ilf lili ill , isajb Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annumi VOL. XLIV. WELDON', X. C, THURSDAY, fSElTEM HEK !, H)0!. NO. 22 The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, - v. v , iv j r k ... hi ia. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiment that trifle With and endaugrr the health of Infants and Children Experience againxt Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatoria. Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Meaaant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays lVvcrUhnexs. It cures and Wind Colic. II relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It atorimllatcs the Food, regulates the Stomach nnd ltowcl.i, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauuccu The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmk eiNTkun eoMMNf, tt Hutm aTKctr, ntw re rrr. 301 Day I'iionr i P.N. STAIN BACK, rXDKKTAKKR.E Weldon, Pull Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Seventeen years' Experience. 301 THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. c. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AL'(IT2IIT1I, 1S!)2. . State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C apit aj an d Sarplus, $42,000. l'or more titan fifteen years this institution has proriiltul liunkmir faoili- Ilea lor tlna section. lis Htoekliolilt'iH anil ihicetors have hrcn iili ntiliiMl with tliB business interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties fur many years. Money is loaunl upon approved security ul t lie Irifal rate of iuterest six per oenlum. Account of all are solicited. 'I'tie surplus and uutliviileil prorits liaviutr readied a sum eiuul to the Capital Stock, the Hank has, eomiiimieintf January I. IlKiX. r.stalilislie.1 a Havings Department allouini; interest on time deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed torimiain three mouths or limper, 1' per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve mouths or louder. 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or ushier. prisidikt: vick-I'Iikhident: canhikh: W. K. DANIEL, Hh. II. W. LKWIS, W. It. SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton county) o: SEABOAJiD AIR LI2STE1 Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vsstlbuls Coaches, Dining Cars and t'uiimun Drawing iiaom Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon, " Raleigh. Arrive Charlotte, " Atlanta, " Birmingham, " Memphis. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further information relative to rates.J'sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to C B. RYAN, C. II. GATTIS, General Passenger Agt., - District Passenger Agt., PwtsMoutJj, V. a 1 M in v Bought, and which Las been has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per onal supervision since its tnfuuey. Signature of 20E Nil, hi I'miNKM l'l ami .VI. North Carolina. ROWE, AND EMBALMER. Hearse Service Anywhere. 01 12:07 p.m. 11:38 p.m. 4:10 p. m. 4:10 a. m. 11:30 p. m. 10:05 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 12:10 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 8:05 p. m. 7:30 a. m. THE NEW DISEASE. Hook Worm, Pellagra and Squirt' turn. Successors to Appendici lis A Fellow Had as Well Pull up the "Kiver," Say His Pray en, Give the Doctor His Bank Account, Kiss the Women GooJ-Bye and Whistle for the Boatman. A man who is inclined to see the humorous side of things can not help from laughing at the doc tors sometimes. A few years ago the country was astonished by the announcement of the discovery of the new disease of appendicitis This has become old now and many people are simply going to the hospitals and having their ap pendix removed to keep from wait ing their turn. After this new ail ment was forgotten on account of its general prevalence and the ex- citemem incident to the discovery of new cases failing to keep the public interested, the boys come along now with Pellagra, Hook Worm and Squintum. It is said that Pellagra is caused by eating corn bread. Appendici tis is caused by not eating wheat bread. Hook worm is caused by i eating no bread at all, and going j barefooted. If you eat corn bread j you will die of pellagra and if you wheat bread you will die of ap pendicitis, and if you don't eat either, the hookworm lakes charge in you. So we are left in the same fix as. the Presbyterian brother, who, after hearing a sermon by a minister of his own church and hearing another sermon by a Methodist porson, exclaimed, "Well, it seems that a fellow can and he can't; he will and he won't but he'll be damned if he does, and he'll be damned if he don't." If these three maladies get after a fellow, he had as well pull up the kiver, say his prayers, make his