Made 41 Bales of Cotton With Only One Mule Read in our Farmers' Year Book or Almanac for ioiohow a planter in Terrell County, Georgia, made 41 bales of cotton with only one plow, a record breaking yield, and he had a nine weeks' drought the worst in years. His pross income was $2,098.47 for this crop. You can do it too By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers liberally, combined with careful seed selection, thorough cultivation, and a fair season. Ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy of tin's free book, or write us for one. Be sure you haul home only Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers Mill 111 H. Ciinn Viiuin'a Carolina Chemical Company. Please send me a copy of yn-r njio Frntr 1' Ymi Book lice ut coit. Name..,,, SALES IK'FiCLSi Rlchm... J. Va. A-lr.ra. O3. N'-'ilE. a. Kjv4unah, Ga. C-iiimbij, 5. C. WkMcii-a.i'rm, N. C. Chfcflnt hi. 5. C. !:.llimie. MJ. t'i lunhus. Ga. M.-nliiincy, A!, Mr-nipliti, 'IV "h, S'lrcvepjit, I DO YOU DRIVE TO TOWN ? Tit farm,, J!'- - "'' This farmer went to market. And find the market unfavorable for your produce? The farmer who has a telephone in his home can telephone first. The useless trips thus saved are worth the cost of service. Under our plan the service costs but a trifle ; the fanner owns the instrument and the equipment. For information write to our nearest Manager for pamphlet, or address: Farmers' Line Department HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Henderson, N. C SEABOARD AIB LUSTE Trains leave VVeklon, Effective Jan. .J, 1910. C. E. CARTER. Ticket Agent. NO. 32 SKAi;o.i;i IA I'KKss. for lrtsimuth-Noif,,lk. . t l'nU- ,. , ,. ('uuclie. xleepinif Cars, 5:3a A. M. NO. 38 M;.K i A I 1 l A 1 1 eMilmle( 'naehes. hirlm i ar. Im I'mi . .. u iiioiilh-Noil'nlk. e.Miiieetiiii.' with teumIiip l.iiirs fi.r .y.9 Y. in. inirtcm. liultiinore. New Yt.rk. Huston an.l I'muilnuv. NO. 41 KAItO.ll M for lialenfli. harlotte. Atlant:.. I'-n m.iu' tt ii 11 ,,am ""' Sntitluvet; cumi. ol-i al Norlma Halt n:.'i m P rn 12:07 P.M. ,.t with I' l ast Mail" Xo. 1:1. fr J -m ami Florida points: lunimr rar. Sleeping ram: thruticli sle, pei t, llan.lii an, I 111 r m 1 iil'Iiu ri 1 . NO. 33 M.AKii VKIi r.l'l;l.w ir lialemli. Atlanta. liwrnmijium .. ., D an.l IheSotitliweM. I 'oiineet.- at I lamli I wili , 11.40 r. IYI. W iliiiimrton: with No. M lor I liiinl.ia. Nivamiali. .1 j.-k .11 ville and Florida points: Meepinir ear Portsmouth to ( hailolii': iMiluli' 1'oachcn. Sleeping and I iniiiLr I ais t all m n t n 1 1 and viiithwi Write to tin' undersigned lor rates aim time tames. C II. RYAN. General Passenger Agt., Portsmouth, Va. II- s. I.KAlil). Division Passenger Agt., Raleigh. N. C The TANNER'S PAINTS Reus of retain ihi'l lr-imill, !!(! almve all oilier hrainls is lir:iue they an- ina.le ol the hesi material ol lama hie ami are siimmd mil, meat rare. 1 1 your dealer iIih-s m.! eauy them nrt.. to the maniuaetiiii'is. liox ISO. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Ill" I .Mam si.. RICHMOND. VA. Garrett & Co, l is.' t ii:stai:i.iiii;d kc,.) Jvvr Pioneer American Wine Growers) j-- III. IMKIIHl TIUIH. V I!K SPECIALTIES: Virginia Dare (While Sciippernonir) (Ki'il M'upprriinniii ' 1 Swing home, swing home, from the shop and mill. Swing home, swing home, o'er the v.ile and hill; Swing home, swing home, where the .sweethearts wait While the twilight falls at the lilac g.ue. Swing home, swing home, from .lie wear and tear To he sweetheart lips that are wailing there; SSwing home, swing home, 10 the sweetheart gleam By the violet gates of the twilight dream. Swing home, swing home, with the merry heart Of the man who has served and done his part; Swing home, swing home, from the toil and care To the lips of love ihai are lips of prayer. A I! ILL NYE STORY. The following anecdote appeared in the first number of the Book man and has just been reproduced in that magazine. Ii concern l:d ward W. Nye (Hill Nye), who made, we are informed, a short speech ai an author's dinner in London that was much relished by the bookmen present, including ihe publishers, ut whom it was in dirccilv aimed. "Just a year ago," he said, "1 was walking on the principal street of Indianapolis, when 1 met a man whose appear ance showed that he was reduced to the very depths of poverty. His clothes were ragged, his face un shaven, his hair long and matted and his feet unshod. As 1 passed him a look of recognition came into his eye. " 'Nye, old fellow, don't you know me? Don't you know Abel P. Jones, who was your classmate at college? " 'What, Jones! Is it really you? Well, well, what can I do for you?" " 'For heaven's sake, help me. I am starving. Lend me half a dollar. "I felt in my pockets. They were empty. 