1 ' jij Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Substription--$1.50 Per Annuni VOL. XLV. WKLDOX, X. (, Tlll'ltSDAY. Al'lil'ST IS, 1!)10 NO. J (J Vi&pi i 1 3' BR? Ml ft IS Al.l'OIIUI, J 'KK CkNI A('5fidlli'Prcp.v,n!(inrnrAs sliiiilaiiiiijilK'Fuiiilanllii'jiiti luigilii'Simiiisimltolsif CASTOIIIA rromoli'sDi&'slionflwrfii! ness and IksLConiainsneiihr Opium .Murphine narMincnLl NOT NARCOTIC. iim'ptirMik&wnmm jUx.Sipm sbusrSttd lmmtihl - HirmM Vatit4 Jugar hiMofrmUm'. Anerfecl Rrmedv foiTcmsHja- i ion , Suur Stomacli.Dlarrlmca Worms ,( uiivulsions.l'everisu ni'ss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Sijnamre of NEW' YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m m mm LW In Use For Over Thirty Years EiKt Copy of Wrapper. I'll; I Spring and Sum mer styles on sale -Now! If anything a little lit smart er and more exclusive than usual The hind you see on Paris boulevards - Fifth Avenue too. Every last and leather that a woman could fiossihly want at any time. A. L. STAINBACK, VVeldon, N. C. ill HIT IT NEEDS NO CHAMPION. The Kiss Having Survived Centu ries of Abuse, Can't tie So Had. aw www i II in .Li iw ijimi mmmm jiujmm BOTH GROWERS AND BUYF.RS ENTHUSIASTIC OVER The Benthall Peanut Picker New Summer Goods! CLOTHING furnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for spring and summer. Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, KOANOKI: RAPIDS. N. C. (From the Chicago Inter Ocean.) The Rev. timer L Williams, pastor of the Grace Methodist episcopal Church, championed the cause of (lie kiss in a sermon at the Desplaines camp meeting last Monday. The speaker's intentions were no doubt good. But he was doing a bootless thing iit defending the kiss almost as hooiless a thing as anacking it. The plain experience is thai neither attack nor defense has any apparent effect on the kiss. It is really wonderful how it has sur vived through the ages maintain ing its popularity in the face of every discouragement. The "blue law" persons have preached against ihe kiss, the po lice have warned against it, and last of all science has endeavored lo show that it is a menace to the life and happiness of the world. Hut it has withstood them till. ; The father of the family reads ' an article in a medical journal de j tailing the horrors ihai may follow ' in the train of a single kiss, lie then goes placidly home and kisses his wife, just as if that article had I never been written. The mother reads in a ten-cent : magazine or some oilier publica tion ihat deals in popularized ' science about the dangers ihatlurk ! in simple kissing. At that moment I ihe baby cries. Whereupon she 1 kisses him to keep him quiet and finishes ihe article with much com placency. The young man reads a Sunday supplement about the 1 8,000,000, 000 microbes that lurk in every kiss, several of the microbes being greatly, and terrifyingly enlarged. And he goes right down to his best girl's house and if he doesn't kiss her it is not because of the mi crobes. When one considers how long the kiss has lasted, how easily it rises above attacks from all quar ters, ii is impossible to resist the idea that there is merit in it; that it somehow subserves a useful pur pose; lhat it answers to some int ; perious demand of human nature i which will not be reasoned with, i If science would attack it In the 1 truly scientific fashion, .it should : first discover the myste rious demand it answers to. That j known, and otherwise supplied, : the kiss might fall a ready victim to aiiack. But as long as the kiss remains the mysterious affair it is, popular without effort, and praciiced with out reflection, all attacks will be in vain and all defense unnecessary. Peanut growers and buyers alike declare the Ben thall Peanut Picker the only absolutely satisfactory picker made. Growers rlo the work of forty men with one madune, and more than '.limbic' their profits. It piiks Spanish or V iiinia varieties with e,ual sritiiihu'tiun. It picks while the vines are in a condition (or saving, thus t'.iviuij it crop as good as alfalfa. Buyers declaie Hentliall pirked nuts cleaner ami much molt desirable than hand picked nuts. Vines ate fed to picker like grain lo thresher. Nuts come out whole and clean. '1 he stemming and cleaning capacity has been increased, and the weak parts in the VM models corrected. 