IE"4 ifa Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLVI. WKLDOX, N. (, TIIUHSDAV, (XTOJtKIt .", NO. 2a 1 I 'pass:' I m s:1 fi,i,-.---1- i, 1111 LIUIioL 3 J-hK L'L.ViC AVegelalile PrrparalionrorAs similaiiiiihrFoodandlifSdia ling the Siiimartis andUowdsi PromolcsDiScslloiifkfifiil mssaiullfcsiaiilalrisndilw ()pimi.Marptune norfkcraLl JSOTAARCOTIC. MMttUlt- Andf.M rU'ine dv forCcmsftoa- lion , Snur Stoiiiach.ularrton Voriws,Connlbious.twrisli IWMaiulLOSSOKSLLtP. hi-Simile Sigiiaturtof NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. 101 ioddoi u I AY 1'UUN ". P. N. STAINBAOK, LUXDKKTAKKlt,: Weldon, Full Llneol CASKETS. COFF INS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WK I.DON, N. (' Organized Under the Laws ot the State ol North Carolina, Al't.rsT2uTH, IvU. State of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.1 Capital and Surplus, $47,000. For more than 1? yeats this luslituiu-u has piuv ided haiikiuii Utili ties for this section Its stockholdc is and diieetois have been identified with the business intereits of Halila an. I ;oitiu:npiou counties for many years. .Money is loaueJ upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Account of all ate solicited. The surplus and undivided piohts ha . iiitr reached a sum e.Ul to tin' Capital Stock, tlie Hank lias, commencim; .Iiinuaiv I. Hi. established a Savinir3 Depattmeut allonimi interest on time deposits as follows: Kor Heposits allowed toremain three months or lomret. 2 per cent. Sis months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or huu'er. 4 percent Forfurtherinforrtmtion apply to the ('resident r t ashier. PRBS1D1NT : W. K. DANIEL, VICE I'RKSIIISSl : W. U. SMITH. Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can make money, but's its a wise man that can save it." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up Collections, Loans. Accounts Solicited. TtfE DrfK or Rojuoke Rapids Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL $25,000. SI IRPI I IS & PROFITS $2,900. OFFICERS: W. H. S. Hi'Howym, President W. I'. Ki.wakiis, 2nd Vice-President Iohn L. I'atcshson, 1st V ice-l'resident '. A. Wynne, Cashier. H. A. Pleasant, Assistant Cashier. EF ClfiARS. TOBACCOS, ETC Seasonable Soft Drinks Bingham, m&r,oivs:$ i" iM WAJX. .re the BtaT fr l,.l,k, Umiuti, ?$ ! "i""! "i".'! W 111 OH For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years OE Nh. nr I' ii n km LM ami M. North Carolina. l ASHIER: S. Tit A VIS, K in A. D. CLARY Runs this Place Semni Best of Ever ytliifli In Season. CAST ZAP W t i ft1 In TMI CNTU IOMMNV. 1 ITT. Uood Meal Served at all Hours. & FBlllTS r.riNFFfTMVFRIES s inni " WELDON, N. C. g IT IS TO LAUGH. Laughter Better Than Medicine and Makes Life Longer. For every good hearty laugh we indulge in there is a day taken off our age. Why should we take life so seriously? Cannot we labor as well, or better accomplish as much and enjoy life as we go along, if we keep on the watch for every possible opportunity for a good, hearty, blood-stirring, pulse-tingling laugh? Let us try it for a year. Let us put away all those wrinkle-producing, skin-withering, blood-drying, heart-narrowing feel ings of envy, spite, jealousy and secret hatred those petty, penny grasping, soul-contorting, narrow minded ambitions and desires and make up our minds to live, enjoy living as long as we do live and to live as long as we can. Joy is the sunshine of the heart; cheerfulness and honest mirth bring forth the blossoms and unfold the leaves, while their fragrance sweetness all our lives and the lives of others. Let us not worry. Worry drains the system of its vitality and short ens our lives, Fun is better for a sickly child than medicine, has been said. Are we not children grown a little older and is not mirth the best of medicines? Let us laugh, then as we go along and enjoy every moment of time as it passes, keeping with us eterntl youth. Selected. FROM THE PENCIL'S POINT. A fable is an open faced lie w ith a moral attachment. Doctors may take life easy