''i'.i' h sGS". I jfUllili" r It B Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR Till PEOPLE. Terms of Sub.tription-'$1.;0 Fit nni V)I X 1.1 . wi:ij)on. . c. TiiriisDAY. Di: i:.mi;i:k u, i s :. NO. in J4 ti f tf list ? ill Jd u.sub IRE Li ifamtixm Ilia i iii w. ---. 0U S3 M ' ollol, ,1 I'l.M l ' Y N p Wolff.il .tt- Pr.-j-.ni-ni Fh-.Is :.:nn!.iiiii';in'ru(!il,mll(n:iili uaiJiiu'ViiiMlis ai'ilHiwvM Pio!,K,l. '.Di'sliuliflifPrrni 1 n i.fsi.CoiUainsiiL'iilKi i'iium.Mii);r nor Mineral. Not N ah c otic. )rift.Miicmwnam IV-iili Srra" yf:irtpit .Wl- J, 111- bid' Hrr.y.ivl- ) ,',.. hi- t ' I S.flpr. i.Uc.jiultiitr. ' ArKni'dRpiwiK f.'i TTtslir li(in,bi)UrSIO!ii,ifh.l)l;:iTlH!fj Warms . oiivalMiais.t.'vi rin iKandtaSjCrSUJ:R rifS'i-,!'.- si,.i.-'.T.r i-''',V YOISlv. ExaK Copy of Wrapper. 1 Get the Habit 1 are the skilled words, us see he glad to do the rest. Also full line of HOLEPROOF if 0 SI K R Y in Men's, Ladies' and Children's. Guaranteed to last you six months. If they don't you get six pairs of hose FREE;. Try a box-Men's $1.50; La dies $2; Children $3; extra heavy at foot and knee -the only kind that will stand the children. The Shoe Store of shoe values WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WtLDONI, N, C. Special Reducsd Prioos '-jsi Hsliday s During the Holidays, I will offer my entiie stock ut greatly reduced prices. My Stock Con -lists ol Mens' and Boys' Clothing, Ladies' M My Stock is nil new and ot Latest Styles. If you want Bargains be sure to call during this special sale wiiieli will only last until January I, I'MO Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, 3 TUT CAmSL' fSST n nn.i wi:i.i)ON, n. c- Organized Under the Ijiws ol the State of North Carolina, At'iil'ST'.MTII, is.-.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Torn, -f wvidon Depository. Capital ar.a $43,000. Kor molt' tliini 1; veins Hum insliliiti.m has provided hankiiiL' fai'ili ties for this m-ftiun. ' lie ili..'l,linldi'i and ilnei'tois have heen iilenlilii-.l with the liusiiii'ss inti'iesi!, ol' Halifax and Norlliaiiiptoii i',,uiilie I'm many yearn. Money is loaned upon approved senility al the Ii '.ral rale of interest six per centum. Aeeiiiintu ol all aie soln'iled. i ' (i surplus and undivided prolits hiiMm.' n-aehed a sum eiiial to tl.e i .1 lalstuek. the Hunk lias, en u iii'iiil' .laiiuai v 1. I''. I'slaldisln-.l a saniurs llepai'lineiit allow iuc i'ii t on lime ilepo-ils as lolli.ns: for li,-isits allowdl toreiiiaiu tlnee nionths ,,i lone'ei-. - per cent. Sin nioutliHiir l.imt.M. : per eent. Twelve nioutlis oi loiurei. I per it. for further infoiuiiitiou apply to the President or ( iishu-i IIIKSMIKST: VII K-I'IIKMIIKM : IASHIKII: V K. HAMi:I., Ha. II. H. I.I WIS. K. SMITH. (.Iin'ksnii, Niutliainpton eounlyi 3C OeWIFT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Pits, Burn, Sore. t&l IF H IE 11 U 111 For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears tbo Signature Use or Over Thlrt" Tsars of A A If i nil V 89 B ! I Imi mm Of coniinir to our store when 011 want the best in footwear 1 1 .MI'S II 1 1, latest designs made by shoemakers, in other they are classy. Let vour foot and we will Up - to Date! d -Ml FumThings. KOANOKi: KAI'IDS, N. C. ii?r rn i,riir.,v like ir KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE; COUCH SYRUP I A Sll ! EMM: KM AN l:M WCE. W'h i l ill.' lo . I s ' K'.iinL ii 1 and Julk:. i il.ll W.I i f!i -ir c i i-in,1 iikc f A iiii.Imi'iiiuci' inlu's d;v.i:n. ! V.'h a was h-jr an'-W'. i- i In- To;'N. '- ,n illl Ii'kl' II. ( )l U !ln;n ill. I 'iali ii I'll;, ilk: nu '" Tin; iiii.iv!! i.imi ' .'