t -TL vl rsai i-S 111 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIV. Wi:U)()X. X. ('., TIU HSDAV. ()( TOI5KK li.s, 1!M,!. NO. '2C, iff II! m The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been in uho lor over SO jean, h.in borne llic si;;iintiiro of - and lias been made tinder bis per jr jJ-f-jt7, Sonal supervision since it infancy. Wutf-y, J-CUCAM. Allow iiMiiietodeeclvi.j-oii in tliU. All Counterfeits, Imitation and " JiiHt-us-ood" are but i:Ycrinii-ii( that trlllo with nod endanger tho health of Iiit'iuiU mid Children Experience ntruiiist Kvperitiioiit. What is CASTORIA C'astorla 1 n harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pare-(.-uric, Drop and Soot liin Syrcps. It is l'leasant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine mil' other Narcotic) MiliNtance. It iik I it riiiranteo. It destroys Worm and nllay l'eeerishness. It cures Dl.irrhion anil Wind Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble", cures Constipation and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and towels, giving heallhynnd natural hloep. The Children's I'auaeea T ho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Thc cintauh eoMN, tt murm artcr, NrwveM crrr. Fall Pull line and IJovs S- ;lo XS..:..H5, 3 THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. (' Organized Under the Uws of the State of North Carolina, Arta sT-.'iuii, i-w. Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $42,000. ll'or more than fifteen years this institution has provided hanking facili ties lor this section, us siockii i.aimuMn.n....." ..v.. with the humness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties tor many years. Monev is Inane 1 upon approved security at the legal lute of interest six per centum. Accounts of all ate solicited. The surplus an.l undivided profits having reaclieil a sum c.,ual to the Capital Slock, thc Hank has. commencing .lunuary I. 1'1'S. established a Savings Department allow ing intru st on tone .leposiis as tollows; or Deposits allowed torcinain three moiitlis or longer. .' per cenl. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or longer. -I pel cenl. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. I'Kksiiiiin r: V. K. DAMlX, vn K-i-iiKsiiinsi: I Ml. 11. W. I.KWIS. i.laekaon, Nmtlianipton county) SEABOARD AIR Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. I... t Raleigh with thc Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: Leave Weldon, " Raleigh, Arrive Charlotte, " Atlanta. " Birmingham, " Memphis. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection lor Memphis and New Orleans. For further. Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER, Ticket Aent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C 1. RYAN, C. IL (iATTIS, General Passenger Agt., - District Passenger Agt Portsmouth, Va. Raleijh, N. C. Signature of and Winter Qoods of Clothing for Men Up-to-date line of LADIES' SKIRTS An J r.erylhiiiK New and Novel in Gent's Furnishings Speciiil Invitation to every iriend of Hali fax and Northampton counties. I J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS, - North Carolina iasuikk: W. It. SMITH. XjIHSTE No. 41 No. 3.1 11:38 p.m. 4:10a. m. 10:05 a. m. 5:00 p. m. ":50 p. m. 7:J0a. m. 12:07 p. m. 4:10 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 12:10 p. m. 8:05 p. m. GfllNG TO rill'RCH. Anybody Can .loin the Church Hut tjetling Through the Pear ly tiutes is a Different Proposi tion. There's a miliinii excuses tor sl'.-epin' laie mi Sunday ninniin,' and inlie of ill; in'-. ;iuy ncu.tint. It's nisi l.i'oii-s pure tinadiilitir a:c.l 1. i.'i'H s-, I h ,i's hn t il is. We're ail id' lis lav, in ire ur less, m.