I CM fOl K& IAV If Tr SIX BKf I 'HI VJvertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSl.SO Per Annum NO. .',1 VOL. XLV. WELDON, N. ('.. TIll'lSSDAV. APlilL I1M I. FLY CATECHISM. 'jsS2BWNr; OHiJL'ZUS.Haimft THE LITTLE LOAF. Had The Silver Baked The Smallest Loaf. Into ! l me rem liar j 1 J-Ca!''' M2aJ! For Infants and Children. tea M.COIlul. .1 IKK CKNT Ac?elalileP.Tparinnfor; .simil,iiiiii;ilicFoo(l;ini!Ro!iiia liii!jilifSiiitii.u:iS!ir.dl)!cc!si i Promotes DieslionfTimfi!lf ncss awl liL'SLConidinsneiiiw j t 'piuni .f lorjmitic nor Miuiral Not Narcotic. jtowrifiiMkmiimaim Bmifkin Seed" Jlx.i'rmu . 1! Mir Salts- I AmSrrdt I h'.-imii''- lltttirlaiuitrMa t I HtmSenl- I (litrtfittt ' Stiqar 1 hnvyrni tAnr. f Anall'i'l Remedy ftn-Consttpa-tion.SourSloiiiach.Diarilw'i Worms ,Coi(-ulsions IVvviisli iKssaidLossorSLEiiP. facsimile SiiJnamrPor NEW YOHK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ur cF Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years THI CKNTAUH COHNI4T, NCW VONft CiTY. 30E Day I'iiunk : N it. in l'inM L'l uml P.N.STAJNBACK, ; .. - v i ) i hit a k i : n, Weldon, . . North Carolina. fa Full Line ol CASKETS. COITINS anil KOBES. Day, Night and Out-of-"i own Calls Promptly Attended to. M O n H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AM) EA1HALMER Seventeen years' Experience Menrse Service Anywhere. M aoocaoc F01 4 T 1 M FIFTY-NINE (59) LOTS IN THE TOWN OF WELDON, N. C, LOCATED AND OF THE DIMEN SIONS AS SHOWN BY THE FOLLOWING PLOT: ! M M I 1 1 !. 1 i I M.. 1 V Jt K 1 ' dur 'It ZjU,,Ll l-i l.i ST ! ITlTiT Till j .i. !! Why Should We Kill the lily ? Because He May Kill Us. 1. Wliciv is tin 11 v lioni? In : inanun1 ami tiltli. H. When' dues tht' lly live? I In every kind of liltli. .'I. Is iinytliiiiLC tii liltliy I'tir tlie lly to eat? No. I. (a) Wliereihu'S lie tfo when lie leaves the vault amltheina nni e pile ami the spittoon? Into tin; kitclien ami (lining rooni. ; (l) What does lit; do there? lie : walks on the hread, fruit audi vegetaliles; he wipos his feet on the butter and bathes in the buttermilk. "i. Does the fly visit the pa tient sick with consumption, ty phoid fever, and cholera infan tum? He does and may call on you next. li. Is the lly dangerous? lie's man's worst pest, and more dangerous than wild beasts or rattlesnakes. 7. What disease does he car ry? He carries typhoid fever, tuberculosis and summer com plaint. How? On his wings ami hairy feet. What is his correct name? Typhoid lly. S. Did be ever kill any one? He killed more American sol diers in the Spanish-American war than the bullets of the Spaniards. !i. Where are this greatest number of cases of typhoid fe ver, consumption, and summer complaint ? Where there are the most flies. o. Where are the most flies? Where there is the most tilth. 11. Why should we kill the fly? Because be may kill us. 12. How shall we kill the fly? (a) Destroy nil the filth about the house and yard; b) pour ! lime into the vault ami on the j manure; (e) kill the fly with a wire screen paddle, or sticky paper or kerosene. j i:i. Kill the fly 111 any way, 1 but kill the lly. I. If there is tilth anywhere I that you cannot remove, call the ollicer of the board of health ; and ask for relief before you are stricken with disease and, I perhaps death. Kicked by a Mad Horse. Samuel lliroli. of llretoivn. Wis.. Iiud I a most narrow ewape from losing liix li'ir, a no ilootor cnuM Ileal the fright- j fill sore that di'Vi'lope'l, hut at last Uuokli'ii's Arinea Salve cured lit com- j pletely. Il'n the greatest healer of ul eers, hums, hoil, eezeiua, seaM. cuts. , corns, cold seres, hiuises aiul piles on, eailli. Tiy it. -;."ic. ul all ilruu'aists. FOR TERMS, APPLY TO W.E D A N IEL, Weldon, N. C. 2-16-iF OE r. c .:: rr final mt DANA ur ncLUim wkldox, x. c- Or.anlMd Under the Laws of the State of North C arollna, AIUIST L'li rll. 1S!. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplfl $45,000. tieXZul MffiotrUnr l.uhfa. "li.SXff manv vearB. Monev is loaned upon approve.! security at tin K(ral rate 01 idaisaI5S!w VAST. Forfurthet information apply to the President or ( ashicr. W. K. SMITH. H- IKAUs The great secret about a girl's ; falling in love is for a man to come along. HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM II la Am Intrrnal Dlarasc Anil lir iiulrra An Intrrnal llenicily. Th cause of rheumatism aiul l.i:n,..'tHl diseases Is an excess of uric .t-'UI in l! o Moist. To cure this terrible iilseae I! i.-. in i-l inut be expelled and t!i..- t-yj-o-ie s-i regulated that no more neid will 1-. i" rinwl In excessive quantities Rl'.e-.u.ve ..in is an Internal disease and ne.uir.-f an Internal remedy. HCHIUNtl v.hi ( .Is and Liniments WILL. NOT Cl'ltli. aif.ir.ls only temporary relief c.t I sr. ...u-. s you to delay the proper tn-ct-n:. lit. and allows the malady to K'-t a (liner hold on you. Linlmcnta may (") tl.e jiatn, hut they will no more cum 1.: . umatlsiii than paint will change too tili.T of rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a pcr f.'ct and complcto cure, which Is called nhi'umaclde. Tested in hundreds of cusst, ii lias effected tl.e most marvelous curon; we believe It will cure you. Itiieumaeiue f.cts at the Joints from the Inside, swiepi i!,e polsniis out of the system, t. nes cp il'.i stomach. rcKiilates the lh.r nnd kidneys and makes "U well all ovor. Kheiiniai lde strikes the mot uf the dK else and removes lis cause. This splen did remedy Is sold by druuKists and dn'hrs generally at We. nml tl a bottle. In TnliM form at 2,-.and We.n package. Write to Uuhhltt Chemical Co., Haiti .re Md. Booklet free. Tabids sent I Owil. roil kali; m Zollicoirer's Ihuir Store. Wehliui. S. C Iloanoric I'hannacy. li'ounoKc liap'uls. mm Li ? Flavor ! C3 Found in the finest biscuit, roils, cake, etc., is due to the ubsoluJ? purity, fitness, and accurate combination of the ingredients of the Royal Baking Powder. The best things ia cook ery are always made with the Royal Baking Powder, Hence its use is universal in the most celebrated restaurants, in the homes of the people, wherever de- licious,wholesome food is appreciated. Royal Baking Powder is sold in every civilized country, the world over. It is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts -Free. Send Name and Address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. WHAT OF THAT? Tired ! Well, what of that ? Didst fancy life was spent on bed of ease, Fluttering the rose leaves scatter'd by the breeze? Come ! rouse thee, work while it is call'd today, Coward, arise -go forth upon the way ! Lonely ! And what of that? Some must be lonely; 'lis not given to all, To feel a heart responsive rise and fall, To blend another lite into its own; Work may be done in loneliness; work on ! Dark ! Well, and what of that? Didst fondly dream the sun would never set ? Dost fear to lose thy way? Take courage yet, I. earn thou to walk by faith and not by sight: Thy steps will guided be, and guided right. Hard ! Well, and what of that ? Didst fancy life one summer holiday With lessons none to learn and naught but play ? Go, get thee to thy task; conquer or die ! It must be learned learn it then patiently. No help ! Nay; 'tis not so. Though human help be far, thy God is nigh, Who feeds the ravens, heats His children cry. He's near thee wheresoever thy footsteps roam, And He will guide thee, light thee, help thee home. IN WERE KING. If 1 were King ah, love, if I were King What tributary nations would I bring To stoop before your sceptre and to swear Allegiance to your lips and eyes and hair; Beneath your feet what treasure would I fling; The stars would be your pearls upon a string, The world a ruby for your finger ring, And you should have the sun and moon to wear, If I were King. Let these wild dreams and wilder words take wing. Deep in the woods I heard a shepherd sing A simple ballad to a sylvan air, Of love that ever finds your face more fair; 1 could not give you any goodlier thing If I were King. Many years ago there was a j great famine in Germany, and the ' pour people suffered from hunger. ; A rich man who loved children ' sent for twenty of them and said to I them; "In