SijuiiMr, Isaiah Advertising Rates Aiaile Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIV. WKLDON. X. ('., TIIl'KSDAV. (XTOIiKli 11, .!).. NO. 21 H I , 1 eal ra 1 I! The Kind You lfnvo Always Rimglit, ami which has been tu use for over SO years, has borno llio Klunufuro of ami luu been mrulo under his per l y'wS' Bonal supervision slneo its Infancy. WaSVf. 44(CM Allow no ono to ileielve you In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations find " Just. ih-jjoimI" are hut KiperiuieiilH that ti'lllo with a"d endan. r t lit; health of Infants und Childrcu Kxncrleneo npiln-l Lvpciiinent. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless siihstltiito for Castor Oil, Tare. Kirie, Drops nnd Snothinir SyrnpM, It is I'leusant. It ctmtalns neither Opium, Morphine, not' other Nnrentlo Mihstunee. In u;o is its g-iaranteo. It destroys Worms and nllaj.s I'eferislmess. It cures Pl.irrhoM and Wind Colic. It velieves Teething Trouliles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Ntomat li and Itowels, ojviiiir healthy ami natural sleep. Tho Children's I'anatea Tlio Mother's 1'ricnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CkNTAUII COMPANY, TV HUHMf Tit IT, NIW VORH OtTt. gg7, lyir-Wrin.f.iW.JLfflM iM Fall ft p i Pull line and Boys. THE BANK WKLDON, N. ( Organized Under the l.nvs of the State of North Carolina, AICI'ST L'llTH. MIL". State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl. Surplus, $42,000. Ul'or more than llfteeii wars this institution has proud. -.1 hauling l.ieilt .. . i." . .11. i t i .1;, 1 i. i.h.i.tii;...! lltS lor IIIIS SCl'llOU. IIS NUifUlluiit' 1 aiio -in. . I.-.-...... ...... with the business interests of Halifax ami N.iniiuinpti.ti 'Mini .. s for many years. Money is loaned 11 1 j it n.pi - . 1 security al tin- Iciral nite ol interest sis per centum. Accounts of all aie solicited. 'I'h.. .,,r.,l,, .,n,l nrotits hating r. ached a sum miuhI to the I u.,n,,l stork the liank has. cii'iunelieing .laimai v 1. I'IS Savings Department allowing inleri -si on lime deposits as I'oll.n. Deposits allowed toremain tliree months or loinrer. per cent, months or lonirer, !l per fent. Twelve months 01 lomrer. I percent For further information applv to ;l.e l'resi.l.-nt or t ashler. kksiokst: W. K. PAMKI., AIR r 1 1 T t"" -I O vi SEABOARD I Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir minjtham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Draw jug Room Sleeping Curs. r .1 i. LVI,l,.n u lih A C. I ... st U.dcltrh with the vuillickliuio niauc -- - " Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving , as follows: No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon. '2:07 P- l,:J8 P-m " Raleigh. 4:10 p.m. 4:10 a.m. Arrive Charlotte. P- m. 10:05 a. m. " Atlanta. 5:00 P m' " Birmingham, 210 p. m 9:50 p. m. " Memphis. 8:05 p. m. 7:30 a. m. ; No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CAREER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C IJ. RYAN, C. II. (JATTIS, General Passenger Agt., - District Passenger Agt., Portsmouth, Va. Rllf h. N. C. Signature of an d w inter Goods of Clothing for Men Up-to-date line of LADIES' SKIRTS And everything New nnd Novel in Gent's Furnishings Special Im itation to every friend of Hali fax und Northampton counties. I J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS. - North Carolina . J0 . . . r . if . u. v, etafc. v txr a OF VELDON m.oui'-'ico a 1'oi Si x vn K I'liKslliKM': casiiikii: Hk. II. W. I.i:IS. W. H. SMITH. (Jackson. Noithampum county) II Ji LI 1ST HI nm w winter. Toro-asi !iy .It-1 '.-icy Prophet Who Always lias Item Right . j Cuiiii:thi:s I', anv, ( t ( ii e'.ii c,i id Lake, 1:1 k!'