repeal pi w Tjmaia lir hLjhi d ,UM 111 i ish V.hertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$l.0 J tr Art S'Ol,. XLV. wkldox, . c, rnrijsD.w. aimsm, ;. iih i. NO. -Ml TOOK THE WRONG LEAF. iii isEsai i CASTORIH b-8 s"L For Infants and Children. Wild ii.uiiiil 3 I'KK I'KNir A'c5eiiiWePfop,1niiionrilr,3 tlmil.'lllllltllin Ei,,,! ...... ....... .in lUUUUIBiraUtl lingUii'SiDiii.-iflisaf.dlJwcls.f Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Promotes Di$eslionfWI,l-' tlllCC mill llu f'.lliMlnrH..;.lu. Opiimi.M'jrphiucnorMiai'ral. Not Narcotic. jiirMikmuimm nnpkia Sfcd" JixSeiVW Ihrm Stfd - Uattdttl &HHT iMuf.en to! Apiiffd Remedy rorConslljia Hon , Sour Stotnach.Dlantaa Worms fomailsioiislVvtrish ncssandLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Sigiiaiure of NEW YOHK Signature r tP In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TM OINTAUM UMNN1, NIW VOMS OITT. 0 30 30ESQ0E Day I'iiiink '.V N l ill 1 I'm .nk '.'I iuhI 54. P.N.STAIMUCK. - I NDKHTAKKH. 1 Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of Town Calls Promptly Attended to. o H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience Hearse Service Anywhere 30i lommor 10 They Should Have Taken the (irape Vine for a Badjre During ihe Civil War one little incident occurred which will illus trate the dry wii for which General Jubal Marly was so well known. After General Sheridan had been pressing upon the Confederates in the Shanandoah Valley for nearly the w hole season General Rosser was sent from the Army of liastern Virginia to General 'Harly's assis tance. General Rosser's men had been doing brilliant service and were so elated with their various triumphs that they had adopted the laurel leaf as a badge and al lowed themselves to be called the "Laurel Brigade." When these valiant warriors came to the disheartened soldiers in the Shanandoah Valley they spoke with ease and gayety of the short time it would take them to clear the valley of the troublesome Yankees and have everything their own- way. Strange to say, however, in the first engagement Sheridan's troops drove the "Laurel Brigade" back and chased them fully twelve miles at a most animated but disorderly gait. General liarly made but one sin gle comment upon this circum stance, and that was when he en countered General Rosser a day or two after the tight. "I say, Rosser," he remarked slowly, "hadn't your brigade bet ter take the grape leaf for a badge? You know the laurel isn't a run ning vine." Youth's Companion. SPRING ARITHMETIC. J WIS)! AL I Economy FOR SALE! FIFTY-NINE (59) LOTS IN THE TOWN OF WELDON, N. C, LOCATED AND OF THE DIMEN SIONS AS SHOWN BY THE FOLLOWING PLOT: It was the busy hour of four, When from a city hardware store Hmerged a gentleman who bore I hoe, I spade, I wheelbarrow, From thence our hero promptly went Into a seed establishment And for these these things his money he spent: I peck of bulbs, I job lot of shrubs, 1 quart of assorted seeds. He has a garden under way And if he's fairly lucky say, He'll have about the last of May I squash vine, I egg plant, I radish. Washington Star. A CURE FOR WORRY. What Is The Purpose Life r of Your ;t Royal Bak always declined owaer i' The manufact! vrs ins; Powder i iave to produce a cheap baking at the sacrifice of reality. Royal Baking Powder: is rnde from pure grape credit ol tartar, and is the embodirricnl of all the "excellence possible to Ix a'iained m the high est class baking powder. Royal Baking Powder costs only a economical rair price, :m : raoro at its price ilua any oincr leavening agent, because of the superlative quality and absolute wholesomeness of the food it shakes. Mixtures made in imitation of hiking powders, but containing alum, are frequently distributed from d t door, or given away in grocery (tores. Such mixtures are d.ini.(;i;j to tw in food. In England, France, Germany and soi.'ie sections of the United States their sale is prohibited by law. Al.i:n u a il.