A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, VOL. XLlV. WKLDON, N. (., THURSDAY, AHU'NT !), HUM). NO. Hi tun uiBm wife. (yy qLjj KENTUCKY HOME. l1 KO 1 S A And Flirtation Contributes to Highest Human Happiness. Ill HAD 1111 Ull W .,;,, 11 A AiuX lu Ch-yfT swr ,.m. :w; jnrv rl Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and w hich lin been In tine for over UO year, lint borne tho M'n;iluro or .Hid Ims nopniiuiilotimlor Ills ir I BiipervlHlmi slnco its Inl'iuuy. Allow uo ouo toilccclvo you In this. Alt Counterfeits Imitation) And Juxt-tw-ifootl" ure lint KiperliiN-nts that trifle with nd euilni;rr tlio health of IutUuta and Children Experience against KxperiiiiouU What is CASTORIA C'ustorla In a linmilcHS gubstltute for Cantor OH, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing; Syrifb It U 1'leasant. It contiilim neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its nge In its if-iaruntco. It destroys Worm nnd allays Fevcrlsliness. It cures Dlarrho:a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teotlilnjr Troubles, eures Constipation mid Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Htonuu'H mid liowels, giving' healthy and nuturul sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J ; The flirt by which is generally : meant the feminine inconsistatit ! is by no means the cold and heart less being nf the novelist's misrep : rcseniution. Sir Walter Scott knew i better when he wrote that woman "in our hours of case, uncertain, ; coy, and hard to please," is to j mankind's pain and sorrow it vet i I table "ministering angel." It is remarkable how often a girl I who has had a score of hearts a- flutter, a dozen pale flaxen scalps , dangling at her girdle, and who is, ! therefore, set down by her elders i as more effervescent and volatile i than perfume makes one of the ! most domesticable of wives and mothers when her time comes to ! marry. The face once wreathed I with light, mocking laughter be ' comes beautifully serious over a j cradle; the favor that was once ! dispensed among any number of ; candidates for her girlish heart and voun8 sineer- ' hand becomes a woman's love to This song was written by Stephen Collins Foster, a resident of Penn sylvania, while he and his sister were on a visit to Judge John Rowan, a short distance east of Bardstown. One beautiful morning, while the darkies were at work in the cornfields and the sun was shining with a mighty splendor on the waving grass.sfirst giving it the color of light red, then changing it to a golden hue, there were sealed upon a bench in front of the Rowan homestead two young people, a brother and a sister. High up in the top of a tree was a mocking bird warbling its sweet notes. Over in the hidden recesses of a small bush the thrush's mellow song could be heard. A number of small negro children were playing not faraway. When Foster had finished the first verse of the song, his sister took it from his hand and sang in a sweet, mellow JULIET GOT THE LIGHT. A Signal Rocket Was (Jiven By Mistake. Him FOR LATHER AND MOTHER. The Little hearts Outlet. Want An The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. upwtt n-tT, nvm Ton orrr. OE 0EXE30E OE Dav 1'hone 2.1. Xioiit I'iionkm mid ."4. u P.N.STALNBACK, Weldon, North Carolina. Full Line ol CASKETS. COITINS and ROBES. Day, Night nnd Out-of-Town Colls Promptly Attended to. fl H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMHALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. IOC 01 0ESEZ30E be bestowed, for always, upon one ' man out of the whole wide uni ' verse. i Flirtation, wisely understood, is I ' perhaps the means by which na ' ture has insured the widest possi ! ble range of selection, and hence i in the long run the highest attaina j ble degree of human happiness. Philadelphia Ledger. ! Too lull) to lock Hie stable door when the borne ix gone. Zoo Colic Ueht'f is tin- only one that requires no (lrencliinjr unit guaranteed to core Colic in homes I ami cattle instantly, bottle contains I cniniiili for ten cases, price ft. I Sol, I bv W. M. Cohen. Weldon. N. ('. Nothing can make a girl morej I indignant than to treat her as a flirt ! except to treat her as if she didn't ' know how. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, N. Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Artil'STSUTII, nee. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. P.a? L1!!.:? Sa rpl - $42,000. l-'or more than fifteen years this institution lias provided bunking facili ties Tor this section. Its slock Homers aim inreeiom iimr- m-m mruum . Willi the business interests of Halifax and Soitliainpton counties lor many years. Money is limned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided profits having reached a sum equal to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. conimencitii.' .bwniiiry 1, UJ'X, established a Havings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three mont lis or longer, t per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelvo months or longer, 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or ( ashler. I Washington's Plague Spots ' lie i i the low, marshy bottoms of t lie Potomac, tlie breeding ground of mala I ria germs. These germs cause chills, I fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, i lassitude, weakness and general debility and luing sull'ering or death to tliou i sands yearly. Hut Klcetrie Hitters iiev- er fail to destroy tl i and cure malaria ! troubles. "They are the best all round tonic ami cure for malaria I eer used," ! w rites It. M. James, of houellen, 8 (.'