17th fr"1 Ji ) i 4 bp I Hi tel fa lli Jk it! i lfl& Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subription--$1..'0 Per Annum NO, VOL. XLIV. WELDON, N. C, TIUJHSDAY, AH-l'ST 12, !!))!. r.- iSi .M.CDIIOI, 3 HKK I. K N r. A ctffl ubU Preparation for.li similaiiffjiteFwdamlltahiii liiilJllrSioa'lisiU'ilUwtoisol For Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Si&nature PromoVs Di5i's!'oiif let iful i(L'ssaiitlIlrsioiilalnsiMir l).ii!ni.!lor!lilicnorMiai'rjL: tvOT N Alt C OTIC. Mil ,W- Miitai thptrmitt- . JUtmtKiutl'.in ('' Ar Anerffcl IWnwiIv forCoaslta lloii.SourStenuch.Diariiiuii Worms ,( oituiii toils rivnisn ncssamlLOSSOFSLEKK Fx Sit SUtauretf neW'yohk. in 1 I 1 In Use For Over Thirty Years A QUEER PARROT. Th Old Lady Had Reason For Bur prin Whin the Bird Spoke. A joiing ventriloquist, being out of it enmiieniont, deckled to pay his wid owed ndbci- it visit fur u few weeks. On iiniilnt! he found she wns not lit home. A few days nfler his nrrlTttl she appeared, brhiiditii wllh her n pur rot mill cniie which had hei-ii given tier by n relative. The lilnl not being nhle to talk, motln-i' and sou spent ninny tedious hours trying to Instruct the imiTut. After several futile efforts thpy gave the Job up In despair. Then ii happy lileii occurred to the ron. I 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 IiIh vi iiii'lioiiuiiu poivers Into reUlHlili.n, gently lit Hrst, he iniiile It ii 'I r to his mother that the bird 1 1 it. I really begun to talk. The mother not knowing tho nature of his nvocnlloii. lie was successful In deeply lui? her. He hnil nil engagement to ful fill whirl ciwdlnled his departure. Coining back lifter the tcrmlnntlon of his contract, he was lienrtlly received by his mother mill made very wcl coux Soon nfter his arrival home he commenced iiml enriled on a eouver r.ntlon. ns befoie. n l tho parrot No tlcliii; the lonk of consternation on the counteiiuni e of Ids mother, he Inquired what was the matter. Imagine his surprise when i-he replied: "Why. the parrot died whllo you were uway. and I had It stuffed und put bail; In the ease." Pearson's Weekly. I .1 The Way to Talk to Women. By JOHN DAUUl.TT. Dlplunial J J J J t'',,t OMKN' no longer want to ln-nr just pretty speeches. T ""J1 x "icy wa,lt ' ''s,on ,h lnrl) " '"V0 SOMETHING lffl I $ WORTH WIIII.F, to say. ' -c - i b. .u,.mfltfMwiea ma 1 1 ar yn- a.-ts n i ISHrlMflVIIIUIII Exact Copy of Wrapper. TNI CINT.U C.M..NV. NKW TONS .ITT. 30E Nu in I'linMiH '.'I iiml 30E71 I mnl .M. rpOl 30E3 II lAV PlIO.NK '. ti r. t t " r i t t i v ' T7" r. IN. vM AlLN DrVv.lV, Weldon, . . North Carolina. II Full Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night und Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere aoEaomx30i 30 on 3 THE BAN WLLDOX, X. C1- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Alyl'STL'tlTll. H!2. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of WeUlon Depository. Ca.5iM...!!.lSnIls'.. $42,000. Il'or more than fifteen vears this institution lias providul luitiline fseili ties for this seetion. Its stoekholders and directors lime bcrn identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties fur many vears. Money is loaned upon approved security at tin- leiral rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided profits liavinir reached a sum i .iiul to the Capital Stock, the Bank has, coiiiiiieueimr January 1. IfMS, i Mahlished a Savings Department alloninif interest on time deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed toreniain three months or lon-.vr. - per cent. Six mouths or louder, 3 per cent. Twelve inontlisor loiieer, I pel cenl. For further iiiformation apply to the I'resid. nt or t ashler. rxasiDiNT: W. K. DANIEL, vicK-i'itKsiuKvr: iasiiikk: Hii. II. W. I.KWIS, W. Ii. SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton county) OE SB SEABOARD Opportunity sometimes has to kick a man before ii can wake him up- A good story is better than solid factsfrom a literary point of view. It's just like a women to come home from a ball and put on more clothes to sleep in th in she wore to (l.mcc in. ne reason a boy can admire his fniher is the way he can cuss when he gets mad. Too lute to lock Hie stable door when the horse is mine. Zoo Colic lielief is the only one that reiuires no drenching and guaranteed to cure Colic in horses and cattle instantly. ISottle contains enough for ten cases, price $1. Sold by W. M. Cohen. Weldon. X. C. Occasionally