-.neious mineral acid, und all phyri-' -. condemn baking powdVrs containing it. Tho label of alum baking powder must Show tho ingredients. READ THE LABEL THE CHALLENGE: Chlldron O FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ft i'n 1 1 PKnrT"T"T'T' i 'nz " " " "i t CHI ". f Hj i." I,.IJ,.U..I,. W A . I. L v . r k t t I Mi i uiil C r o S r n r FOR TERMS, APPLY TO W. E. DANIEL, Weldon, N.:0. 2-16-tf THE BANK OF VELDO WKLDON. N'. Organized Under the Uwsofthe State of North Caiollna, Ariit sT-.MTH, mi State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anflSn $45,000. For more than 17 yours tliio inntitutinn ban provided LanUinir faoili ties for thin neetion. Its stor-Wn.ld.T8 and diirf torn have l.ei-i id. ntiti.'d with the IniHinmH inten-HH of Halifax and Nortliamplon ountiea for many yea. Money in loaned upu irov.'d necunty at tin- .-iral mte of interest-si. per eciitinn. AoeountB ofall arc wilii'itod. The aurplus and undivided proliu. hnvinir rettcln d a sum equal to the Capital Stock, theltank has. coiiimeiicintr January I, l!HS, eMal.hshed a Saving Department allowinit interest on time deposits as lollows: I-or Depositi allowed toremain three months or lomrer. per cent Six monthior loneer, per cent. Twelve monthsor lomrer 4 percent. Forfurther information apply to the President or Cashier. vua-rnBsiDiiST. casihkh: W. It. SMITH. H. IHAVIS, Most of the free advice is hand ed out by people who want to get rid of it. HOW TO CURE RHEUM ATlSy II Is Ail Intermit llsrii t'e itulrrs An lulernal U,uiril. T'e efiuse of rtieumati-ni i'r.'l kin. ro.t diseased is an exi,?ss ol ur' .i.'iil in l! o Muoil. To cure this tirrllpl- ilisi-.,j. , -is r. i.l mil:it be expelled unJ file sj'MfM ."O -"'4'.ilati'il Hint no more neM i'ii; t 'itnii'il In exi-eMslve quaniiiii-s l;l ' n Ih iin Intemut iliscui- anil r mii intrrnsl remeily. )tl'H!'.l(i v-'uu nils unit l.lnlllienta WILL -NOT CfllH, u'l s only temporary relief al ! st. i. ne.i.s you to delay the proper tnut li i nl. and nllows the nialiuly to n t n lirirer hold on you. Llnlm. ius mny ease i in- pain. Inn they will no more iuru l.i i Niuutlsm than (mint will dmim'e l lie iiln r of rotten wood. s. Ii nro has at last discovered u r p . I :ind complcto cure, hieh is called UI'tMiniaolde. Tested In hundred'of c;nes, it luis eh'ecied tho most murveioii.- euri .. Is-lieve it will cure you. Itln -uiiim -luc t;,'t at the joints from tin' In -liilc.sw ep i i poisons out ot the sysH-i.i, ! n. n ii, . stomach, regulates liie livr uinl l.nlneys mid mnkes ynu well all ovr. Ci'.i'iiinaelda strikes the of H e ins. tiise Hint removes lis cans,.. This sell n d ,1 reimily Is sold hy iIi-iwbIsis and d altis H'-rn'rally at nmi 1 u liuiilc. In Ttt'.'h I form at av.nnd : .a paeli is.-. Will., to llohlilU I'o.. Mill. Aid. Hooldet free.'l'i .illt OH lliail. roll s u.l; hv i.lliciill'er's liruir Stoic, Wel.ten. N. r, 1,'iiaiiokc I'hannncy, lionuoke linpids. S WOOD'S HIGH-GRADE raismiST: W. E. DANIEL, Old IPapers fpr Sale at this Office. WOOD'S HIGH-GRADE Farm Seeds. We are headquarters for the best in all Farm seed. Grass and Clover Seeds Seed Corn. Cotton Seed. Cow Pc&s, Soja Beans, , Sorghums, Katfir Corn, Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc VVood'i Crop issued Special'' monthly gives timely information aa to seeds to plant each month in the year, also prices of Season able Seed Write foe copy, mailed free on request. T.W.WGQD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Slowly o'er the distant iiimintains sinks the glowing sun to rest, Gilding with its lingering splendor the horizon of the West. And the twilight, softly falling over forest, field and hill Brings the hour of peace and comfort, bidding all the world be still. Save the faint and hollow murmur of the distant waterfalls,' Or some bird returning homeward, to its mate a greeting culls; Save the far-off droskey tinkle from jhe herd upon the hill, All the sounds ai length grew fainter, nature sleeps the world is still. Now are seen amid the darkness fires glowing warm and bright, j For beside the Rappahannock two great armies meet to-night; On its banks they build their fires, on the sod their arms they lay; i On one bank the Blue are camping, on the other side the Gray Soon there conies from o'er the river strains of music loud and grand; Tis