70 Years with Coughs We have had nearly seventy years of experience with Ayer"s Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have great con fidence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with your family physician. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J7C7A w Co. , Lowell, Mats. Be well; be strong. You cannot it your bowels are constipated. The best laxative Is Ayer't Pills, all vegetable. Ask your doctor if he agrees with us. Do as he says. THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Jan. 20, 1910. Published Every Thursday. 1NTKRKD AT POBTOFFR'B AT WKLDOM A8 BttCON D'CLAHU MATTKK. RATES OF SUBSCRIPT ION IN ADVANCE: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, Bix Months, " " $1.50. .75. A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural intercuts of Halifax and surrounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable aud lished on application. fur- A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. In co-operating with the Insur gent Republicans of the House of Represeniaiives in the fight against Cannonism the Democratic mem bers of that body have pursued a wise and commendable course. The Insurgent Republicans are fighting the people's battle against greed and privilege and oppres sion. In their revolt against a tar iff framed in the interest of favored beneficiaries, in their righteous war upon Cannonism, they de serve and should receive the hear ty support of all Democrats. It is the proud claim of the Democratic party that it is essentially the cham pion of the people; that it stands for the rights and the interests of the masses; that it is the uncom promising foe of the trusts and monopolies which plunder the peo ple. This, also, is the creed of the Insurgent Republicans, and there fore they should have the cordial and practical support of every Democrat in the House who sin cerely desires to promote the wel fare of the people. The people realize now that Cannonism is absolutely incompat ible with the advancement of their welfare, that it is synonymous with organized greed and rapacity. In the popular revolt against Can nonism and in the divisions in the Republican party caused by Bal-linger-Pinchot feud the Democrat ic party has a great opportunity, and if this opportunity is w isely improved, the country may intrust the administration of the Govern ment to the national Democracy. The West demands relief from the burdens of oppresstve taxation. It it cannot obtain this relief from the Republican party, it must turn to the Democracy for deliverance. Every consideration of political wisdom requires that the national Democracy shall begin now to pre pare for the Presidential fight in 1912, with the purpose of nomina ting its strongest and ablest man. The nomination ought not to be influenced by sectional considera tions. No choice should be made until the matter has been weighed thoughtfully, practically and delib erately. Today, as in the past, the South is the stronghold of the national Democracracy. There is good ground for the belief that the South can give the party a candi date for the Presidency who would inspire enthusiasm in the ranks of the Democracy. It is not to be questioned that there are Demo cratic statesmen in the South whose candidacy for President would be acceptable to the people of the whole country. It is time, therefore, For the Democratic par ty to begin to plan for the Presi dential election of 1912. If its choice falls upon its strongest man, who can bring together all ele ments of the national Democracy, the country may give the Demo cratic party two years hence a man date to destroy Cannonism in ev ery branch of the Government and to afford the people relief from op pressive taxation and predatory trusts and monopolies. Baltimore c- HOW'S THIS? We oHVr Oue Hundred Dollars Iteward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KIN NAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and rau com surfaces of the system, Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's for Constip tion. The waiters and chauffeurs seem to be setting as many of the heir esses as the Counts and Dukes. FRAUDULENT N. C. BONDS. State Treasurer Lacy has re ceived from the Treasurer and At torney-General of Rhode Island a formal demand for the settlement of $484,090, of special tax bonds. Treasurer Lacy replies by saying these bonds were passed during the reconstruction era, had been held fraudulent and illegal by our Supreme court and