'Staeuaemmmm 1 'lpl if 1 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIV. WELDON, X. C, TIUIHNDAY, .HLY 22, 1JMMI. NO. 12 fiJM tn u -va v THE SHADOWS WE CAST. TIME DOES IT IGNORING SMALL THINGS. Beware, Lest You Cast a Deeper j Shadow Over Those Already Darkening in Happiness. Tho Kind You Huv Always Nought, nrnl which lias bciui iu use for over UO jouri, Ims borne tlio rmitui-o of and has lx-en niude under his per X.X'ffl?"?' sonul supervision wince Its liiliiury. Mvtfy, JHcAtli Allow no ouo to ilccdvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitation and " Just-ns-Kooil" ure but Experiments Unit trlllo with aid endiuit'cr the heulth of Iut'uuU and Children Experience iitfiiliiNl Uxpcrimeut. What is CASTORIA CttKtoria 1.1 ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Props and Soothing- Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle substitute. lUngels It guarantee. It destroys Worms uud ullays Fererishuess. It cures Pl.irihoMi and Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles), cures Coustlpution uud Fhtti'leney. It assimilate-, 1 1m Food, regulates the Stomach And liowels, giving heultliy hikI nuturul bleep. The Children' Vauacca Tho Mother's I i ieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Siguature of The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc ecNfua eMv, it hurmv aTHttr, mtm van m. 30E 30IZ3EZC0 Day Phosk ''."). Nil irr I'mhsks lit ami i 17 30ET1 t am) :A. II Jr. IN . oTAJ In JjAOIY, v x i ) i : i n'A k i : i ieeeiee:z VVeldon, North Carolina. Full Line ol CASKI-TS. COKIINS and KOKl:S. Day, Night and Out-ol-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, n FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAl.MER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere i30caciOi . :-xoi 01 ; In ttiis gre.it world nf sunshine j and shadows, we ure tasting con-' i stantly shadows on those around , 1 us and receiving shadows From i tliiMii in return. There is no path j way of life which is not sometimes j , in the shade, and there is no one j ' who walks over these paths, it mailers not which way they tend, j who does not, now and then, cast , ! his shadow with the rest. How ' often do we, by a mere thought I less word or careless act, cast a j 1 shadow on some heart which is j longing for sunshine ? I low often : does the husband, by a cold greet j ing, cast a gloom over the happy, trusting face of his wife, who, it ' may be, has waited anxiously, for i the sound of his foot steps to give him a joyous welcome to his home. How often has the parent, by a ; harsh reproof, chilled the over- flowing spring of confidence and J love which is bubbling up from the : heart of the innocent prattler at his knee ? How often are the bright rays of hope torn from the cling- ing grasp of the souls of those worn out by poverty and the nev S erending conflict of life, by the stinging ridicule or the sordid ad j vice of those whom the world hon ors aye, love to honor? How j often does the child even after it has grown to the full bloom of manhood, and is clad in the gar I ments of strength and beauty bring sorrow to the parent already ; tottering on the brink ofeternity? Then beware, lest you cast a deep er shadow over those already darkening in happiness ! The shadows we cast can we escape them? Can we look back, as we wflk on in life's journey, and see no shadowy marks about our footprints? Granted that one cannot love again (which is all imagination anyway), there is no reason why one should remain single, if one meets a person whom one can respect, and think enough of to marry. If lovdWemands respect, then respect may yet awaken lose. "Never," he vowed it, "while life may last, j Can I love again. I will die unwed." ; "And 1, too, dear, since our dream is past, I will live single," she sobbingly said. j A storm of farewells, of wild goodbyes I He rushed from the spot, like an outcast She hid in a pillow her streaming eyes, And wept with anguish beyond control. Just five years afterwards they two met At a vender's stand in a noisy street; He saw the smile he .could ne'er forget. And she the eyes that were more than sweet. "0, Kate ! 0, Harry !" "How well you look !' "1 stopped," he said, "just to get a toy For my little girl." "I wanted a book," She softly said, "for my little boy." Did You Ever Think ol the Harm, Dear Reader, that Come Out of the Small, Neglected Opportu nities? Think Seriously. soul; THE MORNING MUSIC This is morning music, a titter upon the stair, Laughter of love where the lilac lays its bloom on her hoyden hair; This is morning music, a message of morn to me From the lily lips of the little child sweet in her dawn of glee. 0 music of immemorial and dreamy and elfin grace, Song in the lance of the light of love in the light of an elfin face ! This is the morning music, her arms in a necklace ring, And over the eyes of a little child in the infinite temp.le of spring. Music of footsteps patter, and warble of words divine, And out of her sleep with a lightheart leap into these arms of mine; This is the morning music, the trumpet to stars and men That little child with her lips of love small lead us to morn again. 