jQ Nl ( Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 l er Annum VOL. XLY. WKIJ)ON, N. ( '., fill 15SDAV. MAltCII I I I . NO. II. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over 80 yearn, has borue tho siirnaturo of aud. lias been mndo under his per- LL-rffirtfrAS 80,,n! snpwvlslon slneo its infancy. vw7f. wua Allow no one to deceive you in UiU. All Counterfeit, Imitation mid " Jiint-aH-tcood" nro but KxperliiienU that ti illa with and eudungcr tho health of Infants aud Children Experience ugainsi Kxperiiueut. What Is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop" and Soothing Syn-ps. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo xiibslance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays lYvertahness. It cures Diarruusa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and liowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tMt OINTtWR OOMMNT, TF iURU TICtT, KtW VOMA OITV. NEEDED REVIVAL. 0 301 IOE Day I'iion Si. Nk;iit I'iionks 24 ami "4. P. N. ST A IN BACK, EEEzEzEL7s I X I ) I 1 !TA K VAU I .. . Weldon, - . North Carolina. Full Line of C SKRTS. CO! FINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FMBALMF.R. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. QEZZEHOE 30EU FOR SALE FIFTY-NINE (59) LOTS IN THE TOWN OF WELDON, N. C, LOCATED AND OF THE DIMEN SIONS AS SHOWN BY THE FOLLOWING PLOT: I i t u P m n i'i f - j 1 iji rn-rrrT-wtw jiri 7; 1 p.'t.n. - ; 1 -r: : -jvt- ' p, 1 th n , 1 : ' " ''Vj ;m'm!iii ,.-,,''' iUfcji: , 1 - 1 1 i i I ' ! 1 I . J.. J.. U . " i ; ; U.p 1. 1 : 1 .....-J -1iJ.'lX!,Ll I- I-"-' '..U.i.-.rl rz GOOD-BVE. Does the Bridjre-Whist Party Fill i The Place of The Old Singing School ? Why is it that with all the present-tiny interest in every thing calculated to make coun try life more attractive, there has been so little serious effort to revive the old-fashioned singing school? Fifty years ago it llourished every where throughout the northern part of tliecountry. It may have reached its highest development in New Kngland, but it was not by any means confined to that region. Nothing except town meetings offered u social opportunity so ; democratic, and town meetings ; belonged exclusively to the men j The singing school brought old j and young together, in a com- j mon interest, as few other forms of social diversions have ! ever done. It afforded both 00 , casion and place for the meet-; ing of the sexes under condi-! tions the most unobjectionable, j No one will know how many happy marriages have resulted from acquaintances first made at a singing school or friend ships which ripened into love during the long walks back and forth. Lastly; the singing school promoted interest in the most j broadly human of all the arts, I and thus became on influence j for the moral aid spiritual! health of the community. There are old persons to whom those evenings of song are now ! a memory they wouui not wil lingly lose a link to youth aud home and early friend ships. Does the whist-party fill the same place? No other single influence draws young people from the country to the city so steadily as the desire for larger social opportunity as nothing else can. The Scotch and the Eng lish know this. They support their rural singing schools with enthusiasm. Competent judges have recently declared that in no part of the world has the mass of the people attained to such a high degren "f vocal culture and musical intelli gence as in Scotland and Wales. This general interest in the an of singing has been found to be a powerful influence for the ed ucational, social and religious improvement. Youth's Com panion. BRER WILLIAMS. You let me hold you close, beloved, and say That you will love me forever and a day, And yei, I hesitate, tire I put my lips 10 yours, A picture comes to me through halt-closed doors: Ah God ! If only I had been too late 1 saw him hold you there closely to his heart, And as you two stood, from the world apart, I moved on with head bowed low, For, ere 1 passed, in your eyes I saw The light that never was on sea or shore; Ah God ! I love you so ! And now he's gone - and you come to me And let me hold you close and I look 10 see In your eyes that light, beyond jewels rare, Or anything in the world; 'twas there for him, And, as 1 look, the world grows dim; Ah God ! It is not there ! And if he should cross our path again In after years, beloved, what then? The answer is for you and I. Could you turn from him bid him go? Ah God ! Your eyes they tell me no; 'Tis fate, beloved, good-bye ! THE OLD NORTH STATE. THE GIVER OF ALL GOOD, The Christ In Whom Christians Believe By Rev. Lay Warwick, of Atlanta, (ia. HAD WOOD TO Bl'-RN. .1 BY WILLIAM GASTON. FOR TERMS, APPLY TO W.E. DANIEL, Weldon, N. 0. 