lit llil SLall us 2 1 4 i 11 Mi I t : r r Advertisiiig Rates Made Known on Application. vol,. xuv. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Vi:UON X. C.. TIU HSDAV, NOVKMUKK is, I! Mil). Terms of Subscriptiori"$l.50 Per Annum! NO. lit) - i . Get the Habit Of coming to our store when you want the best in footwear are the latest designs made by skilled shoemakers, in other words, they are classy. Let us see your foot and we will be glad to do the rest. Also full line of HOLEPROOF II O S I K R V in Men's, Ladies' and Children's, Guaranteed to last you six months, If they don't you get six pairs of hose FRLL. Try a box-Men's $1.50; La dies $2;Childrens $3; extra heavy at foot and knee -the only kind that will stand the children. The Shoe Store of shoe values WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDOM, M. C rn ( ' Q . tr y S ill and Winior Boods ' Pull line of Clothing for Men nul Hovs. - Up-to-date line of LADIES' SKIRTS And l:erylhinK New and Novel in (.rent's Furnishings Spcial Invitation to every friend of llili fux and Northampton counties. I J. KAPLIN, uuvikl! RAPIDS. - North Carolina THE BANK OF WELDON WTXDON. N. (' Organized Under the U.vvso the State ot North Carolina, At i.t SI "JiHTI. I-'1-'- State of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository Capital ana Surplus, $43,000. Kr more'than 1" , , V" -V 5 1 P V. ' .V, J " 1' : ' .-V ' " -. , n'.-l i tics for this section. Its sto, M I. an m ,,, ,,,, rr .rr; "i,""f ;rTrnru -v:,;::r:" w-.;:;t. - r ' l Saving ncpaitmeni auow.ou ..... , . mli Slx Deposits all. nvc.l torcnmin on.-; u , .'.,. '. .., ,.,.( ino'uths or Ion.,,. l;r cent. I -he .;' - f l ot further inlormaiiou uppi o I'Hksidknt: w. I-:, hami'.i.. VI. K I'llKMUKNr: I ib. II W. l.KAMS. (.laekson, Northampton e. rlMllkK: W. 1!. SMITH. TO INSPIRE LOVE. All Lovers Should (live This A Hitch Place In Their Estimation. An ancient manuscript Rives Casanova's following love charm : "A ymiii". man desirous of in sptrinjj love in a yirl that looks upon Ins suit with imlilfeivnce, will surely succeed in his quest if h,. i.h,.v tlw t'lillowint! tried aiu approved instructions : "On a !:nday iiiorninR, before sunrise, c into an orchard and pluck an apple, one of pale color if the Rirl is pale, one with red clucks if your lady love is disthi-motti.-.t iiti sn.-h heauiv. While .... - j in the act turn your face towards j the east and say not a word ere it's accomplished, no matter how ' many people you run across. After ; securing the apple cause a little blood to flow in the breast nearest ! your heart, and with this lover's ink write your own and your girl's name on a piece of thin tissue pa per. This should be made into a roll and wound with a rope made of hair from the head of your girl and your own. Ihrej; hairs en iwined of each will suffice. "Now divide the apple into two equal parts, remove the pits and : : place into the hollow the bit of " miner wil'.i the names. Then close up the apple again with splinters cut from the wood of twigs of a myrtle bush. The myrtle, accord ing io mythology, has been a sym bol of love and marriage since time immemorial, and all lovers should give it high place in their estima tion. "Wail until full moon, and du ring ihe night, with the light shining upon the stove, bake the ,ipple in the oven until its dry and hard, pronouncing from lime to nine the name of the beloved one. The apple you must manage to i place under your lady love's pillow j before she goes to bed, a girl j friend, sister, or cousin, or per haps a servant, will do as much for you. Such will be the conse quences : "During the first night the be loved one will be unable to sleep; heartaches, her little head is tor tured with uncertaiiitaimies, yet at intervals she win uream dreams with her eyes wide open. "During the second night the girl will become cognizant of the fact that she is in love, that some one is thinking of her, wants her and wants no one else. "And on the third night the god of love will tell the girl that you are the man whose soul is craving for her; that you will make her happy and that no one else can make her happy but you. "The same methods may be em ployed by a girl, or woman, to ward the male person she loves." C" ''Mr The only Baking Powdor. i.'My made from Royal Grape m W Cream of Tartar i if. m i li i v a m i w AS TO METHUSELAH'S AGE. Critics Cut Itis M ears Down; to 78 .