. W'h il imiiv ii, 1. 1.- ':; .!!') w.iv nicy ni.,1 1'l- .l V W i;i!i :,i:''.i!. V"ii i v , '. I';..1 ,1 ll I'n '' i 'i i'cll l! i ,:! V' : -j i i . i . Y;i i w civ ilu- !--.i hi. in and in. il l c! Ii..::r ': n t i , 1 1 v and Clo'p.uu. W'li'i ..ivu'iIr1 rcji-pii in'- aUiiy wive- i.l' Vv'indsui . In v. I1..1 kind id a pl.uc did ihcy liver llaniki. ; W'h.ii c;mv.-.l I'wir lirsi quarrel r j Much -.i.l.i ah nil noihiii" I W'hal was h-.-r disposition like? 1 tempvsi. ! What did they give eaeli other J when t;iMi-rel!iiiK? Measure for; measure. ! What did iheir courtship prove ! to tv '" Love's labor lost. Whal did iheir hoine lite resem ble ? A comedy of errors. WI111 did their hieiuls say? "All's well ihateiuUwell."- -From Minsliiiie. ONCi: WAS CNOl'till. I Magistrate Idisjltarging prison er:) "Now, then, I would advise y.iu lo keep a .vav from bad coiu pmy." I'risoiiei (ieeluig'y:) Thank you, sir. You won't see nr- here again." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A. ; Fvcty time a chronic kicker 1 lu', ins toe he imagines the world : is a'.'aiiist him. 1 Many a man tisln - with baled ' lactli. I'.h.it is, the ki-id of bail lhat conies in a bottle. '-'..,' .:, V.'sii I ii t;3 SU-i inliln i aj niiilwy iilm iiiiCtiSi ..loUij. s Ki.iiii'v trou1''..' l revs UT n tin uuiul, Mm i -!r.iv:i-sjj :L: ..-:i..ii-..tin, l,cauty, . r .el cli'.'Ci 1 u ,.t. 1 . li--s i ,iis.irl,eui v lu :i t'.e ki' l'u- .s a: c . ut t,i . r ie r or tlis- C'r '-vXtf Ki'im v tn-iiV.c h t't,.. v "V' ) I'fc, .-rie s t ,r, v.ilt ut -J ' 11 '- tint U'l-"t!l- lsVV"-,'N,'r 1:1-"i fr i lii'.,l ti.l-e S . -. l.OMl ;ii'u Kit w itli CI " ' ..k I.; Kiiy.-. If the , clli'. 1 uriiKitt'St'iiirt. ll, if tlr tiriuf s. at.is , tlie iKsli. or if, m'u. ii tin- i-;,i'.,l tt-.ielicsnii ac -.vllfll it slltmM 1'c at lu t'.i-olltrultlur ; p.e -.i.'e, it in y -t i.tilu f-1 itli ! til-wt-t- i till'.:. iit;.t-int ii;k.:i il, tli. e.ms i.ftlii'ihlli- ! .ii'.tv is Ui'i'i'-v tn .lit It-, i.-rl thf fir-t ' rtt-;i slii.ul.l Ih' tnwanis til,' tu-.iliiifiit of the-.' i III ort. :nt r.( ills. Till ilitipti .ls.iTit tru!)i' is ill!'! to 'i awit ' mililitm of th- ki !m vs i.'M I,; pi.!, r ai!.l not to u h .'.'.t as Hi" st pen; j Mi;.-i-f. j V.'.w . n w -It ,, ,!!!' :i i.u-1;-1 "i misiT- i nM; villi ki.'.u, v mul MaiMi r Irntil.'.e, ii'M ln.'.h !'. . I I'ls- ta-ne u:i.it riine-.lv. T'u !'!-! ' '"'i t':a' liiiiiH-'iia'.c clle.'t ot .Siv.tll.p-K lot i o 'i re;:Iieil. Itiswl'. j In' UTH-rV'tl-. HI !;.': I e.-iit a nl on, -U-ir- VrrcXg, ... ..iobnttU-t. Y'ti!!iy i liae a .s.iiii;,'..: t,.: lIc ;e;r-': :; ""p-; ' 1 - : 1 "'i, l: ... :.i'-t':-.:- ,:n.l 0 i l-i via.:-.- Jr. - 1- 'i Miae-ico- . j'.l-t I'H' Dr. Kline. .X: I..., Ilini )! IttC'M IV , N. V., ! tr.i.- ' :-. ii'.-ri !ir l.i. ier. -..her til in::-, !'. ...I. al!.l t'.'.e !Jr--f . o:l e, v 1 .:. Ti ,1 ;'u:i:n i.o . RQSES ! Carnations, Violets and ollii'i It,, ".-ii aluays on hand, shiuiei -H r,l, line' l',tl,iii-ls. Hands,. ii.e 1'li.ial i 'i-i-jns. I '.il n i - and I ei 'is I,, i h..nu' i".illiiii-. Mvndnts. Tulips. Narcissus and lli.inv i.tlo l I H' In "I 1 ' ' 1 1 'ol I. ill plaiiluii: illn-i i"i "'U "i indoor eul tuie. -l.'os.- I, ad.. Maoioi as and Kv- ;.i;i, i lis lllr. 1 hoi I tel. i.'lapli. II. SllilNiMlilZ. I lorist, Kaleigh, North Carolina ea l Special Sale ! We have on hand seieial siloi inents ol Ihe lat. sl in wool, Wasli and I'nur.'s ladles Mills KalhiT I Ion tlllll Ihese slllls oil! lira, l,li:ll Il ls del'l ded lo put 111. in on sale al half pin-.