HWf ill Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE Terms of Subscription"$1.50 ler Anmn vol. v. WKLDOX, N. ('., TIiriiSDAV, .JANl'AKY 1J), 11)11. xo. :ks. The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has bccu id use ior over aw year, lias All CountorffltM, Iinltatlous awl " JuMt-u-goud" arc but Kxporlnicnts Umt trlllo with B.il mlniiK..r tlio health of lufauts mid Children Kxpuricnra ntainst F.xporiiii.-nt. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harnilcst substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare Korlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotio xtibstaiice. Its age is its Ruarantco. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlnhuess. It cures Diarrhma and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Uon-els, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. aouuoi Day I'honb Z P. N. ST A iNDHinAKKii, Weldon, 0 Full Line oi CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of -Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. HOWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Expcricnci. Hearse Service Anywhere. 0 IOE aomaoi m m Full line new Dress Goods. See our new line of CLOTHING For Men, Boys, and Children HAMOUS Shoe Women LADIES COAT SUITS Everything in General Merchandise A. L. Stainback's "Always Busy Store." OC THF RANK (IF WELDON WKLDON, X. Organized Under the Uwg of the State of North Carolina, Artil'STJOTII. istf State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Veldon Depository. C ap itaj ana Surplus, $45,000. i" r more than 17 vears this institution has provided hankimr facili ti for this section, it's stock holders and directors have heen identilied will, the business interests of Halifax und Northampton counties for many vears. Money is loaned upon approved security at the leal rate or .luteres't six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided profits havimr reached a sum eu,ual to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. commeiicnie January I, W esUlilislieM a savings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: tor h'posits allowed torcmain tlin-e months or lir-r. - t'ct cent. mx months or longer. 3 per cent. Twelve months or lonRor. 4 percent. r'or further information applv to the President or Cashier. fiBSIDENl : W. K. DANIEL, VH'H-I W, It. Old Papers for Sale at this Office. borne tlio signature vt U"d 1ms lioon nmde nndtr liU por ffrr., 0'al supervision since its Infancy. Signature of Nmiiit I'iio.nkh 24 and .r)4. INK A OK, North Carolina. a 301 rksidknt: l .. SMITH. K. i iiai THE SOLID SOUTH. Its Loyalty to Principle Commen dable to Rest of the Country. There's morn than a joke in that good story with a profane flavor which Major Hemphill tells ahont Mr. Tuft. The Pres ident would do well, after he lias laughed over it sufficiently to analyze it ami appreciate what it means. And all North erners or Republicans who have an idea that they are bcimiing to see cracks in the ''Solid South," indicating that before another generation it will split open, will also do well to yon der. As they say in the South, there is "a heap of truth" con densed in that little story. Southerners are ever loyal to the nation's President, whether they vote for him or not. To them he is the President of the whole nation, entitled to respect by virtue of his office, to honor and praise in addition accord ing us he by wisdom of action proves worthy of it. And that is an attitude, be it known, highly commendable in the loyal citizens of the South, and highly commendable to the rest of the country. Hut when it comes to voting the South serves the Democrat ic party be it reverently said, for it is true next to its (iod. And be it said in passing that it serves its Hod better in these times than does any other part of the nation. He founded, even New England. To the foundation of Democracy the South stands; it dare not, even if it would, stand anywhere else. Hy its sign it conquers, or is vanquished, goes down in lion, oralde and untamed defeat The South learned generations ago to be loyal to a principle, and it proved in a bitter war between the States how well it had learned the lesson. Its principle in these days is the Democratic party; and it will hold to it. It may not wisely bo said, moreover, that demon stration of such principle