- A , L. III ijl fcj 1 0 Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per AnnumJ Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, X. ('.. TIU'KSDAY. 1)K( KMl'.KH li, l.M!. NO. 151 VOL. XLIV. t THE BLUES. I Hi .M I'rtlllll 1 DL'U L'kl-n AVcBdalPrpnaralliinrnrlc iimil,niillAllrrn,uHnll?nrtiJi lin! Hie Si'omactts anlDwclsflf The Man Who Is Naturally De spondent Is More to be Pitied Than The Man Who Has Rheu-mutism Promotes Dieslionflw rail-1 nr;5 ;iprl Re! fnnt.ilncncirhfr Opiuni.Mdr)hiiK norfcral nur aakcutic. SnipntMUcStmimam For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of JfxSmna MttMlrSttl- I hm-tmnt- ) Clcnfirii Smjor 1 hmtuifrm tlanr. t AniM-forl Rome llv filf TnTKllDa- lion , Sour Stonwch.Dlarrtaa Wormsfonvulswiislfwrisn ncssaiulLOSSOFSLtiP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. LW IfV h AW X Exact Copy of Wrapper Use For Over Thirty Years IAST0R IITV. There ure limes when lie aver age Mian lias (tie Hues, and then lie wants to talk of epitaphs and dead men's bones and to sleep in a eliarnal house and lo ride in a hearse instead of a street ear. With ; some men the affliction known as . the blues is constitutional, holding sway at regular intervals, while others are nicely depressed by existing circumstances. Some are born with the blues, some achieve the blues and others have the blues thrust upon them. The man who is naturally despondent is more to be pitied than the man who has inflammatory rheumatism. Though the sun may be shining and the bree.e murmuring, and the whole earth rejoicing, he is still bowed , by the weight of the blues. He doesn't know why it is so and he doesn't care much. His highest ambition is to contemplate suicide, and sometimes to practice it. Peo ple tell him that it is foolish to be so morbidly sorrowful, and they are doubtless right, but he can't help it and so he goes along, blue because he has to live, and after a while blue because he has to die. MUST HAVE. Get the Habit Of coming to our store when you want the best in footwear "They say a man designed the waste basket hat while on a big spree." "1 understand the fall model is even worse." "Did he have the nerve to design a hat while he was sobering up?" MATCHED. "1 married my first husband for j money and my second for love. "Then you are very happy now, I suppose ?" "No. Alas! no. You see my first husband married me for love and my second for money." are the latest designs made by skilled shoemakers, in other words, they are classy. Let us see your foot and we will be glad to do the rest. Also full line of HOLEPROOF HOSI E B Y in Men's, Ladies' and Children's, Guaranteed to last you six months. If they don't you get six pairs of hose FREE. Try a box-Men's $1,50; La dies $2; Childrens $3; extra heavy at foot and knee -the only kind that will stand the children. The Shoe Store of shoe values WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. TO 1 0 Fall and Winter Goods Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? KiJney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone Uuowsol Dr. Kilmer's Swauip-Kout, the great kidney, liver and DliUHIll IsuiMit , "-- cause of its remark able health restoring iroierties. Swuiiip- l . Kool lullills almost fi everv wish ill over- i'j coming rheumatism, !. pain in the bark, kid neys, liver. biu'iuer and every part of the urinary passage. It rnrret-u inability to hold water and seulditin pain in passing it. or bad effects following use of huor, wine or beer, and overcomes th.it unpleasant necessity of being compiled to go often through the day, and to get up many times durini; the night. Swamp-Root is wit recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy vou need. It lias been thor oughly tested in private practice, and lias proved so successful that a special ar rangement ha9 been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, ulso a book telling nmr nhoilt SwaillD-RoOt, Olid llOW to find out if vou have Kin ney or bladder trouble. Wiicinvritingmention ' reading this generous ' offer in this paper anil I slmiJ vour address to i in. til."