faifi. mi fti fii em nil iiy I ir ii mil 4 ' WVjr'iJAVt'. L" V-J5I X-IH ra J f s."-CV I V?.-fc i'sJ 11 fi r f 1 H T". I y. i Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XMV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Wi:iJH)N. N. C. TliriiSDAY. KMIiKK !. !!)('.. Terms of Substriptiuii--$1.50 Per Annum NO. '.VI Tlio Kind You Huvo Always llmiglit, and nhii li lias been in use i'or over 5J0 ycn.ru, lias linrtio tlio slnutuio f j and luirt boon iiiutlo under Ms por- s Jtf-?L Bonn! supervision nine Its infancy. Allow no one to doit Ivcjouln this. AH Counterfeits, Imitation ftnd Just -as-(food" nro lint Kxperiiiienls Unit, trlllo with nd ciidiiiijriT tlio lionKh of lul'ants mid Clillilrcu Experience iigniii-t Experiment. What is CASTORIA t'astoria Is n lmrmloss sutntltuto for Cnstor Oil, Par B.irio, Drops and Soothing Syisps. It Is riensunt. It contains neither Opium, JHorphinn not- otlior Narpotlo Kiibstr.iu o. ltsnsois its g-inranto. It destroys Worms and allays lVvorislmpss. It euros Ptariln.'ii and Wind folk-. It rolicvos Tootliluff TrouMos, puros Constipation and I'lHtuloiu y. H assimilates tlio Food, rpftiilatps tlio Sloniaoh mid itowols, tflvinsf lioaltliy and natural sloop. The t liiWroi's ranaooa The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of CHIVALRY IN WYOMING. ! i A Rawlinus Hilitor is a Red lint Advocate of W oman Suffraicc. W'c ciii'i uikIltm;iihI why n tiui i . a full n'rowii iiialo pofii'ii sllnul I nl.ji'W .. women Mil' fr,l';v it' t In- u uiiieii wan' - it . says tin- l!aw lilies ;.-iiililii-aii We nr.' of tin- opinion lit: ' w''- X s 'S 7 ....: k A NOBLE REVENGE. The Hoy Who Was Cuffed and the Man Who Struck Mini. WHY HID MARY BLUSH ? ' The Uishop Merely Reproved Her I'or a Hit of Duplicity. Or Tk nnlv hakim Dowder i V - - - J U B from Royal Grape Cream of 1 ariar made Jrom urapes to If v, liat waul1- nive w 1 1 1 1 1 s Si The Kind You Han Always Bought ... 4 . In Use For Over 30 Years. Get the Habit man is nil i' her heart 1 to Vote, for llierev' her the hallo). It' to run for otliee Hie spectators should stand hack ami i vt her plenty of ellniw room, and if necessary to her success in contests of this character let her costume be such as to inter ior!' as little as possible with her proeress. We are for wo men tirst and other thint;s af . tonvard. So is half the popu lation numerically and sevcti til'ihs intrinsically. lu other wonls slie is the whole bloom ing works, plus. If she is happy the rest of us HUVs oiiuhl li he tickleil to eath. Therefore we sav tr.in- ehise lu r if it will please her, if will make her smile, if it will yivo us common male mortals a glimpse into heaven through her sweetly curved lips; in the name of all that is u'ood ami lioly, franchise her. Hive her the ballot if it will improve her alreadv lovely deposit ion t ! ive H to her. and cjvo it to her (piick. This world is too com monplace ami life toodull and short to deny woman anything that mitfht ossilily enhtinen lo r nianv ( bid i;iven races. Makes Kiiest, Feres J Food m Absolutely Pur S.J(S The coliin was a plain une- a poor, mi'-craWc nine cntlin. No (lowers on top; m hniiin of white satin for the p.ile hrow; nosiuoolh ribbons ;iboul llie coarse shroud. Tl... Kt. ... Ii-.ir , l-iiil ll.-.