ip HI Pr2 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscritition-$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XI. V. WKLDOX, X. , TliriSSDAY, NOVKMItKH 17- l!HO. NO. li!) CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE. L'den's Forbidden l-'ruit Means of Driving Sin World. Now From The Kind You Jtuvo Always Bought, nnd wlii. h has been in uso for over 30 jcurs, 1ms borne tlio Kijjnaturo ot a,"l t timtdn under his jht. Arty 77 80l,ll! w'PCi vlHlon since its liiliin.y. WSS. JltcSu. A1I1W11 .etodec, Ivcym.l,, thl. All Coiinti'rlVlts, Imitations and "Jut-;.s.r;,ol" urn hut i:M-riiu'iil that trillo wl!H nidi nidiuirr the health of Infants mill Children Kxpi'rii'tii'O ii;aiust Lvporiinent. What is CASTORIA C'ustoria Is n harmless aubstituto for Castor Oil, Pare, porir, lrop and Soothing Syri-px. It, is IMoiisunt. It contain neither Opium, Morphine jioc other is'urontio nihstanre. Its na its ft'iiirunt.,?. H destroys Worm and nllnys J'etcrishness. It cures Di.irrh.i.-u and Wind. Colic. It relieve Tecthlnt; Troubles, cures Constipation anil I'latnlency. It ussiinilati'S the Food, regulates the Stoiuach and l'.ow.ds, giving heal: by mid natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The .Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CINTAUM CONPANV, TT MUMtT tTMttr. NtW VORH OITV. i fll rp K l ull line new Dress Go ds. See our new line of CLOTHING Tor Men, Bovs, and Children m Mif. . n r JEsmous LADIES COAT SUITS Everything in General Merchandise A. L. Stain back's 1 I l Cl ... " niwap uusy omit, Sew FALL and Winter Us! FULL AM) COMIM.MT: 1.1. M: OF CLOTHING Purnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for Pall and winter. Respectfully, ROANOKE RAPIDS. N. C. I' KAPLIN . ri ! ft Tlic forbidden fruit of tin; j (ianlcn of Eden which brought sin into tlic world is now look ed on as the means of drivine; sin out of the wo'ld. No less jan august lioilv than the Iowa State Horticultural So- i ciety is standing sponsor for tlic lnoveinent to reinovi' the st intuit from tin; apple. j When Kvo, sorely teuiiti;(l, partook of the luscious fruit which she hail been forbidden to touch , sin; all unwittingly cast a blight on tin-apple, which centuries of civilzation and na tional shows at Spokane have j been unable to remove. It has ' remained for an apple loving , country doctor to discover that : not only can the world be fed until it has secured the neces j sary calories of energy, but ! that the craving for liquor conceded to be the greatest ! cause of misery .and crime can i be eradicated from the human j body by the apple. As if this were not miracle enough, it is j contended that leneral (Irant j might have won the siege of 1 Vicksburg and the battle of Appomattox by munching on a He 1 Davis, n Spiteiiberg. or a Jonathan, just as well as pulf- ing on a fat black cigar. riie-usc of apples as an arti cle of diet will very much di- 1 minish, disease anil ultimate ly abate the appetite for alco holic stimulants," declares Dr. Samuel Hailey.of .Mount Ayr, lova, "That this is a fact could be proved in many in ! stance if a little care, caution and vigilance were taken to ; thoroughly investigate condi i tious. As a rule, the habitual I user of alcoholic stimulants is rarelv a lover or consumer of apples. There seems to be a peculiar combination in apples, in the acid in them, or in the peculiar chemical combination of the j apples, that allays the irrita i tion, or so-called appetite, pro ' duccd by the use of liquor. I i am also of the opinion that the 1 keen appetite for tobacco is limited by the use of apples. I am thoroughly convinced that : any man who is a lover of whis- key and is in a condition when h i thinks he must have a drink if he will eat an apple before : he takes a drink, will find that his appetite for the drink has ' been materially lessened, if not entirely abated for the time." 1 h'rom the Technical World 1 Magazine. CHILDREN TP.F.THINU ! MKS. U INSI.nw's Sooll.lMl Sviurhas been used fur over .Ml yeais by millions 1 of mothers for I heir children while teeth : in:;, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sullcns the n 1 1 1 . allays all 1 pain; cures wind colic. unl is the liest i remedy fm I min im a. Sold by druggists in cm-iv pait of Ihe wotld. lie sine ami 1 ak for "Mrs Winston's Soothing Syr- up." ami lake no other kind. Twenty- tive cents a liottll'. A BIASED OPINION. "Do you think buttermilk will prolong one's life, Colonel Soaks by?" "Ahem! I have no doubi, Miss Plumper, that it a person had to drink buttermilk everyday it would make life seem longer." THE BANK OF YELDON WKLDOX, X. Organized Under the Uwflhe State of North Carolina, Al'lil sT;!.ii ll. IV'-. