, r 111 ifEl , .asa Stum Saw& Sanfi StsssKia Advertising Lates ".Jade Ki own on Application. VOL. XLYI. A NtKSPAPtH FOR i'iii i' ; ML .. s. .. i ili h'SD.iV. U (.1-1 lo, l! Terms of Subscription --.?!. 50 Per Annum NO. I ,' if T f i I in 'CASTOR M m;i, . .1 fi A'i''i,ili!.'I'ri'p:ir.iii.iiiPi.; s.milaii.itjiu r.:.'(.,n.liwi.ii lii!!lllii'S.i-;!i;n;isiu:,IIJ(i1;,1i Priiniii'.sDi'.'siuii.nii (-;!",! iiis.'ii'.illli"i.ijiiiiaii,siU'iiir i'!uiii.M'iii!iiiir imrMiaitJl. Niii Nauc our. j.'r.i: 'iiJintyiai'mbJi J' St.imi '.frtrMt- ': ,W ' Itfr.nml 11 lurk k J 'du X". Ani'ifiM l lit'iiutlv f.iiTonslir limi.SuurSlniiiiicli.Dlariliirt Wiiiiiis.t'imviilsiiiiis.h'vi'm lU-ss Loss OF SLKKl" FacSimil.' S'juaiurr "f MAV YOIiK. y. II 1 1 A Y I'M.iSK 'J., merrn I WOT Rm3W! Ill II A" H flBle I fil Exact Cul.y uf Wraj-jxtr. ,,.......,. ., o,ty. mttisxshm-mm--x. ml j I'. X.STAIXr.ACK, I ' N I i;k Wcldon, . . Full Line of CASKHTS. Day, Night unit Out-of-Town H. G. ROWE, JT NKKM. I)llxTOI AM) liM Vt.Ml k'. Seventeen years' l:pei ieiKe. Hearse Ser itc A.iywhcrc. FOR SAliK! V.. , w hat was tin- liappiot linmriit FIFTY-NINE (59) LOTS IN THK '',''n',!1' f.,.-,..,. . town of weldon, n. c. v;."":';;;;; ::;'!:.!:;. located and of the dimen- l:'1: sions as shown by the:!'1:'1:-:!; FOLLOWING PLOT; ! ! I I 1 i FOR TERMS, APPLY TO W. K DANlliL, Weldon, N. C 2-Ui-tf OE 3E 3E THE BANK WMMDON, N. C OritnniJ UnJer ttie Laws of the State ot North Ciiroliim, At i.l sT Jnlll Is'i'.'. State of North Carolina Deposit. n I lahtax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.' Capilal and Surplus, $47,000. I'm-iiinii. lliiin is vein's tin- iiiMitiitniii liil' noi t'l.'.l Imnkine I'n.'ili ti.- fur tins seelnm It's st..el In.M. i s nii'l .liti'i't'.is litn.' I.e. n uli iitttii .1 all llii- Imnn.'ss inteivsls of ll ililiix iin.l N in ( i i : in t i iIiik for many years. M.inev ts l.mne.l upon api'i"U'.l mity at the l. ital tat.' of llltele-t "IX per oenlillll. Aei'iilllils el all me sulieite.l. I'll.' siiipliii. an. I mi. li v i.l.-.t I'li.liti Inn mi! reai'lie.l a muii eiiial to the Capital st.ifk. tin' Hank lias. -i m tmii-i nir litmitii y I. 1""S. i-t.il.liln'.l a Savm.'s liepailiiii'iit iillmMiie' interest mi tinii' 'li p.'Mts as follims: I ur Ili.pusiN ullmvi'.! to reinain tliri''. in.'iitli-"r loiiir.'r. '-' l"T ''fit Sx in intli or lutiifer, .1 p.'f pent. Twelve inenlli" "I lunc'ei . 1 peroent. For further i ii f.ii mat ion apply to the I'r.si.leiit or l a-luer. I'RKslllRN W. I'.. 11 A M Kt., Joi 3ET j BiNl UlllvanAIVI, ,, citnonehipl. ' ROUND TRIP 1 ICKIT I i lei. M WALL. M Ike BIST for Hr.llk. S.it.lin. Vtnlil.llo. m.i fy '""' rwu. llol . on vm. r I I ..I us i.aus (I ONB if AU, ire mr BiBT i' tlriim. SMIIall.n. v.n.HMioi .... y For Infanta and Children, Tho Kin;! Yea Have Bcug Boars the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years Sii.ui i s... ::i nt,.l .-TT I B I i'a k M1J. North Carolina. ij S 'j! I i "X 5 COi I I.SS nnJ ROBtiS. Culls Proniptiy AilcndeU lo. rj n i::4h4- -IT j Q ' OF WELDON A m SI I IK V II K I'KKSIPKSI l AslllkK W K. SMI I II. li TUAVI.