AVER'S IIAkK Does not dt'kw Hair (ailing out? Troubled with d.u.driifi ' W..nt more luh Ingrciliciits S"iair An ckaant dressing? Sulphur, (.tun,. ItlUsKtiiti. i)ftf. Qt.inln. Su. Vltwrwil. W-Uri, t't'rluiil.'. We btllevc doctors endorse this formula, AYEU'S HAIR we would not put It up. VIGOR Docs not Color the Hair T ' ATH CiiiflM'fT, Iw1V Mum THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Oct. 6, 1 910. THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News ot Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wldc-Awake Reporters. uf KnHcld. spent i ,ljs exhibjt K W. Purlin, Sunday here. It would he awfully monotonous il we could please everybody. Lois of things and men seem easy until you try to do them. Miss Katherine Ward left last week to attend school in Norfolk. J li. Bowers, county treasurer, was among the visitors here Thurs day. Kev. J. S. Wood filled his regu l.ir appointment at Littleton Sun day. The liquid glance of the summer girl is apt to become an icy stare in winter. October made a very bad sun with that great loss of life and aw ful accidents. Miss liniily Phelps left last week lor the Hannah Moore College, ' near Baltimore. i Miss Hunice Clark left last week ! lor Wilmington where she will I pend some time. j Quite a number of Weldon peo- i pie went to Richmond this week j to attend the big fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cohen, who i have been spending the past six; weeks north, have returned home. Mrs. Guy Hudson and lit lie j daughter, Mary Louise, have re-1 turned home from a visit to Dur- j ham. Miss Louie I'oteat, daughter of j President Poteat, of Wake Forest ', College, is visiting Miss Jeannette iXmiel. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Harrison, who have been spending the sum mer at Franklinton, have returned j home. Mrs. W. L. Jones, of Wilming ion, spent the past few days here the guest of Dr. and Mrs. I I:, lireen. Miss Mary Bell l-'ilyaw, of Wil mington, who has been visiting the Misses Green, returned home Monday. Mrs. R. W. Partin, of Knfield. lias been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickens, the past week. Mrs. J. T. Gooch has returned home from a delightful visit to Washington City, Baltimore, New York and Fall River, Mass. L. L. Whitehead, of Fnfield.w ho now acting as special traveling agent for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, was here Thursday. Misses Mazie and Lillie Stain back lelt last week to take charge of their respective schools, Miss Maie at Manry, and Miss Lillie near Manry. Raymond N. Harriss's(lnc) ex cellent company will appear next Tuesday evening, Oct. 1 1, at the Opera House, in that delightful farce comedy "The Music Hall C.irl." The slate roof has been put on the new church and steeples and the plastering is now being put on. The contractors will complete the church December 1st. A jolly little farce comedy with music entitled "The Music Hall Cirl" is coming to Entry's Hall, J next Tuesday night, Oct. II. The Music Hall Girl" is about two hours of as crisp, clean, wholesome and refreshing fun as anybody could desire. Mr. W. B. Finch, an old Hali fax county boy, who is doing well in South Carolina, writes us as lollows.in renewing his subscription 10 the "Old Reliable:" "I could not get along without the ROANOKK News. It is a letter from the old home that conies every week." "The Music Hall Girl," a farce comedy with music, is a charming, melodious entertainment at Opera House, Tuesday evening, October Ith, pretty colored, and pic turesque and dainty in its general lone. Mrs. H. L. Allen land children returned home Saturday from a visit to Whitakers and Dunn. Cap tain Allen spent some days with his family while at Dunn. The Tate Machinery and Supply Co., Littleton, N. C, will be at the Raleigh Fair, Oct. 17-22 with an exhibit of Eclipse Engines, saw mills and wheat separators. They . .11 J i wain mm anu macnine men to see Di tch Fair. On December the 2nd and 