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vt'eldon Depository. $45,000. Kor more than IT vears tins institution has provi.lnl h.nkin.r ao -ties for this section. Its stockholders and directors have heen id entitle will, the hu.ine-s interests of Halifax and Norlhamp on con it: ... f or many vears. .Monev is loaned upon approved security at the leiral rate or inleres't six per centum. Accounts of all arc soheite.i. The su.plus and undivided inolits l.avaa' reached a sum e , al t th t apiuil stock, the Hank has. couuiicnc.iiL' .hmuaiy I. l.ms. . sui.i sii.u a . ii lime . Icons, s as lollows: for aviinfs iiepar.mem aoonoiK oiu m i . Ivpos.ts allowed toremain three monllis or longer, . per imi. months or longer, a percent. Teh iths o. longer 4 percent. r,.... ...r..,..,,,..n ,..,lv to tin- President or ru-lm r. Six rmtsiDaxT: W. K. DAM KL, vii k i kks.iiknt: W. It. SMITH. i ashikk: If. S. Til A VIS, Saves an Iowa Man's Lite The veiy ..'lave Meemed to ya n 1 el'o.e liolnlt Mudsell, of Wist l!u. Illlliton, Iowa. when, after neven weeks in the hospital, four of the hct pliysictans uv e hi. ii up. i in". i war, idinwii toe ina.velotis c.uat.ve power of Klecttie Hitters lor. after eitl.t months of f.iBlitful sullen. ik floin liver Irouhle and vellow iai.nihce. u'ellint,' no help fiom olhel remedies or doelnis. live hollies of tins matchless ...e.hc completely cured Ilim. lis positnely unalanleed for Stoinacli. I.iver or Kidney trouhles and never disappoints, limy .'sir at all iliuvists. fOinS 0HN0IAXAT1VE I FOttWHDNS5 BREAKING IT OENTLY. Simpkins always was soft-hearted, and when it devolved upon him to break the news gently of Jones' drowning to the bereaved Mrs. Jones, it cost him mueh pa per, ink and perspiration before he sent the following: "Dear Mrs. Jones: Your hus band cannot come home today, because his bathing suit was wash ed away. "P. S. Poor Jones was inside the suit." , DEAD FAILURES. ir BAKING POWDER Crullers, AH Cakes, Biscuits, Hot Breads More Tasty, Economical, Absolutely Healthful A Few Thoughts for Those Who have Children to Educate. A.k ("I O... !.t ....l,... 1 I" . A WOMAN'S QUESTION. Do you know you have asked for the costliest thing Liver made by the Hand above A woman's heart and a woman's life, And a woman's wonderful love? Do you know you have asked for this priceless thing As a child might ask for a toy, Demanding what others have died to win, Vt'iih ihe reckless dash of a boy ? You have written my lesson of duty out, Man-like you have questioned me Now stand at the bar of my woman's soul Until I question thee. You require your mutton shall always be hot, Your socks and your shirts shall be whole; I require your heart to be true as God's stars And pure as heaven your soul. You require a cook for your mutton and beef; 1 require a far belter thing; A seamstress you're wanting for stockings and shirts I look for a man and a king. A king for a beautiful realm called home, And a man that the Maker, God, Shall look upon as he did the first, And say, "It is very good." I am fair and young, but the rose will fade From my soft, young cheek one day VC" ill you love nie then, 'mid the falling leaves, As you did 'mid the bloom of May ? Is your heart an ocean so strong and deep I may launch my all on its tide? A loving w oman finds heaven or hell Cm the day she is made a bride. I require all things that are grand and true, All things that a man should be; If you give this all, I would stake my life To be all you demand of me. If