-I'm fash only. s , .-nils ;..,o, 1'iiu eess. while and all olhei eolois to st. lion ?J. in lo SI. W a-h I oal Mills rl lo th, now t-l. lis in st ?! lo r-.'i Net Uaisis rediii'id fl , to '-' '.'I 1'i'aek and eol ored silk l'ellii-oals vl lo ?ii now ::' to s:i ; i. oile sk i its -sii 1. 1 is now S i. '.ii to si an. Iii.ihii yaols la,',' and eiiilironl eiles lo elose mil al half pnee. i u' lo fl lessahne silks, all t'olors. now ''ii to T.ie. .- and lie. ealu'oes If. lo le. in and -.';e irinuliiinis ; to He Alum! ,'t.iHHi yaids ilu ss munis to el. se out less than eosl. l.udn hals at hull pnee. ; lines. diui;i:i ts.eaipeliiiL's and inalliue's ' Ut Illl. I lu'lllW I'osl. SPIERS BROS. WKLHOS.S.C. :- ' .yr. . wvrr. i- ,v wii: if ; ' j l v 'j the most nutritious foo;lo end the most clahitv and delicious f9 ,(:-- W -Vf No freui: 3-; over 6-. aid io Pi '. A liAMOU OF LOVK." Interesting History of the Soldiers w ho Went Trom Halifax into the Confederate ArmyPrepared and Read by Ars. Ida T. Wilkins at a Recent Meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy at the Home of Airs. A. Ii. W ilson. Ii has been suggested that some i one write a history of the dill'ereiii companies of soldiers who went out from Halifax county into i!ie army of the Confederacy. Ii w ould , seem thai this should have been j written long ago. Now n is a dil J licult task. The "long grey line" has grown so thin there is scarcely one Lit who r-.members. Mill il is "a labor of love" and 1 have un dertaken this sketch with the hope that others may follow. We have been so slow to w rite, that many ; at any lime. Fspecially so after iiiteresiing things have gone for-, John iirown's raid at Harper's ever but let us glean w hat is led. i Ferry, and t'.ie military org inia For ligures, dales, etc., I have ! lions w ere eotisidered a necessity drawn from the history of the I 2ih lor the protection of the people. N. C. Stale Troops written by ! Judge Walter Montgomery, who was one of them. For incidents 1 have written from memory. It has been hard to know how to condense this paper into a proper limit but asking patience and in dulgence I trust what has been written may not prove tiresome or without interest. About the year I S52 there grad uated with high honors from the Military Academy at West Point a young man, a native of Halifax county. This young man full of martial zeal and military enthusi asm returned to his home in the quia little town of I lalilax, but brought with him new ideas and to those w ith whom he came in c intact he gave glimpses of the pomp and glory of a triumphant military career. Nor was this at all strange for his scholastic period al West Point followed closely on the heels of a successful military campaign waged by those with whom he was mosi intimately asso ciated. The storming of Chepul lapec and Gen. Scott's triumphant entry into the City of Mexico were events of which he had been almost an eye witness. So full of this w as he thai soon he bad gathered about him a band ol kindred spirits ready to follow wherever lie might lead. I ins young man was Junius Daniel, w hom it has been our delight lo honor and his band of follow ers became what was then known as the I lalifax Fight Infantry, a mili tary organization which wrote its name in blood on the pages of his tory within a very few years after its formation. There is no record al my com mand of the doings ot this