I Wh Iff 4 Vrfe , il ll A-lvertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$l.50 Per Annum VOL. XhVI. Will, DON. N. ( .. TllUisn.W. .IU.Y :, MM 1 , NO. II A ' I V 1 !i !' 5 H if : 1 r- ) jyj?. --SW " J !!, -1 u '113 W ,5-3 .'ill 11 9 0 .A ft 30 111 Al.' ll l. 3 ITU CF.N'l" AV'l'!.i!,iP;v;i;1-;iii;TAj Simil.'llillllclialjiiilKnMli lm(Jllll'SK::ia!i,Si!tJII,WS;t Pmm:sIH'slHM,ll1';f.! ln'ss.ii'.dl'i'M.l.iilildilisiiiillifl t 'j m mi .? (jlii.if iwrMwt'fal Nor N ah c otic. AiisrStrf V.r.v.7- , ll'luricwkyja liimSml- AperG'Ol Ri'titt'ilv r.'iOiiislifa ilon.SuurSlnnwi'li.Dlafriiin WoriHs.CoimilsiiiiiylTvrridi Hess and Loss or SLUH Facsimile Signature of kdv'york. For Infants find Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the rVual.iirt'; IV- Ay V In 35 iS5awtVf.nsaViliFiri mini tmm mmi" i 1 Exact :'opy of Wrapper. use or Over Thirty Years ASTORIA . NIW TO. OITV. I lie Ncted l.t'iturer Dared Any Man lit Answer Kim. A I ;t well know ii hull in I .mi i'n ;iii inliilrl i liili Ik hi i 1 uv ular meet injf. Mr. liniillauli, U Ihilcil lfl-1 11 1 dolivelcil a "; t Ii i Hi; at tai k on ( ' h I ist ia n I 1 , ; 1 1 1 . ( 1 1 ; 1 1 ' 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i 'lie 1 1 a usw rr In in. Tin' chairman sa ill "Nu "in' lu ll' is likely tu I r , M r Hi ; n 1 1 . i i l i; 1 1 . V air all jmir . way iif thinking." Hut a ons lit I it a I'iki' ainl sa ill : ''I ha o In tii a iiii'inlii i' nf I Ii is i'IiiIi I'ur live i'a i - You all k Hi in nu' Sunn' nf ,m ha I- Iii'i n in m ln'liii'. Si immiiI h . as.',n I lo-l ; tuv wni k, ainl I was ill, ainl In j make I hint's Wnrsi', 1 1 1 y wilV ; was ill tun. Xnt out' nf ymi caini' nrar nu'. though my ill j Muss was knuwn hole. Cut ' si i n ii' uiir came, ami that man j ami his wilV nui'si'il us ami i provided riinis.iitliiTwisi'iii'ith- : rr inv wilV iiur I would haw ! i hri'ii alivi' today. That man j I was a city missionary whom I I hail driven from my home wit h ! hhruats. When I was well ! i' noiih 1 1 1 think I asked myself j I why hi' had hrtii so kind tonic, I 1 1 I could not tell. So I ask- j I cl 1 1 1 id. and he told mc he had ', done it for I he love of I 'hrisl . i Now that is my answer to Mr. ! liradlaiih. 1 say that a reliy;- ' ion which will lirinj; a man to , I Ic liedside of one w ho lias ) n J mi in A A I. A Campaign Soon to be Inaugurated in This county with the Ultimate Object of Curing Every Man, Woman and Child, who Has This Disease, and Other Diseases Resulting From Intestinal Parasites. I!, lamination, Medicino and Advice ill Liiven Absolutely Free t? State Specialist. m mm , ,;(,1 ai,, cursed him, ami re- gnr"--lftmrftrnn tl.llsu i ,',. IV, ,,. I 'ay I'H.'SK j;t. i..M ih..nk- ami II i hair, is a tfnml lliin for this c i P. N. STA 1 N BAUK, rhi:i takmu, Weldon, - - North Carolina. Full Line ul CASI.F.TS. COhTINS unil ROBLS. O Day, Ni)jht nnd Out-if-Tow n Culls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AM) i:mi5lmf:r. troiildcd life, and I take it for myself. I have seen it in op eration and I know it is noud. " Christian Herald. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER 3 C ASTO R I SLIPS. Seventeen years' Hxpcnce. Hearse Service Anywhere, ti nil .saizaoE 301 Smith has a lovely hahy nirl. The stork left her with a Mut ter; Smith named her ileoina rea- lille. l-'or he hasn't an hut her. Everybody should come? Take advantage of this opportunity, while it lasts, and see if you have any of these diseases. If you have, medicines will be given you that will bring about a wonderful change in both your feeling and your health. Instead of being a tired, indolent and despondent kind of man you will be changed into one with a bright and active body and mind, who goes about his work with arush and a vim, always finding pleasure in everything. I Remember these Medical Dispensaries will be in Halifax county but tour weeks. Each one only open one day in the week. Below you will find both the dates and the places at which these free Medical Dispensaries will be open. Dr. Piatt W. Covington, of the North Carolina Board of Health, assisted by Mr. Connor, State Microscopist, will be in attendance at each Dispensary. Vi u v: a i i;t 1 Ml VI IjIJ. Parson's Poem ii (ieni. I'n. Ill Kr. II MlvlHi.ll. AIIim.ii. I.l iii puns.' nf i i KmaV V.v I. ill' IMK " 1 hr ' U' Mii'h a ln altll lln'i"-l!y. Ill . V.'l lliillii' lll. -l' plIU -li.Hll'l In' 1 1' "I lu-l kui-ls Htl o 111. ' 1 III aiii. -i. hi; m. -i 1 1 1.- u, ii ii'.Min l iiilv n' al all .iiii;i:i-i. FIFTY-NINE (&:)) LOTS IN THE';! TOWN OF WELDON, N. C.J "ToimvuL LOCATED AND OF THE DIMEN-1 .she'sthem.rtum,,.,,,! SIONS AS SHOWN BY THE! FOLLOWING PLOT: I k now of. " "That so':" "Yes; she's heeli married three limes, and each time suc cessI'llK . " TV'i 1 Chudron Cry FuR FLETC.iHR'S CASTORIA X'- -') f,.--Vl::.".-:' '( ' This show s a slice of skin as seen mulcr a microscope. Notice Imw the yiuing hook worms aii? crawling lluoui'.ti the skin. This is the way "(iroiuul licit" oi "hew Ikh" looks. Kf-' ?i ;'' A' --.. A male hookworin (known much ni.ij'iiitied under .in uis w .li d, and how its l. ul is hi'ii:i as the Auienc.in milt Jerer-hcc.iuse it kills so tn.inv PeoiMel. verv iniiiieiil known as a microscope See Imu u . head is turned luck- -lened alio an umbi i ll.i like oi ;iu This shows the head of a hook worm as the parasite is feeding, attached to the wall of the how els FORMA 1 1 V.. THE HOOKWORM DISEASE. ! ! ! Ti r I eaclier that hinds makes ii are hy n.it n t' "t 'orsi ts, eil I of s C What is it US toectluT hrtti-r than WHAT 1 1 IS. I plpell a o Soeiali FOR TERMS, APPLY TO W.E. DANLKL, Weldon, N. C. 2-16-tf or n a is: 30 THE BANK OF WELDON Wi:i.lH)N. N. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, At'lil'S'l'-JII'I'll, S!l'.. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $47,000. Km- inoii' than is vi'um llim institution lias iionli .l liankinit fuoili tii's for tins si'i'tion. Its sliH'lilnil.li'is ami ilinrtors liavc l.i'fii icli'iititit'il with tlie liusiiu'ss inti'ii'sls of Halifax am! Northampton oonntiis for many yi'ars. Moni'V is loani'.l upon appion-il wi-unty at the Icl'uI rati' of iutcri'st six piT I'l'iituiii. Ai'i'oiints ol all an' sohi'Ui 'l Thi' surplus ami un.livi.li'.l profits hai iiur rrai'lusl a -uin ciiial to tin' I'apital siook. thf Itaiili has, comiucni'imr .laiiuary 1. t'i"s. I'stahhslii'il a Savniirs Di'pailini'nt allmvniL' iuti'ii'st on liioc .lepiisits t,s follows: For IVposits alioiM'.l to ri'inain thri'i' niontlis or loniti-r. - per cent. Six inontlisor loiiu'i'r. :i pi-r pent. Twi'lvi' nmuthsor lonui-r. I peri'i'iit. Korfurtlicrinloriiiation appl- to the I'ri'Siili'ut or a-liii'r. that i UlQTfinY Tl'is disease is one of lite most ancient in medical1 ,mi ; illulUnii history. Moses, no doubt, knew of this disease, tin ! vv j w hile the Israelites were encamped in the wilderness, he cnlorced ccr- j 1 tain sanitary laws that, w ere they enforced todav, they would absolutely little ' prevent