.' Ins iinnnal visi taii.idjiere to no:: oiniee ilie weatli er lor the cumin" lull ami wilder. The ppiphceics ol ' loluuiluis Koar iy lie i It! s. 10 tall t'iem pnR no.die.iiin:! : or evui predictions - . have I een aceepti J tor .h) years liereaii.iip.s as only a littl-.! in ad vance of fact. I le is so Mice about tlu weather thai lie always buys Ins winter supplies in summer, and the reverse. All his prophe cies are hased on;ns from na ture. "We're Roin;j 10 have a mighty cold w in tor, said Columbus. 'Lvi.ryihin,", points lo a cold fall and riproriiij; winter. . L'or one thin", have yon noticed this sea son's corn ? Lvery car has crown Ions whiskers, and that's a sure sign. The corn seems to have the sense of a Morris county granger in this respect. A wise farmer'II grow a good crop ol whiskers as winter advances. The harder the a inter the longer and thicker the .-. hiskers. The same way with the corn. I've never noticed longer hreezers than ihey have this season. "You may have noticed, loo, thai the sunflowers blossomed ear ly. That means that we will have ' an early frost and early snow. NC'e will have a blizzard of the ISS8 brand along about the middle of November. Then, look at the apple trees. I can't remember when wc had such a poor crop. Thai means that the trees are stor ing up all their sap and energy against a hard spell of weather and a long winter. In summers before a mild winter there is always a fine crop of apples. The present con dition, by the wa, too, means a hard winter for the lover of apple jack. "As a clincher I might say that the cabbages are onto the fact that we are going to have a record breaking winter. When a man says 'cabbage-head," to mean an ignoramus, he doesn't know what he is talking about, for the cabbages are the wisest of vegeta- i hies, livery head of cabbage on my farm this summer is growing thick, tough leaves, and all because they are providing warm coverings for the cold weather thai they know we are going to buck up against this winter. Verona N. J. Dis patch to New York Press. Most women are trouhled with Kid ney complaint, and you know very many serious and even fatal diseases re sult from nee'leeted Kidney troiihles. i If yon will take PeWitl's Kidney and I'.ladder 1'ills as directed, you may be eonlideiit id'u'ood lesults. Try them and s.-e hoa really nood they are. lie waieof imitations, pills that are intend ed to deceive you. lie sine you fri t PeWitl's. Sold hv W. M.Cohen. Wt-ldoii, N. C. People are sometimes "killed by kindness" in books. Do you want Bridal Suit AND It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LKADKltS, 709-11-13 O. Broad Street. RICHMOND. VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE H w u Emm j VAii A&sofatefy Pares I sm jNrjM Makes Ifac Jincs, sssosl dell- m T ( A cious bfscai cake and f$jjiW vfcir pastry; conveys to Seed wjCjj V k toe mos healUilul ol TIIITlIJiKiRAAr. "Is this the lel'granh office?" Asked a childish voice one day. As I noted the click of my instrument Willi its message from far away; As it ceased, I turned; at my elbow Stood the merest scrap of a boy, Whose childish face,was all aglow VC'ith the light of hidden joy. The golden curls on his forehead Shaded eyes of deepest blue, As if a bit of the Summer sky Had lost in them its hue; They scanned my office rapidly Prom ceiling down to floor. Then turned on mine their eager gaze, As he asked the question o'er ; "Is this the tcTgraph office ?" "It is my little man," I said "pray tell me what you want, And I'll help you if I can;" Then the blue eyes grew more eager, And the breath came thick and fasi. And 1 saw within the chubby hands, A folded paper grasped. "Nurse told me," he said, "that the lightning Came down on the wires, some day; And my mamma has gone to heaven, And I'm lonely since she is away, l'or my papa is very busy, And hasn't much lime for me, So I thought I'd write her letter, And I've brought it for you to see. "I've printed it big so the angels Could read out quick, the name, And carry it straight to my mamma, And tell her how it came: And now won't you please to lake it, And throw it up good and strong, Against the