) flfa lift iife SriMIE lAJvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. i'erms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XIA'I. WKLDON. N. ('.. TIll'KSDAY SKPTKMl.Kll L'l 1!M1. NO. LM -PPT ill .M l Ollcil, 3 1'KK I'KNP. AVcji-idWi' 1'ivpnntion for .is siNilaiinSilsroddamlRrijiiia Promotes Dii'slionVrtfiil ness IVst.Conlalnsneiitr I'piuni.Murpliinc norMimral. Not Narcotic. jurfufigJBcmnmm ,lw.ii ApjnVi-i Reiwdy foiTonsllpj liiHi.buuiSloiikii'll.DiaiTlwa Wornii ,('iiitvulsiou li'U'ibli ni-.xMulLossorSLti:!'. J'arSiiuili' Sijuaiurf if NEW YORK., latticed imtortlw5xi Exact Copy of Wrapper, IT aoi I ' AV I'llUSK 'i't. P. N. 1ST A ipiHpno?nnin itni)i:i.taki:h,: Weldon. l ull l ine til CASKI-TS. COH INS and ROM'S. Day, Nljht nnd Out-of-Town Colls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, Kl'NLRAL DIRECTOR AM) RMKAI.MKR. H Seventeen years' Experience. LJOE THE BANK OF WELDONfl W'KLDON. N. Organized Under Hie Laws of the State of North Carolina, ai a sr em State (if North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.1 Capital airt Surplus, $47,000. I .ir more than 1- vi-ari tln iii-tiluli"" l.as im.u.lr.l liaiiKinir fupili lii'i fur tin Kiftmn. lis st.ii'khiil'ti-rs ami ilinv tup. havi- l.r.n 1. 1, n 1 1 li . . I Willi tlu Iwaini'sN intiTct nf Hal lav ainl Nm I lianijil -hi imiiiiIh's fur 'iiany yrar. Money i lnani'.l ii aiipnncl x-i'imly :il lln' Ii lmI iiiti' nt inli-rcal hix per criittini. Ae,iiint nf all :n' mIh"Ii l Tin- xiirplus an.l iimlirnli'il jimiitx liautiir iracncl a miiii iiml to tin- aiiital stiM'k. llif I tank liav omnim-iinti': .lannsiy I. I'"- m.iI.IkImnI a Savinirs Id-part miMit all.iniiiir nil.-ivM mi titii.' .l.-its as follonn: fur Id-pn-its aliout'-l tori-muni 'n :ii ' nt t i ot liitiii.-r, !! p- r . n t I'orfurllu'r nifnrinat.iii! aitpl I'KKSIIIINT : W. K. HANI V. L, it k-ij:i.iI'I:m W It ,-MI I'll. OE Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can tnaLa mnno., kntv its )i wise man that can save it." iA nHncrPK hut verv cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up Collections. Loans, Accounts Solicited. fyf BltfK Of RohIoke RtflDS Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL $25,0(10. SL'UI'Ll'S & PROFITS $2.W00. OFFICERS: W. . s. llrmrnvN, I'rv.i.Lvnt '' ' " ,,""l,'l l.iHN I.. I'ArrmiHos, lt Vie.-l'rrHidi iit f. A. W "L ' "'" r II. A. t'insr, AwMaiit H-lm i. i W CICARS, TntlAlVHS. KTC Seasonable Soft Drinks BINGHAM .H.vin.. o.,h..rrr.a .ova .'J,4 'f: BinunAIVI, Mn citiM.n.hipii r na Jif0". Iho. on m. ROUND THIP TIOKT from .,. I IBOO i il" , F lion, i.nolc.mviiir.llhl H.pair. ot ONI TOaV hrnk ''"V"7'",I H. acaa fr Cauhut eraai. COi.1. IMbUAIL - I-" " RIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sipiiature n 01 Use For Over Thirty Years 30 301 Nil in l'imM. -I ami .".4. IN BACK, North Carolina. Hearse Service Anywhere. it. true. We oav vou 4 perl in Li A. D. CLARY Runs this Place Sunioi Bat il EverythiLH In Season. Hood Meals Served at all Hours. rRIIITS. rnFtLT UNtK to- & " v ' Aji WELDON, N. C. AW ft i1 li if TMI 0INTAUM lHM, MCMf VON, .fTT. ivr.'. ii no not torget wnat you are Mere "Wl a uq IHW ! K WHAT ARE WE HERE FOR? The Power anil Pleasure of Doing (iood to Others. What iiic we here lor ? I What is the prime purpose of! life? Some of us act as if we were j here merely fur the purpose of adding up columns of figures and piling up pyramids of dollars, j Some of us will rob our nights of sleep, bieak the commandments and callous our souls for the sake of money that we can lose Silly? No more so than those who : link we are in this world for the purpose of acquiring power. To be accounted "somebody" inside some little circle, these will ride re morselessly over the rights of oth ers. For the mere pleasure of ex ercising power they will rise on the supping stones of prostrate souls, h'utile ? Not more so than those who think life should he dedicated to pleasme. I hese try to rill their days and nights with joy rides and Heeling sensations. They