-st'y iid.re, and it's a powerful leiiipiaiinit In loaf in bed until the ei'.tireli bells quit ringiu'; hui, all ihe same children, ii's a bad habit lo net into I ain't a pillar of ihe church, and I reckon if iliey w ere to send out a search p.iny afier new deacon's !l be about the last man they'd pick, but I come to ihe conclusion a long lime ago that ihe church is .1 mighty good ihing to hitch on to, whether you're Hgurin' on happi ness in this world or ihe next. I don't mean to say that the church 'II carry a man into heaven. Not by a long jump. Anybody can join the church, butgctiin' through the pearly gates is a different prop-1 osition. Some of the meanest, no j 'cnunicst people 1 ever had any I dealings with belong to the church, j and it' I thought they had through j tickets to the green fields of liden I'll want to go the other way. But j I know they haven't. I know they j will be brushed off when they try j io come under the wire at the tin- j i .ii, ami so ine tilings iney no anu the thiiigs liiey say don't bother me a little bit. On the other hand, 1 believe a mm or a woman, if they've got the ri l;1u kind of a disposition and the necessary stiffness of backbone, cin worry along through ufe and get satisfactorily stilled in ttie hereafter without any help from the church, l-lut -and can't make that "but" too strong it's only one in a thousand who can do that. The oilier 99!) need some help to keep 'em from wanderin' oil the straight away track that leads to happiness and peace and everything else mat s worm Hav ing -Colonel John Sneed. l ol.'v's Honey and Tar clears th passages stops the iirilation in air the tluoat. soothesthe inllained uiemhranes and the most obstinate eoiuili ilisap peais, sine and intlametl himis are lieah-,1 and silence lied, and ihe cold is expelled from the system. Kefiise any hut Ihe L'enuine ill the yellow package. I). t'l.AIJK. A BOY ANT) THE PROCESSOR. "I was mimicking Professor Horn yesterday, and he caiitflit 1110." "What did he say?" "Told me to stop iiiiikino; a fool of nivself." CASTORIA For Ini'auls and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of '"linn Do you want Bridal Suit AND iDruggett ? It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LKADKRS, 709-11-13 13. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE hies CjplThe only baking powdVrQ) tlNljy rom 'a' Grape Cream of Tartar t&Ctv e made from Grapes v ') pya Makes Finest, Purest Food W ikwAb80,ute5y Pure sttwHo ITS MIGHTY BY Kl'GENl: FILXD. Oh, it's mighty comfortin' when your hair is gettin' thin, And ihe wrinkles in your face have come to stay, Just to feel her little hand snioothin' out each silver strand, While you meet her lovin' look and hear her say : "John, my dear, ii seems as though every day you live you grow Handsomer than in the olden days !" And you smile back at your wife while you think in all your life You never heard a sweeter word of praise. Then, somehow, the teardrops rise to your dim, old, fadin' eyes, While you kiss the tender hand still white and small, And you try to tell her how you loved her then you love her now, But, bless me, if the words will come at all ! For just then it comes to you to think of trials she's gone through, And borne without a murmur for your sake; You can only bow your head at the lovin' things she's said, And your poor old heart can only ache and ache. But she knows what ails you then, and she kisses you again, While you hear her gently whisper, sweet and low: "Life has brought more hopes than fears; we have known more smiles than (ears; You are the dearest dear of dears, John Anderson, my Jo.' " So it's comfiirtin',' I say, when your hair is gettin' gray, And you're slippin' down life's hill a'mighty fast, Just to feel her little hand sirokin' back each silver strand, While she whispers that she loves you to the last. DON'T TAKE IT TO HEART. Don't take it to heart, my little friend, When ihe world seems to use you unfair; Just believe that the worst soon must mend, Thai the dreariesi road has an end; And that some day a full measured share Shall be given to you as your part, So don't take it loo much to heart. Don't cry when endeavor proves vain To work out some sweei, kindly