(Abraham and Isaac's Years Come Down to 72 and 71. TWO SINNERS. I'wivt Line and Vice, Which, Think. Ye, Entered Paradise? 20 Years WithHeartTrouble ; ci mic fro Mil it M - ' C SEABOARD AIB LINE A CHAMPION APPHTITE-. Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches. Dining Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Connections made at We.don with A. C I... . KulelKj Norfolk and Southern trom liastern points, trains leaving i follows: . , , No. 41. Leave Weldon. Z .. , ,u It) p. m. Rnlel,th IMO n m Arrive Charlotte. i ;"' Atlanta, ... i 12:10 p. m. Birmingham, m " Memphis. M3 P m- Caleb Cohen, a colored man of i this place, one night recently ate i sixty-two bananas at one sitting, i The fruit was furnished free, pro I vided the man's capacity was equal to the quantity; but in case ot tau ; ure to eat the sixty-two, he was to ! forfeit 50 cents. Another darkey with a champion appttite was anx ious to wager two dollars that he could eat a box of axle-grease, but ; could find no takers. l.eaksville , Gazette. He was old and poor and a stranger In the great metropolis, As he bent his step thitherward To a stately edifice. Outside he inquires, "What church is this?" "Church of Christ," he hears them say; "Ah! just the place I am looking for, 1 trust He is here to-day." He passed through the spacious columned door And up the carpeted aisle, And as he passed on many a face He saw surprise and smile, From pew to pew, up one entire side, Then across the broad front space; From pew to pew down the other side He walked with the same slow pace. Not a friendly voice had bid him sit To listen to gospel truth; Not a sign of deference had been paid To the aged one by youth, No door was opened by generous hand, The pews were paid for rented, And he was a stranger, old and poor, Not a heart to him relented. As he paused a moment outside to think, Then he passed into the street. I'p to his shoulder he lifted u stone That lay in the dust at his feet, And bore it up the broad, grand aisle, In front of the ranks of pews; Choosing a place to see and hear, He made a seat for his use. Calmly sitting upon the huge stone, Folding his hands on his knees, Slowly reviewing the worshippers, A great confusion he sees, Many a cheek is crimsoned with shame, Some whisper together sore And wished they had been more courteous To the stranger, old and poor. As if by magic some fifty doots Open simultaneously, And as many seats and books and hands Are proffered hastily; Changing his stone for a crimsoned pew, And wiping a tear away, He thinks it was a mistake, after all, And that Christ came late that day. The preacher's discourse was eloquent, The organ in finest tone, But the most impressive sermon heard Was preached by an humble stone, 'Twas a lesson of lowliness and worth That lodged in many a heart, And the church preserves that sacred stone, That the truth may not depart. c foil. .will cXcluUiH1': "M.-thu-chili loses his famous i ui'.l. lor his :f.. rci.utc. I . years arc whittled down toTsJ. 'lius says the Jewish nil. I in i a of Jewish churae ' teristies. j There has always existed a ; certain amount of doubt even anions believers in the literal truth of the llihlc coiicernilit,' the ;reat aj;e to which the.lew ish patriarchs are recorded as 'having lived. Some of the theories evoked to reduce the Biblical records of this kind to soiiiethine; near the allotted ' span of are dealt on in the ; article. It is surmised, the Jewish ! World savs, that in the earliest j times the month, the period of ' a moon cycle, was called a ! vear. Thus Adam's n:M yeais The billowing which i from an exchange, shows justice and inconsisicncy world in dealing with two t.iken ;he in ol the classes Dr. cured in.' 1,1 ov. r Jo i at so bad that I of sinners - man and woman