the sound of martial measure from the Union army's band; And "We'll Rally Round the Flag, Boys," was the soul inspiring air. ' Now at length the strain is ended, and the army of the Gray I Quick the challenge has accepted, but another air they play; "The Bonnie Blue Flag'' in lively measure, with its accents sweet and clear, ' Giving hope to every soldier, driving from them thoughts of fear. ! Then again from o'er the river, from the gallant boys in blue, ! Came the notes of "Hail Columbia," loud and joyous, firm and true, Swelling like the voice of nations, borne on wings of music grand; j Born within the hearts of freemen, uttered by the Union band. i Scarcely has the lingering echo from the mountain died away, When "Away Down South in Dixie," from the army of the gray, Speaks their dearest wish and purpose, tells of hopes as strong and true, As were those so dearly cherished by the army of the blue. Sweet the sound of martial music, floating on the evening air; Terrible their dark forebodings that their lively measures bear; To the ear it brings its beauty, to the heart the trobs of pain; Thus together joy and sadness blended in the same refrain. All is hushed. The silvery rippling of the river flowing near, And perhaps the fagots crackling are the only sounds they hear, Not the faintest echo answers from the hills now lost to view, All are wailing for the answer from the army of the blue. But within one soldier's bosom there is borne a pentler strain, And his comrades' untrained voices join him in the sweet rafrain. But it bears no word of challenge, has no thought of party pride, For its visions are of loved ones, and the hallowed fireside. "Home, Sweet Home," upward, out upon the quiet night. Others now have caught the meaning, and their melody unite, As the chorus still is swelling every voice prolongs the lay, Rendered by the words and music from both the blue and gray. Fuller, stronger grows the music, swelling upward through the air, Even to the gates of heaven, and perhaps it enters there, Where the notes are sweetly blended with angelic singers' lay, Blending, all in one giaiul chorus, there is known no blue, no gray. The song is o'er, the closing measure softly now has died away; But we hear no challenge further from the blue or from the gray, For the theme so aptly lined to each weary soldier's heart Brooks no thought of civil warfare, and no words of hate impart. As each soldier, worn and weary, on his humble couch is lain; Something in his dusky features lake awoy the powder stain, Can it be the dews from heaven, falling on the sleeper's face ? Or do tears thus undiscovered down the soldier's features trace? J. T. Kenower. The Uev. Charles Steize .says a great many of us worry be cause we are drifters, and have no ilelinite plans in life. In other words, we have cut loose from our moorings, anil have thrown both clmrt ami coin pass into the sea ami are drift ing hither and I hither. We are : like thel'ellow who said. "I don't know where I'm going but I 'in on the way." Or like the dog j that snt. lonely, in the railroad j t station because lie chewed up j his tag. j It doesn't matter so much ' I what your occupation may be j whether it's in the home, the ! farm, the school, the oflice, the j sllun oe etnro vour lifo will Ion ' j immensely relieved from anxi i et y and the petty worries if you have some big ideal, the striv ing after which makes every little worry seem like the peb bles on the highway to the strong traveler who is journey ing home. These are mere in cidents in his progress and he is mindful of them because of the goal just beyond. It is definiteness, then, which brings calmness. The assur ances that one is on the way and not merely drifting brings courage in time of storm. With not a ship in sight and no land to be seen any where, with noth ing but a waste of water all about, the captain of the ocean steamer is nevertheless calm and serene. His course is work ed out. He has a compass which directs him and a chart to show him the way. It's a mighty good thing, once in a while, to stop and ask yourself, "What is the purpose of my life? Is there anything toward which 1 am working? Or is life merely a succession of daily jobs?" 