had been re pudiated by the people, there being a clause in the constitution forbid ding their payment. The bondholding sharpers allege that they hold this class of bonds to the amount of $12,000,000. It is the opinion of Governor Kitchin, Traasurer Lacy and the people of North Carolina that such bonds will continue to be held as worth less paper. They were conceived in crime and brought forth in cor ruption. The bill which put the owner ship of a fraction of these bonds in the State of Rhode Island was enacted through subterranean chi canery. The News and Observer received the following telegram from Mr. John R. Bathom, man aging editor of the Providence Journal: "Letter sent by Governor of Rhode Island yesterday to your Governor making demand for payment of half million dollars of bonds, acceptance of which was forced on Rhode Island after un derground passage of bill in our Legislature compelling State to accept same. Every effort will be made here to repeal the law under which the bonds were accepted as a gift from the New York Bond holders' Committee." The best sentiment of the State of Rhode Island condemns the pat ent outrage committed by the bondholders' committee, and it is believed here that bonds which are the fruit of so much infamy will not remain in the willing posses sion of that State but that the Rhode Island Legislature will re pudiate the shameful gift as North Carolina repudiated the abortive bonds. The donation is a bribe, given with a sinister purpose. News and Observer, 1 4th. The Grand Lodge of Masons.in their one-hundred and twenty third annual session, in Raleigh, last week elected the following officers: Richard N. Hackett, Grand Mas ter, VC'ilkesboro. William B. McKoy, Deputy Grand Master, Wilmington. F. M. Winchester, SeniorGrand Warden, Henderson. John T. Alderman, JuniorGrand Warden, Henderson. Leo. D. Heartt, Grand Treas urer, Raleigh. John C. Drewery, Grand Sec retary, Raleigh. Chas. H. Bahnson, Grand Lec turer, t-armington. A "non -partisan" convention has been called at Henderson for the last of February in the interest of "local option." The principal address is to be delivered by Hon. W. A. Self, of Catawba county, and the avowed purpose is the expunging of the prohibition law from the statute books of North Carolina." There will follow, of course, other similar conventions, and thus during the next nine months we will see a renewal of the liquor question. The liquor question is hard to settle, and when you think its down it has only been "scotched." Senator Aldrich rings clear on the fraudulent N. C. bonds, and tells Senators Simmons and Overman that in his opinion public sentiment in Rhode Island would be hostile to a suit against a friend ly State. "Little Rhody" is all right, she has only been made a cat's paw by holders of the fraud ulent bonds. It is figured out by Dunn & Co. that the bank clearings in 1909 showed an increase of 25.2 per cent, over the business done in 1908, and the same' authority shows that this increase is not due to abnormal activity in any partic ular direction that may prove tem porary. CHILDREN TEETHINO Mas. Winsuw'b Soothino Syblt has been used for over SO years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'l Soothing Syr up," and take no other kind. Twenty five eenU a bottle. 1 BETTERMENT COLUMN. J A SPITTINQ ORDINANCE. i We give below an editorial from the Raleigh Times of January 3rd, which applies to Weldon as well as Raleigh: "Have you a spitting ordinance in Raleigh?" said a lady walking down Fayetteville street yesterday. The question could not be answer ed because the looks of the street was strong evidence that there w as no such ordinance, and if there is it is probably not for sentimental reasons. The sidewalks are al ways covered with tobacco spit and it is not only on one of the side walks, but on every one in the city. It is not only the tobacco user that defiles the sidewalk so that a lady is in danger of ruining her dress, but it is every other kind of filth and disease that is coughed up and spit out on the sidewalks. Yesterday was a beau- j tiful afternoon and a large number i of ladies were out walking, and ii ! was noticed that they had to avoid the west side of Fuyettevillo street and especially by the postoffice, as :iearly the entire sidewalk wascov ered with filth and spit. This con dition is not only true of yesterday but it is true of every day in the week, and on every sidewalk, and j it is a condition that should make ! the people demand some action by j the officials. j It the people who are doing so j 11 much talking about Sanitary' Ji Sunday and Tuberculosis : , would give some attention to such things as this they would accom-; nlkh a tnf mnrt th:in HKCiissino ' . , . . . i fresh air at a convention. The j Condition Of Our Streets makes them 1 ,, , . . ! Very unsanitary all the time, but It i should be a fine for any person to , i Spit On the Sidewalk Where ladies ; have to travel. If for no other i . i reaSOn let US keep the Sidewalks j Where the ladies have to Walk ! 