wires in a fonder shower, And the lightning will take it along." ajh ! v hat could I tell the darling ! Por my eyes were tilling fast: I turned away to hide the tears, l-lui I cheerfully spoke at last: "I'll do the best I can, my child," 'Twas all that I could say : "Thank you," he said, then scanned the sky: "Do you think it will funder to-day?" But the blue sky smiled in answer, And the sun shone dazzling bright, And his face, as he slowly turned away, Lost some of its gladsome light; "But nurse," he said, "if I stay so long, Vi'on't let me come any more; So good-by, I'll come and see you again, Right after a funder shower." SAYINGS OF MRS, SOLOMON. Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. How long, O my daughter, wilt thou be an easy thing, and thy draw-1 jng-room a soft spot, and thy dining-room a free lunch counter for the , lungers cn? Per, I charoe ihee, talk is the cheapest thing which aj man can offer thee, and a fireside companion is a thorn in the tlesh ! i Lo, he accounteih himself the "Ladies' Delight," and he cometh j every night, including Sunday, bringing honeyed words instead of lluyler's, and songs from the Sunday supplements instead of new mu sic. Vet, in all the days of his life he hcareth not the call of the res taurant, nor heedeih the sign of the theater, and a taxicab shall run over him on a rainy night before Me observeth it. Verily, verily, he shall wear a thin spot upon thy divan and shall cat from thy dialing dish and sip the beer from thine ice box far into the night. Yea, he shalf praise thy handiwork with the fudge pan and shall keep thee "going" with fine speeches and lavish compliments. And when summer approachcth he shall invite thee for a walk and shall urge thee to partake of the fresh air, which is free of charge; but she that lureth him into a 30-cent ice-cream retreat he shall account mercenary. Por he considereth his attentions as good as ready mon ey, and his idea of reciprocity is a sigh for a sigh and a kiss for a kiss. Yet he hath his uses for even a worm may serve as bait ! Their, lo! when nice men "come around" the) shall find him adorn ing thy parlor funiture. Yea, he shall fill in the spaces upon thy front door-sien and the causes in the conversation, even as a between-sea- sons hat. Behold, thou shall find him a the price? Verily, verily, a constant caller is the social gold brick ! And per- adventure, my daughter, thou hast been taken in by many o.f these, but hast thou ever been taken out by one of ihem ? Selah! good advertisement ! ' But is he worth ATTRACTIVE FOLDER ISSUED. Advertising Honicseekers Excur sion Rates to the South by At lantic Coast Line The Passenger Tariff Depart ment of the Atlantic CoaM Line has just issued an attractive .12 page folder advertising especially t'lc very low honicseekers excur sion rales from Northern cities to points in the South. It is pruned in two colors and begins wiiii a general review of the agricultural, horticultural, trucking, manufac- luring and industrial features of the entire system and has a short write-up of each Stale through , which the Atlantic Coast Line passes, namely Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabam and Florida, the section , being properly called "the Nation's Garden Spot." Special mention is made of new colonics which i have recently been and are being 1 formed on the Atlantic Coast Line j in the several States, each under a 1 separate caption, due credit being given those who are making an effort to attract settlers and in this I and other ways, trying to build up j their respective localities. ' The Atlantic Coast Line deserves much credit for this innovation : for its policy of activity towards j promoting and upbuilding the rich country through which it passes 1 and the results obtained from the very extensive distribution wfiich is being given this folder in the North : will be such, in attracting