still manage to avoid arrest. and Most cable news is fresh, even ! after passing through salt water. V While there is life there is hope for everybody but the undertaker. V1 Regular dishonesty is easier to manage than irregular dishonesty. It's only w hen some men get tight that they turn themselves loose. If it is necessary to burn your bridges burn them in front of those on your trail. Justice is probably represented as a woman because it is something a man is always after. THE PENALTY. "There seems to be a penalty provided for everything but steal ing a man's daughter." "There's a penalty for thai, too." "I'd like to know what it is." "Hard labor for life." Is the World (lrowlng Better? Many things 0 to prove that it it. The way thousands are trying to help others is proof. Among them is lira. V. W. Gould, of Pittstield, N. H. Find ing good health by taking Kleettic Hit ters, she now advises other suderem, everywhere, to take them. "F'or years I autl'ered with stomach aud trouble," she writes. "Every medicine I used failed till 1 took F:iecttic Hitters. But this great remedy helped uie wonderful ly. " They're the best tonic and tinest liyer aud kidney remedy that's made. Try them. You'llsee. sic at all drug gists. It discourages a woman to have her husband go shopping with her, because he wants 10 buy some thing. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A. WMiaffiil!,' .i "iff"'-'' - V r The Pickt-r of Proven Worth If you grow peanuts mid uVn't ov ,i a Itcnlhall Peanut Picker you are pay ing for one, wiiliout really owning it. 1 he wageii that you pay will he mm J when you own a lientliall. Yuu anj your boys can do the noik nl a hunched men. You ill get yoni ciop ort tu n.i.l: -I etly uiviie piicei. You'll avoid dcl.u s ai.d tu.ihng. T heie things that ha.e been taking a.Mv fioni your piolits can be made to addiothein. The lientliall ually iiial., ; r . u.t pioaing duubiy pioliiahle. 'Hie machine picks both SianUi and Vitgima varieties rapidly, perfectly. It save6 the vines tor hay, I either cracks the nun nor iind ; tlie incj as do machines that thrtth them. The lientliall can he tinned h.m pUce to .a. e as easily a"a faini wagon. You can make big money pii km;, lor v our nenildiors. The demand fur theses pickers will le ieatei this year than ever before. If you ivant to rescue one, Letter write no., tu, mo booklet. sent jrn to Farmers. The Benlliall Machine Co., Dipt. K.H.K, VA. BEGINNING AGAIN. When sometimes your feet are weary, On the rugged hills of life The path stretches long and dreary With and labor rife, We pause on the toilsome journey Glancing backward in valley and glen And sigh for an infinite longing To return and begin again. Far behind is the dust of the morning In all it's freshness and light, And before are doubts and shadows And the chill and gloom of the night We remember the sunny places We passed so carelessly then And ask with a passionate longing To return and begin again. Ah, vain, indeed is the asking ! Life's duties press all of us on, And who dare shrink from the labor, Or sigh with the sunshine that's gone? And, it may be not far on before us Wail fairer places than these Life's paths may yet lead by still waters, Though we may not begin again. Forevermore upward and onward Be our paths on the hills of life, And soon will a radiant dawning Transfigure the toil and the strife, And our Father's hand will lead us Tenderly upward then; In the joy and peace of a fairer world He'll let us begin again. I. ti man Whiting. THE OLD WOODEN CRADLE. Good-bye to the cradle, the dear wooden cradle, The rude hand of progress has thrust it aside; No more to its motion, o'er sleep's fairy ocean, Our play-weary wayfarers peacefully glide. No more by the rhythm of slow moving rocker, Their sweet, dreamy fancies are fostered and fed. No more to low .singing the cradle goes swinging: The child of this era is put into bed. Good-bye to the cradle, the dear wooden cradle; It lent to the twilight a strange subtle charm; When bees left the clover, when playtime was over, How safe seemed its shelter from danger and harm. How soft seemed the pillow, how distant the ceiling, How weird were the voices that whispered around; What dreams would come flocking as rocking and rocking We floated away into slumber profound. Good-bye to the cradle, the old wooden cradle; The babe of today does not know it by night; When day leaves the border, with system and order, The child goes to bed and we put out the light. 