SAVED Fill AN OPERATION LtyLydiaE.Finkham's Vegetable Compound Do Forest. Vis. " After an oper;i tion four years ago I had pains down ward In both aides, backache, and a weakness. The doc. tor wanted me to have another opera tion. tookLydia K. Hnkhnm's Vt'gi'ta lile Compound and 1 am entirely cured of my trnul'dra." Mrs. Aroi'STK Vksi'1:hmakn, Du For- i lsnninii. Anot'ier Operation Avoided. ;,tw Orl'.aii!'. Ln. "For years 1 suf fered from severe female troubles, l inally I wall conllned to my bed and doctor mild an operation wnsncces. ciry. J Rave J.ydliil;. l'inkhnm'ii 'e(j i i.ifile Compound a trial first, and was saved from an operation." Mrs. I.i i.v 1'KYitoui, 1111 Xorlerec .St., lS'ew Orleans, l&. Thirty years of unparalleled success conlirnis the power of J.ydia K. l'ink ham's Vegetable Compound to euro female diseases. The great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly pour Ing in proves conclusively that Lydia K. l'inkliam's Vegetable Compound if a remarkable remedy for those dis (reusing feminine ills from which so many women suffer. I f you want special advice about j-ntir uso write to Mrs. rink ham. nt I.vnn, Muss, llor advice i. . and alwuyi helpful, THE ROANOKE NEWS. Miss Nellie Lyons, ol Richmond, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. D. R. Anderson went v Richmond Tuesday afternoon. The jewel of assurance is hr;t kept in the cdtiinet of an hum! le heart. Misses Virginia and Annie Rowe House returned home Monday from a visit to Thelma. Mrs. W. I:. Daniel attended the anniversary celebration at Wake Forest College last week. Miss Bessie Dunn, ot Scotland Neck, was here Tuesday, the guest of the Misses Tilghman. Mrs. W. W. Spears and sister, Miss lone Branch, have returned home from a visit to the country. Miss Lucy Butts, of Halifax, was here Monday returning home fromja visit to relatives at Roanoke Rapids. Rev. J. E. Underwood, presid ing elder of the Warrenton Dis trict, was here Monday, the guest of Rev. S. B. Mercer. Messrs. J. J. Robertson, J. F. Whitehead and F. C. Pittman, of Knfield, were here Tuesday on their way to Warrenton to attend court as witnesses. A COKKUCTION. By an unin tentional oversight the name of Mary Pierce was omitted from the Second Grade Honor Roll for the 4th School month. R. H. Latham. Rodwkll-Cordle. Wednes-1 day evening the 9th Mr. R. R. j Rodwell, of Weldon, and Miss, lisiher Curdle, of Littleton, were married at the home of the bride's naivriis. Kev. J. I', lowers, ot the iiaptist church, performing the ceremony. Mr. Rodwell is a pop ular young man and holds an im portant position here with the Sea board Air Line as operator at the block office. Miss Cordle is a young lady beloved by a large cir cle of friends who join in with us in wishing for the newly wedded pair much happiness. They will be at home in Weldon, N. C., after February 24th. ,.."" 1,1 . l 1'- Eahth to bi- Bombarded with Comets On or about May 1 9th of this year, will probably be bombarded with meteors from the tail of the famous Ines comet, which is now tearing through space at a terrific rate and is headed in our direction, is the prediction made by Professor Pickering, of Harvard. "The earth is due to pass through the tail of this comet on May 19th, said Professor Pickering, and at that time the earth will be pelted with flying melons, as it has been several other times when comets have approached it." Keep your eye on the comet and also "Watch Weldon's Way." Thursday, Feb. 17, 1910. THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News of Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. Basket Bali.. A game of bas ket ball at Enfield Friday between pupils of the Weldon and Enfield Public Schools resulted in a score of 12 to 8 in favor of Enfield. Mr. Bayton Suiter, of this place was referee, and Mr. Dallas Zollicoft'er, of Enfield, acted as umpire boys played in a snow storm and Weldon was snowed under. The marriage tie may be knotty but it's nice. An office is the glue that makes a politician stick to his party. Some so-called pillars of the church are merely pillow shams. Miss Helen Perkins, of Little ton, visited friends here this week. Mrs. J. L. Shepherd went to j Richmond Tues.lay to visit rela-; tives. A man thinks he is reforming pnple when he is only naggtng them. And oftimes our greatest trou bles turns