3rd proximo, the la dies of the Episcopal Church will have in the town of Weldon an un usually interesting fair Dutch Fair. More complete notice will be given later on. "Pulling Threads" Made Easy. The next time you are hemstitching try rubbing dry soap on the material where the threads are to be pulled. They will come out like magic. This can be used for the finest or heavist materials with out injuring them. Hamlet L'h- to - Date. To beef, or not to beef ? Thai's lie question Whether it's nobler in ihe hu man corporation to suffer the slings and gnawings of unrequited appe tite, or by taking a pledge against the food price boosters end them. To sniff, to taste, to chew , to ' gorge steak, chop, roast, tongue, ribs, wieners perhaps to dream ! Ah, 'tis the price that makes cowards of us rather to accept the i vegetary menu, even though in j dreams we rouse such indigestive pangs as sleep may conjure from ' baseless fabric of a phantom ham! The Variable Sk.rt. The! fashionable skirt is as variable as 1 the woman who wears it. No j sooner docs a style become fixed j than it begins to change. The cling-: ing, form-revealing skirt of today becomes the crinoline of tomor-1 row. From the beautiful to the ridiculous is the life history of ev ery style. The close fitting skirt was at first as graceful as the out line form of the human body, but ; its next siep was a wrong one. It started to compress these outlines into bulging, ungraceful curves. It was banded in at the bottom. It : was made so narrow from the i knees to the ankle that to take a ' natural step was a physical impos- j sibility. Hence the reaction. , Autumn Is Here. Autumn is here, with its blue hae shadowing the hollows in the hills, while in the lields the corn is rustling dry and brown and the gold of the pumpkin Hares in the sunshine. The coming of autumn means a time of luscious pies, of roasting turkeys, cf the spicy odors of pick les and catsups, for now is the time to make them. In field and woods the "signs of the limes" greet one on every hand. The trees hang out their banners of scarlet and gold, and the variegated chrysanthemums nod in the cool morning breezes. The air is crisp and line; the chil dren hurry schoolwards and there is a new elasticity in the step of the pedestrians as they go about their various errands. A Good Position Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the held of "Wireless" or Rail way telegraphy. Since the S-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegra phers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph Institute oper ates six official institutes in Amer ica, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full de tails at Davenport, la., Cincinnati, Ohio, Portland, Ore., or Memphis, Tenn. The Reply Postal Card A new reply postal card, just issued by the Postofficedepartment.bears on the message portion a stamp showing General Washington, while the reply card stamp bears the likeness of Martha Washing ton, which is another neat sugges tion of the woman's having the last word. Evening oi: Music There will be a delightful evening of mu sic and other pleasing features at Mrs. Lee Johnson's, Friday even ing, the 14th, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, for the benefit orlhe car- Competitive Examination. pet fund of the new Methodist The following letter from Con Episcopal Chur:h. i gi'essman Claude Kiichin explains Vocal and instrumental music ! itselF : I'FNhKAL M 1U K I Ol "I HI I All Mrs. Muia.ux k , lmprt".ie and toui liinn was the funeral ser vice of the late Mrs. Mary I'.. Mure- ! cock at the Presbyterian church, Thursday morning ai 10 o'clock. As the pall bearers entered the church bearing all ih.it was mortal of the splendid woman who had nearly reached the century run of life, the choir rendered, softly, "In i the Hour of Trial." I The service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. S. E. Mercer, of; the Methodist Episcopal Church, assisted by