2-16-tf T-nr mini nr uici nrui I nc DAHIV ur ntLuuii W.ELDOX, N. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Arirs?T2iTH. w. State of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital afli SurPlu?, $4-5,000. For more th.n 17 years thi institution , ban provided I .i.k.ntr faei i tic for thi neetioD. It" Htookl..-I.l. r ami .lireetor. have been ndt.li.M with the buaineMinbreatKof Halifax and N.rll..u..t..ii eou .tie. for many year. Money in loaned upon approved neeurily at theleirnl rate ol intereat ix per centum. Aeeounts ol ail aie ''" . ineaurpiua ami uninvmeii piuiiin .- -- .,.,i.i;ui,,i ..l i,..i. i... mmpneiiiir Jauiiarv I, IHu. esUlililiel month, or longer. 3 per cent. Twelve month, or !' ''' Forfurther information apply to the I'reaident or I anloer. .... vt- rAliia: V. U. KMITH.' " s- TKAVW. Carolina ! Carolina ! Heaven's blessings attend her ! While we live we will cherish, protect and defend her ; Though the scorner may sneer at and witlings defame her, Our hearts swell with gladness whenever we name her. Hurrah! Hurrah ! the Old North State forever ! Hurrah! Hurrah ! the good Old North State ! Though she envies not others their merited glory. Say, whose name stands the foremost in Liberty's story ! Though too true to herself e'er to crouch to oppression, Who can yield to just rule more loyal submission ? Plain and artless her sons, but whose doors open faster At the knock of a stranger, or the tale of disaster? How like to the rudeness of the dear native mountains, With rich ore in their bosoms and life in their fountains. And her daughters, the Queen of the Forest resembling So graceful, so constant, yei to gentlest breath trembling; And true lighiwooJ at heart, let the match be applied them. How they kindle and flame' Oh! ikne know but who've tried them. Then let all who love us love the land that we live in (As happy a region as on this side of Heaven), Where Plenty and Freedom, Love and Peace smile before us. Raise aloud, raise together the heart-thrilling chorus ! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! the Old North State forever ! the good Old North State! POINTED PARAURAPHS. I De sayin' "Hell is paved with good intentions," but dat s one pavement 1 ain't got no intention r . I .u:-l. usually Jluch-ahused pooplo deserve it. A dollar fairly got is worth a ofinvestion. I don t think satin j ' an' me could git 'long well togeth-1 It's impossible to defeat an er, ka!e I never did like dese ignorant man in aiKunu'iit. steam net Duuciings, an i am i gui no desire for de exercise er shov- elin brimstone! F.ven a stingy man loosens when asked for advice. up OTTMWA WOMAN CURED By l.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ottmmva, lown.-"For years I was .i,.,.i ,i PMTisiiint sufferer from female ! . I.. ..II it irouoie. in -o no rend till forms; Hlioutiuft pains all over uiy body, sick headache, s p um i weakness, dizziness. depression, ami rvervthhiK that was horrid. 1 1 ried many idoctors in different parts of the I nltea ! 1.... T r.li., 1 Attacks School Principal. A severe attack on school principal, I has. 1!. Allen, of Sylvunia, ;., is thus told hy him. 'For more than three years," he writes, "I guttered indescri bable torture from ihtuiuatisin, liver and stomach trouble and diseased kid neys. All remedies failed till I used rieetiie iiittcrs. but four bottles of this wondeifiil remedy cured me conmletu- Somctilllt'S a lliail pays empty l ." Such results are common. Thou Compliments when ho is full. sands bless them for niriiur stomach ., , , ,i , ., trouble, female complaints, kidney dis- Some people imagine tlu'V art' . . . ' ' 11 ' ! orders, bilious, and foi ncn health and good because they arc harm- vi((()r Try iem (ny:-ie. ataildruK less. irists. Tho man with an inped intent : in his speech seldom speaks! well of anybody. 