THE ffOAMOKE MEWS. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subsi.Tiptir.n-Jl.50 Per Annum VOL. XUV. V KLDON. N. ('., TIUHSDAV. NOVKMIiKIt I. l!OS. NO. 117 AI.COIIOI, 3 PfcK CESnT AVcidalili'Prrwminnror,k similaiin5i'Fouil.inlItr(!iili lingtlif Suwiahs ouiUowbof rromnli'sDislionClKPifiil ncss and ResLCoiililns neiaw Opiuiu.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Naucotip. JbcSftm Austbtd .hpprmmr -Afrtoiat rA Climnit ijgor . niwflyrfmAmv. A nurTurl tlonwrtv f m-frnllM- lion . Sour Sloiiuch.DlarrtotJ Worms oiivulsioits.rfvcristi lussandLosSOrSLtER FitC Simile Sirjimlur' of ysW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Fall r:-.r aiaaa Full line and Hovs i THE BANK OF VELDOrJ WKI.DON. N. ( Organized Under the Lai of the State of North Carolina, Al'iil'SI' jnl'll. I "-. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository Capital aQd Siirplas, $43,000. - For more than 17 veai tins institution lias piovidol Lankim: faeili tie for tins seclion. It's stocUioldeis u t i . I duct-tors have Lccn i.lentilicd Willi the business interests of Halifax an. I N 1.1 1 liHinp'"" counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at theli'iatl rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. Tlie surplus an. I undivided profits liavniir reaelie.l a sum e.ual to Ihe Capital Stock, the Hank lias, con ncim.' -lanuai y I. I'ms. established a Savinirs Department alloHiin; inteiest on tune deposits as follows: l'or Deposits allowed torciiiain three months or loiiser. - per cent. .six months or loiiL'er. S per cent. Twelve months or loturcr 4 percent, l'or further information apple to the President or I ashler. iuksiokst: W. K. DANIKl,, v 1 1 K riiKsniKNr: I'll. II. . I.KWIS, (Jackson. Northampton couuly) OE AIR 8EAB0A1U) Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vesiibule Coaches, Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Koom Sleeping Cars. Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L.. at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: No. 41. No. 33 Leave Weldon. 12:07 p. m. 11:38 p. m. " Raleigh, 4:10 p.m. 4:10a.m. Arrive Charlotte. IWO P' 10:05 m Atlanta, H:45 m- 5:00 P m " Birmingham, 12:10 p.m. :S0 p. m. " Memphis. 8:05 p.m. 7:30 a.m. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further Information relative to rates, ksched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to IL UVAX, C. IM4ATTIK, General Passenger Agt., - District Passenger Agt., P.rUmoutli. Va. Raleigh. N. C. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years STOEt and Winter Goods of Clothing for Men Up-to-date line of V 4T i .D' In orrr. LADIES' SKIRTS And Everything New and Novel in Gent's Fui nishingo Special Invitation lo every friend of Hali fax and Northampton counties. I J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE KAPIDS. - North Carolina CAKIIIKH: W. li. SMITH. LINE WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS SAY? I Keeping House for One's Own Comfort. Ho was wise who wrote: "Half tin- stino (1f poverty or of small means is j;one when one keeps j house for nne's own comfort ! illlil lint fur the ('online nt of one's own neiyhlmis " IVnv it lis well, few of lis have the moral I'm re to set up a standard . of unr own, linseil upon our in comes an. I our own particular home environments. We com mit the folly of reulati'litf our , expenses liv the income of some one else. If the lirowns across the street liatij,' up expensive lace curtains, we are discoii tenleil until lace curtains have I pme up to our windows, no matter how much smaller our income may he than that of the i Browns. If the Smiths put down a velvet carpet, our neat and pretty ingrain hecomes an ; eye sore to us. We are extreme ly mindful of what our neih- ' Inns w ill think ahout many things that otijrht not to con cern iheni in the least. We have no standard of our own. lur dross and e en our tallies must lie regulated hy the slan- ' dards of others. AVe have not i he r,nii ar;o nor the indepen- I in'i to he indifferent to the comment of our neighbors. This form of moral cowardice is causing many families to live heyolnl their incolin S. They can face deht and forfeit their Jell' -respect easier than they can face the unfnvorahle com ment of t heir friends and neinh liors. The extent to which this imitation of others is car ried would he ludicrous did it not hiini; iinhappiness in its I rain. It is fieipieiitly the di rt ct cause of the discontent and deht that have driven happi ness from the family hearth stone. Let us have a standard of otirown, hased upon our o n tastes, our own incomes, our own needs