' 3 lis , iiSsih Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. WAV. WELDON, N. ( TIU'HSDAY, ,VLX :2J, li0!. NO. i:j lsj lljsP"S ! For Infants and Children. ! I Lea iiWitek..":J mm So.. I ' AUOIIOt, 3 JKK CKNT. Arcaela))te Prcparaflon Tor.ls similalWi!icFiwdantliIi'i!ita j&8 imgilifSiimlisardliuw&of Promnlcs Dtai'sfionflwifar ness and Re$t.Contalns wiiiw tJpisira.f lorphtiic norMintxa!. Not Narcotic NJ. II. jtKvturMBcSLMwmm Jh -j ft.. flfti M " iSmmniat iktvimikUin CtC'AtJ Say . la."". Anerfecl Rettwhr forCrmstlp tiou,SourStDiiiach.l)lariliwa Worms X onvulswiis.ri'WTisa lU-ssaiulLoSSOFSlXtiP. FacS'u-.iilc Siijnaiurf of Eu -fit NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Q30I 30C3E Day Phosb p. n. stain back. Weldon, - . Full Llneot CASKETS. COITINS uml ROIJI-S. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Ctills Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 Seventeen years' Experience. OE THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Al'(it;ST20TH, mi State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aajlSnrp $42,000. Ill'or more than fifteen yearn thin institution Ian provided hanking fueili- 5 . e . .. . - . . -11 it I I: . 1 I : i .... : lies tor mis secuon. lis siocKiitiiuers am i uiriTiuin uutr urrn itiiMiuiii'M with the business inUrestmif Halifax ami Northampton counties fur many yean. Money in loaned upon Approved security at tin Iciral rate of interest nix percentnin. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided protits linviinr reached a miiii i qiial to the Capital stock, the Hank has, eoinmeueinir January I. lists, isi.iM.slied a Savings Department allowing interest on lime deposits ns follows: I'or Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer. - per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or louuer. t pi i eent. For further information apply to the I'resident or t ;i-h" i . I'Remmiknt: W. K. DAS1HU SEABOARD AIR LIITE . Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving a follows: Leave Weldon, " Raleigh, Arrive Charlotte, " Atlanta, " Birmingham, " Memphis. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. v For further information relative to rates, sched. ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II.HATTIS, District Passenger Agent,1"" Rallgb.C. The Kind You Have Always Bought .Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years N Hi 1 IT I'lM'MS "I Ull) North Carolina. AND EMBALMER. Hearse Service Any tn'll OCJ E V TMI CINTAUN M.HII(. NtW VMS (ITT. vick-1'Iif.miiikst: i (hiiich: Dk. II. W. I.KWIS, W. It. fMITII. (.laeknon, Northaniiton countyi o No. 41. 12:07 p. m. 4:10 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 12:10 p. m. 8:05 p. m. No. 33 11:38 p.m. 4:10 a. m. 10:05 a. m 5:00 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 7:30 a. m. THE. GOLDEN RULE. The Ootdcn Rule is a (lood One Hut It Needs a Diamond Point. T!ie very thing 1 do not want is t ) h;ivc my life measured out to mc hy the Golden Kule, for the simple reason that what others wary done unto them nre the very things very likely I do not want done unto me. My own individuality calls for a special measure. A yard rule may I he used for measuring the fustian of the peasant and the line linens the of prince, but what is desirable for one individual cannot be meas ured by what seems desirable to another. There is no common way in which our lives run in exact par allels. Divergent paths of oppor tunity and duty are many, and we may not measure others lives by our own. One woman, for instance, isonly happy in continual companionship. She is lonely and really miserable unless some one is near, respon sive to almost hourly demands. Another lives within herself, reaching out only at seasons for companionship. IZach of these in striving to live out the Golden Rule may make the other unhappy. The distance between widens rather than nar rows by use of this rule; irritation, impatience and probable loss of friendship are the result. Each feels aggrieved, the one feeling that her Golden Rule services are un appreciated, the one receiving a bitter sense of being misunder stood and cherishing a very strong wish to be let alone and allowed to live out her own life in her own way. The Golden Rule is a good one, hut it needs a diamond point that point being "Put yourself in his place" before measuring out to some one else even the best things that the most loving heart has to give to another. Sell-sacnhce other wise may be the most intense and inordinate selfishness. Only when we can say, "Not as I would have others do unto me, hut as others would have me do unto litem." have we reached the heart of the Golden Rule. (lit DeWitl'ti ( 'arbolized Witeh iu.i Sile when you lif k for it. There are a iriit many imiiutions, hut there is just one original. This salve is good