13 it, model fun !v hoise or applied power ; lb ft. model applied power only. All horsepower machines will lire I'I'ii '.lev ' i dukei, :'.ml v. will build machines if desired with llll'l Keiu'i.i! c ;..:tii; .;i -;id I:1' is i lice i.i ; ! i. Standard 1'eantit Co. luiveis say : "It is a standing rule with our buyers to give prefeience to machine picked peanuts, in in our opinion they are far superior." W, K. Jones, grower, writes: ' llneslu'd 17!) sacks of Viirrinia nuts in one day. Can thresh 100 to 125 sacks Spanish." I.'. J. Itailey i "1 threshed KiO'J bag: with repair bill of only 75 cents." Big money picking for your neighbors. Wiite for free booklet giving pic tures and full information. It will mean nuuh in prorits for you. BENTHALL MACHINE CO., Suffolk, Va. E miyiiill hi i i I'liTWl fUHMIMIIi B WILLJfOU ? If These Ten Rules i lm'. ar? Post ed in The Nurses' Training School in the California hospi tal at Los Angeles were Gener ally Observed, the Hospital Would have Pewer Patients, and Southern California Would Not be the Only "Land of Sunshine." 'iV'iV'rViWriAti'i i' it it inV i'i rr ,i u ttit itti'W i't It ii "A1 A rWr'ii'u tT'iriiWAriunVu -rVll iV'iV'iViiV'iS'Yi fr PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS Sr present t 3 Here, you can put a.vay small stuns not needed for 5 use. And wlnle wailing your ean '.'ley will draw interest. 5 An account in our Savings hcpartuiem J nt always imply t- small transactions, far tium it. Many large deposiuiihuiwi:!;i-, our Savings pass-hooks. They are using them lor the interest jj they get; they are also using them because of the convenience 4 afforded. -I per cent, interest allowed, compounded quatterly. a - ft V.? ' M' '.' V-" ? '.''.'.'.' V " '.' '.' ? v.',' ! ? frit iiWMV t! t1! THE ROAD'LL TURN SOME DAV. BY I-KANK II. SWtbT. 1 know the road is rocky, And the hills are hard to climb; I know ihe feet get bruised and sore, And it takes heaps o' time. I know the burden's heavy Oh, you needn't tempt to say; But just keep a-plodding onward For the road'll turn some day ! 1 know that homesick feeling, And the ache you bear alone; 1 know your heart is breaking, By ihe bravely stifled moan. 1 know the arm you leaned upon I las now no power to slay; But just keep a-plodding onward For ihe road'll turn some day ! I know the structures you have hew n Of youth's day-dreams lie low, 1 know you see their ruins stare Hverywhere you go. I know the sunbeams round your path Long since have ceased to play ; Bui just keep a-plodding onward For ihe road'll turn some day ! "1. I will not permit myself to j speak while angry, And I will not ( make a bitier retort to another per-' son who speaks to me in anger. 2. 1 will neither gossip about ihe failings of another nor will I j permit any other person to speak such gossip lo me. Gossip will die when it cannot find a listener. .1 1 will respect weakness and defer to it on the street car, in the department store and in the home, I High Point, N. C, whether it be displayed by man or ; address, publishes woman, ( I issue of the Rogersville Herald, at 4. I will always express grati-; Rogersville, Tenn., what he avers tude for any favor or service ren-1 to he a true story of how he rc dered to me. If prevented from I cenily discovered $90,000 in gold doing it on ihe spot, then 1 will I coin in a cave near ihe Clinch BANK OF ENFIELD, ENFIELD, N. C. SAW TREASURE IN DREAM. Heeding Revelation, He Hound Pot of (iold in Cavern. i New Hi loans Tiincs-lii'iiinei ul I Thomas L. Rogers, who gives as his home in the latest THY0 SJftMRS.'' LLLA WHFLLFR WILCOX. mm There was a man, it was said one time, Who went astray in his youthful prime ; Can the brain keep cool and the heart keep quiei When ihe blood is a river that's running riot ? And boys will be boys, folks say; seek an early opportunity to give utterance to it in the most gracious way within my power. 