.''.Ji- Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription -$1.50 I'er Annum VOL. XLV. WE L DON. X. (., THURSDAY. -Jl'XE HO, 11)10 NO. ! u U 111 , tgagyi The Kind You Havo Always Bought, anil which lias been lu uso fur over 30 years, litis boruo tlto signature of - aud lms been nmdo under his per CjZL'ffcfA' Bona supervision since Itslnl'iiiii'y. Acvf. '-UCAil. Allow no outs toilon ivuyou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nuil ' Jusl-iis-uood" are but i:pcrlincnN that, ti'lllo villi ipmI eiiil.iiiu'rr tliu lienlth of Infiuits mid Children Uxpe iuneo li;:iinst K.vpcriiuonU What is CASTORIA Custorlu is a harmless suhstltnto for Cantor Oil, Pans Koric, Drops ami Soothing Syrups. It Ik IMciisiint. It ((intiilns neither Opinio, Morphine not' oilier Nurcotlo nibstr.noo. Its no Is its B'uiraiitefl. It destroys Worms mid alloys IVvorishiioss, It cures Di.uiho'U and Wind Coll;!, It relieves Tuotldiiff Troubles, cureH Const ipiitiou and Flatulency. It assimilittes tlio Food, regulates the Moiniicli mid Dowels, tjl vlistr lieultby rind natural sleep. Tlio Children's l'anaeea Tho Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bear, the Signature of I The KM You Ha6 Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI OCHTAun COMINV, TT MUHRAV ITHUT, MIW TORN WTt, and Sum mer styles on sale -Now! If anything a little lit smart er and more exclusive than usual. The kind you see on Paris houlevarJs - Fifth Avenue too. Every last and leather that a woman could possihly want at any time. A. L. STAINBACK, VVeldon, N. C. I ,..1 IF YOU THINK IT, SAY IT. A Word of Appreciation will Nev er Be Lost. If anything pleases your eye or palate, or add 10 your enjoyment of life in any way, say so. It is not fair to expect any one 10 work for your pleasure and then lake it I for granted that you are pleased, w hile looks or actions express j nothing of the kind. Ii is bad enough to expect grown people to understand your feelings but in mercy lo ihe children do give ihem the word of praise which their efforts lo help or please you deserves. It is not only right but good pol icy as well lo know this. You have only to watch the lace of a child when it has tried lo help you; give it the word of praise or thanks which it deserves and watch the lighting up of the little face (hen take note of iis aciions and very soon you will see that it is watch ing for an opportunity to do some thing else lor you; and if you ask l!ie favor how willingly the linle leet and hands do ihe bidding. On the oilier hand lake their efforts as a mailer of course and see the face show how keenly the negleci is fell. While human nature remains whai it is, a word of appreciaiion will never be lost on old or young and is one of ihe best paying in vestments which can be made. Sonic say "I don'i cu e whether lliey like ii or not," bui thai is all nonsense for man, woman or child; we every one of us feel our heart grow warm under merited praise and if w e cannot get a little more ! of ii than we deserve, which rare j ly happens in iliis world we iry lo ! deserve more next time. ! NEVER A!Y MRS. BURTON. 'THE WATER MILL" AS AN AGRICULTURAL EDITOR. How the Humorist Made a Farm Paper Interesting During the Regular Editor's Absence! ftwrV'A ir.'ririt Uirit U 1 :."L ii .i it if ir ili- u .V ii ii i u I j lV'tr ,i'Vti li ii it' Strictly speaking, Senator Bur Ion, of Ohio, may not be a woman i haier, but Preceding a recent function here 1 the society editor of a Washington ; paper determined lo describe ihe ' gowns of all the Senaiors wives ; present. ; "Mr. Senator," she said as she accosted the Ohio statesman, "will you be kind enough 10 itll int. what son of a gown Mrs. Btirioit will wear?" Taking his eyeglasses from his i pocket and putting them carefully upon his nose the Senator fixed : the girl with a glance that nailed ; her io the mast, and frigidly re- ' plied : t "Madam, there is no Mrs. Bur ; ton, and if I have anything to say ' about it, there never will be." j New York World. Listen to ihe water null, Through ihe live-long day How ihe clicking of the w heel Wears ihe weary hours away, Languidly the Autumn wind j Stirs the withered leaves: On the field the reapers sing, ! Binding up ihe sheaves; And a proverb haunts my mind, And a spell is cast: "The mill will never grind With the waier that is past," Summer winds revive no more, Leaves sirewn over earth and main, And ihe sickle ne'er can reap The gathered grain again; And the rippling stream flows on. Tranquil, deep and siill Never gliding back again To the water mill. Truly speaks the proverb old, Wiih a meaning vast: "The mill will never grind Willi the water lhat is past." 0, the wasted years of life That have swiftly drifted by ! 