rflvcrtisitiK Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum Oh. XLVI. WKLDON, . (, TIiriiSDAV. Al (U'ST :$1, 1 1 1 1. NO. IS THE POOR BOY'S CHANCE. The Chances Are All About iiIlIi for the Sign Vu. The Kliul You Hive Ahv:.,ts r.mij'lit, an.'t whirli ha been In use fur ivrr 1$0 jciir-", Inn biuno the si'vrii:i t uro of ""' been made itulci- liis per ' j X$7-yA -"'' t if Um yitu-o its iiilam-y. CAvl, AlU.wiiiMiniitoilco, iuiyou in this. All CoiintorlVU-i, Imitations ami "iTust-ii'-oiMl,nr.i hut I . i iiii.-n 1 - 1 hut tt lllo V I'll a"l etui alitor )io Iii mIi Ii of lul'.uiU Hint Chiltlrei) Kxia-ritiiio t:iiiiM Dxporiiiieut. Custoi'Iu Is n litirnt!'s:-, Miliitituto fur C.tMor Oil, Pare puir, I.o)j mhI Soothing Syeps. H 1.4 JMivs.int. It ioniums ii it'iiv Opium, itlm-phine inn' other .Nai'eotio ..iita'titii. '. !'.;'t is its n n .-. It tlextmys Worm mill nllat . i '. 1-ivsIith's, It fiii-i'H Oi.tri lni'ii :'ml Wind l iiii,'. It, ii ii.'W 'fi-Wliiiijr Ti'iiiiliii'i, nre-i Oust i jiiit ion mill 1 Intnl. -in . H :tssiiiitliil."t iUo Food, r pillules thu S I u i . i ii in.it ;;..n'is, isi.iiijf li.'.i,; by :nnl nut unit itlct-p, Tliu t liihhvn'-. I'miiKva-Tlio . iollii'i'N i'l'ii'iiil. :enuin CASTORIA always ) Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. TMl CINrUN COMOkMT, TT MUNNAV ftfUClT, Nf.W VORM CITV. I 1U 1'lloNK 'J" V. Nh.lt I I'm l unit N.bTAl:BA(.:K, INhKliTAK KK. Weldon, North Carolina :t.,..Ji Full Urn; of CASKETS. COFFINS nnd KOIiES Day, Night and Oul-uf-Tawn Culls Promptly Attended to. o i H. G. ROWS, L FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' t;xpenence. Hoarse Service Anywhere. Wj Bfj rirr Tr"i,v i frr-rrw iiiMnl V i Aiwiifii THE BANK OF WELDOR WKLDON. N. ( OrKani.ed Under the Laws oi the State uf North Carolina, Ui.l'H J'l I 1 1 . v':'. Siaie of North ('aruliua llepnMtory Halifax Ouuiiy lVpnsimry. Town of Weldon DcpoMiory. Capital aod kfc $47,000. for more than 1" years tins institution lias iro!.h.l laiikiiu.' t'ui'ili Hi s for thin section, lis dioi'l.iiiil.lt and .lurotuis lim.-1 ' i n idcutilini ivitli tin' himini'sx intcivsts of 1 1 at i In iiinl Noith:im;.t.n imuuliis Tim many yi-rs. Money is loiuii'd upon appioM''l fmity at tin- Uvn vt of mti.iWt m i hit I'pntnin. Ai'imiiiiIk of all ate mIhmi-.I. Tin- unpltis an. I nuilivhleil proiiK Iuiviiil' leuelii'.l a miii I'lipital Sloek, the Hank has. eo'ii'in'iieinu .lan i:u Saving's liepartiiii'tit allowin.' Hiu i.'-t mi '' i llepiwits ulloweil toreiiiain llnve i.i.inlh'. or Imiihi montlii or loiurer. ,'! per rent Twelve n.initl.- "i I For furl he i i nfoi inition iiielv t. lie' ln i.l.nt I. I'1 oiial to tl ('t.ll.ll.-lll'il a- follows: l'i pel I'ent Si 1 peli'elit. i-uksiiiiint : W. i:. DASII'.i.. Vli K fllll-II'KM . w. i: smi ni ASIIIKK. s. ti; wis ,iy sun, Jo you ilniik you have ii. p change to tct mi in ilie world occaise you are poor r Von iii'e mistaken. hid von ever try to press ymir way thruuoii ;) crowd? Olteii, no doubt. W'tll, you just nudged, people aiul elbowed them and kept squee.iiij; your way, didn't you? And the people jjradually gave, little by little, and you su'eeeeded. Just so must you force your way to the front in life. You need not lie rude about it, but you must push and keep push ing until the folks must stand aside. When they see you are in earnest they will get out of your way. 1 In New.York one day a nier-! cham hung nut a sign in front of j his store on which was printed j "I'.oy Wanted." The sign was hung out ai S ' o'clock a. in. At live minutes , alter S a youngster came into the store carrying with him the sign. "I lere's your sign, sir." . "What do yuu mean hy tearing i down uiy sign and bringing it in here'" asked the merchant. "I wanted a boy. " "Well, I am the boy," replied he. You see, there was no further use for the sign. The sign busi ness was ail over and the buy bus iue -s was begun. And the mer chant was so pleased at the boy's push and promptness lhat he gave him the job. Liverywhere men are looking for lhat sort of boy a boy who be lieves in himself, js determined to succeed and who pushes himself politely, but firmly, into notice. There are signs "Boy Wanted" in many places on the street, in the want columns of the nevspa pers, everywhere. When you see the sign get there first. Then take in the sign and tell the boss you are ready to go to work. j Push yourself ! All your life you will see signs i spying that boys and men are ; wanted. Be the first one on the i job and take the sign in w ith you. ; Only you must be sure of your- j self, sure that you can and will do ! what is wanted uf you. No chance? See that electric j light? Hear that phonograph? They were made by Tom Lidison, once a poor train boy. Look at 1 that great store. It was built by ; John Wamiam.tkei', once a poor . boy. Watch the Supreme court ! of the United States come in its procession. Who is at its head? ! I lidward 1). White, once a poor i ; boy. Chances? ' 1 The chances are all about you. j , Watch for the signs. 