is bad for the nation's view. It raises us with a needed lift above those petty differences, which define partisanship in the North. These things every man should know who would study wisely his political history. These things every man should know who enters polities with high ideals. They are for the saving troiii imsapprenensKui ami disappointment of any man who fancies that some day the too, too Sol itl South will melt, away. The time will come, it may he, when we'll thank (iod for that rock of loyalty to prin ciple New Haven Register. See ADVICE TO WOMEN Women sulTerine from any form of illness are invited to promptly com municate with Mrs. J'lnkliiim at j.ynn, M;iss. All lettersare received, owned, rend and answered hy women. A wo men can treeiyialK of li r private ill-lii-s to a woman ; thus hM been es tablished this con lith nee between Jlis. I'liiklinm and the women of America which lias J l .......... l,i-..L'.n v-C'Vv. V. .v.. i- hihti null. :iihod a testimonial or used a letter without the wriitt.i sent of tho writer, and never has the Company n!l,,v.i.it these eonlidt ntial letters to rot. nut of their Dissension, as the hundreds of thousands of them their tiles will attest. in Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs. l'inkham has to draw from, it is more than possible that site lias trained the very know lcdi.v need d in your case. She asks nothing in re turn except your (food will, and her advice bus helped thousands. Surely any woman, itch or poor, should be glad to take advantage ot tills gener ous nnvr of assistance. Address Mrs. Pinkhnm, care of l.yilia Ji. rniKuain Medicine Co., Lynn, S.ass. Every woman outjlit to have Lydia l'inklmiii's 80-iai;o Text Hook. It is not a hook for Kouorui distribution, us it Is too eieiislve. It is free nnd only nfittiitinbh) lv mull. Write lor It today. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roaooke News Office -:- WelJuu N C m WW r"SjVl 1 ' I M s li, .V AUNT HANNAH'S VISIT. Take me back to Turkey Level; dat'sde place where 1 belong I hardly struck de city till I said "Dar's sumpin wrong '" 1 stepped up on a.omnibus and ax de hire to pay. De driver simply turn a crank and we was on our way. I s feclin' mighty nervous an' I's Take me hack to Turkey Level; I went to dat big house to see de white folks dat I know; A young policeman peeked out through de bars an' says "hello !" 1 stepped right in beside him, 'case he didn' have no proof. He jerk a handle an' we started sailin' foh de roof. 1 couldn' hardly ketch my href. Take me back to Turkey Level. De way dem white folks does is sho'ly I says, "Please light a fire, 'cause I's as cold as 1 kin be." Dey turn a little spigot in an iron fence so neat And dey fill de litile settin' room chock full o' fireless heat. 1 never seen de like o' dat in all my blessed days. Take me back to Turkey Level, 'cause 1 wants to watch de blaze. Dey never makes no special diff'rence 'twixt de day an' night. Dey twists a little button when dey wants to strike a light, An' when dey wants some music, dey takes paper from de shelf An' feeds it to de organ den it goes an' plays itself. De candle light is plenty on' mo' comfortin' by far. Take me back to Turkey Level. Let me hear dat old guitar ! BACHELOR MALL. BY EUGENE It seems like a dream that sweet wooing of old Like a legend of fairies on pages of gold Too soon the sweet story of loving was closed, Too rudely awakened the soul that reposed; I kissed the white lips that lay under the pall, And crept back to you, lonely Bachelor Hall. Mine eyes have grown dim, and my hair has turned white, But my heart beats as warmly and gayly tonight As in days that are gone and years that are fled Though I fill up my flagon and drink to the dead; For over my senses sweet memories fall And the dead is come back to old Bachelor Hall. 1 see her fair face through a vapor of tears, And her sweet voice comes back o'er the desert of years, And I hear, oh, so gently, the promises she spoke And a soft spirit hand soothes the heart that is broke; So I fill up the flagon and drink that is all To the dead and the dying of Bachelor Hall. THE PRODIGAL SON IN 1911. It Is the Manner in Which He! Returns That Throw a Wet I Blanket Over Festivities. No, it isn't that the world has ; grown hard hearted; it isn't that j we aren't just as glad today to