fll I Sn, '.hp wri f ft; Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIV. WKLDON, X. ('., Till T.SDAY, .Jl'LY 8, H)0!. NO. 10 The Klud You Have Always Bought, nd which lias been iu um for over UO years, Ima borno tlto hlgmiture of -jf aud lias been iwule under his jier. LZ JtX'Fttf'A ttonol supervision slnoe it Infancy. LtzrV, ACSUl. Allow no one toileot Ivo you In this. All ('uiinlerl'clt,. Imitation nnd " JiiHt-UH.KMMl" are but KiiiitIiuciiIji tlutt trllle with ami eiil:ui(,'ir tho health of lul'uuU and ( liUdreu Experience ngaiut Eipcilinut. What is CASTORIA Castorla It a harmlnsH Huhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare Kitric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It U I'letuuiiit. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo MibHtiuicc. It ace In iU guarantee. Jt destroys Worms) uud allii.vs KcKTishness. It cures DUrrlma and Wlud (.'olio. It relieves Teetlihijr Troubles, cures Constipation uud Khitnlcney. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates the htomtu b mid ltovrels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'auacca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears tho The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Day I'im.nk 2'. RN. STAIN BACK, " 1 ' x i ) i : kt Weldon, Full Line ol CASKETS, COFFINS nnd ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Seventeen years' Experience. 01 THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al'HI ST 20TII, 1H!L'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capita aajJ Surplus. $il-2, 0 00 !For more tliau fifteen years this institution 1ms provided hanking facili- lies tor tins section, lis siocKiioitiers mm uireciois nave oeeu mciiiiiieu with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton eounties for many years. Money is loaned upou approu'd security at the h-irnl rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided prollts havinir reached a sum equal to the Capital Stock, the Bank has, commencing January t, Pkis. established a Saviu(3 Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: t or Deposits allowed tore main three months or lunger, 'i per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve montbs or louder, -I per cent. Korfurther information apply to the I'resideut or Cashier. PHKS1DKNT: V1I K rHKslllKNT: I AHHIKH: W. K. DAM EL, Dii. It. W. I.KWIS, W. K. SMITH. (Jackson, Noithaiuploii county) SEABOARD AIR Quickest and most direct lino to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows; No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon, 12:07 p. m. 11:38 p. ni " Kalejgh, 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a.m. Arrive Charlotte, 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a. nt. " Atlanta, . 8:45 a. m. 5:00 p. m. " Birmingham, 12:10 p. m. :50 p. m. " Memphis. 8:05 p. m. 7:30 a. m. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. GATTIS, District Passenger Agent, I Raleigh, N.C. Signature of oaooczno N'KiiiT I'iiosks 1M aiil M. a k i : i i , North Carolina. AND EMBALMER. Hearse Service Anywhere. n 101 01 O; LIISTiq THAT "PRINTED" LETTER. Was Sent All the Way From Cincinnati to (let the Order. According to the Daily Journal, at Cincinnati, the American Car riage Co., had informed a custom er that his order taken by a travel ing salesman could not be Tilled unless payment was made in ad van:e, and ihey received the fol lowing letter from the buyer : "Jentclemen -1 want you to understand sur that I ain't no dam fool. When i hort that Hill from that read Headed Agent of yores he lole me that you cent him all the way from cyncyniia to git that order for bugeys. 1 thot he wus lying and i (old him i bort all my goods from the jobler and he tole me he sold the jobler and would sell me just like he sole ihe jobler, now you wriies me a printed letier and sez if I send you the munney you will send me the. Bugys: I recon you will, most enny durn fool ud do that, i would not mind a Bit send in the munney and risk gittin ihe Bugys but when i recol lect how you and yore ageni done me i refuse 10 do it. if you would of treted me right and ril me letters in ritin and not sent me lhat newspaper like i was a dam fool and could not read ritin i would a tuck the Buggy and pade ihe cash, now i don't want no more of yore printed letters, i wont stan sich from no house, i am fifty six years ole the last of next comin jinuwary and the fust man has got to put my back on the ground yit. I may not have as mutch laming in gramma as you goi but i can whup you or enny uther dam yanky thai wants to try riting me a printed letter." (He received a type-written let ter.) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Do you Want A Bridal Suit AND It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LKADHKS, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND. VA. - EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Bitters fjjccetj when everything els faHa. In nervous prostration and femal weaknesses they are the lupremt remedy, sa thousands have testified. FOH KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. McCALL PATTERNS Celetir.lrd ttr Myle, prrlt 111, llmplkity nrt reliability rlT J"":, Sc.lil in maily e.r cilr.nJ town In I' Umml Mntri ni d Ciniul.. or by mail direct. lore ,olil linn toy other make. Send lor lire claroyic MeCALL'S MAGAZINE More nibst-nlier. than any other fa'M' i maeaiine-inillion nienth. lnvaln;iMr. I t. eat .tyiea, pattern., iir-.in:tl.mir, ti.iUlli'iy, plain .eir(, lunv iictillr-wo'li. IimIhIh ui;i, etiquette, r"J """ "c- '" '" ' year (worth double), inclmUnn a Ine I""' "'. Sub.rrite May, or kiI Ik. "T7- woNuraFui inducements to Afenta. Polal bilnK premium e..l .ioijue and new ca.h prise orlei .. Ad.lre.a MI aMAU CO. M M M 1. W - Choice Druggett ? BEAUTIFUL A house with a garden where hollyhocks grow, And all the sweet simples bloom, row after row; Phlox and geranium and lavender sweet. And buitercups bright in the grass at your feet; A boxwooded border that leads to the gaie Where roses of June with the lilacs still Vail; And there in the door, with u linle side curl, That vision a beautiful, old-fashioned girl ! Ah, the silk of her shoon and the pink of her cheek, And ihe red of her lips where ihe honey-bees seek The neciar love left when on bloom-laden wing I le passed and just touched iliem with honey of spring ! Oh, ihe blue of her eyes, and ihe mold of her face, And the poise of her head, and the charm of her grace, As we dream of the days of the linle side-curl In thai beautiful dream of an old-fashioned girl ! O sweethearts of song, have ye all passed away With those gardens that bloomed in a lost yesterday ? Oh, sweet country daughters, with red lips of June, And simple, sweet lives, and the soft silken shoon, Do ye sing, do ye dance, do ye dream once again Of the horn on the hills and the days of brave men, When down the box border, with hearts in a whirl, They flew to you beauiiful, old-fashioned girl ? THE REALM There is a realm that I know Where naught but homely blossoms blow ; No lofty palace walls that gleam Except in palaces of dream Yet beautiful it is to me Amid its lonely leagues to be, On with the genile princess there Who rules it with her loving care. "Here you shall come at even, dear, When only thou and i art near, To hold my hand and touch my lips With ihine in love's beloved eclipse; Here shall thy weary footsteps fare To breathe the balsam of this air !" And so she waits with her caress To comfort and to cheer and bless. What more could one's ambiiion ask Than thus beneath her smile to bask, To point with fancy's tender glow Until this Paradise below; To love its simple gardens decked In blooms that simple shades reflect; In whitewashed walls that well may seem The elements of airy dream. What more to ask, what sweeter bliss Than her two arms and her sweet kiss ? What higher happiness than thus In the twin confidence of us To live contented with our lot, Our vernal acres and our cot, Our garden pathways lined with (lowers, Our hearts, our hopes, our country hours. I know a realm, indeed, more fair, Than rich estates, where high in air The carven column and crystal beams Of royal splendor flash. Our dreams Of faith and friendship suit us well In this sweet kingdom where we dwell; Glad heritage beneath the dome Of God's blue sky the realm of home ! WITH A BIO, BIO D. A couple of city men were j playing golf when they saw an j oM gentleman looking ut them j wistfully. They asked him to join the game, which he did witli alacrity. He was mild in speech and manner and played well. But when lie made u foozle he ejaculated vehement ly the word "Assouan!" A few minutes later, when he made another bad play he re peated. "Assouan!" The fourth time he said this one of his new-made friends said: "I do not want to he inquisi tive, hut will you tell ine why you Hity 'Assouan' so often?" "Well, said the old gentle man; isn't that the biggest dam in the world?" He was a Presbyterian cler gyman. I'ick-Me Up. (let l)rVitt'tit'urliiilif.l WiU'll lluri Salve wlit'S ynii Hk fur It. 'i'lirir urt ft Ureal many imitntitmn, lint tlific in junt out' uiik'inul. Tlim nahe in iroml fur any thing when- a huIib i niTileil to lit nwl but it in especially gwn for pilen. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X. C. When a boy sees a stern light iu his mother's eye he can face it bravely unless he fears it means the bathtub. Too late to lock the stable door wheu the home is gone. Zoo Colic Uelief is the only one that requires no drenching and guaranteed to cure Culio in horses ami rattle instantly. I'.oltle contains enough for ten cases, price f 1, Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. One of the luckiest things lhat can happen to a man is not to count on his luck. The best pills made are DeWitt'i Little Karly ltisers, the famous little liver pills. They arc small, gentle, pleasant, easy to take and act promptly. Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. OLD-FASHIONED GIRL. OF HOME, NO USE TRYINQ. An old darky wanted to join a fashionable city church, and the minister, knowing it was hardly the thing to do and not wanting to hurt his feelings, told him to go home and pray over it- In a few days the darky came back. "Well, what do you think of it by this time?" asked the preacher. "Well, sah," replied the colored man, "Ah prayed an' prayed, an' de good Lord he says 10 me, 'Rastus, Ah wouldn't bodder mah haid about dat no mo'. Ah've been tryin' to git into dai chu'eh f niahse'f for de las' twenty yeahs, an' Ah ain't done had no luck.' " Women may not he ieimilted to vote but w lii-ia they. ate healthy ill iniinl uud body they usually make Ihe man vote their way. iluloSiiporiitoiifi uxed iu foujiiui'lioii vutli Vino l!eieim. the l a voute Tunic for Women, in an ideal health producer. Price fl. Sold by W. M, Cohen, Weldon, N C. Friendship is the wine of life. t'ouihih-nei-s are all very well, but tlo not repair the damages caused by in fo ior medicines, lira, lloag ATiirbiu's Headache Tablets for all kiuds of head aches of headaches, price ""ic. and we can show you. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. And most of us are born foolish a,nd never outgrow it. If you Kish to see yourself as others do, look at the man who does not U ke cure of his health. To take care of yo ir health, useDrs. lloag & Turlun's Dys pepsia Tablets, price ."rtle. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. A face that cannot smile is sel dom worth while. GHIIdron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. The great tribute to women is how good ihey are in spite of men. MARRIAGE. Think What a Oirl Gives I'p When She Links Hands With a Man In Forming These Bonds. Yes, she is your wife that wo man who presides over your do mestic affairs legally so, at least; for you were married in strict ac cordance wiih what the civil law re quires in such cases; but morally you can be a real husband to her only in case you love her. In other words, while an outward compliance with the statue makes marriage legal, nothing can make it holy in the Lord's sight save the mutual and reciprocal affection ex isting between the parties. That is ihe first reason why it is so necessary for husbands to love their wives; and this, of course, makes it equally necessary for i wives to love their husbands. In enforcing the duty of hus bandly love, we remark, first, that this love is due to the wife because of the trust she reposes in him, and in view of what she gives up in order to the consummation of their wedded existence. Did you ever think what it means when an innocent, affectionate girl gives herself to a man, to be his, only his, for better or worse, till death shall separaie them? Talk of a leap in the dark ! Talk of run ning a risk! Talk of sacrifices! Here you have an instance of these things which has hardly a parallel in all the realm of human devotion. The girl has a home. It has been hers from childhood. She has known scarcely anything but hap piness there. A dear, precious home it is, sanctified by a father's authority, hallowed by a mother's love. That is one thing she gives up. The home, perchance, will still exist; but it will not be hers any longer in the sense it used to be. Her home hereafter can only be such as that man can provide. Father and mother must likewise be given up. In fact, the girl's life, from that moment, will pre sent an entirely different design. Formerly the parents were in the foregrounds of the picture; now these are rejected to the back ground, and her husband lakes the first place. For the marriage relation, we must remember, is superior even to the filial relation the Scriptural view of the case. In fact, wedding bonds are the most binding in which human beings can be held. Think, then, what a girl gives up when she links hands with a man in forming these bonds ! What a leap she takes, and what a risk she runs life, honor, happiness, everything is laid at his feet ! All, too, in most cases, for love's sweet sake; for it behooves us to remem ber that for a pure, young girl to marry for any other motive than because her heart has already gor.e where her choice is going, is a rare occurance in countries like our own. Such cases undoubted ly occur sometimes, but they are exceptions, ihe rule being that the girl weds the man because she loves him. and the further rule holding almost as generally, that through the trials and vicissitudes of future life she continues to love him. This is ihe rule. CRACKED A RIB COUGHINQ. A lady well known in Concord, who is a wife and mother, con tracted the whooping cough from her little child. She was in a right serious way, and in one of the whooping spells thai is peculiar to thai disease, she coughed so hard that one rib was fractured. Some of ihe medical fraternity of the Suite sy thai this