1'ush ! ; THE OLD HOML There's a mother, bent and wrinkled, in a home back 'mong the hills, And a longing fur a letter that mother's lone heart fills, Just a line from son or daughter who for years has been away, But the letter's long in coming- none she gets day after day. No one know s huw still and lonesome is that house where years ago Mother rocked the old red cradle, gently, gently, to and fro; Soothed away child grief with kisses, bound up cuts and fingers sore, And a smiling watched the playing on a spotless kitchen floor I Merry children 'round the table ! quaint old dishes, while and blue ! Now none come when dinner's ready table set for only two ! Often, when the light is waning, from the little parlor stand Mother takes an old-time picture in her work-worn, trembling hand. Gazes on the face intently (such love's 'mong earth's charm); "1 was never half so happy as when you were in my arms; 1 was often tired and weary, filled with care and oft perplexed; Had much to do wondered what the task I should do next, If those days now gone forever I could once again live o'er." Now her longing's for a letter, as she her household chores, Write and tell her how you love her, if that lonesome mother's yours. DONT'S FOR GIRL'S UNOER 16. Pin These "Dont's" Over Your Looking Glass and Try to Obey ' Them. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. A Pretty Had Mixture of a Wed ding and a Sale. ' lor Hirls A Missouri editor who was brim ful ol hard cider, got a wedding account and a sale ad mixed, and served to his readers this dope : William Smith, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Smith, was disposed of at auction to Lucy An- nevertlu'li'Ks, you are hut ; derson on my farm one mile east of .liter all, lor winch . here in the presence ol seventy guests including the fullowing, to wit : Two mules, twelve head of cattle. The Reverend Jackson tied the nuptial the least averaging 1 ,250 pounds on the hoof. The beautiful home of the bride was j tastefully decorated with a seewash j calf, a spade, a sulky rake, one feed grinder, one set double har- IK'i-c tiro suiiic "Doiit'is tho little Kil ls. Hy liltlt: 1 1 1 1 1 -: i ii tfi rl s uf Hi anil imdi'i'. I know thcio is no age at w hich yuu feci (uitc so thrown up ami 'woman of the world as at 10; hut, little gir fact you should lie devoutly thankful. Remember that you will ho tfrown-up for a long ! time, but you arc a little. k'H i for such a fleeting space. So first of all don't try toet away ; from your childhood and art like a woman until you have to. "I Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side." Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry, that it is the best policy to lock the stable door before the horse is stolen? Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy cured Mrs. C. C. Gokey, of a stub born caiC of heart disease, such as thousands arc now suffering with. Read what she says: "Before I begari taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy 1 litd teen nurturing irom heart trouble lur over five yeari. I had frown to weak that it was impcfckible fur me to uo thirty minutes work in a whole dav. I suffered intense pains in my left side and under the left shoulder blade, 1 could not sleep on the left side, and was so short of breath that 1 thoutrht should never be able to take a full ! Don't ho in too great a hurry j ness almost new and to (int your hair up and length-1 the ceremony was HOW TO BE HAPPY. Are you almost disgusted with life, little man ? I'll tell you a wonderful trick That will bring you contentment if anything can Do something for somebody, quick ! Are you awfully tired with play, little girl? Weary, discouraged, and sick? I'll tell you the loveliest game in the world Do something for somebody, quick ! Though it rains like the rain of a Hood, little man, And the clouds are forbidding and thick, You can make the sun shine in your soul, little man Do something for