5. I will not fail to express sym pathy with another's sorrow, or to give hearty utterance to my appre ciation of good works by another, whether ihe parly be friendly to me or not. 6. 1 will not talk about my per sonal ailments or 'misfortunes. They shall be one of the subjects on which I am silent. 7. I will look on the bright side of my daily life, and I will seek to carry a cheerful face and speak hopefully to all whom I meet. 8. I will neither eat nor drink what I know will detract from my ability to do my best work. 9. 1 will speak and act truth fully, living wiili sincerity toward God and man. 10. I will strive lo be always prepared for ihe very best that can happen to me. 1 will seek to be ready io seize the highest oppor tunity, to do tne noblest work, to rise to ihe loftiest place which God and my abilities permit." Boston Globe. SURPRISH FOR THI: DLITY. "I'apa," said a little girl, rush ing itno the room with the air of one bringing valuable information, "did you know that the Brown's little baby was dead?" "Yes dear, I heard of it. Aren't you sorry?" "Yes, but, papa, it was only three days old." "I know, love." "And don't you think God will be surprised to see it come back so soon ?" O SUBSCRIBE IO Staggers Skeptics. 'hut ufl'.tn, nice, fiuiuut i'imHmul Ul The the 3E ao THE BANK OF WELD ON WKLDON, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al'tit'Sl'Ltll'H State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. CapiM $45,000. Kor more titan 17 years tins itintitution lian provided bankinif facili ties for thin section. Itn RtiickliohliTH ami ilireototii have been iilcntilit'il with the busmen intercut of Halifax ami Northampton countit'8 for many yeara. Money i loaned upon approved xeciifity at the li'tral rate of intereBt hii per ceittuin. Account of all ate Bolieiled. The surplus and undivided profits having reached a sum equal to the Capital Hlock, the Hank has, commencing January t, IMnS, established a Savings Department allowing interest tin time deposits as follows: Kor Deposit allowed tort tnain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, S percent. Twelve months or lotiget, 4 percent. Kor further information apply to the 1'resntent or Cashier. esssniasT. W. K. DANIEL,, VK I'RKSIIISST: W. It. SMITH. cibhikh: It. H. 'ITU VIS, or INOHAM SCHOOL IK till tit wssaia scsnuu ..k..uw, c . tw " J'rJ!,'SL, Lrmul.M4rikfti.ut. M"sWw"tat'"t'',t VSfcIl cat. a awaua.sxi.aas BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED 1 HEADACHE? FOR SPEEDYRELIEF. sinner reformed; and preacher told, Of the prodigal son who came back to his fold ; And the Christian people threw open the door. With a warmer welcome than ever before. Wealth ar.d honors were his to command, And a spotless woman gave him her hand. The world strewed their pathways with blossoms abloom, Crying, "God bless ladye and God bless groom !" There was a woman who went astray, In ihe golden dawn of her life's young day; She had more passion and heart than head. And she followed blindly where fond love led. And love unchecked is a dangerous guide To wander at will by a fair girl's side. The woman repented and turned fruit! mm, But no door opened lo lei her in; The preacher prayed that she might be forgiven; But told her to look for mercy in Heaven. For this is the law of the earth, we know. The the woman is stoned, while ihe man may K. Ihe Old i like Illusion's Arnica Salve will instant 1 ly relicvi a bad burn, cut, scald, wound And the man is better who has had ! "' '"l,,H- ""-''" "keptie. i:.,t