iljH lift llf tier'1 itf lui hit mwn fei ill L is Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XLIV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum; WKLDON, X. ('.-, THURSDAY. SKl'TKMUKR I(J, !!))!. XO. 20 s 1 Mi 1 f I MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. The Kind Yon Have) Always Bought, and which lias been In use for over 30 years, La. borne tlio Hlcmilure of - and bus been made under liin per GLjcXrfjt' "onal M,,Prvllon Blnco IU Infuney. veuvy -cucWl. AJlownoonetodecolvojoulnthls. All Counterfeits', Imitation Bud " JiiHt-us-ifooil" uro but Experiment tlutt trllle with and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castorla Is a hai-tnle nubitltute for Castor Oil. Pare, gorle, Drop and Soothing Syrups. It ia lMeasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine noi' other Narcotic) Mibstanec. 1 is ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foveri.)incss. It cures DUrrhosa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Truuhles, cures Constipation and Fiiituleney. It assimilate tlio Food, regulates the Htoimu'b and Bowel, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The W You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 0 10 IQL IOC Day I'iionk 2"i. Niiiiir I'niiNKM 24 and 54. P. N. STAINBACK. D EUXDKItTAKKll,: Weldon, North Carolina. Full Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. nOE OE n THE BANK OF WELDON AVKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AUorsTarrii, im. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?.a?!!iLilfi ..s.Qrl!!sL.. $42,000 . fKor more than HfWn yearn this institution lias provided bunking facili ies for thin section. Its stockholders and directors have been idcntitied with the business interests of llalifux and Northampton counties for many years. Money is limned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts ol'jill are solicited. The surplus and undivided profits hauug readied a sum eipial to tlir Capital Htock, the Bank has, commencing January I, Was, established a Havings Department allow iug interest on time deposits us follows: For Deposits allowed toremain three mouths or lunger, li per cent. Six inon Ihs or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or loutrea, 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. rBKSIDKNT: W. K. DANIEL, VK'K-ritKSLllKNT: !. it. w. lkwis, (Jacksuu, Northampton county) (ASItlKK: W. K. SMITH. Can We Presume the (Irent Crea tor Made You Especially to Su perintend the Universe. Tim f iH'f jn-ti lit'' wiii'iIh; fniir in iiiiuiIht. ami refer ili rccllv tn H e hi i m M 1 1 1 i 1 1 u' . nf'tw I iiiLf, I'uiilt liitilhi'.; inisrliiiT ina kt'fM. I't "ir v Ik never miml their urt n Iut ri iif-H li t' like the Htii'i i wliillVi (ln'H. (hut iiienl wiins harking, biiiinf, nipping ami nahliiiin siiiiihody. Can we presume lint threat Creator niaile you especially to 8iiper inteml the Universe, uml to he eternally pryiiitf, incilillhiK ami seekino; to control anil direct every hoily's alVairs. It is enough to make ono in dignant to see what pains home people (jo to ferret out the plans of others, and start a hit of gossip. They leave their own gardens to grow lull of weeds, while they are trying to hold up before everybody the few they pull from their neighbor's. 0, how they toil to rob those of their reputation, their pence, their prosperity nnd pleasure. They do everything hut mind their own business. They nev er discern their own faults and follies. Hy the time the whole trnVn is criticised, and judg ment pronounced, they've not a moment left than to congrat ulate themselves on their own o'iiihI works. I' 'ople who dou't miml their own business; bring more mis ery into families, societies and churches than everything else. They turn tins pleasant, peace ful stream of good will into a loathsome pool; they intrude on ground where angels would even fear to tread. Now, minding ones own bus iness is the very best remedy fur the itching ears that are never satisfied with hearing, and the busy tongue that hur ries to speak cruel words. Mind ing your own business will turn your attention to self, and you will forget to watch so closely the shortcomings of others; it will make peaceful homes, happy neighbors, anil quiet consciences; and you will be able to realize and more fully comprehend the truth spoken in holy writ, "Hlessed are the Peacemakers." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SEABOARD AIB LINE Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY - With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections msde at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving a follows: No. 41. 