f IS 1 1. J i! Hi: 1 f t l H fl In t , ' 1 t v Women's Secrets There is (me man in (he United Stales whn hai perhaps Ward more women's secrets than any other man or woman in the country. These nee-rein are not secrets of ("uilt or shame, hiit the secrets of ufferind, and tliey have heen confided to l)r. . K. V, fierce in the hope and expectation of adsice and help. That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex pectations is proved by the fact that nuieti -cijiht per tint, of nil women treated by Dr. fierce lime been absolutely and altogether cured. Such n record would be remarkable if the cases treated wero numbered bv hundreds only, Hut when that record applies to the treatment ot uuir. .ii.in h.ill-u- mil lion women, in o practice of over m years, it is pikiii.iiii-ii.ii, and entitles Dr. fierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, as the first of specialists in the treatment of women's diseases. Eery tick woman may consult Dr. fierce bv letter, absolutely without charge. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as with out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. I'. V. fierce, frest., Buffalo, N. V. DR. PIKKCIVS FAVOHI TIC PRKSCH1PTION 2tXtl&.eaa Wols. Woiuou StitM., SicU. Woiuuti Wt-Ui 0 0'Hi sAvib'-Tt:-,...,:' 1 c THE 'VI. 1 1 , he lir iili'r MiIV I In- i'ool I itlle Mlu I Vl .ll' Is new WW ill c if.l - , III. I.I.J i a M -I if do von wiiw. -ro hmk-: . s C HKVKI if V The Secret of Youth IV, y. . fvor uvmler Imw yut can remain youiifr, or II why i'IIki- women i 'ItliT lh.ui you, ..uk y-niiui-r Hun von iW M l1 SO IV c I., F I 1:1 f III .1 11" .'.' ,,:.'. Vur hvaltii. .1.!.! ''U u.il pscsiTvc y.iur y;:ili." ' i -.i..,,.. ,iii.i!.-i hi-1 i hut lV 1 : 0 . ! 1 1 ' 1 i I 'i in i:i 'i'"';' t . j ,u..v,'h e.'iii, ,is s":i:v!':"t' i.n..:";iv.'i:::y s'n.iv.-N'i.kn . :):. :t .;:e nm-".:s wu'i'Ks. :i w!'( i,t v.i ;.ie weak phvic.li' r nervously, j,,;, im-vI a h'liii'. ami till! tvM tKtie fif y.ia is lattlm. I; ,();Ms Muiith fortlie plis.v.l and lu'ivoii sysit'itis. It lidos put lii'fli on your bones an J vitality into your nerves. Take i W A a, a & sr v J 46 The Woman's Tonic '.Mv mother." untes .W; Z L A.'i-.vk. f.f Sti.itli- Ir: the II ATEMT 4 Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers l r.-mk on patent -. "HinK to inventors." "Invention nceJcd." J "Wliy snine invent'TS uil." Send rough sketch or model (or search of Patent Office lecords. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly h Acting Conintissiuiier of Patents, anJ as sucli had full charge of' I the U. S. Patent Office. Greeley &m?intire Ratcnt ttcrxe s V.'SIC.NGTO. I). C. P 1 iliai. II .mi., "is 4) eais okl and is )-.! . t hie. , . i ti . . i i ...... i t.i. N,e uas i.-ie.'.inar anu ii"a.ea .t ai -..neieu wuni. kj .My t.tf.er te'pnt uver tn the M-'tc a 1 , t iur a P'.'