fit Who Don't Believe li Bargain NEEDFUL JCNOWLEDGE. Weldon People Should Learn to Detect (he Approach of Kidney Disease. 1 1 fll i t r A !; . r-- VI w- - 4 Art Jil INS WAKK IT! !!' f 9 0 MAY 2, lIO H i li E symptoms of kidney T4 trouble arc so unniisiukable t that they leave no ground for doubt. Sick kidneys ex crete a thick, cloudy, ollen sive urine, full of sediment, irreg- ular passage or atiended by a sen- mmmmmm sation of scalding. The back aches constantly, headaches and dizzy ' s s ' s spells may occur and the victim is s M l,l'k' l'!l" r i1"1"'1'- often weighed down by a feeling " M r"'u"' of languor and fatigue. Neglect ,, w ,Vrw, t.rt 0lm. these warnings and there is danger . wairr iariuu.1. my miu of dropsy, Bright's disease or clia- i; r ihmiri, .mimhw betes. Any one of these symptoms p s Mamiiwk. is warning enough to begin treat- n 1 ing the kidneys at once Delay J. vILi.. !..! often proves fatal. n i ....... .:, ., ,,,,,1,.. t You can use nn kiici' remcd v si ... ;., i.-ii n.i than lloan's Kulncs IMK I I c re's W'cldon prool Mrs. H T (Ink, cu'U!h i , U'eldon, N. i:., sass "I have the utmost confidence in lean's Kidney 1'ills, lor they hav e been used in my family with the be--t ot results. The person who took ' them was relieved ot kidney com- . u v s .-.. ... plaint and backache and was also i i-i.nt. ,-u.,-( benefitted in other ways 1 feel : w ..h.-n. n.-a-iu.-i justified in giving Doan's Kidney n i. siamiwi.. ei.'ii. f'llls my endorsement." a w r ht, -i . Lul sali' hy all .l.-ai-is. I'iuv '.ni'i-ut.- 1 ,,,. i.aiUn.1. vawur. I OS I'Lli -VI ilJIt l;N ft. Vw S .jik. : p -lanilai k i-... mI- win foi tin- I Tided lalf s l.swit. Iti'lilt'inlii-l tilt' (l :l in f 1 'nan ana s: I I'linn! takt" uu other. i l.aa - '- "- " SS V, SS I l Iji .. ThE ROANOKE NEWS. , , . . 1' ' '-i. ....I . i.a; , i i I iiai . n - i 1. il ' Ha. Thursday, Jcfi 13, il l. ,a.,c., . t.,.;,... I s .'si t'i.';i .hi.:: a,v .)..:. KUDlisneu r.sery muisuuy. triRKii r i'i ' -1 ! I h k u HtiH.'s Ki iM i i- iiiri hi; I' accounts audited and allowed by tlie town Board of Weldnn. N. C for the fiscal scar ending April .50, lull, and all other accomus allowed for which no vouchers are filed. I S Mi mi i, j I1 i: l ; 1 1 1 1 ! ai'k , I .1 U Laaiv. v( . , ;,.,-,. - tt I. MVII. I; T H;l:l..'! II I. I. lam : I l:.l. ) -Ian.' .i,', , I I. U ' J - U !rl, !,, - M I L.'iv, il. .. ! U, , , ' , i i ,, , J:, U I h.lV ;, . li. ... 1-.1-1 tnii Instruciioii ut-J-i P--'',!y 1 lir",f,;,n iiiCiii'in'iH at tin- In' tt pusiliK' I'ost " Kl'Sl :1 l-i '!''' t!h I If lv i a ' s":.. y.-.'t,::::. o-,f, ItH ,...,.(. 1 1 i.,'.' ,'f 4mi, M'-.i its i"'!i 51 11'.1'"'1 fill: I.I ADIM, TK.MNINC SCIKHH, I'OR CIUIS IN VIUCIMV l-D !-u-. 'ill .'lutrj' .- f"r tin' M'nr In. 1'iiii-w taMr Unt.l r.vm. IU:!i. Mi-am li,V 1 u-'trv, h' r.'ii' i. pli -i'-.-il .