as we have ail seen .1 : She was a woman, worn and ilim, whom the world condemned lor a single sin. They cast her out of the king's highway, and passed her by as they went to pray. He was a man, and more to blame, but the world spared him a breath of shame. Beneath his feet he saw her he, but he raised his head and passed her by. They were the people who went to pray, at the temple of Cod on that holy day. They scorned the woman, forgave the man; 'twas ever thus , since the world began. ; Time passed on and the woman died; on a cross of shame she was j crucified, The world was stern i and would not yield, and they j buried her in a potter's held. The j man died, too. and they buried; i ,,f life cnlciilatimr a vearat ' days, the length of a lunar year him in a casket of cloth, wuli a, 1 month, works out to 7.11 years, silver brim, and as they turned ! After the month year there ; from the grave away, said, "We 'came a live month year, the buried a noble man to-day. ' ' limit of five beine; derived from Two mortals knocked at heav ; the lingers of one it lieintf re-! en's gate stood face to face to m I meinhercd that primitive peo-i quire their fate. He carried a : pie tilwavs used the tinkers for passport with an earthly sign, but j counting purposes. Theiieanie j she a pardon from love divine, j the twelve month year. , Oh, ve who judge 'twixt love and Kxeuso for this rearrange-1 vice, which, think, ye, entered i incut is found in the Psalmist's', Paradise? Not he whom the limit of life, three score and tell ' world has said would win, but the ' vears. ami it is maintained that woman alone was ushered in ' between the 11 . art Kcnii ily lias heart disease of ' standing. I was could not do my ii wrl:. anil nml.l oiau a lull l.r.alli without iain'.inc; or inmberine;- 'I I"' doe',..!' told me u could do no move for me; ihc a I eoimiinu'ed;- tin! Heart. Keinedv. 1 shall never f.,ret that nii-lit. 1 s-l'I't ,,("tu'r than 1 had before in months. I kept rijjlit on B-t:ii! l''t(;r, un til I was perfectly well." MRS. LA UK A KCSSKLL, l.ojjau, Iowa. When the heart a. tion is weak, it fails to pump the blood'Mi the liuis with sullicicnt rapi.lnv. Then the luns do not absorb' the proper amount of ow-cn, although they may be taking in a normal amount of air. The result is shortness of breaih. smothering spells, dim cult breathiuK. oppressed feeling in chest. Dr. Miles' Heart Rem edy strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, and in this way increases the circulation. Get a bottle from your drug eist Take it aeoirdiiiR to direc tions, and if it docs not benefit he will return your money. intervened discovered watching lai Ims Jacob's I 17 times of Noah ami David no such extraordinary change could have taken place as to reduce the life of man by eleven-twelfths. Ml the live month year basis, Abraham's 17.'i vears work out al TJ and ; Isaac's Iso at 71. Perhaps, too,lhcr a six month year. by Jacob while ban's Hocks. years work out 7:1. The t welve ; month year began with the Egyptians who saw that a com plete period was made of the two "years" in one of which the days were longer than the nights and in the other the nights were longer than the , davs. The Christian and Jewish vears, concludes the Jewish World, will not he separated. ' "for," it says "in due course of time Kosh Mash, ma will fall at Christinas time and then catch up with the Christian year. This, however, will not happen for :',n,oi.'o years. No doubt thai is the reason why nobody wor ries about it." IN Tilt: WKONU HOX SNAPSHOTS. V sfV t .in. .,v , ' "' I I" .' 1 " Mc( M VS MAGAZINK It is better to have begun and quit than never to have begun at all. Keligion is not something to get and keep, but to have and use. Pride sometimes goes before a fall, but it nearly always follows a rise. Do not light the devil with fire, (iet him into the parlor and freeze ' him to death. I One of the hardest things in this ; world for an heiress to do is to lose her money and keep her husband. I The price ofbroomcornhasgone ; so high it is cheaper for the aver age housewife to wipe up the Moor ' with her husband. The head of the house may as well make up his mind at once that if only one member of the family can wear good clothes it isn't he. The pastor of a prominent Northern church has forbidden ihe girls in the choir io wear nils in their hair, and the gills are now charging that he has bats in his belfry. e.'ONDIBHX 1V tilt M. I All ( .. ' E, one on run kmtor. No. .M 11:41 p. ni 4.l()u. ni. 10:05 a. m 5:00 p. ni. :50 p. nt. 7:.) a. m. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. ;., ,1,1..,,.,,. i.ri'vuiliUL' ill til is o.unlrv must Ihciiim' so ilwqi- .1-. LltlAj ili-iil lm nri. runs,', I . by it heart ills ncilll iiiiiiiii i'i -Jr i ... 1I1,-X, ill!: Kill I. II i. 1. 11 L . I -.artWO -sj I. "i m L r re u I .mm --V'r-.J,li V: No. 41-Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta. ; direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. : For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Aifent, Weldon. N. C. Or write to V It KYAW U JATTIS, General Passenger Agt., - District Passenger Agt., Portsmouth. Va. MM,.C. QEORQE C. QREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (Natioual Hank HuildiiiK) Weldon, N.C. W. J. WARD, IKNTIST, OKHCKIN HAMIiL l!i:iLDlN(l, WKLIKIN. Mpl2 Ij tin- rrult nf kill lu'V ilisensc. II kiiliu v triml'li- ib nllowfilti.nilviince tlu kiiliu'V i.isim r,l I.IihhI nt- ...i. ,'u ..;.TrV,t-ir-!, rausiiiL' catanh ot the I1:iI.Ut, l.rii k-dust r s-,!iimMit id the urine, liiu.l m lie, lark utlic, lam tiack, iliznni'ss, Fl-i-,lessm'f, r.ervoiiB-11,-s, or tlic Viilncvs thtmstlves Lrtuli ,!,n iiii.I waste away cell ly ctll. Ma.hler troul.les nlmoit always result from u .UraiimiiKnt of the Ui,lmy and Ix tler lieotlli in mai urKuii . ...... iinii liest hv a iroer treatiiitnt of the kid nevs. 5wanip-oot corrects limlnhty tc hohl urine ami seiiliUnR paiti in assiun it, ami ovcreonics that unpleasant neeessit of lieitii; comiielleil to ro often thruiiKli 1 the ilnv, nml to Krt up many times diumt 1 theniiilit. The niilil and iinmciliate i fie, I of Swamp-Koot, tlic great kidney ren.edy . is noon reuiuoi. i,s,jniiii,r...f,, - 1 cause of its remarkable health iestorni(. properties. A trial will cominceanyoue. I Pwamp-Root is pleasant to take and is s.,1,1 t.v all linguists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sie twltles. You may have a sample hottle and a book that tells all i alwut it, tmtli sent free by mail. Address, lliiu'hainton, N. When writini? mention reading tins Rf n erous oiler in this paper. ln't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, awl don't let a dealer tell vou something in place of Swamp-Root If you do you will be disappointed. A good joke is told on an editor who went one evening to report a party at a home recently blessed with a new baby. He met his hostess at the door and alter the usual salutation he asked alter the baby's health. The lady was quite .i-.r ,,! .aiH'erine with the Rnp, and thought he was asking alter her cold and answered tnai al though she usually had one every winter, this was the worst one she , nuamm ever had; it kept her a watte ai nifht a Ood deal and at first con fined her to bed. Then noticing that the newspaper man was get ting nervous she said she could tell by his looks that he was going tn have one iust like hers, and asked him to go in and sit down. Suffolk Herald. l-'orced Into Uxile. William t'peliurcli, of den I 'iik.i Ikla.. as an exile I'mm liuine. Mountain air. he IhoiiL'lit, noiil.l euie u t"i m lit fill liinn -raekuiL' cnwli that bad .b lii'd all reine diin I'm two year!.. After six months he it'tiii ui'.l. .h atli di.L'Uim; ln steps. "Hi, -ii I Ui L-aii t ue IM. Kinir's New Hiseoveiy," ho iiles. "ami al'tei tukintr i butllcH I am a well us ever." II navci thousands ycatly li""i di'sperati. Iiiiib iliseiises. Inlallilili' for IouhIik i , ,.i.i.. , .,,..IU ll..rsi,,ii,ss an.I Sure Tlirout. l iiiw I. up. llnmcliitiB. lleiiioriliuces. Asthma, t'omp. Wlioop- 1 inu Condi, '."i' and trial bottle fif ,,,1 t all ,liiim;isi. A girl, a moon, and a garden could take away a man s sense, even if he had