-, 110 . e. -o I At-Cftl w u; ' ,, i '" I BOO " STOHT I'l i s ..pnr.url I v I -'1 Jl- I 1 I.;?!" i-. ' v.. ':"'"' v ... iV U-'.,.. .iiw? GOV. JOHN A. JOHNSON. Mis I'irsl Triumph. !-!T U i:i-.N llldtllrl' all'l '-"H Biln'ii' was aluuvs (In1 fiilli'sl t- 1 1 ti 1 1 n . . 1 1 I ;i r. t hi' lii.it;railirrs nl' ( inv. .Ii'llll A. .Inllllsnll. l.J Mill- ii...i,i, i i ' j 1 1 thai tlir I . :is hi' al'tn u atil r.iil'i s--i'il. s I i 1 1 1 1 " u i 1 1 1 s w i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 '4 " w i 1 1 1 -mil l.'. I'niiM'iil ur l nnw li'iln'i'. Ili I.I t III T ll.l 111- .!..T.'l'tl'il till' 1". 1 1 1 1 1 . t h.. 1 1. 1- at til" ic'i- I'l' ,,r 1 h'' v,'"ri "' ""CI'-rlinK 1 . t. . .. i. ; i i r 1 1... 1 ill t ' 1 1 1 1 LI I 1 I II I 1. 1 I i 1 1 "I in. ; family. I li.- Iirt ft -.it 1 1 iuniili i of l In' 1m. 's lid' was at taiiH'.l u li.'ii In. rmiM i arn riiniiuli to siiihh t tin' family. Willi I la- nnuii'v in liis lian.ls I... I..,.i..,,...l i, t,. 1..II l,!s " ' ' mi l hi t- that lirr 'lay of public wahiii4 as uwr. "I havi' n-vrr Ii.tii (.rmnl.T nl'.l.'lni." sai.l his ii'.ol 1 1 . r. . ; i i s aft.-r. u li ai a ' m li l it'' I'm' li . in. if, "than I '.is w Inn hr ram . h.iiii'. an. I l"l'l nir that i i i . . i i i. , . . ur w i ! 1 1 1 1 h i i . ' 1 1 . i " i ' 1 1 1 1 "i. i In llii' ua' i.-i na; -na I I'aln i ii.i ,,f i-.ii-,, s liil,. li,. I . r I il. if was in;: k iu a t i'iniiiiiiiil : pni-ii-s thiMtinhniit tin' Stair, mil' i 'I the paitv a-k'.. him "' ' " "'I'. "' ' t hat --hi' Wnllhl llll li.ll' t' IliO I ' t.i t.ik.' iii wahinn. " Hrfiil r John W.'llt t" Bulk ill'' fami! I'i'r.'ivi'.l I'liiisi'liTalih' li ! I p l'i'iim fi icii'ls a ii il lli i-hhi'ls hut flnlll till' III. illl. 'lit h- In -an I" ilniw pay , m'tliin w . lit t.i ill.' .I"hll-"!l h"U-'.l"l'l that as li..! pahl l'..r. Tin' -.! 1 11 : t . ;h Mill Ii ii. I: llii' l; I 1 1 i.'ii.N kni-w il . aii'l "iVcr- i'i h. lp. I n! :ilv;l s .M is, .li.hn--.,,11 wmiM r. ply llml hat' V .1' tin' f.itnilv '.'..'I .l"hn w .-iil l pay f"i'. Thi"iiL;h'itil tlir-i- . al ly years hi- -en-.' ..I I li'' ii'.nali.is cf I . ix ally ma. I.' the family the . threat run .i.leralimi. The hoy iliil ii"t ha e any v ault inn oni I, it inn. The ilaty uf t he hour ami 'f the .lays ami ..f the eat s as l.i slalnl l I he fam- ily, ami staml hy them he ili.l. .'.aeh new Iri'lll'le ail, I a.l'leil epetiM' I 1 1 n . i nun in in. hreaeh. i'"li-"lill4 1 he innther I'he' I inn H' t1"' ehil'lren, pav ing the l.ills. uth's Ci'in n inieii. Thirty Ne irs ToKelher I nil I s ..At I' -"'',!' 'I' 'I'l- "I a II. ..v il... in. a "1 '' ' I Oi.in- sian. Is "at hi il'.i' i'11"' ' ,l"' ""oh- les.n. ss uf a l.a.l "lie. S.I llll I. s ll.i iilli-s.vi.lL III this I'M. I'll'..' uf I hi.s ii-s. -,.1,1, Mieli , whii Hlltes I. .in II- I I 'I Imiii' '- Nl llem.'IV t il V'"' lW ""' i'iMi-li ami .' il I i'l'"' I v. i ii-i'.l " Oiii'i. il liii.N i iiliani .' in a lu'tiii' y.'ii ."Hi t ,iy it mil Many la nih. - have iim-.I it li.itv v.ais. It's II..' lii"-I iinlallil.l.. nii-.tieiiie '"I . aith I iieaii.UI.'