r THINK OF V Mexican Mustang' Linimei&c AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. I! .-i i n ; i i I ? THIS W E EK FEB. 14 TO 19. Souvenir Set of Majestic Ware FREE ! Relief from pain that mijjht otherwise cause you hours of ajjony. Tired out muscles cased up and m a I e ready tor another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and still joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and .Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever. Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. lipif fill The first application of Mexican Mus tang Liniment subdues the pain but it continues its work until every quivering nerve is soothed and quieted.. The great penetrating power of this famous remedy enables it to do this quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises or Lame ness. Mexican Mustang Liniment should be rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities of this old relia ble household remedy make it safe and sure Prices 25c, 50c, $1.00 per bottle. f. i. b, .n n,u... LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th St, BROOKLYN, N.Y. HALIFAX LETTER. l.. I MAOIST icj- flush with mm: tfZk mmi f V krXVii' CflNFUBNISH M'.. - . A l l' ' RIGHT MflMD ' THE GREAT and GRAND MAJESTIC RflNQE THeTrGE UJ1TH f REPUTATION M WI NTH NEV i:it-RI R COORF.K, SI KA.MKK, I I.I.I.M1KK AM DHAINFK -Ttie Perforate. Cooker, siiown in center, final, feet which iKltmtit writer t (lie lxtrni. NoiIuhk 'Hti hum. Jmkw, cmi Im lifted out nf iii;liii ve-mel isliowii on left . at tii mime nine dinn-m ull iili tl.e water. I'de Steamer or L'u lie ruler nIiowo oa right eao he used as an ordinary Cullender. It at-ui lit oa top of maiu vessel, ami is umhI u a leamer. Items of Interest Gathered by Our Regular Correspondent. TIIF. M UKSTH' Fitra Hru MumiH'il Iron Marble l.ed kettle, . umj.jrie wild rover ami l.amile tliat lioldi hu eix rr. TIIK MUKSTW IM-oz. All toppi-r Mrkt'I-platrd Tr Kettle, Iliui'homely nickeled uu outi'tle, tinned uu Inside, T11K MWEVTIC ll-o. All CopiMr U-ke-plttted toffee I'ot. Handiwmelv nickeled oa outside and tinned on lnmde. TIIK M JKSTir Marble 1eil Knameled Ttiildintc Van, l . I.. ..,nn!lv Iirif. f. f J Majertic Set. TIIK M A J VSTW Pate til Kever-lMirn Wired Dripping Tan. Site nf pan l-l1 in. x 2n in. Mail-- siKM'ially fi-rthe Majeniu'Set. TWO MAJKHTIC Patent Never-Buru Wired Dripping 1'aitn. Sire of jtan t in. x '2 in. Mude (penally fur the Majestit Set. IF you will call at our store during our Majestic Demonstration Week, and allow us to show you the many advantages and superior qualities of the Great and Grand Majestic Range, and will pur. chase one at the regular price, we will give you FREE the beautiful and useful Souvenir Set of Ware illustrated in this advertisement. This ware is made to match the quality of the Majestic Ranges, and we know all ladies will see the beauty and utility of this Set, especially the first three pieces, which are entirely new and cannot be had alone by purchase, except at a very high price. The prices of Majestic Ranges are the same, but we give the set FREE with each Majestic Range bought during demonstration week only. Reasons Why the Great Majestic You Should Buy 3rd 4th 1st. It has the reputation of being the best range money can buy. 2nd It not only has the reputation, but 18 the best range made, and we will prove this to you if you will let us. It is constructed of Malleable Iron (material you can't beat) and of Charcoal Iron (material that resists rust 300 per cent, greater than steel), is riveted together air-tight. No heat escapes or cold air enters range, thus uses very little fuel to do perfect work. The reservoir alone is worth the price of the range over any other reservoir made. It boils 15 gallons of water; is heated like a tea kettle, with pocket against left-hand lining, and is movable, and sets on a frame, hence cannot wear out. When water gets too hot it can be moved away from fire. MAJESTIC RANGES use less fuel; heat more water and heat it hotter; costs practically nothing for repairs; lasts three times as long; bake better; easier to keep clean and give better satisfaction than any other range on the market. If you knew positively that the above statements were true, wouldn't you buy a Majestic AT ONCE ? COME IN DURING DEMONSTRATION WEEK AND WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. WELDON