this basket there is a: loaf of bread for each of you. Take it and come back again every day j till the famine is over. 1 will give , you a loaf each." 1 The children were very hungry. They seized the basket and strug-1 gled to get at the largest loaf. They even forgot lo thank the man who ! had been kind to them. After a few minutes of quarreling and snatching for bread, every one ran away with his loaf except one little girl, named Greiehcn. She stood there alone at a little distance from the gentleman. Then, smiling, i she took up the last loaf, the small est of all, and thanked him with all her heart. ! Next day the children came again, and they behaved as badly as ever. ; Gretchen, who would not push : with the rest, received only a tiny loaf, scarcely half the size of the ' others. But, when she came home j and her mother began to cut the loaf, out dropped six shining coins ! of silver. ! "Oh, Gretchen!" exclaimed her mother, "this must be a mistake. : The money does not belong to us. Run as quick as you can take it J back to the gentleman." So Gretchen carried it back. But when she gave the gentleman her j mother's message, he said: "No, i no, it was not a mistake. I had ! the silver baked into the smallest j loaf in order to reward you. Re I member that the person who is I contented to have a small loaf rath ! cr than to quarrel for a larger one ; will find blessings that are better than money baked in bread. i Adapted from Cowery's Moral ; Lessons, by lilla Lyman Cabot, in Millies for Children. A frl I r,,D5 yn of W. strength and ambition. To rid .m iCl ylJU.sel( o the Durden tak8 SIMMONS RFD Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE 1'OWDIiR FORM) It is a fine Sitrrnuilicnitii,' medicine for a torpid liver. The, weakened organ re ponds prompilv In its powerful reviving inilm rice. It corrects the stomach and diction, p.jniies and rcRulat. 5 ti e bow. is. Drives out Hint languid liaifv,ick feelinj?, makes you feel bright, vigorous! and cheerful. Try it. A'tiW by Dealers. Price, l.arfxe J'ackaui: Sl.OO. ft-'.: li.r :!.. i;r :!.r;i.- nil!, i! i H . .1 7 n I! ; (. If v t i.iin ,1 i;rt !. r i.i-i !. u w.- will send ii ! ri.iii i ...iimiiI, Minium.. I in i Hi n, u ,r i. .in in, ;il,i, m li.rJi,l I, .nu l-..r llinsc wiin prefer it. i.l,r Jl.iJU jurl ln.lti;'. i.i,..k I il tin- ki 1 , i.i.W. J. II. ZIJLIN in CO., Proprietors, SI. Loels, Missouri DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TRY. It Is Only by Tailing and Attempt- ! inp; A jf a i n That we Succeed in ! Accomplishing Anything. ' once make thing SIMPLE SPOT REMOVE K. This is a recipe for the very best "spot remover'' you ever tried. Two ounces of castile soap shaved fine; two quarts of pure soft water. Boil till soap is thor oughly dissolved; strain and cool. When cool, add one ounce sul phuric ether and two ounces of wood alcohol; shake it well and keep corked. It is now ready for use and will remove spots and stains from your clothing like magic, especially woolen garments. "1 don't intend to try," I heard a girl say. "1 should a hopeles muddle of it." It was only quite a simple she had been asked to do to write a letter for her mother, but most of us have felt just the same way ourselves. We are alraid of trying and fail ingit so humiliating. And yet, when we come to think of it, if nobody ever tries unless they were certain of succeeding, the world wouldn't get along quick ly, would it? It's only failing and trying again, that we succeed in the end. Some oF us are afraid to lend a helping hand in time of need, in case we fail, and look ridiculous in the eyes of our friends and neighbors. We never know what we are capable of doing until we have tried, and even if we fail many times there is no need to despair. Our failures very often are merely the stepping stones to success. Liven other people's failures are some time helpful to us, for they show us the pitlalls to avoid, says Home Chat. So let us make up our minds to keep on trying, in spite of failures, and disappointments, and instead of making fun of those who try and fail, let us help and encourage them by our sympathy to try again. Chiid'on ! :. FCS FLETCHER'S C A 3 T O R ! A. PKOi nSSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKI.IKIN. N. ('. I'riK'liei'K in the courts of Halifax and NortliainiitiHi and in tho Supreme and Federal eourts. Collections made in all pa '! ol North ( 'aiulina. lirancli office at Halifax opeu every .Monday OEOROE C. GREEN, Al TORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hunk HuililiiiR) Weldon, N. C. ELLIOTT 15. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IIAl.lt AX, S. ('. n ii otii i in the courts ofllalifaxand r ailiuiniiis;' counties and in the .su preme court ol Uie Mine, special atten tion given to collections and prompt re turns. 10-li-ly W. J. WARD, 01 11 l'K IN l'AMLL 1HTL1UNU WKLl'O.N. N.O eol'j ly AllUrtM-Y Al law, WELDON, N . V. l'lui'tices in tlie courts of Halifax and adjioiiiiiir counties and ii. the Supreme court of the Mate, special attention Kiven to collections and prompt return JOHN H. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i;ni- ii:i.d, n. v. PRISON REHORM. i "Have you any remedy for our overcrowded prisons?" j "Yes lock up the honest men ' instead of the crooks." Chicago 1 Post. THINGS ALL OUGHT TO KNOW AGAINST THEM. Sho Alt' you ittfuinst lonu hatpins for wonicn? Ho Wt 11,1 have been against I them several times. San I'Van ! risco Call. PRHAiniiNT : W. K. DANIEL, I OE Old Papers for Sale at this Office. 0 WOOD'S HIGH-GRADE Farm Seeds. We are headquarters for the best in all Farm seeds. Grass and Clover Seeds Seed Corn, Cotton Seed, Cow Pe&s, Soa Beans, , Sorghums, Kallir Corn, f Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc. q Wnnil'i r.rnn issued Special" monthly gives timely Information as to seeds to plant each month in the year, also prices of Season able Seeds. Write for copy, mailed tree on request. T,W, W00D& SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. liUCIDEDLY L'NTRL'TMH'I, "Yon are the first tnan 1 ever permitted to kiss me." "And you are the first girl I ever kissed. Will you marry mo?" "I wouldn't marry a liar." "1 would." Houston Examiner. HER I IRST ATTEMPT. Midnight In the Ozarks and vet sleenlesx llirani Spranton. of Ciay f'ity, HI., Pouiflicl and coutrlie.l. lie was in the mountains on tlie advice of live doctor, who said lie liad con sumption, hut found no help in the climate, and stalled home. Hearing of Dr. King's New Discovery, lie heu'itn to use it. "1 lielieve it saved my life," lip writes "foi it made a new man of me, no that I can now do irooil w ork affain." For all lunc diseases, eotiitli colds, laRrippe, nstlima, croup.w hoop ing eolith, hay fever, hemon-lnures, horseness or quinsy, its the host known remedy. Price .We. and rl. Trial bot tle tree. Ouaranteed by all druJMists. Mr. Yoiinijbnde -This coll my love, is -er Mis, YoiniK'hi'ide I know is not very Kood. dear, but 1 boiled it over half tin hour the kernels haven't incited hit linNtoii 'I'raiisi iiiit. it I've and one HE HAD REFORMED. The younjr lady was painting sunset, red, with Mile streaks : and green dots, Tht old rusiio at a respect ! fill distance was watching. "Ah!" said the female artist, looking up suddenly and pre- i tending she hadn't known he; i was there all the time, per- i haps to you, too. Nature has I opened her sky pictures, page-i liy page? Have you seen the ! lambent (lame of dawn leaping I across thelivid east; the red-j stained islets Moating in the lak.is of tire in the west: the ' ragged clouds at midnight, ; black as a laven's wing, hlot ! tingoiit the shuddering moon?" 'N'o, mum," replied the rus tic shortly, -not since 1 give ' up drink." - Life. MOTHER'S MORNING PRAYER. The Sat God Per- Never Out n( Work. The busiest little thinirs ever made Dr. K inn's Niw Life I'llls. Kverv "Kdilh,yoii say your prayers every morning?" asked the Sim day school teacher. ".No, teacher, I don't pray every morning, but my mamma does," said little Edith. 