?! I I 1' 5 i! f.' J' IV; ! . 1 i ? is taken by people in tropi cal countries all the year round.- It stopa wasting and keeps up the strength and vitality in summer as well as winter. ALL DRUGGISTS THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Jii.y 2S, 1910. Published Every Thursday. KVIKKKll AT COST SKVUMJ- iKKU i: A I v. I ll.ASS M ITKIi KAirSOFSlfcTKII'IIHMN U M 1 One Year. (hy mail I Six Munilis. " A wtvUy D'-iminulie jiiii'iuil .Ii-1-'1 to (lie material, educational, itii-al and airricultural inlerestitol Halifax -""I SUiroUIlditllf COUUlll.'H. Advertising rates reasonable an. I niched ou apphealiou. I'm- Should Vt'oodiw Wilson, pres ident of Princeton, be elected Gov ernor of New Jersey, lie will at onee become a prominent figure in connection with first place on the Democratic National ticket two j years hence. Dr. Wilson is a j Cleveland Democrat. j PROSECUTIONS against nunu-1 facturers of ice cream cones con taining borax are to be instituted by the government under the pure food law. Large seizures of cones were made recently in different parts of the country by inspectors of the department of agriculture. Analysis of the cones disclosed the presence of borax, a property which has been held to be deleto rious to the human stomach. Death in an almost unheard of form waited for Maurence S. Ba ker, an eleven-year-old Jackson ville, Fla., lad, when he dived from a boat in Lake Vi'orth. A stingaree a huge, Hat-bodied and gruesome species of warm water fish was lurking just out lier the boat. One of the barbed spines which the fish carries on its whip-like tail, pierced the boy's neck, cutting into the jugular vein. He rose to the surface crying for help and bled to death within four minutes. Marveloi is as are the moving pic ture shows which have been for the last few years entertaining untold millions of people in this and other lands, it is to be made more won derful still by the progressive ge nius working ever constantly upon the possibilities of utilizing electric ity. Hitherto, the pictures have been presented in action with pho tographic fidelity; but all has been silence, except the buzz of the ap paratus working the show. But now comes a Swedish in ventor who has devised a combi nation instrument which repro duces sound as well as action. Thile it is true that the habitu al criminal is an enemy to society and that the world would be vastly better off without him, few u ill agree with Judge George C. Holt, of the United States District Court of New York, that he should be condemned to death. Judge Holt is quoted us saying to the Vi'iscun sm Bar Association, in the course of an address : "An habitual, incorrigible enemy of society .should k silc-nnly ad judged to be put to death. But if, in view of the squeamish senti mentality of this age, such a course he deemed impracticable, I should shut him up lor lite where he could do no more evil to society." It pays to be faithful in the work that is given a man to do, no mat ter how humble it may be Mich ael Seamona found this out last week while workin with a grad ing gang ai the Kedgatc farm, near Newton, N. J. He w is working along in a routine way and think ing how little there was of encour agement for the average man in this Wuik, but bun working us faithfully as he could, when sud denly his pick struck a rusted tin can. Hastily he dug up the buried can, and when he looked within, lo and behold! he found it contain ed one $100 and five $50 bills. The money had evidently been hidden some years ago where he found it, as the bills were some what weather worn. "Is Lite Worth Saving?" Mrs. Mollie Mciianey, Prentiss. Miss., rites that she had a severe case of kid ney andMadder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy eured her sound and well. Hue had tried sev eral otlier kidney medicines and had , been treated three months by physi cians, bat got no benefit until she took Foley's Kidney Remedy, and she closes her letter by saying, "I heartily recom mend Foley'! Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. It saved my life." Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No ' medicine can do more. E. CLARK ANTI-RING RESOLUTIONS. The above title is the heading t" a set of resolutions adopted at a meeting of what is known as the Anti-Ring Democratic party held . . I ..I.. .U I 1 1 I I hi. I tilt' at tiaiitax juij m, same has been issued in circular form and are distributed over the signature of T. L. limry and T. R Whitley, Chairman and Assis tant Chairman respectively. We desire to notice some of the resolutions in order that we may counteract a wrong impression that might be created Generally when one faction or set of men are out, and the oilier set are in, those on the outside ; raise the cry of ring rule. King rule is simply a