a man is forced to cull on his "uncle" before he can raise the ante. Washington's Plague Spots be i'i the low. luarshv bottoms of the I'otoiuac. the breeding ground of mala ria germs. These germs cause chills, lever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general 'lability and bring siilleriiig or death to thou sands yeaily. Hut Kleetric Hitters nev er fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "They are the best all round tonic and cure for malaria I ever used," writes H. M. James, of Louellen, S C. They cure Stomach, Liver, Kidney und blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid Fever. Try them, "sic. (iuaranteed by all druggists. v It takes a woman to learn from a man things that he doesn't know. 1 Do you Want A Bridal Suit AND WHAT WOULD YOU THINK OF A WOMAN WHO ADDRESSED A CLUB MEETING Or MEN BY TELL- inq them how charming, how well gowned. HOW PRETTY, THEY WERE? WELL,' IT IS JUST AS ABSURD FOR A MAN TO THINK WOMEN CARE FOR THAT SORT OF TALK. Avornjre pitlicrint.'s of women today are just us anxious to listen to niMrossm of COMMON SENSE, OF PHACTICAL REASON ING, as are gatherings of men, and nothing is more, tiresome than the average ninn speaker who in the presence, of women patronizes them by his remarks, indulges in SILLY COMPLIMENTS and makes the conventional observations in regard to "the fair and weaker sex." IF MEN WOULD STOP TO THINK THAT A WOMAN'S MIND NATURALLY WORKS MORE QUICKLY THAN A MAN'S, THAT HER INTUITION IS MORE SPONTANEOUS THAN HIS, THAT SHE RE SENTS BEING TREATED A8 A CHILD AND YOUNG GIRL INSTEAD OF AS A GROWNUP PERSON WITH CAPACITY FOR MATURE THOUGHT, THEY WOULD STOP PUTTING 80 MUCH TWADDLE AND SO MANY U8ELESS COMPLIMENTS INTO 8PEECHES IN THE PRESENCE OF WOMEN. K Just becauso a woman does belong to the so called fair sex, because sho has that most desirable element of VAXITF, which causes Ler to wear becoming gowns, stylish hats and comely shoes, it does not follow that she is not just as KEEN IN HER MENTAL STAND ING AS SHE IS IN APPRECIATION OF APPROVAL. The old order of things has changed. New conditions liavo devel oped. The woman of the present wants to be UP TO DATE, and sho does not caro to wasto her time listening to a speaker who talks as if sho had not a mind of her own and had not PROGRESSED !AS THE WOULD HAS PROGRESSED. Tho position of woman all over the world today is bo yerj 'differ ent from what it was twenty-livo or lifty years ago that JEER NEWER INFLUENCE CALLS FOR NEWER TRE2JrMENT by those who would iiihlivss her on public occasions. MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. The Victim Said Nothing, but Did Heap of Thinking. At a railway station the other day "a gentleman from die country" yield ed to I lie pressing solicitation of a per tlslent newsboy and bought a penny weekly paper. Dot heie was ll illllii-ulty-a shilling, no change mnl the engine of the train giving iinniblakable evidence oi a speedy departure The bniralu was about to be can celed when I lie boy volunteered to get the shilling chaiigi'il Into pence. "Hut." mid Hie gent, "perhaps you will not ret urn Ith the 1 1 pence." The hoy's race wore an Injured look. "If Ji.ii are afraid to Irust me, ;lr," k.i 1.1 he. and there was the least trace of emotion hi his vol e, "you can have the other eleven copies us security." Something suspiciously like moisture dime Into the olil mans eyes ns lie gh I'd Into I he bright, open eoiiute- nance of the boy. mid he felt heartily nshaiiicd of himself as he me haul ally held out his lianil for the remaining eleven copies. lie watched the little fellow as ho trotted down the plalfoiiu till he sailed round a corner anil was lost to sight. Flt'lecn seconds later the engine gave tt tlual shriek, mid the train slowly glided out of the slalloli. The man clawed round at his fellow passengers mnl iiimfrd a copy of the paper to each one from his pile. He said nothing, but he seemed to be thinking -London Tll-lllts. Hi H Public Conscience Is Compelled to Admit That Railroads Are Benefactors. By Cl.ll I Oil ll 5. SIM). Vice President and C.neral Manager of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. I.L over this nation dining the past few years has spread an EPIDEMIC OF CORPORATION CRITICISM, which lias boon fulliiweil in nearly every state in this groat Union by drastic niiii-corpomtion legislation, usually ILL CON SIDERED' AND UNWARRANTED. Uortnntitclv for the country the