any. MANY THOUSAND SKINS. If you put up a sign over your door you are an advertiser, says the Centerburg (O.,) uazetie. i ne sign is intended to advertise your business to the people who pass by. To advertise in a reliable pa per is many thousand signs spread over manv miles. You can't carry everybody to your sign, but the newspapers can carry your sign to everybody. Kills Her l:oe ot 20 Years . ti, i meii'ili'ss enemv 1 had for '.'II yearn," ibvlmvi Mrs. .lames Imuran, of iluynesulic. Me., "us Dyspepsia. I il.!,,l intensely uftel eatinif or driiik- i,r,l could scarcely sleep. Alter many remedies ha.l failed ami H,iverul doetora iruve me up, I tried Kleetnc Hitters, ,. I.1..I, nnriul me round, 'telv. Now I pan cut unvtliinit. I am n yearn old ami wrong am overjoyed ut irrttinK my beullli luiek j Sociillist UL'uiu. l or Indiueslion, i.osx oi .pie tite. Kidney Trouble. Ijime l'.uek, l'e inule ( 'ompluinK its iine.iiale.l. tlnW "sic. at all druKKists. Sinilini;, I'at stn.lh'.l into the exainination room, whoro can (lidiitfs for the poliet' force un (li'i wcnt their physical test. "Strip!" ordered the police set'icant. . "Thwat's that?" demanded j the uninitiated. "( iet your clothes nil' and he ! : nuiek about ill" j 1 Mumbling and muttering, l'at I .lisrohed and the doctor pro- ; ceeded to the test. : ! - Hop over this bar!" ordered j the doctor. j I'at did his best, which land- j ed hint on the small part f his j back. j "Now jump under this cold shower!" ordered the doctor. , "Shtire, that's funny!" mat- j teml th" applicant an be obey- ! ed. ! "And now," concluded the; doctor, "tun round the room i ten times, to test your heart j and wind. j Tat hesitated then Oi'll not!" be blurted out. "Oi'll sthay single!" j 'Single?" inquired the doc-1 tor, mystified. "Yes, single!" repeated the; Irishman. "What's all this j fussing got to do wid a marriage license'" lie had strayed into the olliee.-Chicago Daily THAT ISA1) TACTBr-T-l LIVl in your mouth is a SURE SIGN ATTORNEY AT LAW, ;Vi;i.K)N, n. c. WIVietic-ln l be courts of Halifax and rij,,iiiiML'.'..uiiiirsuu,l a. tbe supreme ,.,,ii ,.l tlie Mule. Special attention Uivrii to eolleelions and prompt return We Ask You i to take Cardul, for your femate i troubles, because we are sure n "3 will help you. Remember that g this great female remedy ; WiHEl OF 1 has brought relief to thousands of .. .7 ..U.. try Otlier SICK women, bo wu uv you ? For headache. Daotacne, periodical pains, female weak- t hivn said It is the best medicine to take." Try It l Sold in This City IN AN 2W 2 TO-DAY. You will feel heller almost iiiiinedi.itclv, and still Letter Tc-Mon'ow Ev!EHGEflGV Telephone in Your Residence THE CENUINE h th RED I on lha Ironl ot ch pcko "J.'Jt; lonoluro nd ol J M. ZLlun A CO., on tha aldo, In RED. 0 FOR SLI BY Lt DRUCCISTS. I EXTRFMFIY VALUABLE Have Von One? WE FURNISH Don't bank on the veracity of any woman who tells a man he is handsome. Lilting little loads helps a lot more than describing big ones. A Scalded Boy's Shrieks ( ( ( ( I . . I.r.' V, A KoVttl I'l'lisi l,ieei.v o,.i- ( irr,,i,,,r, at our store. J ( All the waHonulile deleeucies nrii ) For Rates Apply to LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company. HENDERSON, . N. O. found in our store tlie ycai round. , CONFECTIONERIES CRIIITH CROCKERY AND TIN WARE lmrrilied Ins urandmotlier. Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nelio. lsy., who writes that, when all thmnilit he would die, Ituck- len'a Arnica Salve wholly cured linn, lnfallihle forllurns, S-alds, Cuts, Conn, Wounds, ltruises, i ures I'ever Sores, lloils. Skin Kruptions. I'hilhlains, Chap ped Hands. Soon routs files, ."ic. at all druifgists. ( CROCKERY ANDTIN j ) A ( Wooden nnd Willowwure, Ktc.;; ( (ioods delivered promptly any ) ( where in town. I'olite cleiks. j.) ( i Phone No. HO. ji) (il R. M. PURMLL, wKi.nnN, N. c. . u rim tin 111. TDi.iiiK, i '"...' Vu''',.'.,(,'l.".KI', VV irolToii.iil''nll.ililT." Ilw evl.liu, J. lim nmi.i.M., I S,';ki. iK-iTwTii 'r :" vr I 5"r'ulwnil.wiiiinl.'''ilw"ftn''"",'n' D. svffi a 1 303 Seventh 8t WMhkiglQB, P. CJ