M lsalSlOl 3 4 Terms of Subscription--$1 .50 Per Annum A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDOX, X. (. TIiriJSDAV. NOVKMI.Kl. Itf, l!Oi. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. NO. :io VOL. XUV. 8 At A I'oJTrfn iTtfl .VI Tlio Kind You Have Always Hought, and which has been In uso lor over 30 your"., lin borne tlio nltintiiro of and hud boon mmlo iindor liln jor jt 745 "fl BO"'1' ''P0nlslou since Its Infancy. tVV3j Allow no one to ilocolvo you In thin. All Counterfeits Imitation and " Jiist-UH-ood" urn hut F.xpcrlnioiils that trifle with ".d emlniigrr tlio lioalth of Infants and Children Experience ngniusl Kxperimont. What is CASTORIA Cast or ia is a harmloss Hubstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare trorio, lrops and. Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It rontalns neither Opium, Morphine not- other Nnrcotlo Hiibstun.-o. Its npe is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays l'evorlshnoss. It cures Plarrliosn and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates the Stomach and ltowels, giving lieallhy and natural Meep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's l'rleud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Get the Habit Of coming to our store when vou want the best in footwear A 1 II Will I i of Slid PS WOMEN IN ADVERSITY. Mow Often, When Man Abandons the Helm in Despair, Woman Seizes it and Carries the Ship Through the Storm. Women slu ml J be more trusted j and confided in as wives, mothers, unci sisters. They have as ciuick perception of right attJ wrung, 'without always knowing why, read the present and future, read ; characters and acts, designs and ! probabilities, where matt sees no ' letter or sign. What else do we ! mean by the adage "mother wit," ! save that woman has a quicker ! perception and readier invention than man? How often, when ! man abandons the helm in despair, ! woman seizes it and carries the , home-ship through the storm ! ! Man often flies from home and ! family to avoid impending poverty or ruin. t Women seldom, if ever, forsook I home thus. Women never eva- ded mere temporal calamity by ! suicide or desertion. The proud I banker, rather than live to see his i poverty gazetted, may blow out his ; brains and leave wife and children to want, protectorless. j Loving woman would have counselled him to accept poverty, and live to cherish his family and retrieve his fortune. Woman should be councelled and contided in. It is the beauty and Elory of her nature that it instinctively ! grasps at and clings to the truth - , and right. Reason, man s greatest faculty : takes time to hesitate before it de- cides; but woman's instinct never hesitates in its decision, and is scarcely ever wrong where if has even chances with reason. Wo man feels where man thinks, acts where he deliberates, hopes where he despairs, and triumphs where he fails. Is your boy well behaved ? Generally. What do you mean by 'gener ally'? Not particularly. are the latest designs made by skilled shoemakers, in other words, they are classy. Let us see vour foot and we will be glad to do the rest. Also full line of HOLEPROOF HO SI K R Y in Men's, Ladies' and Children's, (iuaranteed to last you six months, If they don't you get six pairs of hose FREE, Try a box-Men's $1.50; La dies $2; Childrens $3; extra heavy at foot and knee -the only kind that will stand the children, The Shoe Store of shoe values WELD ON SHOE COMPANY, WELDONI, N, C. v S Fall and Winter Goods ! Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? KIJncT Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and D1UI1UIT ICUPll, . - --I. ' cause ui lis icuioi ll utile health restoring Ml properties. Swainp- Koot ntiuiis aunosi every wish ill over coming rheumatism, pain in the back, kid neys, liver, Madder and every part of the urinary passage. It rnrrpris inallllitV to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad elfects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of Iteiug conijiellid to go often through the any, aim u pi mJ I times during the night. Swamp-Hoot is not recommended for ! everything but if yon have kidney, liver ' ... i.i.,.i.ir irM'ibV it will be found iust the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and lias proved so successful that a special ar rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to fin d out if you Inn v k ld ncy or bladder trouble. When writiiiR mention reading this generous oifer in this paper and send vour address to Uiiigh,imtoii, N. V. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar fi.e bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swatnp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton.N. Y.,on every bottle. Full line of Clothing for Men and Boys. - Up-to-date line of LADIES' SKIRTS !f And Everything New ana rsovei in "' , Gent's Furnishings j ()SH,S ' Snecial Invitation to every friend of Hall- ! " fax and Northampton counties, I J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS, - North Carolina Carnations, Violets A STORY WITH A MORAL Don't tio To Sleep Like Rip Van Winkle WASH: ()l: HNIiRtiY BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Makes the finest, most deli cious biscuit, cake and pastry; conveys to iooa the most healthful of fruit properties Ye boys who have any energetic effort cess, who have been birth up till this day, don't you wake up? mind you will follow Winkle, and when you never made toward suc asleep from say, Why If j u don't Kip Van wake up THE HAPPY LAND. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, X. (' Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Al'iil'STlMTH, IS'.IJ. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eldon Depository. C api t aj and Surplns, $43,000. for more than 17 yeura this institution has provided banking facili ties for thin section. Us stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for manv years Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest-six per centum. Accounts of all arc solicited. The surplus and undivided profits having reached a sum equal to the Capital Stock, the Hank has, commencing January I, IlKiS, established a Havings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: tor Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or longer 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. o pkksiurst: W. K. DAN1KL, vics-i'RKMinKST: casiiirh: 1ii. II. W. LKW1S, W. K. SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton county) or i and other flowers alays on hand, i shower Wed. ling HninpicK Handsome I Moral Designs, Palms und I ctus foi i home culture. J Hyacinths, Tulips, Narclssiw ' und ninny other vunctics of Hull foi ; fall planting cither I'm out oi indooi cut- Mri licise liilsliin. Aiauuoiius aim r.i- cigieens. "rile, phone or teiigmpn. H. STlilNMETZ, florist. Raleigh, North Carolina. 5 St ly Special Sale ! We have on hand several consign incuts of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Itather than re ; turn these suits our headquarters deci- ded to put them on sale at half price i for cash only. l."i Suits 7.'iO. l'rin 1 eess, white and all other colors to $7, j now '-.'i0 to $:i. Wash Coat Suits l to 1 il now I.W to :i. II to : Net Waists I reduced 1.7,"i to l-' .Mi Ulack ami col I ored silk Petticoats l to III now I'J.Sf I to 11.7.'). Voile Skirts ti to now .Vsi to 1 1. 'si. Hl.tKKI yards lace and enibroid ! erics to close out at hall price. 7,'ic to ! 1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 50 to I 7.')C. ft ami He. calicoes Hi to K. ! Ill .,.! I'Hn iriturllMtns 7 to !C. Abollt H.IXM) yards dress goods to close out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Hugs, druggets, carpeting ami mattings at and below cost. It lieth just beyond our sight, The land for which we sigh. The land of everlasting light, With never a chill or shade of night We'll reach it by and by. The land where those we love have gone, A little way ahead; They all have laid their burdens down, And on celestial pinions flown ! We cannot call them dead ! Dead ? When their gentle voices tell Of never-dying love? Dead? When the tones we love so well, Like pealing of a soft-toned bell, Come to us from above? Dead ? When our brows can almost feel The touch of their dear hands ? When in our woe or in our weal We feel a well-known presence steal Across the border land ? Not dead, thank God, not dead, the ones V'U,.'..a I..P, nr In,,,,!,,., ciirht I W HCI W 11.11 mil iwiiiii iTft". But truth that he may read who runs They shine as bright, resplendent suns ; In everlasting light ! j Oh ! weary, longing, aching hearts, Look up ! your loved ones are near ! ! For, though you seemed from them to part, They still are with you, and your heart Will own their presence dear. If you but open wide the door, And bid the dear ones come, They'll enter, leaving nevermore, Till you have crossed the golden shore, To dwell with them at home. "PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP." I had sworn to be a bachelor; she had sworn to be a maid For we both agreed in doubting whether matrimony paid. Besides I had higher aims, for science tilled my heart And she said her young affections were all bound up in art. So we laughed at those wise men who say that friendship cannot live 'Twixt man and woman unless each has something else to give, Wc would be friends as true as e'er were man and man, I'd be a second David and she Miss Jonathan. We shared our sorrows and our joys, together hoped and feared, With common purpose sought the goal which young ambition reared. We dreamed together of the days the dream bright days to come, We were strictly confidential and called each other chum. And many a day we wandered together o'er the hills I seeking bugs and butterflies and she the ruined mills a,,h rucii hriiloes and the like which nicture makers prize niiu u.'uw ' To run in with their waterfalls and groves and sunny skies. And many a quiet evening in hours of full release iivue,i ilnwn ihe river or lounged beneath the trees And talked in long graduation from the poets to the weather While the Summer skies and my cigar burned slowly out together. And through it all no whispered word or tell-tale look or sigh, Spoke ought of warmer sentiment than friendly sympathy. We talked of love as coldly as we taiKeu oi nenuiae And thought no more of being one than we did of being three. "Well, good-bye, old fellow." I look her hand; for the lime had come IO 00. My going meant our parting, when to meet we did not know, i i;ne..,i Inno and s:iid farewell with a verv heavy heart. IIUU IIIIVI ,.