0 music of morns immortal, ring ever in rapture there, Laughter of love where the lilac lays its bloom on her hoyden hair ! This is the morning music; and forever, and then a day, May it ring to me from her lips of glee in its innocent, childhood way Baltimore Sun. ALAS. NOT UNDISPUTED. fl (let DeWitt'at'urbolized Witeli lliuel Sulve wlieii you ask fur it. Tlieie are u Kii ut many imitations, lint there h just one original. This sulve is Rood Tor any- j tliinir where a salve is ucrdrdto he used i l.ul it i.i especially (rood for piles. j SiMhy W. M. t olien, Weliloli, N. I OE THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. r- Organized Under the Laws ot the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 8UTII, 1SM2. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. IIKor more than fifteen vears this institution lias provided hankiiiR faeili- ... ... i i , , I I : I.... . lies lor tins aeetion. Its stoeKnoim-rs auo oiri-ruufi im,c m-i-ii iiiriuiiini with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upou approved security at tlie leaal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided profits having reached a sum eiitiul to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. commencing .lanuary 1. I! MS, established a Savings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follow: For Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer, 2 per cent. six months or longer, S per cent Twelve months or longer. 4 per cent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. PRBSIORNT Vll'K-l'HKSIIIKXT: CASniKHT W. K. IUMEL, .Dn. II. W. LEWIS, W. K. SMITH. (JIon, Northampton county) SE ABO A 111) AIR LINE Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERT DAY With Vestibule Coach, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Wetdon with A. C. I... at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon. 12:07 p. m. 11:38 p. m. " Raleigh. 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a.m. Arrive Charlotte. 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a. m. " Atlanta, 8:45 a. m. 5:00 p. m. " Birmingham, 12:10 p. m. 9:50 p. m. " Memphis. 8:05 p. m. 7:30 a. m. ! The best phrenologist infill not i be able to tell the meaning of a lump in your throat. The best pills made arc I leWitt's Little ; Karly Itisers, the famous little liver j pills. They are small, gentle, pleasant, easy to take ami act promptly. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Many a person looks good who is not at all good-looking. Do you IWant Alas ! How often things go wrong ! A sigh loo much or a kiss too long And there comes a mist and a weeping rain, And life is never the same again. Alas ! How seldom things go right ! 'Tis hard to watch on a Summer's night; For the sigh will come and the kiss will stay, And the Summer's night is a Winter's day. And yet how easily things go right. If the sigh and the kiss of a Winter's night Come deep from the soul in the strongest ray That is born in the light of a Winter's day. And things can never go badly wrong If the heart be true and the love be strong; For the mist, if it comes, and the weeping rain, Will be changed by love into sunshine again. Bridal Suit AND Choice Drug jett ? No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. to Atlanta, For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to ' CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to ,C. II. (JATTIS, District Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. It will pay you to com? hi! see s us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (incorporated) LKADKUS, 704-11-13 11. Broad Street, RICHMOND. VA. EVERYTHINQ IN FURNITURE -- i.M ilriir Elecfric lifters Succeed when everything else fails, In nervous prostration and female weakneisea they art the tuprem remedy, as thousand have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It la the best medicine ever sold over a drugfUt'a counter. r M C ciuinqs ol iirs. sjoiomon Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. o Behold, my daughter, there dwelt three damsels in my house; and unto one of them Fate, crave great beauty; and unto the second, great cleverness and unto the third a sweet smile. And the first damsel said: "Lo! I will marry early. Yea, I shall liiul a husband; for this is the beginning of an easy life." And lo! she married nt sixteen, and had seven childreu, one after another. Yet her husband being poor, she did all of her housework. Yea, she buried her under a mass of embonpoint und a ging ham apron. And at twenty-eight she was a sight. And the second damsel cried: ''Goto! I shall have a career. Yes, I shall bo famous and 1 shall get my picture in the papers!" And she went to live in a studio. And the fruits of her