweet day ! Celia Thaxter. Sayings of Mrs, Solomon Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. 0 m?' mv daughter, heed my men shall follow ihee all the followeth a string. Yea, the most seriously and the married man shall sigh that he did not meet thee first but the confirmed bachelor shall look upon thee with fear and trembling. Verily, verily, there is a lime to and a lime to be sentimental, which is after luncheon. A time to be silent, and a time to be confidential. A time to be tender and a time to be cold. A time to be "at home" and a time to be "out." A time to be formal and a lime to be merry. Lo! the man who fascinateth a woman is the one which putteth a stop watch on all her emotions and timeth Yea, she is a constant variety and tents of a Christmas stocking. For a man liketh something different eery day; but she giveth him a change of bill every thirty minutes. Then, let no man find thee sad shall get upon his nerves. Rather let him find thee smiling afternoon; ready to make an engagement ai 4 o'clock and to break it at 7. at his side on Monday and at another s side on Tuesday, that he may never say unto himself, "I'm Behold, many a man has been flattery faileih, and many another not worked. But wnen all else nam oeen incu shall succumb. For a man can van endure to be trampled under any girl's feet, but he chafeth to be avoided by them. Then, so let thy light shine that it shall flicker like unto a firefly; for what man pursueth a woman w ho doih not dodge him? Verily, verily, a small boy yearneih for the complicated toy which it requireth skill io work; man seeketh capricious woman whom it taketh two hands and all his time to manage. Go to! What man wasteth his evenings upon a play with one plot, when he can gel a vaudeville show for the same money? Selah ! Tortured On a Horse. , "For ten years I couldn rule a hois without lieiug tortured from piliVwriles I S. Nupier, of Itugples, Ky.,"when all doctors and other remedies failed, lluek Icn's Arnica Salve cured me." lnfalli hle for I'iles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Hoils, Kcver Sores, Kcema, Salt Itlieuni.loius. 2,. (luaiauteeil hy all druggists. xjg man seldom begins to "' -rd until after he set- ry SWEET DAY. wisdom and learn my ways, and days of thy life even as a kitten eligible thing shall regard thee al be merry, which is before luncheon, all her moods. a greater surprise than the con for two days in succession; for this in the morning and weeping in the solid." won by a liitle quarrel, where much by "friendship" where flirtation hath iii vain nie man hiu ia iiiuivi Too late to lock the stahle door when the horse is gone. Zoo Colic Relief is the only one that requires no drenching ami guaranteed to cure Colic in horse and cattle instantly. Kottle contains enough for ten cases, price $1. Sold hy W. M. Cohen. Weldon, S. C. When a man spends all his s- a ry himself it's a sign thai he isn't married. (iet DeViU'Curbolied Witch Hasel Salve when you ask for it. There sic a great many imitations, but there is just one original. This salve is good for any thing liere a salve is needed to lie used but it is especially good for piles. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X. C. A BLIGHT ON THE MANNA. It May He That the Most Melan choly Chapter of Lamentations Remains to Be Written. The most distressing informa tion that has come over the wires for a long time is the story that a number of negroes in Louisiana have died from the effects of eat ing blackberries. The shock of this statement is about what it would be if we sud denly discovered that the trout were beginning to drown in the mountain brooks or the cows had caught enteric fever in the sweet fields of clover. From a period beyond the mem ory of man the blackberry crop in the Southern states has been to the negro population like manna in the wilderness, while to the white people themselves it has been one of the most important ad juncts of daily diet in the good old summer lime. The latter, for the most part, were not their own purveyors. They bought the dus ky bucketfuls at the back door, and erved them fresh for breakfast, made them into jam or cordial, in fifty-seven different varieties find ing them wholesome and delight ful. It was the country darkey to whom they belonged as of right. Never a land -owner in all this Southland was so heart-hearted as to maintain that he had any vested or prescriptive rights to the black berry vines which wove them selves along the rail fence, giving white promise in the spring of rich largeness when spring rounded into summer. This succulent fruit, wild as the crab and "sweet as re membered kisses," was in the category with dogs valuable, but not property. It was the spontaneous usufruit which belonged to all the people, and most especially to the country negro. The news that the blackberry crop had failed would have created greater consternation and infinitely greater hardship than the failure of the Barings or the arrest of the tide. The beauty of it all was that it was a crop which never failed. It could be relied upon with the im plicit faith we place in Johnson grass. Nor has it failed yet; but the tragedy of it all is that a parasite the ever present and all devouring has made its appearance, and this parasite, it seems, is poisonous. At any rate, the Louisiana ne groes are dead, after a hearty al fresco meal, partaken from the vines on the roadside. We have scarcely caught up. with our sleep since the San Jose scale gave us such a jolt, when the staple crop of the South seemed threatened. What cotton is to the Southern negro as raiment, the blackberry is as food throughout the summer months. He could lie down and rise up, and there was