term used by the faction or men u ho are out tu des ignate those who are holding the offices and their friends. The pub lic need not ihink for a moment that those who are sii iving to gv! , in are mv more patriotic or u ill make any better ollicei's than the 1 present olficeholders in I lalilax county, and lie are opposed to ! any impression being ete.iied that those holding olive m I Wilax I couiuy are not upal lc ana !.nth 1 ful, and if they aie uiidJates lor re-election anu uieie is no u-ason why ihev should not be, it they want to be, and they can gel the minority of the votes in the prima ries, they are entitled to the vote of every Democat in the county. The resolutions declare for sal aried county office! s, and they state that they belieie that if this plan is adopted the taxpayers mil be saved between eight and ten thousand dollars. If men would stop and think a moment, they would not make claims which can not be substantiated We desire to Mate that the entire salaries of the clerk, sheriff, regis ter of deeds, treasurer, superinten dent of public instruction, superin tendent of health, and county at torney will not amount to leu thou sand dollars. Surely they ought to be paid something. If our Anti- Ring friends let it get out that they are going to take the jobs for noth ing and find themselves, they will find it difficult to get candidates to run. Surely they do not intend to tinker with the five per centum commissions of the different tax collectors of the county. These men are entitled to this compensa tion, for there is nothing so diffi cult as collecting taxes. The burden of the resolutions 1 seem to be upon the bond issue for a court house, its cost, the aboli-' tion of the position of county attor-' ney, and the saving of the small amount paid him as salary. Let us be fair with one another. j There never has been a bond issue I submitted to the vote of the people I of Halifax county Bonds w ere I issued to pay indebtedness foisted upon us by Me extravagant man agement of the Republican party prior to ls"6, for the erection of clerk's office, and for other pur poses, and such a question has never been raised heretofore. A court house was a necessity in Halifax county There has not been a judge holding court for the past two years who has not cn;i cied in deserved and uunicjsured terms the old building. Grand jury after grand mry brought the matter to the attention of the nidges. We take the liberty of quotn.g from the report of ihe grand jury at the March term, linHi, to Hon. t). II Guion, w ho was holding the court: "We beg to say that we appre ciate ihe eh.uge of the court rela tive to building of a new court house, and we recommend that the same be done at an early date. We learn that the proper legislation has been passed with that view. We find thai it is needed, that the present structure is antiquated and out of date, and that the county is amply able to build a modern well equipped court house. Halifax county is one of the largest coun ties of the State, its population and property are increasing and better facilities are demanded at the place where the people have to come for the transaction of the public business. W e are informed that the debt of the county amounts to siivh a small amount as not even to be considered, and so far as mis grand iury is anie to uo, we desire to do what we can to bring the new court house to pass. ' Under these conditions, we have no hesitancy in declaring here and now that we believe that the Board of Commissioners and all who aided them in building the splendid new court house now in the county deserve credit and instead of being condemned ought to be commended. If the other issues upon which our anti-ring friends expect to ride in to office have no more merit, they will find themselves in a sad way. The tearing down of the old court house actually showed it to be in an unsafe condition. The new court house means progress and development, and young men of the county will hesitate a long time before taking sides with that element of the party that is living in the past, and whose face is set against any improvement. We have not had the time to ex amine the legal question raised in the resolution as to the issuing of more bonds than the Act of the mriirf Legislature provides, f'.u this we do know, the splendid new court house represents value received and the people of Halifax county will neier repudiate a : 'igle dollar which it cost even if they could do it under the guise of the law. Let us make another statement. llalifax county's finances are m such line shape, it has no debt ex cept for building the court house, that the bonds and the annual in terest can be met and paid without any special levy. Robeson county spent $80,000, we think, and Cleveland county almost