lfj"' ' I!!! Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FDR THE PEOPLE. wki.don, . .. Tin'KsD.w. .r;rsT it. r. trim of Subscription--? 1.5( Per Annum VOL. X I.V I. no. n; OtfEND WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. It Is All Right tn Wish fur More Capital. More Friend and tireat er ) p put t ii in I ics . hut in 1 he Meantime Yuu Must Do The Nest With kesmiri.es at HanJ. The Kind You Have, Always ISnuirlit, ami which lias been in use for over iM jvitr, lia lmnio the sivjialuro of ! lias been Hindi' under his per L xXtTS z'a ' 8""a! !l'l',' ision since its Infancy. -uT. .SU4. Allow In. .me foiled oojouiii this. All Coiintcrlclls, Imitation ami ".)iis(-as-n I "are Imt i:pcriiiicnls ili.it li illo Willi ii", cm!. in;;, r Hie dealt li or Infant ami Children l.xpcru'iio'5 iieaiiisi i:periment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is n liaruiV. substituto for Cuxiur Oil, l'arn. pnio, liop niiil S'Mithin Syeps. It is I'lcasanl. It contain neither Opium, .iloiphino noi' other Narcol in substance, lis a'e is it ,'lal'uiitiv. 1 1 destroy s Worm anil nilays rc.eirhness. It cures Dial nlnea ami Winil t'ulii". It relieves T'cclliiii", Ti'uuliles, cures ( oiistipntioll anil I l.itoli in . It assimilates tin- t'ui.il, regulates Hid SIoiii.iiTi ami ISi.nels, (.iviistf heal! hy and natural sleep. T'hi) ( hililii n's I'iinacca-The .Mother's J'ricntl, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tlio Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH(i-wu,iCOl'N, tt MuMN ITMII, MC W VDRH C.T. w w t " IT3 0DE301 A I'lliiNK I'.'i 'H M- - 1 Ull OCfl P. N. STAIN .BACK. i M)i:i:taki:i;. WeUion, . . North Carolina. hull l.ineot CASKI-TS. COLLINS und ROBLS Day, NiRht and ()ut-of- tow n calls Promptly Attended to. IIMII-: was a t I ;i e s.d- Tdmr who was taken un awares while ma rc h i lit; . t hroiipji a w ililcnii'ss. . Micro Wi le lillt lew sul iliefs at his culiimalid. ( Ml,' nf hi- stall audibly wishcil thai this or that iletarhiueiil at least had heell availahle fur I he pres ent predicament. "Wish all vi'ii have a iiiiihl In." said the leailel'. ' lillt ill I lie III'. Ull 1 1 1 1 ' plepale u defend with the men al ham I." After all this is the niily way tn net ahniie,, namely to march nlnliij a peaceably as. possible t lll uUll I lie W ll,ell''ss of life ami lis ilitliculties, aihl if at larke, ur if progress he rudely ( lleckeil, t hell do I he liesl at do fellse i J" at overcoming Villi can. .Inst because y,m may nut possess this advantage ur thai slipi't inl il V. ur because yuiir position is neither stra tegic nor prosperous ami you lack apparently the essentials to victory ami success, is no reason why you should advance lamely on , Ideal. I lefeiiil with vv hat yon have. ( 'ope with ciivumst, dices with whal you have. Present a , In a ve front with limileil supply anil scant resource, lially per soiial si relict li, Suiiiiiioii the ' I'av uralile interests iii your pos session. Take advantage of i the propitious in weather or coiiilitiuiis. Never throw up your hands until you have cour ageously 'lotie your best at tie- ; feiise with what you have. Aiil Q , arrives unexpectedly when you gain time hy putting up a still ti'ht with the limiteil equip ment at hainl. I ef.'iiil with what v mi ha ,-. Yes. il is a hard lot . I lie close economy, the pinching ami slniirgliiig; aii'l barely making cmls meet. No wonder you 1 wish for t lie ail v, mt aces and j privileges of I In- inure favored and are tempi, ,1 to e up and allow the home I,, en all to pieces. I'.ut defend w il h w hat ou have. Hold on and put up FIFTY-NINE (59) LOTS IN THE j v t lireailliare h u I d s lotiet her TOWN OF WELDON, N. c.,'.'"