-ollllv hack, hill there u as no crimped d:iy he f!avc -,.nct .., . . , i a. . ,.i.; liDUsetiiaid about cap, uiui ntiii ml LiLiiviuu iii ....... The sulierer li'uiii cruel poverty smiled in her sleep; she had found hre'ad, resl and health. "1 want to see my nioihcr," sobbed a poor little child as the undertaker screwed down the top. "You cannot; get outol my way, boy. Why doesn't so An elderly bishop, a bachelor, who was very fastidious about bis toilet, was especially fond of hi bath, and requested particular care uf his tub from the maid. I When about to leave town one ordets in the is "luwthtub" .m.l v-ii.l ili.it no one was to be ul- ' lowed to use it. Alas' the temptation grew on the poor girl and she took a plunge. The bishop returned unexpect Pfitu find Hndincr traces of the re- Headache For Years - h-ep I r. MilpV Anti-Pain I'iUs on hand all the time, and world r-'i ihii.l-. "f takitin a jonnn'v w iihic-.l tin-in. no mat ter how short a di-t.iiii-c I am t;oir,c'. I have a M-tcr that has bad tei rible headaciu for years, ,,i,d i . .ned h.-r to try them m.l itii-e beh.ed lu'r so lllliell, I, ' 1' at oi in y a) , -' , . i imehody take ; cent stolen bath questioned the . de NOT TOO LATK. Of cominjj to our store when von want the best in footwear I AINTINd. II! i u tin- I ,uo younn' women who fainted last year 'aS7 fell into tin- arms of men. two fell ..n lb" door and one into a wain- lilitt. Life. are the latest designs made by skilled shoemakers, in other words, they are classy. Let us see vour foot and we will del-rich-quick schemes enable a lot of people to get pour quicker. by Kidney a?.i Mist Troafcls. be glad to do the rest. Also full line of HOLEPROOF H 0 S I E E Y in Men's, Ladies' and Children's. Guaranteed to last you six months. If they doii l you get six pairs of hose FWM. Try a box-Men's $1.50; La dies $2; Childrcns $3; extra heavy at foot and knee -the only kind that will stand the children. The Shoe Store of shoe values WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDOM, hi, C. Ki'inty treio , lifi-i-Ki.r:oaU'ii'. t u tlic muni, ,...m. !'-.-.uit.v. liuirlul--i .lis.pi.eiir ttiu-u ta.'kiilnevsiirc eut el enli.r or UlS' t.i-L-.l. .I'-ii::.' K.'buvtr.n.i.icius ! brave. i'Vit 'T WmnK ;" l'"'Vi,1, nt I And, as did the VV, j that it i.. not inu-oni- j omhmi III the chill and ghostly shadows of the dreary night, a man Stood and fought as fierce a battle as a hero ever can, Face to face with sin he wavered in the grim and biiter light, As tin; strongest will, when tempted, as this wanderer was that night. "Why this doubt and hesitation ?" said the tempter to his heart, "In this great, o'r crowded city not a soul will take your part. Not a hand would reach to help you if you sought the city through. Uulc, nothing, docs it mailer wh it becomes of such as you. "What if this to what 1 urge you brings to others grief and pain? Have they pity for your troubles? Have your pleadings not been in vain Hearts are hard and cold and cruel. Th.y would crush you in the fight With the hands of men against you. anything for you is right. "No one cares," the man repeated, as he wandered to and fro, With the tempter in the darkness, "what 1 do, or where I go. j No one cares for me an outcast !" O, what words could sadder be r t "In the world of men and women not a creature cares for me !" A.- rim rrr cn bl iiriil hitter with the pain tU.it thrilled his heart l-"cll upon the night, a Footstep close beside him made him start, In the shadows gathered round him, in the dreary street and wild, Willi her hand held out toward him, there he saw a little child. "You forgot," she whispered, stifily. "when you said that no one cared." And the little hand seemed reaching for die heart by sin ensnared, "You forgot, For dod cares for you," and the child smiled up at him. With a face so full of pity that his eyes with tears grew dim. ... " i,,. ...w,,.,...,.,! solilv. as he bent to touch her cheek, i. line gin, nv v.v-, i j "Did dod send you out to find me, words like these of yours io speak.