crowd enjoyment to the verge of satiety and destroy their capaeity for nor mal satisfaction. What then are we here for? By the process of elimination it can be shown that a human being is so built that every power, pleas ure, acquirement, is in vain save one. And that? The power and pleasure of do ing good to others. Oh, but you say "That is Sunday school talk." No, it is not. Or if it is not true because it is taught in Sunday school; it is taught there because it is true. It is Cod's truth. Ihe law of it is bid in the con stitution of things. It is attested by all history and experience a law as true as any in mathematics. And We know it. But, like Jonah, j we are forever running away from our mission. We prefer the perils : of the sea and the habitat of the fish's stomach to going to Nineveh. ; Get money ? Yes, as much as you can hon estly. And get as much power as you j can use for good. Incidentally the pleasure will come of themselves. ! But, above all Do not forget what you are here for. .' f N ATOR ROBT. M. LAFOLLETTS Sen.itor 1 al'ollette, it a picnic in Malison, was praisins a young Mi!' aukee wuplc :h.it ha.! just got married. "They'll have a rather hard lime of it, too," lie saM, thoughtfully, "with prices at ihe height they are and Ren's salary i the office so ridiculous." The Senator laughed gayly. "A girl," he continued, "once lifted her head from her young man's bosom and murmured : " 'If it were but possible in these i prosaic days, for you to do some thing heroic, something brave ar.d knightlike, in order to prove your love !" " 'Whv. cracious goodness. cried the young fellow, 'ain't 1 goin' to marry you next month on a salary of eight per?" Washing ton Star. Cblidroi, Cry FOR FLETUH R'S C ASTO R I A I I, r I IV Tj HI: WAS A MEKO, TOO. l Stv .mm 1 THIO ft VAiL FAl9lttr Received at HUUS5, WELDON,' N.C. Flanders A. C. HOUSE, Agent. Life is full of endless beauty, Death is keeper of the tomb, Smiles and laughter are from heaven, Tears are jewels for the gloom. If you want to scatter sunshine O'er my care-worn, aching brow, If you want to make me happy, ttring your sweetest roses, now ! Let all sorrow turn to gladness, Knowing thai beyond all strife Heaven and God shall be my refuge, When I've reached the Higher Life. When I'm gone, it matters little Wliai goes on above my clay; I shall then be past the knowing, Bring the roses then, to-day ! HAD OCEAN LONU ENOIK1H It is lold of an Iowa visitor to Atlantic City. She was there for the first time, and was accompan ed by her daughter. Daughter was delighted, and spent hours in the surf. Her mother went with her io the beach one forenoon and waited on the sand. When her daughter approached the beach ihe mother called to tier: 1 "Daughter, better come out now Some other lady may wish to use the ocean. Come; you've had your bath." Children C - y rca nucKtin CASTOR. M) YET AGAIN HIHtST LETTEE THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY stoou of rices i; AmtaiCA cable service to all the wohw B7S C3 ? 51 Mioh. Flanders 20 wins the 800 mile St Loula to Kansas City re llal)lllty run. Score 996 two polnta penalty only for loose nut on fender Tour days of heavy driving sand and mud. flanders worked perfectly throughout run defeating Marraon cadlllac hudson. lntciiational uhlo lulcic parry Mitchell ana ford Every car defeated by FLmdera ?.0 except ford was much higher priced car than flanders and the ford was completely disqualified. Dealers and observers all along the line enthusiastic over the cars wonderful, performance.. Following three perfect road ucoreo In Iowaa little Olldden Flanders 20 has won every evens in which she has "been entered the gruelling 1U0O miles Minneapolis to Helena reliability run the Worcester hill climb wher-j aJie cut fortyaeven seconds off the former record and nov the st louls to Kansas City reliability run. In every event she has defeated many cars of far greater size and price.. 