Advertising Kates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1. SO l-'cr Annum VOL. XLV. WKLDOX, X. ('., TIU KSDAY. N KM I5E11 10, 11)10. NO. 2H 'm'iffSnmXIIfiltt is IK1 Al.iotiol, j per l'KNr7' AYcfidWpPiTpnraCinnror.ts similaiiii5iirRiudanilHi-i)ite iingilu'SuiiiiiutisarJDiMflsl Promc It- s D ifics lion rhrerful tu'ss and RcsLConialnswiUw Opinni.MiiriihuTcnorMiiKTjL; not Narcotic. MKiprifuUSrStmimm Jlxinam isrm Srnl C'lmkrl Sutfor miirntFtii Uint. Ancrfecl Remedy forConslipj I ion , Sour Stomach. Dlarrlmca Worms'oiiMilsioHS.rwrisli lu-ssaiulLossOFjUifci'. FacS'imilr Signaiur of NEW YOHK. i 7NLUi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of xW In Use For Over Thirty Years ygi J If H w I Oil III THI HINTIUI lOMMN. NCW OH CIT. Exact Copy of Wrapper, I ID l:ull line new Dress Goods. See our new line of CLOTHING Tor Men, Boys, and Children TfF lkMf Ui.'MrV UDOdS POPULAR IDEA OF MARRIAGE. Make The Home Attrnctive and He Will Seldom Leave You Alone. ' It is cenaiti that the society man of today marries a woman who makes his home a restful plaee from which he is seldom tempted to wander. Why should he? The sunniest, brightest room in the house is his sanctum; here are his favorite brinks, pictures he likes, the latest maga.ines with leaves cut and no end of pipes. When (he train whistles into the depot, in which is this fortunate man, a ' fire is started on the low hearth to ; make the room cheerful, although the warmth is not needed. To : this room he brings his friends and i here husband and wife sit when ; alone, liverything that will help ! the wife to make a home a means i of grace she reads, on her table ! are always to be found books and j magazines that talk of the higher ; life of the home. We mean good cooking when we say higher life, ; a hitherto much neglected part of religion. This man formerly out every evening, rarely goes to the theater or opera, or ball, because his home has greater attraction and he is really now so sensible, well-informed, and amounting to 1 something that his friends are re joiced that the seemingly incongru ous marriage came about. JUST tiUI-SSIH). m- THAT ARK IX )h MAN I). 1 V i V V t i I . lire wantci vV TIT Rirls that J K 1 Kirls 'A A (l,,d from the mil pine, sweet leaf lietul In tin Pure us the lily is whitt From its heart to It f" tins. VNThe trii'ls that are wanted are home girls- CI iris that are mother's rijjht hand, ibfc That fathers and brothers can trust 1$ a . j to, And the little ones understand. it v. LEFT TO A WORSE FATE. if Dynamiter, Himself a Man, Knew What i-'orgetful Husband. Married Awaited "Mrs. Wadsworth, I am very glad, indeed to meet you. But haven't I had the honor of being introduced to you before? What was your name formerly, if I may ask?" "My maiden name?" "No; your name before you were divorced." "Mow did you know I had been divorced-'" "Whv, hasn't everybody?" Life. m m ! W m m iirls that are fair on the hearthstone, A ml pleasant when nobody sees; Kind and sweet to their own folks, Ready and anxious to please. The girls that are wanted are wise girls, That know what to do ami to say; That drive with a smile and a soft wold The wrath of the household away. The girls that are wanted are girls of sense, Whom fashion can never deceive: Who can follow whatever is pretty, And dare what is silly to leave, The girls that are wanted are careful girls, Who count what a thing will cost, Who use with a prudent generous hand, Hut see that nothing is lost. The girls that are wanted are girls with hearts ; 'V They are wanted for mothers and wives, Wanted to cradle in loving arms The strongest and frailest lives. x The clever, the witty, the brilliant girl, There are few who can understand; x Hut, oh! for the wise, loving homo girls .fV There's a constant steady demand. Vrib'C't, '6. iMC m W?A W -?s W'A The business man was sitting in I