.'lc iit C.1..I..1. wl.ich she ti"k an-ord.na to ilxee'i'iiis ai.d n.-w 4 she is i. p. ;,!ie t.i do her hi uie'e. oik a,:d : : s she tech; ftjj ; i;kc a t'va v.ii!i;an." liy Cudi.i m u or own tu-e. J W'-t I ..I.'' A.h ,t l,il. Olll'l..fl !.' C t Y." :TI' ' I'.l. Tt'Ml., i lit Vr.wl.'-.l! U.I.. 1. JnOM TJe book. II lie 1 uj.n.t it i.,i V. .11, '.-Ki.t ,l . 111 -i 11 -n.i irMf-.nfii Mia. -i TiY' t' PiJfPWHCN tOU CAN CET RELIEF iU.m urrihjt cures When All Others Fall B 0' '7'.. ',! l. 1,1.1''.' V'o'.v funiH r trlt -fjliom il itlhi ..(iii d And find the market a-jjjp "v" V' unfavorable lor your produce? The farmer who has a telephone in his home can telephone first. The useless trips thus saved are woith ihe cost of service. Under our plan the service costs but a trifle ; the farmer owns the instrument ami the equipment. For information write to our nearest Manager for pamphlet, or address: Farmers' Line Department HOME TELEPHOXE & TREGRAPH CO. Henderson, N. C. th ai.. I 1! .0 OK log: hi I'll. .si '.r!'. .I'll llM 1 '!' ,.f 11... .: .,.slrs l.i.-l It..' I'..!'.' s...iiT-.,tl.' I ,-m.i ii ! i . " willi ,1 !-ii- ii 1,1 " n - 1 1 u . an 111 r! ; 11 - tin ini'l h-v 1 ' -! . .11 ! I, I', h .1,;..: ;i r !. ! in -in 'I h li rti.t . !"1' I'.il'l I.. , ill!- Il i -, ! 1 I . Ill .!'i.i-.i ' '.I ') s I !,.,.k-. i-'.S . -, II i- I Ml 'A! l!.- SEA BO A AIR LINE Trains leave Weldon, Effective May 15,imu. C. V.. CAKTi:K. Ticket Agent NO il V 1 .1 'A K I IA ill!' I-1 I ,.i:-ni,.i.;i, N-i !'..;. ...,i.,.:e t'lilU'lii'" li . 1.11; ' ;ll- 5:10 A M. NO M si. l." A 111' M II. .Mi!..ii, 1 .ri'!,v I'm ;..i 1 ;u 1 , . 1 1 1 - -111.H1II1A..1 1.1I!,, .i.iini i'Iiiis' ah -1, :i:n-: I. 11. . 1..1 W i:5 P. M. I,,.-!,,!,, Hull,, 1, ,.1,.. ,.,, , !,-;,. n ;1,i,i l-iuiiil, 1,,.,. () 4 K Ua I l;l' M M I. 1-1' ll.il.i:, 1 n:ul..l,'. Li'.i'.u. i. 1;. :ij liilrn all. I tin- .I'illnw-l. I'.'l.ti- iM- ul -l I n.l - 1 . : II.: : 12:07 P. M. I,. mil, I .,i .!a I 1-; M:ei ' N.. 1; : .. !.,... : .. .... I' Im 1,1 ..illll. I 1 1 L 1 1 1 ur I Hi .'!. .'ill - '.1. 1 :: J :;-:..:'- ii.i: :i . !ii iiiiiii'liuiti NO. ii t-.iai.i!l' l.n;h. !..r ilat--.. :.:in-..i I . -i. !. : .i:.. an.i II. e ..u;:r,i.'-'. i -in . .a H.ui.,. 1 w ... ... 1142 P. M. W ;lll..IL't..ll. nail N.i -! 1. 11 t ..! l... .1 MV.il,..., I n ,- ', ille ati'l I'lori.lu "ii:ii- .erpiin' .-.n I '..1 l-'n. .ul ilait. :: i... t'uat'lifs. slet'pni.: a. i.l I'iihi..: a' a. I 1 !.;--, 1',, a , I .. e:..!. Vs lite tu tilt' unael si :.'.!.. I . .1 i - an.i ; , is,-- !:r n C 15. 11 VAN, II- S. l.KAUl). General Passenger Agt., . Division Passenger A gt., Ptirtstnuuth, Va Raleigh . N C 1 y,:..:.... 1 -A At TO l r-'. "-V.! T . ! 1 ' . 1 l ,A' , -! I, !