out to be the smallest bubbles. Miss Elizabeth Hill has returned home from a visit to relatives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Pretty line umbrellas and paro sols, for the children and grown up people. A. L. Stainback's. New line linens, linonettes, white goads and French finish suitings all shades at A. L. Stainback's. Will have a car load of horses and mules here Friday. Come and get the pick of (he bunch. Weldon Live Stock Co. It's worth $8 to you to read our .advertisement in this paper, so don't overlook it. Weldon Furni ture Co. New collars, jabots, Baby Irish and Val. laces. Also pretty line torchon and hamburgs at A. L. Stainback's. Get a Majestic Souvenir set of ware Weldon Furniture Compa ny's during demonstration week, Feb. 14 to 19th. It will more than pay you for your time to read our large adver tisement in this paper. Weldon Furniture Company. Messrs. W. E. Daniel and Geo. C. Green went up to Raleigh this week to argue important cases in the Supreme court. Will have a car load of horses and mules here Friday. Come and get the pick of the bunch. Weldon Live Stock Co. Don't forget to attend the Ma . jestic Range Demonstration at our store, one week, Feb. 14 to 19th. Weldon Furniture Company. Mr. Marion Inge has returned home from the Hot Springs, in Arkansas, where his health was greatly improved during his stay there. Mr. C. W. Gregory spent Sun day in Richmond with his brother, Mr. P. C. Gregory, and reports that he Is improving under careful hospital treatment. Mrs. W. R. Smith went to Nor folk last week to see her son, En sign W. R. Smith, Jr., U. S. N., who was in port at Norfolk with the North Carolina Cruiser. Come and see the great cooking wonder at our store all this week. You have a chance to get a Souve nir set of ware Free. See large advertisement in this paper. Wel don Furniture Company. Dr. S. B. Pierce, who has de cided to move from Roanoke Rap ids, spent Sunday here. He left Monday for New York where he will engage in special work for a few months. Our best wishes go with Dr. Pierce to his new field. Drop in our store during our Majestic Demonstration Week, Feb. 14 to 19th and let us show you why the Great and Grand Majestic Range is the best on earth. A Souvenir Set of Ware, worth $8, given with every Majestic Range sold. Weldon Furniture Co. Smiles. Smiles should be a part of ourselves every day of the week. Do you know we esteem those patrons our best friends who greet us with a smile and a kind word. A community composed of individuals who look always on the bright side of everything would, in our opinion, be an ideal community. What we need in this life is sunshine, and a great deal of it. New Lawyers Licensed. More than one-third of the class of fifty-three young men who ap plied for license to practice law failed last week to pass thesuccess Jul examination before the Supreme court. Of the thirty-four successful ap plicants three were from Halifax county, as follows : Elliott B. Clark, of Weldon; C. L, Staton, of Scotland Neck;.!. H. tko i Taylor, of Aurelian Springs. mi . wiiii i la a aun ui i vi i . uiiu Mrs. E. Clark, of this town, and the other two young gentlemen are also well known and popular. We predict for the trio a success ful career in the practice of law. I mm, i RAILROAD IMPROVEMENTS. Makes the food of maximum quality at minimum cost Will Serve Refreshments. The ladies of the M. E. Church will serve refreshments at the R. E. DraperCompany's new store, next to The Roanoke News' office, Friday night, February 25th. Ev erybody cordially invited to come and help the ladies in their good work for the church. Lots of nice things to eat will be served and pretty girls will be in attendance to serve you. It Is a Cinch. "Those paro dies on 'Mary had a little lamb' are run out," said a tired person. "It's a good thing, too. I'll bet five hundred of them have done so in the last ten years." His friend smiled. "Well, you need not worry," he said. "I just heard one yesterday which is of necessity the last one : "Mary had a little lamb, As all the children know But if the price of meat stays up The lamb is sure to go." The Supreme Court. Cases appealed from the Second Judicial District are being argued in the Supreme Court this week in the following order: State vs. Powell. Roanoke Rapids Power Ccx vs. Roanoke