Rev. J. S. Wood, of, the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. P. N. Stainback. After a fervent prayer by Mr. : Wood, hymn No. 50, "Abide j With Me" was used. This was j followed by Scripture lessons ac cording to ill e ritual and then fol lowed, "Lead Kindly Light." The pastor and Rev. P. N. Stainback eaelt made feeling and appropriate remarks, at the con clusion of which "Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Lo,e, " was sung by Mrs. Lee Johnson, sopruna, and Miss Annie Pierce, contralto, Miss Laura Powers, organist. The casket was covered with beautiful floral offerings from friends. At the conclusion of the church service the body was taken to the old family burying grounds and in terred beside the last resting place of her late husband. The Methodists of Weldon wish to returr. thanks to the pastor and congregation of the Presbyterian church for the beautiful spirit of i Christian love and charity extend I ed in the use of their church for the funeral. JUNIUS DAMLL CHAPTER. EHG& Culled Mt'fliiiK of Ihe Diiujrhliii (if the Confederacy Election of President und Corresponding Secretary Resolutions. Weldon Boy Honored. -W. T. Shaw, Jr., who is at the A. & M. College this year, writes that the "freshmen" class is the largest in the history of the college and that he has been elected president of the class. Other Weldon boys and girls w ho went off this year all write encouragingly of the high marks they are making at school. It lakes Weldon boys and girls to reach the top everywhere they go. Don't Put It Oee. The bitter est tears shed over graves are for w ords left unsaid and for deeds left undone. "She never knew that I loved her." "He never knew what he was tome." "I al ways meant to make more of our friendship." "I did not know what he was to me until he was gone." Such words are the pois oned arrows which cruel death shoots from the door of the sepul chre. To Elect Commandant. Dr. A. R. Zollicott'er, adjutant, has is sued a call for a meeting of Bill Johnston Camp, United Confed erate Veterans, at Emry's Hall, here Saturday, October 8, at 1 1 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a commandant to succeed the lu.e Commander T. L. Emry. j It is earnestly requested and de ! sired that all Confederate Veterans, ' whether members of the Camp or i not, meet with members on that ; day and take part in the selection ' of a commandant ror the camp. New Law Oi iice at Halifax. We take very great pleasure in directing attention to the card of Elliott B. Clark, attorney at law, Halifax, N.C. Mr. Clark is a young lawyer who was recently licensed to practice the profession after pass ing a most successful examination before the Supreme court of North Carolina. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark, of this town, and is a young man of the highest char acter. We can safely recommend him to any one who may favor him with their business. and recitations. A pleasing feature will be the "Experience" or "Non Experience," or "Observations" of 14 forlorn maids and bachelors: "Why we never married." Their experience along this line will be rich and a treat is in store for all who attend. There will be no admission fee, but pretty girls will stand at the door to receive "silver" offerings, which we trust may be most liberal. "I will thank you to give notice i through your paper to the young j menof yourcountvthaton the 20th i day of October, 1910, at Rocky1 Mount, I will give a competitive I examination to the young men be-' tween the ages of seventeen and I twenty-two, of the Second District, for the appointment of a cadet to j West Point. Anyone wishing to ; Jewish New Year. Monday evening at 6 o'clock and continu ing till the evening of the 4th, the Jewish people celebrated the New Year, Rosh Hashannah, the begin ning uf the year .t7 I in the He brew calendar. The meaning and purpose of this festival is not set forth explicit- A called meeting of the Junius Daniel Chapter V . 