1 had no money myself. But a bright thought flashed through my mind. j " ' Abel, I can't lend you the j half dollar; I haven't got it. But ' look here. I'll tell you what I will do; I'll let you publish my next book.' j "Gentlemen, that was just a year ago; and this month Abel P. Jones sent me an invitation to go : to liurope wiih him in his steam yacht." ROOT'S ONION ILLUSTRATION Senator Llihu Root'sonion story told at a recent dinner, is an illus tration of the difficulty in conceal ing evil practices. "Take the case," said Mr. Root, "of old John Inideuin. John was a lawyer s clerk, and lie had the pernicious habit of go ing to a neighoring saloon every morning at I 1 o'clock and taking a small glass ot whiskey. He was not proud of this habit; hence, af ter the whiskey he akays took a clove. ' "But one morning it happened thai there were no cloves on the bar, and John, after having con sidered the mailer, ate a small on ion from the free lunch tray. That would destroy the telltale whiskey odor, no doubt, as well as the clove had always done, and so thinking he returned to his desk, "It was a double desk. At it he and his employer sat face to face. John, on his return was soon aware that his employer noticed something. The man's nostrils quivered, he sniffed and finally with a grimace of disgust he broke out : "Look here, John, I've stood whiskey and cloves for 19 years, but 1 draw the line on whiskey and onions." New York Herald. How Oood News Spreads. "1 am T1 years oM ami travel most of the time," writes II. F. Tolson, of Klu aiiethtown. Ky ' everywhere I g 1 reeorimenil Kleetrie Hitters, because 1 owe my excellent health ami vitality to Iheiii. They ell'eet a eure every time." j They never fail to tone the stomach. reir ! ulate the khlneys anil liowels, stimulate ; the liver, iuviuorate the nerves and pu rify the hloixl. They work wonilcr lor weak, riin-ilown men ami women, re j storinj strenirth. viicorou health that i a daily jov. Try them. Only .vie. Sat. i isfaetiou is postivi ly truarauleed hv auv 1 ilniLri:ist. j A man is apt to call it "hard luck" when he gets what he de- Old North State Blackberry Hiawatha Paul Oarrett's Special Minnehaha (Heil Chnmpacne) (Sparklinn Chainpaiinel iDiy i-euppernong.) And other varieties of 1TRE and WIKil.KSdM E WINES for home ami hotel use. Highest Market Prices Paid in season fur UI.ACKitEltlilES. ,l;.WI'.s ami all kinds of small fruits. NORFOLK, Va., (Home Otliee) St. Lol lS, Mi). SAX I'ltAXI lM'O, 'ai THE Bank of Halifax, . After one hundred and fifty years of corporate existence without hankinir fa eilities, the home of General m. K. Davie and of Willie Jones where the l'ecla ration of Independence was rati lied and the Mate constitution adopted, the towa of Halifax has taken on new life and a Hank with a charter from the Slate is an accomplished fact, its doore are now open for the transaction of business. The Bank has two departments. A COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT where Reneral banking, xrlianire and col lecting business ia conducted, and a SAVlXti'H DEPARTMENT Deposits in this will lioar interest, and amounts from one dollar and upwards received. With ample facilities and correspondents In and out of the State, the Bank oilers its services, and solicits the patronage oi the publie one and all. Wm. H. S. Burgwyn. E. L. Travis, F. H. OreKory' Fwsldent Vice-President, Cashier. An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptions will he as short if you use llucklen's Arnica Salve