.l t"i la iMippe. a-thnia. Lay I. vi. eioiip. 'inn sy or sine Iiiiius I'l''.-. '" . : I I'oal l.nttle In e .n eaiit. e.l I y all .liiit- Cranky people and busy bees fre quently administer stinging re proofs. Children Cry tOR FLETCHER'S f 11 s-. . J v-w I s If nn m'i s pe ,i:ul: a 1 i.,,11': t 111 tin iii.i', will nut i, .r. I'liP . i'S I ,i,i ,i;iy i, ! (ml Ii'IIl ('. ,', .'. i ' N ml -,m!I i ' . i fl , .-, nil il :l ' . .'. .V " .- ! nice 1... ,it !., . t :uKI tt tli Pi 'I'll.-1! :. .,': rr :, . I l.e n: . J I I . 'la.f' tin' . ..J , , . It i,,-:: ,,n i-.. ..... I'll.. It,-, Ma!' .:. 1... , ...I '..tl c,l;i n ak- I. ' i, (,:, J .. 'I'll.. .1 in- ..! l ' l:., .,'.- : , vi".i '.Mult ill.' . ..... I . t:,-.- '. .lit : Kit -n ,11 'i"iu? i"i.:r-ih'it ?,;';ic!nne Co., ' I),,:. ' lr )i..'v. VA. THE OInr ;i l.it'in wiih the spring mi the lulls, And the viillcys a-tmkle with ripple of fills, With the lilt iiikI the suii nl the rubin aiul wren, And the relhek of bnbnlmhs up in the f;leii, A breath ffuni lite south with a sweet verdure liim, The leuliiin and budJiii" and grasses ;i-'Jiiii ; The uann loamy meadows have dmninj; and hunt, And whisper nl billowsnl' clover to conn... () for the farm with the likus in l loniu, Where the orchards are w hite with with their we.iltlt of perfume, Where a pink and a white shower rains down on the e.r.iss, And carpets the turfat our led as we pass, Where the cattle come down the lotiji Line with .1 fret. And leave the lu-.li pastures witli mmichin); regret, And the plowlmy goes whi-.tlmr;, Ins task to employ, Where work becomes pleasure, and living a joy. 0 for the tarm. and the v.md, attd its -cem, And a hunt far the nio-s.s with (lowers be-prent, The vines re uhitt out If. mi tit.' tire.it spreading roots, And the ferns r.- u-hing up with their soft phtaiy slioots, The t.iss.-'s i!:.!t h im; .' :i tlu trees ovc; head. ( ) give me me Ni..k ol' Id Nature u.-k.i.l Of the nano-v v, ,,iled citv, its pr.ii leins and wa:i:-, And ;;ie Hi,: l',ie muMj ot I'.:', and in, luuiiK, 1 ant tired o! men, t) ;;ive i .iek tile eli.ir.n, And the -.u mess and htv.,;!: "i the spima on the latin. m mmi 'l'hca lull nl I', ne, Willi i Vis of stone, t.od I'.isiaoiisd '.Ionian Iroin a boae; lit -s t tame the heart to cuise and bless And tilled will) hue and w anioinies:., And hell's deh;;ht, al! heav en's disiress I'heu lo 1 l;ai It l i.l. saiilin;:. s.nd " I he hs.ii t' . the lea-t. I.tr more the head,'' And o'er the heart he molded lair I he bri.'Jii destrUsiion of her hair, And therein set lor man a snare, la trout Cod panned tresh her l ice. , All innocent, divine of crace; !' iat underneath the angel inem I l e hid a devd, dark, unclean, iii.iii-.te I ihim: .vhose- (.'