... - , ' Hinghamton.N.Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar sie bottles are sold by i all druggists. IVm't make any mistake ,l... nitiip. Sw;inii-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the nil- in, rwiiuiii t. -. dress, Biughamtou, N. Y.,on every bottle. Full line of Clothing for Men US. . and Boys. - Up-to-date line oi PS LADIES' SKIRTS . H.I fkt A M.,..l In Penh's Fnrnishinsra HACDC I JCi Snecial Invitation to every friend of Hall- IX. V I """V fax and Northampton counties. I J. KAPLIN, v ROANOKE RAPIDS. - North Carolina THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. ( Orjanlzed Under the Laws of the Stutc of North Carolina, Ai tu sr jorit, iso2. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. l!!.. $43,000. For more than 17 vears this institution lias prmided banking facili ties for this soetion. Its stockholders and directors have been nlcutihed with the busing Halif" an.l Northampton counties lor many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of "iUsi per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. ThrB,i.plus and undivided prolits having reached a sum equal to the fa ita Stock, the Hank has, commencing January 1. S, estabhshc, a toyX IK-partiiiHiit alloiriiw inti-it on tunc depos, Is as follows: tor neposits al owed lo remain three months or longer, 'J per cent Six For further miormaiion apr1) Carnations, Violets and other (lowers always on hand. Shower Wedding Bouquets. Handsome l'loial Ill-signs. I'lilms ami l iins for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and many other varieties of lSulbs for fall planting either for out or indoor cul ture, tiose hiihlicn, MuKiiolias and Kt eigroeiis. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. Raleigh. North Carolina. 5 -ally Snecial Sale ! Roviil RflUlnct Priwrlpr fs fh greatest of time and labor savers to tne pastry cook. zj Economizes flour, butter ana eggs and makes the food digestible and healthful Makes most healthful food No alum no lime phosphates from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NEW EVERYM0RNING, livery day is a fresh beginning, livery morn is the world made new ; You who are weary of sorrow and sinning. Here is a beautiful hope for you A hope for me and a hope for you. All things are past and over, The tasks are done and the tears are shed ; Yesterday's errors let yesterday cover ; Yesterday's wounds, which smarted and bled, Are healed with the healing which night has shed. Yesterday is a part of forever, Bound up in a sheaf which holds tight ; With glad days, and sad days, and bad days, which never Shall visit us more with their bloom and their blight, Their fulness of sunshine or sorrowful night. Let them go, since we cannot relieve them ; Cannot undo, and cannot atone; God in His mercy, receive, forgive them ! Only the new days are our own. Today is ours, and today alone. Here are the skies all burnished brightly, Here is the spent earth all reborn; Here are the tired limbs springing lightly To face the sun, and to share with the morn In the chrism of dew and the cool of dawn. livery day is a fresh beginning; Lister., my soul, to the glad refrain, And spite of my old sorrow and older sinning, And puzzles forecasted, and possible pain, Take heart with the day, and begin again. Susan Coolidge. prkkidmt: W. K. DANIEL, vu'K-I'Iikhiiint: cahhikr: Dh. II. W. I.F.WIS. W. It, SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton county) MITTS CARB0LI2ED WITCH l!" SgSf 8ALVE For Bum., tor. COUCH SYRUP We have on band several consign incuts of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladicH Suits. Rather than re turn these suits our headquarters deei iled to put tin-in on sale at half price for cash only. !' Suits 7.oO. i'nn cess, white and all other colors to now li.Ml to :t. Wash Coat Knits t to t, now ti ns to ft. W to.i Net Waists reduced tl . 7") to fL'. 'iO Black and col ored silk I'etticoats if I to now to $1.71. Voile Sknts ( to hiiow ... to it. 