1). C. was held at the home of Mrs. W. T. Shaw, Tuesday afternoon, Sep;. 27th. Mrs. R. S. Travis was elected president, vice Mrs. T. C. Harrison : resigned, Mrs. J. B. Zollicott'er, corresponding secretary, after which, Mrs. I. T. Wilkins offered the following resolutions, which were adopted unanimously: Resolved, That we hear with deep regret of the death of our valued friend and brother, Dr. B. F. Dixon, of Raleigh, N. C. 2. We feel indeed that we have lost a friend who loved the South, and the cause for which he suffer ed, and gave the service of Ins young manhood on the field and his maturer years on the rostrum and elsewhere. 3. While we bow with submis sion to our Father's will, w e will cherish the memory of our depart ed friend and wish in this way to express our appreciation of his great worth, his sympathy and co operation while with us. 4. It is our desire to convey to his dear wife and family our sin cere love and sympathy with the hope that we may all meet again ; when ihe roil call of the skies is i given. j 5. That we send them a tele i gram letter tonight expressing our feelings of regret. I (Signed) Mrs. I. T. Wilkins, j Miss Laura Powers. The first regular meeting will be held Wednesday, November 2nd, with Mrs. I). R. Anderson. a full at tendance is requested. Mrs. R. S. Travis, Pres. Mrs. W. T. Shaw, See. ON GO-CART3, WATER COOLERS & ICE CHESTb. We have a well selected stock of Furniture and House Furnish ings. Carry also a complete line of -baskets and Burial Supplies. Goods constantly coming in car lots to us. A dollar's worth for every dollar you spend with us. Satisfaction guaranteed. c i on iiiittiri. taany, Weldon, N. 0. Day Phone 71. Night Phone 57-3. Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can make money, but's its a wise man that can save it." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up. Collections, Loans. Accounts Solicited. ! TtjE BfiK Of fj0JfJ0KEfijpiDS I UOANOKK l.AlMDS, N 0. 1 OFFICERS: v in ihp Rihlt1 ntit1 k M'r tn infer stand the examination is requested j hem fmm (he'Scri urj, liles of ' Water Works Self-Sustaining. The following item, clipped from an exchange, will give en couragement to the advocates of water works and sewerage system for Weldon: "The little town of Harrison burg, Va., constructed a municipal water system about 1898, which already has practically paid for itself. A few weeks ago $25,000 worth of bonds of its municipal electric light plant were retired. Both of these projects will com pletely pay their way, the while re ducing the charges for water and light by at least one-half. It has made possible the reduction of the tax rate of the town from $1.25 to 05 cents, in spite of the estab lishment of a thorough sewer sys tem and the improvement of all its streets." to write me his age, residence and politics. I will be glad to furnish him with all desired information concerning the examination and the appointment. Signed Cl.AUUE KlTCIIIN." Scotland Neck, N. C. Cake Sale. The ladies of the Home Mission Society will hold a cake sale on Friday night, Oct. 7, at Mr. P. N. Stainback's old stand. Watch Lost. On Saturday last a ladies double case gold watch. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to this office. AdvertisedLetters. The fol low ing is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post office: Thomas Arringtoti, Davis and LoniesCo., Richard Garner, J. R. Lee, J. W. Maxwell, J. R. Man- gum, Miss Mary Lucy manning, Miss Lue Trilby. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John 0. Hiirion, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Oct. 3, 1910. Memorial Services. Imme diately following the election of of ficers for the Bill Johnston Camp, Saturday, October 8th, at 11 o -clock, a short memorial service will be held in honor of the live Confederate veterans, Messrs. J LI Pair, J. L. Willams, R. J. Day, Col. A. Prescott and Mai. T. L. Emry, who have answered the fi nal "bugle call" and are at rest. The public is invited to attend these services, after which the Junius Daniel Capter will serve luncheon to the old soldiers. Mrs. W. T. Shaw. Sec. Progress in Farming. The Roanoke - Chowan Times says: Greater progress in farming has been made in Northampton during the past ten years than had been made in a half century before. This may seem a radical statement, but we are of the opinion it is easily proven. Our farmers are just be ginning to realize the opportunities they have for becoming the most independent people on earth. A great majority of our farmers have been land poor, trying to cultivate too many acres, in a slip-shod way, and cultivating none well. Ihey are now realizing that it pays to plant fewer acres and cultivate more thoroughly." This applies also to Halifax county. A Voice from the Par West. Mr. Prank M. Parker, of Den ver, L.oloraJo, in renewing ins subscription to The Roanoke News, says: "I greatly enjoy reading the dear 'old News,' but it makes me more home sick every week. 1 can see that Weldon has nude great improvements in recent years. I shall always wish for her and her people the greatest pros perity, for there I have spent some of the happiest days of my life." Mr. Parker is a son of the late General F. M. Parker, of Fntield, and lived here for some lime. He was at one time secretary and treasurer of the Richmond Times, which position he filled most ac ceptably and resigned to go west. Like every one else w ho goes out from Halifax county he is doing well, but his heart still turns back to "dear old Weldon." Notice to Advertisers. All advertisers in this paper who lake a column or more will be given the privilege of occasionally inserting short local readers, free of cost. All others will be charged at the rate of 5 cents a line for all such local notices as they may wish to insert. This is intend ed so that all can be treated alike. We will make no ex ceptions in favor of any one over the othets. : the day, "The Memorial of Blow- i ing of Trumpets (Lev. xxiii. 24) i and the day of Blowing the Triini-1 ' pet (Numbers xxix I) as well as ; from the fact that the Jewish New i Year is the seventh new moon ot j the I lebrew calendar. In the Bib ; lical age every new moon was re ': garded as a solemn occasion, and the seventh, the sacred number, ; was especially so. Business is suspended during this holiday and places of business i are closed during the celebration of this festival. Ten days from Rosh Hashannah comes Yom ! Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the most solemn in the Jewish calendar. DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Cured by Lydia .Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Fit 'Hji.lt (it 1st ice-l'n i. l-n t 1 1. 1 '. I 1 1 I Mill. U l. II S. liVVi N. J .I.m, , I.. l'.vnu;-"'., j j OF RtAL ESTATE- V. ( '. Kim Miii", lH. It. FlKW fi, Mum I uMiiit. .'ml Viee-Fresiilen 'ashier. PHOTOGRAPHS ! f till- Mtlt lit .1 It V j A good supply will be on hand ; and in the mean time orders will' betaken for any special kinds of i cake that may be wanted by the ladies of the town. Nice home made cream will also be served and the I public is invited. Benefit of carpet j fund for M. L. Church. Searching for Kin of Rob ert Potter. The sending of printed circulars by a law firm in Greenville, South Carolina, to Hal ifax and Granville counties, asking for information concerning heirs of the late Robert Potter, who died in Texas, leaving a fortune of over $1,000,000, is stirring up interest among all the "Potters" of the State. It appears that he was a native of Granville and lived for some time in Halifax. People who knew Robert Potter say that he was a man of marked ly distinct character. His life was a daring one and his off-hand biog rapher says of him that he was in sanely jealous of his wife. Two children came of the union, but both, a boy and a girl, died before they married. He lived then in Halifax county, and went to the General