labors were low art and loiielincsH, instead of cradles and crockery. But the third damsel murmured unto herself saying: "I shall put my sweet smiles whero they will do the most good." And she liecunm a stenographer. Y,ea she labored hard, keep ing her hair ulways in curl, and using a good suchet. And it camu to pass that in time she married her employer even 0. mi!llmiiir! Then tho three damsels returned unto mine house, and i charged them, saying, "What has thou done with thy talents?" And the first wept, saying : "Lo! becuuso that I was easily satisfied, behold Fate hath taken away the little I had. Yea, now I am a widow; and I take in sewing to support my seven children. For a husband is an asset, and children are a liability." And the second sighed, avowing: I "Behold, I have got my pictures in the papers, yet am I nn old maid with a chronic grouch For a woman without a hus. band is more useless than two left hand gloves." But the third fell upon my neck crying : "Mamu, 1 have invested my sweet smile where it would bring nie value received; and lo! it has increased an hundredfold 1 Behold I come unto thee bringing a French maid and lut3 of alimony!" And I look her in my arms saying: "Well done, thou good and faithful daughter! For a husband is a doubtful proposition, and a career is an undoubted waste of time but real money is the root of all pleasure. Yea thou hast spent thy substance upon a sure thing." Selah! I There seems to be a very prev j alent idea among church members that they are only capacitated to do ; very little things, and to do that j little when the notion strikes iheni, ! or, when conditions and circum- stances are very auspicious, and when there is little else to do of , much importance. ! A very prominent fact confronts us, and amazes us with its glaring truth, that there is a vast army of church people in the world to-day who are very reluctant to perform those little seemingly insignificant things that devolve upon them as Christian duties the little things that would inspire courage, incite interest, enlarge our faculties, in crease our capacities, ennoble our natures; causing us to alleviate hu man suffering, and helping us to cultivate those attributes of charac ter that aid us in controlling circum stances, and changing unsatisfac tory conditions all around us; and by our obedience in their perform ance, tO become more and more in complete harmony and sincere sympathy with God's explicit and adequate laws. "Oh, I can't!" from professing Christians has been a most lamen table excuse with which the church has had to deal from time immemo rial. It has been the means of de frauding that institution out of a vast amount of individual effort, and confining its scope of usefulness within certain limitations, which would never have been necessary, had there been the high estimate and due regard placed upon plain, honest duties, which circumstances demanded. "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." Herein is inclination to labor any-M where, any time, under all sorts of conditions and circumstances; wil lingness to fill the most menial po sition (if there be such) rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. The plain, simple, easy duties that come up for our consideration, lose some of their attractiveness for the reason we do not always see their essential needs; they do not impress us as being of a very Aital significance; hence we often feel too big for the liitle things, and think we are much more ca pacitated for some larger work. The result is usually, the larger opportunities fail to present them selves from the fact of our not be ing sufficiently versed in the minor duties, which would have initated and trained us for the largeer fields of usefulness. The average member of our churcnes thtnK it is not necessary to attend prayer meeting regularly; the smallest excuse will absent them from Sunday school, and a indisposition will relieve the church service of their presence. These neglects of duty may seem small, but they are large in the aggregate. Handing around hymn books, de tecting strangers in the congrega tion, and welcoming them with the right hand of fellowship; suy ing a pleasant word to the pastor, and observing the good ni men and women, instead of the reverse side of character; these, and many other little things that aretoooftcu overlooked, would, if thought of seriously, and performed systemat ically, pave the way everywhere for soul-winning, preparing the soil for your pastor, reflecting honor upon the church of which you are a member, and inviting all around you by the power and force of your life, to engage in the Christian race. Please bear in mind thai Christ never omitted the slightest detail ot duty is it wise for us to despise small things? W. F. Coppp.dge. Halifax, N. C. The case before the court was one involving the ownership of a tract of land, and the attorney for one of the parties to tiie