desirable settlers to the South, that the fold I er will be issued regularly and in j the stalwart farmer boys are press ! the future probably enlarged, as ! ing the cider for the corn hustings, j new efforts and enterprises, when j as they smile and wink at the mer ; known to the company.are created. ry maidens busy al the house. A very unique feature of this j The road sides are lined with flow folder is that the outside page con- ers or blooms of almost every hue ! lain lines; Fur iiililressino anil I Peculiar Utld USlhil to this season stamping the folder which is so ar ranged that it may be mailed with out being enclosed in an envelope. Copies of the folder may be ob tained from Mr. T. C. White, gen eral passenger agent, U'ilmingion, N. C, who will cheerfully mail copies to addresses of any prospec tive settlers that may be sent him. A TRUTHFUL VFRDICT. i Pargo, N. D , once boasted a ' i composite postmaster and coroner. t He was called one day to give his verdict upon the case of a stranger ; who had been the victim of a fit I on the main street. As the man was known to no 1 body, he was hurried to the much-1 prized new city hospital. There ! the case was diagnosed as appen- dicitis, but when the operation j took place the attending surgeon i discovered that the patient had ; I been previously relieved of his ; ' appendix. 1 The doctor endeavored to retract j his steps, but the strange man died ; i from the effects of the operation. I ; The postmaster-coroner, in ren- i ! deringhis verdict, filled in the space ; after "Cause of Death," with a! ; rubber stamp which read: "Open ed by Mistake." Success. Lots of people delight in doing a ! charitable stunt -after concluding . arrangements with the limelight ' j man. How did poor live manage to get along without complexion lo tions ? Both Boys Saved Louis liotui. u Ini'linr inrrrliaiit of Norway. Mii'h., writrs: t,Tlnvi' holllrs: of Foley's llimry ami Tar ulisohitely ctireil my hoy of a srwri1 imucIi, aul a iii'itlibor's lioy. ho was so ill nitli a eolil tliat tin' ilm'tors fiiiw him up, tas eurt'tl liy tukiuu l-'olry's Honey am! Tar. Notliinir else is as salr ami frrtaiu in ri'suhs. K. ( I.AliK When it comes to being charita ble, most of us have wonderful self control. Foley's Honey ami 't ar clean, the air passages, stops the irritation in the throat, Kootliesthc inilumfil mcmlirum's ami the most olistuiute cough ilisap- . pears. Sore ami uitluineil lungs are i healed and stivugtc ncd, and the cold is expelled from the system. Refuse auy i hut the genuine in the yellow package. K. ('I.AliK. Some women use a gallon words to express a teaspoonful thought. If people arc with symptoms of kid ney or hladder trouMe could realm their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foley's Kidney Itemed)'. This great remedy stops the paiu and the irregularities, strength ens ami liuilds up these nivalis and there is no danger of Height's disease or other serious disorder. I'o not disregard the early symptoms. K. CLARK. SOME IDYL THOUGHTS. The Earth is as Beautiful a:; New-Born. October stands upon the earth ! like a sparkling-eyed goddess of power and regal glory. The earth 1 is as beauiifu! as if new-born, livery where the eye beholds a nameless splendor; there is cvhila raiiou in the air, and through the golden haze there is a charming lustre, a holy calm, that appears to wait upon nature, as autumn's flashing lires of gorgeous colors slowly burns along the woods, and hangs in its tram a mellow rich ness about the clustered trees; tints the landscape o'er, and mantles with mystery the romance of the seasons. The country never looked more beautiful at this season of the year than it does at the present time. ! The corn looks magnificent and j nrouiises a splendid yield. The i abundant rains have been timely and all the grass and verdure show its effect in beautiful green and freshness of healthy plain