his oflice, thinking of starting for : home, when a suspicious looking , person came in with a leather bag ! in his hand. ! "If you don't give me $25," j said the visitor, coming at once to the point. "I will drop this on the floor." The business man was cool. "What is is in it ?" he asked. "Dynamite," was the brief re ply. "What will it do if you drop it?" "Blow you." "Drop it!" was the instant command. ' My wife (old me when l left home this morning to be sure and send up a bag of flour, and I forgot it. I guess it will take just about as much dynamite as you have there to prepare me for the blowing up I'll get when she sees me !" He threw himself back in his chair and waited lor the explosion, but it did not come. "I'm a married man myself," said the dynamiter, and quietly slipped out Illustrated Bits. FIGS AND THISTLES. Timely Paragraphs kead Them and You Will Re benefitted. WHEN YOUR root) C3fS NOT DIGEST u.:t u;.,l jou kel "Mile" uii'l tiri il and diMoiiracl, you tlivlild use SIMMONS RED S LIVER REGULATOR iiik rowiii-a; mini It .liKi-li-.i-. I In -.tit li us the Ivnw Is in in. A d' . s tin at l,,, s1"in;tch mil tunc rcr-ti strfiiKllii-ns the ri s a tine U ehun - ocftttne rK r. muni fcndt. f J. H. ZEILIN & CO., PH0P3,, ST. LOUIS. MO. 1 1 3 Ut ,V iricltii if it it it tiiXiiitW-tW'ii Irirlpti tit'itit irie iiUiiiiitte biiixitiiit fcirifto fe PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS I 6- ininlv 5 I small transactions, far from it. Many large depositors are using I our jvivings pass-nooKs. i ney are using mem tor the interest g nicy gci i allbfded. nere, you can put away smalt sums not needed tor present use. And wlnle waning your call they will draw interest. An account in our Savings Department does not always tney are also using tnem because of tlie convenience e 4 per cent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. BANK OF ENFIELD, ENFIELD, N. C. 7 p.tvp.y. n,... jri..i; -6-ft OLD LOVERS. XJ SIOE'tYOAEN LADIES COAT SUITS Kverythinjj in General Merchandise A. L. Stainback's "Always Busy Store," FALL and Winter J I LL AND COMI'l.liTi: UNI: OH CI.OTIIIXG Purnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for Fall and winter. Respectfully, ROANOKK KAPIDS. N C. KAPLIJ . vr ImDortant properties of if the Grape are1 transmitted by Dim eyes peer out from golden casements where l-'launts frequently a strand of silver hair; Bright shines the sun and sweet the meadows spread, And fair the sky that smiles above her head. There, by the stream where bend the willows low, We started life - and 'twas not long ago; Ah! then the sun seemed harbored in her eyes, Amid their blue and tear-swept mysteries ! Her hands, like soft magnolia petals were; Her breath like zephys half afraid to stir; Her lips with honey dropt; the jonquil's grace Was in her form and love shone in her face. She cried and trembled as I told her then I wanted her for wife (my sweet !) and when 1 kissed her and she kissed me, Heaven seemed To lavish joys of paradise undreamed. Heaven ! They say we near it, for we're old; Her soft, magnolia hand still wears the gold That pledged us through the paradise begun And knows no ending with the setting sun. The viok'l depth has shallowed in her eye, The roses in her cheeks, perhaps a sigh Of mild regret has wilted, but her grace Of mind and soul illumine her dear face. The meadows sweet and green turn brown and sere, Change and decay, life, death spread everywhere Save in the souls where sacredly is laid The echoes of a lover's serenade. THE BANK OF VELDON WKI.DOX. N. ( Organized Under the Law of the Slate tt North Carolina, Al (it'Sl Llll'll. IS'IL'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surpltts, $45,000. For more than 17 veatu this;.n i li provided Unkmir facili ti for tlim nection. It HtoeUmldei an-l dir.-et..,. have Leer. id. i untied alrtl.e hunmew. intereM. of ' , N..t tl.i e.mrilte, f or mmiv v.