0, ihe good we might have done ! Gone, lost without a sigh ! Love that we might once have saved By a single kindly word ! Thoughts conceived but ne'er ex- I pressed, I Perishing unpenned and un I heard. Take the proverb to thy soul Take and clasp it fast : "The mill will never grind With ihe water thai is past." i O, love ili y (iod and fellow-man, i Thyself consider last, I l'or come ii will when thou must I scan Dark errors ol ihe pasi, And when the fight of life is o'er, And eanh recedes from view, And Heaven in all its glory shines Midst the pure, ihe good, ihe true '1 hen you'll see more clearly The proverb deep and vast : "The mill will never grind With ihe waier that is past." Take the lesson to thyself. Loving hearts and true; Golden years are Heeling by: Youth is passing, too. Learn to make the most of life, Lose no happy day; Time will ne'er return sweet joys Neglected, thrown away. Leave no lender word unsaid, But love while love shall last "The mill will never grind Willi the waier that is past," Work while ct ihe sun doth shine, Men of strength and will. Never does ihe streamlet glide Useless by ihe mill: Wail not lill to-morrow's sun Beams brightly on thy way, All that thou canst call thine own Lies in tin- phrase "10-day." Or iiip.'lleci, or blooming health May not, will not always last "The mill will never ('.rind With ihe water lhat is past." A WOMAN OP COURSE. 'lew Spring Ms! FULL AND CO.MPl.nTE LINE OF CLOTHING, Purnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for spring and summer. Respectfully, r t TT- A TIT TV 1. J. XVillrJUllX, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. j "1 le is a smart man." "What is smart about him?" "He can speak many tongues." I "I know some one who can beat I that." "How many?" 1 "Just one." HOW DID YOU DIE? Hid you lackle the trouble thai came your w ay With a resolute heart and cheerful ? Or hide your face from ihe light of day Willi a craven soul and fearful? Oh, a trouble's a ion, or a trouble's an ounce, Or a irouble is w hat you make it; And ii isn't ihe fact that you're hurt that couuis, But only, how did you take it ? You are beaten id earth ? Well, well, what's that ? Come up wiih a smiling face. It's nothing against you 10 (all down flat, But to lie there that's a disgrace. The harder you're thrown, why Ue higher you bounce; Be proud of your blackened eye ! Ii isn't the fact that you're licked that counts; It's how did you light and why ? And ihotigh you be done to ihe death, whai ihen ? If you battled the best you could If you played your part in the world of men, Why, the critic will call it good, Death comes with a crawl, or comes wiih a pounce, And whether he's slow or spry, It isn't the fact that you're dead thai counts, Bui only how did you die ? A GUILTY CONSCIENCE. THE BANK OF WELDON WEI. DON. N. Organized Under the Urn of the State ol North Carolina, Ann i".mth, mi. Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. CapMattn $45,000. For more than 17 years this institution 1ih provithnl liankintr facili ties for this Keeliun. Its stockliol.li'ra aikt directors have been hlrntilied with t i. business interests t Halifax and Northampton counties for many v,';,m Money is loaned upon approved Bccunly at the liyal rate of intereMr-ii per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The aurplus and undivided protils haviiuf reached a sum e.