Navigation and Water Power Company. (Advisian.) Snipes vs. Manufacturing Com pany. Burnett vs. Roanoke Mills. Vaughan vs. Wise. Bond vs. Beverly. Did Powell Marry His Own Daughter ? One of the most re markable cases ever tried in North Carolina was argued on appeal from Halifax county, and docketed as State vs. Powell. The question involved is "Did Powell marry his own daughter?" The grand jury of Halifax Supe rior Court found a true bill and he was convicted and sentenced to 1 8 months in State s prison. The defendant denied thecnarge and the case was appealed to the Supreme court and was argued Tuesday, by Attorney General Bickett for the State and E. L. Travis for the defendant. Child Burned to Death. The tenement dwelling of Joe Dowty, colored, on side of the road next to the fair grounds, was de stroyed by fire Sunday night, and in the fire one of Dowty's children was burned to death, and a dog also lost its life in the flames. The house took fire, we learn, while the other members of the family were in the kitchin, about half past nine o'clock, and before it was dis covered the roof was falling in on the sleeping child. People cannot be too particular as to how children are left alone in rooms where there is a fire, and every precaution should be taken to guard against such terrible accidents. Harmony of Dress. A beautiful woman also studies the harmony of painting a well Kept home; takes care to have the home painted with paint that will continue to look bright, clean and fresh looking. The L. A M. never becomes dingy, because only chemically pure colors are used; only the finest WhiteOxidemade from metal; only the purest Linseed Oil; only expert paint-oiakera produce it with machinery a thousaud gallons at a time. Con trast with the costly and crude produc tion of White Lead Taint made by hand labor with a Btick in a pot a few gallons at a time. Is Sc M. is sold by K. CLAKK, Weldon. Will have a car load of horses and mules here Friday. Come and get the pick of the bunch. Weldon Live Stock Co. Rural Route Mails. The at tention of our rural route friends is called to an important ruling of the postoffice department, which went into effect Tuesday.the 15th, as follows : Commencing Febru ary 15, 1910, rural letter car riers will not be required to collect loose coins from rural mail boxes. Patrons should enclose coins in an envelope, wrap them secure ly in a piece of paper, or deposit them in a coin-holding receptable, so they can be easily and quickly taken from the boxes, and carriers will be required to lilt such coins, and, where accompanied by mail for dispatch, attach the requisite stamps. LiberalGiver to Methodist Orphanage. There's a brave young couple over at Garysburg Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Suiter, just well started on their life mission. 1 think that they began without large estate except the covenants of their God. It has been well with them; and I have the idea that God has an interest in every dollar they have made. In the distribu tion of their benevolences a check comes to the orphanage every now and then. The last one that came was for $200 as a Christmas offer ing for the laundry. Rev. J. N. Cole, in Raleigh Christian Advocate. Mr. Joyner Given Great Send Off. The New York Morn ing Telegram, of recent date, de votes considerable space to the great send-off' given to Mr. Andrew J. Joyner, when he sailed from New York for the other side on the "Mauretania." Many of the most noted horsemen accompanied him to the dock to see him safely aboard and the band played "God Save the King," as the great ship headed her way for the "Old World. " Mr. Joyner spent a day in Weldon shaking hands with his many Weldon friends during his vacation. Next year he will train the biggest stable of American horses that race in Great Britain. Here's hoping for his continued success in the land on the other side of the "big pond." Death of Mrs. Summerell. Mrs. Lillie Boone Summerell, wife of Mr. E. L. Summerell, died at her home near Garysburg, Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Summerell was one of the most honored residents of North ampton county and was a woman of the most beautiful Christian character. The funeral service was held in the Episcopal church at Jackson Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Picard, and