'Tis all true, and we commend it to our young men of all conditions in life. If you want to get along and accomplish anything, have definite, well digested plans and your success is assured. It may not come in a gallop, but it will come, certain and sure. FOR Sour Belching, Poor Appetite and Constipation, you need HEARTBURN SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It sweetens the stomach and purifies the bowels. It is a line tonic for a torpid liver. Helps digestion, makes you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. A'oW by Dealers. Price, Larue Package. Sl.OO. .VI; Or llif S' lmnir with llir Rr,l z on libw. If ymi raiaim Krt a. rrmil lo ui. we will mi t Hi nuil p.'i"ii'!. h'im'm. I.iipi ki-cnl.ii..r it put up aK. in liquid form f..r l!iue who prrtff . e,i.T fl.lHi h-i bunlr. I.,,k lis tlir Knl Z l;ii,rl, J. II. t il IN tk CO.. Proprietors. Si. Lonla, Mli.ourl -ft A one-sided argument never gets very strenuous. The man who lets well enough alone never gets very far ahead. Kicked by a Mad Horse Sunuiel llircli, of Koetown, Wis. a most narrow escape from losing his leu, us no doctor could lieul the fritr!t I'ul sore that developed, hut at last I'uekleii's Aiinca Salve cured lit com pletely. It's the ureatest healer of ul cers, burns, boils, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold sores, bruises and piles on earth. Trv it. i."ic. al all druirirists. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKLIXlX, X. C. . ,j practices in the courts of Halifax ana llfti.1 orthamiiton and in the Surirenip sml Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch at Halifax open every Moodav otiice Sunday School Teacher If you are a good boy, Willie, you will go to Heaven and have a gold crown on your head. Willie Not for mine, then, I had one of them dn things put on a tooth once. Never Out of Work. The busiest little things ever made arc Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, lan guor into energy, brain-fag into mental power; curing Constipation, Headache, ''hills, Dyspepsia, Malaria, only L'.'ic. at all druggists. Some men, like some roosters, are always crowing but what's the use ? ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD. New Train Between Weldon Rocky Mount. and The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has just inaugurated a new passenger train between Wel don and Rocky Mount. These trains connect at Rocky Mount for Norfolk and intermedi ate points, Nashville and Spring Hope. TRAIN NO. (W. Leave Weldon, ROYAL MAIDS PROPOSE. How They Make Love To The Commoners. : When the reigning queen is to be married she must be the one to ! broach the subject first to her fu- ture consort, says the Western Scot. The same rule holds good with regard to all royal ladies who j marry commoners. Queen Victoria has told how she managed to put the question to ' Prince Albert how she showed him Windsor and its beauties, and the distant landscape, and then i said: "All this may be yours." The Queen of Holland, on a like occasion, simply sent a sprig of : white heather, begging Prince I Henry to look up its meaning in a 1 book of flowers and their mean I ings. I But perhaps the most interesting of all ways chosen was that of the i Duchess of Fife. She took the j earl, as he then was, to a drawer i and showed him its contents, j There he saw a number of trifles 1 he had given her at different ! times, including sprigs of several ! kinds of flowers, now dead, he j picked for her at different times. I He was much impressed at the i sight, nor uiJ it require words on , her part to make her meaning i , . i plain. ! Midnight In the Ozarks I and yet sleepless Hiram Scrautoii, of Ciay ' ity, HI, coughed ami roughed. ! He was in the mountains on the advice ! of live doctors, w ho said lie hail con I sumption, but found no help in the j climate, and stalled home. Hearing of Dr. King's New Discovery, lie began to ! use it. "1 believe it saved my life," i he w rites "for it made a new niiiii of I me, so that I can now do good work again." For all lung diseases, coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup.w hoop ing couh, hay fever, hemorrhages, horseness or quinsy, its the best know n remeily. 