for any thing where a salve is needed to lie used i Imt it is especially (rood for piles. Said l.y W. M. I'ohen, Weldou, X. ('. I Hardly anything would be more i foolish than for women to dress sensibly. Do you Wftnt 1 A Ol IUC11 Suit AND It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HOMEY, (Incorporated) LKADKItti, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street. RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING .IN FURNITUREfi 700 ElctrSc Bitters Succeed when everything els fails. In nerroua prostration and femalt wellnesses they are tht suprem remedy, ss thousand have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it to tht best medietas ever sold ovst a druggitt't counts. Choice "THE BETTER LAND." 1 hear thee speak of the better land, Thou callest its children a happy band; Mother, oh where is tluu radiant shore? Shall we not seek it and weep no more ? Is it where the llowerof the orange blows, And the fireflies glance through the myrtle boughs ?" "Not there, not there, my child !" "Is it where the feathery palm trees rise, And the date grows ripe under sunny skies? Or 'midst the green islands of glittering seas, Where fragant forests perfume the breeze, And strange, bright birds, on starry wings, Bear the rich hues of all glorious things ?" --"Not there, not there, my child ;" "Is it far away, in some region old, Where the rivers wander o'er sands of gold ? Where the burning rays of the ruby shine, And the diamond lights up the secret mine, And the pearl gleams forth from the coral strand ? Is it there, sweet mother, that better land ?" "Not there, not there, my child !" "Eye hath not seen it, my gentle boy ! Ear hath not heard its deep songs of joy; Dreams cannot picture a world so fair Sorrow and death may not entertere; Time doth not breathe on its fadeless bloom, For beyond the clouds, and beyond the tomb, It is there, it is there, my child ! THE ISLE OF BENJAMIN F. 0, a wonderful stream is the river Time, As it runs through the realm of tears, , With a faultless rhythm and a musical rhyme, And a boundless sweep and a surge sublime, As it blends with the Ocean of Years. How the Winters are drifting, like flakes of snow, And the Summers like buds between, And the year in the sheaf; so they come and they go, On the river's breast, with the ebb and flow, As it glides in the shadow and sheen. There's a magical isle up the river Time, Where the softest of airs are playing; There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime, And a song as sweet as a vesper chime, And the Junes with the roses are straying. And the name of that isle is the Long Ago, And we bury our treasures there; There are brows of beauty and bosoms of snow; There are heaps of dust but we loved them so ! There are trinkets and tresses of hair. There are fragments of song that nobody sings, And a part of an infant's prayer: There's a lute unswept, and a harp without strings; There are broken vows and pieces of rings, And the garments that she used to wear. There are hands that are waved when the fairy shore By the mirage is lifted in air; And we sometimes hear through the turbulent roar Sweet voices we heard in the days gone before, When the wind down the river is fair. O, remembered for aye be the blessed isle, All the day of our life until night; When the evening comes with its beautiful smile, And our eyes are closing to slumber awhile, May that "Greenwood" of Soul be in sight ! INTELLIGIBLE TO CLARK. Former Governor Sam Hauser, the Grand Old Man of Montana, was one of the witnesses in the in vestigation held by the United States Senate to find out whether the mining millionaire, William A. Clark, was entitled to his seat. "What did you do, Mr. Hau ser?" the late Senator Hoar asked. "I went to see Mr. Clark." "Where did you see him?" "In Butte City." "At his house?" "Yes, sir." "What did you say to him?" "I told him if he would loosen up he might have a chance to be elected to the Senate." "Loosen up?" said Senator Hoar. "Loosen up? I don't fol low you. Is that a mining (ern I do not understand what you mean." "Maybe you don t, snapped Hauser, "but Clark did." SHE nOT THE MONEY. The young wife of a Kaslo, B. C. man, who is not especially sweet tempered, one day approached her lord concerning the matter of one hundred dollars or so. "I'd like to let you have it, my dear," began the husband, "but the fact is I haven't that amount in the bank this morning that is. to say, I haven't that amount to spare, inasmuch as I must take up a note for two hundred dollars this after noon." "Oh, very well, James!" said the wife, with an ominous calm ness, "if you think the man who holds the note can make things any hotter for you than 1 can why, do as you say, James." LONG AGO. TAYLOR. REASON ENOUGH. Teacher Tommy, you should comb your hair before you