as much for their court houses As to the abolition of the county attorney. Tins is not an office-- it is simply an employment of a law yer to advise the Board of Com missioners as to the questions that necessarily arise in the conduct of the business of the county. We do not know the salary, but think it is about three hundred dollars. Our Inends are certainly hard put for an issue in the name of econo my Let us keep history straight. hen the Board of Commission cis consisted of Midi men as Sler hug Johnston, Dr ood, J 1 1 Vl Intake! , and the ehau man, Mr. limry, Mr. W. A. Dunn was their . attorney. Then followed other 1 Boards, who employed Mr. Daniel, Mr. Bell, and Mr. Travis as their attorneys. All admit that the bus iness of the county has greatly in creased. If it was proper and neces sary that these men whom we have named should haie attorneys, to advise them, why is n wrong now adays for he present Board to have recourse and necessity for le gal advice' We want to submit in conclusion that some parts of the resolutions could have been omitted That ' w ith i .'terence to "a free ballot and a fair count," "political trickery' ; and ballot box siutliug," and "the i appointing of henchmen and heal-, j ers to olfice as a reward for their ' dirty work. " When has this been done and 'who has done it? Give places, dates and names0 Do not in your political excitement reflect up n and injure your own communities, ! when every one knows that elec tions m Halifax county are fair, ; and that the men in charge of ihe organization in Halifax county and those w ho hold the offices are just as honorable, and in every way nave trie good ot the county .is much at heart as those who would displace them. Such charges, un supporied, will recoil on those who make them. The people will be very apt to understand the motives of those who take part in the coming cam paign. If issues are raised that are meritorious, the people will give ihem their support; if not, the people understand, and w ill w ith hold their support. Till- people who believe that or atory is dead should read this Iroin the Grayson (Va 1 Gaetie, rela tive to the Richmond granite to be used for a Confederate monument. "It iias quarried from beneath the old trenches and redoubts which protected the Confederate Capitol throughout the stern years of I) I -lis. Over it have screamed i the shells, and whistled and whis pered die hail of death from the Northern guns. It has listened to the shout of the dying, the sudden challenge, the guarded council, the quick command. And above it the grim powder-scorched ihroats of, the Confederate batteries roared and crashed, unyielding and una fraid, h heard the roar of the Northern charge, and the crashing j volleys of Southern rifles. The cavalry bugles have awakened its answering echoes; the thunder of Stuart's charging horse has Moated across its pine crowned summits and above it all for four long years there proudly waved the great w ar banner and battle flags of the Con federacy." 1'i:ah that Ldwin W. Trimmer, L nited Slates consul at Cape Gra cias, Nicaraugua, may be assaulted or possibly even assassinated, wherefore it has been decided to send the cruiser Taeoma to the port lo investigate, and if eonui- tiotis demand it to land marines to protect American lives and prop erty. There is niim1 Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases : put toifi'ther.and until the last fen years wuh supposed to he incurable. For a ifreat many years doctors pronouueed it a local disease and prescribed local rem edies, and Iiy constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy F. ,1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from' 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dol lars for any case it fails to cure. Address : F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's for Constipa tion. jwyiftf twYM'iWaiiiidaw'iiih ft I , iiiMMiiNft PklMARr ELECTION LAW. One of the Anti-Ring resolutions signed by T. I.. Luiry, Chairman, and T. Whitley, Assistant Chair man Anti-Ring Democratic party of Halifax county, condemns the primary law as passed by the last Legislature as undemocratic, un- Wise and tyrannical, and demands us repeal. We have carefully read this law, and so far as we are able to see, if nominations are to be j made by direct primary, and j that seems to be the tenden cy now -a-days, we can see i no objection to any provision un-1 less it is to the right of challenge j given in Section S. It is provided in this section that if the party af-1 filiation of any voter is challenged, he must show by his oath or oth erwise that he voted for the candi date of the party holding said pri mary in the next preceding general election unless lie was prevented from i ot::ig therein by being loo young, sickness, 