ealu!-t ornn. If there is weakness o! stomach, liver or lung, there is a wciik link in the chain of lite which may snap at any time. Often this so-called "weakness" is canse.l hy lack of nutritiun, the result of weakness or disease of the stomach c.:d other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured hy the use of Dr. J'icrce't (iolden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach is cured, disease of other organs which teem remote from the stomach but which have their origin in diseased condition of the stumach and o'ner organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also. The atroni man hat a atroni stomach. Takt the above recommended "Discov ery" and you may have a atroni stom ach and a atront body. Civbn Away. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, it tent )rte on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing anly. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or .11 stamps for the cloth-bound vol ume. Addrrx Dr. H. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. THE OLD CHURCHJS FOR SALE. I've worshiped there for many a year they never seen me fail, Bui now they've come an' told me that the old church is for sale ! The auctioneer is ready, an' they're goin' to let her go The old church where we praised the Lord from whom all blessin's flow! I jest can't help the heartbeat the mist that's roun' my eyes, For there I read my titles clear to mansions in the skies; An' there, in years that had their tears, I found salvation free And knew that sweet, amazin' grace that saved a wretch like me. I knowed the "amen corner" I knowed the "anxious seat" An' when the organ shook the walls, or died in music sweet, Like a little child a-dreamin', I closed my old eyes there, An' my soul went up to heaven on the wings of love an' prayer. There was sweetest consolatiod in the holy, heavenly calm That led us into Gilead, where we found the healin' balm 'Twas there we glimpsed the beauty of a better, brighter sky That bent o'er Canaan's happy land, where our possessions lie. But the old church now is throwed aside they're buildin' of a new, But the same salvation's in it thank the Lord ! for me an' you, But no matter how they build it, my heart will always go To the old church where we praised the Lord from whom all blessin 's flow ! THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Jan. 20, 1910. THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News ol Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. The early edition catches the hook worm. A white lie is seldom as white as it is whitewashed. Mr. Louis Hudson, of Emporia, spent Sunday here. The office occasionally gets left when it starts to seek the man. Mr. E. L. Williams spent the past week in Washington, D. C. Miss Kate G. Leon, of Enfield, spent a few hours here Monday. A man can't get ahead in this world unless he is born with one. Miss Frankie Drewry was here Monday returning to Littleton Mon day. Mr. Waller S. Wilkins, of Nor folk, spent Sunday with relatives here. King Cotton appears to have also called for his pipe and bowl and fiddlers three. Mr. H. H. Grainger, of Kins ton, is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. W. A Pierce. Mr. Craig Conwall left last week for Shreveport, La., where he goes into the hardware business. Mr. Dorsey Rollins was called to Littleton Saturday on account of the death of Ex-Sheriff J. T. Daw son. Miss Margaret Shaw, who has been visiting friends in Washing ton, D. C, for the past week, has returned home. Miss Lula Stainback has return ed home from Tatum, S. C, where she went during the holidays to be a bridesmaid at the weddmg of Miss Stanton. Mr. W. L. Stainback, who trav ' els Ohio and Michigan for Garrett & Co., left for his territory Mon day after spending a few days here with his family. Miss Sallie Beavers, of Durham, teacher of the high school here, who has been at home sick since the holidays, returned to Weldon, last week, and was warmly wel comed by the faculty and pupils of the Weldon Graded School. Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post office: O. F. Barnes, Kna Baker, Cy. Finchcr, Paul Foreman, Miss Ea mus King, Miss Mary Ann Long, Mrs. Annie Pearl, Paul S. Pender, Mrs. Pearl Pope, Jentee Ransom, Walter Sholar, John Warren. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John O. Burton, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Jan. 17, 1910. A Traveling Salesman. Mr. H. F. Beers, 61 "-7th Ave., I'eoria, III., writes: "I have been troubled for tome time with kidney trouble, so se verely it times I could scarcely carry my grips. After using one bottle ofFoley's Kid'ey Pills 1 have been en. tirely relieved, and cheerfully recom mend them to all." Foley's Kidney Pills are healing and antiseptic iliJ will restore health and strength 'X Each of the chief or Huns of the body is link in the Chain ol Life. A chain it no t r o n t e r than ita weakest link, the body Church and Parsonage for SALE. The stewards of the M. E. Church will be glad to receive bids for the old church and parsonage on Third street in the western sec tion of town. The highest price offered for the church alone, so far, has been $2,000. Should any one desire to raise this bid they will please come forward as the property is cheap at $3,000 for the church alone. The church and the parsonage will be sold sep arately or together. The parsonage is a splendid building, convenient ly arranged and the lots are beau fully located. This is very desira ble property and investors will please take notice and come for ward with their best bids. Honor Roll.- The following made the honor roll for the third school month. Their names did not appear in former list on ac count ol absence of the High school teacher: 7th Grade James Shepherd, Owen Reese. High School John Sledge.Chas. Daniel, Ednah Phelps, Nancy Joy ner, Agnes Mosely, Mercer Green. W. W. Jones Dead. Mr. W. W, Jones, who died at North Em poria, Va., Friday, was quite well known here. He formerly lived at Macon, N. C, and later at Lit tleton. He was first married in this town to Mrs. Sallie Zollicoffer, who was formerly Miss Sallie Cheek. After her death he some years later married Miss Finch, of Littleton. Mr. Jones had been ill for a period of only two weeks. He leaves a wife and one child. Inspection of Guards. Of ficial announcement is made by Adjt-Gen. J. V. Armfield that the annual inspection of the compa nies constituting the North Caro lina national guard will be held be tween February 15 an J April 2 by an inspection on the part of the United Sta'es war department and the State inspector. The date for inspection of Company K, Weldon Light Infantry.is Thursday, March 3rd. The Committee of Arrange ments. Sometime ago we pub lished in part a list of those ap pointed by the county board to make arrangements for receiving the new court house at the hands of the architects and builders on April 12th. We are indebted to Register of Deeds Norman for a full and complete list, as follows: Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn, Wel don. t. L. Travis, Halifax. A. P. Kitchin, Scotland Neck. Eugene Johnston, Littleton. W. R. Harvey, Littleton S. T. Thome, Jr., Airlie. N. L. Stedman, Halifax. S.P. Johnston, Aurelian Springs. B. A. Pope, Weldon. George C. Green, " Dr. John A. Collins, Enfield. Dr. I. E. Green, Weldon. T. H. Taylor, Brinkleyville. John L. Patterson, Roanoke Rapids. W. E. Daniel, Weldon. W. R. Smith, Weldon. A Wretched Mistake to endure the itching, painful distress of Piles. There's no need to. Listen: "I suffered much from Piles," writes Will A. Marsh, of Siler City, N. C, "till I got a box of Itucklen'i Arnica Salve and was soon Cured." Burns, Boils, Ulcers, Fever Bores, Ecienia, Cuts.Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, vanish before it, tte. at all druggists. Close of Interesting Meet ing. Rev. Calvin S. Blackwell, D. I)., of Norfolk, closed a most interesting series of meeiings ai the Baptist church here Fridiiy night. Large congregations at tended each and every service and the church was greatly revived and all who attended the services were helped and strengthened in their resolve to live better lives. Dr. Blackwell is a strong and force ful preacher and no one can hear him without being deeply impress ed and realizing that he is using his splendid talents in a faithful and consecrated service to the Lord. The influence of his meet ings here will widen and be felt in the community for sometime to come. J. H. Summerell Injured. Mr. J. H. Summerell, weigh-mas-ter at Pine Beach pier for the Vir ginian Railway, was slightly burned and had his back injured by jump ine from a burning building in the Exposition grounds. He boarded with Mr. Halstead, who