-ar. Monev I. loan.-.! i approved seoiinly at theleiwl nitr ol .,r aII i'. Aiihelted iiiien'Hi hix per eeuiiiiii. ..iv. , , The ...rpliK and und vided prolilt. liaviiiL' reaelied M.m iiat to he Capital Stock, the Hank ha", eoinmeiieimr January ' ' eHt.ihle.lie. savmirn Hepaitmentallimiiiir interest ointtne .i. ..imi - Kt-poaita allowed toreinain thr n.mtlis or lomrer. . per eenl montlnor longer, S percent. Twelve inonlliMor lonjer I pel cenl I'or further information apply to the I'rcwdciit r ( tislner. Absolutely fure to the food. The food is thereby made more m tasty and X T .'11 aigesuoie for .Six 1'RRSIhRNT: W. K. U.VNIKL, vick-I'Kksikkst: W. It. SMI I'll. iaxiukh: I!. S. IK.VV1S 11 WANTED PARTICULARS. j He was a drummer, and he was facetious. He didn't know wheth er the man sharing his seat in jhe sniokins car was facetious or not j and so he tried him with: ' "You know what the governor I of South Carolina said to the gov I emor of North Carolina, don't I you ?" "No, sir," was the reply. j "Why, he said it was a long i time between drinks." ; "When did he say it?" ! "Why, I don't exactly know." ' '.What was the name of the j governor of South Carolina?" "1 don't think 1 ever heard." ! "And of North Carolina'-" ! "You've got me." "And what was the reply of the latter?" "I don't know as he made any reply." "Between what kind of drinks did he refer to?" "Whiskey, I suppose.'' "But you don't know ?" "No." "Young man; you have made a statement here that you can't prove. I am not one to be gulled! If. in the course of half an hour, you do not come to me with all the facts in the case, I shall But the drummer was making a sneak for the coach behind. Ux change. Men are so untrustworthy they ought noi to trust themselves. Not Sorry for Blunder. "Il'iuy fi tends hadn't blundered in thinkiiiL' I was a doomed victim of enu sumption. I infill imt he alive now," writes 1 1. T. Sanders, of llai Todslmrir, Ky.. "hut fur years they saw every at leinpt to cure a luni; raekiiiL' coinjh fail. At lat I tried I'r. Kina'sSew lnseovery Theell'eet wonderful. It noon st..p. ped theeouu'h and I am now in lictler lit a 1 1 li than I haie had for years. This wondeil'ut life-safer is an unrivaled rem edy for eoliths, colds, lairrippc. asthma, croup, hemoirhaL'es. whoopintr counhs. or weak lung's, .'me., f I. T i utl hultle free, linaranteed hy all .iiuiri:ist.s VC'e feel sorry for the 250-pound girl who has a wild desire to dance. The eagle does not sing but it soars. No man who thinks wrong can live right. Love will win w here gun pow der would fail. The fig tree does not bloom but it bears fruit. j Infidelity cannot point to any fulfilled prophecies. (iod's hardest work is to reveal i Himself to the sinner. There is no deed more heroic ' than to say no to yourself. God will go where the humblest child is not welcome. The first prayer was made by ' the man who had the first need. A holy life is the best answer that can be made to in idelity. People are not vain except when they have no knowledge. There is nothing for which (he heart yearns more than sympathy. The man who turns his back on God turns his back on his own 1 good. The devil always keeps the i hinges of the gate of death w ell i greased. ; There are no free passes given o.i any of the roads that lead to the Pit. The serpent cannot fly, but he . knows enough to catch birds that can. The more people need friends the more they will appreciate kind ness. You can not pray for yourself and leave the people you don't like out. Religion is not something you take home and keep for your own use. Many men lie their horses care fully, but let their tongues run loose. The first mile on the road to hell looks as though it led straight to Heaven. The man who lives to please himself will find that he has a hard master. This life will mean more