-.:Itut.. n-i.l ttiili.. In b!) Hil'j-'-!' exi'.'i't inu-ii' :u:i'i.tii'!.. l r l:a,a.i r'.ui' n-. I .m-u l'!..l inMi'-, UtV. THOS. KOSSKR KKKV1.S, 1'. A., l' ineii-al. Ill U K s I u I , , Will; N VOl' W AN ! 1 1 EAU'IA 1 CALX. .1 M U' '. C'll 'Phone ii:? . T. I'.MIKI.i; I ;i. 34, Your wants vv ji m: o. i"io -hi W Mi I' I. -I. i r. w i I. w Littleton, N. C. . M I I t' I t k'l I' til (ii- i'Ki ; 4 r . ',-, i ,V "vv V N! '. t ; . ( . r.v . 1 HIS week we bein a sale of Mime 250 hoy's s uitc i -i. . it': i .... I........ ..P l... . .. it ' as made in me mow .times, m imimou, .Mass., anj Samuel W. I'eck, of Ness Noik. These are aniomr 1 the leadinu: ciothiU',r houses in America, and we wish impress upon sour mind the fad that every suit put out In either ot these o;omi iirms, is ansoiiueiy uaranteeil hv them. We are ofiei inv, thee viood elolhes at pi u c th. hnulil iiitcit' t cm i ma ,dn has the least idea oi pur, J , In it,,' amtliitii in tlie line ot K nitkerhock er suits at an i ai Is date, Here's Proof of Truth As to the above look in our show windows at the hiir ?,iade suits se have marked dossil to such a loss price that tiles are in tc.iJi of all. I hey may look to you j e higher priced suits than we first had them marked, but sou mas '.',ct a duplicate of any style on see there in a in sie sou ssish at the price shoss n today or ans time ss hilc this sale lasts if sou hturs hefore the sizes are lnnken too li.ulls kATi:M)Fs'tliM.Kll'IIIIM HAMI': UiU' Ytjar, (l.j mail) pustpl..!, JI " six .ionttis. " " A mxtiy I'l i'inH-iata' i'iiiuial ), ,.l.-.l to the inatriiul. t-aucalioiial. p.ihin'al auil ai;in.'ultuial nitiai'-i- ut llil.Us ai.a -ai i on ui i i mr t?o uu t .t-. A'lviMtlMIlt; lali'-'. K-a-uliaMt' .lu l lul Qir-Ie4 ou applu'alioii. Ceoroi s is the only Suie li.n iitg its legiilatne teii.on-? m the summer, but it generally reflects the utilization of the .silly season Thk suggestion of l imes thai President Taft wanted him to use his efforts to "put I. onmer across" at Springfield, wiil not be accepted generally as true, in fact Mr. Taft says it is "unfounded ' and the country will accept Ins sure men t lortl Carolina Fins Lumber. k'ouc h and Hi cs-.l.I I I B k I k' o ion u u it l ,-, i i , n :iik.-; and Sic ilini'.. si, hi,. , Moiil.liiii' I.aii'.c -.tii.k I. iin Jiii-.l I tiMiini,! mi li in.l at nil I inn - I i ami it it i ul to i iliT Phi.' s,,m. h , .hhI I .0 Ik .iln a s . 1 1 It a ml And Wc Go Purther liAM'i v ntan ov wonuui who livor; in or visits WVhlon is L;iven the uni'oati ictod rig-lit to come into our storo go to the l ack or tables and select identically the same suit at the prices given from the show window .11 I S 4 U0 - M I'.n u ( ., ii i-: -1. 1 ,1 l I M l Ualtri ' .itlan.!. .-a. .in li I I nun, I 1' N -la.ii! ai l W I. - .'.-'.. W I ' l.a. I. ,v W I'll I,. 1.1 .1 ,,! . t, I,... 