life. The midsummer blooms are exquisite and more than usually attractive this year. The golden rod bright ens up the highways and its gol den plumage sways in the breeze and nods a welcome to the passer by. The black-eyed Susans and the blue-eyed Bouncing Kitties are in silk attire, reflecting the glories of nature and the beneficent work of the great creation of the uni verse, merrily preparing the patch work squares for the quilling; and and they gladden the eye with their ! beauty. All nature smiles and the ! earth promises abundantly. Have 1 your friend lake a ride through the country in his automobile and ga.e upon some of these beauties. ! Durham Sun. Many a man does his at home because he is growl anywhere else. grow ling afraid to THAT BAD In your mouth is a SURE SIGN I TASTE Disordered Liver TO-DAY. Yon will feel better almost immediately, and si ill better To-Morrow THE GENUINE has lh RED I on lha front of each packag nel h9 aignatura and seal ol J- H. ctiurv A CO., on th aide, In RED. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. :WE FURNISH: v A lioyal feast to evi l y one who ( l.iiv then Miocenes at our stoic. All the seasonahle deleeacies are found in our store the year round. CON FFCT ION FRIES FRUIT S (CROCKERY AND TIN WARh Wooden and Vi!loare. Ktc ( tioods delivered promptly anyi ( where in lovwi. I olite clerks. ( l'hotic No. nil. h R. M. PURNELL, C ( ll?C4LL I'ATTKBNS l ..-.iLi-ilcd lor stylr, perfect fit. aimplicltv aiiJ rrli'lxlilv nearly 1 yrnri. Sold in nearly every city and town in tlie United M.itra mil 1 t .ui.ul.1, or by mail direct. More anld ll- :n any other make. Send lor lice catalog e. McfALL'S MAGAZINE Mibsrnoers than ny oilier f.i! n ei iL'.oine million m nil'. In :i.!ijl!. 1 l et ilvle,, palti-rli", lreM!nil inr, !'.! . in i y, p ain .enintr, 1 inrv medlewo U.lniinln m , inq'.i.lte. pood M'.rirs Or. On V fu e." I o'orin dnuMcl, infli.uinp , l-.e '?''i. Suli.niK' t 'day, or fend (or :.n 'f ' , y. IVO-JM.HFI'L HVDUCrMENTS :' .!;enl". Pnilat l"i I'fcra " ' ' mi.l new i":tli priae one a. ,u.u on m.cui co, in i Mt h ntk si. n. w nil l i 1 WKLDON, N, C. A -0x ll) rkl4J vonrv.-:.. NEURALGIA Take ONE BACKACHE "I tllv. u Di of the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone MikV Anll-Plln Pills for cirs inj tltul (tilt ir.ey are th: one ihtnit thai wl!i ccrulnly Kite u' lew ihc deilreJ rtllel." MriJ. P BiliKll, Tontpsh, Nev. AND THr PAIN.! OP RHF.UM ATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Yout Drug ll, T'r MiIm' Anil-Pern. Pills end he I, auihomrd to return the price of the first package (only 1 If II fall, to benefit ,uu. We Ask You to take Cardul, for your female troubles, because ve are sure It 3 wiil help you. Remember that jjjj tills great female remedy has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it is "the best medicine to take." Try it I i Sold in This City IC. T. CLARK I ATTOKVtY AT LAW, WKI.1ION, N. c. j I'nirtii'i's in tlie courts of Halifax and I iiiljniniiu: counties ami ii. the Supreme : court of tin' State. Special attention Siven to collections ami prompt return KSDIEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSI aUBSTITUTIS. t. CLARK. BEFORE- The Cold Weather Sets in Get a Residence Telephone. It saves exposure It saves doctor's bills It means convenience ant economy RATES ARE LOW For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . N. O. lirmniniv "inaineu in fcit uitiiin. jm nu r. TftADI-MAHKS, t rtU nnd Copyi jwhUieKU iftlfiftl, Kim ill bkrii'h, ilmifl of 1'lvXo, for PRC ( RCPOftT on valtTtlftt'tiltr. I'titfiitprMt- ii-v'ini-ir ihk mri ifHcn. Kftnl 4 (fut in rump! fui our two mvtlnttMf bonki on HOW TO OBTAIN and SILL PAT. I UTS, Which on will piiy. Ilotrtu tttkiiArt-ni-r, ptfnt lw uirt ot fur vlutle tufottiittluo, D. SWIFT & CO. aTENT LAWTlKa. 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.

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