( l' m....i.li.iuii4iji.a. .... I. .' ! ' 1 . i :. i.jtj !j - FVIV, H:. HV.IY ,K0 T Hf. L 6 WAV ?CjH'.. CST:'5 'AI.fNT.S jj 'Ml' I...I.I .1 1. i.-s,' , , ;:, .,;,,( ( . - k 1 : i 1 1 1 1 w ' ' i 1 1 . ' . ! 1 ! 1- llr- 'i.-: ' . ." .:' I "';.. '"' " 1' I... !.: 1 :.! I" .. - !,i .: ' ... :.-; :: f !"S -.;.,-.'- ., a r- r , . - - 1 ,. ,r I..-- i, .1 'il i. - v.- kl 'I ". I l,-i Kl ih- inii- -i w ii-1 i" 1 . 1 W s-l-ll s!j:, ,,v Seh. -I.' I I arn-'l ,iw ;i itii-l r. -an .1 1 in v;i!k. i-M 1114 ('. Kit!- I.i-I !'-kli!4 : 'he 'i-i ur- I i.i.'i I-.' m .i '. k 1 a I 'I-..- k i . . 1 1 1 I.' .1 I 1 I, I- "i; i Ml-): t I . i 1 1 ' -.1 ! "M.-ti-it S.iy. ii.!-:. r" I : ., mi i. II.- 'aa- 1 lilinia ! - r. i n:-. la.' ail I . I :;. li .iv- - i ! i- i : i- haii. I. ai-! w i: Ii ' ! 1 i i 1 1 : I ' ' . . I a ' -"llll.l 111 III- l . .i.'-. I- -a ; i ' ' i n;iiit.'. t.. t.-ii . ai. I ! . i . i a 1 1 ; " ' N -. int.. ' I I I . II- r--- ,i;.i i li " I i i - in. --:i vv.i- . !. l I s i I . .1, li -in ; ;-l . u ,i -.I h i- l,.!ii. ,t inn - I . i M . I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 - w a A 1 1 : - - I ,' w . :i- I. N. STAIN BACK, INDKli TAKKli. eldt.n. North Carolina. l ull l ine ul CASkliTS. COI I INS itnJ h'tllll S Day. Niehl ami Out tit- I tiwn Cults I'roniptly AlU-ndetl to, H. G. ROWE, ll Nl tsAl. Dlk'I CiOls AND MMUAl.MLH. vcnteeti veitrs' lAperieiiet' Hearse ServUe An where nriiinv ini- SREEDEN'S STIC G mm NEVER FAILS EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED Salisbury, Sub Station, No. 2, Aug. 16, I'jOS North Carolina. Hawaii County 1, ,1. L. Hni'iy, ihe Deputy Sheriff of Rowan County have heen sul'teriiii; with Klieumalism for ten years, liava heeii em Ian a t.i my heil part til the time, con Ui nut sleep at ni-liis ami went to Hot Springs, Ark., for six weeks but Mill at no relief. I have used five bottles of Krt't'ilen'a Kiieumaiii-'Cin'eamlaltertakiiiL' sanie I ean sleep at nights, walk as yuoi as ever and do allmv work. J. L. kulty, Deputy Sheriff. Suld Everywhere. Ask Your Dealer for a Sample Bottle $1.00 PER BOTTLE, OR SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00 For further information, write Information Dept. OriEEOEOEDICINECO.,ChaHanooga,Tenn - BULLETIN Emm cjpacity .siMi Mile Stale I nniily Tickets. 511 25 . - - i . ... : .1 i 'J..' Mia.il .' i -:i-l I iur :'i i a. li -lal. ' ' ',. : . : i . r . 1-1 ' II i ' 111 'in I'll'" i- ,.! a '.rn: v. I :i. . ! li. .:!. , at f.-:ti -al. "I -V. IOIMI Mile liilerih.unrealile Iniliv iilunl Ticket $21100. i Ii.i.i'i..' il.inl :-' i i-t I'll, an-! an ul 'i : : . - "i I l.i' - ! al a.'ft. ijli-u im t. . i l lanl i' I -a-l I Hie aii.l '! a !l.al.:.L'i I i't In :l'l ol i. ...,'it ).. l-' ll ill it tune. Childrei. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T Q R I A W'htn a man is his mi n wnr-t Clk'lllY he ildi sn't try tn (jet t en ciin.Dh'CN n:i niiNii I. i'ii :. 