1 About the only wav vou can t cultivate some men's acquaint-1 nnce is bv irrigation. I f tJ But the innocent bystander seldom knows enough to be otherwise and elsewhere. Most bachelors believe that marriage is a failure but mar ried men don't say n word. Chicago News. The Christ in whom Christians ! believe is not the Christ of yester-1 vice once and day, nor of tomorrow, but the Christ of today. We love to read of the Son of Man as He walked i and talked with men in Palestine. ; We love to picture how He looked ' and He talked to the woman of Samaria as, wearied with His jour- I ney, He sat by Jacob's well. We love to think of Him as He took : little children in His arms and blessed them. We rejoice with the widow of Nain as she receives her son, and with Martha and Mary as La.arus is made to live again. ; We delight to read of this Christ j and these mighty works that He I did, but the Christ of Judea and I Galilee is not the Christ we need ! today. We love to read and think j of the Christ who burst the bands ! of death, triumphed over the grave and sat down at God's right hand. And this Christ we know is coming again to judge the world ' in truth and grace. ! Our'eyes shall see the King in I His beauty. We shall stand before Him to give account of the deeds done in the body. If we are faith ful we shall hear Him say. "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of Thy Lord." But if we attain to goodness and keep our fidelity we need not only a Christ who was once here, and who is coming back some day in power and glory; we need more than a Christ to look back upon, or forward to. We need a Christ who is just as much alive in the 20th century as He was in the first, who is just as really present i in the world today as He ever was j or ever shall be. ! What does it avail a people to ! ; know that a Saviour once lived in 1 1 Galilee, if there be no Saviour for j them today.) How does it help the sinner to i ! know that the Son of Man had j j power on earth to forgive sin if! there is no longer any one to say, 1 "Thy sins are all forgiven thee?" ! Were the people who lived in Sy char and Capernaum and Bethany permitted to know a Saviour we , may never know, except as a pei -: son of history, or as a great future ; judge? j Our hearts will not have it so. j They cry out for a living and al-: ways present Saviour, for a great j and good Friend to walk with us j through the everydayness of things I i in this work-a-day world. ' Loud mockers in the roaring street, Say, Christ is crucified again. Twice pierced His gospel-bringing ; feet, Twice broken his great heart in j vain. So iu the street 1 hear men say ' But Christ is with me all the day. Christ is the giver of all good ! ! that has come or is coming to our ; i state, whether it comes through I Williams tells the . the Washington my ser- wished to show After paymg John Sharp following, say Herald. "One of the negroes on place did me quite a valu.ibl I my appreciation him 1 asked : " 'Now uiule, what shall 1 give ! you, a ton of coal or a big bottle of j whiskey?'' j " 'I'o' de l.awd, M.irse John,' i he replieJ, 'ou shorely knows j Alt on'v burns wood. ' " i CASEY'S PICTl'RF:. Casey decided to go into bus iness, so he bought out a small livery stable and had a painter make a sign fur him showing him astride a mule. He had this sign placed in front of it. His friend Finnigan happened alongand stood gazing at the sign. ' That's a good picture of me, ain't it!'" asked Casey. "Sure it looks something like you," said Finnigan, "but who thedivilis the man on your bank?" National .Monthly. And it sometimes happens that a dressmaker ruffles a customer's temper. When You Yawn a Good Deal In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom of a torpid liver. Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious im purities' which have inter fered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels p.re purified and a regular habit re established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system. Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. SulJ by Dealers Price, JAirga Package, SI. 00 Ak ftt tin1 fceuuiiLC wiili the Red Z on the lalti-l. If ynii rarimit grt it. remit to ub, we wili send it by mail. puM.paitl. Simmont Livei Ki-KiiUt'ii 19 also put up in liquid form for those who prefer it. Price fl 00 per bortle Look for Ibe Red Z label. J. H. ZK1II1 A CO., Proprietors St. Loul9t Missouri Por Infauts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Via PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme anu Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax open every Monday After getting his own way it is sometimes up to a man to make a gateway. QEORGE C. OREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank Building) Weldon. N. C. HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM It In An Internal DUc-ae Ami Re quire An Intrrnnl K?nutly. The cause of rheumatism and kimlivd d'sio.isea is an excess of uric arM m tho Mood, To cure this trrrifole dist-u--. t'H.i i"i? must be expelled and the s M"n it"iiiitfd that no more ariu w.'i! iniimd in fxct-sslve nmintltlf f:M. m i:-. 