-' ' Yes, 1 know He sent this message to a soul in bitter need; : From the very brink of ruin 1 will Follow where you lead." 1 O For all earth's poor and friendless who are giv'n no loving word, i Let our hearts, grow cold and careless, unto helpful deeds be stirred. ,oving words to those sore templed oti nngni iikikc mem m.o..k ..u child's sweet message, wavering souls trom rum sac. care of the brat'-" "Only let me see her one min ute !" cried the hapless orphan, clutching the side of the charity box. and as he gazed upon the , rough box agonized tears streamed down the cheeks on Which no childish bloom ever lingered. "On- ly once; let me see my mother , only once !" ' Quickly and brutally t the heart-, less monster struck the boy away, ; ; so that he reeled with the blow. ; For a moment the boy stood pant ' ing with grief and rage his blue eyes distended, his lips sprang I apart, fire glittering through his 1 eyes as he raised his little arm with a most childish laugh and scream ed, "W hen I am a man I'll be re venged For that !" There were a coffin and a heap of earth between the mother and the poor forsaken child. A mon ument much stronger than granite ' built in the boy's heart was the memory of the heartless deed. m-ii.t co rinse lv that she had to confess that she was the culprit, ; and was very sorry. ; "1 hope you do not think it is a ! sin, bishop?" asked Mary in tears, j 1-yeing her closely, he said; j "Mary, your using my tub is not a j sin. but what distresses me most is ! that you would do anything behind my back that you would not do be fore my face' Hasty climbers have sudden falls. ih. -in bv her all tlio lint.-. I i i ; i my im n ovicr ie.iee i eaiiii'it praise lllelll i u.'tivh." MRS. Li i' M. CIU'RCUILL, I'.,; 1 ligh st., IViiacouk, N. 1L Many persons have headache alter any litlle excitement or ex ertion. Thev cannot attend church, lectures, entertainments, or ride on (rains without sullcr-inj;-. Those who seller in this wav should try Dr. .Miles' Anti l'ain Tills, they give almost instant relief without leaving anv ilNarjrccable after-effects, as they do not derange the stomach or 'bowels; just a pleasurable sense of relief follows their use. Get a package from your drug gist. Take it. according to direc tions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. mi,, fur :i rliilil to tip bnia af.ielc.l with u.ik UMticNS. Iftlie rMiiritnti'strn e.ft -n. if the urine senilis til.- Ilr-li (ir if, uln'ii tlu-chiM readiesnu a-e v. In n it slm-'.'.-l V al.lt- tr. eoatruHlii-tusMUi- it is vet i.ir.iete.l with 1 tsl-wi't-... ' i.; a 0.;mM-c.ftliedilTi- eultv is ki' I n v tr.ml.1c, :.ml the iiri.1 -vti-i 'slioul.l Ih.- towards the treatment ul tlK-'scii!ii.rt.iiitiri.'ins. This unpleasant i trouble is due to a iliseasi 'l l on.lition of . the Uiilnevs and LUlder and not to n ha'eit us niost i.eoplo suppose. Women as well a-imenari- made miser aide with Uidm-v and Madder trouble, an 1 both i-.eed the same frrol rei.iedy The raid and the immediate etleet of Swamp-Rot isninri-alic.l. Itissoli. bv druitl!ts. i I'-fiy .JsV. cent and one-dollar tfiJHS?3' sic bottles. You may r: J :j2S53 have a sample bottle K-.-SSpiSS l.v mail tree, '-', fc:fe3 r.impliU-t telling aUWiSNife aho-it Swamii-ltoot, i. m. t.-,..,.. k.-l ia.