you cannot do this -a laundress and cook You can hire, with little to pay; But a woman's heart and a woman's life Are not be won that way. Lena l.athrop, in Kansas City Star. BACKWARD, TURN BACKWARD, Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, And give us a maiden dressed proper and right ! X'e are so weary of switches and rats, Billie Burke clusters and peach-basket hats; Wads of jute hair in a horrible pile, Stacked on their heads to the height of a mile ! Something is wrong with the maidens, we fear Give us the girls as they used to appear ! Give us the girlies we once knew of yore, Whose curls didn't come from a hair-dressing store; Maidens who dressed with a sensible view, And just as Dame Nature intended them to ! Give us a girl with a figure her own, And fashioned divinely by Nature alone; Feminine styles getting fiercer each year Oh ! give us the girls as they used to appear. Oh, for a girl with a sensible mind ! One of the twenty-five-years-ago kind; One whose fair tresses were ample enough Without additions of make-believe stuff ! Give us the days w hen the hats women wore Were not the reason why Christian men swore; v Over our way such a fair maiden steer Yes, give us a girl as she used to appear ! The reason we have so many dead failures is that parents decide for children what they shall do, or children themselves, wrought on by some whims or fancy, decide for themselves. So wejiow have in pulpits men making sermons who ought to be in blacksmith shops making plowshares, and we ! have in the law those who instead ' of ruining the'eases of their clients ; ought to be pounding shoe lasts, j and doctors who are the worst 1 hindrances to their patients' conva-! lesccncc, and artists trying to paint landscapes who ought to be white- S washing board fences. While j there arc others making bricks who ought to be remodeling con stitutions, or shoving planes who ought to be transforming litera ture. There are children who early develop natural affinities for cer tain styles of work. W hen the i father of the astronomer Forbes ; w as going to London he asked his ; ,"""'"" children what he should bring each one of them. The boy who was to be an astronomer cried out "Bring me a telescope !" And there are children whom you find all by themselves drawing on their slates or on paper, ships or houses or birds, and you know they are to be draftsmen or are agists of j some kind. And you find others ! ciphering out difficult problems with rare interest and success, and you ; know they are to be mathematic- i ians. And others making wheels and strange contrivances, and you know they are going to be ma chinists. And lOthers are found experimenting with hoe and plow and sickle and you know they will , be farmers. And others are al- ways swapping jack knives or balls ! or bats and making something by 1 the bargain and they are going to be merchants. 1 WHEN YOUR FOOD DOES NOT OIGEST will uml vm feci "blue" and tired and iliscuuraed, you MiouM Ufe SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR '.1 II H rm hi i: hh; i H (Jpcii-l tltt IxivveN, ut;tn-li th.- '-i.'tii.n.li (in. I sWi-llKtliriis Ulf ili'estie nr.tn-i. A iIum' 1 iki m M !m . iiiii-- n.'t"it s ;i Jint- ! t-liii (tf lit'.ilth ui; l i-iu-ry. OlD mt Dttvlm pbcc. im.i ratNft'it. on. J. H ZEILIN & CO.. PROPb., ST. LOUIS MO. 'rlii .ru-iKr tri'ir ii ie& lt'ii it frii-itW thK ii it u .V ,ru it it Vi t , j- ,', Vi iV a1 iV frfrti U f-''ip'it PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS Here, you can put away small sums not needed for present use. And while waiting your call they will draw interest. An account in our Savings Department does not always imply small transactions, far from it. Many large depositors are using our Savings pass-books. They are using them tor the interest they get; they are also using them because of the convenience afforded. 