1 I" -it i a: li. an 'la'.' "' - iV 2IMMI Mile I ir in Ticket. $tll.lKl. I.'i- 'l. '.null . . I :,. - :. : '.. -. i:i i . .i-l .. j e :i1 ;:.- I'1 '"" n-i, . ii :n a; ! . a : I. : ' - I ! a i ' : i . i ni l., -a l,.i -i .i -l.i Leu :, .; ;.. -I,, v. !'. .:n :.a. .. -a', l.ooo Mile Southern Intershanpenhle Indiv iilunl T iek. t. $25. Wh ! ,, i. . ; .... i ;i ., i!,u;! i- l "a -I I i.- .i: -I . ' i a I a' I I 1" - .ii 11 i -.'ill. al ui:. H IMtil.C' i i l- n. .I, - I'M i . ai a. .in -I '..t VI ".d-at. I'i'M Is s..M . ii an I a'l. ' 'iil l-i I I i I. -i "i"l I'"' I'ii" , - ua mi Ii. ei.-. li-1 ill i'i.-'k l.i: I .1....'.' i s.'. l I'-'ii ii.'ai ai. in'i -l.a.i.n- ami -la : ! ..ii n. a -I . n l-i il .' -a'. "' i . k.'s hut must he presented lit Ticket Dflices nnd there exchnnRed (or continuous tickets 15 Cents Silted . a-aii. 1'V .uu-i.a-,i. I. ..-at la's. 1 Ci-ai (. u Ac. nt-. ATLANTIC C 0 A S T I. I N li j W. .1. CKAHi. T C. WHITI-. 1'a-.-. iii'i-i I mint- Maiiaiiei. i.. n. i.il l':i-. ,c'"i Ae. nl, I ilmiiitfttin, North Cnrolinii. njlil I.. iMiai.lf i.ii I- .1., iii, .ic ll,an jn-t niakr your huiii:. -n -i;:,! to -a li'- ll.'ii 1 ' -:i x . -i I . tin i,i xt tlii'iu i. si l -inn mim; ,. i,. mi i - il. K aini I'l-laal'lv I In- I , -i nay ),,i y-u to ni-im' a si, adi . !,. i.l, in, .in,- t ii.in ,..i' a' .iij- .- I - -t en it n t ,i tui eatf of I it pi, sit in :-5 -The First National Bank-:; i in, ol iln -I ii'iifisi iii ilii i'i.iiiity Tin-! I'l ttnieiiii s an- i. sin . I in ii r ani.-anl ami I" at 'iileil ai I pi i eel t . iiyal.!f sum annually ot ini:.:ailv .'imlli lii iial.li I In y an-lli eolial.il l i inlin-i lui nl l-i lln :i fall m!n uii'l-i i .i.l :nai i im. i i.l 1 1 ion-. on ui,' tai iiiiil' now t.tit voui i ai lot ,-a ai.'n i.aa.i. i I'V 111 III. ,11- ,i!,a, t, .',!.- n -..t:.i : -i.iii, -t f i' :.v a- i:- .a ,.r ' a' 1 ; - . i - '.!..' rn al.a - all .'...'- ,. i 1 ,-!,,.. ai: I !!.- ...t : i :-i I ' a ' : I i ' . a . .'i I .y . 1 1 ue.' . -I s - I a: I i.l li.r w. ll t. 11. mo.- a:l'i .: i- Wiii.I..-. -....ill. i.e .-vi-a'. 1 ' ui- ii. . i .'.ii. i k .n l 1 vi -:i ' en;- a I ..nl- 1 .ad." . "Tli,.u A ciiuplc's le.iniir." lit make iii.ii i iukc a success is Ic.irnuiK t" stand each miter's fault The RehsoI TANMEK'S PAI.MS I - la ii .1 .u- , iii.ii, an', aoi.ii- ail ..ia, i . -ui.:. ; I.. i'.l':-' I. a i .1" lial'l,' nl I. 'ie '.'-I II, at, a I'nl.tl l.i II. a..' i:i, a... i ,,.:, . o at '"li. I : , an i . a 1 1 i a..-- ii. ' . a.t ;. ;:.' a u a to Iln- ir.a.iliU.aa -a keaihinn the 1 op .1 1 1 v ealla.e -I I.l", .1. a.ian.i- a v c i- '-...Is an. I a L-.-u laa n ah- ii,.- -.a .i:a- of In al'.a la. " i... 1 1 .. 1 1 i ...I' l" ai,) out j loll Sl.r iiiilel lo al:.1. I... a. I tl,. K l-f III Ins ' I!-' win 1. 