44 20" as well as EMF"30" cars are Phones: Residence 109; Office 6. SWEETEST ROSES. BY ADELBERT CLARK. When I've passed this world of sorrow, Do noi seek to sooth my brow, Do not heap my grave with blos soms, Bring your sweetest roses, now! Bring them now, while 1 am liv ing, Toiling on, in youth's gay prime; While I'm climbing Life's steep ladder 'Neath the heavy hand of Time. No Need to Stop Work. W lien your iIik'Uii oitlciK you to stop work, it Kttufiret'H you. "I can't," you say. Vou know you are weak, run-down and fatlinep in health, day by day, but you must noik as you can stand. What you need is Klectiic Hitter to give tone strength, and itor to vour Hvstem. to prevent hicakdonn and build you u Pon t be neak. sickly or ailing nhen electric llitleia will lienetit you from the lit st dose. Thousands bless them for their Klorious health and stienirtli Try them. Everv lottle is iiuaranteed to satisfy. I inly .'xie. at all riiuiryists. For his own has a fat laugh. lean joke a man We should have but few re greis if people didn't find us out. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A jk-Lvierxt Bayous Aug, 1911 THE STDDE3AZER C0RPORAII0H E-il-i1 Factories. 10.57 P.H. sold by PHYSICAL STRAINS. j Men Over Forty-Five Should Take I No Excessive Exercise. The physical decay of men over forty must be more frequently mentioned lest we forget the fact that our physique was evolved for only thirty-live or forty years of strenuous use, says American Med icine. It was not so long ago that forty-five was extreme old age counting time in the large way of evolution. Lengthening of life has been possible because civilization has let up the physical strains so if we continue them we must expect to break as of old. Athletes stop their efforts mere ly because they are beaten by younger men, but the nonathletic seem to think that it is necessary to keep up excessive exercise, though the tissues cannot stand it. There is, then no mystery in the large number of damaged hearts now being found, and they will continue to increase in number and severity until the medical profes sion succeeds in impressing the lesson. Let us repeat it over and over again until every man over forty or forty-rive realizes that he has lived his allotted time of physical vigor and must ease up the strains to retain his health. There is no reason except abuse why so many men break at titty-rive or sixty. They should be healthy until sev enty or seventy-hve and u is our duty lo show how. A Dreadful Sight to II. .1. I'.ul mi in , of t'reeville. Y Y was the fever-sore that had plaicued his life for years in spite of ninny remedies he tried. At last he used llueklen's Arnica Salve and wrote: "It has en tirely healed with scarcely a sear left.' Heals Hums, Boils. Keieuia. Cuts liruises, Coma ami Piles like maKie. Onlv "c. al all ili'iiptfists. Rosy automobile dreams, with a girl on the front scat, can turn to dark ambulance realities. For Infanta and Children. Till Kind You Have Always Bought Bean tha Signature of a iiur Weldon, N. C. A RAILROAD MAN'S PRAV1-R. An old railroad engineer expe rienced religion and when asked to lead in prayer, this is the way he worded it : "U Lord, now that I have flag ged Thee lift my feet off the rough road of life and plant them safely on the deck of the train of salva tion. Let me use the sa'ety lamp ' known as prudence, make all of the couplings in the train with the strong link of Thy love and let my j hand lamp be the Bible, and Heav-' enly Father keep all switches i closed that lead off on sidings, es-! pecially those with a blind end. j "0 Lord, if it be Thy pleasure, ! have every semaphore block along the line show the white light of hope thai I may make the run of life without stopping and Lord give us ihe ten commandments as a schedule time; and when my train shall have pulled into the great dark station of death, may Thou, the superintendent of the universe, look with a smile and say, 'well done thou good and faithful ser vant, come up and sign the pay roll and receive your