'And what prayer does your asked t he teaeh- As Christian Bib' Students iofactory Proof of "Why mits Evil." One of the iiiesiiuns whi. h comes to in .irly ev.'i'.r lliiiil.in liiluil tnday Is, "Why .!... :; in r .iil evil';'' As we liii.U iiIhuiI ns in Hi.' world we observe that ll i-- tilli d w iih sorrow and trouble, si. l.ni and ..iiti :") wry trial we enu'il elUllllernil'. oti.l we cannot help v ,..'.!. rii.i: W HY :i1 ALLOWS II. We reidii-.e Ilia! He l nliuiuhiy Hint that !!' i "'I'd 1 Vi V'illI ll if lie wMli'll Wo I'-.d in ill' W'uv.l I'liit He Is inure will'iiir to do lor Hi- ihildren than are . iii'thly parents for I heirs, anil wo Uuo.v l o-.' tiuii li ll.al moans; yet of ..i'i!i !, ll '""l'is that llios,. who try lo .In nml i.e rie.iii have the im'-t tivl.V. "i hi ..ii-sf,.iu Is laade very . har in a I- 'oa entitled. "The Idvine I'ir.n of I'' ' A'.- 's." i:v. ry statement ha hid hv o' rii!io'i si'd shows that w ai i toal on s n .1 s:'" lion evil HB HAS Al.!.OWT.l SIN ANH 1 1 EAT 1 1 to i;i:ii:n not thksi: i.oni; six TIT'lt'SAND Yi: l:s. This and ninny oilier Slllijei IS of (li ei interest to till of Coil's people are .li-.'ll-M'd fully and In lumruuce easy of .niii'ivlioiiMon. In KiurlMi. Herman. Swedish. Dano Norwegian, Italian. I'rein h, Hreeh. llunirarian. Spanish. I'olisti, llnlliiinl sh. ISyriae and 'I'urUo Ainieuiaii in pripiinnloii.l a.Vi pates, eloth bound, tJT. eollls post naid. Adilre- i Dd'l" and Trad So. ic- I ly, 17 I licks Sir dlli.' ttl-li-Uin ( iv er Hank of Enlickl. Tlie Thricc-A-W eel Edition OF THE New York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. el. ltrouUlv ii, N. Y. TUP. great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, .ir.d anybody can anoiu us mnix- A-W'C'C'; edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will tie ot particular value to you now. The Thrice-A- W'eek World also abounds in other strong leatures, senai siunes, nu- mor. markets, cartoons; in tact, everything to be found in first-class daily. I he 1 hnce-A- V. eek worms regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NLws together tor one vcar for 1 he recular suhscripnon once of the two papers is $2.50. are pill is a suirar-eoate.1 (.'lobule ol health, thai i niamina SHY I 1 She says: ''( h, Lord, how 1 hate to get up." The National Monthly. elituiL'es weakneis into streiiirth, Ian Knot' into encixy, hraiii-lau' into menial power; curing t'onstipatiun, Headache, '.'hills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. Only L'.'ie. at all dl Delists. Money comes to a man to make only the briefest visit. n I . d r t n dry FOR FLE1 CHER'S C ASTO R A Getting into politics is a good deal harder than being kicked out. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AMD CHILD. MBS WlN-M.OW' SHOTMINO SVRVP lia tiCCll Itwllnrovcr SIXTY YKAKSliv MILLIONS i.J SIOTIII'.KS lor lli.sr Clill.UKKN WHILB TEHTiiiso. witii ft:nn:CT hicci-ss. it S'.OOTltl'S 111- CHILI). SOI THNS tlie t.fMS, Al 1 WSail I AIN ; CI Kl s WINIl COLIC. nil l llielt rni!.-.l I T IllAHKIIllia. It U lc -iii!v harmlt'-s. He dare anit sk fof "Mrs. VS'i.lji. ' S.M.Ilrai!: i vrup," and Uk UO Qlhtt kiyl, Twenti livetenUa bottle. THE GLEAM OF HOPE. "I've took the pledge, Bill. I'm never goin' to touch another drop as long as I live." "Oh! Well, cheer up! Maybe ye won't live long." New York Life. After people get out of school they begin to learn they didn't learn anything there. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A SflltNd AMI St MMhR illLLKIERY. FANCY (iOOHSand NOVELTIES. Buttctick's Patterns R. & G. Corsets, Misses at 7ac. Ladies 7fie. to Jl Irtiul'rices will be made to suit the times. Hats and bonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORTiERS PROM I'TLV FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, W eldon, N. C. $1,65 c K - - e aii J READ ABOUT CROCERIES? This is not enough. Xo matter what we say, to mllv appreciate the fact that we keep a hitrii grade of (ilifXlElUEM, you must trade here, better leaveyonr next order with us that we may add you to our ever growing list of steady custo mers. Our, I E. M. Flour the best on ! market. Hoods delivered promptly. W. T. PARKER, Weldon, K. C roa.STnCH.Tligvat.a ar