when we realie that it is the pathway to the next. CNILDI.Ikt: IGNORANCE. j Laura Jean Lihbcy, discussing in Brooklyn her successful appear ance on the stage, said: "I talk in my monologue about love, marriage and the other inter ests of the heart. On these sub jects women, especially young women, are strangely ignorant. "They really make me think, you know, of the little girl who was asked by her teacher: "What can you tell us about Solomon?' " 'Solomon,' replied the little girl, "was very fond of animals.' "'And how, my dear,' said the teacher, 'do you make that out?' "'Because,' answered the little girl, 'the Bible says he had 500 porcupines.' " Chlldrrjt. Cry FUR HFTCitR'S CASTORIA PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, WELIXIN, N, C. Practices ia the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme and federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina, i'.ranch oflice at Halifax open every Monday OEOROE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National l'.ank HinMing) Weldon. N. C. ELLIOTT 15. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ll.U.ll'.W, N. C. . in i.s iii the courts of Halifax and ij.iniiiLr counties and in the Su- pieuie court ot the State. Special atten tion ineti to cullcctinns and prompt re turns, lo-o-lv P:. Imagination can achieve most anything but paying the household bills. Some men quarrel w ith their friends, but most of them with their w ives. In the dark ages men were tor tured on the rack. The music rack is still with us. Many an alleged blessing in dis guise wouldn't be a blessing but for the disguise. W. J. WARD, IKNTIST, OKKICK IN IiANIKL ItriLIUXtif YVIiLHON. N. fj sep Pi lv I). E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Ruan.iL' News Olficc -:- WclJon N.u W Pi ;hi: Shall Women ote ? . fll..-y .!..(. ..,.!!.,. ,,,,.;! j (.r I K lllK 'm New I. tie fills the title ftu women r..i l.utiishinii .lull, lack'.'.! feelings, tmekaehe nr headache, Colistl ! patiou.dispi'llinij colds, impaittnir ap- Saves an Iowa Man's Life. T he vely Ulave seemed to yavwi hrlnie lii.hcit Madseu. of West llin liiieton, lwa. when, after Helen weeks tu the hospitul, l.oil oi the hest physicians ! pi-titi. and louilik' up tlicsyslem. they ic save hi in tip . Then was show n the j iinciiialcd fasy, sure. sure. Jie ut uiaiveloiis ciuativc power of Uectiic I alldiuucists. UiUcm. lor. alter eiulit mouths of fiilthtl'iil sull'eiiiitf hum liver liouhle and yellow iaiiu.l irettimr no help from other remedies or doctors, live bottles of this matchless medicine completelv cured him Its positively irtiarante.-d for stomach. I.iver or kidney troul.les and never disappoint), omy ."iiie. at all di un cists. When two women kiss it doesn't mean any more than when two men shake hands. CASTORIA For Iufauti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Jf Signature of C A man seldom measures his own ! faults and those of his neighbor by the same rule. Will Promote Beauty. Wouien desiriint heauty net wonderful help from Ituckleii's Arnica .Nilve. It hanishes pimples, skin eruptions, soies and hods. It makes the sk.u soft and velvety. It ttlonlies the face. Cures sore eyes, cracked lips, chapped hands. Itest for burns, scalds, fever soien, cuts, bruises and piles. 'J.'ic. at all dmtrist. A fool can make friends, but it takes a wise man to keep them. Children Cry FOR FLEICHER'S CASTORIA Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? KiJney TrouMe Makes You Miserable, Almost everyone know sol Ir Kilmei s Swamp Root, the great kidney, liver ami l.l.i.t.ler iciiicm, o.--liiie-c ol its remark able hc.iltll lcslonnu propetttes. Sw.imp Koot I it lli lis it I most . every ut.-ll in over i coming rheumatism, , pain in the back , ktd- e, l.v.r, It..!. titer :id ev. r part til tl'.e v ptssae. it orre.-ts ni.ibilitv to hold water and .cal.'