-liidim! manv of the thousands of trsti-l-onial letters' r.enveit from Mlllerco- l,o found .sivamp K.K.t to he jii-i me Full line of Clothing for Men r,me)U. ,u.e.led. In wnteair Dr. kilnur and Boys. - Up-to-date line of "LADIES' SKIRTS EJ1'. swUp-1!o"V!aii-i1heVMr.--,s. --JA---- liiiiKhamtoii, X. Y., on i-verv botll.-. AnJ I-verythinji New and Novel in Gent's Furnishings POSFS ' Sneeinl Invitation to every friend of Mali- IV"'l-4- fox and Northampton counties. I J. KAPLIN, kOANOM:KAI'llS, North Carolina Fall and Winter Qoods Carnations, Violets Ai i ci o THE BANK OF WELDON WFXDON. N. Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Al'iU'S'l'LilTH. IS'.''.-'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ait Surplus, $43,000. .1..., I- vearn this institution lias provided haiikinir fui-ili- 1 "ev'ied ,! x .ip swe or months or lonicr, .1 P r " n - ,...,,. , , a,li(.r. Kovfiirtlier iiitoniiin 11,11 "I'l".' ' i'rk-iiI'KSt: W. V.. liAMtl., Ml K-l'HKSII.liST: i. II. . 1.KWIS. (.liu'kson. Sortliami.ton county) i-asiiikk: W. It. SMITH. THE CHD.DRIN LIKE IT Mim CHUB KM a 1 KENNEDY LAXArfVEj SALVE Fr Wl. Swm. I WW VH O I IVVr and otliei Ib.H.-i" nlay "ii liaml. Sl.oiver W. "Mini: l'.o...pe-l. llau.Uouie I loial i.-iL'ii. I'ahii- a"'1 1 " t"1 hiiiiieei.li.il. i Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and nianv otb.i MI...-I.. - "f l'"d's f". lull plant. Uf eithei lot ....I or indooi cul luie. i;ose liushi s. Macnolms and bv- ,li;tt'.'ll Will.-, pi.olie ot U it . l.lp... H. STUINMHTZ, llorist, KaleiKh. North Carolina s -.'a l v Special Sale ! We l.aie on leenl seveial eimsiuii ........ ..I tin. In - in ....!. Wash ami -iiin-es lad.es .. Is. li itber than n- u.nU . ... lu'ii.lot.altl'ts ilel't- .led lo out them on sale at ball' priee i li.ul loi .-ash oulv. 5.I1 Suits ?,..Mi. I mi- bite and all olbel eolo.s K. to ,, - .hi to .'!. Vah Coat Suits ft to t' now S-l !'s to s:t. l to'' N.-tWaiM-h diieed Jl .T-' tosJ .Mi I'.laek an.l .'"l oiedsilk I'eltieoats si to ? now -s-to sa.T.i. Voile skills 5-ii to sii.. J . to jl.m. I0.IHHI vaids lai-e and eiul.ioid-..-.eK to elose out at ball' piiee. 7.V to jl Messaline silks, all eolo.s. mm "io t" 7 .e. 0 and I.e. eabeoes li'. to le. Ill and I J'e t'liiL'tiains 7 to !K About ;t lino yards dress foods to el.'se out less linn, i-osl. Ud.es bats at ball pi.ee. lours, ,liui:iri ts.eaietimrs uud niattiiin" at and belo -ost. SPIERS BROS. WELPON.N.C. NOT rXDKKSTOOl), Not understood. We move along asunder; Our paths grow wider as the seasons creep And the years; we marvel and we wonder, Why life is life, and then we fall asleep Not understood. Not understood. We gather false impressions And hug them closer as the years go by, Till virtues often seem to us transgressions; And thus men rise and fall and live and die N01 understood. Not understood. Pour souls with stunted vision Oft measure giants by the narrow gauge, The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision Are oft impelled 'gainst those who mold the age Not understood. Not understood. The secret springs of action Which lie beneath the surface and the show Are disregarded. With self-satisfaction We judge our neighbors, and they often go Not understood. Not understood. I low trifles often change us. The thoughtless sentence or the fancied slight Destroy long years of friendship and estrange us And on our souls there falls a freezing blight -Not understood. Not understood 1 low many breasts are aching I'or lack of sympathy. Ah. day by day, How many cheerless, lonely hearts are breaking ! How many noble spirits pass away- Not liiulcrstun.! Odod ! that men would see a hide clearer, Or judge less harshly when they cannot see' O dod ! that men would draw a hide nearer To one another ! they'd be nearer Thee, And understood. The ourthouse was crowded to suffocation. "ho.