1 ":! is an internal dinafj aiM r ncirt Jin internal rt-iiu-dy. ItrUHiXTi vX "Us si nd Liniment a WILL NOT Tl;i: (Myitis only temporary rWiot ut 1 -i, iv.usca you to delay the proper tr ;. mt-ni, and allows the nialiitlj to h tinner hold on you. Lint mentis nuy ill,- pain, but tht-y will no mou jiiiv i:: iiiinytibin than paint will cliunrv No rib t of rotten wood. : ii. nre has at last discovered a ' 'i i i and complete cure. whi-h is -..'H'-'l KlmuiiiRide. Tt-sted in lmndred-oi t,i.- , : iie vffeeted the most marwum c.iqp t-'lieve it will cure you, Uiiouni i l i -l,vi ut the joints from the Inside, su i.o l uis.nirf out of the pysi'Mii, lon.'V i:;t !!.e stomach, reeulutes the w r ana nitlheys and makes you well all over. iMuuniaeido strikes th root ot the dis ease and removes Its cause. This spl- ii I'd remedy la wold by druntiiu,s sr.d dfal"ia Rencrally at 5iie. and i a l.)ttlo. in Tablet form at 2"c.and Sue!" a packaw. Write to Ilobbitt Chemical Co., Haiti i'mn, ld. booklet free. Tablet- mm W nii. run mii; ollieull'ei s Pruis stim, Wi-Klon. N. C Koanoke- I'liai muey. Iloanokt ltapi'1. SEA BO A U 1) AIU LINE. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX. X. C. PK.-rirK in tin- courts ol'llalifux atnl udjoiuiiii: coiinlifs and ill the Su picino court ol llic staU'. Special atten tion (riven to collections ami prompt re turns. lO-ti-Jy VV . J. WARD, OKNT1ST, OFFK K IN I . N IKL lil.'lLIlN(i WKl.liON . X. c; si'litl' ly hi T. GLAR K. ATTOKMiY AT LAW, i:i.i'o.,x.c.2 Practices in tlie courtK of Halifax and adjoining counties aud iu the Supreme com I ol tin' State. Special attention ifivu to ci ilectious and prompt return JOHN H. TAYLOR. i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KXriEl.P, x. c. unices: O 10-W III erllank of Enrield. Special Low Ratc-5 to Atlanta, Ua. , Account Southern Commercial Congress. March Mh-lOtli, Q. The TiriCE-A-Week Eiition OF THE X'e once heard of a prominent citizen in a small town who actual ly didn't want to be postmaster. the a For six pbhsidint: W. R. DANIF.L, Old Papers for Sale at this Office. f..r mp than all the doctors. ; 1 feel it my duty to tell you these fids. My heart is full of gratitude to you for my cure."-Mri. Uakrikt t. I Wami-lek. 624 8. Ransom btrent, OttuiuM ii, Iowa. l oiiNlder Thin Atlvlo. No woman 'should Biibmtt to a fliirgj cal niieratiun, which may mean death, until nhe has (riven Lydia K. I'iiikham s Vegetable Compound a fair trial. rri.i. r.im.m meilicliu'. made nuly frfim roots and herhit, lias for thirty years proved to lie th uiost valuah e tonic and Iminorntor of the female 1..... U'nmwn rprttdliur 111 A mOHt every city and town In the I nlted BUtes bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia L. link- ham's Vegetable eomKiinni. Dlnlrhatn. lit I.V1III. MllSS. !"....-ji. llprndvlcciii free. Has Millions of Friends. How would you like to number your friendu by millions as Hucklen's Arnica Salve docs'.' Its astondinif cures in the past forty years made them Its the best Salve in the world for sores, ulceis, eczema, burns, boils, sou Ms, cuts, corns, sore eyes, uprains, sivelliutrs, bruises, cold sores. Has no eiiual for piles. at all diuexista. Account of the Southern Com mercial Congress which meets in i philanthropists, educational move-1 Atlanta, Ga., March 6th-10ih, I tnent, legislative enactment or re-; 191 1, the Seaboard Air Line Rail way has authorized exceptionally low round trip rates from all points on its lines. Tickets on account of this meet-: ing will be on sale March ?th-6th ' and 7th and for trains scheduled j to arrive in Atlanta morning of March 8th. Tickets will be limi ted to return until March 20th. The Seaboard affords an excel lent double daily service to Atlanta, trains consisting of Pullman sleep- EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS The incubator has kept many an : old hen from brooding over her j troubles. Is there any one present who wishes the prayers of the emigre-, gationfora relative or friend'-'" asks the minister. i "1 do," says the angular lady j Frnm ihp re ir new "I ( r ''nniiviiio,tuini(j; voiiQiriyuiiou Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis, with many victims, but Dr. King's New Life Fills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate the stomach, liver aud bonels, preventing that Jogging that want the congregation to pray my husband." "Why, Sister Abigail !" replies the minister. "You have no hus band as yet." "Yes, but 1 want you all to pitch in an' pray for one for me !" CONSIDERATE. Headache. Ililiouaness. all druguisls. ("hills '.Tic. at If you haven't wind enough to blow your own horn hire a press agent. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHUB. I Mrs. Wihslow' fionrniNO 8vrp ha been I vsrd (or ovtr SIXTY VKAKS bv MIUIONS ut 1 MllTIIITItS t'T thnr Cllll.ilKKN Wllll.lt 1 Ti l-I'lllSll, with I'KRKKCT M'CCRSW. It i (jiii'tiii:s Hie cim.n. tioi-THNS llic GUMs, I AI.I.AVSnll I'AIN ; CIR I'S WINH COLIC, and IDV i ir llicl-t n rnoly fur DIAKKIIUiA. 11 i ! ltir,lv harinlrs. Ite sure an,l ask for "Mr. darling, that I'll put a Millet wi''' (lerald I swear to you. mv brains if vou rofusf to mnr ry me. j Any cook is a good cook if you Geraldine Then I suppoHe 1 j happen to be hungry, ought to marrv vou to save you j -a Ioiik, lirenome search for the j CHIldron Cry target mentioned. Harper's) FOR FLETCHER'S Bazar. 1 CASTORIA vival of religion. I believe it is j said that the president may not j leave the land he rules during his term of office. There is never an hour, never a moment that Christ is not at work for the good of your city, your state, your home and your life. He is nearer to us and thinks more ol and does more for us than our dearest friend. He understands us better than we un derstand ourselves. Speak to Him, for He hears thee Him, for He loves you. Follow where He leads the way, for "no harm from Him can come to us on ocean or on hre '' He is our Saviour, guide, teacher, friend. He will guide us with His counsel and afterwards receive us into glory . A Eierce Night Alarm is the hoaise, startlinir cough of a child suddenly attacked by croup. Often it iousedI.cn is (. Iiamblin. of Manchester, Ohio, tit. li. No. 2) for their four ehil. dren nere greatly subject to croup. "Sometimes in severe attacks," he wrote, "e were afraid they would die, but since e proved what a certain rem edy Dr. Kill's New Discovery is, o have no fear. Wereiyonit for croup and for couiths, colilsor any throat or Iuiir trouble." So do thousands of oth ers. So may you. Asthma, Hay Fever, Lalirippe. Whoopinp f'ou(h. Hemor rhages II y before it. "sic. and $1. Tr al bottle free. Sold by all di UKiifiHtH. Hew York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly, No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. V HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and nrnmnflvr Thp W'nrlH Innir cinrj Trust ! ing cars, excellent dining car ser- j established a record of impartiality. Rumor travels on suspicion. the road of Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A. vice, also high-back-seat vestibule coaches. Special Low Rates Via Seaboard Air Line to Pensacola, Florida, Mobile, Ala , and New Orleans, I .a., Account Mardi Oras Cele bration. Feb. 23-28, 1911. Account of tfie above celebration the Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell exceedingly low round trip tickets to the above named points from all points on its line: Tickets will be on sale Feb. 21st to 27th, and limited to return Mar. 1 1th. Upon payment of $1 to special agent, located in St. Charles hotel building, New Orleans, tickets can be extended until March 28th. Those holding round trip tickets New Orleans account of Mardi Gras will be sold round trip re duced rate tickets from New Or leans to any point in Texas or Lousiana. For rates from your station ap ply to your local agent or address the undersigned. H. S. LEARD, Division Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. and anybody can afford its Thrice- A-X eek edition, which comes ev 1 ery other day in the week, except , Sunday. It will be of particular ! value to you now. The Thrice-A- Week World also abounds in other I strong features, serial stories, hu : mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, i everything to be found in first-class ; daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 j papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE ; NEWS together for one ! year for ! 1 he regular subscription . price ol the two papers is $2.50. $1,65 immm I -II 111! Ul J-'A-l&kl-V. --W-- nUii'tlT ninmiii'd ut . Cur R I met BiPoitToii i.ifniiiiiitT. rm liurmn-3 I 1.,'rJu.l- lT. UNR tiriRINCUl ' httmM ivni In rtituitpafttr our two iuUjiiM I THinkn on HOW TO OITA1M ftiul till fT- I tNTS, W h It'll ont-i will Day. MoWtn fffl prt- I n,tNUttnlliiWftiiitoliH-rrriltuhl'i!')rtrinUaa. I D. SWIFT & CO, PATENT LAWYIM. L 303 6venth St., Washington, D. CJ I .1

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