owned t!ie Baltimore building at the Jamestown Exposition grounds. The building was accidentally de stroyed by fire last week, on the night of the 12th. Mr. Leon H. Miles, a native of Warren county, who was pier foreman, was burned to death. Two of Mr. Halstead's children were also burned to death before they could be rescued. Mr. Summerell, a native of this place, saved himself from a like horrible fate by jumping from the second story of the building. W. J. Lii.es. -Mr. W. J. Liles, a most highly esteemed citizen of Aurelian Springs, died at his home in that community Wednesday of last week and his remains were laid to rest Thursday. Mr. Liles was a veteran of the war between the States and enjoy ed the esteem of all who knew him. For thirty years or more he had been a constant friend and subscriber of the Roanoke News and once a year, at least, he paid this office a welcome visit. We shall miss his annual salutations, but trust sincerely that all is well with his soul and that at the final roll call there may be a happy re uion beyond. To those in afflic tion, on account of the passing away of this noble old gentleman, we extend our most sincere sym pathies. Great Day in Methodism. Sunday was "an epochal day" in the Methodist Episcopal church of Weldon and a most enthusiastic and stirring appeal was made by the pas tor to the people of his congregation in the interest of the new church. $12,000 was pledged towards the building fund, and at the evening service several hundred additional was subscribed, running the pledges up to over $14,000. The Building Committee has adopted the three years' plan for raising the funds necessary to build the church, and the burden will not fall heavily upon the subscri bers as they will be allowed to pay their pledges in twelve equal in stallments. Work on the new church will begin early in the spring. The congregation has secured a beauti ful building lot on the northeast corner of Washington avenue and Fifth street, having sometime ago purchased this desirable property of Mr. R. T. Daniel. Sudden Death of Sheriff J. T. Dawson. Ex-Sheriff James T. Dawson was found dead in bed at his home in Littleton Saturday morning last. He had been in poor health for sometime, yet this sudden snapping of the brittle thread of life was a great shock to his family and friends. James T. Dawson was highly esteemed by all who knew him. In 1880 he was elected sheriff of Hal ifax county on the Republican tick et and his administration of the af fairs of the office was such as to win for him the confidence and es teem of his political opponents. In 1896 he was re-elected on the fusion ticket and for the two years of the time he continued his former policy of clean and honest methods in conducting the ofHce and retired from office with many friends and few, if any, enemies. Sometime after retiring from the office of sheriff he was appointed postmas ter at Halifax. He only remained in this office a short time, and then he resigned to look after his exten sive farming operations, Mr. W.A. Willcox being appointed to the postmastership, which office he has continued to hold up to the present time. Sheriff Dawson leaves a wife and one son, Mr. Percy Dawson, who was recently married to Miss Eula Newsom, of Littleton. Making Life Safer. Everywhere life is being maile more safe through the work of Hr. King's New Life Pills in Constipation, Bilious ness. Dvsiwpsia, Indigestion, Liver troubles, Kidney Diseases and Bowel Disorders. They're easy, but sure, and perfectly build up the health. 25c. at all drug-fist". Lee Celebration Programme. The following is the programme arranged by the Junius Daniel Chapter, Daughters of the Confed eracy, for the celebration of the anniversary of the birthday of General R. E. Lee at the Public i School Auditorium, Wednesday evening, January I9ih, exercises! beginning at 7:30 o'clock: Master of Ceremonies -Col. W. 11. S. Burgwyn. Prayer Rev. H. H. Phelps. Music "Maryland," hy the school. Presentation of Picture of Lee and Jackson. Major T. L. Eniry. Acceptance P. N. Stainback. Reading of Prize Essay. Music. Presentation of Prize Dr. A. R. Zollicoffer. Presentation of crosses of honor; and pinning on of same by Miss Mary Ellen Travis. Music "Dixie," by the school. Benediction Rev. J. E. Blalock. - 4 At Grace Church. Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, of Boydton Va., preached at Grace Episco pal church here Sunday morning and evening. This was an ex change of pulpits between Rev. H. H.-Phelps and Rev. Mr. Tucker. Mr. Phelps joing to Boydton to preach in the Episcopal church that place. Splendid congregations attended both morning and evening service and all who heard Mr.Tucker were highly pleased with his sermons. He preached the morning sermon from the text "And when they saw the star they rejoiced with exceed ing great joy," Matthew 2nd, verse 10. This was the beautiful story of the star seen by the wise men proclaiming the birth of a Sav iour. Mr. Tucker told of its influ ence upon the lives of men and said that we should render joyful ser vice; that religion was never in tended to be a gloomy service, that it was not the dark side of life, but that joy was the keynote of the Christian religion. That we did not honor God by com ing into the house of wor ship, as many men appeared to think, but that we should be thank ful for the great privilege we have of attending upon divine worship. His sermon was strong and helpful and made a fine impression upon his hearers. At the evening service he took his text from Christ's first miracle at the marriage feast when in obe dience to his command the ser vants filled the water pots with water which was turned into wine. He made a beautiful illustration of this miracle, showing that it is our duty to render to God obedient and cheerful service, leaving the re sults in His hands, that in the per formance of the every day affairs of life, without question, just as the servants obeyed the command to fill the water pots, that God will touch and sanctify these duties we perform and turn them into blessings, and that it is in this way that God will co-operaie with us when we go forward rendering a joyful service. He made a helpful application of the text to our lives and all who heard him have been stimulated to go forward with re newed courage in the work set for us to do. We do not for a moment intend the above as a synopsis of Mr. Tucker's splendid sermons here, we wish merely to give a faint idea of the subjects of Mr. Tucker's ser mons here Sunday. Mr. Tucker was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Leggett while in town, they being life-long friends of his father's family. He return ed to Boydton Monday morning followed by the best wishes of the Weldon people who had the pleas ure of meeting him while in town. Important. There will be a called meeting of the Mite Box Bri gade Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Mrs. C. J. Owens. All members please attend. Also the mothers of both the Brigade and Baby Roll are asked to be present. Display Sale. An expert cut ter from the Hopkins Tailoring Company wil' be at A. L. Stain- backs' store, on January 21st and 22nd, with a full line of spring fabrics. He will take your meas ure and show you just what should, be worn by men who wish correct clothing for the spring and sum mer. Call and examine his hand some display of spring samples. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wood and children, of Port Richmond, N. Y., are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Wood is a native of Halifax county and still has a fond ness for the scenes of his early struggles in life. We are pleased that he is doing well up in the Em pire State. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The owners of all the tailor made ladies suits now in our store, has placed them on sale at half regular price. Spiers Bros, HALIFAX LETTER. Items of Interest (lathered by Our Regular Correspondent. l( nr. l llio K" NukK N i-;u.) Halifax, N. C, Jan. 18. W. B. Mann, of Whitakers, was a visitor here a few day ago. Miss Roberta Humill, of Aurelian Springs, spent Monday here with Mrs. Walter Bass. Miss Elizabeth Fenner has re turned from a visit to Mrs. James Applewhite at Tillery. E. L. Stephenson, Jr., of Rocky Mount, came Sunday to see his people. Mrs. Ira G. Shaw has returned from a visit to her mother and sis ters at Tarboro. in disorders and dis eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies' remedies. Scott's Emulsion is the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil dren of nil ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. 