the spread of not only the I lookwonn disease but Typhoid and ! . ; Cholera as well. In hict, there has beet) discovered in Thebes, linypt, ! a medical bonk, the oldest on record, written one hundred ) ears before j the birth of Moses, and in this bank the hookworm disease is described. ! It has not been but a few years since it was tirst discovered and found j lo be so prevalent in America. Helm e this it was thought that that large body of weak, delicate and pale people were so because ol condi tions inherited at birth and could not be cured. Now, how ever, this is known not to be the case, that most of these people are so ow ing to the Hookworm disease and can be cured. PRi:VAl.l:NCI:. About one-third of the people, all classes, old and young, have this disease. DISTRIIU'TION. l-'ound chielly in warm climates w here the heat. Lscuped W ith Mis Life. Twenty uin' yt ui :ii?" I I'uiV'l an aw t'i'l 'truth." nm.'s II. I'.. Mainu. I'nil llaiii'!-"ii. i . "ii'i'tiii s.ml I l.i.l I'ousuinptioii alii) Ihr 'lii-aliiit i'oui:li I llU'l llHlk, , lll.l I. vi,.,.;i,,.. in, , I i'i'i ihiiiL'. I I'oulil lirai ul'. lni my I'oiiL'li. ami was uilt r tl..- 1 i l ilnrtoi 1 in i o'oiL'i'loiv n. s. c, t. ir a vrar. hut I iMiihl L'i't no ii h, i' . in-ii-l a le. l inrtotiy I'r, Kn,ii' . , l; i iv. 1 ; li,l so. an, I was t'.,nipVlr! imiii-.I I u,vi that i oh,' my in.- I,, tins ti.-at j sunlight and oxytjen prmluees j condition that rapidly hatches the eggs ! throat ami lunc em . " Ii- .,,mih, Iv j (' tjs worm as they are tleposiled ill the soil bv those sullel nig w nh ' miaiaul.nl for ci.uuhs. i'..l!v an.l Li,,,,!,,,,,,,. 'ohl kills ihcm hollli lll:ll Illli-l'llOIlM ".'I.' Iii'c al all 'liiicnists I'r..;! Nearly every business proposi tion looks like a stir.' winner-on paper. rKKSIDRN T : w. i:. iiANii:r.. V ll K I'KKSIIIKST: W It SMI I'll C ASM IKH: i;, s rimis CASTORIA lor Iufiiutj and Childven. riiB Kind You Hava Always Bought Signature of 3INGHAM, Aahuvllle, N. C.'.n- .r.-u.-il BOV l"r Collet " i"r turn. im CKiaonuhlD' i 113 " .! AtOWI in th U. S... v.'ii. !!( ROUND TRIP TICKfT .. ii'l . oilh.n ISOO mil. I.. :iny oal'nt Ih. mi in r u ,n, i.iiol.u'ivim r'l Oi il i.o l-iii .'I ON I TORV I'llvk oimin. n-pirnlni I'V n luoiptl WK WALL rr II, c BIST lor Hr.llh. Snit.lK.n. V.nlll.li nn.l nifrly n.nnl riRI. tU' iH'iiil(iruiuiluucMo.uvuJK. lOL.ltHAltSMt.lLf.B.Nii. U( il? Love has enabled many a man to avoid the disgrace of dying rich Oddly enough, the penny lunch is cheaper than the free lunch. BEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MH. WtKsrmv'i Svi'Tiiisii svri p imi l"'o niJ(ovef HIXTV VKAKALy WIUIOS ! M.il lli:K8 lor tlicir CIOI.UKKN W HU M 11 1 II1IN15. I'HRUCCT hi e'CKsS. II ,101 HI S Hie e Itll.U. sol THNS the 1,1'MS At I.AVSiill I AIN , el KI.S W ISDCOLIC. UJ IS llitbl rrnir.ly I t iUAKKIKl A. It 1' ...lutrlv hirmlf.1 He "lire nil lt for "Mr. Vi'ioilow'i Hoollntig Srup." n.l uke n otb'l tiwi. TreBlY-livt .au tiutlle. MODI: OP L I'RANCI; About 5M pir cent, of the cases begin as INTO THI: HH)Y. ground itch, dew itch or toe itch as it is vari ously called. The worms burrow through the skin on the loot and, in doing so, produce an inllamiiiaiioii that gives rise to this condition. After penetrating the skin they gel into the blood stream and are car red around to the upper part of the intestines, just below the stomach, w hich is their feeding grounds. I lure they attach themselves to the lining of the intestines and begin to suck the