.A K . Iff 1 Vpm i .3 M I'-ar4 N 1 lipf iO liljf 101 llif frofe I ffcg fa)rfWiTrtfVi-ff?ri-iiiia If Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per AnnumJ VOL. XLIV. WKLDOX, X. (!., TlIUliSDAY, SKPTKMliKlt 2:5, li)0!. NO. 21 iCASniiiij ALCOHOL 1 PEII CliM-p ANcjelaWcPrpparallonrorAi simila I (jig the fbotf antlRpema lingUtfSiumiiciisaudOow&i Promotes DigpslionJCiVfifiil ncss a m iivsuon Wins reitw Opitmi.Murpltiac norMiumL rOTftARCOTIC. tknihti Sutjnc IfcWjrwutawt ADcrfecl Remedy forConsflM- tlon , Sour Stonucli.Dlarriioti Worrasfoiivulsioiis.tVvErist nessandLoss OF Sleep. PacSir.iile Sujnaiurf of NEW YORK. Exct Copy of Wrapper, IOC3DOE Day I'iionk 2o. P. N. STAIN BACK, :l?XI)KKTAKi:i Weldon, Full Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. OEZ3E30 OE HE THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AUtiUSTOTlI, 1SP2. Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ital an d sarplas, $42,000. IIKor more than llfteen years this institution lias proviilcil banking facili ties lor HUB section, lis HloCKIIOHiei aim imiTinin na,f nrrii Hint 1 1 urn witli the business interesU of Halifax ami Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the liiral rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all arc solicited. The surplus and undivided prolils havimr reached a sum eifnal to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. commencing January I, lists, established a Savings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: l or Deposits allowed toremaiu three months or longer, 'J per cent. Six months or longer, S per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 per cent. For further information apply to the I'residenl or l asliicr. pbksidknt: W. E. DANIEL, vkX'1'Iiksiiiknt: Dii. II. W. LLW1S, (Jackson, Northampton county) SEABOARD Quickest and most direct mingham, Memphis and all Points South j and Southwest. ; TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY j With Vcaiiuuis CwSChes, D!n!; Cars and Pullman Drawing Room i Sleeping Cars. ! Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L , at Raleigh with the i Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving s follows: No. 41. No. Si ; Leave Weldon, " Raleigh, Arrlva Charlotte, " Atlanta, " Birmingham, " Memphis. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further Information relative to rates,Jched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C 1$. RYAN, C. II. GATTIS, Qeneral Passenger Agt., - District Passenger Agt., ,.:."'"vJ utk.m. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years (OE Niiiur Piionks 1M ami M. North Carolina. Hearse Service Anywhere. casiiikh: W. K. SMITH. 3 0 line to Atlanta, Bir 12:07 p. m. 11:38 p. m. 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a.m. 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 12:10 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 8:05 pi m. 7:30 a. m. AW a .!(V. ll TMfl INTaUN IIIIHNf, NIW SS fTT. I B R.Wth.N.C THE DEAD GUIDE THE LIVING. Immortalism, n New Religion by Bishop fallows, of Chicago. Spirits of the dead are to be made business partners of the liv in;. They are to share the private offices of lie successful men uf the future- die near future. Tlieir voices ate to say ihe ''buy" and t'te "sell" that will make and un make the fortunes of to-morrow. Their hands are to guide the atlairs of the world. All ihese things ate a part of ihe scheme of immortalism, ihe science-religion launched by Very Reverand Samuel Fallows, bishop of Chicago, head of the Emmanuel movement there. "Spirit rapping and spirit fakes play no part in immortalism," says Bishop Fallows. "I believe spir its will soon talk to material per sons, as I now talk to my living friends. I believe spirits will ad vise their friends on business top ics, on what they should do and how and when they should do it. In Biblical days the prophets talked with spirits and received direction about their actions. Those who believe in the Bible ! will, therefore, readily accept this new .interpretation. Others will ' receive it because it will be proved ; to them." ! I'.XPKCTS SCHOOLS TO TEACH ISM. ! So certain is Bishop Fallows that ! immortalism is destined to become a generally accepted part of ihe in tellectual world of the future