their quickest cure.Even the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. Ilest for Hums. Cuts, Sre I.ips, Chnpped Hands, Chilblains and Piles. It irives instant relief. IT, at all ilnnf-Ifist. The wise man tries to acquire ; sense as early in life as possible. CHILDREN TEETHINO Mils. W ixsi.o's SooTiuxn Svat r has been used for over M years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ini, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all paiu; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrlnea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr up," and take no other kind. Twenty five ceots a imttle DRAWING INFERENCES. President Lincoln once told the following story to D. H. Bates, manager of the War Department telegraph office : "I'm like an old colored man 1 knew. He spent so much of his time preaching to the other slaves it kept him and them from their labors. His master told him he would punish him the next time he was caught preaching. " 'lUit, marsa,' said the old man, with tears in his eyes. 'I al ways has to draw infruences from Bible texts w hen dey comes in ma haid. 1 jes' cain't help it. Can you, marsa?' " 'Well,' said his master, 'I sus pect 1 do sometimes draw infer ences. Bui there is one text I never could understand, and if you can draw the right inference from it I'll let you preach to your heart's content.' " 'What is de text, marsa?" asked the colored man. " 'The ass snuffeth up the east wind." Now what inference do you draw from that ?' " 'Well, marsa, I'se neberheard dat text befo' nohow, but I 'spects de infruence am she got to snuff a long time befo' she get fat.' " Chronicle Telegraph. SUCH STUFF AS DREAMS. Pale-Faced Women You ladies, who have pale faces, sallow complexions, dark circles under eyes, drawn features and tired, worn out expulsions., yon need a tonic. The tonic you m"l is ('.mini, the woman's tonic. It is the he.-.t Ionic for women, because its ingredients are specifically adapted for women's needs. They act on the womanly 'organs and help to give needed strength and vitality to the worn-out womanly frame. Cardui is a vegetable medicine. It contains no min erals, no iron, no potassium, no lime, no glycerin, no dan gerous, or habit-forming drugs of any kind. It is perfectly harmless and safe, for young and old to use. Takef J3 The Woman's Tonic "After my doctor had time all he said he could for nie," writes Mrs. Wm. Milliard, of MountninbiiiX', Ark., "I took Car dui, on the advice of a iriend. ami it helped me so much. "Before taking Cardui, I had suffered from female troubles for five years, but since taking it, 1 am in good health. "I think there is some of the best advice in your book that 1 ever saw." Your druggist sells Cardui. Try it. U'rfff to- I saw AdvitoiT Peel . disiumvi M. it.ortf (V Ciiltaamiti. Trim.. lot Sptilal luslluitmni, mJlM lilt lines. II.iiik linlmoll lur wumril, will irtc i um in us j,u,m mi Winn nw I.', q "'" ma ilnniw imi ilMM TiMtnti":-J-tTiSr rh'l IMtf-il r w I' No. in I'iioxks L'l mid ."i 10 en I ami .VI. II r. X. STAIN.BACK, TNDKKTAK K1J, Weldon. North Carolina. Full Line of CASkFTS, COFFINS and ROUES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNFRAL DIRECTOR AND F.MUALMF.R. M Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. Ui mi-ti iri mr YOUQ EAWWQ C:fhOlTY ouirlit to enahle you to tin more thun just muke voir I ' have money. Then havinit saved, the i i thinn is . work safely and prolitahly. The lust way lor voit to insnu upi.uiiv hie income from your saving's is to seeuie a t .- t iticute uf Deposit 'in' The First National Bank one of Ihe slioiiL'est in thecoiinty These certificates are issued iimnv amount ami iieni interest at -I pei ceiil.. payable semi-annually or anuualiv and renewable. They arc in voluble by endorsement for their full valus under iHihiuuy eomlilions. You are earning now but your eaniinKcapanty CAN'T LAST FOREVER ,. is lime to linnl someofyoui capital, For those with funds already accumulated, lii ins nil a law reserve, those havinjr charge of estates auuitiiiL' iiiM stineiit, theie is no better investment, there is no better wav to employ money. t'ertilieales of deposit in this Hunk are safe our capital, surplus and umli. M.led pnilils is liist anion the banks in Halifax, Northampton and Warren counties guarantee that and per cent interest is a profitable interest re turn, out valuable booklet "IIo To lo liankiiiK" tells more about the t'ertilieales of deposit and about Hanking and How To do Hanking, Send for it lodav. The First NatimI Bant if Wtlioi, H. C. Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can make money, but's its a wise man that can save it." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up. Collections, Loans, Accounts Solicited. TtjE BiK or RoJiflOKE RjiptDS HOANOKK RAPIDS, N. C. OFFICERS: Wi. U.S. liitiiiMYS. President V. ('. Kim Aims, 2nd Viee-I'residen .Ioiin I.. I'atvkiison, 1st ice l'resiilent I'll. S. II. I'ikhck, Cashier. II. ('. IUi,i..uiii, Assistant Cashier, "I'm beginning to believe that there is something in the claim that jreums go ry contraries, says Ralph Martin, the railroad man. "The oilier night I dreamed that I found a $? bill and the next day I lost a 'V somewhere between Hollenden and the Lake Shore of fices. "The next night I dreamed that I had been hurt and that an acci dent insurance company's agent was handing me $25. When I got down to the office I found on my desk a notice from this company that my annual $25 assessment w as due and unpaid. "A night or two later I dreamed that a man who had borrowed $ 1 0 from me a year ago was paying nie back, and may I never vote for Hilly Bryan aga,n if the chap who borrowed the $10 didn't meet me on the street next day and make another touch. "-Cleveland Plain Dealer MIGHT CHANGE HIS MIND. W Msm BULLETIN Sir Frank Lockwood was de fending a man accused of swin dling and inan eloquent preroration talked of his much injured client as an angel of light. When Sir Frank had finished his speech his client whispered that he wanted to shake hands with him. "When first my solicitor told me what he was paying you," said the client, "I grumbled, but since 1 have been listening to you I have come to the conclusion that the money was well spent, and I apologize. That half hour talk of yours about me has done me good. It is many years since I have experienced the luxury of self-respect, and it is worth the money." "Oh, that's all right," said Sir Frank genially, "but you take my advice and go out of court. Sir Edward Clarke, the lawyer on tjie other side, is just going to speak." Stubborn as Mules are liver and boels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's trou ble Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Ner vousness, despondency. Headache. Hut such troubles tlylicfurc dr. Kind's New Life Pills, the world's liest stomach and luer remedy, so easy. i ic al all drutriristN. 500 Mile State Family Tickets, $11.25. Cood over the Atlantic Const Line ut each State for the head or dependent members of a lamily. Limited to one year from date of sale. 1000 Mile Interchangeable Individual Ticket $20. 00. Hood ovei the Atlantic Coast Line and I'.O other lilies in the Southeast airirrctralmir Hn.lKKi miles. Limited to one year from date of sale. 2IKK) Mile Firm Ticket, $40.00. Cood over the Atlantic Coast Line and :tu other hues in the southeast airtieiratinc Ho.noo miles; for a maini'-'er or bead ol linn and employe hunted to liw but'ttood for only one of such peison at a tune. Limited to one year from date of sale. 1,000 Mile Southern Interchangeable Individual Ticket, $25.00. Hood over the Atlantic Const Line and 7.i olhei lines in the Southeast airicreuatiiiit M.oiHI miles. I. united to one vein from dale of sale. All mileace tickets sold on and after April 1st. ltmswill not be hinioied for pas sai;e mi trains, nor in cheekiiiL' hacitate (except fioin non au'eney stations and sta tions not open for the sale of tickets) but must be presented at Ticket Oftices and there exchanged lor continuous tickets. ; 15 Cents Saved in passai.'c faie hv purchasing local ticket from our At'ent". ATLANTIC COAST LINE j W. J. CRAIG. T. C. WHITE. ! l'asseuirer Traffic Manager, i.eneial IVsenu'er Airent, J Wilmington, North Carolina. You Will Find It at Cohens. ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE DRUG LINE 3& You are often in need of something in my line, suddenly, in case of sickness, an ac w cident, an emergency illness, or other- & wise. 1 have built up a reputation for s $ keeping only the : : : PunEST, Firmest Dituqs .jufand for knowing how to mix them skill- S fully according to prescription. Prompt- ness, accuracy and economy are our three p. leading features. 1 FINE PERFUMERIES, TOILET ARTICLES, ELEGANT g n STATIONERY, CIGARS, ETC, U wMW From Distiller I Wmlf t0 Cnsumer WWU 4 Full Quarts, Corn or Rye 2.30 1 J f f S Full Quarts, Corn or Rye 4.60 I y 12 Full Quarts, Com or Rye 6.35 I Wr Express Prepaid to your nearest Express Office, 1 T.i.crc tlit.c is an agent. S 1 E. B. GIBSON 1 I Bos M Bos 757 1 tj Chattanooga, Tenn. ( Cincinnati, O. I jl ScnJ your order to the nearest point. Write I I ' for complete price list and order Manic. r COHEfl'S WPHWMY WELDON, NORTH CAROLINA. Job Printing! All Kinds of Commercial Printing at Rock Bottom Prices Wedding Invitations and Society Printing A Specialty Excelsior Printing Co., : : Weldon, N. C CHARLES 0. ALLEY, Inc., (SurcMwora tofha. ('. Alley.) WHOLESALE Confectioners & Fancy Grocers PKTEI.SnriJ(i. VA. ii nt-inl At'i iil in Yiiirinia ninl Noith ( ainlina fur ll.o ci li-lnali-.l Si'AHwih'k Ciiimii atkk. Ii'i-pri'M-nti'il iu KaKtern Carolina hy Mpmni V . T. l'augli ami 'I' M Ni thi'ilitiiil. I(i'i ivi vnur ohIith fur llicni.' Groceries to Dream About This old world looks pretty good to the healty person. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA j j Ever notice how few people are related to their friends? Saved Soldier's Life. Faring ilratli from shot and shi'll in the civil war a more aicropahle to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Texas, than faring it from what ilorlura said wax coimiiinp tinn. "I contracted a alulihorn eold," he writer, "that ilevolnped a coujfh.that stuck to me in apite of all reineiliea for years. My weight ran down to l.'dl puunila. Then I U'lfuii to uae Ir. King's Sew Discovery, which completely cured mr. I now weigh 178 pounds." Kor ('ought, folds. La Grippe, 'Asthma, I leuiorrhage.llnaraeness, Croup. Whoop ing Cough ami lung trouble, its supreme. .lOe. tl. Trial liottlo free, (luarauteed liy all limpets. Some people waste a lot of val uable time by hustling. This may seem exaggerated but it is not. No worry about Quality for those who deal at this store, yet our prices are no higher than elsewhere. You can send or leave your order with perfect confi dence. G. R. EMRY & COMPANY WKl.DON, N. C FOLEY'S ORINOlAXATTYE FOLEYSKlDNEYRllS nnil'T cii rrro when you can cet relief UUH I OUrrin,t Cure8 When A others Fall BREEDEN'S rmmm mm. NEVER FAILS EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED Salisbury, Rub Station, No. 2, Aug. 16, 1908 North Carolina, Kowan County 1, J. U Kufty, the Deputy Sheriff of Rowan County hav been suffering with Kheumatism for ten years, h.ivt been confined to my bed part of the time, could not sleep at nighta and went to Hot Springs. Ark., for ii v. eelis but :ti!l pnt no relief. I huva ui uvebolilea of Emiieni Khrumatic Cure and after taking same lean sleep ut nights, walk si good as ever ana do all my work. J. L. Kufty, Deputy Sheriff. Sold Everywhere Ask Your Deiler for Sample Bottle $1.00 PER BOTTLE, OR SIX BOTTLES FOR tS.OO For further information, write Information Dqt. BREEDEN MEDICINE CO., ChaHanoogsJenn 3 D. R. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. rfuaiwke News Uffice -:- WelJm N. C W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OITK'E IN DANIEL M'lUHNU WEUiON. N.C, arpll Ij w ALTER 0. DAM IX, ATTORNEY-hT-LAT, VK!.lK)N, N. C. 1'racticea in the courts uf Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme and Enteral court, t'ulleetiona made in all parta of North Carolina. I'.ranch ollice at Halifax open every ouday WANT CD--Cotton mill help, weaver, apinnera, loom tlx era and tieauieiH; iruoil waeea; running full. Ap- III V J. A. KOMI.KH Mnnorinln,llil jliollwill Cotton Mills, Wilwinf too, N. C,