will, turn his bank account over to the doctor, kiss the wonien folks good-bye and whistle for the boatman. For he's bound to be a goner. The disease of squintum, men tioned above, is one that we are going to patent. It belongs to the family of newly discovered mala dies. In order to explain more fully we will tell of a conversation we heard once. A school boy was asked to spell stove pipe. He be gan, "S-t-o-v-e, Stove P-i-p-e, Pipe, Stove Pipe, Stewidity, Stew idity." Being asked what the "stewidity, stewidity," meant, he replied, "that's the elbow." "Squintum" is a disease that the fellow who travels in the airship has in place of the hook worm he would have had if he had gone barefooted on the ground. Burlington News, Women may not tie permitted to vote hut when they are heallhyju mind and body they usually make the man vote their way. Ovalo Suppositories used in Conjunction with Vino liepens, the Fa vorite Tonic for Women, is an ideal health producer. 1'rice $1. Sild by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X. C. Do you Want Bridal . Suit AND Druggett ? It will pay you, to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LEADERS, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Choice AMEN. A rustle of robes as the anthem Soared gently away on the air The Sabbath morn's service was over, And briskly I stepped down the stair; When close in a half-lighted corner, Where the tall pulpit stairway came down, Asleep crouched a tender, wee maiden, With hair like a shadowy crown. Quite puzzled was I by the vision, But gently to wake her I spoke; When, at the first word, the small damsel With one little gasp, straight awoke, "What brought you here, fair little angel ?" She answered with voice like a bell : "I turn, tos I've dot a sick mamma, And want 'oo to please pray her well !" "Who told you ?" began I; she stopped me; "Don't nobody told me at all ; And papa can't see tos he's cryin', And 'sides, sir, I isn't so small ; l'se been here before with my mamma, We tummed when you ringed the big bell; And ev'ry time l'se heard you prayin' For lots o' sick folks to dit well." Together we knelt on the stairway, As humbly I asked the Great Power To give back health to the mother, And banish bereavement's dark hour. I had finished the simple petition, And paused for a moment and then A sweet little voice at my elbow Lisped softly and gently "Amen !" Hand in hand we turned our steps homeward, The little maid's tongue knew no rest; She prattled and mimicked and carolled The shadow was gone from her breast ; And lo ! when we reached the fair dwelling The nest of my golden-haired waif We found that the dearly loved mother Was past the dread crisis and safe. They listened, amazed at my story, And wept o'er their darlings's strange quest, While the arms of the pale, loving mother Drew the brave little head to her breast; With eyes that were brimming and grateful, They thanked me again and again Yet I know in my heart that the blessing Was won by that gentle "Amen." as HAS MADE THE When the days are dark and dreary, When you think that life's a failure, If you'll place your trust in Jesus, lay your troubles at his feet, He will give you consolation, he will make the bitter sweet. When your earthly friends have left you, all your wealth and power gone, When amid your sinful troubles, you forget lis dark ere dawn, If you'll give your heart to Jesus, He He your saddened heart will comfort, When your earthly hopes are blighted, when you suffer greatest pain, When you think all luck has left you, all your efforts seem in vain, If you'll give yourself to Jesus, He will all your trials defeat, He will make your life more happy, He will make the bitter sweet. When your loved ones go before you, to this life's last resting place, When the grave has closed forever, over every loving face, If you II lift your eyes to Jesus you will find a sweet retreat, He will help you in affliction, He will make the bitter sweet. When the dews of death have gathered, when the end of life be near, When you on your death bed lying, not a friend to shed a tear, If you'll place your trust in Jesus, He your joy will make complete, He will take you to his bosom, He will make the bitter sweet. When all life has left your body, when your soul has taken flight, When you're carried up to heaven, to a place that knows no night, There you'll ever rest with Jesus, you will all your loved ones meet, You can whisper soft and and gladly, SAYINGS OF MRS, SOLOMON. Being the Confessions of Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. Heed my words, my daughter, for meaning can only be guessed at, but which may be read at sight even at Lo, by the way he treateth thy photograph shall thou