see the prodigal come hack and iust as , lovingly anxious to welcome him home as'ever was anybody in the i 15th chapter of Luke. It is the j manner in which the prodigal son j of 1911 frequently returns that i throws a wet blanket over the tes-1 tivities of the welcome. When he conies down the road with his hat J hanging on his ear and his hands in his pockets; when he kicks the faithful old house-dog as he lounges in at the gate; when he calls father 'Gov'nor" and the hired man 'Cull," when he wants to know, what's for dinner?" before he has been in the house fifteen min utes; when he gives his elder brother two fingers to shake, and advises him to' comb the hayseed out of his hair; when he throws himself into the easiest chair in the house perches his feet on the win dow sill and announces that he'll "take a tub before dinner," when he conies back with a generally forgiving air of good fellowship about him, and tries to make all the rest of the family feel very easy and reassured then it is my son that your father longs to run and meet you while you are a great way off and fall upon your neck with a plow line and welt you into state of becoming humility and penitence by the time you are able to take oft your hat to the bound boy; and crawl up to the Iront steps to ask your brother lo shake hands with you. Cood people are just as glad today as glad today as ever they were, to see a prodigal come home but it does rattle them n little to see him come home in a hack and ask them to pay the driver and send for his baggage. UNREQENERATE. "It was to satisfy your extrava gant tastes," cried the desperate man, "that I committed the for gery. The crime is upon your head." The woman started and gazed at him wonderingty : "Is my crime on straight ?" she asked. REST AND HEALTH 13 MOTHER AND CHILD. Mrs. Vihlou"4 So .t:-imo Svn-r ha fc-m ufd for over t-IXl'V VKAKSLy MILLION uf MOTliKKS f..r ll.o. II1IIUKKN Wlll.R ThrnHINO, Willi n-ltliCr W'Kfe U SOOTIIKS 1 "" MFTEN l-l MS, ALLAYS all I AIN ; tt'f.r WINDCOUC, "i la thebt! rrmcly fr 1'I.VRKHU A. It n i wlulely llrmlcs. Ht urc lid t.tk for "Mrs Winilow'i Rootluuj Syrup," n4 lake no other klntL Twenvy-hveceou bottle. gettin' kind er cross lemme ride behind a boss 1 I was a sight to see. Steps is good enough for me! curious to me. FIELD. NO NEED TO BE HOOD. A little Heights girl surprised her parents last week by refusing ce scared into being good. "It's l.vy u.i,. itiitiit; lite 111! I. I S wo't tome, or thai the angels will write it down in their book if I'm naughty, mamma," she said. "I migiii a- wen ten you mat they j uhuk up in neaven mat I m dead, "But why should they think 'hat, dear?" "Because, I haven't said my prayers for two weeks." 0um. r..i. ....,... vuK ..icuiUIIC. is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tar fnllills this condition exactly. Mis. Charles Kline. N.8th St.. Kaston. 1'a , states: "Several members of my family have been cured of bad coughs and colds bv the use of Foley's lioucy and Tar and I am never without a bottle in the house.'' Ilefuse substi tutes. I'.. ( I.Alt K. ASKINO TOO MUCH. "The count has promised that he will never beat or kick nie if 1 will marry him," said the beautiful heiress. "But has he promised to work for you?" her father asked. "Oh, papa, don't be unreasona ble." Foley's Kidney Remedy An Appreciation. I.. Mct'onnell, Catherine St., Kluiira, X. , writes: "I wish to express my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I used for a bad case of kidney trouble. Five bottles did the work niOBt ett'ect ively and proved to me beyond doubt it is the most reliable kidney trouble I have ever taken." K. CI.AIiK. ON THE SENATORS. The wit of Bishop Seth Ward amuses Nashville frequently. Bishop Ward, in company with two senators, came forth from a Nashville reception the other day and entered a motarcar. "Ah, bishop," said one of his companions, "you are not like your master. He was content to ride an ass." "Yes, and so should I be," Bishop Ward answered, "but there's no such animal to be got nowadays. They make them all senators." Death in Roaring Fire may not insult from the work of lire liuirs, hut often severe bums are caused that make a quick need for llueklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cute for hums, wounds, bruises, boils, gores. It subdues inflammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. roly 25c. at all druggists. LAUGHTER. "Pull lip the Curtain, Doctor, I'm Afraid to Oo Home In The Dnrk." ! He can be said to have won the game of life who at the last ; can laugh. It was no blasphe my, hut a fur vision of Niez : ches's, thai led him to say that last savior who would come to mankind would laugh instead of weep. That final speech , of (I. Henry, the short-story ! writer, was finer than any story he ever wrote. Justus he was ! dying he turned to the doctor and said: "Pull up the cur tain, Doc, I'm afraid to go home in the dark." The speech had in it wide courage and a sense of values. One forgives the royal Charles much frivol ity for the sake of his dying speech. "Gentlemen, I fear Pm an unconscionable time a dying," and any one who has suffered much alone knows all the pathos and fun in the crip pled Heine's complaint that it was too bad of the German phi losophers to obolish God "for who, pray," said he "who am I to groan to at night after my wife has gone to sleep, if there 1 is no God?" j In youth we are whole and i vigorous and trustful of this , enveloping life, we may easily prefer tragedy. We indulge a brave desire to understand life and to know it at its worst. No rectified and decorated world, no polite reserves, will assuage our thirst for reality. We are obtue enough and sound enough to hear the highest pitch of anguish; indeed, it takes ti good deal of sensation to rouse our feelings, so thick ly are we incased in coursing blood and wholesome flesh. But there comes a time when the luckiest among us, hears the scars, if not the open gashes of the battle. The good. strong bones that hold us upright and gave our eyes a level glance across the field of life, are mashed and broken on the wheel or bent by labor, and then we ask for illusions, for comedy, for diversion, but above all laughter; sane, cour ageous laughter. Broken, bur dened, helpless as we are. none of us very much to he envied, none scathless. he stands high est who still can laugh. Laugh- ter means that men can still re- I ....... ,. . .... . strain uesires, stilt near up un der torment, still see himself in so large a setting that his personal fate seems small. An ger and contempt ami bitter ness are equally silly. They leave usunawareuf our relativ ity. One man's place in the universe is no great matter. The bag of life is deeper than any man's hand has reached. No man of far vision accepts a final despair since beyond the farthest stretch of our vision spreads infinite space. Har per's Weekly. THE ONLY WAV. When Gertrude Hoffman and her company were playing here a week ago, one of her "broillers," , who had unknowingly stopped at a boarding house in Pittsburg where there had been smallpox, went up to a physician to be vac cinated. She was very anxious to have it where the scar wouldn't show or be exposed when she appeared on the stage. "Ah, yes," said the M. D., stroking his beard. "What is your business ?" "Why, I'm with Gertrude Hoff man. One of her dancing girls, you know." "Well," said the man of medi cine, as he laid down the virus, "1 guess if that's the case you'll have to take it internally." NOT PARTICULAR ABOUT TASTE. Little Boy I want a dose of cas tor oil. Druggist Do you want the kind you can't taste ? Little Boy (anxious to get even) No, sir; it's for mother. Smile, even if it hurts your face; some people have to be cruel to be kind to themselves. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA SWUMi HIS LANTERN. A lawyer tells a story of an acci dent at a railway crossing at night, ! in which a farmer's cart was struck i and demolished and the farmer in-! iured. "I was counsel for the railway," says the lawyer, "and I won the case for the defense mainly on account of the testimony of an old colored man, who was stationed at the crossing. When asked if he had swung his lantern us a warning the old man swore postively : " 'I surely did.' "After I had won the case I called on the old negro," says the lawyer, "and complimented him ; upon his testimony. He said : i " 'Thankee, Marse Jawn, I got j along all right; but I was awfully j scared, 'cause I was 'fraid dat j lawyer man was goin' ter ask me j was my lantern lit. De oil done , got spilled by accident.' " J JUST SMILE. i I wouldn't frown for a crown. Laugh once