-;";;'1' LOCATED AND OF THE DIMEN-- ylxZZ world will somi shunt ' luavn" SIONS AS SHOWN BY THE' i, n,;,r,ii .---.- - "im ' I b fi'in I w it h w hat mi have, FOLLOWING PLOT: ,afa.lairs. V,sl, and wins- tie all you haw a mind to for the opportunities and the plen ty of t he ci impel itor, but in t he meantime defend your position, our trade. ,,ur custom w ith all I he ingenuity uu have. While yuu are wail inn ' I"' ship of coin or recruits to come ill at tile oilee nf your forest, Ket out and hiist le. hefciul with iiat oii have. Put b I he dollar li, n ,,u ma.v Hot have tell to -u ,11 depusit . !i-i;iii at t he nie hi school w hen the day oppoi l n u i 1 1, s are lack ing Take possession ,,f the d n ellill voll al e bliililine; j ihoiieh as yet illllinished; no "il's. ands or buls" nt cr car pets or cloth, s. I ielelld with what you have. H. G. ROWE, ll M kAI. Dlkl-CIOK AND f;ViKLMi;. Seventeen vears' (Ixperieiue Hearse Service Anywhere. 30E KOI! S.UK! . I.I I'l ! ! I ! I ;-;ri TT-jJr , . ; I ' i 'I P !! : r!'rvr! FOR TERMS, APPLY TO W. K DAK I KL Weldon, N. C, OE 30 THE BANK OF WELDON WKI.DON. N. ( Organized Under Hie Laws ol the State til IWIh wurolinu, 1,1 Sl '.'Hi II. Is''-'. Slate of North Carolina Dcposiioi H.ilitax County Dcpo.Mior. Town of Wcklon Depository. 1 Capital and Surplus. $47,000. l ilt I, ll.au I- V.'Uls lies uistautieii lills ,,,lle,l Lankily funic ties lor tls vl lis s..,'l.ll,.l l.'ls llll.l .lll.'l't.ils l.av Le, II I, IClll ltil',1 Willi tl. Iiiisuii-.s riM.nl IJalilas and NiiUliami'l"" '..iiiilics loi , ,,. i. ,,:i I upon approveii .,'i'iiiuy ui o- nm i u, ceiiliiiii W.'iiiiut. nl all au' -iiiii'iici uu.lui.l, ,1 pielil. Inn our rta.hf.l a niiii fpiul t Ui' ,,.,m,.ti,MiiL' , a urn v . i fsi.mitsiu-,, a follow . iiii.,r'...'i.i. ....niiil,, v.i.'iiio.t. nl' all an' .olii'ilril Tin' "in plus and I ionl.il St. , L I! oiL I, is Sivin.ru 11 .., ..II,.., inl. li sl Oil llUU' 'I' I" h..,..,i-i ,. i iI.ivp in, .alii, iii loiiifi'i. '.' per cent. inontliHu'rloiiir-r :l p.-i cent Tnebf uomtlis i.r boikroi . I pei ei'iit forfintloM hi loi in.itHMi iipi'ly to tin- Pr.'M.li'iit m t ii.lni't. l'R.lllNT VICK I KtslllkM ,. ''"Tf'vl W. K. DAM Kb. W. K. MII'M ! '"AM lor six Thirty Nears lo;ether Unity cai s nf a.s.H'iat ...i - tliiiik '! it. Ibm the m-Mt el i: I Hun-' stands out in that time "I til,' uollle I, sslll'-s a I .i'l s,, il,, i, s II. I L'U'S-I ol k III tills I'V hi, 11,'f ,-!' l it,,. I'ss. I oil, 'el l. It'll . ulio Hill, . "i t,avr us.-.l I'l kaiif . New , l r..i :--. a:.! t!.c ' I'.n.W II aid i',,l,l I ,,,, I ,1,1 lli',l ' 'II,', it llll.l i liti.lll,', al a I, oil,,' you i'.iii t I . t V II mil. Hai.i tain, lies ,ar ,)se.l it loilv ii ais. II . II, ii,,-s mii'ailiMe iiii'iIk'hii' on raid. I u'uallf'l lei la i!ii,'. astliina. Iiay Icici. i'l ui . ijiiin sv ui sou' luuus I'm',-. .',iii' . fl i't lal liollle fiee Iniaiaiili-i'd by all ,liuir- L'l-I. A PRAYER. Lord, not lor light in djikncss Jo vc pray, Not iluit ihe veil be lifted ti om our eyes, Not that the slow ascension nl our J.iy 'e oilier i'-e Not lor a clearer vision ol the things W hereof the fashioning sh.ill make us great, Noi lor remission of the peril and slings Of time and l.ue Not for a fuller knowledge of the end hereto we travel, hruiseJ yet unafraid, Nor that the lutle healing lhai we lend Shall he repaid Not these, () Lord. We would not freak the bars The w isdom seis ahoui us; we shall climb rnfetiered to the secreis of ihe stars In Thy good time. We do not crave the high perception sw d'i When to refrain were well, and when fulfill, Nor yet the understanding, strong to sill I he good front ill