4 percent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. BANK OF ENFIELD, ENFIELD, N. C. HEALTHURAMS. Closed windows are open aven- j ues to consumption. Strong drink makes weak men. j Your lungs can't be washed but they can be aired. Filth for flies and flies for fever. When you don't know what to eat eat nothing. Dry-dusting moves dust; it doesn't remove it. So-called chest protectors are targets for colds and coughs. Breathe freely and fully; the 1 more you expand your chest the -less you will contract colds. A fat man is usually a cheerful matt. He was cheerful before he was fat. (A hint to thin men.) ! Floods of sunshine in the home may fade carpets, but it puts the bloom of health upon your cheeks. Take your choice. I P AOAINST IT. Man certainly gets up against it j in this world. The doctor is the first one to get hold of him when he lands in this sphere; a little later ; he is landed on by his mother who is usually an expert in wielding the slipper; a few more years he I is pounced upon by the school teacher. He is not long out of the teacher's hand until he is taken in charge by some woman. During j life the doctor gets hold of him i occasionally until he at last falls ! into the hands of the undertaker. ; After that there is sometimes just a ; ALL IN THE FAMILY. In one of Pittsburg's hot muni cipal campaigns the issue was largely Senator William Flinn, who, by one party, was held re sponsible tor everything had hap pened in the city fur years, and by ihe other party, for everything good. Flinn was a contractor at that time of the firm of Flinn & Booth. At a mass-meeting of colored citi zens an impassioned orator assailed Flinn, and charged him with all sorts of high crimes and misde meanors, and in his ecstasy of de nunciation wound up with : "An', I ast you, who was it what shot down that great man, Abrum Lin- ktuur I ast you u.it. It was Flinn." "Hoi' on, Mistuh Speakah, broke in a Flinn man. "It wasn't no man named Flinn what shot Mistuh l.inkunt." "Who was it, den'" shouted the orator. "Booth." "Well," yelled the speaker tri umphantly, "what's de dittrunee: It was one of de firm." Satur day livening Post. Children Cry FOR FLEKHER'S CASTORIA PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKI.IION, N. C. l'nictii'es in the courts of Halifax ana Noitluimptoii uuil in the Supreme anil r-'cilcml courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch office. al Halifax open every .Monday UEORGEC. GREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hank liuildint;) Welclon. N. C. ELLIOTT H. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IIAI.II'AX. N. C. Piim i iri - 111 the courts of Mali fax and adjoiu'iiii! counties and in the Su preme eoutl ul I In- Male. pecml alten Ihiii imvi'u tiii-olli I'tions ami prompt re turns, l.i-li-ly W. J. WARD, I Hi NT I ST, UI'FKTO IN IMMKI. lil 1LIHN., WKI.HON, .VI' sept'-' Iv I). E. STAINBACK'. NOTARY PUBLIC And l irt Insurance. Koanokc NiUS Htfi.e -:- WelJua N.l I'Sl'AL WAY. I tried all remedies, new and old, And very few were free. I 'mil at last I broke my cold. And my cold, alas ! broke nie. WAV IT (iOES. "Could you give a starving wo man work ?" "Yes; I need a girl to scrub," "Too bad; this girl is a parlor maid." Washington 1 lernld. Chlldro.. Cry FOR FLETCHER S CASTORIA FILLING IT ATTORNEY AT LAW, U KI.IMIN. N. .', !'ruot!et' in the cou.ts ofllahfax and adjoinoiL' I'ounties and 11. the Supreiue couil.il the Siale. special attention iriven to collections and prompt return JOHN II. TAYLOR, " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KM n:i 1. Y c. "What do you do w h en you have no new s? It must be hard to fill up." "When we have no news," ex plained the New York journalist, "we use larger type." ill. I lulllk of r.iliel.l. I little doubt as to whose hands falls into. Marks Review. hei Not Sorry for Blunder. ".'ptv fnnniU lijptn't lliH'l're'l ' thinking I was a doomed v.ctun of con sumption. I mnrlit uot he alive now." notes l. T. Sanders, of llarroilsliurc, ky., ''hut for years they sn" every ftt templ to cure a luntr racking coueli fail Al laM 1 tr.isl Pi. Kuikt'sNew Iiiieove.y Thectl'oct was wonderful. It sisu. slop, ped thecouli and i a... nun in- Is-tler health than I have had for years. This wonderful life-safer is an unrivaled rem edy fur couiths, colds, latrrippe. asthma, croup, hcu.o.rhaKes, whooping coughs, or weak lungs, .'sic ., ft. Trial hottle free (iuara.iteed ly all druggists. 