(ual to the r..i.ivi...i, n..l eommencinif January I. PKiS, eMahlislied a Savinirs lepartment allowing interest on time deposits as lollotvs: Deposit allowed toremain three months or lonirer. '.' per cent, months or lonifer, per cent, twelve months or lomrer 4 percent. For further information apply to the I'resuleut or l ashier. maxioiNT: W. E. DANIEL, vici-i'krsiurst: W. It. HM1TH. casiiikh: It. H. THAN IS, DeWITT'S CARBOUZEO WITCH HAZEL HALVE For PUm, Burn, Dora. THI CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP THIRD OPERATION PREVENTED etab'.j Cjupoaad Cldeano, 111. "I want to tell you Vhut l.jo.:i I). 1 iiuvhuui's Vegetable I'ompniiiid did for me. 1 v us so sick that two ol the best doelors in t'ldeu po Mid I vm."'I die il I did not have un OpeliitlOll. 1 li:i(l I ulivudy tad twi operations, a In t'uey wanted we to go llii' i. mil a lliiul oin. 1 MiiVmlday a.iJ ldlit 1 1 uin in. llain. nation and U H-.naU tumor, ami lU'Vtr thought ot toeing u Well day pn i n. A friend told li.c how 1 jdL II. l'iukhani'a Veir. etabie l'uiiipi'.i..d had helped her, mid 1 tried il, ii:1 1 after the third buttle W.aReilll'd."--..il:l Al.VKNA Sl'KlO.l.Ml, 140S Clyliuun..' .Ur.. Chicago, HI. If you are ill do not duis alonif kt home or in your i-lm-erf employment until nil opuall !! i- neeessniy, but build up the fei..:iuiie s; stem, and ru. move the eam-e ol tl-.o-o distressing aches and it ins by taking l.ydla K. 1'iukh.am'a Vep'table CoU'.puuud,niud from roots and herbs. For thirty years it has been the stau. durd remedy for temulu Ills, aud has positively restored the health of thoii anudsof wonienwho liBve been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ui ceration.tibrold tumors, Irregulaiitieg. periodic pains, backache, liearinK-down teeling, flatulency, indigestion, dim ness, or nervous proatrfttluu, W'DJ don't you try M WHY HEMISSED SOME THINGS nwi i t ' - TT- "That view is rather unscientif ic, said at a dinner party in New York, Dr. Simon Flexner, the head of the Rockefeller Institute. "That view reminds me," con tinued Dr. FJexner, "of Hopkin son, who was wont to observe Lent very vigorously. "But on a certain fast day, after i three hours of golf, I lopkinson j couldn't resisi a luncheon of chops. J And as he munched his chops a i violent storm came up suddenly, n KIiim !ih, Ktlti.t lit., mum nnil then a terrific clap of thunder shook ! me aiul '",,x J the building. "Hopkinson, nervous and sha ky, laidduv.il his knife and fork. "'What a fuss," he muttered, over a mutton chop.' "Washing ton biar. Mark Twain never really ediied a farm paper, but he wroie a siory, just ihe same, telling of an imagi nary experience along this line. The editor of the paper was sick ; and wanted a vacation. Mark i agreed lo fill his place while he 1 look a resl, and ihe editor jumped i ai ihe otter. ' ( )f course, being a humorist, the j new editor had lo be funny, so he , handed out lo his readers such val i liable inisinfotformaiion as ihis: J "Turnips should never be pull ; ed; il injures them. It is much heller to send a boy up and lei him shake the tree." The guano is a fine bird, bin great care is necessary in rearing it. It should not be imported earlier than June or later than Sep tember. In the winter in should be kepi in a warm place, where il can hatch out its young." "Concerning the pumpkin. This berry is a favorite with the natives of the interior of New Eng land, who prefer it to the goose berry for the making of fruit cake, and who likewise give it the pref erence over the raspberry for feed ing cows, as being more filling and fully as satisfying. The pumpkin is the only esculent of the orange family ihai will thrive in the North excepi the gourd and one or two varieties of the squash. But the custom of planting it in the j front yard with the shrubbery is I fast going oul of vogue, for it is i now generally conceded thai the ! pumpkin as a shade tree is a fail- ure." j But just at this time the old editor came back, and his grief was g''eat. He is supposed lo have talked to his substitute in the following language: "This is a sad business-a very sad business. There is the inucil age bottle broken, and six panes ' of glass, and a spittoon and two I candlesticks. But that is not the ! worst. The reputation of the pa j per is in jurdd and permanently, ; ! 