'si. HI.ISIO yards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price. 7"C to $1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 60 to 7"ic. ft and lie. calicoes SI to 4c. 10 and l'Jle ginghams 7 to !k About 8 (Kl vards dress goods lo close out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, lings, druggets, enrpetings and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. THE TEST OF HEROISM. Was He Ready To Hnlist tor The Service ? EXPLAINING AN FIXCISI;. SUNNY WAY OF LIFE, How-do, Mr. Neighbor, and good-by, little wife, And that's the morning measure on the sunny way of life; A rosebud road of music where the heart is warm and sweet With how-do, everybody, as you trip along the street; How-do, Mr. Neighbor, This is no world of strife When thus we pass to labor Along the road of life ! Good morning, little sweetheart in sunshine or in rain, And that's the sunny music of the sweetheart land's refrain; To country or to city, where'er the feet may stray, Three cheers for Mr. Sunshine on the road to sunny way How-do, Mr. Neighbor, Good luck to you, old friend, And love makes light the labor When love lips light the end ! To old folks and to youbg ones, the mellow and the sweet. And how-do, Mr. Neighbor, makes the world a sunny street; And morning's heart of greeting beats three so fair, so fine, At your smile, Mr. Neighbor, and the answering smile of mine: How-do, Mr. Neighbor, It rings so true, you know, When down to daily labor Lrom sweetheart lands we go ! I make my own dream sweeier, and you make yours so, too, With old-time friendship greetings of neighbor, howdy-do ! A fine old morning measure thai sings and sings and sings Till round the world of trouble the rose of sunshine swings: How-do, Mr. Neighbor, Through thick and ihin, hurray ! We'll turn our lanes of labor To love, the sunny way ! How-do, Mr. Neighbor, and good-by, little wife, From morning until twilight its music lifts the strife, And thais the way to prosper, homebound at night to meet The lips of dripping honey from the lips so honey-sweet; How-do, Mr. Neighbor, And good-by, little wife; Love turns the way of labor Into the way of life ! 'Here ;iiii I : si-nd inc. " Tin' words iiKirk tin- tin iiin point in a cciit curi'er. They wore littcl'i'il :it what is wont to ho t t'fiin. I "tin- purling of thi' way." Tlioy rrfiT lo t In1 liniir when an iiiioinit lloliii'W tiri'd of tin1 lift' w liii'h In' had lii'cii living, mi l ivrcivinn o II r glimpse of "thr liciivriily vis ion" rcsolvi'il tliiit he! forth xistcnri' should hi' Kiiini'lhiii" more than n barren waste, lie heard a voice ciillini; him to a new career, lie was not told that the new pathway would be always flower-strewn. He has not promised a perennial jrrei't in of siiiiline; skies. He was simply informed that his hour ; had come, Was he ready to enlist for the service;- Was he ready to take the consequences:' Was he ready to idede un- ' swerving loyalty to a new com mander':' In his own words we find the answer "Here am 1; send me." The old Hebrew never regret ted the fact that he answered the call. What visions were vouchsafed to him in the after years. L'pon his head was placed the circlet of divine prophecy. It was he who told of the comino; of the King "the Man of sorrows and ac quainted with grief whose ca reer, beginning with Bethlehem and ending with Calvary, should eventually redeem the world. There is not a man or woman I now living who may not enjoy j similar privilege to that which 1 came to Isaiah of old if like him they will consent to re- spotid when the call for service j comes. Their vision may not 1 he like his, but it will lift the j 1 soul above the things of earth, land show that heroism placed ! to its sulilimest test cannot be 1 tested in vain. BIBLICAL TI-ACHINU. An Atlanta merchant has fre quent occasion to rebuke Ike, his darky porter, for his tardiness in reporting fur duty in the morning. Ike is always ready with a more or less ingenious excuse. "You're two hours late, Ike," exclaimed the employer one morn ing. "This sort of thing must stop' Otherwise I'm going to lire you. I'nderstund?" "Deed, Misi.ili lidward," re plied Ike, "it wa'nt nub fault dis time ! Hones'! 