.ic via-, gieen. bit i tlie l.tsC I le set the eves, l ull ol bi';:ui!em cut and surmise. Of prayer and passion, make believe. And tears and laughter to deceive The soul ol man Cod meant lo grieve I he nose and mouth he fashioned uet. The nose precise; the inouili perplexed With virtue and the quenchless thirst bor fruit I'm hidden, blest and cursed V, nil longings fir the best and worst. I hen loud Cod laughed and said again , "Without the body all were vain'" And underneath the head he set I he neck and breasts, like roses met. And anns; all portions ol the net. The torso then and limbs of snow I le made and lixed them fur below , And in her tee t and in her breast I le breathed the spirit ol unrest. And vanity ol soul distressed. "Beh'eld '" C"d said. "Mv in istiipuve. Through whom the world shall know increase, And m ill vv ill !'i e me thanks, I know , ii.l piai-s vv.ak. and he ut aglow, Accept Mv gilt and all Ins vvoe." - .Madison Cavvem, in the New ork Suti TOI 0 NOl SO Husband - If ii nun steals - no "I'.ul, papa, 1 wnuhl lie eon niatier what ti is-he will live lo'teiitto live mi a ernst with regret it. i Uruee." Wile - During our courtship you '( n :i miMI'" Hueh ; Hruee ti .cd to steal ktssss from inc. Itisbaiid Well, you heard what I N ''.-l . CASTOR I A fur Infants nud Children. iiireu. ys Bou&h The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of k1 ?MiVcii Worth . I.i nili.ill lY.iiiut ker nu an- p.iv : .'.:. ; u .v.. a l.. : i:..il!. 'l,l, ,i,,.l ; . h ie i ' .H'I!I . ' ''I' "Kl.if in ' it . . .. .i;..1.fS I4.h!! , J. I t.-l I I , It . ' t" , .i ,, , ... t':i, it tht t..li li.fin. ' il f.lllll Mj-illl v eat til. l.i .'! Iii'ltiit.. It i.M. -cl.t r?f lu 1' al lllt'l :., FARM. a mum. liKl CI! S I IMITAI IONS. I couldn't raise t lie dmii;h. "li s a funny thing about tomb- i stones." i "What's funny about them?" ; "Ihey always look so serious i concerning the lies they tell." Cnlld ron C ry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A OUR PlltSffltNTS. 1 'rum ienrtiL' a-hingtun lo W il liam tlovs aril Ian Vi a-'hiiign in tli'. lit -a -1 iv ..: i .iiigcd ihe Iniaitee , I In n e iat'. . . .1 1 1 1 A.!. mis, v. !i i quarreled " n't I ran ... Thomas Jelfet ' "ii tint d 1 nm i.m.i w as botighl ; botiriii .Madison, uii.lei whom biig'i.ind was (ought. J. inies .Monroe- gav e the 1 oc:i me and lei m Missouri, Then Adams, vv hose t.irill' aroused men in turv J.iAson seventh, reiused to the I auk a new charter And made poor Van 1 hn en to pan ic a martyr. Viliiain Harrison died and hv Ty- let' was billowed. I'nder I'olk all the troops in j bloody war wallowed. Taylor eleventh, had trouble with slavery, And 1 ilhuore put through the Clay compromise bravely. Then Pierce snuggled the Nebras- J" ' " ka division. "Nonsense, Adolph, no aviator And Buchanan was in for the Dred ' 'inH could tly such a distance, Seott decision. V"u k"ow that well enough." Creat Lincoln was wise in a tune "Well anyway. I've got an ui- of depression, 1 e'ome ol S5,000 a year. I want When Syuthern States fought for ( you to niarry me. Will you be the right of secession. ' w ''c f " Andrew Johnson came next, was ; "Of course, Adnlph, if you put impeached and