FURNITURE CO. WELDON N. O. (Cor. to the Kkankkx Nkwh.) Halifax. N. C, Feb. 15. Rev. J. E. Underwood, Presid ing Elder of the Warrenton Dis trict, was here Saturday and Sun day, and held the first quarterly conference for Enfield and Halifax charge. He preached in the Meth odist church Sunday morning and evening to large congregations, and attentive hearers, his two ser mons being powerful pleas for the higher and more developed Chris tiah life. Thoughts he left are des tined to reach the hearts and touch the lives of many who heard him. Rev. Mr. Underwood made many tnenas in this District eignt years ago, who have not Forgotten him. There are many here who are de lighted with his visit, and wish that he could come more often. The Warrenton District is safe in his hands, for he is a man of unusual ability, alive to every interest of the church, and therefore capable of giving the very best and wisest advice and counsel in matters per taining to the Kingdom. Mr. VC'illiam Dickens, who has had the second trick here with the A. C. L. L. R. R. Co. for several years, is filling the agency at Bat tlcboro for a few weeks. J. H. Fenner, Jr., who has been at the Sarah Leigh Hospital at Norfolk for several weeks, is now at home practically well again. M. W. Riddell, of Richmond, spent Sunday here with friends. Jack Jones, of Tillery, spent Sunday here. Joseph Butts, Jr., of Rosemary, spent Sunday here with his peo ple. Miss Lucy Butts has returned home from Rosemary. i H. VT. Gowan has returned from an extended business trip in 1 the South. I George Young, of Petersburg, was a visitor here last week. ! Mrs. DeLeon Green has return- cd from Rocky Mount, where she i had been to see her sister, Mrs. ; Irwin Clay. ; Mrs. J. E. Holden and little Miss Lucile, of Enfield, spent Saturday i and Sunday with Mrs. E. L.Travis. Little Miss Elizabeth Stedman i has been right sick for some days. Mrs. Harry Gowan has been real sick for about two weeks with chills. On Saturday afternoon at the residence of her parents, little Miss Mildred Campbell charmingly en tertained quite a number of her little friends, the occasion being her "birthday." Delightful re freshments were served. Monday evening from 7:30 to 10 Miss Maud Vaughan entertain ed a number of her little friends at the residence of her parents. There was a number of good things to eat, and every child pres ent seemea to enjoy tne evening well. Miss Maud is a very attrac tive little lady, and numbers her friends by the scorce. W, F, C. Why not investigate the Black Hand trust? If only Mr. Roosevelt were as easy to quash as some of his libel suits, some of his ancient enemies might cheer up. Even the stars are in harmony with a fast age. "Comet A 1910" travels forty-one miles a second. The House of Representatives is gradually awakening to a realiza tion of the fact that it can boss it self if it wants to. The higher the price ol steak goes, the more generous the butch er seems to be about including large sections of bone along with the cuts. The food situation is not alto gether novel or new, however. Every fellow seems to be heartily in favor of reducing the price of the other fellow's commodity. And now a writer says: "Geo. Washington was one of the most henpecked husbands the world ev er knew. " Still, George seems to have been one husband, who could afford to be. Mr. Taft has decided what is whiskey, and Dr. Wiley is trying to decide iwhat is an egg. Let some chemical sharp now tell us what is sugar, and one vexed ques tion may be regarded as settled, anyway. 0 r 1 lb 11 1 11 In order to reduce stock I will close out FOR CASH 0 50 SUITS OF CLOTHES FOR MEN, YOUTHS and CHILDREN 250 Pair Shoes I 100 Hats, Caps. Besides a large lot of remnants in Dry Goods -and Notions. Call and we will convince you that we are offering good bargains to cash customers. JMwl P. N. STAINBACE. BOTTOM STORE, RUSTLE S SALE OF UNO I'v virtue of tlie ikiwit of sale contain- ed in a pertain deed of trust executed and delivered lv , I. II Suiniuerell and K. K. Suniinerell. his wile, to W. K. lan- iel, Trustee, dated I ecemler i, 1!KK. and duly recorded in Hook Hi, at iiaire 1-W. office of the Keifister of leedn for Halifax countv, to secure certain indent- ednciw therein net out, default having been made in the payment of 1 lie name. and the holder of the indchlcdncmi hav ing requented the undersigned Trustee to sell the real