he predicts the speedy teaching of ihe new science in the schools. "Gcorgraphy and arithmetic are parts of a business education," he says. "Communication with spir its will be so much broader in its influence and so much more valu able that it might also be part of ! the curriculum of colleges and schools." The batile of unseen forces in the world's marts which is predic- ted in such statements is said by the followers of immortalism to be ' a definite thing thai will come to ; pass. Wherever there is need of great judgment, knowledge and foresight, there, says the immor lalists, will the spirits prove tlieir wonh. VALUE OF EXPERIENCE. "Think of what the experience of millions of years would mean to a financier," says the believers. "Figure the value of friends now dead who could give the benefit not only of their lifetime of expe rience but that of other spir its, the spirits of Napoleon, Caesar, Solomon, Cromwell, Jay Gould and everyone else in ihe unknown world. "This is not a dream. Snirts j now talk to us. They tell us things ihat prove tlieir existence, unce Lthey are sought sincerely and with j intelligence it will be easy to ar I range a common meeting ground, ; so that the problems of life may be j solved through the advice of those j who before us have solved those problems." Do you Want Bridal Suit AND Druggett ? It will pay youj to come and see us. (Incorporated) LEADERS, 709-11-13 E. Broad St reet, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE! Choice THE GREAT GUEST GOMES. While the cobbler mused there passed his plane A beggar drenched by the driving rain; He called him in from the stony street And gave him shoes for his bruised feet, The beggar went, and there came a crone Her face with wrinkles of sorrow sown; A bundle of fagots bowed her back, And she was spent with the wrench and rack. He gave her his loaf and steadied her load As she look her way on the weary road. Then to his door came a little child. Lost and afraid in the world so wild, In the big dark world. Catching it up He gave it the milk in the wailing cup, And led it home to its mother's arms, Out of the reach of the world's alarms. The day went down in the crimson west, And with it the hope of the blessed Guest; And Conrad sighed as the world turned gray; "Why is it, Lord, that your feet delay? Did you forget that this was the day ?" Then, soft, in the silence a voice he heard: "Lift up your heart, for I kept my word. Three times I came to your friendly door; Three times my shadow was on your floor, I was'the beggar with bruised feet; I was the woman you gave to eat; I was the child on the homeless street." "THE BAGGAGE On a dark and stormy night, as the train rattled on, All the passengers had gone to bed, Except one young man with a babe in his arms, Who sat there with a bowed-down head. The innocent one was crying aloud, As if its poor heart would break, One angry man said, "Make that child stop its noise, For you are keeping us all awake." "Put it out," said another, "tion't keep it in here, For we've paid for our berths and want rest.' But never a word said the man witfnhe babe, As he fondled it close to his breast. "0 1 where is its mother? go take it to her," This lady then kindly said ; "I wish that I could," was the man's sad reply, "But she is dead in the coach ahead." Every eye filled with tears as his story he told, Of a wife who was faithful and true; He told how he had saved his earnings for years, Just to build up a home for two. How when heaven had sent them this dear little bibe, Their young happy lives were blessed: In tears he broke down when he mentioned her name, And in tears tried to tell the rest. Every woman arose to assist with the babe, There were mothers and wives on that train; And soon was the little one sleeping again, With no thought of sorrow or pain. As the train rattled on, a husband sat in tears, Thinking of happiness of a few shoi t years; Baby's face brings a picture of a cherished hope t iai's dead, But baby's cry can't waken her in the baggage coach ahead. Next morning at the station he bade all good-bye, "God bless you," he sadly said; Each one had a story to tell in their homes, Of the baggage coach ahead. SAYINGS OF MRS, SOLOMON. o Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. How