acquitted I 11 l'k-' thai. I nuisi say Yes '" 1 lysses S. Ciaui lor two terms , ... .... ..... , , , A kins ho Loft Home seemed luted. , , ,, , . i i i ' t Hi- vn.il-l ti. lalim, I. nt Paul Math Hayes tollovved, then Carheld, ,,11,., , ;,,...,i v a,Bm, vv hum Arthur succeeded, 1,,., p- ,,t i,M. th.. K.n.'ofaii i.aan"- Then Cleveland, who Congress l-i. K-iif' n.. i h;- i'iii- an ! thai by veto impeded. I larrisou's term gave ihe tari send up, And Cleveland again held the ; 1 leiiiocrat's end up. McKinley waged war with the poor j Spanish nation, And Roosevelt came ard upheld arbiir.ition. William T, itt has the chair until 19 Id. And w ho vm iiovv rem. tuts to Pe MATRIMONIAL MASCOTS. II mi Are At All Snpeistilio'as DonT ke.nt Ihe l ollovv iiit;. "I bmgiiig and '.voomg goes by desliiiv." Sh.iks'.pe.ire The bride wdio Minis on her drc-s .1 spider m.i v consider herself bless ed I lie bride who dreams of fairies ! the night before her marriage will 1 be thrice blessed II the hridcgt ..nm s.in ics a min iature horseshoe m Ins pocket he will always have good luck. Ship marriages are considered anvtlung but lucky (let married on land or don't get married at all. No bride or groom should be given a telegram while on ihe way lo church. It is a sign of evil :ie wedding ring is dropped during ihe ceremony the bride may well wish hcrscl' unborn, lor she will always have ill luck. Kiss the bride alter a ceremony, and beloie the newly made hus band has a chance to do so, and you will have excellent luck throughout the ear. Maidens eager to wed should give dish water heated to the boil ing point a wide berth. It means ,1,,, a,,.,. ,,.,l ,, ., I ... long tune if they attempt to cleanse dishes in w ater so hot. Should the bride perchance see a coltin while being driven to the railway station prior to departing upon her honeymoon she should older the dr.v er io tin ti bkk and start nv er again, or she will meet vv nli bad hick AliSIIM MINDIII) Ii was in the ilub room, and I'.u nid ihe I ugli'dnuaii vv i re boasiuig n the various times they had been attacked by absent muidedtiess. ; "I )h '" said the bnghsluiian. "I I know once, when going to husi- ness I thought I had left my watch at home and actually took it out of in y pocket to see if 1 had time to , go back home lor it." j en, mat s iiouiiug, iciomeu Pat. "Onei.ight, after I had left here and gone to bed I woke up feeling very comfortable; and it wasn't nil then I found out that I had put my trousers to bed and huiiB uivself over the back of a chair." Then the clock stopped. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I Av Silt allU'lll) HIM. He W as S.i .Much in l.n-. e, lie S'lilil.t Mil,; i'. ..',i. ;.j Aimi.sl A nv 'thing "( iertrude, ' ' s;g!.e .1 iae y-.tins m in, llmgiiig iniitsei' at tier !ect. "I I ve von pa Mnn lidy madly: I w oil. i go io (he ei. J ' .1 the w o: id v. nli von. ' " 1 I, ,il is impossible, " i ephed tile pi,.i g ;1 "Vna s-.'il I not go I" hie end o! ihe v, ot Id vv e!t me I he vv ol 1.1 is i oii.'i