life blood of the individual away. About 10 per cent, of the cases get into the body through con taminated drinking water, or by eating lettuce, strawberries and water cress that has been improperly washed. SYMPTOMS. The majority id' lite eases, who have had the disease but a short w hile, have no noticeable symptoms. They constantly feel tired. Get up each morning leeliug about as tired as on retiring the night before. Get out of breath easily and often suffer from stomach troubles. Others, more severe cases, have a pale complexion, hair and skin dry, palpitation of the heart and sometimes swelling of the feet and eyelids. Ol course all degrees in modification of these symptoms may be seen. METHODS OF DlAONOSlMi Three methods; first, by the symptoms; THI: DISP.ASI:. 2nd, by a microscopical examination of the excreta in order lo determine the presence of the eggs of the worms, and 3rd, by the beneht received from the treatment. TRKAT.WLNT. This will absolutely cure every case. Is simply and in no way injurious or dangerou1;. Lit ""?;, ..,..1 Hr Z -5.' Boy, IS years of age, suffering from severe case of Hookworm infection. Growth greatly retarded, suH'ered from palpitation of heart and stomach trouble; gets out of breath easily. 1 0 come, l: eryhody should come to these Dispensaries. Have the doctor in charge to show you the wortns and the eggs under tlx; mi ! croseope. I he satisfaction in knowing positively that you haven't this disease , will hilly repav von lor a visit. IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE ! Will cost you not oik cent. The dates and places that these Dispen I saries will be open they w ill not run under any circumstances but for I lour weeks, bach one open but one day in the week. T hat nearly one-halt of the people of all ages have this disease. You are probably among the half that have it. Come and find out anyway, j Both the county ol I lahfas and the State of North Carolina have ap I proprtaied funds lor the carrying on of this work in this county. ! , VICTIM IIF HUI1KW0KM DISEASE DLSliRIBtS HIS FEtUNOS. "HIS I IXLINOS." "I feel nrcd all the tune, almost, and get very tired easily, and have luile or no energy My spirits are low almost all of the time. I feel full alter eating. My niei;'ory is pool . "I t.'-i it o I :!' g'Mo-g wCar cr. I have a dugii.st f.,r fatly foods. I preler being alone rather than to be 111 the company of others. 1 have no desire e en to converse tete-a-tete w ith the ladies. After taking a walk, I feel broken down and tired all over, feel more like lying down than anything else. It tires me very much to stand any length of lime. In the morning when getting up I feel tired and broken down also. I'nder these conditions 1 am not able to do justice to my work." (The patient describing his symptoms above is a male, age 19, and weighed 1 45 pounds. He was raised on a farm, had a ravenous ap petite, was restless at night and oftened dreamed. He had had three or four attacks of ground-itch, one of them lasting eight months. W. S. R.) Figure I. A male hookworm, natural size. I'lgure 2. A female hookworm, natural site.. PLACES AND DATES FOR DISPENSARIES: Enfield, Town Hall, July 21, 28, Aug. 4, U. Roanoke Rapids, Graded School building, July 22, 29, August 5, 12. Weldon, Graded School building, July 25, August 1, 8,15. Littleton, Academy building, July 26, August 2, 9, 16. Scotland Neck, Opera House, July 27, August 3, I0 18.

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