1 11 1 ... SI ill SI I. iwio (.a,)r,Ki-ss ilt present seems m dined to g've the ..ninn y -ime-thing of a connniiiuis performance, and if Vicc-Presivlcm a good guesscr there is nu cer'iiinis that the present session u!l not continue up to the regular I leem ber session. w w i j - M I'.,-.,, W M i y.h I' S -M . il i .-a-; i !; I pi". 1 .,'; 'A I -..a- II I I ;., It I I '.li. O l.'l.'l A, I 31 AM I ,U 1 1 k'l; : S I k'lc I (il.'AI l !S I'kMi.Sin Mill '.Ml ..N IS. - s, j; - ; and .MOi: by sendiu'.', v nu r lumber orders to t S. Wo please the hard to please. SI SKY 1 1 (,, 0 I! J i J J .j l il 1 .;: ( Look here Parents Guaranteed Blue Serge Knicker bocker Suits, any size worth a $5 bill for only $3.75. Guaranteed Brown, Gray or Tan Mixed Colors, etc., worth from 3 50 to $10 now going at $2.G5 to $7.50 Others from $1,50 to 3.25 now go ing at from 115 to 2.45 A v r Widow c - i -A 11 L 3 --LK ONCS R. E. Draper Company, $ INCOKPOKATI-l) WELDON, - - - NORTH CAROLINA. Vl'kll.l loll EMiKVlMINO M;V THAT'S (iOOl) in our complete line of SPRINU SllOIiSand SI.IP IMTv'S. Not freaki-h but thes hase thai indis itluabts that y.ood dressers appreciate. spmtmbuv 5. ioio Henry Clay Bro's n, a mem ber of the North Carolina Corpor ation Commission, died at his home in Raleigh, TeJnesd.iy, July rth; aged 5 1 years. Mr. Brown w a.- elected clerk ,-f the Comnhssioii j ' . . in 1 891 , and serve I m that a-; ,A , ' '., ' pacify until nominated and elected . I :, .. commissioner last year. i -! u r- -t . A , ; - i . Prof. J. B. Carlisli., profes- i uu' sor of Latin at Wake l-orest Col-j ,', N' ... lege, died Mo'ida A-- .scholar, ! w ; teacher, orator and patriot he li'k.V. ! sv si i ..;., n-..- .r. . -n -n . i a large place in North Camlitu. I and his death has removed one ot ! ''' : ::' !' "u " -the most honored and useful cat: - i i -'a a.-K a: : . a ens ot the State. Dr. Carlyle vas I here a ye..r ag . and delivered a.i j address at the i'uhii,- School Aiul'.- j (ic'Kilil.k .!. io IOI llllll. i t .an.lii. -.-a, aa. 1-a - H n,. I W Liai.-. ,. i.a. I: a s I' i . i., WF. have lately received the .at . alogue of the A k M College at i Raleih. This whnv il iiwi.m. ; noil is doing a most valuable work j ,: kt, ,, , ,.,,,,, ,. for our State. .Men trained there . sv t inai.m.' i-,,. are certainly making good as f.u m- i I' N'k Lav an. I .-..u. ers. as entmeers. as tevtil.- um k. I l"'n"'- "! ' 'u' 1 ers indeed in all fur'n-, of - killed W W W ..'i'.n- ii. n .a .-I .,il ,,ai 1 1 . i - 10 enter life equipped tor mic-,- o i -t.,ui.'.i, h ,'i,o. hi all occupations will do ! - well to ron-,i,li-r thr A v M I .... i I 1 ' taai1. year b30 students were enrolled its faculty this year will include 5 1 teachers - 11 I 1...I. ..M. enierpii-.e. i citing men who s am 1 mi, SS I l.aa. H I Haiii.