'absence li'oni the county or oilier unaioidable cause, and must make oath that he will in good faith abide the lesuil of the then pending primary and that he w ill i o t e for the candidates nominated therein ai the ensuing election unless pieiented troin lo- bug by some unavoidable cause j With this exception there is nothing in the Act providing a pri-! mary election law for Halifax' county to be condemned by any-1 body. Now we wish to write j plainly in order that the people , may understand. This section is j criticized and condemned for the I reason that at the last election in j this county there was an indepen dent movement w hich supported a I ticket lor the Legislature and couu- ty officers against the regular Dem- i ocratic ticket, and a challenge of those who voted this ticket might bar them from the primary. ii ims is tne oniy issue in tne ! county id divide ihu party this year, we desire lo say thai this ob jection has been eliminated, and that the County Democratic Lxec utive Committee with a praise worthy desire to heal any breaches in the party has invited all Demo- erats to participate in ihe coming i primary to nominate Legislative, county and township ticket regard- i less of how he voted two years j ago, pledging him, however, to ; support the ticket nominated in the primary. This having been done, there is not a shadow of an excuse tor any independent or anti-ring Democratic party in Halifax coun ty As to the pledge lo support the nominees of the primary, that is the rule wherever primaries are held. A man s sense of honor ought lo keep him out of a prima ry if he is not willing to abide the result of the majority, and his go ing into a primary ought to be a pledge that he will support the ticket nominated whether his fav orites are successful or not. If, however, those who style themselves as the Anti-Ring Dem ocratic party, with this invitation, do not intend to take part in the primary, and settle their differ ences in the party, then it is per fectly clear that their object is to give aid and comfort to the Repub lican party and to assist in injuring the Demoratic party; and without expressing any opinion as to what they intend lo do, their action this year will show their sincerity as ' Democrats I here is not a question raised i by their resolutions, even if their 1 charges could be supported, which cannot be settled within the party ranks. : No hindrance will be placed in ' the way of all who voted the inde-i pendent ticket two years ago com- j mg backing in the regular organi-' nation and expressing their indi-! idual dun.-e from ihe Legislature down to constable, and no one will be challenged for the reason i that he scratched a ticket ti o years ago, or did not vote for the regu lar nominees at thai nine. If.there fore, under these conditions and conciliations by those who main tain and support the regular organ iution in the county, the breach is not healed, then our friends ought to strike out the words "Demo craiic party" from the rtoIiitiuii, and come out in the open and not light under a name thai does not belong to ihem, because it is one of the principles of the Democratic party to abide the will of the ma jority. However, we do not wish to forecast what will be done or whether our independent friends will accept the invitation. If they do, there will be no independent movement in Halifax county; if they do not accept the invitation of the organization to take part in the primaries, and afterward fight the ticket then nominated with one of their own selection, the ground will literally be cut from under their feet, and they will neither deserve nor will they have any following among the people. ','The country is going to the dogs," shouts a pessimist. So much more reason or muzzling the dogs. THINK OF Mexican Mustang' Liniment AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. Relief from pain that inijjit olln iu i.sc cause viut hours ol aony. Tired out muscle cased up anil maile ready tor another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stitf joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica rohhed ot their anguish and L. unshed tovever. Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. Prices 25c, 50c, $1.00 per L READ ABOUT CROCERIES Till! IR Iinl ruullidi. we say, tu tiillv appi-i-we kfi-p u hic'li iriU'lc No inuUer v hal mil- the iiU't that nl' i.UOCKKll.s vuu must tiu.M I'.i tiiT li'awviiiii ni-t ur.li-r Willi " llml r uiuy ulil ynu ti uur t'vt'i c'n'W iiu' list ol' trailv i'ulu nu rs out .1.1'.. M Muni ll"'" l'""t ll.aiki t liuu.ls UilnrlrU n ulll 't ly . v. T. HAkKlik, W.-I.Ihii. N. Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Uo (or You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Di scase and Dia bates, and restore health and strength, Refuse substitutes. I:. Clark T RUSTLES SALE OF UNO I'.y nt'.u' hi :i ivttam 'l"fl tif iru-t -"flit-'i hv l.'l-l:!' HuH-i-r M:irv Utiwuer. In '!', iiii'l Willis llnwvi It. It C. l;tnit'l. TniU- t.ruiiiiir nv IVb luurv MA, aiil tluly rvuiU-4 in li...k t at I'uiri' tl, oilnv tit tlu- Uriri;. liT nf IVf.U fur Halifax nnmty, ti - etui-cciiaiii iii'lt'liit'ilui'M thi'tt'in iiit ii tioiiirl lo K hanifl. ilctault hauii: I'tM'ii 1111 It in Un payim-m nf the htiu Utl'l tlif un-irlMiTlii'il tt Uh r ltu Uiif lnvli rt'ijufstf'l to t'i'tutt' liic uiwfr n salt' iMtiUimM in irr. I of tiui, tlic iin- ItTMiriifti !iutff will m-I at (iiit'ln- auc tion, for cash, to li.c huMu-t I'i'Mer al tlic coiiit hoiw tloni at llalilax. Vuth ( aroliim. on Monday, August 15th. 1910, at I'J o'clock M.. the follottimr real es tate, towit: 1 That tract i.f laii'l lyimr situate and htMiiL' in the county ot Mahlax HUtl Male of North ( aiohiii. ul;u:iiiiiL I he luixlt ol .1 1 1, heann. i 'liuihc ItuwrnT anil V. iVaix-n, an l lyiini oil the road known a tin y Houd. and containing i a'te, inote or levs. it U-iniT the same land that wa eonwy.-d to l.ddie Kuw "t i hv deed of I. A l'eiT and wife date.! Nuveiiihei P'lh, l'"'.'. and h-coid-ed in hook I ' ai pat.re Imi, othee of the Hi-Hitter of I 'eed for Halifax county, to which said deed foi ft moie pel feet dc scnption it 'terence is made. Hue nllit'i tract ol parcel uf laud in said 1 1 alt itt county. Mate afuraid. adjoining the lands of Mrs. M. h. Mort cock. .1, k Mteanu, Tildy HankN and ti. W l Varsoti. an-1 tvniif uear the ame hev Uoad, it hem tht land formerly helonjnikj to '1 ' t How-ier.ftnd part of w inch was conveyed to the aid Kddie ,,.,, i.uiwr ,,. ,(,, ,i cu,,( l '"ams more 01 tuwiiii'inai.Mmi lor a iiidiv pcntHM uesi'npuuu rt'iereiu'e lu-re made. I In the 7lh ilav of .lulv, HUH K. 't. IiANlKl., TrunU. iV I tlie renult of using only the beti of ingredient. Bread Baked Here Has No Superior. It excels in all points. No part of the making in left to chance. Ev erything in carefully done hy expert bakers. It is delicious and whole some. M. S, MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. FOLEYSKIDNEYPUIS ti'-i - & I; bottle. t..i.b,.iii, LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th REMOVAL ALE I expect store in 5 order to reduce stock, I offer for Spot Cash AT COST, my stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Clothing, Stoves and Furniture. Come your choice. P.N. July IS, 1910. -Or'- SI'lilNd ash Sl'MMKH MILLINERY. KAM'Y litHlhSaud NOVELTIES. Hullrrick'a l'Uein. K. & Q. Corsets, iMisnes at "fie. I-adie ".'c. to 1. a.trlces will lie made to suit the times. Hats and Bonnet made and trimmed to order. ALL MAILORDERS 1'ROMITLY KILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldou, N. C. j T. OLAB K. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, S.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and iu the tuprem court of the Mate. Special attnuUon giveu to collections aud prompt return Grand Display The first application of Mexican Mus tany Liniment subdues the pain hut it continues its work until e cry quivering iicr e is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating power of famous remedy enables it to do quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Hruises or Lame-ncs.-s. Mexican Mustang Liniment should he rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities ot this old relia ble household remedy make it safe and sure You Who Want Tailor -Made Clothes at Ready - Made Prices An expert tailor anil fitter from Schloss Bros. & Co., Baltimore, Bostoa, New York, will be with us in short w ith the handsomest line of new imported and domestic woolens that you will have the pleasure of seeing during the coming season. Watch for announcement in this space. R, E. DRAPER COMPANY. to move to my new or 6 weeks and in STAIN BACK, Bottom Stove, m wmum $. nmn nm i i 'A.D.CLAKY & FIRST CLASS j MKALS Al l. jfct HOl'RS, DAY OR NIGHT Hi WELDON, North Carolina. $ mmmmmmtmmmmmmmn Physicians Advise the use nf 1 goodUxative, to keep the bowels open mi prevent the poisons of undigested food from eettinginto your system. The latest troJj;t i f sjeucs i VI LVO Uaath Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and ot a pleasant, ar.mintic ttf, Veho acts on the liver, as well as on the stomach and bowels, and Isot Ilia greatest possible efficacy In constipation, indlgestton, biliousness, sick headaclie, levertshness, colic.tlatulence. etc. Try VH I FOLEYSKLDNEYPILLS this this St., BROOKLYN, N.Y. and get WELDON. N. C. im mm mmm . i sin FRUITS. Con n:cnoNi:Kii:s, Tobacco, Ggjrs, gr . Proprietor. Cool Drinks. Etc. U LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP I FOIIYS OElNOlAXAllYE o C

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