is the only case on record of the kind. The lady referred to in this item is Mrs. J. W.Shuford, nee Miss Addie Striek er, formerly of this city, but now of Hickory. Concord Tribune. DEFICIENCY OF CUSS WORDS. Some Boston word sharp calls attention to the fact that 85 per cent, of the English cuss words are words of one syllable. We have often observed this awful deficien cy and frequently yearned for' a nice collection of Russian and Jap anese words to express some grand, stormy emotion called forth by the telephone service. Hous ton Post. A good pocket rule Keep your hands out of other people's. Even an artist may not be able to draw a matrimonial prize. CRIMINAL. She I can't bind myself until I'm sure. Give me time to de cide, and if six months hence I feel as I do now I will be yours. Ardent Adorer-I could never wait that long, darling. Besides, the courts have decided that deal ing in futures without the actual delivery of the goods is gambling pure and simple. AND III- PROBABLY DID. "What can I do," roared the fiery orator, "when I see my country going to ruin, when I see our oppressors' hands at our throats, strangling us, and the black clouds of hopelessness ob literate the golden sun of prosperi ty? What, I ask what can I do?" "Sit down !" shouted the audi ence. WAIT EOR THE BIO NOISE. A Texas prophet says the world is coming to an end this summer. Mean while the wise farmer will keep on killing grass until he really hears the noise. NOTE FOR WIVES. It is said that no man can tell a fib and keep his big toe still. If the women will induce their husands to take off their shoes before they begin to question them they can catrh them In a falsehood every time. PUTTINQ IT GENTLY. The sages of the general store were discussing the veracity of old Si Perkins when Uncle Bill Abbott ambled in. "What do you think about it, Uncle Bill?" ihey asked him. "Would you call him a liar?" "Wall," answered Uncle Bill slowly, as he thoughtfully studied the ceiling, "I don't know as I'd go so far as to call him a liar ex actly, but I do know this much; when feedin' time come in order to get any response from his hogs he has to get somebody else to call 'em for him." Lven opportunity has to await its chance to get even. Biliousness Const! Datlon Headache Indigestion Dyspepsia Flatulency Malaria Chills & Fever Jaundice Sleeplessness Nervousness Loss of Appetite and all disorders aris ing from Torpid Liver. TAKE IT NOW. TIIK OKNIT1 N K Inu the RED t on tho front of each parkaaro and the aigiiamr ana .eat 01 ... 11. 44.11.1111 m t;i. oa ma awe, in naiaa. WE FURNISH A Hoyal l east to every one a. ho buy their irrocerics at our store. All the seasonable delecacies are found ill our slore the year round. 1 CONFECTIONERIES I FRUITS ! CROCKERY AND TIN j v'y A " L .Wooden and Willowvvare, Ktc. illoods delivered promptly auy where in town. Polite clerks. I ('hone So. SO. (1 B. M. PORNELL, V.KI.IMIN, N. V. (; c (; HELLO! That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour 10 make bread for sup- per. W. T. PARKER. Weldon, N, C. FOR opraiii HEADACHE Take ONE NEURALGIA "Dr Mitn' Aart- of the Little Tableti and the Pain i Gone Paii Piitt hivt tots uud by m for rtev- sulk peiai, kesdsclw nd PJ" tfl bull Md .(do, lad la rwy cm ifecy giv ptrftctl tltllKIIOd. Hcarv Otirnr, Boon too. N. Y. AM THT rJUNSOT RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Dncfi sell Dr Milct Aafl-Pwa.Pill. nd b tt lutboriitd 19 ifiure dw prKc of ifct fcni ptuUtft (only) If m (sill to benefit pou. We Ask You to take Cardut, for your female troubles, because ve are sure tt will help you. Remember lhat this great female remedy; OF has brought relief to thousands of 1 other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female veak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try tt I Sold In This City in E p T. CL-IEZt ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. l'ractices in the courts of Halifax and adjninmir counties ami iL tho Supreme court of the Slate. Special attention given to collections and prompt return HOflEYTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lunjf troublea. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold ererywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is la a Yellow package. Kef use substitute, Prepared only by Foley 4 Company, Chlcafo. E. CLARK. BEFORE- The Cold Weather Sets in Get a Residence Telephone. It saves exposure It saves doctor's bills It means convenience ant economy RATES AKE LO w For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . tt, 0. uromiAly ulnmiiod In atll niitni O HO fs. TNADI-iuMftt. CtmUai-1 CopjhghU nwit i.iunu H-i.H Hkspii. Mortal or li.olo. for Ion MclllWl7. sU MMMNOK. ... NHia. wni" in w ..t ir ui tHH.Wl on HOW tO OBTW and MU. PT-MTa.Wlii.-h onct will Py. Hw loan a varfr nrr, witent Uw and ot It" "aluabta wfunnaituft, D. SWIFT ft CO. PATIKT lAWYane, 303 8ventfc St, Washtsftoa, 0. C. atOfX Ua WW. ad t Swathe FOLEY'S"