deed; You may feel all the hurt and ihe pain For ihe loss that was yours, but the gain Was the trying to do, and the meed God will give unto you by and by; So take heart of His love and don't cry. Don't lake it to heart if your best Is reckoned as not of much worth; A failure is gain oft confessed, And God sees it, blessing and blest. As a gracious sweet gift to the earth; W hy seek for the earth's empty smile God will make it all right in a while, Don't cry when you see your years speed As a cloud-shadow under the sun, And you stand as a wind-broken reed, Weary, wailing, helpless, in need, And the sands of your glass nearly run; God will call you up home by and by Be patient, dear heart, and don't cry. Take nothing to heart but ihe thought That God knows us just as we are; That He misses no sheaf that we have brought, That He knoweih all we have yearned for and sought, That He judges all kindly and fair; Don't fret, then, dear heart, neither cry God's kingdom will come by mid bv. TWILIGHT At thai hour supremely quiel, when the dusk and darkness blend, and the sordid strife and riot of the and the screaming of the mart have died away, then l like to lie a dreaming of my castles in Cathay, I would roam in flowery spaces watered by the fabled streams, I would travel starry spaces on the winged feet of dreams; I would float across ihe ages io a more heroic hen inspired were all ages, and the warriors sublime. At that ioiiv, t - hour supremely pleasing, cireamsareau KnocKeu gauey csi, phonograph that's wheezing. "Birdie. Dear, I Love You Best. CHILDREN TIIl-TMINU Mas. Visow's Sooiiiimi Syim r has lieeii used for over .VI years liy millions of mothers fort hen children while teeth intf, ttith perfect success. It soothes the child, softens Ihe num. allays all pain; eures wind colic, and is thc best remedy for lliarrlnea. Sold liy druim'ists ill every part of the world. He sure and ask for "Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syr up," and take no other kind. Twenty live cent, i lioltlw lii'pulilishcil I'.y KfipifKt. COMFORTIN'. REVERIES day are at an end;when the bawling : ... by the Both Boys Saved l.ouis lloon. a I' liilnor merchant of Noiway. Mich , writes: "Three holtles of I'oley's Honey and Tar absolutely euied my hoy of a severe eounh, and a iii'il'IiIhii's hoy, who was so ill with a eohl that the doctors irave him up, was cured hy taking I'oley's Money and Tar. Notlnnii else is as sale and certain in result!. K. CI.AKK. Men are always trying to get rid of some habits and form others. THE BENEFIT OF CHANGE. It is the Mother of a Household Whose Life is Chiefly. Threat ened by Monotony. One of the worst foes ol human life is monotony. The whole hu man being, body mid soul, rebels agriinsi ii. After long residence in one place the blood begins in run sluggishly; the appetite fails, the mind becomes dull and the feelings stupitied. Mind and body act and read upon one another, livery 1 physician rccognies the value of change, not only the change of air ' and diet, but change of surround ings, as a medicine for the sick. Change of scene stimulates the ! mind and 'heart to activity, and these reacting on the body rouse it to the greater vitality and effort, i until the whole system is renova- ; ted. It is the mother of a household whose life is chiefly threatened by monotony. She stays at home. She is always in ihe house seeing the same things, hearing the same voices, doing the same work day after day, with endless regularity. The demands upon her time and strength and love and patience are increasing, and the wonder is that she does not break down more frequently than is actually ihe case. The fact occurs too often,, and in such cases an ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of cure. When mother begins lo look hollow-eyed and weary; when she wakes in the morning unrefreshed to drag through a weary day, then j ; is the time to send her away, if ; only for a short