1 OK SAI.K liY .M.I, DKrOOISTS Semi 1 Uc . . name of p;qer nmt Oils ml. for our benuliliil .Savings Ji.oik Had Child's Sketi li h ok. Kall t,auk contains u Giioil J.u.k ivnny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Is that you Central? "Yes" Ring 'Phone No 75 Hello, who is that? J. L, Harris What have you in the feed line? Anything you want Hay, Corn, Oats, Ship stuff, Bran, Cracked Corn, Etc., and always ready to serve J. L. HARRIS' FEED STORE, Weldon, N. C. PIANO TUNING! Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. Q, Rowe f . J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg, Va. "JOTIGJ3. In pursuance of a power vested in me liy a certain deed iluly recorded in Hook L'lH at Dane -00 of the Kegister of Deeds oltice for Halifax county of the State of North Carolina, I will on the 7th day of March, 1910, at the court home, door in Halifax, X. (.'., proceed to sell at public auction for cash that part of the tract of land known as the Kemp I 'oners tract in Lit tleton township which was drawn by Mary I.. Simmons in the division of the late Kemp Powers' estate, to satisfy a lien of f'.M.47 and interest from 'Jlird of December l'.HIs. KKWAUDT. O.AKK, Trustee. VMOUGl&S a3?J&$4.SH0ES BDYSSHOES 52.89 THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES " "I hftv worn W. L. Oouls shoes tor th past Sim years, and always find they are far superior to all other high grade shoes In style, comfort and durability." W. 0. JONES, no Howard Ave., Utlca. N. V. If I could tak you into my largo fac torial at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes ere nude, you would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear lunger, and are of greater value than any other make. C. t'TIOV-Npf Hint w. 1.. !nHKl""TMmeinn rn.-e li Umiie.l on Hip I.tlloin, Tuke Muhtilliite, If yum dcaliT t'luimil III yon Willi W I..Eiiiluln. .Ii.h.a, yrntetor MailOnlrt eusl.v. W I. HomkIm, UiycklwU, " FOR SALE ST Weldon Shoe Company, WELDON, N. C. VVAN1 ED-AirentH for new irim lamp equals III lamps at 1-3 cost. Safe. WarrrantcJ. Sell themselves. Aildress AMERICAN LitiHT(A)., It Aurora, 111. NOTICE T'ie annual meeting, of the stockholders of the Welilon Lumber Company will be hchl in Iheirofliccnear Welilon at 12 o'clock noon, on Thur day, January 27, 101(1. K. A.SIIKl'IIKKD, l-Sii-at Secretary. Horses and Mules. For ale or exchange some desirable HOUSES and Ml'LES. Comequick and get the pick of the bunch. Terms and prices to suit all. W. T. Parker, Weldon, N. C. r - Km ME? I Miss Buits has been spending sometime at Mrs. James BrickeU's with Mrs. Grimmer. Mr. and Mrs. U'ilson Mullen, of Roanoke Rapids, spent Sunday here with Mr. m id Mrs. S. M. (Jury. Miss Virgie Butts went up to Littleton Saturday to spend some days with friends. E. L Travis spent the most of last week in Norfolk. H. W. Cowan attended the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina at Raleigh last week. Miss Nannie Gary returned last Friday from a very pleasant visit to Norfolk. Mrs. V. S. Grizzard has return ed to her home at Rosemary. Jack Jones, of Tillery, was a visitor here Sunday. Miss Fannie Sater spent a tew days in Scotland Neck last week. T. W. Fenner, of Raleigh, spent a few hours here Saturday shak ing hands with friends. Milton Norman left for Warren ton a few days ago to enter school. Dr. Register, physician at the N. C. State farm, near Tillery, who was taken to Richmond about ten days ago for treatment, is reported better. Rev. C. G. Bradley on Sunday morning and evening delivered very instructive and helpful ser mons to the congregation at St. Mark's. Our farmer friends are begin ning to settle down to business now; Christmas is a thing of the past. New Year has come and with it new resolutions, which have already been broken in part, and they are beginning to feel that its about time to commence prepa rations for some more of that 15 cent cotton, $1.25 a bushel pea nuis. If prices next fall prevail as in 1909, we expect many of the poor lawyers, doctors, merchants, clerks and perhaps most of the editors of the county weeklies will be trying to buy a mule and rent a patch of ground. W. F. C. Mil II ill in 11 T ! JU11U J li mmmmmiaawtam , MENS SUITS: $18.00 Suits now 11.98! 16.50 " " 10.98! 12.50 " " 7.98' 10.00 " " 6.98 Men's Overcoats $15.00 now 9.98 j 12,50 now 7.88 ! 