an hour and you'll never need any pepsin. Everybody likes a joke; no one goes around telling blank verse. No one ever accused Master Cupid of being a tragedian, When you look me in the face and smile I know you haven't got a un UD your sleeve. t - I'd rather be a Billikin than a Buddha. No man ever laughed when he was premeditating a foul crime. You laugh naturally; you have to set your face for a frown, A LONG CHANCE, "I took a long chance when I asked her marry me." "She rejected you, eh ?" "No, that was the long chance 1 took. She accepted me." The waste basket is a potent fac tor in keeping up the standard of literature. mum mjmapamamtaB Come in and look over the new assortment of fine brasses on sale Great showing of MANICURE AND SCISSORS SETS All things so necessa- Srv for the completion UI VI litis yav.ia&s3-- Holiday Seals, Address Labels Etc., Etc. We have just receiv ed a full line of Cold Weather Toilet Arti cles, Daggett & Ram. sell's Creams and Lo tions. Great supply of Pure Olive Oil. ALL DRUG SUNDRIES. Prescriptions a Specialty. Complete line of Art Goods painted by Miss Dixie Leach. We cordially invite your inspection. W.M. COHEN, Phone No. 12. Weldon, N. C. (llll'll ),j,,,y lldpartm BAD BREATH Is caused by Indigestion, and that disorder brings on headaches, sallowni'ss, languor, dizziness and a general discouraged feeling. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POV'DER FORM) Currrcis All Disorders lu Ibe Sluujttih and bowels Its powerful, reviving and regulating influence 'n the liver and digestive organs brings an immediate im provement. You feel better. The bowels move freely so that the impurities that have clogged up the digestive tract find an outlet. When the system baa been thus purified the bilious half-sick feeling disap pears ; the complexion improves, the breath becomes sweet, the mind throws off gloomy forebodings, and there is a fine feeling of energy and exhilaration all through the body. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package. $1.00 Ask for ll'C renuinc wilt the Rrd 7 on tbe Ubel. It yoj cannot set it. remit to ui, we Trill Knd it by mail, postpaid. Simmon! Liver Regulator is put up also in liquid form for those wlio prefer it. Price. $1 00 per bottle. Look for the Red Z label. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Proprietors St. Louis, Missouri PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, S. C. Practices in tho courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in all partH of North Carolina. ISranch. otlice at Halifax open every Monday QEORQE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National P.ank Building) Weldon, N. C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IIAi.ll'.W, X. C. Pit.uTn i in the courts ol'llulil'axuud adjoinini; counties and in the !u 1 preme court of the Mute. Special atten I tion (riven to collections anil prompt re . tutus. lU-b-ly W. J. WARD, DKNTIST, (ll l'ICK IN IA.N1EL HUILIHNU WKLDON. X.CJ seplli ly Ljj T. CLAUK,"" ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON, X. l l'raetiers in tltt? courts of Halifax and aJjoinint; counties and iu the Supreme court ol tlie Mate. Special attention Kiveo to eollectious and prompt return JOHN H. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KN FIELD, X. C. unices; over Hank of Entield. 10-tiii in Tie Thrice-A-Weet Edition OFTHR Practically a Dally at tbe Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. The great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Wcek edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value t you uuw. The Thrice-A-Weck World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is ovy $ 1 per year, and this pays for 1 56 papers, we oner tnis unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NhWS together for one year tor The reffular suhsprintinn price of the two papers is $2.50. mm piumrCf nleiiirwd ii ki iximunp, uR MO f LIL. TRAM-MARK t, 4 tlVfftti nml v i iftUt trgit uitTftl. htm1 kl(l, Model or Phuto, lor mil HPOffT Oil IntlfMrtbilM?, t'Klrnt ptmci lee MCl!iMHr. BANK HiriRINCtft. ScihI 4 rrhtA In Wnttiin tor oar two imttafclp book on NOW TO PS TAIN mini IIU PAT INTl, litt-h onrt ifili pttr-Huwto ttrt avArf itrt, fHtlrm law and Mhrr vnlmt:e uUimuaiion, D. SWIFT h CO, PATINT LAWVIRt, 303 Seventh St., WatbkigtM, D. t. New York World