1 bow to progression, and ask no concession; Tho strewn be her pathway with wrecks of the past, So off with the lumber, that sweet ark of slumber, The old wooden cradle, is ruthlessly cast. Flla Whei-lf.k Wilcox. SHE'D MAKE A DASH FOR IT. "Father," asked eight-year-old Alice, returning home from school, "are you good at punctuation ?" "Yes," replied the father. "Well, tell me, please, how would you punctuate 'The wind blew a $5 bill around the cor- , , ner. "Why, daughter, I would sim ply put a period at the end of the sentence." "1 wouldn't," said Alice mis chievously, "I would make a dash after the $5 bill." The littler the girl the bigger charge of dynamite she can be for some men. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought Blgaator of Man. ' - vM.' t) r:-... "mviii "SHOOT HIM ON THE SPOT. An Oklahoma editor was much interested in a scientific note he encountered in an Eastern paper to the effect that if the earth were flattened the sea would be two miles deep all over the world The editor reprinted this note with the following comment : "If any man is caught flattening the earth, shoot him on the spot. There's a whole lot of us in this State who can't swim." For the man who likes flattery you can't pour out too big doses. A man goes wild w ith joy at the birth of his first child and with despair at the sixth. ,RST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mas. yvufiLow'i Soothino svmve hi. hern tJ fur over SIXTY SAKSbi MILLIONS ol MOTIIKKH lor their CHILDREN VtHll.R TKKTHINO, with HikHKCf SICCHSS. II SOOTHKS the CHILD. tiob'TKNH lh GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CCKKS WIND COLIC, ui is the lict mildly fur DlARKHOiA. It ll ill v luU)y harmless, lie lure and ask lor "Mrs. vvmsiaw'4 soothing syrup," aod take bo othtr kiua. 'ie&iv-&vc cents a botue. A GIRLS OF TODAY. Newspaper Man Laments Training Is Not What It ' To Be." That Used (Chanty and ( loMreti i Mr. I). P. Mcliachern who edits one of the departments of the Red ; Springs Citizen made sonic sober and timely remarks recently upon j the difference in the training of ; girls of today and those of a generation or so ago. He referred to the usefulness and help lessness (jf the average girl in our towns as contrasted with the vigor and domestic intelligence of those I of the earlier period. His obser vations are too true to be pleasant. Many a mother, well versed in the important J n tics of the household, is failing to impart to her daugh ters the knowledge that has been so large a factor in the comfort and happiness of ihe family, and when the girl is separated from her mother aud is obliged to do her mother's part in the world's work, she will find herself overwhelmed and unready. In our Southern society life it is more important than ever before that our girls should be trained housekeepers for domestic service is constantly becoming harder to control and more unsatisfactory and inefficient. Besides, girls, like boys, growing up in idleness and living aimless lives cannot measure up to what they would have been with better training. Everybody ought to have definite systematic work to do. It is exactly as essential for a girl as it is for a boy. To dress, and dawdle, and yawn, and parade the streets without a thought or care of how things are going at home is the poorest and emptiest lite in the world, and the worst possible preparation for the coming time when these same girls must buckle down to honest work. For the most of us are not able, even if we are inclined, to dream the hours away. We