the inter ment was in the church yard cem etery. I nose wno acted as pan bearers were: Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn, Judge Thomas W. Ma son, Major R. T. Daniel, Major T, L. Emry, Mr. A. S. Allen and Mr. W. B. Fitzhugh; Mr. H. G. Rowe being in charge of the funeral ar rangements. A large number of sorrowing friends and relatives, who loved her in life, were present to pay the last sad tribute to her memory. The floral designs were profuse and of rare beauty. Mr. bummerell has the sympa thy of a host of friends in his sad bereavement. HISTORY REPEATS. Weldon People Remembered what Happened Eleven Years Ago. When the snow flakes began to fall upon the just and the unjust Fri day last, Feb. 1 1, the weather wise began te wag their heads and say, "history is repeating itself." People remembered what hap pened eleven years ago. Februa ry 1 1th, 1899, was the beginning of the great snowstorm. "Eleven years ago, and the eleventh of the month," said the man who knows. "I told you so," said the fair members of the Thursday After noon Club. "It's all in the books," suggest ed a member of the "Book Club," and sure enough the 1 1 th anniver sary of the great blizzard of 1899 set in on the 11th of February, 1910, at about the same hour of the day only a little earlier and all during the afternoon the snow came down in a blinding fury, and as the soft flakes drifted along Washington avenue, and swept with terrific violence around Evans' corner, it did appear, indeed, as if we were right in for another great snow storm. Fortunately rain set in during the evening and by the morning the snow had almost dis appeared, the sun smiled upon Weldon and there was a general sigh ot relief. i ne oldest innaDitant men grew reminiscent and recounted the de tails of the great storm of 1899 On Saturday February II, 1899, jus? eleven years, the first snow of the blizzard began to fall. 1 1 was a quarter past two in the after noon when the first flakes began to sift through the clouds. Not until the evening wore away, and the night passed, did people gener ally realize mat a great storm was coming. All day Sunday the snow fell with a persistency that caused people to become alarmed. For the coal bins in Weldon were near ly empty and wood was scarce and high. When Monday morning dawned the snow was still falling thick and fast and was piled high along the sidewalks, upon the streets and everywhere. Business was prac tically suspended and for three or lourdaysno mails reached weldon All trains were tied up, and some ot the railroad men in Weldon to day have never recovered from the severe colds they took while work ing upon the yards to clear the tracks. A week of mild weather follow ed and then for two or three days the sidewalks were in such a slushy condition that it was almost impos sible to cross any street in Weldon, without wading in melting snow over one s shoe tops. No one can lorget the great snow storm of 1 899 and let us all be thankful that history did not re peat itself in 1910. Teachers' Association. The Halifax County Teachers' Associa tion will meet in the Weldon Pub lic School Auditorium, Friday af ternoon, February 1 8th. The fol lowing is the program : 2 p. m. Session in charge ot Supt. C. L. Coon, the teaching of reading, writing and drawing will be demonstrated. Teacher Training," Supt. W. H. Ragsdale, of the East Carolina Training School. 7:30 p. m. Medical Inspec tion of School Children, Dr. A. S. Harrison, County Superintendent of Public Instruction. Miss Etta Spier will speak on be half of the Mclver Loan Fund. Meeting of Betterment Associa tion and reports of the work in the county. At the close ot the afternoon programe there will be a game of basket ball between a team repre senting the Enfield Public School and the Weldon Public School. The public is cordially invited. I eachers and visitors will be met by the Reception assigned and dinner served before the first session begins. 1 hose who drive will please report at the school building. Entertainment will be furnished to all who wish to spend the night. Write at once to R. H. Latham, Weldon, if you expect to attend. The friend who shows a lot of enthusiasm when you don't need him doesn't show any at all when you do. And lots of people seem to go to church for the purpose of picking flaws in the sermon. W4D0UGUS $3.