depressed business conditions of tho past year, brou;;lit tilcmt hugely by this fear of hostility toward tho great transportation and other companies, have given a great many people of the country siiliicicnt time in which lo study this question. IN STUDYING IT, TO THEIR SURPRISE, THEY HAVE LEARNED THAT THE AMERICAN RAILROADS HAVE NOT BEEN OVERCAPI TALIZED AND ARE NOT OVERCAPITALIZED TODAY, 80 THAT THE FREIGHT RATES OF THIS COUNTRY ARE LOWER THAN THE FREIGHT RATES OF ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE KNOWN WORLD, AND THAT RAILROAD COMPANIES, IN8TEAD OF BEING THE OPPRESSORS OF THE PEOPLE, REALLY HAVE BEEN THE BENEFACTORS OF THE PEOPLE. One Use For Matches. A clerk In the black goods depart ment of a I'.i-oadway store put a box of safely matches 111 his poiket before leaving home. "They'll come In handy for my cus tomers!" he said, "not to light cigars or cigarettes my customers don't enioke In the si ore but to test the goods I hey buy. No doubt their trick Is iiutcdiliivinn. Kve may have tested fig leaves Just that way In the garden of Eden for all 1 know; but, no matter how old fashioned It makes a person seem, there are plenty of women who will not buy a piece of cloth without settlne a llghled mulch to one of the threads to see whether It bums or not. If the thread burns, the cloth Is part cotton, und the shopper won't have It. If ll doesn't burn, It's all wool, and she buys,"- New York tilohe. An Elephant Experience. A friend or mine told uie of a curl ous experience. lie was carefully talking a big bull elephant In u large herd, wl they got Ids wind, and a l.lsr cow elephant charged him. HeJ Jumped behind a large tree ns the elephant reached him. and. being un able lo slop herself In time. Hie ele phant drove her tusks Willi such force Into the trunk of the tree that they snapped off close to her head. The elephant was stunned for a moment, . but lui-kll.C turned and galloped after the fast retreating herd, leaving him the possessor of some eighty pounds of Ivory valued nt about $200. Circle Magazine. NATURE AS A CHEMIST. Feata Which the Higheit Exactitude of Science Cannot Rival. The bursting leaves of springtime Illustrate nature us a chemist who performs feats which tho highest ex actitude of scleucc cannot hope to ri val, lu a leaf Iho living matter is his chemist, and the cell Is his laboratory. By daylight the lf clnunlst Is ab sorbing the carbonic acid gas and Is decomposing this gas Into Its com ponent elements carbon and oxygen The carbon It Is retaining as part of the plant's food lo enter Into combina tion with water, und the oxygen It Sets free Into the atmosphere. By night this process ceases, for light Is an essential feature hi the operation. Out of the carbon and the water the leaf chemist will elaborate the sugar? and starches which the plant world affords. As sugar the products will pass from (he leaf to be stored up, as In the case of the potato, for example, so as to nfford a storehouse of food whereon (he plant may draw for Its sustenance and for the development of Its leaves and llowers when occasion conies. All the vegetable essences and acids, the scents and gums, the Juices which yield India rubber, the flavoring of fruits and even the color of the flowers are similarly the products of a constructive chemistry which beats man's best efforts to Imitate. Man fol lows nature, but at a distance. Chi cago Tribune. Swindling is the civilization. perfection of It's a corking good thing to bot tle up your wrath. You couldn't raise the hopes of some people with a derrick. Fear of consequences keeps a lot of men in the strait and nar row path. Leave not a sword in the hand of an idiot. GLOOMY DESPONDENT I THINKING OF THE I SUICIDE STUNT Newspapers Are as Useful as Colleges. WW V C Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dining C.i ani Pur"" Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving .as follows: No. 41. 12:07 p. m. Leave Weldon, " Raleigh, Arrive Charlotte, " Atlanta, " Birmingham, " Memphlt. 