while. Of course ! she will object. There is the sew- i ing to be . done, the preserves to ; attend to, and besides it is impossi-! ble to leave the children and equal ly impossible to take them with her. Don't listen to her objection. ' She has reached the point where she is too exhausted to plan and carry out such an undertaking herself. If she could plan it she! would not need it. But let her husband, whom she has served so faithfully, or the oldest daughter, j to whom she has given her life, arrange all matters, so she can leave home with her heart at ease ; about the children. Call in some ' relative or friend to help to stay with ihe little ones, and send the dear, tired mother as far away j from home as it is possible to get ' her, and keep her away until she is strong again in nerves and body. A DAKOTA STORY. j I was talking with a Dakoian the I other day. "Speaking of farms," I he said, "we have some siable farms out in Dakota. Yes, sir, ; I've seen a man on one of our big farms start out in the spring and plow a straight furrow till fall. Then he turned around and har vested back." "Wonderful !" said I. ; "On our Dakoia farms," he ! went on, "it's the usual thing to i send young married couples out to ! milk the cows. Their children ' bring back the milk." "Wonderful !" I repealed, j "Once," he said, "I saw a Da i kola farmer's family prostrated with grief The women were weeping, the dogs were barking, i ihe children were squalling, and ! the tears ran down the farmer's j cheeks as he hitched up his twenty i mule team and drove off." I "Where was he going ?" said j "He was going halfway across the larm to teed the pigs. "Did he ever get back ?" I asked. It isn I time lor him yet, the reply. was NOTHINd SI'RIOUS "Yes, Harold, I am yours." "But your proud mother !" "What of her?" "Will she give her consent?" "Oh, moiher is too sensible to wasie time opposing a summer en- J gagement : There's hardly any way a man can make himself more unpopular than deliberately trying to win pop ularity. If people arc with symptoms of kid ney or bladder trouhle could realize their danger lin y would without loss of time continence taking Pohy's Kidney Hemedy. This great remedy slops the pain and thc irregularities, strength ens and builds up these means and there is no danger of Hright's disease or other serious disorder. ! not disregard the early symptoms. K. I'LAItK IT PAYS TO DO RIGHT. The Church Has (iot The Road All Surveyed and Chartered I've noticed-' and 1 don'i sleep except when I go to bed I've no ticed that the people who come nearest to being happj in this world are the one-, who come nearest I i dnin' i ight. I o do right all the lime, to do llic square thing by your Ineiidx and your enemies, by everybody as well ax by your self, i-. a pretty hard proposition, and there's mighty lew I doubt if there's any -thai succeed entirely. But it's been my experience that il pa's io try, and the dividends sji be exactly in proportion to tCe su Ires .. We're all lookin' lor happitpss. We've got a good maiiy'uilferent ideas about what it is, but whatever it is we want it, and if we've got boss sense we want the brand that'll last the long- j est an' keep the best. That brand I is especially prepared and reserved ! for those who do right, or as near ! right as they can. Nobody else can get even a smell of it. And there's no institution or agency that'll help a man to do right like the church. It's got the right of way on the straightway track. It's got the road all surveyed and char tered. There's lots 0' people in the church that we don't like, and there's lot's o' people in the church, no doubt, who don't like! I us. But take it all round, the fact j ! remains that the church people are j the best people, not only in the j j spiritual but in the material sense, j ; Don't forget that. - Colonel John I ! Sneed. j INTLRCHANUI: 01- OPINION. Said William's Wife can make money, b t he v, be able to save