gn at cures prove its a womlctlul liculci ot the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons, ee.e- llil. ,1 U 'lUUlS, WS iIS Wll'" hands, sprains and corns. Try it. '' e. at all driiL'gisls. his day. i River in Hancock county, Tenn. It was there he spent his child hood, and he states that in a dream it was revealed lo him that in the rock house cave in a lonely moun lain spol near his childhood home was stored a large amouni of gold. Rogers tells that so thoroughly im pressed was he with the dream lhat he lefi his North Carolina home and explored the cave. He tells that in a great room, not un- j like a theaier, he discovered an old kettle turned upside down. Scatiered in the chamber about it were old bayonets, canteens, and other evidences that it was used as a place of refuge during the Civil war. Near the kettle was a skele ton, and on a piece of slate beside this skeleton was carved this in scription : "The first white man reading these lines will liud $00,000 in coin under this kettle. Take this money, bury this body in a lonely spot on top of Copper Ridge, and peace shall be yours ihe remainder of your days." Rogers, who describes himself as now an old man, avers, that he carried out the wish expressed on the inscription, and w ith the gold in his possession returned to North Carolina. He states that he pub lished his expe 'i.'iice in the Ro- eersville paper thai the friends of his childhood might know of hi good luck, declaring that he had been a poor laboring man up to j that time. Children Cry FUR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A THE QUALITY OH MERCY. Miss Caustioue My friends should be very thankful to me. Miss Amiciue For what5 i Miss Causing At the very great number of disagreeable things I think of, but don't say Troy Sun. II All the news! o All the time I 3 A brave man wedded her after But the world said frowning, "We shall not call." all, m mm Poverty may be a blessing, but every man is willing to turn his share of the blessing over to the other fellow. Life on Panama Canal hits had one ftiKlitfiildranbaek-itialatia that lias brought siitl'i'iiiu; and death to thousands. The jret ins cause chills, fever and nunc, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and debility, llul r.lecttic Hitters never fail to destroy them and cure iiinlftna doubles. "Three bottles completely cured tne of a very severe attack of tualaiia." twites in. A I'tetwell, of l.iteitnia. N t' , "and I've had tfood health ever since " fine stomach, l.iver and Kidney tumbles, and prevent Tvnhfitd .'sle t ; or, r,,ot.H'.t by all ilrutrifists Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A his one Better a man who fails in eft'oris to do something than who never tries. o NOW ! FOR THF ( anl a onrna a Daily, Sunday and Semi-Weekly. JairLargest Circular southi of Baltimore. D BY MAIL Per Annum i Daily and Sunday Daily only, Sunday only, Semi-Weekly, $7. $5. $2. $1. Ladies! ":"'' Moucy "i Keep in Style Ly Reading McCtU't Magazine and Using McCall Palternj MSCALLS M.W.ZHE McCall' MillllltwMI l,i i ii ) iiu Uii'sj tu 1 ut a motlpnin i vt.. um- t.y kvf ii it ) il uMt'l Oil tin lull. i l;tiilons 111 (t"iln- unit liuis. 6u Ni-w I-'h slil oil Ui'blgnfl 111 t'llCll 1.WIG. ANk vdlu.iljte luformail''U tm till lixinu .nil lift MHtul niuiU'H. only a 'ur, iiulmliKkt u fr.'O imUt'iu. Kuli- niio luthiy ur send iM"Thii tomukoln yotir kvmi hnmK rlntlnilk' fr yniirsi'lf a Mil iiiMn'w wlinh will Im iwrft'i t in My n- h t 1 (U. I'm ik'Iip hit'ticr lltau lit t i'lil.H. s.