Assembly from this coun ty. Two terms from Halifax and one from Granville after returning to that county, he served, and be cause of his jealousy, his wile ask ed for a divorce. This was grant- j ed by the General Assembly of I8.U, and the remarkable thing about it was he was a member of the tribunal that gave the decree. Tradition doesn't tell how he vo ted. From Granville, the next year, ISM, he went to Texas. Let us hope that members ol the Weldon Potter family, some of them still living here, may come in for a large slice of this Potter fortune awaiting heirs down in Texas. Wanted. Uoixl SntlilU' Mow. m'ft'- I'omliina- tion. Must lie quii't, iri'iitlf, ami neat looking. 1KKI to lnittl )iountlH. Not over H years. Do not want any scrub. Box 3u3, Scotlaud Neck, N. C. Halifax Si'ferior Codkt. The following jurors were drawn by the board of county commis sioners for the November term of Halifax Superior Court, beginning Monday, November 28th: FirstAVeek.-W. S. Crisp, L. , R. Conner, C. D. F.theridge, R. M. Purnell, W. H. Willcox, J. A. Dickens, R. F. Coleman, Hugh ; Bloomer, C. R. Barkley, W. H. Daniel, 11. L. Keeier, W. i C. Alsbrook, J. Kitten house, C. P. Rodwell. G. N. Mel ton, J. S. Coleman, A. D. Ferrall, Jos. Harris, John Baker, J. W. Alsbrook, T h o m a s Pender, W. F. Hull, Jas. Higgs, J. A. King, Jno ('. Jenkins, C. F. Marks, W. D. l.eggett, J. F. Con dry, W. II. Bradley, J. II. Fau cett, P. F. Allsbrook, Horace Pitt nian, C. R. Ftnry, Waller Beavans, L. J. Baker, Henry Farber. Second Week. J. B. Dickens, J. A. Patterson, J. L. Batchelor, A. A. Moore, J. W. Butts, S. C. Bellamy, J. F. Hockaday) R. A. Shearin, T. L. House, J. li. Rue, F. H. Hall, C. L. McDowell, A. W. Sledge, J. F. Withcrsbee, W. F. Horner, F. L. Andrews, John Grav, B. 1). Mann. Galena, K.ii'i.- "A rear atro last Malt-It 1 It 11, ami :i lew ilavs ali.l there va son-ne.-s in my rijlit sitle. j In a .-.leirt tin: ' a !nuii eame aint :t itliereil me mi luaeli a! liHit I e.eiltl not :.leell. II li . 1 1 ernv. in:; larger anil liy fall il was as i larire as a hen's i'vj. I etnilil not no to lieil without a ii. t water Wt !e ap'lit to that si,',e. 1 had Mle til" the lies', ttot". Lo s in kan s. . .ii.l he tol.l i,. .- l. l that I uonltl have 10 I e i.jH ra'eil on as it w s.imr! iihii' like y a rupture. 1 wrote: ami von tiiM i: . ' 1 hul to lake l.jdia Lielahle Coiinioium. lump in my -.Mis. llal.iM, t u-li r ali.l he nine j o .lol in ihe iiielrisiiiui il eoln in ission I l is hv Iho Mipelior t'oiul of WulTetl fonlilv in ll speeial ploiveilileaM elllllle.l I hre f l.am'lrv, l.iniiia le( rau i t til" l. I'tl.'TK rnll.oii : Tuesdiiy. the IHlli day of (Klolu-r. ; lit! tin' III f lion's aiel M.. In-hi pi. ..!, A. Ill.e.l Ulll.ls si l.l. fieri h. ililiili at in tposi the heli inall. I it pnhlie -ale. lo the u ea-h. or halt ea-h an.t h. ' j . - ' i it t'-itt-ii ayiii'ii- llNMUIIi hi l!if GOWANS t King of Externals Sells itself wherever introduced. Irnitators 9 !&have tried 10 imitate, substitution has Dccn attempted. But .:.:.x- GOWANS always Cowans for inilaiiunation a:.:! coiestion. -Ji.-., us iilv:isui' to rveorn 11 il tUtu.-.us i'ni'.ir.'itio'i iir fi..'of,,.j.t,,i.-,i, e-sM-ei.!!' of tie . lit), t .mi limit. He uiv mi. '. mi.ii.. I'iyji:irn1imi nr m.-ttiy ...'.I..-': ll'l .'I lllttt I .utijilmni. Ill IJ.IMII'US ll!t i: I ((., liiirltiit :mi, A'. ('. .u'h)-D.! HAVE IT IN 1IIC HOME . i i..iiu;.i i. mii. a.o. t.u, 1 muiULCO.. DUNHAM, N. c. ' .ii I mwni isKjUM kf M liHiilit l:LLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Phmtii'Kh in the courts of Halifax anil u.ljoinniK counties anil in the Su prcine court of the State. Special atteu" tion given to collections and prompt re. I turns. lti tt-ly a tumor ran: i u to ..n lor advice j to .'j. uvtiuf K. i'iukhani'a V ilnl take it and soon the side hi'ol'.e anil p.ust .1 away. 1 li. II. Ill I V, 7t;l Mineral Av, , Km.