any. Said William's Mother just what I warned my sr he wanted to marrv vou. William ill never -That is n when Mr. Park Last night I dreamed that I proposed lo you. Miss Gramercy How much more sen sible you are asleep than awake ! THAT BAD in your mouth is a SURE SIGN of 1 Disordered m - Liver TO-DAY. Vou ail feel heller almost iniiiieib.itele. and slill better To-TVlorrow THE GENUINE hat lha RED Z on th front of each package and ths fttgnatura and al of J. H. ZEILIN A CO., on th ida, In RED. Q FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. I Ii ( ( C ( WE FURNISH I A lloval I east ioevi ry one nho ( huy then ifioceiies al our store. ( All the seasoiial'le delecaeies arc found in our store the ycai , round. 1 CONFECTIONERIES ( FRUITS ( CROCKERY AND TIN ( WARE ( Wooden and Willnwarc, Klc. I I is ileiiven d .ll!l-.p!lv SPV ( herc in town. Polite clerks. ( Phone No. sil. I M. PURNELL, MrCAlX PATTEBNS .,... , l . .. l,r o. a lor sty !, prrhTt fit, simplicity .na r,., ,1.,'Mtv molv 40 y"". Sold M,,l tii rv ulynmi Inwn in ll I'mlcil States and I ,), t i,v mail tlir.it. More ,imt limn ji.v "tli-r make. Send lor lr UUi(i. Met l i 'S MAGAZINE .u- Miti.cniH? tl.sn but otlii-r luslnon ,i. ,L. I'm.'- nullum ii in"nth. " ln iilnnlilr. I it. ,1 .lVi. put. o.s, ilii'mnukiiH!, niillinity, j. .I'll si v ( l.lUll lll', in., f.im v tifitlfwe's. lueilii's. in,:, (Hind it.'iir,, ctr. Onlv M l'i-i'l "i liniil.lt-i. iucliuliiiK trer p ittrm. Sii'i.-tili'i t ui iv, or M'li.l ler .ample vi'Py. RIH. INDIHTMENTS , ni'-. 1".. "I l"i"ll' n.re r ti.nBu, i.l ii.m'i i-ll I'li'A' nl1 s. Ail, in' s at u.imi o riuMiw '' wa was WKI PON, Pi, C. , ( r -.). Ten Doctors Said He Would Die "In Ion wo v.ro'.o you regard in;; inv liii-band, uho was suffering- fi i on lu art trouble. He was : i;irr.,:ii:;ited by the North to-' iiy.i.ni i 'i: fen-nee. Ten doe al dil'ieienl times said be 'ion ad i-ed and Dr. was II art Ken N'ervine v e ,'nl i-,.!. an appaia nt i'i ' 1 1" n enieiit e i TV first e ( i in fi rrn in l.;el belt. a ch.ii.e. He r, although he work and does ramp meeting; glad we took gave liini the o-r n lias el i lie a ercai oca il of work. I a in si vniir advice am l'Kilirinc, and feel that 1 ought to let you know of the wonder ful good results from its use." '.MRS. T. S. EDWARDS, Milner, Ga. This proves what Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy will do. Get a bottle from ynur druggist and take it according' to directions. It does not mailer whether your heart i- merely weak, or you have organic trouble, if it does not benefit you take the empty bottle to your druggist and get your money back. sum We Ask You to Uke Cardul, for your female troubles, because we are sure it will help you. Remember that this great female remedy has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City n j T OIL A. IRK. ATTORMEY AT LAW, H KI.I il IN, N. ( '. Practices in the coui ls of Halifax and adjoinim; counties and ii. the Supreme oi mil ol the stale. Special attentiou tiveii to collections and prompt return Foley's DRX&P Laxative I Pleasant and EffectWa CURES Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble. by stimulating these organs and restoring their natural action. Is best for women and chil dren as ORINO does not gripe or nauseate. E. CLARK. ! M I INSTANTANEOUS i MESSENGER AT YOUR COMMAND 24 Hours Every Day. TELEPHONE IN YOUR r?Ff-DENO5 For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . N. C- TRADCMAKKI, I 'vwtf flnl 1 'tiijtiKMil latmtl. S.ml Skth-Ii, Mtxlfl or rfinld, i-U FHKK HIPOUT on i''t''HlnMlitv. I'utftiLINTMKV ttfrxi lu lr lNK MflMUCIIi L Sfiii) 4 iv nt- In atHiiitia fin our two if.vlnr.l ho .k oil HOW TO OBTAIN unri MIL PAT tNTi. Wliuli otirt will pHy. lhtwln (ft irt-tit-r, paU'iit law and ot)iT viUu.lU.f)nnftUoa. D, SWIFT & CO. iiriiiiu.tlv nl.iitJiiiHl In all t on M i li ft o no r.u PATINT wwriin, 303 Seventh St., WMhlnqtoa.O. C, i

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