. ' 't hey we Stomach, Liver, Kidney and ' lllood Troubles and w ill prevent Typhoid , Fever. Try thein, 'me. (luaranteed by all druggists. 1 Some engagements end happily i and some end in marriage. At some stage of the game every man poses as his own hero. voice : The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home; 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay; The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom, While the birds make music all the day. The young folks roll on the little cabin floor, All merry, all happy and bright; By-'n'-by hard times comes a-knockin' at the door Then my old Kentucky home, good-night. On her finishing the first verse the mocking bird descended to a lower bough. The feathery songster drew his head to one side, and appeared to be completely enraptured at the wonderful voice of the When the last sweet note died away upon tne air, ner fond brother sang in a deep, bass voice : Weep no more my lady; oh, weep no more today; We'll sing one song for the old Kentucky home, For pur old Kentucky home far away. The darkies had laid down their hoes and rakes; the little tots had placed themselves behind tlie large, sheltering trees, while the old black women were peeping around the corner of the house. The faithful old house dog never took his eyes off the young singers. Everything was still; not even the stirring of the leaves seemed to break the won derful silence. Again the brother and sister took hold of the remaining notes, and sang in sweet accents : They hunt no more for the 'possum and the 'coon On the meadow, the hill and the shore ; They sing no more by the glinmer of the moon On the bench by the old cabin door. The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart, With sorrow where all was delight; The time has come when the darkies have to part Then my old Kentucky home, good-night. The head must bow and the back will have to bend Wherever the darkies may go; A few more days and the trouble all will end In the fields where the sugar cane grow. A few more days for to "tote" the weary load No matter 'twill never be light; A few more days till we totter on the road Then my old Kentucky home, good-night. As the song was finished tears flowed down the old darkies' cheeks; the children crept from their hiding places behind the trees, their faces wreathed in smiles; the mocking bird and thrush sought their homes in the thicket, while the old dog still lay basking in the sun. At a small seaport town a star actress of the third magnitude ap peared as Juliet. "I cannot do justice to myself, ' she said to the manager, "if I dp not have a limelight thrown on me when I appear at the balcony." "We ain't got no limelight, miss, but I think we could get you a ship's blue light," replied the obliging manager, and to this the lady agreed. The lad who went to the shop to buy the blue light brought back a signal rocket, which was given to him by mistake. The prompter took the rocket in good faith. Romeo He jests at scars who never felt a wound. (Juliet appears. Prompter lights a match.) "But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?" (This was the match lighting the fuse.) "Arise, fair sun!" The sun, or rather the rocket, did rise with a terrific hiss. Juliet was knocked off the balcony, the fly borders were set on fire, and the theater was filled with a sul phurous smoke, while the audi ence, which was fortunately a small one, made a stampede to the doors. Since then "Romeo and Juliet" has always been looked upon in that town as a dramatic work that could not be witnessed without personal danger. London Ex press. DOES THIS MEAN YOU ? Do not mother at your house work, father in your study do not be always "too busy." The j heart wants an outlet, the up- j raised bud wants a kis, the lit- j tie hearts have something to j tell you, a little grief to bring ; a small iov. a iratne of play ex- ! I tiected now urul then. Ah, he- j ware! Those requirements will j slacken and will cease, if it ho ' too often. "Now run away, j dear, father is busy." "Don't I he troublesome, dear, mother j must do her work." j Of course there must be cheeks sometimes; of course, overindulgence is the worst kindness. But he not, as a rule, repellant, unsympathetic; they will go elsewhere, after a while, with their little confi dences, their little wants, their little losses, their little griefs and joys, their little winning ways, with the refreshment of their pure, delightful beings. Perhaps you will be sorry then then, when the mischief is done sorry when the dew toy is no longer, as a matter, of course, brought first to "fath er" to see; when the toddling feet seek elsewhere hut to moth er for drying of tears, when the patter of the unsteady feet al ways passes your door. Ah, you will be sorry then, that you were so foolish, sorry that you scared the birds away. prksidbnt: vieB-l'amiiiK.vr: W. K DANIEL, I. H. W. I.F.WIS, (Jackson, Northampton county) i asiiikii: W. U. SMITH. SEABOi1 lRI) AIB LINE Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. i TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room j Sleeping Cars. j Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the I Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon. p. m. 11:38 p. m. " Raleigh. 