1 fear. True, there never was i such a call for the paper before, i 1 and il never sold such a large edi- j lion or soared lo such celebriiy ; but does one want to be famous j for lunacy and prosper upon the ; infirmities of his mind? My friend, j as I am an honest man, ihe street out there is full of people, and oth ers are roosting on the fences, j waiting to get a glimpse of you, because they think you are crazy. And well they might. Your edi-1 torialsare a disgrace to journalism. Why, what put it into your head that you could edit a paper of this nature? You do not seem to know I the first rudiments of agriculture, j You speak of a furrow and a har row as being the same thing; you talk of the molting season for cows, and you recommend the do- niesiicaiion of the polecat on ac : count of its playfulness and its ex- cellence as a ratter. Ah, heavens j and earth, friend! If you had i made the acquiring ot ignorance the study of your life you could j not have graduated with higher honor than you could today. 1 I want you to throw up your sima j tion and go. I want no more hol i iday I could not enjoy it if I had it. Certainly not with you in my chair. Oh! why didn't you tell me you didn't know anything about agriculture?" I PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS! Here, you can put away small sums not needed for present X use. And while wailing your call they will draw interest. hi An account in our Savings Department dues not always imply 3 small u uiisaciioiis, iui iiuih n. inan uic uepobiiui s ui c UMiig t,. I; our havings pass-books. 1 hev are using ihem lor ihe j they get; lliey afforded 9 interest mti because of the convenience compounded quarterly. t ire also using 4 per cent, interest allowed, BANK OF ENFIELD, I N. C. " pv ; !'.',- ii i i fi .. v if.V- '! 3 m,; jr Ji . il.Ji.lT.l y i jr. ,fl. ENFIELD, .nj'-t; r q.fl.r J) HOW IT IIAPPENLD. The Explanation of the Automo bile Driver und a Climax After the victim of the accident was carried to the sidewalk the au tomobile driver turned his machine and came back and ex plained how it happened with con siderable warmih. "This woman," he volubly re marked to ihe policeman, "was entirely to blame. She ran around from ahead of the street car and deliberately put herself in my way. After she had dodged the coal cart, it was too late for me to stop. I couldn't tell which way she was going.and when I saw that she was da.ed and foolish 1 jammed on the brakes and tried to pass to the left, but of course she had to run the same way, and the consequence was ihat in endeavoring to avoid a baby carriage with twins in it and an old man who was walking wiih a crutch I suppose I must have hit her. But I wasn't going more than two miles an hour, and any woman who would dodge around in that foolish way and lose her head shouldn't be permitted to go on the streets without a bunch of guardian:.." I The policeman nodded. "Come over to ihe sidewalk," he said, and lake a look at her." So the driver went to the curb with the otficer and looked at the unfortunate creature w ho had so actively conuibuied to her own disasier. And, lo, it was only a dressma ker's dummy that had fallen oil the rear of a deliveiy wagon! Cleveland Star. THE OLD MAID. St'BSCKIBl o NOW ! OR THI: Daily, Sunday and Semi Weekly. l& Largest Circular south of Baltimore. BY MAIL D Per Annum Daily and Sunday Daily only, Sunday only, Semi-Weekly, $7. $5. $2. $1. D All the news! O All the time I 3 Wo 1 Ft AilE-MfcHHS I . (( .-. :, l ! tlt.L NtPORTi I ( r-i 1. I'M il m t She gave her life to love. She never knew What other women gave then all to gain. Others were fickle. She was pas sing true. She gave her pure love, and taith without a stain. She never married. Suitors came and went; The dark eyes Mashed their love on one alone. Her life was passed in quiel and content, The old love reigned. No rival shared the throne. Think you her hie was wasted" Vale and hill Blossomed in summer and white winter came; The blue ice stiffened on the silent rill. All times the seasons found her still the same. Her bean was full of sw eetness till the end. What once she gave she never took away, Through all her youth she loved one faithful friend, She loves him now her hair is growing grav. DANK KIFEMNCCV i.'i 'hOW 1 To" OBTAIN .il"! ULl PAT- fT. ( ii ii i'-ii-h win (my. O"-' ll , in I ( h. I .1. ui ! ii, i'i.I i 'Iiit ' hiu.hI-I-- ili!. "inn i i. ill. D. SWIFT & CO. PATEUT LWVCS, i l?03 Scvrnth St., Washington. 