Compa ny for the lirst few years. I have childish recollection of a gala day in the history of the old town, w hen she donned her holiday at tire and all the world "turned out" in iionor oi me centennial aniuvei sary of the opening of a court house at that place. In this the military look an im portant part. Iands played patri oti: airs. Flags were Hying while statesmen and politicians rilled the air w ith enthusiastic declamaiior.s I and the soldiers marched with gay . I, -. T r. W many uniforms and glittering bayonets to lhcsirainsofm ini.il nuisic, little dreaming of wai- and its horrors which hung so heavily near. : 1 low ever, these were troublous j tunes, e en before the war. A I terrible st ue of excitement and tin- rest lillnl the minds and hearts of our people. The Abolitionists of the North, by sending secret agents into the South, tried to pro voke the slaves lo rebellious deeds, and a general uprising was feared That this v, as a mistake was fully proud by the loyalty and faithful- n.-ss ol most ol tne negroes alter the war had begun. So, w hen Abraham Lincoln on April l. IStil, issued his famous proclamation calling for 7,500 troops wi.h which to coerce the South and N. C. for her quota of this number these military organi zations or State militia were in a much better condition than they j would have otherwise been. North liaroiina had not seceded and there was a strong sentiment in favor of the union, bin when the choice came "a protest arose as trout one man The remarkable feature of this movement w as that it was not concerted and yet it was simulta iiio. is. With sublime confidence the people had declared for peace in the face o or, bin with unprecedented clam- ,. i .... ..;,,:(;,..,.. ,.w ,. -s ..iLiiin.nivi. thev made it known thai when the i time of action came they would not b: behind the toreniosi. The choice mtisi be made and it was made at once and thus the St ue w hich h id declared for the union two to one on ihe ...Sth of February, in less iliandifiy days, or by April 1 7th, bee. line an armed camp marshalled for resistance to this procla.n.uion. Ii was under such cii cunisi.inc. s ih it the two organize'.! e,.mp nuos I r. o n iiahhix volunteered their services to the Codlederate Slates. They were some of the cream of the Stale's uniformed miliiia and they included in their ranks as high an order of men as ever mus tered for war. Of course there were some who could not leave home and ihey were allowed to withdraw and their places filled l y enthusiastic volunteers. It is much to be regretted that we have no rosier of these compa nies with their commanding otli cers but we do know that Mr. Blount Pope was captain of the -7 : A.S E LA L-3 biscuit R first v-:v.-7-.-1 Halifax Company ai the lime the - JU"C 1 "" T , h V ' , W ilhauis transterred to the I Win! war began. 1 le was a man much N c ,lm W;ls af,crwarjs killed at j beloved but the State required his Brandy station while gallantly lead services in her Legislative halls and ing his men. j he resigned his oflice much to the : he '-' regiment was placed r 'cret of his men His place was1'11 (-drli,,u's brigade and were . . , ' , m i iV SOOll engaged ill tlie SCVCIl days filled, MOW CUI, ny Air. J. ft. , ,)(,h( (;(J V.,je commanding Whitakerwho remained Captain ; tIiey took part in the bailies of until the reorganization in 1862 i Cold Harbor and Malvern Hill when Sterling linekell was eleeted Oapiaiiu The 1st N. C. or lietliel Req uiem vokmieered on April 17, IS il. I'.y May 2 1 1 1 they were in Kie!ii::o;id and by June IO1I1 had l'in:!it and wo;: their lirst battle. Colli the "Fntield F.lues" and th.