1 l.i- n. I l.ii-.ili It . ..r I t. ileal ... thai i- tl Tanner F-mt k Oil U, Box 10. Ml" K Ma l::' llM" ,:l, i :., si i;.:a: '. -t a: :, .. . ll.'i,,-l -'I'a',' It." van, , f '.!,. i.'i ,a Tl." 'l.i' Ml." 1: nil's .!.'! ll-"'l '!;.: ly. r n'l.r-1. v, l-i M. ial'l ..in- are la a-l.'l a. In- ul'.l'i.'US I II,.- I. -. inli-t U -lllil "111-. In uO all "II Iii ui":''. .nl r,"eo,il live tal u nisi-l,. "ii.T'.-i'ti' :tl- t" m..ut!...l-a: . il-iil'l.-'l tin an 111 '.- M .,a I. ,-i aeli-n ..I ! .' -I.. n. -, 1 " ' i 1 . . ..I I.. - a: l.i. ....I. I. an . an. i an e .a . -'.' .1, aial , i . , , .11 ami I. a: -: -ai !. It :a;, t- . ' 7 Garrett & Co. RKIIlHrKKKll TKIOK VAUK ii:-r.Ma.i-iii.;i i-.-. . I'ioiicer American Wine irier S P E C 1 A L T I Ii S Virginia Dare iWliiie .-cupiiernonc') Pocahontas !,' .1 .-i'!l.ln'IIli.Il Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A M l U t ..' ' 'T Old North State Black herry ' 's Hiawatha Paul (iarrett's Specinl Minnehaha litis I (liamimc'iii'l i-..n .i 1 latinpac'ii'" 1 1 'ty si'iipiieriumir. I And ntliiT vanetie ofl'l KKandlli'l l.-i M I. U I M lot loin.' and lintel use. Highest Market Prices Paid .....n for lii. t KHi:i;i:il, i.liAl'l.s and all k i in I h of small Iruils. NOltKOI.K. V.. (Iloiiic iiltie, I -i I.nl is. Mil -AN I liM Imii.Iai.. TK Ej Bank of Halifax, After one hundred and liftv yeats of eorjiorate pxistenee w thiiut l.iiukuiL' fa cilities, the home of lieneral W'm. K. Oavie and of Willie . I ones where 1 lie I leela ration of Independence wan ratitied and ll.e State constitution adopted, the ton of Halifax ha taken on new life and a Hauls with a charter from the state i an accomplished faet, ila doom are now open for the transaction of husnies. The hank lias two de partmenta. A (."OVIMEIU'IAL DEPART.MKN T where general hankinif. ctieliaine and eol leetinif husiuess in conducted, and a SAV'lNli'S I'KHARTMKN'r DepomU in this will liear interest, and ainoiinls from one dollar and upward received. With ample fai'ilaies and corres-pondents In and out of the State, the Bank offers its services, and sulieits the patronaire 01 the public one and all. an. I uas lnw'.'d I., -hare in Iln- Mas- M.ian-. ti.a ,- i...:i,.- I. t.-r s j-y and cT,.'f His re'vard would ina.li-inn t. I hk. a in a a at. " i a' he In sit as a I'ul. r of ninny In olher ul ,!nu -is M-r-ls. tl.e sarvj. a- of 111- J.re-i'nt life is hut an ms1Knai. mil ..ne In . ..inparl- , Work kill- a leu men, hut that s,.iii'.tli,'(;..ri"ii--.-ni.'.'i...l.iialis ,,,'t vv hv s.i 11I.1I1V arc aliaid ot it Ihe I. ..pi's faithful in-'j is- in the fu- .... lure - lien thoy shall sit with Messiah In his Throne ami. a-kind's and priests, hles.s mill histru. t anil uplift and eon irol Israel and all the nali-us of the world The approval of Ihe one wlm "T'v,;n ,w" ,I,I,'1" wh" na The iiiu-t ikvcpiive thing abmit e,,ually faill.fi.l. was In .