-'iti i.ir fit i' r.iUi iii Lnialntfiie. W Will Giv Y Fin rrtto fur fretting fni siTiii'tiis ;tiin'iir diir Ii h'IhIs. ScihI Torlrt'tt Prr iinmn t .i',il-ii;in unit t itsli Priiu flir. THE M ALL I iMI' M', 2J9 ( 2 Wot 37ik Si. MEW YORK rrTJia. j MtCall Pll(.iu v unii limni' Electric Sitters Sacceed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever told over a druggist's connter. Flattery will open a woman's heart much quicker than it will a man's purse. Blacksmitliiii? aiii.i:si;i;I. i;i:i'.n;iNi SIMPLIFIED SPEI.LINO Nearly Everybody TAKKS SIMMONS LIVER RECULATOR Tot YOU? "VChy did you take I-1 mora away from school, Aunt Mahaly?" a lady asked her cook one day. Aunt Mahaly sniffed scornfully. '"Cause de teacher ain't satis factory tuh me, Mis' Mally. What you rekon she tell dut chile yistid dy? She 'low dai IV spell four, when even a idjut ud know dai it spelly ivy." A woman's idea of an intelligent man is one who can tell whether or not her hat is on straighi. I The Best Hour of Life I is when you do sonic great deed or dis cover some nondoi ftd fact. This hour came lo .1. It. I'ilt, of Itocky Mount, N, I'., alien he a as sult'cnug intensely, as lie savs, "Itoin Ihe worst cold I eveiv had, I then pioveil to my gieat satisfac tion Vihul a noiideiTiil Cold and ( 'ninth cure Mr. King's New IWovcry is. lot, aflet taking one iHitlle, 1 Has entirely cured. You can't say anything too good of a medicine like that " Its the surest and best remedy for diseased lungs. Hemorrhages, t.aOipe, Asthma Hay I'ever.any Throat or Lung Trouble. sle.fl. Trial Isjttle free, tiuarauteed I by all diogifists.i Many a budding genius has de veloped into a blooming idiot. Struck a Kich Mine S. W. Itends, of foal City. Ala, says lie stiuck a ietfect niiiie of health ill Hr. King's Ne Life Tills for they cured him of Liver and Kidney Trouble after l'J yeara of sttll'ering They are the best pills on earth for I onstipation, Malaria, Headache, Uyspepsia, Pehility. 'Jc. at all drtnrgists. II work jrnnmnteed at I'ate's old stand, near Second. I 'tune to Sycamore "e me Street, A nagging wife makes her hus band forget his other troubles. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Btguature of livery time a man injures himself. kills time he YV. H. DAY, Weldon, N. C. THE N. C. STATE Normal anfl Mistrial Collem Maintained by the State for the ao men of North Carolina. l-'our tegular Courses leading t Hoerces. Special Courses for Teachers. fall Session he- gins September 1 1, i'Mlt. T hose desiring to should apply as early as possible, h'or catalogue and other in formation address JULIUS I. FOUST. President. liltr.KNSnoltO, N. c. The North Carolina College ot AuricuUare and Mechanic Arls. Special Sale ! We have on hand several consign? meuts of the lutest iu wool. Wash and Princess ladies Mills. liallicr than re turn these suits our headiitarters deci ded to put them on sale at half mice lot cash only. H ' Suits JT.fsi. rrin cess white and nil other colors i to $7, now e".'..'si to f.t. Wash Coat Suits $1 to K, non sJI.JW to R M loV Ket Waist reduced fl.TMo t'.'.Mi lUack and col- ul, ,1 sdk r, tlivouls J i lo W Uo i-.ivi to fcl.T'i. Voile Skirts to fsnow Rfai to H.'si. lll,tm yards lace and cmhroid- cries to close out at half price. 7."c to H Messiiline silks, all colors, now atl lo 7oC. a and tic. calicoes 'M to 4e. in and l .'Ac tritmliams 7 todc. About I. Htm vanls dress goods to close out Icsb than cost. Ladies bats at half price, lings, druggets, carpetings and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. The State's college for training ittdits. trial workers. Courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husliaiidtv and Unliving: in Civil, KlectricaT and Me chanical Lngiueering; in t'ottou Milling and Dyeing; ill Industrial Chemistry; in Agricultural teaciung. Knttance examinations at each coun ty seat on the 14th of July. D. H. HILL. President, West Raleiuh, N. C nl mil aisosT ot. psu-iiuMli'T. ihihi iirsn iM,fiii.iij. sank isrsataess. s,.ii,l 4 rpnt. In ilanipi, lT ourlwo iii.ilnshls N'uku " how to oaram nmt sili pit- NTS, VVIil.'h onisi will py. How to Brlnpirt nr, IMUrnt Isw Hl ooirr rtlualilf IhlunnHtlun, D. SWIFT & CO, patint Lawvaaa, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. FoiiYsomToimnYE foa hrsHUH Tscusva analPUISittrVJUe