somebody, quick ! Though the stars are like brass overhead, little girl, And the walks like a well-heated brick, And our earihly affairs in a terrible whirl Do something for somebody, quick. THE LITTLE HELPER. Sometimes, when you, dear little one, I lave closed your eyes and gone to skip, When all my daily tasks are done, Beside your little bed I creep To watch you smiling while you dream, And pure at heart, from trouble free, And, though you do not know or guess, You make me long for worthiness And lure my lost hopes back 10 me. Sometimes, when all my efforts seem To be of no avail, and when My wish to claim the world's esteem And be the peer of worthy men He seemed a futile wish, I bend Beside you where you sleeping he, And, as I watch, my hopes return, And through your trust in me I learn To keep ideals that are high. Sometimes, when night's deep shades descend And raindrops beat against the pane, Which, 'neath the storm the branches bend And all the dripping boughs complain, 1 watch yuu where you sweetly sleep, Your trust in me serene, secure, And, though you do not know, you sweep My doubts away and let me keep My faith unsoiled, my purpose pure. en your skirts. Don't buy two yards uf hair ribbon and wear it until it looks as though you used it for a dust rag. Don't make eyes at strange men; if you do, and they speak to you, you have only yourself to thank for the insult. Don't write silly love letters to boys; some day you will wish you had not been so foolish. Don't let your mother wear herself out for you sewing for you. Sho has done that long enough; it's your turn now to wait on her. Don't waste your time read ing trash ami lilling your little head with ideas of impossible romance. When your romance comes fa- just before pronounced Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by one milch cow five years, one Jersey cow, to be fresh next April, carrying a bunch ol (lowers in her hand and looking charming in a gown made of light spring wagon, two boxes of apples, two racks of hay, one grindstone, mouseline deori trimmed with about 180 bushels of spuds. The groom is well known and popular young man and has always stood well among society circles of twelve Berkshire hogs, while the bride is an accomplished and talented school teacher of a splendid drove of Poland-China pedigrees if de- sired. Among the beautilul pres ents were two sets of knives and j forks, one spring harrow, one j wheelbarrow, one go-cart, other ! articles too numerous to mention. breath again. The least ex citement would bring on tbe most distressing palpitation. 1 had scarcely taken a hall-bottle of the Heart Kemedy be fore 1 could see a marked change in my condition. I bcgai to sleep well, had a good appetite, and im proved so rapidly tnat when 1 had taken six bottles I was completely cured. MRS. C. C. GOKEV,Northfield,Vt, If you have any of the symptoms Mrs. Gokey mentions, it it your duty to protect yourself. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy. is what you need. If the first bot tle fails to benefit, your money is returned. Ask your druggist. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, tnd. Tie Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE Now York World 1 von will realize that vuur ! voi ite heroine's romance was as nothing to yours. Don't wear low-cut Dutch ; necks in the .street. Some of luncheon will be served at ihe ta i the necks are cut low enough hie. After this Mr. and Mrs. : for evening wear It seems absui'i The bridal couple left yesterday on an extended trip, term of twelve mouths time, extended to respon sible parties, otherwise spot cash ao HOW A JUROR WAS LOST. jSave your Mone i lA dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can lake money, but's its a wise man that can save ." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per :nt on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up Collections, Loans. Accounts Solicited. 