-.,ually kind ., Nwim.m s hatiinK sUll IS wliai's 111 and liiMievnlent tenns. lie al-o was n pood and faithful -orv :mt over n few things; ln nls, i umi'il l.e s.a us n ruler over many things, he also mlnlit enter Into the j..y -f his I.-ril The servant wh" faihsl t.. u-e Ins ul cut was hran-li'tl as ui. k-.l aail -l.nli fill, lie knew In a.lian.e :h.t On- tal ent was niton hini f-r u-" and I"'- au.e he had prnfess. il to he a I'.r.Hiful -"rv- atlt. Ills failllie to n.i' Ih.' I ileal Ton fill Find It at Cohen's. ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THEDRUG LIME You arc often in neeil of something in n ' line, MiJclenlv, in case of sickness, an a:- ; ciilent, an einertenc illness, or otlte - ise. I ltae built up a reputation fur f keeping onl the : : : Purest, Fest Dquqs f( and for knowing how to mix them skill- full aeioiding to prescription. Prompt- .C; ness, accurac and economy are our three j leading features. Pine Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Mlegant Stationery, Cigars, Ktc. COHEU'S f PHMMMY W'CLDON, NOHTtl CAROLINA. CAN'T LAST FORHVKR Ni is tiri'r . fun-l M.inrt.l yntjt r;i.ital. I'.n llmsi- wMli fuit.Jj alu v'.t :u't' ii nmla tel. ii i ins il Ii a larirt ir.-i i c, lh - m- mif chaiL't nl' i--!alrn :m:iitiiti: inr-Win lit. ll.t if it im ! Ut t i n -tiii iit. iln u- is iu I.Htri ay tn I'tiiplny uitniry. i i't 1 iiH-a!, M I 't i - "il hi this Mank uw -alt t.iir fitpilal, stn .!u a n.l tiii.h- i.l. J piui:iM ic iii-l anit'itir tlir r.anl.f in Maliia , Nt.t ll-ain in anl ai n n i-omilit s uuanuilff that anl I t i ci-ni mint is a -Klitalilf ititvn st n -tuin nut va' lal'if louklr! "IIhh 'In lc I'.ank un: " ti lls iuoh- alunit Uir t i tlitlfatt s t.t l '()'( il ami a!"Mit t u k niLr uinl u l'o I n KaiiKniK. i nl ltr it loiluv. The First National Bant of Weldon. N. C. Physicians Advise the uv of .1 pmJliutise, to keep w l-uv.els nfn and prevent the puismis of undigested ( oj ti.iai i',.'ttl:i.;i,ilj ,i.ir :.y .i::. Ihe latest pr..,lu.t ul sd.-,. i- 1.1 ( i ! .l-..i!:u' I at Srup, IW.'lv i '' it'le, crntlf, I 'liahle anJ i l a i kavait, .::, i aU' Lot,-. .nt- on the liver, ;: , ' dl as i.n tit? "ina.h anJ !..!,, aid lail I c real, ,1 P. .,!;, ,;l:..,.-y ,. a.i:sti a' ,,.:i. uuigestiaii, I lllail -ness, si.k hejJ.Niie, lewn-lllli'ss. ...K.Iatul..l.f . i-' Irv vet I C la if LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP CHARLES C. ALLEY, Inc., liei'r--ills t., ( has. I Ml, y I WHOLESALt Ocnfactioners Si Fancy Grocers i'i i i-i.'MU'im;, y . '.. a, ,al A., i l in .i:n a ami Ni.ill. ( a .e ei hl iali.l mui. - ' "iM.- ' Ih pi. -1 n I .-.I i a l.a-l i i n t a' 1. 