-s anv one anneal" as man's counsel?" asked the judge. There was a silence when he had finished until, with lips lightly pressed together, a look of strange intelligence blended with a haughty reserve upon the handsome fea tures, a young man stepped for ward will) a hi'iii tread and kindly eye to plead For the erring Incud less. 1 le was a stranger, hut at the firsi sentence there was silence. The splendor of his genius en tranced, convinced. The man w ho could not find a friend was acquiited. "May dod bless you, sir; 1 can not," he said. "I want no lliauks," replied the ' stranger. "1-1-1 believe you ate un known to me." "Man, 1 will refresh your mem ory. Twenty years ago this day ; you struck a broken hearted little boy away from his dear mother's coflin. 1 was that boy." The man turned livid. "Have you rescued mc then to : take my life? I "No; 1 have a sweeter revenge. 1 have saved the life of a man whose brutality has rankled in my 1 breast for the last twenty years, (io, then, and remember the tears ! of a friendless child. The man bowed his head in i shame and went from the pres ence of magnanimity as grand to him as it was incomprehensible. Anonymous. I THAT !' .1 K mouth I , i BAD bseJ J 1 "".'SlSUi. n -s , v tzhw .. . ..... ,.r.AixF this 1 H &&.mC-Z!&sS I TO-DAY. I hnplirity and 1. vi- .rs. !"! ""'. . ; o ITmi.-.l S. -t.-s ..nil iliii.l. M""- '"' ,..,,1 ,.r tin- c.talomiv. lailii.m .-. l.-il- TV, I:. Ii.iii.ln--.iir. ... .U-. in. v r.i i-'-- m'riu.r.-B .1 b-i- l-.-.l.-rn. You will I'. -el I" tier aln.ost iiiiiiiediateh'. and slill heller To-Moppow THE GENUINE has Ih RFO Z on (h front ol oach package and the siquatiir and al o( J i. 2EKIN & CO., on tha tttin, in RED. (OR SAIE flY ALL DRUCCISTS. WE FURNISH ( A lioval K.-ll-l lo rel V .'lie who ( buv t li. . 1 ;n lies ill our store. ( All the i-:imi nable delii-aeu-s are found Ul "111 si. Ibe veal rouiel. CONFCTIONFHIFS BRUITS CRO ;r;erv and tin WARE w i.len and Willowwaie. Kte. ,.,,.U .lelneie.l 1 ipily any ben- 111 tott 11. t'"bl.- .-let k. Phone No so. I M. PDRNELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ;vi:i.i.0N, N. c I'l-u-lii-esni the conits of Halifax anil adiounne i-oi.iiOes and il the supreme com tot the stale. special attention uiven to collections and prompt return 1 We Ask You tr. isfcn Cardui. far vour femala troubles, because ve are sure It will help you. Remember mat this groat iemale remedy; YtflHE CF i has brought rehef to thousands ol I ..... 11. r KiV. u tint in otner ;ick woui-. ok you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak- ness, many have saw u is mo best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City n .! ease ot just received; Accident Ni:V l.lNi; t T-TO PATH Stung tor 15 Years iil.L'i-tioii'K pancs-liyinir many 1 doeloi-s and s-.'iin woilli of medicine 111 i ain. It I' Ayciie, of Imileide. . I'.., al lasl iis.il I'l Kins'- N' lafe I'dls i and wi.li- 1 1 . y iilioly eut.-.l bun. t'b.-y ' i-iiie Coi.-npalion. r..l.ou-ne . s.ck 1 ! Ileadaebe. -ioii.a.-b. I.oei. Kidney and bv li to use tlte ; (oel llollbl." al all dniL-L'i-is. XI II Telephone 1 The only powers that know cn- joymcnt are those that find employment. Alone in a Saw Mill at MidniRht lllllllllldl'lll of dainpiie-s. dl.ll'l 01 cold. . .1 Atkin- winked 1 Watchman, al banner spoiii: -neli i voosiiie B..' bin. -i - 1 tiled 011 his I bad Io Hive up 101k totnc.lio- but all fail' stot ins 1 VlU . 