know whether thou standeth first, or only forty-first, in his affections. For the face of a foolish damsel adorneth many dens, but a wise maiden declineth to be used as a poster, even to cover a worn spot upon the wall paper. Then wax not too flattered when a man beggeth for thy picture, say ing, "I yearn to have thy countenance where 1 may always look upon it," for peradventure he seeketh it merely as a decoration. Yea.every man is like unto an Indian which collected! scalps gleefully and delighteth to flaunt the trophies of the girl-chase. And nothing re joiceth him more than to point out the picture of a popular maiden, saying, "Behold 1 that was one of mine !" Verily, verily, the days of a girl's photograph are numbered and its course is fixed as a boarding-house menu. Yea, as turkey passeth unto croquettes and croquettes unto stew, so it passeth from the upper left vest pocket unto the dressing table, an,d from the dressing table unto the writing desk, and thence unto the mantelpiece, whence it cas ually falleth off at last into the waste basket. And when the housemaid findeth it.inquiring cunningly, " you want to keep tnis tnmg t ne picKetn tt up marveling and turneth it over to see whose name is inscribed upon the back. Then, if it seem eth decorative, he shall tack it on his wall between an actress in red tights and a cigarette advertisement, but if not, he shall drop it back into the waste basket among the other "cast-offs." For, as time passeth, the first shall always be last in a man's affec tions, but the last shall never be first again I Selah I BITTER SWEET. full of trouble, full of care, a delusion and a snare, will all your troubles meet, He will make the bitter sweet. He has made the bitter sweet. Walter Hutchins. the Seven Hundredth a woman is a heiroglyphic, whose a man is as a theatrical billboard a long distance. THE WOMAN OF TO-DAY. The Ik'Klnnlng Iniluences The l-nd. T is not r'liuujrli tluit the I youtiK women of today I shall lie what their tinilli- TS ttl'i), of were. They must lie more. The spir it of the timex citlls on women for u higher order of thinx, nnd j requirements of the women of the futuro will he We j must not lie liiiHcoiiHtrueil into ; saying that the future woman will be ono of tniiul rather than : of heart. Power of mind in it- j self no more makes a true wo-! man than does wealth, lieniily ' of person, social station, lint a clear intellect, a well trained : mind adorns a voting woman, just as an ivy will ndorn a splendid oak; a true woman has ( a power, something peculiarly her own, in her moral inllu- once, which, when duly (level-, oped, makes her a queen over a wide realm of spirits. Hut this she can possess only as her powers arc cultivated. Cultivated woman yield the scepter of authority over the world at large. Wherever a cultivated woman dwells, be sure that there you will find re finement, moral power and life in its highest form. For a wo man to be cultivated she must begin early; the days of girl hood are transitory and fast fleeting, and the girls are wo men before we know it, in these rapid times. Every girl has a certain station to occupy in this life, some one place to fill, and often she makes her own station by her capacity to create and fill it. The begin ning influences the end. NEIGHBORLY. Harkins had lived in his new home but a few weeks and scarceley knew his neighbors by sight at the time of his fire. On rushing out of the front door he found two of his neigh bors already on the scene. "I say," Harkins cried ex citedly, "will you run to the corner and give the alarm?" "Very sorry," explained the man, "but I have a wooden leg and can't run." The other neighbor pressed forward. "I say," said Harkins, turn ing to his new alley ; "while I am getting the things out run over to the corner of the street and halloa "Fire!" "I'm suffering from laryngitis and can't halloa," said the oth er neighbor in a whisper. There was not a moment to spare, but Harkins found time to turn to them and say po litely: "Suppose both of you go into the house and bring out easy chairs and sit down here and enjoy the blaze." Philadel phia Press. THE ATTRACTION. "You say you are in love with Miss Baggs?" "I sure am." "But I can't see anything at tractive about her." "Neither can 1 see it. But us in the bank, all right." Cleveland Leader. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. !r ALL PATTERNS 1U hratf 1 (or lyle, fit, simplicity im rrlitl'iliif nrarlv 40 years. Sold in nearly every city nnd town in lite United Sutei it Canada, or by nuil direct. More wild llun any othrr make. Stud for iiec cat.ilngl.r, UcCAIXS MAGAZINE M.ue iibscntrrs limn nnv oilier taMncn np.:ime-!iiillion m"ull. InvsiliuiliV. l. il-i-t-t styles, pilt iii', tirt'stniakiiii1, I'-i 'iK i, .nmielte. imoil Mnrivs vc. Dn y IM ' .....b rrru r W( IE . 