long, oh, daughter, shall the high priests in the pulpits continue to rave and cry out concerning "The ideal woman ?" For every man knoweth that she is the one he did not marry. But I say unto thee, "What is the ideal man?" And every woman oliolt n,olA nnsiiipr HirTiTPnilv ' For she that is wedded unto an Adonis shall declare, "He is like unto Caliban, which hath crooked legs and embonpoint and is so unat tractive that no other woman will look at him." But she that hath married a Caliban will reply sadly, "Nay, he is a thing of beauty whom thou canst kiss without turning out the gas." She whose spouse cometh home always by a circuitous route shah" cry, "He is a temperance lecturer ! yet the wife of a goody-goody shall retort, "Nay, he is a jolly good fellow who sometimes seeih a joke and taketh his wife unto the theater occasionally." Yea, she whose husband buyeth her bonbons and silk stockings with the rent money, shall declare, "He is a miser." Yet the wite of a penurious man shall vow, "He is one who looketh not over the house hold accounts to sec that an ounce not been misused." But an unmarried voiimii sha'! reply, "He is like unto the man whom I am going to marry, but have not yet gotten." Yet, I say unto thee, he is a dead husband, which hath left thee "Mrs." on thy name and a good income with which to buy becoming mourning. For is not the most attractive jelly always that upon the top shelf, and the most attractive girl jhe one across the street, and the biggest fish the one which swam away, and the only perfect wife the other man's wife? Go to !, Question me not concerning why a woman marryeth the sort of man she doth marry? For there are many reasons, but the chief of these is because he hath asked her. For every woman know eth that matrimony is a cross but that an old maid is sometimes crosser. Yea, a husband is a tonic which is bitter to the taste, but sweeteneth the disposition. And it is easier to work any man than to work for a living ! Selah ! " If you wish to see yourself as others do, look at the man who does not take care of his health. . To take care of your health, usePrs. Hoag & Turbin's lys prpaia Tablets, price .'sic. Sold by V. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. The sword knows no friends. GOAGH AHEAD." of sugar and three tea leaves have Too lute to lock the stable door when the horse is gone. Zoo Colic lielicf is the only one that requires no drenching and guaranteed to cure Colic in horses and cattle instantly. Bottle coutaini enough for ten cases, price $1. ' 80,11 by w. M Cohen, weldon, N. c. FLY FISHING FOR TROUT. Why an Angler Considers It the "Deit of All Sports." I nm lin lined to lylleve ih.it 11 y tljh f lit: h:is lis chief mid nn.st easily ilc- ! lined exeiise In Ihe evi-ii-in e of n cor j tnln llsh Suh i-liims I'liinlniilK the upeekletl trout. Here. Iililenl, Is yplne. thini; tiiimlhle. :i thlnu ivhh-li ni;! lie tukeu III Ihe IiimiiI la-1 enleh ,v..nr full -nliil l.ii.liiil li! , n. No i'!:.' eelas n , freshly cnudit l.i.ofc li'.Mit wuiiui '"' i that It was oihei ili.m a i hlnir .;f he in ; ty. lis delleiile. tarlcolored re.-iplen ! deney Is imt opinlcd h.v any Hi inn tiling i The larpnn. Hie "silver Idna" o'' 1 southern vuilcis; ihe Alhintlc ami 1'a cllle salmons, I lie unaiianlelie, m- li nil , lucked salmon, iiml the c.raillns coin- prise ii'iiclleal!y all ihe other IShes, j except In;; the urliiis forms ol I'l'mil; , trout, which ina.v he salil to pn-ses" ! both heiiilly of form ami enli.rallr n ll cannot he ileiii .1 llial Ihese llsh are Jusilllahly pralnil. hut ll Is ncncrnll: , (ollcctlnl that the lelt spnlleil hl'onl; ' trout has inilliim: In t'cnr I nun their competition, or ihe western r.iluhows. j cilllhroals mid si eel heads Ihe rain how Is the easiein hnnik mud's neai est competitor, ami that Is praise cnoiisli for the raliihow. So here Is one ed reason nl least why llv tisliinu for limit Is considered 1 by inmiy Hie hesi nT all Kpurls. Sam uel !. Camp In Iteereatiou. Pathos anrl Humor. The study of the lift of puttlnK things Is to be recommended to every one who meditates u pltlii.'0 Into print. Even the writing of n death notice In volves a certain iinioiint of genius If the author wishes to keep clear and