- "1 1 iliS.ix l.ndil Infantry" vol unteered on the same day and it was ii.iped both would be put in I iis 1st keuuueiit. Hut w hile the I I .il if.i I 'onipany v a-, w aiiini; lot ordeis h'-re in Weldon the bnlleld (iinp.iny w.is oidei'ed here to m jel the other tune companies on their way to Richmond. I his was on May 20ih. I remember that day well and with w hat chagrin the Halifax buys watched the Fn tield hoys embark and the pride and joy ol the others that they had been taken first, llui only by one day, for on May 2 1st, the Sec ond Regiment came 011, the Hali fax boys became (!o. F. of that command and were so known for sometime. Those were memora ble days. Fnthusiasm was run niiii; hiyh. Troops were being hurried to Richmond and e.xeite- ut and interest prevailed. South tir Carolina and Georgia were rush ing their men through and they were of much interest but these were North Carolinians! a little heller than the others and more nuisibe done for them. Fvcrybody w ho could came to town and the ciiiens turned out en masse. ( lood ciiiinirv hams were boiled, bread b.,ked, colice made and hauled 111 barrels to where the food was giv- , . . ,. . en out to the whole Regiment in line. Flowers were lavished on tliem. Flags presented and speech- es made. Good byes were said. Girls turned from their lovers with , weeping eyes and 'twas said thai one mother fainted dead away in parting from her boy. I here were no through trams then, so the nine other companies came in from Raleigh, matched to a side street, stacked aims, were given dinner and then they all left for Richmond. Nor did they ride in Fullman cars, but on open flats , , , wan noi ,ui ,i niiij; M 1'ie.iri uie rays of the glowing sun. Siill they went, cheering to the echo and bleeding hearts were left behind. I'rom Richmond they were or dered to Noi iolk and remained in that vicinity until the evacuation of Norfolk in May of the follow mg year. At the formation ol the Rcgi- meut, Sob Wilhams. of Nash coim- ly, a graduate of W est Point was elected Colonel and ilk n the Regi ment was assigned to Malnme's brigade. While in camp here the constant training of the men for months produced a high degree of military proficiency. Due w riter says "the regiment embraced men ot nigh education, social l ei 1 1 le i ue 1 1 1 .n m "e.nui iiih .- .1 .. A I ,.,.1,1. ., mingled ft eely on terms of social equality with field, stall' and com pany otlicers. The camp was a constant scene of gavety and die city of Norfolk was da. ly thronged with members of the regiment on social visits in the citizens. Fur loughs were also liberally granted. Then the tune ol two ol the com panies who had enlisted for six months expired and their places were taken by another company from Halifax organized by Capt. Shunati Snow and one from War- , , . ren and Granville. egi. was Sol. Wil- then reorganized. Col ji,Uns was re elected and Capt. B. O. Wade w as made Lieut. Colonel. ' The letters of the company w ere also changed and our company be- : came Company G. of the 2nd, now the I2ih N. C. State troops. This arr.ingemeiii conimucil and tlie history ot the Halifax Light Infan try is contained in the history of this Reg. nil the close of the w ar. Nothing disturbed the inonoio- ..!' ,n lit., wild,, il N'otl'.ilL except the distinction of the lion- gross and Cumberland and the en- .. ,i,ii,'nl of Hi,. M, miter :in, liu- Merrimac which the men w itnessed from the shore. I 'pou the evacuation of Norfolk ihey were ordered to the valley of Virginia. After marches and eoun-, teriuarches they met the enemy ; for the hrst time in the battle of; Hanover Court House and re- j ceived their baptism of lire. I lere , Mr. Robert v ood was killed, he heing the lirst man from the com- pany to tail. I le left a young wile ; and infant son who are boih now 1 living in New York. j After this hatile the regiment re- j joined Mahone's Brigade but not , in time to take part in the battle of j Seven Pines. 1 t.. I , i;.i, l'. ,ll fs , , which proved to tlietn a "Ther mopylae" indeed. Fnicrmg at Cold Harbor w ith 445 men they lost there and at Malvern Hill 51 killed and I T f i wounded. In this list we find many familiar names. U. .. M.iImt w as shot ihrouyh the foot, J I.. Fair through the thigh and Skill 1 irew 111 the hollow of the neck. The latter was lett on the held fur dead and was not found until next day, but is per haps living yet. Mala y w as brought home and lived, though never en tirely recovered. I'air washroughl home, recovered, 1 eioiued Ins reg iment, was captured at Spoitsylva m.i 111 I SO I. taken to l.liinra, N. Y. and in accordance with ( ieneral ( it anl's policy that to exchange prisoners would prolong the war was kepi there in prison until July Sii5. He is one of our honored cilicns. We also find in this list the name ol'Capt. Augustus Fandis of Co. 1)., who was wounded and disabled. It is entirely lining that this memorial should be read at this time in the home of his loving and beloved daughter, our present hostess. The historian says : "On these lields the regiment bore itself with conspicuous gallantry." General Garland said in his official report : "Our appearance at an opportune moment decided the fate of the day. The enemy broke and re- treated, made a second stand, when charging forward we broke and scattered them in every direction." Col. Wade mentions for Roll of Honor in these battles Lieuten ant Kemp Flummer, of Co. C, and private T. L. Fmry, of Co. G. The latter, after six color bearers had been shot down in succession seied the Hag and bore it fifty yards in advance of his command and triumphantly plained it n the ; enemy's breast works lie was, Brevetted Captain by the V, ar l)c-; p.,nillcn( in klcimond al 0llCe and j j-jven the position of recruiting of- heer lor his company until the end of the war. The regiment was again en gaged in the bloody battles of lioonshoro and Sharpsburg when Gen. Garland was killed. Then on to tl.e Wilderness and Chancel lorsville, where Col. Wade was mortally wounded In his report of this baiile the commanding u!h eer said dial when he look charge n the night before there were two hundred muskets and twenty-five otlicers present, that the advance ll,,rmlh dy"sc ,iinKIu ,Krowlh' that when it came upon the ene- my s barricades a territue cross and Hank tire from their artillery swept the regiment and adds : "It ; is w uh pride and gratitude that 1 can say, though the whole coni m iikI w as under a w ithering cross lire, vet not a man gave way until I had given 1'ie order, hi this battle the regiment had 22 men killed and 1 10 wounded. Ii is said thai within a month after ibis Gen. Lee organized the most effective army he had ever had. Included in this was the remnant of the l-th N. C, which had been recruited by men from w estern North Carolina. A veteran gave me this incident,- He said at one lime one of these men, a (Juaker, was by his side in an en gagement but did not fire his gun. He asked hint why he did not fire as the others did. The man re- !:.. I .1. ,, i,.. .,.. ..IV.il.l he would I'lieu ui.ii i ie ...i. titikii v. ; , t - . t. ,u , roil noiue oi in.. i,iu.s.u..ii on uie oilier side. Soon followed Gettysburg and defeat. Ii is said that a Mr. Sneads who owned the ground of the bat tle of Gettysburg has built a resi- i HnliMi, .1 ..n I . .u i th Paee. i Pi n?..i.....i Liver dv U.kJetl ?