1 Clean. OF Course We knOW It Will be hard to enforce such a law here I and there will be a howl raised be cause of the sentiment involved in the matter, as it has been one of the old time customs, but it is to be hoped that the New Year reso lutions of the city fathers will in clude this sanitary measure for the health of the city and for the sake of the ladies who have to go on our streets." A later paper states that there is a law and the mayor says it shall be enforced. Can we not go and do likewise?" I. T. VT. NORTH STATE NEWS. Items of Interest Culled From our Exchanges and Boiled Down For Busy People. j The Postal Telegraph Company : will open offices in Ashville next month. , j There is talk in Asheville that 1 Hon. Richmond Pearson will be i the next Republican candidate for j Governor. Among the desirable acquisitions i Goldsboro has on the tapis for I 1910 is a new and commensurate ' public hospital. Rev. Dr. Chas. W. Sommer-! ville, of Louisville, Ky., has ac cepted a call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Monroe. Congressman Morehead, of the Fifth district, has been chosen the member of the Republican con gressional campaign committee for this State. The Goldsboro Gas Company J has purchased from Mr. F. K. Borden three acres of land for , $2,000 to erect thereon an up-to- date gas plant. 1 The American Institute of Elec-1 trical Engineers, embracing more j than 600 members in all parts of the world, will hold its meeting in Charlotte March 23-25. Without any provocation James Smith shot and instantly killed his cousin, Cora May Allen, aged 17, in Anson county. The girl was ill in bed at the time when shot. Both parties are negroes. Charlotte ministers have entered into an agreement to shorten fun eral services, the plan being to end the service and dismiss the com pany as soon as the body is lower ed into the grave. Mary Scales, colored, sold liquor in the basement of the court house at Winston, right under the Sher iff's office. For thus despoiling the temple of justice she was sent to the work house for six months. W. A. Fulford, a prominent citi zen of Durham, has been found guilty of usury. A negro woman had borrowed $10, paid in interest $69 and still owes a principal of $13. The unlucky "13" for Mr. Fulford. During the year 1909 there were 200 new rural libraries es tablished in this State, making a total of 2,400, averaging 100 vol umes each. There have been 1 59 local school tax districts voted, making 927 in the State. The united hope cf the nation, ihat he may be able to lose his rheumatism in the Bermudas, fol lows glorious old Mark Twain across the bounding billows. SENATOK LODG1: S S.HI Ml law, after a brief sojourn with the "Regulars," is back in the insur-. gent camp and proposes to make things hot for the Cannonites. THli real optimist is the man who can enthuse over the beauti ful snow with a hole in his shoe and the coal cellar empty. South Carolina is in for more liquor legislation. Some people never seem to know when they have "had enough." The records iiT the State Depart ment of Insurance at Raleigh show that during the year just closed there were 12 convictions secured in various sections of the State of persons guilty of arson, nearly all of them being fires in which the object was to get insurance fraud ulently. Conditions are steadily improving all over the State in the matter of compliance with the State laws for the preventions of fires. A detailed report of the operations of the department in this connection is to be issued very soon. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. ' There is a' disease prevailing in this couutrv most dangerous because so deeep- 1 Jill II MLXVA tive. Manv sudden i h Ci R,taJ deaths are caused M:tTti4-' "heart dis- j ease, pneumonia, heart failure or j apoplexy arc often 1 the result of kid ney disease. II : kidney trouble is allowed toadvance 1 blood will at- sy- -. "CSw r- tack the vital organs, causing catarrh ol the bladder, brick-dust or sediment in the urine, head arhf. back ache, lame back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous- mss, or the kidnevs themselves break Jo,n ,a"(1 waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost alwavs result from a derangement of the kidrievs and 1,ct",,r hhh "'"J orP" s ,'!!ai,nc1d quickest liv a proper treatment of the kid- nevs. Swamp.:oot corrects inability tc h"llu"neaiidsraldingpaininpassingit, a:i .1 overcomes that unpleasant necessitv of being compelled to go oftin through the day and to Bet tip many times dtmnu the niulit. The mild and immediate eflect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy j is soon realized. It stands the highest be- i cause of its remarkable health restoring i properties. A trial will convince anyone, j Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and if 1 I by all druggists in fifty-cent ami ; one-dollar si.e bottles. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all 1 about it, both sent free by mail. Addiei-s, I Dr. Kilmer & Lo., lluighamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading tins gen erous offer in this paper. lon't make any mistake, but remrmtier the mime, Swamp-Root, a:.d don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root-it you do you will be disappointed. Old Violin hl Any reader of this pa per having or knowing of an old violin for sale may be able to dispose of same, if of some well known make, by apply- ing and exhibiting same at the office of the ROANOKE NEWS, WEI. DON, N. C. ; JTOTIOE. i Having iialilied as executor of the estate of William Roberts, deei-ascd. late : of the county ol Halifax. State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons 1 having claims against the estute of said , deceased to exhibit them to the under I siirned in Weldon. N ('., on or before the 7th day of January. 1111. or this no I tiee will he pleaded in bar of their re j eovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement. This 7th dav of January lltln. ;i:oiii;i:V. t;i:i-:i:s; j i Executor of Win. Kolierts. dce'd, Blacksmithing ANlKlESEKAL REPAIKINti Mmhmi A Specialty! All work guaranteed, at Tate's old statid, near Second. Come to see me Sycamore street, W. H. DAY, Weldon. X. C. Electric Betters Succeed when everything elie tall a. In nervous prottration and female weakneasea they are the supreme remedy, as thousands nave testified, FOR KIDNEYM.IVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE h ia the best medicine ever cold over druggist's counter. w ALTER E. DANIEL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, WELDON, N. a Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax open every onday OEORQE C. OREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank Building) Weldon, N.C. 1 THINK. OF Mexican Mustang' Liniment AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. Relief from pain that milit otherwise cause you hours of aonv. Tired out muscles eased up ami made ready lor another day's wort. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stiff joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish ami banished forever. Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. Prices 25c, 50c. $1.00 Plant Wood's Seeds, For Superior Crops f Wood's 30th Annual Seed Book in one of the most useful and com plete seed catalogue issued. It given practical information about the best and most profitable seeds to plant for The Market Grower The Private Gardener The Farmer Wood Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to the noils and climateof the South, and every southern planter should have Wood's Seed Book so as to be fully posted as to the bent secdB for southern growing. Mailed free on request. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. We are headquarters for Grass and Ctovur Seeds, Seed Po tatoes. Seed Oats. Cow Peas, Soja Beans, and all Farm and Garden Seeds. JUST RECEIVED NI'.W LINK IT-To-PATK CUT GLASS AND JEWELRY Watches. Fobs. Itiooelic s, Har and Veil l'ius. Lockets, bracelets, lt'in's, Collar I'.uttons that will not break, from L'"ie. up. tiold, gold lilled. pearl and sil vereull'buttons. In fact ewrythiiiir car ried ilia lirst class jewelry store. Prices guaranteed to be as low as can be found elsewhere. Eyes Examined Free and glasses properly adjusted. A tit euaianteed. l ine repairing a specialty. J. H. WALLER, Jeweler and Optician, - Weldon. N. C. Watch Inspector for Seaboard Air Line DUTCH