Not these, O Lord. Lor these I hou liasi revealed. We know the golden season when uueap The heavy-fruiied treasure of the held, The hour to sleep. Not these. We know the hemlock horn the rose, The pure from siaiued, the noble from the base, The tranquil holy light of tnnh thai glows On pity's face. We know the paths w herein our feet should press, Across our hearts are written Thy decrees, Yel now, O Lord, be merciful to bless With more than these. drain us the will to fashion as we feel, (Irani us the siiengih to labor as we know (iram us die purpose, ribbed and edged with steel, To strike the blow Knowledge we ask not knowledge Thou hast lent, Bui, Lord, the will- there lies our biiter need. Give us to build above the deep intent The deed, ihe deed. AWAY. "1 wmi'i be long," ihe l.itile Hoy said, As he clattered down the stair, And found him a hat lor his curly head And called to a dog somewhere, Then oil like a Hash duA ii the shady lane Willi a whistle and a cry and song; And back to us came again, "1 won't be gone very lung. " "I won't be long," the Little Hoy said, As we saw him among the irecs, His eyes all bright and his cheeks all red, A friend of the birds and bees. Then through ihe hedge and out ot the gale, Lor naught in ihe world goes wrung Willi a boy of six and seven or eight - "I won't be gone very long " I won't be long," the Liule Hoy said, "I'm going out to play. " And the curly dog barked and die the (wo of them sped Over the clover away He waved us a kiss with Ins liule brown hand And cries arose from here and there, Lor oh, but a boy does understand A dog in the open air ! "I won't belong," ihe Little Hoy said, "Don't wait any supper -you see, I'll just have a bowl of milk and bread, And my dog will eat with me." Then he swung his hat on his tangled siring Till the curly dog wagged his tail And romped and played like a boy in spring And barked like a comrade's hail. "I won't be long," the Liule Hoy said (), mother of him, don'i cry ! The leaves come green again, yellow and red. And the years and the years go by, Hut sometimes he'll come, as we've seen him do, Willi the bark of a dog and a song, For it must be true oh, il must be true Thai he'll not be gone very long ! J. W. I'oley, in Saturday livening Post Till; VKI(i(il.i:K. i.ACMNti in sim:i:d HOW TO TREAT A WOMAN. Here Are Six Different Methods, And All Are Sufficient. All LOOKING AHEAD. I I hinns Working Together I in, ul for Ull llil.i! M Hut her in a glass case and kneel ai her !eei and worship her I real her as it she were a goddess mere ly tarrying w nh you for a while, (dose your eyes lest yuu see her blemishes and your ears lest you hear her tongue " ofiett nil I'KAl I u: . WW (ne her a waterproof sheltei. a Comfortable bed, plenty to eat, as many clothes as you can atlurd, a lew children, that she may mil have nine to gel into mischief, and allow her lo have her own w ay vv henevei' u is best for her I low cj:i ail things w mk t..g-!h-er for good- Hy the guidance '.1 infinite Juiicc- heels v itlun wheels, and vv hceis playing into wheels, in the v .e.t system ol hu man circumstances, as. J all per mitted to move according lo their iW II el will . is mis the vv ,r, i all things wort, together good o ( enl's s. i;ns'- We kt: n cannot be so There uiii-t re a ll'Miie Superintendent directing all, and I le can direct only as I le knows all things from me begin ning to the end I b. i e is a cause, andyondei, twenty years hence, is an etlecl 1 'nless ( iod sees lie rcl 1:1011 of ihe two. how v;,n 1 e touch ilie keyboard ot causes with I lis linger today, so as to .died mil Inglli -I go' id a scoi e ol V e.il s in the future - And ( ei.l w ,i ks al lung raiii'e. I le is no day la- w in lor o'.V nil: iiii.ii UK' iw. liaise tier lo vour intellectual level- it possible, d ry make to her your companion and equal Discuss literature, an, and the top ics of ihe day with her, even t you are required lo do a tiresome purer, planning mile from suuiise lot of explaining II is possible for a woman to be more satisfacto ry than a man. II she has tact and most women have -she will never lell you thai you do not know wliai you are talking about and prove it. And if she loves In sunset. We believe tli.it our pious grandmother's, praying and studying their Hibles in the lonely collage among the fulls, had much lo ilo in shaping our (dirisiian characters. And when now we pray for success upon our labors you she will accept your opinion we seem to hear ihe Lord saying,! "Hefure thou eallest, I answered and before thou kncwesi me, I girded thee." And we don't believe that (iod can make all things work together lor good to 1 lis people unless He as the last word on any subject mi; l ow BROW (ALIAS Ull. i',!r n:. i ileal her iusi as you do your horse. L'eed her enough to keep her in prime working condition. Buy her new harness when ihe : hcin VC,'V tjl' hai'k '"kl ll,oks Vt"r ' old is likely lo reflect discredit up on you. Say nothing when she works well, beat her when she doesn'i. Brag to others about what a true, steady puller she is, but don't let her overhear y u. When she is worn out, get an ' oilier. iiii: Avr.KAcr. mn. I'rovide lor her the best you can Love her a great deal in an undemonstrative way after the first year, l'.e as iru: to her as the strength of her temptation w ill pet -mil. He a brute to her soineiiuies and then repent, apologize and alone. Remember dial she is not a creature ol logic, reason or iron, but an inconsistent, lovable, break able being, vv all faults more nu merous and less grave llian Vour ow u. I III. vx OMAN HLRsl l.l Give her lots of clothes fell her often thai you lov e hei w hether you do or mu. 1 isieii to her when she wains to talk I 're tend that you like to hav c tier make a fuss over you, muss up your hair and sit on your lap, wrinkling your best trousers, when you are w ell, and to give you nasty medicine when you are sick. Should her lov e become oppres sive, give her children. II you won't or can't do any of these tilings, do not blame her for turn ing lo a pug dog or an affinity. She must have sunieihing to love. This is her ideal, but rather than such treatment from a man she does not love, she prefers being treated like a dog by one she does love Life. far atiead Spui geou Children Cry FOR FLET CHER'S C A S T O R I A NOP SI'OkLN IN JLSI'. Spank! Spank! Spank' Tommy 1. ingniuie was undergoing mater nal chastisenieni at the hands ot his 1 , '.':; i iiioiaci l.r . ale.g ihe apple "I Suffered Years With My Back." Hack ache resulting from weak kidneys, a had cold or other cause, usually renders the sufferer unlit lor work and often rcsulls in per manent disability. "1 suffered for years with my ha, k, or kidney trouble, and have tnrd a number of remedies from different Insit ia-is. More than a year ago, one nf our local druggists induced me to try Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and nfl'T Us'iij? them some three months 1 found a decided improve ment in my kidneys, and 1 am glad to say that 1 hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. ALLEN, L.x -Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As lung as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened Is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer mav he inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills hy stca.lv ing the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lust strength. As areinedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Ami-Pain LVIs are unsur passed. Sold by all druggists under a guar antec assuring the return of the price of the first bo if no benefit results. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The Thrice-A-Week Edition ui iiii: Hew MM Practically u llailv a( the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in w orld gives so much at so low a price. T lummy. s,,; ;r li ;.! paused for f T.-aU. ! know this hurts iie more tl dues ,' i ?" And when Tommy wuh his brother he pr square board lie had eon-ealed and iniii'iiitired "I lilollghl t!l.ll 1 it I i Wood w oiild i, ,l do ner h ind any gu,id I ouisville 1 krald alone -ed a I'l.kIT ciia sait: A on a vv he ship was i the sc ta mg on t quite rough "Are iill tliil all aid '-" s, uiie said to linn "Oh, no," lie answered, " been vaccinated and bapt bolh ' id w as 111 great puhlical campaigns are now at hand, and you w .mi tne news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a i ecord of impartiality, and anybody can atlurd its Thrice-A-Wcck edition, which comes ev ery other day ui the week, except Sunday, li will be of panicular value to v mi i:ow. 'Ihe I hricc-A- cek Win Id also abounds in other strung le.uuies, serial stones, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in tact, evcrv thing M be found in first-class dailv. The I'hricc-A-Week World's regular subscipiion price is only SI per year, and this pays lor 15 papers We otter this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKH M-.W s together fur one vear tor - - - VliV Idle regular subscription price, of the tw o papers is $2.5(1. ve ed Murals were so queer in ihe old davs that most o! tile aneesioi's w e take so nuuh pi ide in vv mild have been hanged in these d.iv s PEST AND HUlTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. v... U i v.i.. s ... .-ue r 1 . I" . II s. v . , . I . I . Ml 1,1.;. iSs f V Ull V. n u iao .1,1 Cl- il I I N1, i';e i.l'M- . i 1 1' C ol IC 1 UIOIU II e a' , " ,,;i O-ll.T" Mrs . , ! Lin OJ wilier i i-.-uic. Ladies! ave Mm'y ai;l Kp : '. " "- 5 Style by Reading McCau's Magazine and Using McCall Patterns (.II I Miuiinf mil MCALLS MAuAZlrlt A? N.1V 1 eln II 1', .li-, I, 1- .VI- a I :i:il In ''Keidinanil, what isllic mat- In one of (he little Long Island tcr'r" ci'icil the young; wife to towns a youth has recently opened her husband, w ho seemed to be a laundry agency for the benefit of Irvine; to tie himself into a ihe summer residents. He goes knot. about with a small mule and a cart, There was no reply save a gathers the soiled linen and ex t'.'v I'uivb s, as the unhappy presses il lo the env agency. The man hciil his bodv backward I mule is mil only small hut slow. Illllil his face nivvi led 'Now and ihen il quits cold, lis Let tne share your trouble, ; driver is repined not (o be in pos I'Yrdinaud," pleaded the mini; j session of quite all his buttons. He wife. isn't precisely feeble-minded just Still the man lieiit his body a bil wobbly. The oilier day he over, now twisting one way. was hammering the balky mule now another. I with a club BINGHAM, f, c "'..hipi . iw " - "i;,. v ; ",',;-," .li,m, i,iioun,i., Illi.nn. piK'l ONI HOBV Hi'' ' ",ls l ,,..,. Scad for Cuil CUi.. l.1UlAJt SuL. . t. u. I" 1 1 seems very queer the w ay a girl will pick oui her ears io gel red Iroin being kissed on the mouth. s People who marry money pay heavier interest on ii ihan it they borrowed it. CASTORIA For Infauts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought "Tell me. What is it!'" heg ged