(, - - For though we were but friends, you know, 'tis hard fur Iriends to part. "Well, good-bye, old fellow, don't forget your friends across the sea, And some day when you ve lots of time just drop a line me. The words came lightly, gaily, but a great sob iust behind Rose upward with a story ol quite a uitterent kino. And then she raised her eyes to mine, great liquid eyes of blue, Full to the brim and running o'er, like violet cups with dew. One long long look and then I did what I never did before. Perhaps the tears mean friendship, but 1 think the kiss meant more. you won't have anything except a lew rags. If you remember, Kip went out hunting one day, and he became tired and lay down to rest. Me went to sluen. as a result of his irksome travel, and behold he slept twenty years (all at one time, remember) and at the dawn of the twenty-first year he awoke to find everything desolate and calm about him. Nothing could be seen save his tattered clothes and his old, rusty gun by him. After he had ; recognized himself as a desolated man, he turned toward the old homestead not knowing, under-'. stand me, that he had slept twenty j years. When he reached the old j I home where he had spent his j youthful days, he viewed the place ! with admiration and wonder. He j ! still admired the old home, but S wonder mingled with his troubled thoughts. The house in which he ! had stayed had collapsed. The ! place had been deserted, it seemed, several years. His dog was strol ling around, but knew him not. His contemporaries were few, and yet he did not recognize them. He walked on down the street of the village, and he saw many people he did not know. He did not know that the Revolutionary war had arisen, been contested and j had ended during the time in which he slept. Do you wonder that he ! was an unknown, forsaken man? ! Do you wonder that everything ; looked strange and awkward? Do1 you wonder that the old man with his gray hairs looked surprised 1 and attracted the attention of all who met him. As he walked on : down the road he heard the voice ; of one calling, "Rip! Come here, , Rip! It was one of his own chil dren calling to one of her little ones, whom she had named in l honor of her father. What do you i suppose the old fellow thought when he heard those words? His j friends and associates thought he ! he was, while he was gone, serv-1 1 ing his part toward the freedom of i ' his country, and to their surprise I he was only serving his part in the freedom of sleep. Hark! Ye j who are sleeping in the peaceful I days of youth. Ve who are not preparing for the future lime in j which you will not be compelled to I open your eyes and keep them i open. You shall awake at a later j period to find yourself desolate, as I was Rip Van Winkle after twenty years of sleep. When you awake ! to find yourself at the years of ! maturity, you will wonder not once, but many times. In antebellum days Colonel Moore, of Kentucky, owned a huge number of slaves. He was a kind master and never punished with the whip. One day one of the Held hands named Jupe was guilty of some negligence and was sent to the woods at once to cut down and split up a black gum tree, practically an impossible task. Jupe cut down the tree and la bored hard to split the tough wood, but in vain. In the meantime a thunderstorm came up and Jupe sought refuge under a brush heap. Directly the lightning struck a large poplar near by, splitting it into kindling wood. After the storm had passed Jupe crawled out from his place of se-' curity and, after taking a careful look at the remains of the poplar ! tree, which were scattered all over ; the woods, said; "Mr. Lightnin', I wish you had just tried yo' nan' on dis black gum. Any dam fool can split a poplar!" Every woman always had hair some lime that fell below her waist; every man once came very near taking up a public career. THAT HAD in vour mouth is a SURE SIGN Liver 5s TO-DAY. Vim will fill belter almost iiiiiiii'di.ili'K , nml -still belter To-Morrow THC GENUINE has the NED on h Iront ol oach package and tho signature and foal ol J II. ZEILIN A cu., on tna aiae, in keu. j FOR SALE OY AU DHUCCISTS. j we furnishb A I'oval Feast to every one who ' ( huv their giocencs at our store.!; ( At! the seasonable deleeaeies an- ; foiin-l 111 oui store llie year ) 11 Mill, 1 . mi l eiimi aia Take ONE of the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone ITTealmche BACKACHE "Kcfnrc I hfuin i use Lr Mile-' Ann ('in I'llK I voIcreJ for U ind k uli nrorjli-n Nnv 1 rifely cur have ihe head. lie. I nc.cr he wnhnui itiem Mis hlcannr itii N t.:h Street St. Josefh. Missouri RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents You. Druiiit tclli Dr. Milcv' Anil-Pain Pills and be Is uihorUed to return the price of ibc flisl ptcUgt (only) ll It falls to benefit you. Mel AI L PATTTRNS , l, ,,.,,, i l r i-rrlrrt f,'. Mni.,.c.ty and .,v','l,i; , v ,1 . M-.J I.T I" talainuue. McC ALL'S MAI.AZ.Nr. , ' ' ., . ,;,,!,-. 