and let us cheerful ly and bravely adhere to this standard, heedless of that dreadful buheiir: "What will t he neighbors sav?" i'orced Into Hxile. William tpi'lunch. of I ilen I lak.Hkla., was an exile fiom home. Mniintaiu ait, he IhoiiL'lit. would cure a fiiirlitful lime lackiin.' couc'h that had delie.l all reme dies fol two yeais. After six months he returned, death tlocumi; his steps. "Then I heiran to use Or, kimr's New liiscovery." he writes, "ami aftertakins six hottles 1 am us well us ever." It saves thousands yearly Irom desperate liinir thseases. Iiifalhhle for loimhs and t 'olds, it dispels Hoarseness uud Sore Throat. Cures drip, llronehitis, llemonhaucs. Asthma. Croup, Whoop imr I'oiil'Ii. ."t'le. anil si. trial hotlle free nuaiauteed hv ull ilriiuifists. Some men have such a poor head for money matters that if they put a counterfeit in ihe collec tion plate, ihe grocer or somebody would work it ott on iheni again. -?wtii uw Do you want Bridal Suit AND UDruggett ? It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) leadkhs, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND. VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Choice the most nutritious food and the most dainty and delicious Balcing 'Powder Absolutely Pure No fretting over the biscuit making. Royal Is i raL aid to many a AF id to cook's In Memory's garden the grass is worn By ihe tread of countless feel; Where the Bleeding Heart, all sorrow-torn Grows hard by the Bitter Sweet. But here, where the Golden Glow upspritigs From a happy dream fulfilled, The path seems dim, till iis winding brings It again to heart's blood spilled. The red, red Rose of Love blooms true Where a lover kissed a lass, Bui the pathway leads to a bed of rue On over the trodden grass. And here, w here the Passion Flowers sleep ! In a purple and silver gleam i Is the spot where a dtuy knell to weep ! By the grave of a dear dead dream. ! Ah, here the paths shows bare and plain, : For many have passed ibis way; 1 Where ihe Dream and die Duty pari again j In Memory's walks today. , "I'is a long sad way for the weary heart I To the (iate of Forgetfulness; 1 Since the Dream and the Duty had to part And the cross of life oppress. j Bui by and by, where the Heartsease grows, ' The wandering path will cease; I For there abides in its calm repose i The wonderful Flower of Peace. smM of f hie: mm. She cut me loose from my swaying stem In the sweep of the silvery dew ; She took me away from my garden home And the old time friends I knew. Away from the mold of my crimson clan Through a hallway dark and cool, When she buried my thirsty, drooping lips In the depths of a crystal pool. She brought me forth in the twilight's shade With a smile as her red hps Pressed against my own, and her eyes were bright, And she placed my head on her breast; And together we wandered forth again, When the moon danced through the trees, And the breath of my clan came back to nie On the sweep of the twilight breeze. Our pathway led to the garden gate, When out to the moonlight clear Another came up the winding road With an old time song of cheer And side by side on ihe rustic bench They sat when the moon rose dim, And when he left for the road again He took me away with him. He opened ihe dusty book one night When I had lain through the years; And his eyes half closed in ihe lonesome room, Looked down through a mist of tears; And he kept me then till the gray dawn swept The shadows away with iis gleams; "Ashes of roses" 1 heard him say, "Ashes of roses and dreams." kills Her Toe ot 20 Years. "The most merciless enemy I hail fm 1I years," declares Mrs. .lames Duncan, of ilaynesville. Me., "was Dyspepsia. I sullereil intensely after eaiiiitf or diiuk iuiran.l scarcely sleep. After many remedies had failed and n.iveral doetois Itave me up, I toed lllcctric Hitters, which cured me completely Now 1 can eat unylhiiu;. I am H veins old and am oveijoyed at ircttinittny health hack uiiaiu." i''nr ludiircslion, I.ofs ofAppe tite. Kidney TroiiLlc. Ijime Hack, l e male Coniilainls. its unc.iialed. only .me. ul nil di uircists. Most of the trouble that we make for ourselves comes from our try ing to make it for somebody else. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Ik wuffiH-l many success A Scalded Hoy's Shrieks liorrilied his irran.lmothcr. Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Neho, Ky , who writes that, when all Ihuutrht lie would .he, Hack Ion's Ainiea Salve wholly cured him Infallible fol Itiiins, Scalds. Cuts. Corns. Wountls, Utilises, Cures Fever Sores, Hulls. Skin Fruplioiis. Cliilhlains. Chap ped Hands Soon routs Piles. L'.ic. at a'l druirL'ist-t. A woman's real age is pretty sure to be as much as she tells you I it isn't. Young Girls Are Victims. of headache, as w ell as older women, hut all iret tpiick relief unit prompt euro from Dr. kind's, New Life Pills, the woil. I s hest remedy for sick and ner vous headaches. They make purr blood. anil stioui; nerves ami build up your licaiui. irytiieni. z-xj. at an urugKiais. THE FIDDLE IN THE CHOIR. Editor of Chnrity and Children Would Mac a Doen Violins in the Choir of the Church at which He Worships. North Carolina can boast of one ediior w ho lias the rijln sort of . music in his soul. 1 lis name is Archibald Johnson and he presides 1 over Charity and Children. He ; is an admirer a devotee of the fiddle, known in polite socieiy as the violin, and he wains more of the fiddle in the choir. I le agrees with David that the Lord should be praised on stringed instruments, and if he hail his way and could i secure them, he would have a : dozen Hddles in the choir of the ; church at which he worships. "Singers," he says, "know the ! value of the violin skillfully played and the wonderful help it renders, i We rejoice to see the king of in ; sirumenis coining into its own. : For many years it has been in the . hands of the devil because of the ! prejudice of good people against iis use. Why is it not just as con sistent to tear out the floors of our : houses and adopt sawdust because ball-rooms must have floors? Our i colleges for women are magnify , ing the violin in the music course, and our girls are learning to master ! this delightful instrument. It seems j W ULIILK. a pity that a bright girl who has ; prepared herself to play ihe violin j "You left off smoking because is sometimes rudely denied the i she asked you to?" i pleasure she could and would give ! "Yes.' :. the congregation by some brother) "And you lett off drinking be ' who has no more music in his soul ! cause she asked you to?'' ! than a mule has." That is com-! "tes." ing it pretty strong, but our good hrolher is moved to qualify it by I the reluctant admission thai "if the fiddle makes some good broth- er to offend no riddle should be j played," for "harmony is necessa ry outside as well as within the choir." Here is a noble soul wil ling to surrender iis appreciation of the fiddle rather than give some old rooster cause to rebel against this appearance of worldliness in ihe church. Anyhow, he has thrown out a him to other cham pions of the riddle. He has sowed the seed, as it were, even if he does glance askant at the coming i of the crop. He has tuned up the fiddle and passed it along to those who can play it the sly old sinner. Charlotte Observer. sun had ; She was young. This may ac count for il. Besides that, her ; , companion was well read, so she ; naturally tried to show her own j reading qualities and quantites. , i "You've read Dumas?" he ask-r j ed. i "Oh, yes, " she replied. "Ain't1 ! he grand?" j , "And Hugo?" j "Yes; he's fine !" j Dickens?" "I think he's just glorious !" "How about Scott ?" ' "rtdtciiiosl" ! He regarded her keenly for a moment. W Inch of his works 1 do you like best, 'Ivanhoe' or" i "Oh, 'Ivanhoe,' by all means !" she exclaimed, with fervor. i He smiled. "Of course," he. 'said, deliberately, "you've read I Scon's 'F.tnulsion'?" I j "Of course," she replied, indig-1 ; nam that he should ask such a question. ''But," she added, "I don't think it's as good as Tvan jhoe.'" j ; What he thought of it he didn't j say. I le simply put ihe question lo the girl on the other side of j him, and she littered. New York ! Tunes. A DISTINCTION AN!) PKHM- i TION. "Sure an' what ihe divvil is a chafin dish?" asked Pat "Whist, man," answered Noro, "it's a fryin' pan ihot's got into i society." I CHILDREN TEETHING Mhs, Winsiow's SoottiiNo St in I- has been used for over .Ml years hy millions of mothers for their chili Iron w hile teeth iiur, with perfect su. cess. Il soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrh.ea. Sold hy diiitrirists in every part of the world, lie sure and ask for "Mis. Winsiow's Sootltinif Syr up." anil take no other kind. Twenty live cents a holtle CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the ZJJ Signature of (aMCtU INDOLENCE AND HOME. Make the Children i eel that Home Is a Paradise. Indolence is an enemy to horn.'