1KI 1 li: Vir (worm iloub'i ), itc ti(t.iv, or setut iur : ;,: l'OND:FUL INDUCEMENTS t ArnH, P.wal itinir p-y ' '.- .mil new rush pritf olV . Amd ; UE McCAU CO- t-1 1" S W. S7.h S .. N"W Q Electric 8ucCMd when everything etn bill. In nervoui prostration and female weaknenes they (re the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over druggist's counter. IN ARKANSAS. j The Old Man Dropped a Pew Bui lets Among Them. Opie Kcad told this one not long ago. "Old Ltni Harkins, uf Possum Trot, had come into the county judge's office. The judge said: " 'Why, hello Lem.' " Howdy, JeJge.' " 'Anything going on at Pos sum Trot ?' " 'Ych; nuthin' wuth dividin'.' Then, after a pause: 'Me an' them Hightowehs ain't been gettin' along right good for a spell.' " 'No?' " 'Nah, not right good.' After another long expectoration-punctured pause, the old man leisurely continued: 'T'other night about chicken-roostin' time I was a-set-tin' in th' house a-readin' uv tny Bible when I heahs some shootin' outside. Th' ol' woman was out thuh a-feedin' th' chickens. I ain't paid no 'tention t' that thar shootin'. Putty soon th' ol wo man comes in, look kind o' pale an' nahvous. " "What's th' mntteh, o' wo man?" I says.' " "A lot o' them Hightowehs is out than a-shottin' at tne," she says.' " 'Now, I don't like that, Jedge, shootin' 'round about my house an' skeerin' up all them chickens when they orto to be a-goin' to' roost, an' maybe killin' a calf critteh or somethin'. So I lays down my Bible an' I goes ovah in th' corneh an' picks up my Win chesteh an' I looks out th' windeh. Thah stands five o' them High towehs outside my fence with theh guns, I jes' draps a few bullets amongst 'em an' goes back t' my readin'. " 'Nex' mornin' I goes out an' looks whah them five Hightowehs had been a-standin' and they was all gone but fo'." Chicago News. WILLINQ TO TRY. "Do you think you could learn to love me?" "Well, I don't know. You might give me a few sample lessons. "0 Kansas City Journal. AND FORGET ITj SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Mr ttw Uvar to HwMiy llon MAXES LIFEWORTH LIVING. WE FURNISH A Itoyal I'Vast to evory one who liny tlit'ir (,'roocrii'S at our Ktore. All Hie m'lisonalile iMrrarica are founil in our more the year rouml. CONFECTIONERIES I FRUITS I CROCKERY ANDTIN j WARE Wooden and Willowware, Etc, liootltt delivered promptly any where in town, route cierna. l'hone No. ho. R. M. PURNELL, WBI.DON, M. 0, HELLO! That Parker's Store? Yes. naagifjaisiaCTBiiiii in ran mwiwi if iii ! i ii i ii mnm mm ij gloomv I DESPONDENT I THINKING OF THE I SViCIDE STUNT 1 " " H This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. YV. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. SfepUm HEADACHE Take ONE NEURALGIA "Dr. MilrV Antl Piin Pills hive been usud by me (or rheu of the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone matic pains, headichc and pain In back, tad sides, and in every case (hey gave perfect satisfaction." Henry Courier, Boontnn, N. Y. AND THE PAINS Of RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Dm Kgiir sell Dr. Miles' An-Piifl Ptlla and b ! authorized to return the price of th flm package I only) If n fills to benefit yotC SKJ1 We Ask You to take Cardul, for your female troubles, because vs are sure It viR belp yoa Remember that this great female remedy: Ml flF has brought reXef to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold In This City n J T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WE LI ON, N.C. JM'raetieesi in the court h of Halifax and adjoining eoutiliex anil iu tiie Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collection)! aud prompt return houmar The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR Is la aYellowpackage. Refuse substitute. Prepared only by Foley Company, Chloage. E. CLARK. In case of Accident to use the Telephone just one time MAY BE WORTH A ' YEARS RENTAL As Little as Five Cents Per Day places one in your residence. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Horn Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDr80N. H. Q. protnptiT i-MMm-d In ftli wuiiltti'it oft Nu r f . T KADI-MARKS, 'kmU ftlifl t)j rlnitLf. KisV tntPrtl. Neitd Hkrtfh, HtuM or t'hoic, lui rfi MPORTon piiteiilKlny. VutJtp(iu loeeiduulj'. BANK NIFglllMOK. 8id 4 vnlt In fflAittiin fur 0111 twu inwUunltl : book! on HOW TO 0TAIN ftTUi ftSLk PAT 1 feNTS, Whkli owswlli pay, Hvwfc si a !rt- j nvr. intent law ml ot he v Tlt but uifoi iiimiya. j D. SWIFT ft GO,! MTIST LAWYCoa. 1.303 Ssvwtto St., WajMnsf , D. 0 .,! FOLEY'S

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