his wife. "It's only a collar stud that has slipped down my back," growled the man, and once more pioceedcil to stand on his hettd. Bears the Signature of A King Who Left Home set till' milld In UlklllL'. lillt I'll II I Millie ulka. of liulhil'i. V V , says lie uliiiivs keeps nt Iioiiii' the Kmc of nil l.iixalives Pi Kiiik'h Nth I. lie Pills und Hint they'ie u hli'ssmi: to nil Ins family. ( uie COIItl:lUoU. Ill'lldai'lll', Illdlk'l'sllUll. I jyspepsi. Ocly il'c'. at all Jre.ggistn. "Jimmy," said the Lpiscopal min ister, sadly, "you ought not lo abuse thai lutle animal so. You must remember that our Lord en tered Jerusalem riding an ass." "Well," said Jimmy, "if He'd been riding this son of a gun, 1 le tllT.IM I) IO kMIMIiMHI k Ac'oloicd pi'c.ichci was vehe mently denouncing the sins of his congregation, "l'.rcd-crn an' sis ters: Ah warns yo' against the heinous sin o' shoouu' craps' Ah charges yo' against de brack ras cality n' httm' pullets' Hut above all else, breddern and sisiers. Ah denionishes yo' at disher season agauisi de crime of melon steal in' '" A brother in a back scat made an odd sound w uh his hps, rose and snapped his fingers Then he salUowii.ig.ini uiiii an abashed look " hullo, ui. ih li icii'," said ihe preacher sternly , "does yo' r'ar an' snap yo' fing.ihs when Ah speak of melon stealin' ?" "Yo' ies reminds me, pahson," the man in (he back seat answered Detroit I tee Press. THK INSl l.T. ADMIRES PASTOR RUSSELL'S BOOK. "The, Divine Plan of the Ayes" Every One Should Read It. Atlanta i '"i,-.i Hull ai s.us 'Iii tv I.'l fill 1 1, luale-s Ii ,,s-el I.,1H thai III,' H"l Well sii-l; , I..V III.. Si I'lplllll'S. l i - I'll!! 'Ml s(,H,' ,v stelie. II ll. 1 llln'li eifM s,,,u,, is Ih,. 1,'Xl, hll'l II I" II." -I I'V I 11111,1 ..f li,,i s lme, mi, I it,, i, ninl Is.Iimu. 'i lo i , Is n.aliiiu in il"' ItH.I.. tlial IN.' Allth.ir lli'llles ,.- li'-lllil . Imt Ihel'e UI',' I r i . 1 1 1 i. Ms thai li" 1 1 1 s ss s a l!",nl "t llc'lll 111 tli.il si '111-. In Ull',, lei' til, 'If Ui, IliihC It Comiorts the Bereaved. "II. ., Ai,, ..n - I' i- aii'"ss ., I, - .,1 lo . ti"l. i ,1 le "i, I", mis Ilie Hl.h'l ..,,,1 (.i,i.'l ilie lis H i. Intel t, II S..1UII.I, "I ill- CU'.li le.islelles mat us , ,. I re ui, I, I .ill ,',u lo is her,. Is lianli.i ii l.iui.li I-' I"' l'iini'1 Hint has II, ,1 l,M seme in ol II" illeil "III- si,k- the i Inn , h eiiisi,le Ilie plan of s. haii, ui. ami. ii i a h inisiu he true, uiii-iile nf uh Ii 'pi' mill iusi.li ef eter nal lerineiit aii,l ilespair." ll.'Ci pact's -eletll l',ull,l. ci." eeuts, puliuiJ. llil'l,' ami '1 no I Sy iety. 11 IlicUs Streci Hronklyn. N. Y. McC.II P.itf.Bi v , : , tt a rhi:,l lell lliil 1 " ' T , inly v,' ,r. In. Iihlu... TTtl,'I!l. .siil.- l .il.iv or s,'ii,l ' .'.ui.i'lo uaiv. In rr.'ii'i' in y . t : r i t . " Onyx" W mm.mm....... The way thai man 'looked at me was most insulting. " "Did lie stare?" "No; he looked once and then wouldn't have reached Jerusalem ll,med '' as f 11 'cre not worth oil " 1 noiiciiiL' !" yet Learn to know others by study ing yourself. Crnioroii Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Figures do noi lie, luu mates are often misleading. esti- Cillclr3r Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A. K I LLtuE Cj O isJ G t - rUB VOLDS TTIHAlWn!fSft. no All THROAT AND LUMC TROUBLES QUARANTEeO SATISFACTORY Off moncy ReruNDeo. Famous Hosiery Men, for Women and Children. tiauze I, isle and Silk I. isle from 25c. and 50e. PL'Rl: SILKS from 50c. to $1 (Ml. In stock at the It. I: DRAPER CO., Incorporated The Satisfaction Store, Weldon, N. C. FOLEYS KIDjNEYPIIIS

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