. Some men are too lay to provide decern conveniences al home. Il is a crime aa hist t he happi ness of t he home for a man to nelrcl to provide the little conveniences I hat will add lo I he In an I y and eoinfort of 1 he home. Say. hrolher, lake out that old mil.leweil piilotv ami put in a pane of ulnss, il is loo painful as it is ( 'liinl. up then ami put t he bricks on l he ch im ney where the storm of last winter blew them oil' l'ut a carpet on the Moor and a few pictures on the wall. But some (rood hooks on the shelves, ami e;ive your family a paper or two to read. Study to make yourself useful, ami to rob home of its bleakness, by pro viding things that add to its comfort and brightness. .Make the children feel that home is a Paradise in which t he t.h rush es love ever to sin.Lf hinh up in the clear blur sky of the humble heart and v mi will hn e no fear of turning out thieves and harlots in vears to come. "And you left oft' swearing be cause she asked you to?" "Yes." "And you began going into bet ter society because she asked you to?" "Yes." "It is a wonder to me you did not marry her !" "1 had intended to; but when I had got rid of all of my bad habiis 1 found 1 could do belter !" THAT in your mouth HAD IS .1 SURE SIGN of j Bisortlervtt Liver TO-DAY. You will feel better almost uiiine.l'.iti tv. ami sun nciicr To-Morrow THE CENUINE h lh RED I on thm front of oach pcliaoo and fho tlonatura and aaal of J. M. ZULUS , CO., on tna atda, in Rtu. 0 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. WE FURNISH A Ivoval Feast lo cci v one who luiv their crocertt's at our shirt All the setisoiiahle .It leeaeies are found in our stoic the year round. CONFECI lONFDlf ri FHUI1 S CHOCK.FHV AND 1 IN WAHE. Wooden and Hillnwwaie. Klc. I i,,..Im ,i,-li.,-i,-l ptoioptly any ( where in town Polite clerks. ( Phone No so. B. M. PDRNELL, w hi. DOS, K. C. i We Ask You to take Cardul, for your female. troubles, because va are sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy WINEf OF 6 has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak riess, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold In This City "1 few -22 Rheumatic Pains "My tmrtlu-r h a great suf ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles' Anti-Bain Bills is the only remedy that relic . i s her." MKS. ti. D. i:.T( iUT, K..rHk'ld, ". J. The pains , ,f i hrmnal isin are almo-l inv.itiahlv relieved with Dr. .Mil.-,' i;ti-l':iin Bills. They i also overcome that nervous irri tation which prevents sleep ho- ratise lhr . mi he the nerves. To 1 chronic suffers they are invalu able. W hen taken as directed, I thev r. hcvr the distress and ! save the weakeniae; iulluencc of i pain, v.liieh so frequently pros ! tratcs. M any sufferers use them whenever occasion rctpiircs with the greatest satisfaction, why i not ou? They do not derange i the stomach nor create a habit. ' W'hv not trv them? (let a paek i " .... j age from your ilriie''.il. T ukc it i according to directions, and if il does not benefit he will return , your money. IU'( ALL PATTERNS l , ..-l.i.iU-1 l.,r -.Ivlf, pfrfect fit. simplicity and'i: 'V tit a V 40 vats. S"lil in ncaily ctrv . nv ifi.l t"'vn in t lie Cn;f.l States aril I .ifia.t:,, Vi tiv luiil itiifct. M"f: M'iit tli.iu .nv i.llit-r miilii'. Soid lur lice't;i'e, . ALL'S MAGAZINE M.iu' i li t i tli.ui unv (.elii iii l., lV.iil.r ion .1 Hi .'Utii. InWH.i'ir. -I i' -. I- 'C '". in '.it. "'::'- rv' ii.jiii st-wii.a. 1 '" t ai.ui.tii "i- -, iliiiuftli-. 1 .1 linn.-, O" v Mi a n,.i, ,l.,l.Vi. ii',!,-u- .. I'-? .ef". S..:.. ti!..- t.i-i-v, or I- :: I I ' om.; -' " . . 'USmiRH'L INIM1CFMFNTS - A I' ' 'I ' ., -t :-i- ..i-'. -- A.! : - ue iicrui (-. a-i. ft w. .-rnti n: w vo:. !E. T. CLABK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, U Id.HON, .N. C. I'lactices iii thecoiiits of Halifax and adjoHiniir coiinlies and it. the Supremo court of the Slate. Special attention tiven to collections and prompt return KIDNEY CURE 1 WILL CURE YOU t of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi i cine. Take it at once. Do : not risk having Bright'sDis ! ease or Diabetes. There is j nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. i REFUSE BUISTITUTIS. E. CLARK. Why "" Certainly You can afford it! 38 cents per week pays lor a TFLEPHONE at your RESIDENCE For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. " unlit dilt.l ill ill! emit:',, i It MO .. tDini yaRva i muii mul i'm,(i flitu rrtila- Semi hket'-ll, Mmlcl Ot 1 lioti. fori mil iHPOHTon imlt-ntHliilllF. l'ntfmjfCV I i.-. nieliiiiut-lv. BANK MPIRKNCK. P rsftiti i cr nt in utitiiii"" fi our i u uiTloiihle I bm,k on HOW to OBTAIN n ifl tCLL MT I INTt, Wlili-ll wt Will imr. How to ur.lWtt- I tier, (MUnt law ami othfr VkUu title liilonniitloo. I D. SWIFT & CO. PATINT lAWVIflll 303 Stventh St., Wathlniiton, 0. 0. j FOLEY'S

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