$350&$4SH0ES BOYS SHOES The Town Board of Commission ers U rants the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company Author ity to Change and Alter its Route Through the Town. A special meeting of the town board of commissioners was held Wednesday evening, February 9, at the city hall for the purpose of considering the granting of certain rights and privileges to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, for its proposed new route through Weldon. Mr. George C. Green appeared before the board for the A. C. Line railroad company, and city attorney W. E. Daniel was present to advise the board. Maps, drawings and plans for the pro posed new route were submitted and by unanimous vote they were adopted. Work on grading and track lay ing began at Garysburg Saturday and is being pushed towardRoanoke river. Just as soon as the road gets its double track to the river work will begin on the long steel bridge. We learn that plans have been prepared for a very handsome un ion depot. This is to be construct ed jointly by the Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard Air Line, and will be two stories highl with passenger and freight elevators for the transferring of baggage, ex press, and passengers from the Seaboard Air Line to the Atlantic Coast Line. In the building will be offices and rooms for mails, baggage, express and every conve nience. In fact it will be an up-to-date passenger station. Aids Nature Scott's Emulsion is a wonderful food-medicine for all ages of man kind. It will make the delicate.sickly baby strong and well will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. roil SALE BY ALL DRTTGGI8T8 fipnd 10c.) Dims nfc paprr and this ad. for nnr beautiful Sating Bank and Ohlld'a Sketch-Book. Each bank contain! a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Purl SL, New York The jreal success of Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medlenl Dis covery in curing weak Moiniirtis, wasted bodiei, weak lunjjs, and obstinate uml ln;rrirj coug-ii, is bn-.rd on the. recognition of ihc I ;r:r,-intnt;'! -rulii that ' t.:' i.!on Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with bndy-huild-ing, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With tills help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest lood, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" re-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound lieclth, purifies enriches the blood, aid nourishes the nerves in auuii establishes sound vigorous health. your dealer often something " lust at Hood," It Is probably better FOR HIM It pays better. But you are thinklni ot the cure not the profit, so there's nothlni "lust as ood" lor you. Say so. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med icine Simplified, NHIH pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 nne-ce"' stamps, to cover cost of mailing only. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Addresr Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Li 1 fjl U 1 1 I SALE FOR CASH ! Now on 'till March 1st, 1910. Stock must be re duced, and in order to move the surplus stock we have cut prices. Men's $12.50 Suits now $9.98; Men's 9.98 suits now 7.98; Men's $8 Suits now 6:48; Men's $6 suits now 3.49; Boy's suit from $1.49 to 3.98. Overcoats to go at and below cost. Men's $3 Shoes to go at 2.19; Men's $2.50 shoes to go at 1.98; Men's $2 shoes to go at $1.49. Ladies Suits and Coats at half price; they are yours almost for the asking. Quilts at prime cost, including three hundred pairs Men's Pants, Dress Goods, Outings, Etc. Come early and get the pick. A. L. Stainback's Always Bnsy Store, - Weldon, N C JUST RECEIVtD NEW LINE UP-TO-DATE Mr. E. A.Kelley, Itelviilere, III. .writes us: "I am an ox-engineer with 22 active years to my credit. About three years ago my kidneys were altectcu so that I had to give up my engine. First I was troubled with severe, aching pain over the hips. Then followed inllain mation of the bladder, and specks ap peared before in y eyes. A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that I tried, bo bene fited me that I bought more. I con tinued to take them until now 1 can safely testify they have made me sound and well man." E. CLARK. Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post- olhce: Mrs. Sarah Allen, Lewis Heck, Mrs. Martha Harrell, Wm. Pannil, Joe E. Taylor, Ralph U edge, Mrs Addie Williams 12). Persons calling for above letters will please say 'advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John O. Burton, P. M., Weldon, N. C Feb. 14. 1910. a Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, a" they esnnot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is bv ponxtitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an in Darned con dition of the mucous lininc of the Kus- taehian Tube. When this tube is tlamed you have a rumbling sound imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inllatn nmtion eun be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition ot the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused hyctttarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's for Constipa tion. Your thoughts are the levers that move the current of life. THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES." "I have worn W. L. DoucfM Bhoet for tha pait six years, and always find thay ara far superior to all other hlch trade shoes In style. comfort and durability." W. O.JONES. lis Howard Ave., utica, n. t. If I could take you into my large fac tories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L Douglas shoes are made, you would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. r A I'T IOX-Sw thai W. I.. Douglas name and pries Is at.-uiitfl nn Ihe liotlmii. Twite So Huhalltiite. It tcui iit-iupr i-minm m you Willi n uirauiiiMBiKva. write ijr &l.ul Ontri I 'ataloir. w. L.tloug-las. BtUL-stan, FOR aaxc BY Do you want Bridal Suit AND CUT GLASS AND JEWELRY Watches, Fobs, Hrooehes, Bar and Veil Tins, Lockets, llracelets, Kings, Collar Buttons that will not break, from 25c. up. (iold, gold tilled, pearl and sil vercull'buttons. In fact everything car ried in a lirst-elass jewelry store. Prices guaranteed to be as low as can lie foutid elsewhere. Eyes Examined Free and glasses properly adjusted. A fit guaranteed. Fine repairing a specialty. J. H. WALLER. Jeweler and Optician, " eldon, is. C. Watch Inspector for Seaboard Air Line Weldon Shoe Company, WELDON, N. C. Report OK TUB CONDITION OK THE BANK OF ENFIELD, Entleld, S. C, at theclose of business January 81st, H10. Resources. Loansand discounts, JiMtO, I -.51 (Kiiidrafts. l"i ' Bonds, 6 per cent. H) w Hanking I louse and Fixtures, 7,KKI.IX) Other Real F.state, t'&xh on band. And in other Hanks UM,47ti.80 JOTICE. In nursuance of a power vested in me by a certain deed duly recorded in Hook Ml at pane ol tne liegiMcr oi neeas ollice for Halifax county of the State of North Carolina, I will on the 7th day of March, 1910, at the coin I bouse door in Halifax, N. proceed to sell at public auction lor cash that part of the tract of land known as the Kemp Powers tract in Lit tleton township wluel) was drawn tiy Marv L. Simmons in tbedivision of the ale Kemp Powers estate, to satisfy a ten of t'isAi and interest Horn ziril ot IrccmlT ims. F.DWAKPT. CI. AUK, Trustee. Total, t?'.'78,74.fl Liabilities. Capital Stock, Surplus I'ndivided profits, Interest in keserve, Cashier's Checks, Deposits, Total, $10,0(1(1.00 20,00(1.(10 8,111. ftdO.OO 880,574.18 f27S.7-Mi.51 State of North Carolina, County of Halifax, I. Ivev Watson, Cashier of the above- named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ol tny knowledge and belief. IVEY WATSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5th day of February, 1910. J. VI. Vt till AIYI-.K, Notary I'ublic. Correct-Attest: tiKO, B. CCKT1S. C, E. McUWKJAN, H. C. DUNS, Directors. Choice Druggett ? Blackcmithing It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LEADEKS, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND GENERAL REPAIRING j taslioeiiitT A Specialty ! All work guaranteed. Come to see me at Tate's old stand, Sycamore Street, near Second. W. H. DAY, Weldon, N. C. Having qualified as executor of the estate of William Roberts, deceased, late of the county of Halifax, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed in Weldon, N. C, on or before the 7th day of January, HM1, or this no tice will be pleaded in' bar of their re covery. Ah persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement. This 7th dav of January 1910. (iKOKliKC (IHICKN, l Executor of Wm Roberts, dee'd. Is that you Central? "Yes" Ring 