1 was kicked by a mule !" "Kicked by a mule? Well, even if that were so, it wouldn't delay you for more than an hour. You'll have to think of a better ex cuse than that." Ike looked aggrieved. "Mistah lidward," he continued, solemnly, . "it might have been all right ef dat mule kicked me in dis direction, but he didn't he kicked me de odder way." Atlanta Journal. Your faith is not measured by your appreciation of the faults of others. Hoping for much for others is helping them to it. Five Years of Heart Trouble Cured by Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy "KiloR- I began taking Dr. Miles' 1 lean K.-miMly I had been sulTeriiig from heart trouble for over lice ear-. 1 had pains in iiiv h it side, and under my -hoiiMiT blade, could not sleep the h it -ide, an. I VU- Ml short ,.t breath lb'' lea-1 exertion win Mil bring on 1 be mi'M distress ing palpitation. I bad M'.'ir.'cly take n a hall bottle oi the Heart I 'fined v before 1 could see a marked change in my condition. When I had taken six bottles I was cured." MRS. C. C. GO R KEY, Xorthliebl, Va. If there is fluttering or palpi tation ii is an indication of a weakness of the nerves and mus cles of the heart. It is not neces sarily ili-eaed just weak from over-work. The heart may be weak just the same as the eyes, stomach or other organs. You can make a weak heart strong bv taking Dr. Miles' Heart Rem edy. Get a bottle from your druggist, take it according to di rections, and if it does not bene fit he will return your money. THAT HAD TASTE in vour mouth is a SURE SIGN of i Disordered Liver i T e li7"V 1 1 -z? -r TO-DAY. i I You "ill feel better almost imnicili.itcle, an.l still better UcCAI.L PATTERNS . v.i-j i..r s.r, i-.rl.-rt 1,1. limplioty .1.4 ;'v"'.,'l 1. I milu. S.-I..I I"' I'"' tM.Sm Mot ALL'S MA..AZINE (j .' ..' i'.: t ,tll , . l.i'H-, i'u imi rv, ri.'wl. L'l t'm ''''" k.li'mli'-M"!.'. !:":. ','.,' ,,, ' i..v "t:- '-"ry- HIIMliml t MH ( tUTS , Acr, . I I". '"" f"' nt-'ue M . . I1.' A l,l"'s till M.l ll I .. ' M " 57,11 Sl - NEW ,0,:' Alone In a Sow Mill at Midniijht j iiniiiinildil of lainpiifs, ilrafts, storms or colli, W . .1. AtkiiiK ftoiliiil lis Nurlil Watolnnaii. at liaiiner Siriin.'s, Trim., Such exposure wave him a w vere col.! tliut si'ttle.l on liis Iiiiil'. At lust he hail to irive up work, lie trlisl many ri'iiH'.lii s hut all failed till he "i''l lr- Kins'sNew liiM'oveiy. "After umiiK one hollle," he wiites, ''1 went haek to n-nrk us wi'll as ever." Seven' Colils. sUilihornl'oiiKhs, iiitlaineil throats ami sore liiiiK. llemorrhaires. Croup ami Wlioooinir t'ouirh eet nuick relief ami prompt cure from this kIohoiib nieili. cine MIC. anil 1. inai nouie nee, iriiaraiiteeit hy all iliiutKisls. The home is never brightened by the roseate hues on the end of a nose. Rich Men's (lifts are Poor hi siile this: "I want loroon record an savinir that I retard I'.leetrie Hitters as ! one of the greatest Kilts that tie. I has made to woman, writes Mrs. O. liliine vault, of Vestal ( enter, N. Y., "I can never forget what it has done for me." This (riorums medicine (fives a woman huoyaiit spirits, viitor of hody and juhi lant health. It quickly cures Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Head ache. I'aintini? and Diiy Spells; soon huilds up the weak, ailing anil sickly. Try them. 