J, ii.e :i ! ill, siiglillv Handled at the poles Volt surely li.insed ihat at -Jinol '-" " 'I C- an s..; I dal, (i.l it aide, In! .1 you "lily knew the .islnng v o-J vv here my he.ii'i " I here is im -iieh thing as a void, Adolph. vacuum. Hut Nature abhors a admitting there could be a void, how could ihe v nid you speak ol be a void if 'lie're were an ache in it'-" 'I mean that I could not ei-t wuhoui y.m It ym were al the j '"'i'1 ''"!s '"' m Australia, I would tie y le a !,le--ai tu all J 1 1 - l';iiinly. I in.' I' lllstlpal.iiii, heil.l.ieh.'. Ill.lll -til'li ilv-p.-p-'ii line ; " at all .li 11. -i-t- Mil TAklNti CI1ANCI S HiMiijrul.-ir, isn't it. that neither of v. mi' stellooriinliei's wants a v 1 ' inn t h is yea r' iiiio;s .,,: jfs ,.:lsil plained. I r ii'iyt.n.ki es- look in;;' yoim ; Hi la 1 1 1 1 1 1 lite (. tiee all'l llel I II. I nl' Ihe i; i - is vv llll in; In e , . a a ,r, a e I".--I.'li I im I'm aa p! . "Is he re-peetafle'r" "I lii"le!ltl'. so j' , l, iiiaisie 1 f'.f .irviim le - 'ii.ta Ki3l AWHFUT.i 13 IvTilfnJhDfilllD .nt i.ths Ul UUKT ADMIRES PAsiTOil RUGSCLL'S BOCK. "The Divine P'an of the Ayes" Every One Should Mead It. A '!a mi r im i ki "Tlii r..i..-l'!'il h.."k l.iak.s p.. assent. ns that are n a Vn il su-'a le-l I , llie S raiOn.'s Ii . 1 out up --.: lv Melie, leal II'- ll 'V .-r.V -l.-l .' I- the teO. mi. il I', -i'l.'- a p.'. iaaii.t ..f ...il's love. na. I laef y, and . i -iloln Tliele Is iii'lhi:, ia U. Itil.i- IN .1 Ihe A,l-',r ,i'11" i in.. . ! t l! l! I i f ili.vr ,. . ii.,,:i thai lie t.. mi It Comforts the Dere.-nea. 11. il A:,,' mi- "II I in.;'. -.. ' re i.l t a- I s v. a h,., il I. ,.i.' llie mil. r a., a I' :.! i is- li s rlii! s. !nl;..i of Ihe urea! l.i -t. l ies ilia! Ian,. t.veM.a us ,11 ur le-.s I'liet" Is b. r.l' y a fata W to he I'.me.t Halt lias net lost son,,, lo.e.l oa.' who .1 n 1 ollt- sl.le Ihe ehlli'.'li ..lltsl.le the pi. ill of ! s a; ati. ai. aaa. if 'a!v lll.-ta ho true, ell -s ,!e ,.f i,;. !i..;.e ami ill-..le of elel- ..( i.Tim-at tu.l l..'ir" ll'.". :u'es . !. .lit h. Mill. I '. etlts, . ielV. IT ipai.I l'.ihle .ami Tl'ie S. U Mreet, I lr." .1.1 y ii. N. V ft j U'llVimiQ T-TnGlArTr i r -llOUb JtlOSiery Mcn (()r Women and Children, .. .... nnd Sik . .isit. (rom 25c. nnd Stk. --tr 'IVII SILKS 5sf from5l)c. to$l 00. In stock at the R. Ii. DRAI'liR CO., Incorporated The Satisfaction Store, Weldon, N. C. Onyx m m ywi'r i . li'l v.. ,. '." ( "Dr. Miles' Nenine Completely Cured Our Little Boy of Fits." A f.unilv ,11) suffer no greater iiflln tiuti tiiati to have a i hikl sub ject to (its or epilepsy. Many a tit her or mother would give their y, to rcstcnc sai li a child to health. "I ,111 ll,..,It V LS.i'1 to t II V 'llr.f .j! i e h v w was . .111: .cti ly t 1 ta . I if ' ,.ii ni'-n. . ! lias - I! r,( ill at 10 '. ' irs .1 ae-" aii.t iia,l t:,,': , I .1 I ur vi'."- I 0 " .1 li.ree mil 1,11c al. -t I, i.l all uf lie ai I li,- . ..i.i.i l. ,t he tilll-it, i ,a i ' '! ' I:., l r.ii :ve N.-i . i,e i r. Mi. 1 s N, ,w .u, t I ivn V .lis lua i.