come to school. Tommy Ain't got no comb. Teacher Then borrow your father's. Tommy Father ain't got no comb, neither. Teacher Absurd ! Doesn't he comb his hair? Tommy He ain't got no hair ! SHE WAS EASY. She Last night was the first time I ever heard you talk in your sleep, and you kept saying, "Four Kings," and once in awhile, "Full house." He Well, you see, I was down to the club last night playingcheck ers with a crack player and there was a full house watching us. NOT A GENTLEMAN. "Mr. P., how is it you have not called on me for your account?" "Oh, 1 never ask a gentleman for money." "Indeed ! How, then, do you get on if he doesn't pay?" "Why, after a certain time I conclude he is not a gentleman, and then I ask him." The liest pills made are DeWitt'i Utile Kurlv Risers, the famous little liver pills. They are small, gentle, pleasant easy to take and aet promptly. Sold hy W. SI. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. It takes a long time for a good resolution to catch up with the bad habit to which it always gives head start. CHIIdron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A STRAY YELLOW DOG. He Longed for Companionship and Sympathy and Returned Good For Evil. Ho w;ts a vagrant ami ma rauder in tho community. On ly a yellow dog that nohody 0Wlllll. You have: Hwn the typo -everybody has. Legitimate prey of the miiall hoy, object of scorn of all adult humanity, ranking lower in the scale ol life than the tuberculosis bacil lus and the vermiform appen dix, tho stray yellow dog has always been a elans hy himself uml always at the foot of his class. Although there is no record that any yellow individuals of the canine tribe shipped with Noah, there seems some reason to suppose they did. And from that damp period lit the world's history down to the other day, the annals of their descendants contain no entry justifying their right to be. This particular stray yellow dog was but a type of uncounted thous ands. Every town knows him. Every boy shies stones at him, and ties cans to his tail, and sends him skallyhooting out of the neighbor hood. It is at the expense of the stray yellow dog that the modern boy gives vent to the savage that that is in him, and goes unre proved. It is counted a virtue to kick the stray yellow dog. Profanity is ex cusable and hard cries pardonable when aimed at him. It is deemed the highest stroke of juvenile ge nius to starve him into despair and goad him to wrath then pronounce him mad and shoot him. This particular yellow dog; like all the rest of his class, was reck oned a murderer of midnight sleep, a purloiner of chickens, a pest un- namable and without a home. In short, he was catalogued as all his ancestors have been, with a little thrown in on the ground of cumu lative heredity. Well, the other day a boy coax ed this stray dog to him, and pat ted his head to gain his confi Jence. But only long enough to tie a tin can to his tail. Now, this dog was familiar with cans and quietly sat down, facing the boy with a look of sadness and reproach. Then the boy kicked the dog and started him off. He threw some stones after him to set him going. But when the dog had got beyond the reach of the stones he sat down again and resjmed his speechless reproaches. He liked that patting on the head. He longed for companionship and sympathy. The boy went to play on a raft in a pond, and when he fell off the raft, as, ot course, all bad little boys do, he came within a breath of drowning. No human help was near, and his plight was desperate. He was going down for the third time and vaguely grasped fbout him for the traditional straw, and his hands caught a mass of shaggy hair. The last thing the boy remem bered was his hanging on for dear life, and when his senses came back he was lying upon the bank, and the stray yellow dog was lick ing his face and whimpering with joy. A stray yellow dog with a tin can tied to his tail - can sometimes teach the highly superior human a lesson. Memphis Scimitar. Women may not he permitted to vote hut when they are healthy in mind and body they usually make the man vote their way, OvaloKuppositones used in conjunction with 1110 Kepcu, :!c Fa vorite. Tonic for Women, is an ideal health producer. Price ft. Sild hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, K. C. If a girl can pass her 30th birth day without detection she begins lo think the dates in the family re cord may have been slightly mixed. If you wish to sec yourself as others do, look at the man who does not take care of his health. To take care of your health, iiaePrs. lioagA Turhin's ) pepsia Tablets, price 50c. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. When a man has had occasion to employ a first-class lawyer, you can l convince him that talk is cheap. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA No man limps is hurt. because another WHErYTHE OCEAN BILLOWS ROLL. She Had Reached That State ol Collapse Which Marks the Lim- j it of Seasickness. j "1 was coining from Liverpool on one of the famous liners," says Bishop Potter, "and although the sky was clear and the iweather warm a somewhat tempestuous sea had occasioned more than the usu al amount of seasickness among the passengers. As 1 paced the deck one afternoon I noticed a lady reclining upon one of the benches, and the uncartljiy pallor of her face and the hopeless languidity of her manner indicated that she had reached that state of collapse which marks the limit of seasickness. "Touched by this piteous spec tacle, and approaching the poor creature, in my most compassion ate tone I asked: "Madame, can I be of any service to you?" "She did not open her eyes but I heard her murmur faintly: "Thank you, sir; but there is noth ing you can do nothing at all.' " 'At least, madam,' said I ten derly, permit me to bring you a glass of water.' "She moved her head feebly and answered: No, I thank you nothing at all.' "'But your husband, madam, said I, 'the gentleman lying there with his head in your lap shall I not bring something to revive him?' A U "The lady again moved her head feebly, and again she mur mured faintly and between the gasps: "Thank you, sir, but he is not my husband. I don't know who he is!' " FOR Biliousness Constiuatlon Headache i Indlgusiioii Dyspepsia Flatulency ; tvlakina I Chilis & Fever Jaundice Sleeplessness Nervousness Loss ot Appetite and all disorders arls' ii3 from Torpid Liver. TAKE IT NOW. VIIK UKNVI.NK lnikthA :KI7.on in. tniiit .it' .tell UAi'UuLft mid the U At i)0. tm tht' kI.Ii-, 111 ItKlt. m miiitur. Hial in ... ... .r....ii . v" ?. V Jur SicCAt.t. I VniHNS rfrrt fit, simplicity and .1- is. .Si:,l in liiay li.t- I niti-il Simps tt M.iti- .1 II nil lur litv .ilalni;: r. MALI'S MAGAZINE IVHNI1FHKHL INOIU KMF.NTS ii.-i in f .. fc i s w. Jim s;.. m w vo WE FURNISH ( A Koyal Keast to every one who ( buy their Rroceries at our store. ( All the seasonable delecacies are ( found in our store the yeart round. i1 CONFECTIONERIES ( FRUITS (! CROCKERY AND TIN (i WARE Vl Wooden and Willowware, Etc. (. Goods delivered promptly any. (j where in town. Tohte clerks, (jj I'hone No. SO. R. M. PURNELL, WKLllON, N. 0. HELLO! That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boardin House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard Want flour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER. r.rBktv vox J W Wedun, N. 0. Nervous Collapse I have traveled for thirty ,-ears continually. I lost a great al of sleep, which together with constant worry left me in such a nervous state that finally, after having two collapses of nervous prostration, I was obliged to give up traveling al together. 1 doctored continually ut with no relief. Dr. Miles' Nervine came to my rescue I cannot describe the suffering which this Nervine saved me. Whenever I am particularly nervous a few doses relieve me." A. G. C. LIIII'.Y, Wells, Me. There are many nervous wrecks. There is nervous pros- ration of the stomach, of the towels, and oilier organs, itie rain, the kidnevs, the liver, the nerve centers are all exhausted. There is but one thing to do uild up the nervous system by the use of Dr. Miles Restora tive Nervine. Its strength ening influence upon the nerv ous system restores normal action to the organs, and when they all work in harmony, health is assured. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all ac cording to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. We Ask You to take CarduJ, for your female troubles, because ve are sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy has brought reHef to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try 111 Sold in This City E. t c:lj.a.r,:k:, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. P. Practices in the courts of Halifax and lioininif counties and iu the Supreme ourt of the State. Special attention iven to collections and prompt return The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and luna; troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold every where. The gcnulna FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is In a Yellow package. Kefuaesubatitutea. Prepared only by Foley at Company, Chloata. E. CLARK. "Why Certainly You can afford it I 38 cents per week pays for a TELEPHONE at your RESIDENCE For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. O. ran MrottTtw iwtpntfit.tiitT. pkiMiignfc't- tvmki Oil HOW TO ? rW una. kkL lt- arsatra W til.-li ntvMi will UHf . H" tn Mvt ft jV i Bi.r.intli.wwiiiolliwftItuWlUorTiwMn, , n. SWFT-Acna PAT1MT LAWVtfttt, H Mrin B ..as. tit kiinckinutcn ft I F Mil FOLEY S HOHEYmTAR mmm lll,.ili)Bs.l--. i romp i? oiniuiHHi In ftU mjiii J