check for eternal happiness.' " EDUCATIONAL. "Do they teach domestic science at your college?" inquired the vis itor, of the freshman. "Only sett ing. " replied the freshman. "(iood idea," said the visitor. "And what do ou sew, chiefly'" "Wild oats," replied the fresh man. Harper's Weekly. KIRST AND LAST. "As ihe last rose of summer goes out the first rows of winter come in ?" "The first rows of winter?" "Sure, the bald-head rows at the vaudeville shows." A'!3 HEALT.I TO MOTKIS AND CHILD. .!!: v;i.,.v' J". ,oTMIli SYRVP h.n tw U . ( I I. .rover SIXTY KAKSl.v MILLIONS ot ;o'l'ili:us i..r tli-ir 111II.URKN WIIILB 1 . .:. i II 1 NO. Willi l-KUtKCT til'CCK!.. II JOTUKS I'" eilli.l). SiOI-TKNS tilt (SUMS. A! .! .AVSu'.l IAIN : C IRKS WIND COLIC. tld l ie he-1 remedy t.-t IMARKHUiA. It is alt. . InMv harmless, lie lure and ask fur ''Mr,, '. nsioiv'ii tvothm e.vm," aod take an Mbcx Lk'J. Tweniv-ucuta bcolt. Foley's osinoiaxatm roa iiom.ch Taowaia MdiCanuuMilva r4 0 J O TuHe P&inPill, then fefe X Take To Head-Off a Headache Nothing it Better than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills They Give Relief without Bad After-Effect.. "For four years I was subject to almost constant headache. At times so severe 1 was unfitted for work. Through the advice of a friend I was persuaded to try Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and the result has been that I have entirely eradicated my system of those continuous headaches that followed a hard and continuous mental strain." O. I.. Russell, Agt. C. & N. W. Ry., Early, la. For Sals by All Druggists. 25 Doses, 25 Csnts. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE New York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. Tin; great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which conies ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A- Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKli NEWS together for one year for - - - V" The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Have More Friends than any other murine or ntterns. McCall's is the icliaole hum liuide monthly in oiii million one hundred thousand h. itnt s. H. ni-le showing all the latent dt'siirs o:" M Call Patterns. each issue i. i 1 , 1 oi sparkling" shoit stories and Ik I; ml information for women. Se M'.ntjr and Keep la Style bv subscribing l.t Mrt. M...ime at omt. I'osit only v fit i r. i'ir'i'1 ling any ODC of the celebrated - IcCail l'jiitr. tree, McC:.fl Pftttrrnt Uftd H 'b" " . .(), iTi-immv and number told. More . rs !' 1 !;v i' Paiterns than ny olh '..i..-:t m'ii-H'.i. None hilirr truu tjceiiU. lU.y i. y,H.r iT tier, or by man (torn MCCALL'S MAGAZINE 23C-2 :S W. 37th St., New York City On Your Vacation Tak this handy pm with you. You can carry it flat in your krwrr vest or toot pocktt. A lady can carry it in her purs or hand bag. It tvill not leak tvn if carried tipstiim Jiwn I guarantee this. A GEO S. PARKER PARKER JACK. KNIFE SAFETY FOUNTAIN PEN Yo will flntf It lavftltjtbU on your curaJoM to tounuiiM. comH7 knme. r tb Meteor, wear yo will frequvot ncd lor pee, " whrn wrtttni iBciHttee may not be el bntl And tbla U a aafaty pea thai will Uai e Maim, btriuM II ha mo alr. fttMoe or dUappaaiiefl aiarhaatMi M I out of ordar. Autoiiia. ciiKulil. yarhtaasaa. vartltoaim and lraati t ary klae will fled thU IHtla pro a greet hale and roe telaecc. mii: Ilha liluatrarioe. with No 3 vtu i M with larger aiie fold pae. U It nd ti, accofdlaff tu ail. Aay Parkri dlr will aU you th Jack Knlf fty or toy otbr Parker Fan on II dara' frv trial It you cannot find dealer . order direct ft In 1 data yo return tb pae aa unaanafactory, yoer ewney will ee refunded. All fart at Pee have Lerfcy Cam Ink Feada. prevarrttac (r apadiae la raarrvnlr by warmth ol kody iraei farcies lak tooce CIO. - PARKS. Pre. Parker Pen Company 175 Mia St, Jeaeiville, Wit. rvTTVeiMea id R. E. DRAPER CO.. Incorporated Tbe Satisfaction Store, Weldon. N. C.

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