10.00 now 6.49 A. Clean Sweep Sale of all Hats BOYS' OVERCOATS $5 Overcoats cut to 2.50 $3 " " 1.98 ! AUShoes at Clean Sweep Prices Women's $1.50 Shoes to go at 98c Men's $2.50 and $3 WorkingShoes now 1.98 Bargains for all for a few more days. 1, S. iIIj Lh I, Weldon, N. C. Havinir ipialilied n cseetitrix of the estate of Mra. M. I'. Main y, deceased, late of the county ill Halifax, state ot North Carolina, this is notify nil persons liavintr claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under sicned or to lieome ('. (ireen, my attor ney, in Weldon, N. ('., on or before the 7th day of .lanuury 1!M I or this notice will be pleaded in hat of their recovery. All persons indebted to said eslute will please make immediate settlement. This 7th day of January 11IMI. EVA ItlSIIOI1. Executrix of M. K. Mubry.dec'd. (leorire C. ireen, attorney. Foley's omoIaxatiye foeJtohatH.Tsomu'tntUCBrtlTirAnBa When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 3. another girl." say a few words in praise of your medicine. When I began taking it I had been very sick with liidncy and bladder trou bles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bot tle of Lydia U. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and find myself greatly improved. Jly friends who call to see me have noticed a great change." Mrs. A. II. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters arc published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can any one ask ? For 30 vears Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound h:is been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit, iii,iws Mrs. ''inkliam Invites all sick women iT to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkhain, Lynn, Mass. IQ DQOl O MfiXTI MCMTCI E want a good MONUMENTS, IRON this section. We guarantee material, work manship and prices. Men of experience in soliciting preferred. If you are a hustler and want a job, write us. We have one of the largest and best equipped plants in the State and do the business. MECKLENBURG MARBLE & GRANITE CO., Box 32, foanoi SEABOARD AIR Trains leave Weldon, Effective Jan. 3, 1910. C. n. CARTER, Ticket Agent. NO. 32 5:35 A. M. SK.UiOAKD KXl'KKSS, for Portsmouth-Norfolk, Vestibule t'oaclu'S. Sleeping I'ars. ISO. 38 NKAIMiAKIi .MAIL, Vestibule loaelies. l'arlor Car, for Ports mouth-Norfolk, conneetinir w i 1 1 1 Steamship Lines for Wash 3:15 P. M. ini:toii. I'.ultiinore. New York. Itostmi and Providence. NO. 41 12:07 V. M. l-'loiiua point r.i i in i n Lriiu in . Al.ti Ai;l M HI. lor Kaleiirli. Charlotte, Atlanta, Birminj hum and I In Southwest; connects at Nurliua.Raleigh or Ham let with rlornlu l ust Mail'' No. 4li, tor J. cks iuville and ; liiinniiiir Car. sleepinir ears; through sleepers to Hamlet and NO. 33 si; l'.tAlili i:l'HIs. lor Kaleigh. Atlanta, Birmingham and the soi'ihwest. Connects at Hamlet with No. 4tl for 11:46 P. M. Wilmington; with So, ! for Columbia. Savannah, Jackson ville and l'loiida points: sleeping ear Portsmouth to Charlotte; Vestibule Coaches. Sleeping anil Hilling Curs to all imintsSouth and Southwest. Write to the undersigned tor rates aiel tune tallies. C- Ii. KVAN, H. S. LEA11D, General Passenger Agt., - Division Passenger Agt., Portsmouth, Va. Raleigh N.C n ek-yi A. FOR I A Now on 'till March 1st, 1910. Stock must be re duced, and in order to move the surplus stock we have cut prices. Men's $12.50 Suits now $9.98; Men's 9.98 suits now 7.98; Men's $8 Suits now 6:48; Men's $6 suits now 3.49; Boy's suit from $1.49 to 3.98. Overcoats to go at and below cost. Men's $3 Shoes to go at 2.19; Men's $2.50 shoes to go at 1.98; Men's $2 shoes to go at $1.49. Ladies Suits and Coats at half price; they are yours almost lor the asking. Quilts at prime cost, including three hundred pairs Men's Pants, Dress Goods, Outings, Etc. Come early and get the pick. A. L. Stainback's Always Bnsy Store, - - - Weldon, N C Fitchville. Ohio. "My daughter was all run down, suffered from pains in her side, head and limbs, and could walk but a short distance at a time. She came very near having nervous prostration, had begun to coutfli a good dealt and seemed melancholy by spells. She tried two doctors but got little help. Since taking Lvdiit 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills she has im proved so much that she feels and looks like Mrs. C. Cole, Fitchville, Ohio. Irasburg, Vermont. "I feel It my duty to 10 o man to sell HEADSTONES, FENCING, etc., for us InQ CHARLOTTE, N. C. N. C.SJ LIHSTE s Ull CASH !