suit was cross-examining a witness. "Now, Mr. Grimshaw," lie said, "the property on which you live was originally a part of the twenty acres in dispute, was it not?" "Yes, sir." "And your title is based on the original title to that land, I pre sume?" "Yes, sir." "How long have you resided there?" "Over twenty-one years." "Have you had now, mark me have you had twenty-one years' undisputed possession of that property?" The witness hesitated a moment. "Remember, Mr. Grimshaw," said the lawyer, raising his voice, "that you are under oath. Have you had twenty-one years' undis puted possession of that property?" "It has been disputed once, and only once, "answered the witness. "I found a nest of bumble bees in my back yard one day last sum mer." In the general laugh that fol lowed this answer the lawyer subsided. The girl who knows she is pret ty makes a fool of herself. And the girl who doesn't know she is pretty makes a fool of some man. Seven tip-week. the end of the i33atSSaSIS n 1 t FOR tiuadiache ' !: ... i .AMI Y Flatulency i j;:;is li Fever 9 Jaundice f k"trvou&nor Si Loss cf Appetite TAKE IT NOW. TliK Ol.Nl IMS l:is ilto V.P,i 2 on It,., f, of Il Illicit Itr.t unit 4tlA H NUitiilurd JUKI hi uI of .1. II. ZKIL1S ft A hk on tho it. in ici:d. it m ni WflWP1 IIIIIHP'B IV" Mcl AI L 1'ATTERNS ( L,T ivi.'. ticrfcct fit j.lS..!'...iV m-at-lV 40 vws i rrv it'v :itil Imvn in Hu- I tnU-.l ,,t- wi ., .t ly in.iil 'Ir' M"r' f ,n, v tdiii r niatai'. licit tl I" 1 Met ALL'S MAGAZINE Mil''' 'lifts tllHtl lrV irlillt in iK.iinr-m'ilii'n nu'iith. -i'i"-" K-t tdvli's, I'lltfins, tln---in.ikinu, i i.'.-titi srwir.ir.l mv nrfitlruo'lt.liUM I, mitnr. 1 si'""-, IN. On V f, ye.tr .MVtIi .I.MiMri, im-Ii..lti.tr t Stili rihe tittiuv, it n-inl li i-"'' UONIUHUL INDUCEMENTS M Acnts. bunas 'finiu.;i ;tiui uvw C.I-nIi pnze t'lli'is. Aittln""- ME McCALL CO.. 238 la M St.. Sty nnil t s .11 '1 Take ONE ' of the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone NEURALGIA BACKACHE "I hiv uud Di Mi in' Anti-Pain Pill for yrtri tnri find thai lluy art ihei one thing that will! (truinly g'e i luf fcrur tbc delred rtltcf. Mn.J. P Brlssell, Tojiafuh, Nev. AND THE PAiN3 Of RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your DruggiM KlU Dr Miles' Anil-Pun Pilli and bt T authorized to return the price of th llru package onh If 1' falls to benefit you. We Ask You SMS to taks Cardial, for your femals troubles, because va are sure it win help you. Remember that this great f emalo remedy: OF has brought reMef to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City n 7 T. OLABK, E ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLPON, N. V. I'raetiei's in the courts cf Halifax and ailjiiiiiinir I'liuntirs ainl ii. the Supreme court ol tin- Mate. Special attention (tiveu to collections and prompt rpturn . FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is .nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. RKFUSI SUI8TITUTIS. E. CLARK. MW VOH Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Something to pay compliments. When ihe average woman sets her fool down, somebody has to toe the mark. In the hands of a receiver your mails. Women may not be permitted to vote but wlien they are liealtliy in mind and IkmI)' tliey usually make the man vote their way. (haloSupposiloiicii used in conjunction with Vino I.Vpens. tin, l a vol lie Tonic for Women, is all ideal health producer. Trice ft. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. I he owner ot real estate is not the only person who has'a right to say, "My land!" If you wish to see yourself as others do, look at the man who does not take care of his health. To tuke care of your health, use Ins. Hoatf A Tuihiu's Dys pepsia Tablets, price oTn?. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. WE FURNISH ( A Itoval Feast tin-very one who; ( buy their irriM-i-nes at our ston-. ( All tin- seasonable ilelecacies are ,J ( found ill our store the year ) ( round. j) 'l CONI-tCTIOWCr!:E5 ( FRUITS l' ronrKCBViNnTIN (j WARE !j vl!Vooden and WilloBware, Kte.) (iiils delivered promptly auy.J (i (there in town. Polite eleiks. (; l'hone No. ml. 81 R. M. PORMLL, WKI.HON, N. 0. AN INSTANTANEOUS MESSENGER AT YOUR COMMAND U "TEuir Thai Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs, Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. 24 Hours Every Day. TELEPHONE in your residence For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Horn Telephone anil Telegraph Company, ' '""I. N. O. (Mill (inmmtiy oMtmtMt ilt all count ri-' OH NO US. 9 TeitrkC.atABial i 'ncMlaniul i itivvnif l.tanjitilt ifl mn troitToiii'ntaiiiHiT. Paii-iupmst ICf .'(I'limi IT- HK RiriHfCNUKi, Kini 4 ini to HiuMi foi gur lu hivilnaWf fcxtfca Oil HOW TO 0TA(N ti1 SVLL T IMTH, w 'it-1. iim will pV, It" t'' mm i-art-ncr. itfcU'trt IrwkihI wmr' UuaUNtjlUiiKiitattuu, D. SWIFT & CO, PATBNT LAWYIR1, nnr e i. rl t,i.. .. (h fre rciEin:;:iTxa Itgpi turn cos end baaia lue-u a