well defined the fragile line which lies between the serious and the funny. That this Is true Is shown by certain quotations from it Leipzig paper given In Bishop John V. Hurst's "Life and Literature In the Fatherland." Here are a few sentences extracted from these obituary ihiUccb: "Today death toro nwny from us for the third time our only child." "Last night at D:30 tho Lord took to himself during n visit In the graud parents our little daughter Antoliio of teething." The lust speaks belter than It knew. "Here died Mnrle Wlegel, who was mother and seamstress of children two." It Told th Truth. A countryman on a visit to Glasgow while walking along Argyll street reading tho signboards and the tickets ; In the shop windows said to his com- j paulon: "IIoo can a' thue ham shops be the best and cheapest? Every yln o' theui says that, and the same wi' the clothes shops tac. They are Jlst a lot o' leears." They continued along the street un til, coming opposite n plumber's shop with a big bill In the window with the words "Cast Iron Sinks" printed In large letters on It. be exclaimed: "Well, Jock, here's yln that tells the truth at ony rate. But any danged fool kens j that cast Iron wad sink." Lightning Change. The threc-ycur old boy ou tho side seat In the street car turned suddenly ; to look out of the window, thereby' wiping his muddy shoes ou the light ! colored trousers of the middle aged ' man sitting next to hint. ; "Madam," exploded the man, "Is this ' your nasty little" ' Here tho hoy's pretty mother turned ', her bead and looked at him , "angel boy?" he tlnlshed with a t gasp. Chicago Tribune. Whtn tha Shoe Pinched. Young Girl (glancing at her pedal extreniltles)-Oh, dear: My feet urn so awfully big! Practical Auutle But yon stand on I hem all right, don't you? Young (ilrl-Oh, yes, but so do other folks too.-Xew York Tribune. Needteja Trouble. "Did you wash the lisli'" a Sprlug Md woman usUed her new servant "Miure, an' phwat's 111' use of wash In' anything (lint's always lived In th' water';" ashed Ihe glil."-Kansas City Star. The more talents the more they wtll be developed. Chinese Proverb. Night on Hold Mountain. On a lonely night. Alex. Itenton, ol Fort Kdward, X. Y., climbed llald Mountain to the home of a neighbor tortured by Asthma, bent ou curing him with Dr. King's New Iiiseovery, that bail cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved anil quickly cured bis neighbor. Ijiter it cured his son's wife of a severe lung trouble. Millons believe it the greatest Throat and Lung cure on i arth. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages mid Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. llest for Hay Fever, (irip and Whooping Cough, 'sic. ami $1. Trial bottle free, (luaran teed by ail druggists. Whether a man tells his wife the truth or not has nothin t do with whether she believes him; it's whether she wants to. The Road to Success lias many obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success to. day demands health, but Klectric Hitters is the greatest health builder the world has ever known, it emu pels prrfectac tion of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purities and enriches the blood and tones and invigorates the w hole system Vigorous body ami keen brain follow tlieir use. You can't alford to slight Klectric Hitters if weak, run down or sickly. Only joe. (iuaranteed by all druggists. There's at least one creditable thing to be said in favor of lovers; they never use the weather as a subject of conversation. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S -CASTORI A CORNERED. l ive young men went into a shop recently to buy a hat each. Seeing that they were in a jok ing mood, ihe shop-man said : "Are you married ?" "They each said "Yes." "Then I'll give a hat to the one who can truthfully say he has not kissed any other woman but his own wile since he was married." "Hand over that hat," said one of ihe party, "I've won it." "When were you married?" "Yesterday," was the reply, and the hat was handed over. One of the others was laughing heartily while telling his wife of the joke, but suddenly pulled up when she said : "I say, John, how was ii you didn't bring home one?" i Warning what you can't get is about as much fun as