7 BtfK Of R04fl0KE RAPIDS Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Ai'lTAL $25,000. SURPLUS & PHM- I s S2,Mtti). OFFICER'S: j In Southern Missouri years ago, when the form of questioning was ; slighily different from what it is now much trouble was experienced in j getting a jury in a murder trial. Finally an old every question had no prejudices, was not op j posed to capital punishment, and j was generally a valuable linJ. Then ! the prosecutor said solunuly : "Juror, look upon tiie prisoner; prisoner, look upon tic juror." i The old man adjusted his spec- ! tades and peered at the prisoner I for a full half minute. Then turn- j I mg to ine court, ne s.u.; : i "Judge, durn if 1 doo't believe ! he's guilty." AN ENVIABLE BIRTHRIUHT. One of the greatest boons that can come to a human being is to be born on a farm reared in the country, says Orison Swctt Mar den in Success Magazine. Self- SLIM CHANCES FOR HER. A missionary who was making his way through a backwoods re gion came upon an old woman sit ting outside a cabin. He entered unon a religious talk and finally lellow answered , aske j j)cr jf sle jjj,,., know ,lere reliance and grit are oftenest coun satistactonly; he i a a ,v (1r judp;rnent coming. ' try-bred. The countrv hnv is nm. "Why, no," said the old lady. . stantly thrown upon his own re "1 hadn't heerd o' that. Won't '. sources, forced to think for him there be more'n one day ?" . self, and this calls out his ingenui- "No, my friend; only one day," i ty and inventiveness. He devel was the reply. ops better all-round judgement and "Well, then," she mused, "I 'a more level head than the city don't reckon 1 can get to go, fori boy. His muscles are harder, under If) against painting their l faces; but I have seen girls of that age whose faces were un mistakably "touched up." Don't play kissing games at parties; if the other girls and j boys call you a prude, pay no i attention to tln-in. The boys u ill respect you much more : I han if you allow them to be familiar. You may think that I have: given you a great many ' "dont's" but these are the years when your character is forming. Now is the time to make up your minds to be tine women, lit to be the wives of good men and the mothers of good chil dren. Cultivate yourselves, both mentally and physically. ( let all the fresh air you can: rosy cheeks and bright eyes are great beautiliers. Keep your minds and hearts clean and pure. Modesty is the best of all qualities in a gill, and the one that men most reverence. Pin these "dont's" over your looking glass and try to obey them. : Smith will go to housekeeping in a I to warn girls j coy home at the corner of Main and Docwr tioneer. R. 1.. (ir.inby auc- OCITE DIFFERENT. for wo- lie chides her, sarcastically turning about to look at the men as they have passed. "You cannot resist the tempta tion," he says, "to see what they are wearing." "Not so," she replies, in de fense "1 merely turned about to see if they had turned about to see what my new dress was made of." COULDN'T "OFFICIATE'' IT. Practically a Daily at the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. T Col. Moses, why don't you bring that water filter home you carried to have mended ? Moses 1 dune been arter it yis terday, but dey wouldn't let me have it without the money. Col. Why didn't you tell them it was for me, then they would have known it was all right ? Moses Yes sar, I done tole 'em hit was fur you; I tole 'em too, you was a mighty big man, and a mighty rich man, but dey didn't seem to hab de knowledge to offi ciate it. HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NLWS together for one vear tor - - - Win The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. LACK OF HORSE SENSE. THE IMSKiNINU TIIINll. rV. II S. Iii m;v l'lvniili'iit OIS I.. I'All KttloN, tut ViCt' Prt'nilll'Ill II. A. I'lKAHNI-, W. I'. Kmc Ann, -nil Vie.' I'irKiili'iit I'. A. Vi Hi:, Cashi.-i AhhiiIuiiI 'llsllllT. SI 1 III H A. I). CLARY Runs this Place. Seifiiii Best iif Every tliiua In Season. flood Meals Served at all Hours, te. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, u JStt Seasonable Soft Drinks WELDON, N. C. g ClliARS, TOBACCOS. ETC 4 NGH AM Ah,vlll, H. C.,ha-t r-i c.1 BOYS fT Codes. "d for ChH.. '"ft ROUND TRIP IICKfcT I: .nm.i: ! i". r in ISOO i i.l. a ro y pnreiit H. tn- ii, h not contract!! that in .air tl OX STORY Ihick r .onn. M-VKwitu j- t'r-' REWA.II ..... .... h il i. L a. u nn.l ufrlV BCItint PIRI. f4 ead for Cauloauc or cumc and t. COL L IMCHAii. Saat-.f. B- I" 1813 "I'm glad she's gone," declared the girl who had been entertaining her school friend. "I'm glad she's gone, and I hope she never comes back'" "I am, though. Hateful thing! She took Clarence Bondrich to gather autumn leaves, and when they came back with the leaves she insisted on pressing them in that old family bible of ours, and took particular care to open it at the page holding the birth records." we're only got one mule, and John , his flesh firmer, and his brain-' always has to go