-I i. -I'uti II Loi uit, SS it Lay. shurmi- muif I HI. 1 llll I l 1 (HI I UU 4 There is more Catarrh in tin section of the country than all other rieai-f put toirether, auj until the last lew years as Rupposed to be incurable. I'm a great many years Joctois pronounced it a local disease and pteserihed local 4 remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven ca tarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by V. J. Cheney & t o.. Toledo Ohio, is the ouly constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood aud mu cous surfaces of the system. They of fer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Fill's for Constipa tion. - NOVEMBER 7. 1910 V V Y "itririus mayor - S M l 'ickens, ciiiel' police l". W M t oiieu. tieaMinei' ie I) i. Stambacl;, clerk u uu J U Pierce, st com L1 u'l Georse Lon. scavenger to mi H I. fit-ant, com I mi T SIlUW. " 1 llll SV L cott, 1 iiii It I I 'am. 'I, ' i nu P N Staiuliack " 1 tin 1' N Stiiitiback, blanket, hay ami corn HI tu HarrcH's 1'tt; House, iloeketH, I on S M ltickens, pay roll ," vr i f. iiteen, j annum salary J.i no Willie Portis. disinfectini; '.' r,o DECEMBER SV W SViggins, mayor S M Dickens, chief police, tllla II 5(1 00 i II I'll -Mil .-i u w w I'l C AI'III 1 I II IN .a..l M.n i I in, " l-ih Aiiiti-t ' -, .l,il.!..a Hl'I, .!.,-i ' S.A.II.1,,1 " I li rr'lll I ll'l Luiuaiv t'lll ' l.-laiuiy lau-li ' i,i.l . i.l l..ui .'I !: : ', I I' I . -laiiinai-u. cli'ik ot Uu- i;.i:,i, ul I in, Hiiu't- loi tin- tint n ul W i I ,Ln- i . .In lii liliv c. itilV that it,. Li: - run,: a tiar nu. I con ret aat, m, i,t ul' all .'i,,-in)ituiTs for the itc ii i-.--i: iiiiuiir ApnC:-o, i'-iil. a- .a4,( amic tlie tecotds of tins pilirc Ti K. -i VCI'M i... L it Slav . lul . TREASURER'S REPORT. Utz& Dunn's Ladies Pumps ami Slippers in Vdset, cucttcs a ml (inn .Metal. Thes lit the feet ami ss ear ynnl. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WI'LDON. N. C. HisDui seitti'tits La I, 'ul, .1., ,.l , JIIWIII.IlK!, I ntn l. t-t.--i.i '.'" j l. ii ,.i, i. in. I M.n i I k'tiamiUe Rapids iN Rosemary, N.C .i i"ll '" -I ' ' " I;,- p.viiullv -ul. unit, .1. Mil dl In. I i. a .,u.u .1 . I' -II S t: r nvMi.t . . ' W , I . M Ml I . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ll 'I' '.':' ; ;i , ,- n M.WOR'S RI I'ORI . -, , 7 , I'll IL,- ll, l',.l '-..Ml M, ,;; ' .-is I.a II,.- I. .an ul SS . I.I..U. N I ai: i.l i ii nil. an-li - - l. .'. I I I 1,,-n all -iii.anl a i. p. a 1 ul .u. "I. !,.; ,., ,,ii-, ii, ll,, S.t ,., - ,'..,, ,., -a I ',' I Un! li .'al . ai . U'l 1 'a- SI t , I i ' '1 i li'.; ..! I i.tal hliiiii.. 1 I a . - l.i all I - I I,, f.,11,.,1,,,.. .!, ,, , a, i,L- ,'n-: :i I,.,-ia. I -l.i. : I ; : 1 1 - .a I" i., ii., I 'l.lllir I cut t., i, i I- la,l, i.-.l 11. at to i i ir, pa;, i.n, C'.ii.l tu i n l I Hi a,t a.-. I a,l I., i i. a- S .uuil, To the Hiiiioialilt' I'ai'ai.l ol I'limiii-iuii- ' l..iil(.ii.l - ,, i'is of the Toss n of . VVel, Ion. N ( Ih-pi ,-uuih Oi'iitli-nien I l.t'U to submit hi-i, ,i in, ; y, ssl,,i.