1'rice 5Ue. and 1. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed by all druiigists. " Halifax, " Pender, " Ruggles, " F.nfield, " Whitakcrs, " Battleboro, Arrive Rocky Mount S;20 a. m. TRAIN NO. 7ti. " Leave Rocky Mount " Battleboro, 7:00 a. m. 7:15 a. in. 7: IS a. m. 7:2.? a. m. 7:37 a. m. 7:49 a. m. 7:57 a. m. OEOROEC. OkEEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank Building) Weldon. N. C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties anil in the su preme court of the Mate. Special atten tion given to collections and prompt re turns. 10-B-ly W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING WELDON. N.Cj sep!2 ly E. T. CLAB K. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjuiuing counties and ii. the supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections aud prompt return . JOHN H. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ENFIKI.D, N. C. (Mlice: liver I'.ank of F.nlielJ. lll-li lim " Whitakcrs, " Enfield, " Ruggles, " Pender, " Halifax, Arrive Weldon, W. J. CRAIG Passenger Tralfic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. b:23 p. m. 8:43 p. m. 8:52 p. m. 9:03 p. ml 9:18 p. m. 9:23 p. m. 9:25 p. m. 9:43 p. m. Administrator's Notice Having iiialilied as administrator of the estate of Miss l.ou Fulgham, de ceased, lale of the county of Halifax, siate of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons Imvinir claims against the said esmte lo exhibit them to the under signed at Weldon. S. C, on or before tlie:.'-iiil oi February, 1111-, orthisuotice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This '.'I'nd February, 1111 1. (i. W. Fl'lafAM, Admr. of Miss Lou Fulgham.dee. Ileo. C. tlrei n. attorney. -0F- "IMMSli S1 S I'M M F It MILLINERY. FANCY (H)OPSand NOVELTIES. Butterick's Patterns R. & G. Corsets, Misse ot T'ic. Ladies 7.'c. to $1. BuPrices w ill be nude to suit the times. Hats and Bonnets made and trimmed to order. ILL M MI iHMiVrN I'liOMl'TI.Y FILLED. MRS, P. A. LEWIS, i Weldon, N.C. Tie Tkrice-A-ert Edition OF THE Hew York World Practically a Dally at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mts. WlKSLOv' Roothino 8YST hss tirrrt wwUoronr SIXTY i:aks! v millions of MuTHKKS for llicir cilll.URliN WHII.B TKKTIIINO, Willi l i:kl i:CT tit CCRKS. It SOOTHI'S Iht Cllll.n, S(U THNS III, IllMSj AI.LVVSnll IAIN; I Till MW1NDCUL1C, siul in the bent rrmrly f r MARK HO' A. It u all wlutely liarmlcsi. l)f rnre ami "It f"f "Mrs. WinkV, KnolhiiiK Svrup," soil Bo eloH Ua4. Ywcaiy-aveicuua toulc. C h 1 1 cl r o n Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR A Whatever makes men good Christians makes them good citi zens. I The truth is always the strong est argument. The breath of scandal is respon sible for much breezy conversation. Chndro.i Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA READ ABOUT CR0CERIE8? This is not enough. No matter what we say, to mllv appreciate the fact that we keep a high grade of OKtM 'EKIFA you must trade here. Better leave yonr next order with us that we m it add you to our ever growing list of steady custo mers. Our J. E. M. Flour the best on market. Goods delivered promptly, W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C T' hi; great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately ana promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice- A-W eek edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except bunday. it will be of puriicu'iur value to you now. The Thrice-A- Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A- Week World's regular subsciption price is only $ 1 per year, and this pays lor I so papers, we oner tnis unequauea newspaper and ine kuainum: NEWS together for one year for SWl 1 he regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. KILLTHE COUGH iun inffml I It- nnv M W M Sat "- nBn..I!:GB iiiw&a AXDAllTRRSATA-D m'STrUdlS GlAANTCO SATISfACnjAr Off ttoNrv '-"rr"r. !

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