'inc. at all ilruiririHtB. Good intentions in sowing tares will not make them come up as wheat. livery shadow in life is evidence of a sun somewhere. Prof. Charles Zueblin, of the' ! University of Chicago, was dis j cussing at a dinner the liaster myths and legends of ihe world. "The legends that are beautiful ' and immortal," he said, "have in ' them truths that we all, according ' s to our kind, take home. That is ! ) true, likewise, of immortal works j of art pictures, poems, songs. I j For different people they have dif-'. ; ferent messages." j "For instance,' said a young girl, "For instance," smiled Prof. . Zueblin, "in my native Pendleton j some of the mothers used 10 cut the children's hair. They did it with shears and a bowl. The op-, eration was often painful, and the result was never elegant. "In Sunday school a Pendleton i teacher once told her pupils the tragic story of Samson and Delilah. Then she turned to a little boy. " 'What do you learn, Joe,' she said, 'from the Samson story ? " 'It don't never pay,' piped Joe, 'to have a woman cut a fel ler's hair.' "Philadelphia Record. Looking One's Best. It's a woman's delight lo luck lu l l hest but pimples, -km eruptions, sores and boils roh life of jov. Listen', l'ui'k len's Aiiniea Salves cures them; makes the skin soft and velvety. It plenties the face. Cures l'imples, Sore l'ycs, Cold Sores, ( racked Lips, Chapped Mauds. Trv it. Infallible for Piles. 2 c. at ail druiruists. UNDESERVED RESPECT. The father of a beautiful girl gets credit for having a lot of fine trails that he doesn't possess. Chicago Record Herald. Stung for IS Years by Indigestion's paiu.'s-tryintr many doctors and 2iki worth of medicine in vain, 11. K. Ayscue. of liiRleside, S. C, at last used Dr. Kinir's New Life Tills, and w rites they wholy cured him. They cure Constipation, biliousness. Sick Headache, Stomach, Liver, Kidney and bowel troubles. '-'.""C at all dnurcists. To-Morrow THE CENUINE hc lha RED Z on Ihe tront ol ach packaoa an4 lh ionalurfl and teal ot J H. ZEILIN a. CO., on ins aiao, in mu. FOR SALE BY ALL DnUCCISTS. Il ( ( ( I A K.iyul l-'i-ast tocveiy one who ( buv then liloe, lies 111 our stole.' I All' the se:i-.jlial.l. delicacies are ( I'oiiu.l in our store tlie yeai WE FURNISH T. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, I LI.IKIN, N. ('. I 1'iai'tii'es iii tli.' courts of Halifax and I a.ljiiinini! counties and u. the Supreme comti.f the Mate. special attention given to colleelioiis and prompt return i We Ask You tn tr.ke Cardul. for vour femala trnn'nle-,. because va are sure it J wiH help you. Remember that tins great lemaie romeay round. CONFFCTIONEHIES 1 FRUITS CROCKERYANDTIN WARE Wooden and Willowwanv Ktc I ids delivered promptlv any vliere in town. 1'olite clei ks. I'lioiie No si). : R. M. PDRNELL, , BK1.1IOV, . f has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headacne, oacKacne. oer odlcal Dains. lemaie wean- n(..;5. manv have said It is "the best medicine to take." Try tt I Sold in This City - n Just I Think! TOO UNEVEN. YOU CAN'T BLAME HIM for wantinif one of our pies so badly be would steal it. Taste one yoursel. and you'll eat all you can net if you arc certain of dyspepsia the rest of your lift WE BAKE PIES that are even better than those "moth er used to make." If you don't believe it. try one. The proof of the pie is the eatiiiL'. M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. The Whole Town at Your Elbow for cents Per Day ! j iciepiiviiw in your residence That's All! A Cleveland mother sent this somewhat satirical note to the teacher of her small son: "Pardon me for calling your at tention to the fact that you have pulled Johnnie's right ear until it is getting longer than the other. Please pull the left ear for a while and oblige his mother." Cleve land Star. D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office Weldon N (. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, NO w ALTER E. DANIEL, ATTORN EY-hT-LAW, WKUiON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supremo and Federal courts. Collections made in all ports of North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax open every J onday,i Iiil.-r.-4 Semi SfcPtrri, Motifl or I'linU. tor rK MP OUT on imtmlnMlity. VmnA jmw- It,! I'-tl-lllWWIT. "" "J- . Ti-w. IM'lHl Cii 111 Hi Hi mil im iv w' 1 hfii.ki on MOW TO OiTJ.IM at.-1 SIU rT NTS, Whii It unel will my, Mow to lift R .ttirt- I in-r, pat 111 1RW H ,u '"' MuawH"'' D. SWIFT & GO. . . pmiiu mini", 1 303 feeveath St., Waahrimtoa, 0. C.