COLLAR PINS Ti1 As dainty in design and finish as the collars with which they are worn. Call and see them. Also a complete line of WATCIIKS, !l V.MDN'DS, .IKWICI.KY. CI T til.ASrt V 'I NT.UN 1'K.NS. UN KSTATION KUY Kv iaon's Phonographs and Hecords. t J.Kine Watch. Clock and Jewelry lie pairing and enirraving done promptly. Orders or repairs Ivy mail given prompt attention. W. Gk T-ilTlTOEC, Lock Box IT'i, ROANOKE KAl'lrW, N. C. sep 3(1 ly ALL KINDS of good baked, fancy and plain cake are relished by all the peo ple, all the time. All Kinds Cakes-Pound, Jelly Layer and Fruit, is supplied from this bakery. Its daily ready on sale. Be good and for Stomach's sake get our cake. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, Wfxdon, N. C. 4 mm p3 ft-: ISM per bottle. For tat by all Dnigiiata. LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th USjjm In order to reduce ) Besides a large lot of remnants in Notions. Call and we will convince offering good bargains to cash customers. P. N. ST A INB ACK, BOTTOM STORE, Foley's DRINQ Laxative I Plata ant and EffactW CURES Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble. by stimulating these organs and restoring their natural action. Is best for women and chil dren as ORINO does not gripe or nauseate. E. Clark READ ABOUT CROCERlEi? This is not enough. No matter what we say, to lullv appreciate the fact that we keep a high grade of OKOCKKIKS. you mut trade here. Better leave your next order with us that we may add you to our ever growing list of steady citato mcrs. Our. I. E. M. Klour the lct nn market. Uoodn delivered prompt ly. W. T. PARKER. Weldon, N. C OF J FALL asu W1NTKU MILLINERY. FAGCY CiOOHSand NOVELTIES. Butterick's Patterns. R. & Q. Corsets, l Misses at 7"c. Ladies 75c. to f 1. Se Prices will lie made to suit the times. Hats and Bonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDKKS PROMPTLY FILLER MR8. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. lOLEYSKlDNEYPElS The first application of Mexican Mus tang Liniment subdues the pain but it continues its work until every quivering nerve is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating power of this fanmus remedy enables it to do this quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises or Lame ness, Mexican Mustang Liniment should be rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities of this old relia ble household remedy make it safe and sure I' III stock I will close 50 SUITS OF CLOTHES FOR MEN, YOUTHS and CHILDREN 250 Pair Shoes 100 Hats, Caps. nniiiT ciicrra WHEN YOU CAN CET RELIEF UUH I dUrnn,t Cure8 When A1( others Fall BREEDEN'S mmm mm. NEVER EVERY BOTTLE Salisbury, Sub Station, No. 2, Aug. 16, 1008 North Carolina, Rowan County I. J. L. Kufty, the Deputy Sheriff of Rowan County have been suffering with Rheumatism for ten years, have been confined to my bed part of the time, could not sleep at nijjits and went to ll.it Springs, Ark., tor six weeks but still pot no relief. 1 have used five bottles of Breeden't Rheumatic Cure and after takinpsame lean sleep at nights, walk as good as ever and do all my work. J. L. Rufty, Deputy Sheriff. Sold Everywhera. kiV. Tour $1.00 PER BOTTLE, OR SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00 For further information, write Information Dept. BREEDENfsiEDlClriECO.jChaHanoogaJer.n ' 'm m"TA'arwMaMaaZiZ 1 J. L. PEAL & CO , I Confectioners & Fancy Grocers, Roanoke We carry a splendid line of nice, fresh gro. j$ ceries and confectioneries to meet the ri. st $ mands of the most exacting trade. All orders If carefully and promptly filled. ,el30ty g FROST PROOF GUARANTEED TO BUKL1 JKWtKV WAkklaXU TW MM khLHTtlN I.AMJIt nrt AkKTiKLD id ttuba. K II I FIK tekhdltalBritlUa. cit. .itic - f. O. a VOIING-S ISLAND, S.C Our Spfl Kpm ft... PtoJi vUw. V rcw h Proof Hand in 1868. Now have over twenty thoutanJ Mtist.cd customers; and we have rowt md sold nore caboare plants than aU other persons m the Southern states combined WHY? because our plains must please or wraer now. linn tn nmt nvtn I .1 FOLEY 0RIN01AXA1M to wmch Toua.i nd.CmtP'ATMM St, BROOKLYN, N.Y. ; JU KJL1UU out FOR CASH Dry Goods and you that we are FAILS GUARANTEED Daaler for a Sampla Bottla a ! i 1 -3. Rapids N. C. CABBAGE PLANTS SATISFY PURCHASERS ei'rtmttjoi nmt Q Mt ,hejt ,intl , . 1 .. . . cabbaoe. and they are the ones that tell for the most monev tLST WBLtGeratyCom in v,'. u-i s. c lOLEYSKlDIiEYPlLLS I N 8 um Imwiwlawil f

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