no one to make him afraid of going hungry so long as the black berries held out! It "ft as a kind of suspension bridge between the two ends of the 'possum season. And now this most delectable of fruits, so free and abundant, has fallen under. suspicion if not actual contamination. We are told "there's death in the pot." If these fears should prove well founded, the most melancholy chapter of Lamentations remain to be written. Goldsboro Argus. Sees Mother Qrow Young, "it would he hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use I-.mi.C I.;"crr, write Mrs. Y. L. UilpatricK, of Dan fortli, Me. "Although pant 70 she seem really to be growing young again. She Bulli-red untold misery from dyspepsia for M years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Hitters worked such wonders for her health." They invigorate all vital or gans, cure liver and kidney troubles, in duce sleep, impart strength and appe tite. Only Mc. at all druggist. All work is drudgery to those who are not interested in honest labor. The best pills made are DeYVitt Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pill. They are small, gentle, pleasant, easy to take aud act promptly. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, ti. C, Lots of high steppers overstep themselves. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CACTORI As WHY2IIE DIDN'T WHIP MM. Was Not Prepared l-'or 11 im and Never Hit Him a Lick. In making a speech in Charlotte on the 2()ih of May, Gov. Kitchin by way of illustration, told this story, which is good enough to pass around : The other day in reading over the papers in an application for pardon, from Burke county, I read the cross-exaiiiinaiion of a witness (Judge Jones, I believe it was, who was doing the work). He made the witness admit that he had taken part in tights in Swain, in Madison, in Buncombe, and in Transylvania counties. He made him admit that he had been fined in police courts and in Superior court. He made him confess to about 25 different offenses : Finally Judge Jones said : "Didn't you whip a Baptist minis ter over in Swain county ?" "No, sir; I didn't do that, was the answer. "I ask you if you didn't whip Rev. Mr. Jones because he re ported you for blockadiug?" "No, sir; I never did that." "Look-a-here, witness," thun dered Judge Jones, "didn't you meet him out on the public road between such and such, points on such a day and administer a whip ping to him?" "No," said the witness, "I didn't do that; but since you ask me, if you'll wait a minute I'll tell you how it was. Mr. Jones was coming along the road in his bug gy, when 1 stopped him and says, 'You're the man that reported me for blockading, ain't you? I've been wanting to see you, and now's my chance.' The preacher, he jumped right down out of his buggy, came over to where I was, pulled a gun out of his pocket about this long, shoved it in my face, and says: 'Yes, Cathey, I'm pre pared for you." No, I never whipped him. I just says, "Well, Brother Jones, I ain't prepared for you, and I never hit him a lick." WanrtaMxaanUiaBHaaWaVai FOR Biliousness Constipation Headache Indigestion Dyspepsia Flatulency Malaria Chills & Fever Jaundice Sleeplessness Nervousness Loss of Appetite and all disorders aris ing from Torpid Liver. TAKE IT NOW. TIIK GEM' INK has the RED Zod th front of each paokan and lb iKtiMtarc and seal of J. H. .U.1X1N CO. on the) sldflt, Id KK1. WE FURNISH A Roval Feast to every one n ho ( buy their groceries at our store, (i All the seasonable tlelecacies are ( found iu our store the year round. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE vjtioods delivered promptly any (l where in town, l'olite clerks. C I'hone So. NO. 1 1 PDRHELL, WKI.DON, N. c. (I I HELLO ! That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. ' W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. U. tHt CM II.D1IH LIRE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP No Rest Day or Night 'i would lay awake for hours without any apparent cause, or dream terrible dreams which would bring on extreme spells of nervousness. After taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and Tonic fur awhile I could sleep well, ami the nervous spells have left me." MISS ALMA HUG, K. R, No. 4, Canal Dover, Ohio. Without sleep the nervous system soon I'ecomcs a wreck, and the healthful activity of all the organs obstructed. Restful, body-building sleep accompanies the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine because it soothes the irritable nerves, and restores nervous energy. When taken a few days according to directions, the most restless sufferer will find sleep natural and healthful. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will re turn your money. We Ask You to take Cardul, for your femala troubles, because ve Are sure It win help yoa Remember that this great female remedy-; has brought relief to thousands of j other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold In This City , n T. CLAEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and ii. the Supreme court of the Stale. Special attention given to collections and prompt return Y'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. HFUII lUBSTITUTie. E. CLARK. IN AN Telephone in Your1 Residence EXTRFMELY VALUABLE Have You One? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENOEltSON. N. O tt4?lba aifcHai! - i (ton im ootnS tatt kt,! 6 FOLE B priiM'Hyfluiiiil in Hit tfttmin.n OH o wu. m TRADI-MHs,)'AVsttiiti(l(iyiiut'irt f;I b"-rr,l- hi'tid MsrtHi. No-l.-l w Hji.. 'T fs PUCK MMWTOT m.Hirt'ity. l atj-Ml prm jj hooks on HOW TO TAW Li ID. SWIFT fGGiS PATENT lAWYaRII, Rj03 6evtn St., '""i 0 " j

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