4:10 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 12:10 p. m. 8:05 p. m. No. 33 11:38 p.m. 4:10 a. m. 10:05 a. in. 5:00 p. nt. 9:50 p. in. 7:30 a. in. ' No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. bice Druggett ? It will pay you to come and see us. SYDHOR & HUNDLEY. H (Incorporated) LttADKRK, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMONd VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE! sched- For further Information relative to rates, ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. GATTIS. District Passenger Agent, Balelgb, N.C. Ilnl ectrlc liters Succeed when everything els fafla. In nervous prostration and female weaknetset they are the supreme remedy, aa thousand have testified. FOR KIDNEYiLIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it i the beet medicine ever told oei a drugglat'i counter. By Dr. HARRY PRATT JUDSUN, Pr.iid.nl of the University ofdikajo HE WORK OF THE NEWSPAPER IS AS USEFUL AS THAT OF THE COLLEGES THE MUCK RAKE MAY BE THE INSTRUMENT OF REFORM. THE 8ENSATIONAL WHEN IMPORTANT IS TO BE DESIRED, AND THE WONDER IS ' 'NOT THAT THE PRESS MAKE8 SO MANY ERRORS, BUT THAT IT MAKES 80 FEW. All men tiro purveyors of falso reports, partly because the TRUTH IS SO ELUSIVE, partly because it is so difficult to disassociate knowledge from beliefs and partly because of the inaccuracies of memory. As to sensationalism, tho line must be distinctly drawn between the newspaper which appreciates news value and tho newspaper which re gards violence as the mark of a good story. I believe that tho 1TH LIO IS BECOMING MORE CIVILIZED and that tho paper which elects to give importance to the news which is of real impor tance to the public will find an ever growing clientele. THE DEFECTS OF THE MODERN NEW8PAPER, LIKE THE DE FECTS OF OUR UNIVERSITIES, ARE NOT FOR THE THOUGHTLESS OR THE UNINFORMED TO POINT OUT. NONE OF US IS PER FECT. Aeroplanes Are as Safe To Ride In as Automobiles. By OR VILLE WRICIIT. Alr.hlo Inventor. VIATION is now nearlv AS SAFE AS RIDLM1 U. A BICYCLE OR IN AN AUTOMOBILE. Tha rocking of an aeroplane caused by varying air currents is of no more consequence than tho jars caused to the other vehicles by ROCKS IN THE ROAD or an uneven highway. THE FLYING MACHINE IS UNDER PERFECT CONTROL OF ITS DRIVER, AND THE ROCKING MOTION DUE TO COUNTER CUR RENTS OF AIR IS EXACTLY THE 8AME ON THE AERIAL ROAD WAY AS THE UNEVEN MOTION EXPERIENCED BY A MOTORCAR OR A BICYCLE IN PASSING OVER A BADLY BALLA8TEO HIGH-WAY. Baked Tamala. Boil until lender one small chicken or that ninouiit of any tender meat. The meat from soup hones Is fine used this way, and veal Is as good ns chick en. In fact, you can use to advantage any tender leftover iiieaL Strain off the broth, remove the bones and break luto small pieces. Put Into a frying pan two tahlespoonfiils of lard or drip pings and when hot add two tnuie spoonfuls of dour and let brown a little. Then add the incut, salted to taste, with one cupful of broth aud two tahlespoonfiils of chill powder, btir and cook ten inluutcs. Set off to cool aud udd a small cupful of raisins (whole) and nbout the same of olives. Now make a stiff batter of three cup fuls of cornmeal and one of flour, salt ed. Into which Is rubbed three-quarters of a cupful of lard or drippings, mois tened with oue beaten egg and one cup ful of broth. Line a deep pan with the butter aud bake one hour. Delineator. AVO FORGET IT SIMMONS LIVER Rf.CUl.ATOR Bill th. Ll.r t. Healthy Action -and- MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING. Rheumatic Pains "My mother is a preat suf ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills is the only remedy that relieves her." MRS. G. D.WI-Xl'ORT, Roycclichl, N. J. The pains of rheumatism are aliuusl invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' A nt i 1 '.tin Pills. They also overcome thai nervous irri tation which prevents sleep be cause they soothe ihe nerves. To chronic sutlers they ate invalu able. When taken as directed, they relieve the distress and save the weakening influence of pain, which so froiucntly pros trates. Many sufferers use them whenever occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why not you? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. Why not try them? Get a pack age from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. We .Ask You to take Cardul, for your female troubles, because ve are sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy VVINEfi OF 1 has brought relief to thousands of 1 other sick women, so vny not xo you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it Is "the bsst medicine to take." Try It I sola in iius vny , n i OLABK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, YVELH0X, N.C. Practices in the courts ofllalifax and adjoining counties and iu the Supreme court of the Mate. Special attention given to collections and prompt return POLE Calling Namea. The late Peleg W. Chandler, who was hard of hearing, was oue of the most cffeetlvo of war time speakers. Every occasion Illustrated his elo quence and demonstrated the quick ness of his repartee. At one meeting ha was frequently Interrupted by a blackguard at the rear of the hall, who kept shoutlnit. "Why don't you go yourself?" l'or a time Mr. Chandler's deafness prevented him from catching the eiaet nature of the Interruption, of which he had been for some time conscious. At Inst Mr. Chandler caught the words of the disturber. Then, lu the mlltifst accents, which emphnslied the force of the words, be aid, "Young man, If my ears were aa good as yours and as long aa yours I shouldn't be here tonlglitl" Argonaut Mcl'ALL I VlltllNS Mct'AM.'S MAGAZINE M.,-0 ..li..i.lvi I.'.'" i,i.iii.iiinc-i''li,"i a i'1''11' , -l ivle, .J ti Jill Vft-ILt. If you wish to see yourself as others do, look at the man who does not take care of his health. To take care of your health, useDrs. Hoag & Turbin's Iy pepsia Tablets, price rsle. told by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N.C. An easy beginning doesn't al ways justify the finish. CHlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Condolences are all very well, but do not renair the damage caused by in ferior medicines. I'm. lloag ATurbin's Headache Tablets for all Winds of head aches of headaches, price H."c. and we can show you. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Time will tell unless the gos sips beat it under the wire. F0LEBK0NEMA1 top tii eougb aaaa ian Evolution of th Modern Play. With the decay of dialogue lu Im portance less attention lias been paid to delivering it so exquisitely as to give value to it for Its own sake. And to by degrees we came to the mod ern play. In which everything Is sue- rltlecd to vralscmulauce, soliloquies tr i.ixHiod. and people talk as they do lu reul life naturally and entirely to the point Era. Temperate. Grimsby So you want to marry my daughter, sir! What are your princi ples? Are you temperate? Fledgely Temperate! Why, 1 km so strict that it gives me pain even to And my boots ttght-Londoo PIck-Me-TJp. It Depend. Wigwag (trying to think of insomnia) When you haven't been able to lep for about a week what do you call It? Youngpop-What Is It, a boy or glrlT Philadelphia Record. Women may not be permitted to vote but when they are healthy in mind and body they usually make the man vole their way. Ovalo Suppositories used in conjunction with Vino Hepcna, the Fa vorite Tonic for Women, is an ideal health producer. Price SI. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. ( Too many men try to build skv-scraoer on a one-story foun dation. , ,.! ,. ',.t lv ol i r i.i.i I,- i-rf,,-t fit, simlitkitv anil ill v, .... S.'ld in m;oly . ,. ili ll . t'n.u.l Soli-a in. a ml Jim I. Mote J" . I U..I1 Sti..t l.tr 1:lx- c.l i Y'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSI BUBSTITUTtS. E. CLARK. Just ll. ,'l.i-r f.i-li..i :,al'l.-. 1 .11- .iHiiifltp, i:t'-"t M-:it iotlll ,l..ul.k'l WOlt:, li.litilic-. t-li". tin V fill i '" I - , l.lii.S .1 Ini- r n. tni.l si1'- ''"i'V. 'ON1IFKFVL INMICFAIENTS ;, . -tie-. P.-I-.I !" I"'",""!1 :-u-!' UK McTALL CO.. 238 to U W. 37111 51.. ni.n iu. Think! WE FURNISH !) () ) ( A Koval Feast to every one who. ( l.nv Iheir irroreries at our store. ; ( All the seasonable delecacies are jj e .... i :.. .in-. llu. veur found in round. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY ANDTIN WARE ''Wooden and Willowwaie, Etc. ( Goods delivered promptly any (, where in town. Polite clerks. f t'boue So. SO. (1 WKLDON, N. C. R. M. PURNELL, The Whole Town at Your Elbow for 5 cents Per Day I I!) HELLO! A Telephone hi your residence That. All! For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, - . N. O. That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want Hour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C promi'tiy oMAiiwd in nil nyimtin: OB 0 Ft-TRAPS-MARKS, ( 'fxvftfttll iNl Top rtUl.lB Inf-ml. K.Mi.t Kkrtfh, Mwtei Of I'huto, for met HlfORToii 1-Hteirtfll.lUty. I'alrmismel ioeoxcluiuVHr. BANK fttrtRCNOtft. Rprid 4 will in Mamr lor Htl two mwmMf books On MOW TO OITAIH T1 Lt. PAT INT. W lii. h owe will pnr. Hur t (' Prt iwr, lAU-nt lw and ottw TliWeinI(riHaMua. D.SVIFT&G0, PATINT LAWViSH, 303 Seventh 8t, WaiWwjtwi, 0. C

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