-r sjmx& r r.:r. " sx J jiTy .W'.'Rli.. iii Rj HL. .I..mJLj fl , g ".1 fllWWf 1 , S -;" M ym jlf ' u TO-DAY, Yon will feel belter almost iiniiu'ili.iii ly, and still better To-Morro w IHE CENUINC hn Mi RED I on 1111 Iron! ol oseh paokooo ond lha P.Q-inlure and BB ol J. H. ZEIUN CO., on Iho aldo, In RED. O VOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. D. II. STAINUACK. I unTtnv mini if 9 1 v i rv r l i u , ' i-. i w And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News 1 1 1 1 ice -:- WdJiin N. (, WALTER il. DANIEL, ATT0RNKY-T-LAW, wici.hon, s. c. Practices in the courtH of Ualirax ana Northampton and in the Supreme anu federal courts. Collection- made in all parts of North Carolina, lsraneh oiiice at Halifax open every, onday;i ( rTIIAT in your a s o mouth H i !A) 'SSVRE 1 U '-'v fl i la m i ttmn I 1 LD No Rest Day or Night would lay any a uakf for kours aunt cause, or dreams winch 1111 I 11 1I1I, d brine; 1 :rv, ne m X. iwlole I :-iFs cm extreme spells Al'u-r taking m r ine and Tunic ,,M --lee, wc'l, . -..-IN li.ive left s i.m. nrr;, ( '.inal 1 lover, ( liio. deep the nervous t, Yhhout s -1 , so, hi becomes a wreck, healthful activity of till in, obstructed. "Restful, ildiiig- sleep accompanies of Dr. Miles' Nervine it soothes the irritable and restores nervous hen taken a few days ami tlie the org, l,ody-br the Use becau.se nerves, eneri'v. according to directions, the most restless sufferer will find sleep natural and healthful. Get a bottle from your drug-gist. Take it all according lo directions, and it" it does not benefit he will re turn your money. Met AI L'S MAGAZINE Mute .! 11-" IVOMIIIIH I. ISUHl-KMENTS IHt M.l UL .. IW I. m !! M M" E. T. CLARK. ATTORMFY AT I AW. WKM'ON, N. ('. 1'iai'titvs in the court of Halifax and a-lioinniL' ,',, unties an, I il. the Supreme coeit of the Mate. Special attention t'ivi'n to collections anil prompt return We Ask You to take Cardul, for your temate S troubka, because ve are sure It a will help you. Remember that 3 this great female remedy WINE! OF has brought relief to thousands of olher sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, temale weak nes. many have said it Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City M I .i oase oi Accident to use tlie Telephone just one time MAY RK WORTH A YEARS RENTAL As Little as Five Cents Per Day places one in your residence. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER Oft Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, TRADI MAHKS, nvwtumnit ( m yn(li rpjiisv I l-'ltl. Siiul hki'lctl, Modfl ur l'fi'. J-r I F lill HIPORTon i-HlflUBld iiy. l'n uimui- i Snttl i ei'iii In iuti'i fm our i wo niVrilnaM. Nokl mi HOW TO OITKM NW1 IL(. rT INTt. Wlili'h nut- will imy. Iltnv 1" k.- imrt- rT, plftit lAwnml cither vktmli utlurttwtiun. D. SVIFT & CO. PATINT L,AWVIa, 303 Seventh St., WMhkiqtoa. D. Wet ALL 1-ATTFWMS trlutniiW !. 'l vr is. S...U1 in nMOy t.,,,.,,1.,. r l.v m.nl .In.-'-. M 1 "-'' .,,, uliii-r nub. S.:,l l" cit.iloB.if. m k - -kp '-tw l''''':lB, i I