1 ma Iv M.ssis W 1 llaiichain ' M'-l' 1 ' ' a , I I.Y-i il. V.lil , 1,, - ;',, th, ,,; ' Wm. H. S. Burgwyn, President E. L. Travis, Vtiv-l'reiiident. F. H. Qrejtory Cashier. SULPHUR LIQUID i.usiio. r ! . ' fll for Ect.hu.' t,.li. Rli,..rm IS&WW' ii iLul i Kill I.AR01 JAR, BUp. B Bwrlltnirt. InOamtrt HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND TIRt ETt P"RiUII Ublt.10p. Rtjluu I t I tiruriiitiit, nit Litu A 1IM orrwtl n, I'lirifvluf tit Uloo.1, roninn Hi Kt-inia.'lj, mi id tb lrlmtim ami prttTMBtliiii ut IMihiKS I'KiN, Itrt 11'riJi.. .umliaitK. i.'Nturrli. RhpiinigtUm. OouL -i)hrUiet.-jlit' Mim-. Hi Hm" KMiify ami HUildw, Utd iniMat kUnitv UvarKiitl Klsiiuiu'lt Allmnou. A MAURI WONDKK for HtinurrliDl.li OIMTHFHT Jak wo. rhall a.. Spltntld fur tn rnm.iu.77. 1 1 iM ,iUrn"' Niu" Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. I'nbcjllhy KiJiK'js Make Imrurc BlooJ. cj l1S tti.1V It .it' Wnk .ni l uiiln tllhv V i-l!u- 4 aie iv-Mitittitilt-tor mm li m Kit- ...tinUufti-riiik;, u 3'"S a t!l' "'t',,' lt ki'iiu ?frS.j) VtA '' "i''"'-i i r .i 1 1 li i .mliiiui . Miinits ti'- Ji t'',J sinx an- in .si iisi-n t'. I'lii'io. Voi.ri.tlnt 1 in h ni'",t. hi eau tll-v il.. inn-', nul sh'.aM have a.ti ::'.:, ill lllst. Thtri lure, u'e.'ll . ns.i im the f.mllsh vlrains. Thin elan , , r , ,.Pr.,. ,..w ,m l.U v.-.irtn- Wlll fail In I'et Into the cl.irlel of Ihe ; j,r l,,lv is alfee'el nn.l Imiveverv organ i Klnsilmu. hut lll snriay net Into the se tus In I.nl t.i ilo jis ilnt v. time nf (muhle ami Its miter ilark- , If ymi arc fick or " l"cl l.a.'ilv," beijlri I taking the re;.t knhiev remeilv, llr. i pmvitj mm iIh In) il. i.nfaiihful n l.,vt tl,o .sli-n. t I-; f . , .... j that th" b.nl ul hat,, i,., Mr-ia,it f..r that unlitii hfiil ..Ti ml Iln was a servant all ihe liu.e lie r. -pis t, , ,u I latent lie ill, I lea i"-.' it llni Im lllil ii. -t us.' It pmperly It,, si. iaa to represent it very similar elass tn tha i oiiH ileserlhisl In . .iir sl'i.ly nf a week : It VAv We re Now OfFerin ;.t Pish. illsappnltituii'tit tinil ehacrln, with whleh this gf will oml imil Ihe New Ase lie ttsliereil lu. Tho I.oril craut that this lossnti tuny help Benip f.f th l.onl'a ennspi-rnteil servants to lie more helpful, tiinro enn'ful. in the use of their eniiseor.itoil lalenls. that thejr may slorlfy Ihe Ixinl nnil.henr hi "Well done" lu the end! One tliilleulty with ninny of tin In the past lms len four of the Muster. We should have gotten better ae qiiaintoi with hltn. We should have learned niore respeetlne his real, true eharneter nnd his purposes. If now the eyes of our understanding are open ing, If now we are seelim the beauty of our talents and privileges of service aa never before, let us qulokly dig the talent out nnd wash lt fre from alt oil of the earth and use lt earnestly, ealoualj, TumcotuOror the Drain ot Kilmer's Sivaiiiti-Roi'l. A trial w ill con. Vlllee ynl el' its preat merit. The