12:07 p. m. 4:10 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 12:10 p. m Do you Want A Bridal Suit AND Choice Leave Weldon, - " - Raleigh, Arrive Charlotte, " Atlanta. Birmingham, Memphis, 8:0S p. m. No. 33 11:38 p. m. 4:10 a. m. 10:05 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 7:30 m. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers " to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further information relative to rates,jjched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon. N. C. Or write to C. II. OATHS, ' District Passenger Agent, . ' RnUlgh.N.C Dr-uggett ? It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNGR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LEA.)i:iS, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING1 IN FURNITURE WONDERFUL LAND-NEVERMORE, ! There's a wonderful place in the mystical past, For the days that one time have been; Into which Vainer Time doth so many things cast, Which occur in the frail lives of men. There are many events, in the passing of days, Of which lime, from all a;;cs tore; And the things once there placed, forever will stay, In the land of the vast -"Nevermore." U what a collection of things, to that land, Have gone since the morning of time ! We could as soon number the small grains of sand, Which cover the shores of all climes. There are treasured events, which are dear to the heart, Tor which we, of time, vain implore, But once we permit ihem from us to depart, They're lost in the land "Nevermore." This land's strewn with fortunes lost, risked for a gain, And hopes which forever have gone; And friends and our loved ones we sigh for in vain, But o'er whom death's mantle is drawn, "O where are my pleasures ? frail man often moans, "O time please, my lost hopes restore !" "I can't, if I would," says time in mild tones "They're gone to the land "Nevermore." "Such a horrible place !" shrieks man, in his haste, "Which doth all my happiness .hold; O why should there be such a desert of waste? Which 'tween me and pleasure, hath rolled !" Nay ! nay ! weak mortal you're rash in your speech, As if I'd your losses restore; But they're gone forever, as soon as they reach The land of the vast "Nevermore." "O please, Father Time, roll backward the years, And give me my treasures again ! My pleasures! my treasures !" man pleads in his tears, But all of his pleading is vain. You know not, weak mortal, for what you have plead, The days of your pleasures are o'er; So cease now, your ravings be quiet instead They're gone to the land "Nevermore." Said time, "O weak mortal ! lost hope ne'er return, But you should not dare to complain; For dangers and toils, of which you must learn, This land, too, doth also contain. There is sickness and sorrows, anguish and tears, And the burdens and pains which you bore, Which now, all are gone, with the flight of the years, To the land of the vast "Nevermore." "O mortal ! weak mortal ! If for what you have plead, Were granted for you once again; Did you know that you'd rob many graves of their dead, And also bring sickness and pain? And though the land's tilled with wrecked friendships and such Losses, which grieve the heart sore; But, too, there are heart-aches and miseries, much, That are gone to the land "Nevermore." Don't let opportunities pass without heed, As though, forever, they'd last; m For after they're gone, you'll then see the need Of using the present then past. Now's moments are golden no future we know, And fortune, but once knocks at your door; So use well the present, before it shall go To the land of the vast "Nevermore." ENEMIES OF THE KISS. IN HOT WATER. LADY OF MINK. Lady of Mine, with the wide gray eyes, Wistful and wise and smiling, Warm with the glow of the thoughts that rise Out of their depths beguiling; Troubled with sorrow or bright with tears, Who is to make them shine Softly aglow through the coming years, Lady of Mine? Lady of Mine, with the soft warm lips, Filling my heart with longing, Promising heaven's and earth's eclipse, Swiftly the dreams come thronging; Dreams of a future with you with you, Pulsing my veins like wine, Promising happiness, sweet and new, Lady of Mine. ' Lady of Mine, I have little to give, Only a love unending, Only the years we have left to live, Only an arm for fending;' Troubles away in those parts to come When I kneel to a single shrine, You, my dearest, just you and home, Lady of Mine. lectrSc Bs"S:e&s 8uccf od when everything cist hits. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE h it the bee medicine ever sold ever a druggist's counter. Relentless Reformers Would Ban ish the Lovers' Delight. Aiuiiinp nr p..1! no oninMn! Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. The kiss has always been the subject of passionate controversy, and crusades have frequently been waged against it, but there is noth ing to show any diminution of its popularity. In some countries the men kiss one another, but do not kiss the women. In others the women kiss one another promis cuously, but do not kiss the men, unless nobody is looking. In cer tain communities the young wo men of a household welcome ev every stranger with a kiss, but it seems tq have neither political nor amatory significance. Public sen timent in this country recognizes no impropriety in a kiss between relatives, or the parting or the home-coming kiss. Engaged cou ples are supposed to have the priv ilege of free and unlimited oscula tion. At any rate, they take it. But the kiss has had its relent less foes. The illustrious sapheads of old Connecticut, in framing their Blue Laws, which were al most as extreme as the laws of Russia and some of the American States, declared that the Sunday kiss was illegal. Hence a mother couldn't kiss her baby on the Sab bath day, and a sailor who arrived home on Sunday, after a three years' cruise, was promptly arres ted and punished for kissing his wife. In recent years the scientific alarmists have had much to say about the deadly character of the kiss. They have proclaimed it to be a ready means of disseminating bacteria germs, and bacilli, and1 have called attention to the fact that, whenever a germ moves his residence, he takes the entire fam ily along with him. In spite of this sounding of "alarms with out," the popularity of the kiss has not waned, and people still prefer' to be happy rather than healthy. To us it is evident that the kiss has come to stay; but the city of Atlanta does not agree with us. It has passed some sort of an ordi nance against osculation, and it is making examples of those who vi olate it. A drummer was arrested for kissing his wife on the public highway a few months ago, on his return from a business trip. The wise and learned judge, in fining the drummer, said that he could make no distinction between those who kissed the wives of the other fellows, as public kissing was for bidden by law. Memphis Commercial-Appeal. NO APOLOOinS. Uncle Jerry Peebles, who had taken a seat in (he smoking car, had filled his pipe and was about to hunt in his coat pock et for a match when a large man of much equatorial diam eter sat down in tlio vacant seat by his side, complacently crushing him against the side of the car and almost oblitera ting him. Uncle Jerry said nothing and proceeded in his search for a match, It was hard work to get his hand down between himself and the large man, but he found the pocket at last and took out thjpe or four matches all of which went out as he struck thorn, ono after the oth er, except the lust. "Vou'ro welcome," said the portly man, glancing down at him over his shoulder. "Was that your pocket I had my hand in?" t "It was." "Well," said Uncle Jerry as ho lighted his pipe, "all I've (puff) got to say (puff, puff) is that you buy durned poor mutches." Chicago Tribune. ; "Typographical errors," said aj : writer, "are continually cropping ; I up. 1 called for a magazine editor ! to take him out to luncheon. As ! he was getting gratefully into his ! ! coat a man entered. j i "Do you read your magazine?" ! the man asked. " 'I do,' replied the editor, "tlave you read the number, the one that came out yesterday?" '"I have.' " 'Have you read my poem 'To Gabrielle,' on page 1 17?' " 'N-no.' '"No! Well, in that poem 1 wrote the line, "I love you better than I love my life.' " " 'A neat line neat and well turned,' said the editor, soothing ly. " 'And one of the professional humorists of your composing room set it up to read "I love you better than I love my wife.' " 'How er' "Than my wife precisely that. And my wife knows nothing of composing room comedy, and she thinks the line was printed exactly as I wrote it.' " THE LOSER. men "There were half a dozen after the girl I was after." "And who won?" "They did." "Why, they could not have married her !" "No, 1 married her. You will never be happy if you envy the happiness of others. all GLOOMY THINKING OF THC SUICIDE STUNT i 25T AND FORGET IT SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Stir lh Uvw le Hatthy Action MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING. Headache For Years "I keep Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills on hand ;JI the time, and would not think of taking a journey without them, no mat ter how short a distance I am going. I have a sister that has had terrible headaches for years, and I coaxed her to try them and they helped her so much, she now keeps them by her all the time. From my own exper ience I cannot praise them enough." AIRS. I.OU M. CHURCHILL, i High st., Pcnacook, N. H. Many persons have headache after any little excitement or ex ertion. They cannot attend church, lectures, entertainments, or ride on trains without suffer ing. Those who suffer in this way should try Dr. Miles' Anti Pain I 'ills. They give almost instant relief without leaving any disagreeable after-effects, as they do not derange the stomach or bowels; just a pleasurable sense of relief follows their use. Get a package from your drug gist. Take it according to direc tions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. We Ask You to take Cardul, for your femato troubles, because ve tiro sure It wlB help you. Remember that this great female remedy-: Kg OF 8 has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it Is "the best medicine to take." Try it I noia in lias vuy r n I ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLPOS, N. 0. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjciiiniiir counties and iu the Supreme court of ' the State. Special attention (iveu to collections anil prompt return FOLEY'S" HWwTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy, For coughs, colds, throat and lunf troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine) FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is la' a Yellow package. Refuse substitute. Prepared only by Foley Company, Chlcafe. E. CLARK. MeCALL PATTEBNS I ci, l.rjlr.l Inr Hvlc. pcrffrt fit, timplicity ind rrlMlnlilT m-Jilv' 40 yrars. Sold in nesrlj rvrtv i'ilynd kin in tlio L niled SUtr, nd l anaili. or liv mail direct. Mom M'Kl than unv oilier nuke. Send lor lite MUlotJiir. Mr CALLS MAGAZINE Mure BuhsL-nbiT than nny olh mai'jrine nullum month. Inval t vlr. natternv '.rintr. I;infv necitlrw it., n.ioil Mntir. etc. Only 611 ..nriV, .l...ihlel. inrliiilintt tree ri.illeni. .Sutiscnhc lod.iv, or rml lor iinilf cony. WONDCBFIIL INDUCEMENTS In Agents. Pnvlal britiK premium cnUlngue and new csh prue oriels. AdilreM III! BcCllU CO.. JSS t. W. 171s SI.. NIW YOU making, m rroik. h.iirili Only r 1 ti fashion Ir. iliinerr, rcssin p. 0I! Competition is the life of the love game, Getting around Cape Horn in a stom is a simple thing beside getting around a husband before dinner. A man always feels as frightened and astonished when he discovers that he has fallen in love as though into a ditch in the dark. A wife with a perfectly even disposition sometimes gets on a man's nerves as a music box with only one tune. It's easy enough to love and honor a husband but humoring him takes real energy. ... A man's love is something like the weather; after a spell of high temperature it is likely to be damp and cool for a few days. . Methuselah's wives must have found it awfully liresome waiting for the insurance money and a chance to see how they looked in mourn ing. A man always says that it was "force of circumstances.' that drove him into the downward path; but, from the celerity with which he goes, i, would snnear to be force of eravity that keeps hinr There. Even a dyspeptic man never hesitates to swallow a highly spiced rnm nliment or a little overdone flattery. A woman never thinks she has had her money's worth unless she has acquired a heartache a man unless tie nits acquired a nesaacne. WE FURNISH Night on Bald Mountain. On a lonely niirht, Alex. Benton, of Fort Eilward, N. Y., climbed Hald Mountain to the home of a neighbor tortured by Asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's .Sew Discovery, that had cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured his neighbor. later it cured his son's wife of a severe lung trouble. Millons believe it the greatest Throatand Lung cure on earth. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. Hest for Hay Fever, (trip anil Whooping Cough. 5t)c. antl $1. Trial bottle free, (iuaran teed by all druggists. A minute of real work beats an hour's talking about it. taste Om ce aval t end koala lung S uir riiniiicil ) ( ( ( A Koyal Feast to every one who ( buv their groceries at our store. ( A if the seasonable ilelecacies are, found in our store, the year. round. ii CONFECTIONERIES (i FRUITS fn rpncnEHY ANLtTIN ( WARE i) (;Voodeii and Wiltowware, Ete.fJ I (roods delivered promptly any (' where in town. Polite clerks. ) (1 t'lioue o.thi. u I M. PURELL ( ! WXl.DON, N. 0. (J HELLO! That Parker's Store? , Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-,Ki stand Shaffer's lard Want flour .j make bread for sup per. W. T, PARKER, Weldon, N. C. IN AN EFtlERGEJlGY Telephone in Your Residence EXTREMELY VAIUABLE Have You Ono? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON. . N, O itiMi in all count , iewO Hvri. tM I-ttftRMt, (' ami fniiyrtuiiwrfgi- f4 1. Ht-lKl Mhetcll, M'.ild Of t'li'-'tt', luT - .). FIB lit n Wniii!i for cm :vvoi','MJhi' HOW TO OBTAIN ftttit Vti.4. (Mr ; licit nn wlil . How tj .-i-it?ri- ; . law ami ottior vlual)Wuiyu iu SYflFTftCLV SiVftAtli SI., Wdal.hwj1.ttH. 0. F THAO tuti-nt FRIC Itotj rti hooka fHTt, rter, p ID. It 303 Hi niiia fi ) 1 , A.

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