0. C . We Ask You to take Cardui, for your femala trouble:, because we are sure It will help you. Pmember that a this great female remedy MBBI1 his brought relief to thousands of ctlier sick women, so why not to ycu ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, femala weak H nsss, many have said it is "the W best medicine to take." Try it I &Qia m ims my (rs An Irish politician had just re turned from a trip abroad. A friend HOW HE DID IT. A FISH STORY. The late Justice Brewer was with a party of New York friends on a fishing trip in the Adirondack and around (he camp lire one evening the talk naturally ran on big fish. When it came his turn the jurist began, uncertain as to how he was 10 come out. "We were fishing one time on the Grand Banks for er-for "Whales, "somebody suggested. No, said the justice, we were bailing with whales." Ev erybody's Magazine. A girl will do anything for semi ment nothing for sense. Did you have a fine lime, Mike?" I "Of course. I did." I "Did you visit the theatres in i ans- "Sure, I was in all of 'em." I "Well, tell me, Mike, and did you see any poommes de terre?" "No, had the wife with tne all the lime." Marvelous Discoveries mail the wonderful process of the aire. Air flight on heavy loachiuc, tele grains without wires, tecnble war in vcutionx to kill men. aud that wonder of woiidi iB lr. Knur ' New Discovery to save life w hen threatened by colds, coughs, lairrippe, asthma, croup. Iirou clutis. hemorrhages, hay fever and whooping cnuirh ot Iuuk trouble. For all bronchial directions it has no equal. It relieves instantly. Its the surest cure, .lames M. lllack, of Asheville, X. t'., It. It. No. 4, writes it eured him of an obstinate rough after all other remedies failed. lide. and W . A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by any druggist. I A lawyer once asked a man who i had at various times sal on several juries : i "Who influenced you most liic lawyers, the witnesses, or the judge?" He expected to get some j useful and interesting information j from so experienced a juryman. This was the man's reply : "I'll tell yer, sir, 'ow 1 makes up mind. I'm a plain man, and a reason' man, and I ain't influenced by anything the lawyers say; no, nor by what the judge says. 1 just looks at man in the dock and I says, 'If he ain't done nothing, why's he here?' And I brings 'em all in guilty." Nothing discourages a woman more about her husband than for him not 10 take any interest in w hom the richest girl is going lo marry when he doesn't know eith er of ihem. Wealth causes more moral dis eases than it cures physical ones, but nobody is afraid to try it. BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED? HEADACHE? ire ri real B FOR 1 ric liters Sacrri'd when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weakness: they are the supreme reined) , as thousands have lestihcd. FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is Ihe best medicine ever sold over a liur,ist's counter. SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Everybody TAKK.1 SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR "SotYOU? We have on hand severul consign nicnls of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Italher than re turn these suits our liea'htiar1ors deei ded to put them on rale at half price for cash only. Il.'i Suits J7..MI. Prin cess, white and all other colors $." to f7, now 'xl lo . Wash t 'oat Suits ft lo $11, now .OS to $;l. $ 1 to $.-, Net W sist luceil $1.7.1 to $'J..ri(i black and col ored silk Petticoat $1 to fit now $2.Hrt to $1.7.1. Voile Skirts $ to $Hnow to $l.1ii. 111,000 yards lace and in broid eries lo close out al hall pnee. 7.1c to $1 .Messahue silks, al! colors, now .10 to i.lc. fi and lip. calicoes .tj to 4c. 10 and l-jc iriio?ham 7 to He. About H.IMNI yards dress goods to clone oul less limn cost Ladies hats at half price, lilies. druKirets, rarpctintrs aud umltmirs at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. W l'.I.IION.N. (J. Foley's omoimive fOS STOiiACKjaUUBLi ind li4UUTIf Ml

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