- m lV,,i a 'tatement ol'the linanci's of the tWj, I lv i ' pin of SVeldou, lor the vnii end.nir ,in :i,i. ' , tu, i, m u, t n,,.,. i 1""' lli-i-iii. Receipts 1 mi t,N... t.v,i ,, i ,i.,u.ii ,: Hal ill Tieasurv. Slay I, , I'umI,,, - - Kiln. r- lit'O'd ol'S M tiii'ki'ii. (i , , . tast-s HK.ti. -jiioT ,i : Us aim .ai-l I'l, :i-iii,-i .;;,. .rj liec'd of S M liickcns, aoct. str.'i't pas'itur ina tin : lialanee uticll.-i'ted. il--l ',i, 1'oir las t:t un I Slay 1, tai I. Near litter Tax. ami nu T, sllAVV, Privilege Tax, .till ei) Is. T. OANIKL. Int. on liriilw Poud (Mm V I.. ; t'oTT, Sale of Mule 30 00 Committee. ml Jtwdry L, I'j.nm . . I, an , 111 in t..,a. a ,',, Lin .a . as, Ii v I . I i,- -a! i a-. -, j i- ,t ', II a a 1 lll , ,1... l a w. a . i ,-ci i 1 , Itt I S M ll, I I. l i I .,. ... ll NGTl. $'6 $'4, &i ' JsS V -fcl" -y -iHifcPVii! -.iJ- i- -aV, -Si -V.. ... -.-. -.i-'fT 'm 'ii- 'n- 'n- 'iv 'ts' 'n- '!' 'll' 'ft ? J??' '' f. : Oil 1 1 i V -V 'W 'ft 4jf i :s 1 I J he 2c Suiti,' Kurnitui'o ijoinij liwU suit. Ahiitit hall pi iie. Crockery, Glassware, Druggets and Blankets from the recently closed hotel. Marrams for allj We bought these v.ods under the hammer and v.iseour customers the heiielit, Couie quiiU sshile il lasts P. N. Stain back. The Insurance business of the late P.N. Stainhai k ss ill he continued by KOWI: & STAIN HACK, Hi. i;..ui , I' n v i si mi i, ii, .i i , ft n ''A i n- s 'IS '4$ -v. : M. & k -y xt nidi z K y v'r v- k b $k i, t $ti, $k s Mt vS, k W W '4$ '4$ -,s U 4$1$fa 't I In i'.,,ailn.a-l. . Ina, lul,, i, , ti,,,, L, In.-, n .lnliii l; ,'...ll!,-ui;,-i x ix . I I in !,u i,i '' I in .', iiiidii tlie linn limn,, III,' till' I . Il.l'i l l I i.!ii.;n, v. I,.,. ., h ,li-i, Isi .1 l.y nu, l, ml , .,. ,!.,., lais inii i, ill tl.i- un, ic i an, ,,.,! ,1 liuri- in Hi,. i,ii.iii,-, n.f Imimii.-x ssill I.,- i',,i,ili,,'i,-, in ti. .;,.,. ., i,. .1 I',. .,,llu',,i,.- under ll., Minn- lit iu iiiuiii' I l.aiikniir tin' punlic I',,, ,.,t I'asin-and as-nritiir nil ul' uin l,,t ,1,. il. as. Hi I., -crvr and plr:iM. saui in tin' liitiiii'. This the illi ul' .liiiil' 'iit CITY i . 1,1 li lit; t USII'ANY, I'.y.lohn 11, .iillicuil'ia-. WLEYS 0RIN01AXAT11 , lust iintn.Ttuvt.t ariEUl vlllar-ii I I'IK.'K (il.'.AI 11 ! ;X ' 1 ill last i loiiiz ai tlie builJiuii Rood put on over twenty yMUan treat good at nrw today, For further detailed infurmattun apply tu V tIJon .N. C. and I Imvi' jtist uit ill new Lackitu,"1;1' Hi'veiul lii'is stvli'Hiit rlinti'iliat"' lift Mu'Cial uiituci nielli t"r 1 lievl IHI.lilva V .' Ini.u u full l'll" Villi SSltll II tood ,iotllL'lllph ol SI'1" I I '..II .... I .SI P. TIM US . Photographer, SVeldon, N l At llalilHx every lat and 8ni loi.dy- :

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