.inc.p.iin in passillKlt, or badelTe.ts Pillow incuse of or beer, and ov. re. tin s 111 it unpleasant neccsMtv ot bein eolltpelied tt.o often through the .lav, and to net up many times ditritl" the litellt. Swamp-Uoot is not leeoiiutiendcd for cvervtlllttt: hut if yon have 1. i.lllev, liver or bladder trouble, it will be I. mild just the . a need. It lt..s been tlior oi:j;lllv tested ill private practice. and has proved so y.i".'e '.till that a special r r t.uiMeui. lit h ... b .'ti made t.v which all readers of this a;ier, who ltave not i.I teade tried it, nnv ltave a t.mlpie b..u',e scut f ice by m ill, als a book telltni; more about Sw.inm-Koot, t.nd h.ev to tintlotil if M.ith.tveki.l- . ney or bladder trouble. cXSOiSfi When writiiie mention r:::W" "'::: readtnij this generous I S-S-a oner in this patter and f94SH?rcMn send your address t TSShSBc Dr. Kilmer ,N Co., n..w . ....j.t,-.. lnnnhamt m, X. Y. The rc.enl o liftvent and one-dollar si 'c Isittles arc sold by all dtiicctsls. lton't make anv imstakc but remeiiih.-r the name. Swamp-K.iot, lr. Kllm.'T's Sv intvH.s.t and tin ad- .itCtM., iliK"a,i'lwU,s. .,utl Sis. .H....C. leap's Prolilic Wheat. Ihe Most Prolific und Best of Milling Wheats Yiehls reported from our custom era from twenty-live to lifty-two bushels per acre. hen u'rown side by side with other kinds this splen did beardless wheat yielded from live to eighteen 1 ttshels more per aire on same land and under same conditions usother slitn.lurd nl.ealH. W herever utowil it is mioorHC tini? all other kinds and it should be bowu univctsally by wheat growers everywhere. W rice for ptice and "Wood'i Crop Special winch contains new and T CLARK, ATTORMEY AT LAW, WKLI'ON, N. C. I'taetic adjoin. tu court ol the Male. peeial attenliun irtveii lo collections and prompt return in the courts of Halifax and tunttcs and n. the Supreme JOHN H. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, f.NI'U'I.ll. N. C. (ll'i.-es: tin ItlliO-m t Punk of lailiel.l. Ladies! ave Money and Keco in '-r-- Style by Reading McCaU'l Magazine and Using McCall Patterns MfCAlLS MAGAZINE Mrfill't MiiitlotwlU In ii y-m uri'vi Mvl islilv Hi a itiinlvriito fAft'iiM' hy k ef i' i n ir J'.lll tM.SU'lt tm ll lilct fll I) lilli S Ml (I. iltlCS (lilt l bnt. .') New K a'-limn ln'sii'in in m. li imm. A'-n ;il;ilit- Jiifnr:iinit..i on nil I cm.' etui i i I ItltlLHTV 'lilv ff v h J'ir, ittiimlihi' U (tIM i;tlITti. illr S, I ilit l.olrty Ut S( 11(1 I'ir flee mii1l' t'iy. iif..ti inni iVcln ytiir :-ntl-, olltll dl C... Yon I n n v 'iii ti will In I'l-rlt'ct ;!' IultIht llittli U i1. 'ictn i ;ituU,:ut'. u i'rrtrnti (.-r Cellini' ..- 'Ill lliebllv S.-I1.I li.t lift' ."It , I'l I.. 1 11 valuubli1 aiti''it crops ol wlinat." " Mow to fjrow big T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond. Va. We are headquartera for Farm Seeds, Grail and Clover Seedi, Winter Vstchei, Dwarf Eiki Raps, Seed Wheat. Oats, Rye. Barley, etc. Descriptive Fall Catalog mailed free. Special Sale ! We have on hand several consign ments of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits, ttalher than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price lor cash only. 1 1 . Suits S7.Su. Prin cess, white and all other colors to to Ft, now ?'J.oO to f.'i. Wash Coat Suits $4 to t'l, now $1 OS to 1 to Net Waiat reduced Jl .T'i to StL' .TII lllack and col ored silk Petticoats td to H now $-..lSH to fcl.T't. Voile Skirts (i to now .rt.50 to jl. 'si. Kl.iKtit yards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price. 7fe to tt Messaline silks, all colors, now nil to ,".ic. Ti and dc. calicoes !1J to 4c. Ill and te'e nintrhama 7 to 9e. About S.IHKI yards dress (foods to close out lesi than cost. Iaidies hats at half price, Hinrs, drut'trets.earpetings andmattinira at and Ivelow cost. SPIERS BROS. WELPON, N. C.

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