'Phone No 75 Hello, who is that? J, L, Harris What have you in the feed line? Anything you want Hay, Corn, Oats, Ship stuff, Bran, Cracked Corn, Etc., and always ready to serve J. L. HARRIS' FEED STORE, Weldon, N. C. Carey 1 Williis, JTOTICE. Having qualified! as executrix of the estate of Mrs. M. E. .Mabry, deceased, late of the county of Halifax, State ol North Carolina, this is notify all persons havinir claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed or to tieorge ('. lireen, my attor- ney, in w eldon, N. I'., on or neiore ine 7th dav of January Hill or tins notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indented in said estate win lease make immediate settlement, his 7th dayof January 1910. EVA BISHOP, Executrix of M. E. Mabry, dee'd. George C. tireen, attorney. And First to Introduce Cool's Impyeil Cotton Seel in North Carolina. All Seed offerings for 1010's Crop will first be run through a Bridge water, Massachusetts, Linting Machine and their lint taken off so that seed can be as easily handled as shelled corn. This Insures germination though planting season be one of drought. Furnished I'nited States (iovernment doing demon stration work in North Carolina for two years, lXH and 1009. The greatest upland cotton yet discovered. Offering for IViO's crop treated as above $1 per bushel, sacked and placed f. o. b , Enfield, N. C. Write or call on Horses and Mules. For sale or exchange somo desirable HOUSES and M I'I.ES. Comequick and get the pick of thebunch. TeritiB and prices to suit all. W. T. Parker, Weldon, N. C. PIANO TUNING! Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. Q, Rowe 1 . J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg, Vt. CAREY A. WILLIAMS, RINdWOOD, Halifax County, North Carolina. Larjiest Stoct in the South. When in Norfolk call on us You will tind what you want and get it quickly. Having no canvassers, no agent's commissions are ad ded to our prices. This ena- ables us to use lirstclass ma terial and finish it properly. We Pay Freight and Quarantee Safe Arrival THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (60 yean in buainest.) 159-163 Bank St NORFOLK, A "OTICE. Slate of North Carolina, County of Halifax, Superior Court, March Term, 1910. K. S. XEAL, Notice of vs (Summons & McLean Contracting Co. Warrants of j Attachment. The Defendant above-named, McLean Contracting Company, will TAKE NO TICE that an action was instituted, as above entitled, and Summons therein issued against Defendant on the -7th day of.lunuaiy, HUH, from the Superior Court of Halifax County, North Caroli na, for the sum of Eleven Thousand Eight II uiidii'd and Fifty-night Dollars and l'orly Cents fdls.",8.40), due the l'laintiir by the Defendant, Eighteen Hundred Fifty Eight Dollars anil Forty Cents in'iH III) thereof being due upon contract for construction and other woik and services rendered by 1'laintin to Defendant in North Carolina, and Ten Thousand Dollars (Iii,IHK) or llieual louts, being as damages for breach ol contract heretofore referred to, winch said Summons is returnable to the March Term, 11110, of the Superior Court of Halifax County, North Carolina. The Defendant will also TAKE NO TICE that Warrants of Attachment were Usued from said court in said ac tion on the i!7th day of January, l!)l(), against the property of the Defendant, directed respectively to the Shenlls of Halifax County, Beaufort County and Washington Countv, which Warrants are returnable at the time and place above named for return of theSummons And let the Defendant TAKE NOTICE that it is required to be and appear be fore the J udge of the Superior Court, at a court to be held for the County of Halifax, at the Court House dn Halifax Town, on the second Monday after the first Monday in March, iiu, it being the 21st day of March, into, and then and then and there to answer or demur to the Complaint, w hich will be deposi ted in the Ollice of the Clerk of the Su- Serior Court of said County within tbe rst three days of the said term; and let said Defendant FUKTHEK TAKE NO TICE that if it rail to appear and answer or demur to the (aid Complaint at tueh term, the relief demanded in the eom' plaint will be granted. This 7th day of. February, 1910. " fl. M. AEY, , Clerk Superior CouiUiaU&x Co.

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