- I.ytita V.. I'inMiani's Vegetal. Ir t'ont litiiiiiil. made Ii'nin roots and hirhs, lias proved to lie the most successful remedy lor eurine the worst forms ..f ! female ills, ini'lndiei.' displacements, ; inlhiniinatioii. lihroid tumors, irre.."i. I larities, periodic pains, haekaelie, hea,- liuidiiwu feelinif, llatuleney, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It costs ! hut u trille to trv it. and the result ! lias hecii worth millions to many 1 sulfciii),' women. If yon w:ut spei'lal nilvico write ' torii toMrs.l'iiiMinm. I. yuti, Mass. . , It is free and uIyvujs helpful. T OTIOF. Nile ol l.iinu lor I'artition. ' I'liiMiiiiit to an oi.h r nia.l.' Lv the eld k ol' the Miperiol eoiltl id llahl'a i county, in the piocee.lmirs entitled "K C. I'.atcheh.i. .lames I., l-ateh.-loi . T M. I'.utehi'loi. .1. F. I'atch. lot and Ih.sa i llatclieloi. atruuist sathe Hatchel.ir. for' j partition sale ol'lhc lan.lsof.l 11. Patch- elor. deceased, v.c uill ntfer for sule lo the harhest I. i.l. let lor cash, at the conn house in the tow ti ol Halifax. Halifax ! county. N . I'., on Monduv, the 7th day ot Novem- j tier, 1010. : at I'l o. clock M.. the follonnn; lands, situate in llahlax county, hounded and tlesenhe.l us It. Moils I I t;s l' I li M l' Itctf ii; at the . point where lle.l Hill I'.ianeh eiosscs the j i path, thence I i poles; thence I ; lo V en poles tn two pines on null path ; here cieek ciosscs the path; thence ! oS I . poles to two pities; thence In '.'IHI poles to a luckoiy; thence N ill F. til poles to a red oak Mump; tin nee j N ;t:' F. ii.'l poles poles to a pine; Ihcnec S III l; '.'or poles lo the launch; thence I up the launch to the lieL'iuiiuiL'. cotilam- imr K'mclCK. moleor less and heiln; (he ' a:i:r tract of hn ! rrnitryr! to .1 II l llulehelol hv I'.. I". ituiv and wile, l.v J deed refolded III lunik 7 pate Is III Ihe ! ollice of the 1,'eiristei of I 'ceils fin llah i fax couutv. N I . s,:itll I It Ai I Known us the j Houston tiaet. westuf lluhlux.hoiiu.letl I Icy the lands ol Miss M. l. I'urncll, de 1 cruse, I. the lute John i niiy. that puit of j the hoine tract now owned hy .1. II. j ttatchelor. II. ('. Harper, the Snow Hill tract, ami John T. itieitoiy. eontuinunr 1 lull acres, ami heiuir the same liucl ol land conveyed to. I. II. Itutchelor hy " M. Ilurv and wife hy deed recorded in hook Hli, puti'e 'J.iti, in the otliee of the Iteifislcr of I 'ee.ls tin llulltux culilllv, N.C. Said luutls will tie sold suhjet't to the dower interest or life estate of Mrs sal he llulehelol, tlie widow of . I II Hutch elor, deceased, w Inch w ill huve hceu ul lotted in the meantime. W. K. liAMFL. .(' 1KH HI. ASS, Commissioners. ThisOelulier I. tttlit. halanee in ii niou h. ai UlLr lllt.'li'st at i. pel cent p. Ull.l seCUll'd 1'V "lee. I of ll list sold. The lilst lot 1 ,i 1 1 , o III the ulitv ol ilulila.x. an. I in the town ot Littleton. U . 1 1 1 1 H l ! 1 1 li' the lands ol' M eloli. l. . I'eny and olhci's. hound-. ed oil the llolth hv M Nelson, oil the I south hv M. V. I'eny and A h. I:.. I. hill: oltlhe east ley M . el-oll and on ihe West l.V 111.' load lead'lie floin Mi:l.A's, I, -Ulel'ier o tile 1 .1 1 1 iel, HI lllL'll -chool. ' contain. iij ao..ut oiie-ll.itd ol an aeo-. T he s.eeou.1 1 ract . l'..iiiLr Known us Ihe Ii-smI, nee trai'l of the late .his. I.. . shaw. on winch ts situate his late lesi- Hide. I on Ihe III. Mil hv the , K Hams and the laa'.l- of i I 1 1 11! if ; oil the south 1 .V Ihe I or stiect hi lln; a Clltssstlect i si from h'oanoke stieet lo the ' ih.d tiaet Ihe east hv the J hn.' I.i the l.lltli toll 'llnrh ! lauds of It. h'. t'.rowninr, ol Mill I'lvek. on 111. I have o liiuper I ... make holh aids and Spemaltv at low pnet I u eallery over li. K. , tc and am ptcparcil lo i- and small Photos. Post Cuhy pictures a e vou troiul work U'lllllps We will s. (all I I'hotoiriapher. Kodak picture I I M. F. TIMI'.Y, Weldon, Y ('. developed and printed. tlence. hoi lands of, I r. : int.. J.uhlic toil I. adiiia e:i li'sl .h'Sfl load leadill: school and I and 1 he wat. in st hy th. counlv road, i at'les, niole ol I. ss Ihe fluid Tract. --Leu the n uui I'aik I lolel pi. town of Littleton, N. '.' . Ihe south hv Maui street: oulaniin.' ;'oo I X known as petty in the ho tin. lo! on .11 the east hv lloanokc siicei and the resilience lot ol II .1. Conlle: on Ihe north hy the said residence I..I of 11. .1. Con lie and the lands ol Mis. Howaid 1 i , .x i 1 1 1 u . and on the west hy the lands of M is Unw ind Fa ' w 1 1 1 1 1 r and ,1 II P"! .h.tt . 