estate hereinafter ln- scrihed, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auctiou at the t 'ourt House door, in Halifax town. X. ('., to the highest didder, for CASH, at I'.' o'clock M., on Monday, the 7th day of March, llllll, the same being the tirst Moudity of said month, a certain tract or parcel of land lying situate ami lieing in the Countv of Halifax and State of North Carolina, upon which the late Mm. Am- aryllisMimnierell resided at the time ol her denth. bounded on the north by the lauds of Hiram Holt and Henry Holt deceased, ami the land belonging to the estate of I.. B. lloldford, deceased, on the east by tha land belonging to the es tate of (i. A ISraneb, deceased, on the South by the land formerly lielonging toIr. 1. K. (ireen, but now owned by .lames Keeter, and on the west by the lands of .lames A. Holdlord, and' con taining one hundred and twenty-nine acres, it being the same land heretofore Bold and purchased by the said J. II. Summereil in the special proceeding lately pending in the Superior Court for Halifax county entitled J. II Summereil and others vs.' A. ti. Haher and others. There is reserved fiom this sale the graveyard. This farm is located alxut two miles from the town of WelJou.and oilers a tine opportunity for those desir ing to acquire land so well located, this the Ulst tlav of January, 1910. W. E. Daniel, Trustee. DUTCH COLLAR PINS 'MM so As dainty in design and finish as the collars with which they are worn. Call and see them. Also a complete line of WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWKI.KY, CI T (il.ASS, FOUNTAIN PENS, FINEST ATIOXEKV Edison's l'honographs and Records. EJFine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re pairing and engraving done promptly. Orders or repaint by mail given prompt attention. W. Q-. LYITCII, Lock Box 175, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. ep 30 ly FOLEYS0RIN0lAXAIlT FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS jf- GUARANTEED TO SATISFY PURCHASERS, ; FROM THE UKUiINAL lAbUAbt, fLAIS 1 OKUWfcKS. W SVe Xf!m ."a Paid In Capital Stock $30,000.00. Established 41 Years. Wvm-wthKfl.ot FROST PROOF PLANTS (a 1SU Nw liot ov.t twrnlr tliunuirf Mtt'H"di'uf'niTA W r Uati rrnwn nd ol4 mora rabb.i pUnttbn all orhtr (Mnoni ia th S utbera ui, rnmhlnrd WH Vr H- itmc our hUntu muni ti-af or w na tout nion- t bark. 'r-l. r now: it ta limn to wt them piiuu to your ftvuoit lo ct extra wly oabbasv, and Uwi arc tlia uDtl Unit mil fur Vv moaliuuDtjr, We sow three tons of Cabbage Seed per season f. iSiTf luIS-'JiSSSnZ Writ f..r rr.fi,ul.t nt frt-irinf plnutb of tbf bwf VBrtHr. ronutnlntr tthy.bl Inf.irmk tln aWutrmit an.1 f t!.lr cn.wlr I'r.r, onCalitiv l'lnu--1n !'! "f Mo t IN;I too lo ii.il KrliiniMii.!; ft iwint !) fi ht tlx.unml: lo.tw and wvor $u fwr UtuuMa4,Lo. b. liiunra llnd. Our kwoclki aprM rata on pUou to vary low. Win. C. Geraty Co., Box 310 Youngs Island. S. C. EAUV",I..K?rY WAKEFIELD IHAK IT.iH I ARi . XttZ Bt'iVHtM-iN ' AUU T TXUl'KtlL " BIli'M KT 4 l t,0 l I t rvi..,i r.. . a btii.u.. r r i t, ii IV CU.. ' , I f!.1luH.i..-tt. (.i--.- Itrai.l .) Iti.uCaktMf 1 i:AjrMtt' ;oiii;;h,tD I READ ABOUT CROCERIE.? Tli i h in not enough. No matter wliut we say, to tullv appreeiate the faet that , we keep a high grade of (ilK'KKIFH. Vrtll IIIIIMt (l-H.I., llt.rM lliillu, I..B ...... I next order with uu that we mav add' you to our ever growing lit of steady eunto iners. (lur J. K. M. Flour the -t on market. (lood delivered promplly, W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. V FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE I WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and 91.00 Bottles. : Grand llfcpla (IF KALI, ami WISTKR MILLINERY. FAUCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Butterick'i Patterns. R. & Q. Corsets, I MiseB at 7."e. Ladies to $1. UuTriees will be made to suit the times. Flats and llonuets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAILORDEKS I'ROMl'TLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, S.C. F0LEY5KIDNEYPII1S I aaMHi Himawna tumm Clark E. ALL KINDS of good baked, fancy and plain cake are relished by all the peo ple, all the time. All Kinds Cakes Pound, Jelly Layer and Fruit, is supplied from this bakery. Its daily ready on sale. He good and for Stomach's sake get our cake. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. Lit