in i t.i nn.t iuiuieili.tle tlTect i.f Swamp-Knot, the ;reat kiilney an ! Iilml.ler renietle, is ixni realized, lt ; stands the httrliest treatise itsrcutarkable ' lteallli restnnnt? tirniierties have been : proven in tltousatuls ,i the most distress- . tnj? eases. If yuu ni i. a medicine you ) fll.nihl have the nest. Sold bv linguists in liftyeent atul uue-ilol-lar sues. Ymt may have a sample bottle itCHiM-H"' by mail Iree, also a 't.! Iia'.uiuiiei leiniiK you i. ... ..f-iu,. iiiiw to lintl out if you have kidney or blmliler trouble. Mention Ibis paper when wruiiijt to Ur. Kiltner & lu,, Hitihattitou, N. V. INiti't tnal.e ativ mis take, but rciii'iitl i r tho name, Swamp Root, and don't I t n dealer sell you oniethitig in tdaee of Swamp-Kuot if you do you will be disappointed. Some Special Values in dif ferent lines, for a short while we are selling; all odd sizes in high and. cheaper grade shoes at about cost. l;dln Clapp Tan Oxfords regular $5.50 cut price $4.5. Crossett Oxfords $4 and $3.50 cut to $3.35 and $2.85. Be sure and see these lines at such IIXTRUMI; Low Prices I as it means WE FURNISH A Utiyul I r:iM tt rvt't V niu rt liu )'i:y lin'ii ttiH't'Pt al Kin sUii'.: AU the M'UMilt.ilil. ih'lli'Ul'lf Ulf I'nuti-I in out -ion- tin- vi-ai CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wotulrii un l VilKu wuti. Ku ( nnnU tlchvi'ii '! prom jtl- any Wllflt- III tnui I'uhtr fli lk I'lmlic No 11. M. PURNFLL. We Ask You to laka Cardul, for your feroab troubles, because ve are sure It will help you. Remembor that this great female remedy I MONEY SAVED. Hurry up! Come quick! 1 Weldon Sloe Company Wl;LD0N,N. C. ROSES . Carnations, Violets an.i other tloweis atnain nil lian.l. filiiiwer eililinif I lntii tn-t h. llainlMitue Horal I'l'Mirun, l'alui ami Kern I'm lltilile culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus an.i many nther vaitetii K of Hull fin tall .laiitinc either Iur nut or in. lour cul ture. Kerne Inutile. .Mairuiilmi aiul Lv riXHfua. Write, '.hulle or telec'iapli. M. STl-INAU;TZ, llorlst. Kalelgh, North Carolina. 5-Zl-Iy t). II. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Plre Insurance. RuMOat News Office -:- Hcljui N. L I I has brought reMef to thousands of 9 oilier sick women, so vhy not to you ? For headache, backache, j periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I TWHOC.MAHHt. . i'.tKt..lle,,' , .'- t. :, I . I M.rt" -i ol ' h.,1 III ramT .ui j. u. iii.ii" .! i l-i.nnirt t..-1'tt I . I ! 'II i1 .ml ' ' 'I ' 'Ul ' J c ilU 1 is., ,i, mow io otitm ! ii- it- N't. ' i.i. 'i - v. -.. i.t,, li. I- I'-n 1 .tlflll I D. SWIFT & CO. 102 Seventh St., Washington. D. C I Oi:()K(iE C. (IRIiCN, ATTORN I; Y-AT-LAW, (Nutiuiial liatik l'tuMiuf) Weldon. N.C. W. J, WARD, DICNTIST, (iKKU'K IN liAMKLIU IUHNO WELliON. ti.C. tflt It