1 he I tiuitit I lut'l lienor known us the Littleton l einctt'iv in the town ol Littleton, colltaili'nu' toitl ael. s nuiteol less I he Filth I met IVinc a lot 'x 1 '..i ui the part ol Ihe town ol I ittlet.ui know ll as west l.itll, toll, ail I heilitf lot n in the plat of said Wesl Littleton I 'acts No- .' and '! will he sniiu ided into suiallel tracts and oil. 'e l s.-l.a lately, si, i s and pials .. saieexlii!"t.'d on .'ay ot !. I he -ai.' w ill Is- nun n u. .1. it licet aiv. tioin .lav toduv until all is sold t the aho. lone uud place, there N o T i: the swagger set and the graceful lines of this Gold Blind guaranteed $2 hat, a two dollar price but a three dollar qual ity. A signed and sealed guaran tee bond ol complete satislaction ot money goes back with every (iold Bond hat. R li. DIxAPCR CO.. Incorporates! eldon. N. C. . la:.,' i.intitas o! consisti-ii: i, I urn' .tltt and hotel I'uiui- I Ihe sale of the pel I AMI w.ll Leodeiv I. aN. pt isoiial piopeity iaii:e engine an. I h line 'I he lel'll. s I si.ual plopel t V ale fills s,.,i uh, mill. TASK1R FOLK, JOS. P. PIPPI N, 4 HI1 III It l i Wanted ll illllt'H till' ' mi UYM.m t inputs un-1 - ( . M.il'tM li i. (IM. ut';l ti'iti' til;lliv' lil'h 1 suIimMI', it'll IC- .t ! ii' look tit t'Mt'ii-! ,'iriMil;ituni spcciul nietho.h Uliusiialh slieces nitssiiin. 're:o hut not essential ti: V Mi. -. . CVMIT.FI.L. C. pin l.v ,e.lj which I In! Miiuix iui'1 cum istiii in hit .Ifsiruhlc. If tinii' or spate r. i.,-. :i. v. -ilH'l-tiliUili M.i'ilHii', THK SATISFACTION l.su llioudwuv. New ,ink('itv. N OTICF OF EXfcCUTOR. 1)0 You Want An F.lectric I'iano'.' If ho, ihwv is your chance, e arc yoini; out of husinesH ami have b Key-Hoard Kleclric Nickel in the-Slot pianos, cost new JUKI each. No reasonahle oiler re fused. Write for prices ami particulars. T. I.. VAlTillAN A CO., Uti (iranhy St., oi folk, Va. the ullilelsiune.l. hu IMC . tiatilietl ill the upeiior ( ourt of lluhl'ux county ou the Nth duv of seplemhei, ItMII, us F.xeculor of the last will and testament ol I'homus 1.. Limy, th'ceuse.l. which was admitted to pn.hate in sai.l couit on said duv. herehy nolities all petsons hoi. Iiuir claims aiiiiiust Ins said testator to present the suine to him in cldou, N. C. tluly erilied within twelve months from the date of tins notice, in the same will he pleaded in harthere ot All persons in.lchtcd to his said testa tor ure herehy notified to muke imme diate payment. Tins the 1 .th.lay of Sept. Mill. ' CHAltl.FS R. I MIJY. I'.xeculor of lust will and testament of Thomas I.. Kmi y, deceased. i:. HAN ILL, Attorney, sep (it ol a time piece is all oi the machine! If it u watch lhat will keep irood time. iiiilt l"tl wutit, itlsi ,n tan till ill M-tivl- inu' tin inuchiiie, second, he careful in seleciimr u cuse to protect this machine, in them lies the success ot rrood tillle, we hun them hiiili und can adjust them piopeili. Call and see us. Juslamved u nice hue ot ( ut i .lass Silvernaie.Wed tline Itiints. etc We Carry a nice line of stationery, Fountain i'eus, luks, etc. our patiomuie is sohcitctl. W. Gh LYNCH, Lock Kox 17.i, UOANOKK UAI'IDS Hep :w ly n. r. v. IT F.FOKK onlerinir SI A(iA7.INL'S jOiret our hiir clulihinir cataloiruc I special oll'em it save MO.NLY Southern Subscription Agency, (A postal caid will do.) Kaleigh, N. (.'. 9-15-lHt. P I ANO TUNING Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. 0, Rowe W. J. BURLEIGH. Petersburg, V. 3

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