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a.m. Arriv. Charlotte. 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a. m. " Atlanta, 8:45 m- 5:00 P- m Birmingham, 12:10 p. m. 9:50 p. m. " Memphis, ' 8:05 p. m. 7:30 a. m. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to c, it. GATTIB, District Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C. Do you Want Bridal Suit AND Choice Druggctt ? It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY. (Incorporated) LEADERS, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE WE ALL KNOW 'EM There is a man in our town, his like is hardly known, He never drinks nor smokes nor swears, and always stays at home, He never chews nor lies nor fibs nor does a thing that's wrong, That's why I write this little verse, to remember him in song, He's paralyzed. There is another man in town who also is all right, His wife can tell you where you'll find him tmy night, He never flirted, praised nor fawned upon a maiden fair, Won't even look at beauty, nor at wealth of golden hair. He's blind. There's a man who lives on Gay-Hill Street, won't listen to a thing, The gossips may keep gossiping until they make things ring, Won't go to hear good preaching, nor music, nor the band, Won't cross the street if Sembrich were singing at the "Grand." He's deaf. There also was a man in town who combines them all above, And went a step beyond them wouldn't even fall in love. He was a model man for sure, as you may well suspect, Belonged to a peculiar class just one of the Elect. He's dead. The wilful, determined purpose of a certain class of persons is to cheat honest people and with hold from them money that is earned and justly due them, for the sole purpose, as observation will show, that they may live well on money "saved" by not, paying as many of their customers as pos sible. Shame on this sort of per sons. The pity is that these dead beats and frauds are not systemati cally listed by all classes of honest business men for their mutual pro tection. Such persons ought to be set down on and set down on hard by every honest business man. Durham Sun. WONDERFUL WOMAN. Woman is the masterpiece. onfucius. Women teach us repose, civility, nd dignity. Voltaire. There is a woman at the begin- ing of all great things. Lamar- nne. Woman is the last at the cross and earliest at the grave. Woman is the most perfect when the most womanly. Gladstone. Woman is born for love, and it is impossible to turn her from ask ing it. Ossoli. HE MISUNDERSTOOD. Reflections of a SBacielor Sirl. BY HELEN ROWLAND. Percy Pickle Aw 1 thought I heard you tell Miss Wose that you ere never kissed by a man? Miss Tabasco So I did. Percy Pickle But aw paw- don me; 1 kissed you lawst night. Miss Tabasco 1 said a man. Elec Succeed when (vcrything elM fails. In nervous prostration and female wetknenea they are the iuprttn remedy, at thoueandi have unified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVERAND STOMACH TROUBLE it fat the best medicine ever eold over a drug gift's counter. Matrimony is not pay-as-you-enter-car, but a taxicab in which you pay-as-you-go-and the longer you keep il going, the heavier you pay! Love is a game in which the girl is the prize for which a man plays a wire the surprise he sometimes gets. What are the very sweetest things in life ? The first love affair, the fiisi kiss, the first ci:r, the first baby -and the first day after your divorce. The air of lofty virtue with which a man comments on a woman's "H..Mhtfi,t nai" i almost humorous, considerine that there is never any doubt at all about his own past. The swiftest thing about a taxicab is usually the kind of people who ride in it. Nowadays a man feels hurt if a girl seems insulted when he tries to kiss her, because he only does it just as a special tavor. A good wife can sometimes lead a husband in the way he should go but not after he has started going some other woman s way. a man's iHp ofdisnlavins firmness of character is to find out first what his wife wants him to do and then proceed firmly not to do it. If the suffragists do succeed in establishing juries composed of wo menHeaven help the other women! It always gives a man a cold shock if a girl's hand-made complexion comes off on his tailor-made shoulders. Don't trv to flatter a man by telling him that you "understand" him because down in his heart every man secretly cherishes the illusion that he is a deep, dark, fascinating mystery, After the first vear. married women put on plain black cotton stock- ings and stop wearing silk hose because it seems such a waste of money to pay a high price lor sometnmg mat noDouy cvci iuuns hi. Spring is the time of the year when hearts, like vegetables, are at their tenderest. Nervous Prostration "I suffered so with Nervous Prostration that I thought there was no use trying' to get well. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and although skeptical at first, I soon found myself re covering, and am to-day well." MRS. 1). I. JONES, 5800 Ilroadway, Cleveland, O. Much sickness is of nervous origin. It's the nerves that make the heart force the blood through the veins, the lungs take in oxygen, the stomach di gest food, the liver secrete bile and the kidneys filter the blood. If any of these organs arc weak, it is the fault of the nerves through which they get their strength. Dr. Miles' Nervine is a specific for the nerves. It soothes the irritation and assists in the generation of nerve force. Therefore you can hardly miss it if you take Dr. Miles' Nervine when sick. Get a bottle from, your druggist. Take it all ac cording to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. GLOOMY THINKING Of THl SUICIDE STUNT ? AND FORGET IT We Ask You to take Cardul. for four female troubles, because vs are sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy: YVlNEf OF 6 Bhas brought relief to thousands of 4l. n. atU mm an an aihi. nAf ff1 you For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I m . a a . m.i. Ml a soia in hub vny , n li.T CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON, N. C. Practices in Hip courts of Halifax and ailjoiuiii(r counties ami it, the Huprame court of tlie Mate. Special attention given to collections anil prompt return SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR ftUr Hi Uvar lo HMllhy Aotfon MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVIKC. FOLEY'S H0NEYTAR MeCAI.L PATTERNS l"ilt'lr.i!ci tor Btvlf, pfnt'ci m, wmjiiut, ". rrliiilnhty ne.rlv 4U jcais. Sold in ufarly r.trr city nnd town in the Unilnl Smt-i "nd liiiM.Ui, or bv liwil direrl. Mote told than y other make. Send lor Irrc caUloec. MeCALL'S MAGAZINE Morf .ubscnheii Ihan any mai.atio-million a month. Invaluable Lat est itvles, pattern!.. ,lrrsn,aln. imlhnrry, olain i-wim.lancy needlework, lialtilr.iiil. etiquette, Rood tnrie, etr. Only 1 crnls a year (wnrtli double), InchiiliiiR a tree pattern. SuKcribc today, or .end (or .unipli- copy. WONOFBrtll. INDUCEMENTS 1 Altents. Toxlal nrini;. prromini . w .... ml new cash prUe oilers. Aildre.s Oil MeCMl CO., Ul l l W. l SI- If you wmli to see yourself as others ilo, look at tlio man who tines not take care of liis health. To take care of your health, use Ins. Unas A Turhin'a l'ys- epsia Talilets, price ;HK Hold by V. M. I'olicn, Weldon, N. L. The strange thing about money is what it looks as if it could do for you limit you have it. I'otiiltilenees are all very well, but lo not repair the damages caused by in ferior medicines. Drs. Hoa A lurbiu a Headache Talilets for all Kinds of head aches of headaches, price c. and we can show you. Sold by W. M. Cohen, eldon, N. C, The only thing in the world woman can be entirely frank about is being seasick. Women may not be permitted to vote but when they are healthy in mind and body they usually make the man vote their way. Ovalo Suppositories used in eoniunction with Vino ltepeue, the Fa vorite Tonic, for women, ib an uieai health producer. Price $1. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C Where most people have great self-control is about their generos ity- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold every where. The genulna FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR Ula a Yellow package. Kef use substitutes, Prepared only by Foley Company, Otiloeg. E. CLARK. in case of Accident WE FURNISH ( ! A Koyal Keast to every one who ( buy their groceries at our store. ( All tlie seasonable delecacies are 1 found in our store tlie ycatl ) 1 round. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CRCCfCCRY AND TIN WARE Wooden and Willowware, Etc.; Uoods delivered promptly any Iwhere in town. Polite clerks. I'hone No. W. R. M. PDRNELL, WII.DON, K. 0. HELLO! to use the Telephone just one time MAY BE WORTH A YEARS RENTAL As Little as Five Cents Per Day places one in. your residence. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, -" N. O. That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup. per. V. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. 2 Alt oUUltjWl 111 ftH wuimilt's OR UO rtt TII4lllt-lillli,l'TtBtid(Tri(thUi:'-t m I tot c rod. hrmi KHMcn, jhmj ot rwmi, r miiwroiiT on 1wtTOffii.1i try. iMiMiiiifw r Itipua 4 renin in mitiiii' iw"tirii'i'i" f book! on mow to obtain mi uu. cat- CNTt. Whirl, on will PT How c f hrt. rtrr, ilit 1 and ol Iwr valuable inioru, ai.ua. p D. SWIFT i GD.; 303 Savenik St., tuUi,jiua, D. C