everywhere first. - fiber partakes of the same superior ' - jquality. j HV,i!?nN' ! The very granite hills, the j mountains, the valleys, the brooks. Ha, ha!" laughed the philo sophical man, after bis horse had thrown him. "It's a good joke on you. You are running to Greenville, and I am going to Jonesboro. First Antediluvian (in Me thuselah's time) What's tho i discussion about over there!' Second Ditto Same old top ic: Whether a man aged 320 ought to marry a girl uf Uo. -Puck. THE MESSAOE. Daisy I shall write Alice this afternoon. Have you any message:-' DollyWhat ! Writing to that horried cat? Oh, give her mv love. Boston Globe. ; me nnracie ot tne growing crops are every moment registering their mighty potencies in his constitu tion, putting iron into his blood and stamina into his character, all of which w ill help to make him a giant when he comes to compete with the city bred youth. A WOMAN'S REALM SEEKING INFORMATION. ' Pa, what's tetanus!''' "Oh, he was a Konian sena tor or something 1 forgot just what. Now don't bother me ! any more." Harper's Bazar. Thirty Years Together. Thirty years of association think of it. I low tlio merit of a pooj thine stands out in that time or the tvorth lessness of a bad one. So there's no iiuesswoik in this evidence of Tims. Ariss, Concord. Mieli., who writes: "1 have used Pr. Kinir's New tiiscovery for SO years, ami its the best coiinh and coM cure I ever used." Once it funis mitraiiec in a home you can't pry it out. Many families have used it forty years. It's the most unfallilile nicilicine on eaitli. t'liequalleil for la riiie, asthma, hay fever, croup, o,uin sy or sore lunirs. Price, Me., If 1. Trial bottle free, liuaraiiteed by all ilrutr-psts. SMART YOUTH. "Tommy, what did you do with the pennies I gave you for taking your medicine ?" "1 bought a bun with one ol them, ma, and I gave Jimmy the other to drink the medicine for me. CAS Tor Iiu'.ut3 and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature A woman who fails in her home fails in all. Home is woman's relm, given into her hands to reg ulate, govern and beautify. If she fails here she may look in vain for another kingdom; for she has failed in the only spot where she could have ultimately succeeded. She has laid down the jewels which God gave her to brighten and pol ish, and in their place finds noth ing but dust and ashes. Chlidron Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA FOR BUROI.ARS. Agent You want your house wired for burglars? Mrs. Knieker Yes; and I don't want any woman to steal my husband while I am away. New York Sun. EXPENSIV E SCHOOLING.. "Experitneo is the best teacher." "Well, she ought to be; her teacher comes mighty high." OLD SWEETHEARTS. Mrs. "You say that you and Brown are great friends ?" "Yes." "Why?" "Because she married Brown A girl call make any uid bunch of correspondence love letters by tying it up in pink ribbon. Chour.i Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Some people seem to think they got married only to have a free license to quarrel. Sly!, .y iLcJiKg McCall's Magici.-.! UiinjftkCall Patterns it'cCiir Mtfitiiv.-m m-ii you tlrovfl siyl K.ly tit u Hioden'io c '.in-nsi' hy It opu i n k y.ti post on tho l.,;."l hishiuiis lit i lollies and lulls. bO New Ktislitnn iH'Mcn in oat h i.ssuo. Also vahiahlo information on all home auj im p sum I mailers, only l.v a jvar. Inclitdliis a firo ptutern. ISnb-S'-riDo today or send lor free sample copy. ! Ptui tM ennhWnti tAmnltf in tout w n!t vtmrown hands, ciothniE fr ;tnl iiil'irt M which will ! perlvrl nnd tit. l'nci none higher than IS I t (re lMUeni ( iUalonuo. Vtrn Tint FrfMiitl fT pHlm i-tli-' i, M-tir It it'ttiN. S'l)i forfn0 i, i J . . mi-l i u-ii rnitt Oiler, i. . 'Y, ZiZ h 2-W Wol 37th St.. NEW YOR! M-CALLS MAGAZlUr Uh . -nr.? wr -arM ll McC. IIH'I A King Who Left Home set the world to talking, but 1'aulMalh ulka, of Buffalo, X. Y., says he always keeps at home the Kingof all Laxatives Dr. King's New Life Pills and that they're a blessing to all his family. Cure constipation, headache, indigestion, dyspepsia. Only 2oc. at all druggists. " Onyx" a$"" "4 It's a sort of compliment to be hated unless you are doing the hating. fen T6mtnJwH niCwiTIMTt Famous Hosiery Men, for Women and Children. Gauze Lisle and Silk Lisle from 25c. and soc. JbmlK PURE SILKS J& from 50c. to $1.00. 3' $ In stock at the Sjffi R. E. DRAPER CO., Incorporated The Satisfaction Store, Weldon, N. C. roiEYS ORlNOlAXATlVE fOLEYKlDNEYPlIlS