gening what you don't want. i Perhaps most airship inventors are merely trying to devise a plan to enable ilicm to visit their castles in the air. Succeed when everything else fails, hi lv.rvous prostration nnd female wcaki icsies they are the supreme remedy, ns thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEV, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ii the best medicine ever told over a drvi'Riat'a counter. llc( ALL PATTERNS ivi, lirjlr.t i"t styic, pi-rtccl fil, simplicity and Trli.il'iMY niiirlv' 41) yr.n.s SnM in iif;uly cvrtv nlviinil l"vii in llic Unitnl Slatrs anj l'4iu,l.i nr I'V in.nl tlirril. More he'il lliei , otllrr miiki'. Si'nit I"' c.il.ilntM c. McCALL'S MAGAZINE M.ut- ntM nS- ts ll'n anv otltt-t lasln, a in ii;;i7 itir - mill. ln jliiiililc. 1. V wiei;. Iim V m-r.Hi wntli. iKiinlrt -1 !' 1 rlli Hri, inrWufint: .i htc 1 !M i NtH'RFl'L INDIirFMFNTS A '('ill-, l'.i-t.il liiiHl," )irri'iiuin i'.tli)'mie ,1 ; . - , ii !t J1' if riilfi-i, Aililtt's 'M Ma LL 10., 238 lo 148 W. S7lh St.. M W 0BB ( ( ( ( WE FURNISH ' A Itoval Feast lo every one who ( Imv their groceries at our store. ( All the seasonable ilclecacics are ; i found in our store the year ) , round. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wooden iumI Uilliiwwme. Ktc.., (; floods delivered promptly any ( where in town. Polite clerks. i ) (j Phoiie.No.NO. j) l l R. M. PURNELL, J WKI.DON, N, 0. , jj HELLO! That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs.Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard Want flour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER. Weldon, N. C, DESPONDENT IB I THINKING OF THE B VV C ASfC YOU I ( SUICI2E STVIMT 1 W "dJA XVU. ! i ' ? I g to taka Cardul, for your female ) I 1 if troubles, because vs ara sure It I ""'SjiSjg: I ra wlH help you. Remember that 1 jp" 'f'JWlX 1 " 8rea female remedy ; W0m nl Afo)W(f0l ' S5 i?i5$V$S a 9 has brought reMef to thousands of I U srw&9 a otner Elc' women, so why not to I 1 'm i'j A 1 you ? For headache, backache, I S K ifrV-rjTa W??rrri a? a & penoaicai pains, temaia weas- 1 Uiii&slM 3 S ness- mjny have 831(1 11 ,s "th9 1 c i5T best medicine to take." Try It II ! IFORGET IT iBiiiBiiiwwmiJ 1 . . j T? T. O-LAJRIC ' UiMMnut! infiJ nrniiiATnnl I a-u a uiiitmuuu lulu iiLuu iuii m m j jj Gtirs th Uvr to Haallhy AolUn B I j 1 MAKES Li, E WORTH LIVING. 1 1 1 WtaBpta im m ii tain i HiB B j I on nm n i mi in annua a m mmm i flitters No Rest Day or Night "1 would lay awake fur hours without any apparent cause, or dream terrible dreams which would lirin;; on extreme spells of nervousness. After taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and Tonic for awhile 1 could sleep well, and the nervous spells have left me." MISS ALMA HUG, K. K, No. 4, Canal Dover, Ohio. Without sleep the nervous system soon becomes a wreck, am! the healthful activity of all the organs obstructed. Restful, body-building sleep accompanies the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine because it soothes the irritable nerves, ami restores nervous energy. When taken a few days according to directions, the most restless sufferer will find sleep natural and healthful. Get a bottle from your druggist Take it all according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will re turn your money. ATTORNEY AT LAW, wklhon, N.d. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and iu the ISupreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt return KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottle. REFUSE 8U1STIT0TIS. E. CLARK. Just Think! The Whole Town at Your Elbow for 5 cents Per Day! A Telephone in your residence That's All! For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER en Hotie Telephone and ' Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . N. O. frS limmiitlr olituimtl n M ruiintm- OR NO fit. TNAOK MARKS, CftTWtti lt fopji lltht T tMrrt'd. Hfiirt hkntftl, MimW or I'lmto. iit mil MPOBTon imlfnUhllUr. Vniut pnwt j toficlHlvMr. VANK HFIHIHOll. , ; fsfitd 4 mic In RmiiiiNi for our twoitnainftine tK)..k Oil HOW TO OSTAIM ti(t SIU AT- NTS. Wlid'h urtK wtll ly. How lo A port- nt-r. imU'iit law awt oMi'T vaJuaf it lulormntiou. I D. SWIFT h CO. PATENT LYt, 303 8svith St., Washmaton, 0. C FQLEYS J ft