'f. lin., 1 Id .iihs. At last bi ll,, toed nianv 1 nil lie u-ed Or. Mich Men's (lifts are Poor In side this: "I want I" l'ouii reeonl as ..iviiil' that I l.-i'ind bleclni' I'.itte.s as si iril'.s thai t b.d has s.e. s, li.scine-.y "Alter usum :,,. bollle.'' b- Wl'tes. -1 went baek to wo.k as cell as eve. " -even- ( olds. stubborn I1, nitiis. iiillann-.l linoais am. ; soie bines. Ilenioubaees, Ci.uip and ; Wboup.mt t'"ii-b '' lli',k "1"'1' ' pionipteuie from tb. nloiions n.edi- cine .".He. and SI. Trial bollle free, , iruaiantccd by all .lrm.-i:i-t- And yet it should be easier i" tell the truth than to manufacture a lie. one of I lie L-leat.'sl ir.l'.s thai made to woman, wntes Mis. 11. bbine vault. of Vestal ( i ntei. N. V.. -'1 can ' never loii:.-t wlial it tins done for inc." i 'I bis uloiioiis iiieibcine Kives 11 woman j buoyant spirits, vil'oi of body and jubi lant health. It ipiiekly euies Nervous ness. Sleeplessness. Melancholy. Head ache. Taintine' and IH.y spells; soon ; builds up Ibe weak, ailinir and sickly. . Tiv I hem . -'He. at all dniirt-ists. dood advice is the kind you re member too late that you forgot to take it. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. Looking One's Best. It's a woman's di buhl to look hei best but pimples, skin eruptions, sores ' ami boils rob life of jov. Listen! Iluck- leu's Aiiniea Salves eu.es them; makes the skin soil and eUety. It clooties the face. Cures I'llnples. Sore Lyes. Cold Soles, ("lacked Lips. Chapped Hands. Try it. lnliilbble for Piles. 1 -J ie at ail diuiririsls. 1 1 i , t CllT GLAiVJ AiMJ out lLi I Watebes. 1 obs. Hiooelu-s, t'.ai and Veil I'ms. Lockets, Piaeeleis. Itinirs. Collai I'.uttons that will not break, fioin j,,c up t.ol.l. told tilled, pearl and sil ver cull buttons. Iii l'aetevciytliiiii;car- ried ilia tirst-class jewelry store MAY just one time BK WORTH A YEARS RENTAL As Little as Five Cents Per Day ied ill a tnst-eiass jewcu y su.n-. , Prices euaraiiteeil to be as low as ean j places Olie ill J'OUr residetlCe. ie found elscwheie. 1 , r . SHCONI) MARRIAOUS. I lives l;xamined Free ! and classes properly adjusted. A tit: iruaiauteed. l ine repairing a specialty. ; J. H. WALLER, .lewelei and Optician, - Weldon. N. t'. W atch Inspector for Seaboard Air Line For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, - HENDERSON, . . N. O. Three (It'ttnans were sitting 1 sit. a luncheon recently, and were overheard disciissiti); llie j Knan.ikc News , second iiini'i iaoe of a mutual i friend, when one of tlieni re ! marked: "I'll tell you vhnt. A man j vhat marries the second time don't deserve to havo lost his - tirst vliife." 1). E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Eire Insurance. :-:-Wclj.iD N dood ware make quick sales. WALTER E. DANIEL. ATTORNEY-hT-LAW, W LI. I ION, N. (!. Praotiees in tlie courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supremo ano Federal courts. Collections made in all p al : of North Carolina. Branch otliee at I ah fax open every onday,i m iui'tlv tnttiutt h a i t Isti M-.l Kelifl Mtcn, noon vi - - rittl RIPOTilwtlIMlllT. I tmpnci "VilH. 'r. l" If! KlEllip- U,T our 10 HIVjlMj I hook mi MOW TO I KNTft. l)"'l nNj will imy. H" !" ('' Irt- j D, SWIFT h CO, . a auvana 1 303 8vnth St., WMhwiatoa. D. C.J

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