1..I1- "''," '".I". . Hv.M.il.m.-, ini.lineiy, ?imVwi, v'. t.l -. ', ,,.. . I .Mir- rlr. OlltV hi C.-ilt ;::, ---i-e .. i-,-. J, ..,'. i', - i-t'lV, tT Mll-i I" aiti'f i"!1) tVOMIIK" L tsm 1 1 MI NTS ,,,, . ,. h. . ,, ,..,-nm c.t.!.nge ,n' ' . A.Wwv (HI McMU ( ').. J. S ! 248 W. S7lh SI.. NEW YOBS 7 T. CLARK, li. ATTORNEY AT LAW, vuanos, n. ". I Pructico. in the court of Halifax and adioiniiii counties and ii. the Supreme couit of the Slate. Special attention given to collections and prompt return We Ask You to take Cardul. for vour femalo troubles, because ve are sure It win tv In vnti. Remember that : tins great female remedy Forced Into Exile. William I pchiiich, ofiilenOak.nkla., nas an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought, would cure a frightful lung racking Co jh that had defied all reme dies for two yeais. Afler six months he returned, death dogging his steps. "Then I heiran to use Or. King's New Discovery," he writes, ' and aftei taking six liottles 1 am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly houi desperate lung diseases. Infallible for t oughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures I .up, I'.ionchitis, lleinoriliaL'es, Asthma. Croup. Whoop inn Coul'Ii. .Vie. and 1, trial hottle free giiuiautecd hy all druggists. 1 CONFECTIONERIES C FRUITS i I ( CROCKERY AND TIN ) ( WARE ) ( Wooden and Willowware. Ktc. ' ( lioo.U delivered promptly any ) ( where m town. 1'olite clerks. ) ( Phone No. SO. ) 1 R. M. PDRNELL, ) ( WKI.IION. N. r. ' ( .') I has brought relief to thousands of oiner sick women, so wny nu you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak. ness, many have saia it is mo best medicine to take. iry tt I Sold in This City n THC CHILDREN LIKE IT DeWITT'S CARB0L1ZED WITCH HL NY jl LAXATIVE SALVE For PfhM. ura. Sotm. COUCH SYRUP SPIERS BROS. WKLJON. N. C. A Scalded Hoy's Shrieks horrified his giandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nelio, Ky., who writes that, w hen all thought he would die, ltuck len's Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Hums. Scalds, fills, Corns, Wounds, Bruises, Cures l ever Sores, Boils. Skill Kruplions, t'hillilaius, Chap ped Hands. Soou routs Files. L' ic. at all druggists. He looked in a store window and saw "Hats Reduced." "Heav ens !" said he to himself. "What was their original size?" CASTORIA Pur Infant! and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bignature of Why do so many otherwise clever women write silly letters to men? They're probably making col lections of the answers ihey get. TMH HOOK W ORM. The cat's out of the bag. I look worm, according to the eminent authorities, is contracted through the feei. This has brought the ! assertion and there is nothing won- dcrful in this, that in the old days j shoes were made of leather tough ! leather and no worm that ever I lived could bore through it, but thai the shoes of these days are made partly of paper and therefore the entrance is easier. We ex pected something like this would be forthcoming. Kills Her Foe of 20 Years. "The most merciless enemy 1 had for Si vears," declares Mrs. .lames Duncan, of ilaynesville, Me., "was Dyspepsia. 1 sullereil intensely after eating or drink ingand could scarcely sleep. After many remedies had failed and s.iveral doctors gave me up. 1 tried Flectric Hitters, which cured me completely. Now 1 can eat any thing. I am 711 years old and am overjoyed at getting my health hack again." For Indigestion, Loss of Appe tite, Kidney Trouble. I-aine Back, Fe male Complaints, itsuneiinaled. Only 5ue. t all druggists. i '.I il ' Think! YOU CAN'T BLAME iHIM for wanting one ol our pies so liadiy he would steal it. Taste one yoursel. and you'll eat all you can get if you are ceiliiiu ol'dyspepsiallie rest of your life Vi'l: BAKE PIES that are even better than those "moth er used to make." If you don't believe it. try one. The proof of the pic is the eating. M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, WF.LDON, N. C. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office - Wrtion N (. The Whole Town at Your Elbow for 5 cents Per Day I A Telephone itt your residence That's All I For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER on Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, - . N. O. w ALTER E. DANIEL. ' ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, WKI.DON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supremo and Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax open every, onday4i i I (MHi " m it, it,, .v HlilH.IIOl ill ail uumiutr. I THDI-iMRK, I'aTnUaisI V1''''', i.!, I l.tov.l Stn.l ikflili, MimIi'1 or I'li.ilit. Ir .aft sreosTon imti'iii.i'iiiiy. i'itit p'i 1 ton.'i.-lii'ir. """". '".iii. I boo.;', i,',' sow to o.Tam .a aiLi. ear. mil. W in, ll on will !.ll"rin "lyrt. ier ualenl l w ! otbK valua lil uariiil luu, D. SWIFT h CO. 303 Seventh St., Wathingtoii, P. C.J

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