- a i ii,;,'. '(r 1 jus II- b lu'W ( . le lit. ..Pi f .... It 1. l l.rcll t a', v a: - ,11. ' l.t- itl.e l.i t s f f i 1 . 1 ;1, .11 (.,.- I 11. h .' lneitsair iii.i,-,.. . ,;..!i.vri 1 -). S'"L1 i.ie al l iirriv t.i 11 iit'ii,, 1. iter as y.,11 see hi .M. i Hliv ne MritUiC to 111 I will (;;.,, :iv aienfl ll tla-v Clielutl' ilanip i'.r r. I . M. Pa Mil li, Wa.dlall, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine is just what it is represented to be, a medicine t utiipoiiiidcd especially for nervous diseases, such as fits, spasms, St. Vitu' dance, convul sions an J epilepsy. These diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak ininils. Dr. Miles' Nervine has preven most etlective in reliev ing llitM' dreaded maladies. Sold by ail druggicts- If tho first bottlo fdils to benefit your money is returned. , MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The Tfcrice-A-.TO Edition ol TIM. New York Work. I'raetieallv a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world jTves so much at so low a price. Tin: great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since est i ii-lk J i record ol impartiality, am' .in. !.,,',. ,.iii ailord its Thrice-A- cci-. edition, which comes ev ery oiii. i' day m the week, except Sand. i.. . Ii vv ill be of particular v.ilae i" y.x; a w-. The Thrice-A-W ess X i : l.i ,.'si abi'iinds in other siioii- :....'.,. mi.:! stories, hu ui'.r, niai kets, sarin. ms; in fact, ev er; thing to be found in first-class daiiv. lie lhikc--Wcck World's t'egal.ii -nl ssipiion prtcc is only pi r v car, .in. tin . pays tor 1 5i pape! s w e otter mis unequalled ik v s:ip. r and the KUA.NUlxf. NbA ev together lor one war for SI.65 I he t gular subscription price ol the tw o papers is "f 2.50. LaClies! Save Money ami Keep in Style by Reading McCall's Magazine and Using McCall Patterns KS&Uke COUCH andCUKEthcLUNGS MaDHMUG'S iiv discovery fOUCHSCi FOR 5oaioo U OLDS l Tffiu Pintt rot e AND All THROAT AND lUNGTRODBLfS GUArtAHTD SATSFACrOffV Of? fiONnv fcruHoiro. BARGAIN SALE ! Splendid I'ost Office liquipmcnt. 1 1 A i : for sale a splendid I equipment for a post ollice I in n town of from 1000 to :: .i I M)0 inhabitants, including SO Lock P.oxes, (i Lock Drawers, 50 Call Boxes, General Delivery Boxes, tables, distributing cases, etc., for the full and complete equip ment of a post ollice, the same be ing all the furniture and fixtures in the Weldon, N. C. Posioffice. Sold on account of the new post office now being equipped here with all furnishings. A great bar gain to a quick buyer. Possession given about July 1st. CALL OR ADDRESS JOHN O. BURTON, P. M., NXTI DON, N. C. 1 M.CaII'i M.inin... 11 i in n il ...I,, i..;,. V b- a :'!. ! : ! II ftr.i Ji 'l.'i;i, .: M(CH Piltrni "''ii .'.-v." t-li. .! ;'t ' ' I . ;i c. . i ' ! w ! h u.f . Hi i . ' I i .!-;;;. 1 ' . , '. " li w 1 1 1 1 ii v. - 1 1 i . ! ;,'.."'-..,i: rii,,.;..,...!,','.'.,,,'' ';."'' Will ... V,. tin. rM ".' t f

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