1 "v IsEi 1 .T. mm Shall Women Vote ? If they did. millions would vote Dr King's New Life fills Ihe true r. -dy for women, l-'iu hamshing dull, fagged feelings, hackache or headache, const.. iatio.1, dispelling colds, imparting ap petite and toning up tin' system, they 're uuciualed. I'.asy, safe. sure. L'V. at alldruggists. A man will tell you where he got his hat, but don't ask him where he goi his umbrella. Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring heauty get wonderful help from llucklen'a Arnica Salve. It hanislo'S pimples, skin eruptions, sores and IhiIIs. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face, ('ures sore even, cracked lips, chappcyr hands. Itest for hums, scalds, fever (airs, cuts, bruises and piles. '.'' at,a4 druggists. It takes an expert to stand a cross-examination without getting confused. of grit. knocking his sup -II .1:1 dil I Tho Never call your t'xni' He may E. HANI Coniinl CASTORIA For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the Signature of Women as Well as Men are Made miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidnev troiiMi' jin ys ujon the mind, diwourucsmuili'SM nsuml'ilii)!!, ln-uiity, uur ami clirtTtul- lU'SH Snnll (lls;lcaf wlun tin- Liinetftre out it titilcr or diseased. hee,io rvfit,-Ml '. A"T. i" l'1"' " is not uiicom- i AkWHi' f"' u '''"'ii i i U ! V ,r - Is"" ulllu teit with ; J-Jka, - vuk kidneys. If the child urinates UHtnfleii. it the urine sudds the OeU, o. if, whikl tlievlold lc.il Iti-Mtu age when it should he al!c to control the 1 passage, it is vet nillutid Willi hed-wet-j tmg.dqKMidieion it. tliveause of theditti- cully is k.dniy trouble, utul the tin-t step should be towards the treatment of ! these ini siit a iitor ii.ms. 'i'Ui . unpleasant trouble is itue to a iiiscascU t-ouuition ol the kidneys and bladder utul not to a habit us most peo;-le suppoi-e. Women as well u.iuen are made miser able with ktdiu v nnd bladder trouble, and both need tue same great rci.ie.lv. The mild nnd the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is i.ooti realized. Tt issobl by iliuyists, i:i liltv- , cuit and one-dollar mgnieSSCSZl sie bottles. You nu.v f :::."- have a sample lutllc I "." :"" S ,!S";::3 bv mail free, also a l;'St'gBKIB pamphlet telling all c&fc&'43iC alsv.it Swan. p-Root, u w Including mui'j t the thousands ot testi tnomul Utters tccrivc.l Iron. ufferer who found Swan.p-Koot to tie just th remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamto.i, N. V., tie ure and mention Una paper. Don't make, any mistake, tint remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's 8wami-Kool, and the address, Bingbamton, N. Y., on every bottle. L Jits! Save M"n(y tri Keef in Magai'Inc and Uting McCall Patterns MrCall'l Mll.ilBt will m : y a .i..-- . mv !- 3? I., i. -I I a - h t u li i '..ni'-s mn hie N. w 1 l.-lt In il n , lEi!.tni:ili-'ti e.ll. In, I I '.'11. III. "I.O 111 ;illll'l.' l" ll"l. . I'.lll.l: 1. ill I 1. 1 Wf Will (. Yn. I'm, f',.,.1 ' b. . M 1. 1 . Special Sals ! We have on hnnd several consigu ments of the latest ill wool, Wash and 1' rinccss ladies Suits, ltath.i than re turn these "ints our headquarters deci ded to put Ihem on sale at half price for cash only. $1" Suits $7.11.1. Prin cess, w hite ami all other colors $.' to 7, now '-'.'SI to ft. Wash Coat Suits $4 to til, now if 1. lis to tf. t tori Net Waist reduced If I ."" to L'..Mi Hlack and col ored silk Petticoat l to W now 2.(W to fct.7;. Voile Skirts (t to fx now fcVrf) to 4.."si. tO.lHKI yards lace and embroid eries to close nut at half price. TOe to tl Measaline silks, all colors, now 'SI to T.'ic. 5 and lie. calicoes 'M to 4c. Ill and 121c ginghams 7 to tic. About S.IKW yards dress goods to close out leaa than cost. Ladies hals at half prire, Ii ugs, druggets, carpet nigs and matti ngs at and Ik'Iow cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. 'im tmuc.Tkut Mtf itaniDMIlS" wwm

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