will wake up some time, somewhere, to the realities around us and it is a pitiful thing to reach this period unprepared. Mothers ought to remember these things, and not allow them selves to become the slaves of their children in order that they may have a "good time." CHICKEN SOUP THREE RULES. It w as at a Girls' Summer School, years agu, when one of the girls rose and said to Alice Freeman Palmer, ho who had been talk ing to them : "Mis. Palmer, you are always so cheerful and happy, will you tell us, pleae, how ve can be hap py?" "I will, dear," said this saint of 1 her sex. "I w ill give you three simple rules: j "The first i-, this : Commit t something to memory every day, ' something good, it needn't be 1 much; three or four words will do, just a pretty bit of a poem, or a J Bible verse. 1 he second rule is : Look for something pretty every day; and don't skip a day, or it won't work." "My third rule is now mind, don't skip a day: Do something for somebody every day! That is all there is to it, dear." It's Equal Don't Exist. No one h&N ever made a Halve, oint. iiuot 01 halm to compare with lluck len s Aruioa alve It's the oue perfect healer of Cuts, t'orus, Bums Hi wises, Sores, Scalds Boils, T leers, Eciema.Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Spraius it's supreme Unrivaled for Piles. Try it. Only 2"ic. at nil druggists. A PICTURE OF JESUS. Is He Not The Beautiful herd ? Shc'p- If I were painting a pii-lure of .Jesus I would nut paint Him as a kintf with a crown of kM uml a retiimo and life-uard, 1 wouldn't do 1 hat. That does not appeal lo iiie, Christ appeals to me vvln-ii 1 1 is anus are hare and liiuwne.l with the hum; when 1 1 is head is naked, open to li(;ht : w lien His tunie hut toiisa' the shoulder; when His feet are touelied with the Inini inn' soil, and in II is rioht hand a shepherd's crunk and on His left shoulder one lost sheep, When Christ conies so, lie touches every liber in my per sonality that hath music in it. I answer to him ha the pipe an swers to the winds. There he stands, liruiizeil , liuiliiticeiit in miht , c r o w n e d with love, sweet with comfort, infinite with tenderness. Then that Christ makes my heart ache, and if He wanted to He could with the lift, of His hand and a look of His eye make my heart break. And 1 would have Him wear that shepherd's crook for a scepter. When a man is at work, that is a sign a man is kingly. When his hands are dirty with the soil and his face is sweaty with the sunlight and the toil, then the man stands up regal. And what I would have you consider is that this Christ shepherd, this man with hell) in his loft arm, this man with help in his brawny right hand, this man with the spring time wonder of life in His eyes, this man with summer wild smells at His heart, this man hath regality. He is what a man ought to he. And when we t i nil Christ so vestured and 1 so seen and so engaged, then a j Hercules at his task, we know linn not; ;m Atlas lioliling up his sky we do not see. This man that comes to put His arm through the shield of the world and carry the earth into heav en, that is the man that revives our souls and lil ts us to highest praise. And beside Him they who thought themselves great lave found thevare very little. "The Beautiful Shepherd. "And oil the llethleheiu hills and out over the rocks and down in all the dungeons of the deep bil lows of yellow canyons aud out on ( ialilee's shore and across the green eart h, this Christ, the Beautiful Shepherd, is coining to help the world. Oh, beloved, beloved, 1 want you to look at Him. Ts He not the Beautiful Sheplieiil' Qu.iyle, in Deacon ess Advocate. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORI A A w oman makes up her mind before attempting to make up her complexion. LOW EXCURSION FARES S7.65 Summer Excursion Rate to Wrightsville Beach. Pickets on sale daily until Septem ber M limited returning to Octo ber .11, 191 1. Booklet, 28 halftones and map, descriptive of Wilmington, Wrights ville Beach, Carolina Beach, South port and the lower ("ape Fear, to gether with a copy of the "Purple Folder" may be obtained from W. B. l.awson, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C, or by addressing W. J CKAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, T. C. WHITL, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. t,. Special Sale ! We have on hand several consign' ments of the latest iu wool, Wash ami Princess ladies Suits, liaiher than re turn these suits out headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price for cash only. $l suits l'on eess, n hite and all uthet coloih . to $7, lion jli.iiti to fc-t. ash I oat Suits H to t, no' l.H to $:t. to Net Waist reduced M.7." to $'J."(i I'.lack and col ored silk Petticoats j-l to ifii now fr.'.fW to $a.i ". Voile skiits fli to sUi f.i..',tt to :.. lu.lHHI yards lace and einhroid eries to close out at half price. 7: to Mer.saliue silks, all colois, now f0 to 7,'ic. ft and lie. calicoes Hi to 4c. Hi and l'JJe k'liiirliams 7 to lie About 3. (SKI yards dress irooils to close out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Hutrs. drutrifets, caipetinirs and mattings at and below cost SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. O 1 "I had been given up to die by three of our best doctors, I coulJ not stand it to lie on my feet arid 1 was so swelled in the abdomen I could hardly breathe. But thanks to Or. Mil; s' Heart Remedy and Nervine I am able to be about the streets, a walking ad vertisement of the curative qual ities of yuur reincJics, although I am 70 years olJ." Join K. Cociikan, Lcwitown, 111. Hotter than any statement wc could make reyauling the value of Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy are these worJs of Mr. Cochran. He speaks Irom experience, the highest possible source of knowl edge. If you have any of the sijjiis of a weak heart, such as pain in the left shoulder or arm, fainting and hunyry spells, short ness of breath, smothering spells, Hutteringor palpitation of the heart, you need Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy which for over twenty years has been recognized as the best prepa ration of its kind to be had. Sold under a guarantee assuring the. return ot the price of the first Dottle. If It tails to 6eneft. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Tie Thrice-A-Week Eftitioi OF THE New York World Practically a Daily at the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. T1 UK great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class dJThe Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We otter this unequalled newsparer and the HOANOKB NF'WS toueiher for one " $1.65 year for the regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. FvkCali's Magazine ami McCall Patterns f or Women 'Uve More Tiiand than any othur . ..i.u t. V'aierl1"" McCall'sisthe .!, ,! !j I. mi (iuide monthly in 1 . : .nc hundred . :t. uh s sliuw.titf ull the httc . '. '.'all Patterns, tach i-sr. , 1 . i -p.iikling sho:t st- Tur. .....4 ; . i ;-.:,.nuativm for women. !-', Me .a . Ktcp in SlyU by Huhwiile-, i . r- ,V -i-ii.e at ontc. OjsU u...' 1- 1 v .ti, ii . .Mi any one ot the ctleLi.itt.l . :. I i' v i-Ttf. ' I.-' - J i'alt. ins LJ H otheri in stylr, , , .1 niv and number sold. V : '1 ;rv'..!l Pattftns than iny other i . ...s ...i.'tl. None higher than 15 cents. I ; :. i. cU iLr, it by mail Irom CALL'S MAGAZINE i. (, 2 -:i W. 37th St., New York C::y On Your Vacation Takm this handy pen with you. i'ou can carry it Jiat in yoitr lower vest ot coat ptn kft. A laity can carry it tn her pune or hand bag. It will nut leak venif carried uflsidtttnwn I guarantee GEO. 1 PARKER PARKER JACK KNIFE SAFETY FOUNTAIN PEN You will find II lavtlwbl oa your curt I oat to muiiIm, couatrr horn, r th Mkof, bt yoM will have frquM B4 for pen. ud where Writing feciUtiM mmy boi b l band And thU i m Mfty Pa tbl will Uti ItfMimc, becaua It baa no valvra. pit tons r dlaappeariaa mechanism to gat out ot ordat. Autolaia, canuaiaia, f achiamaa, vacation lata and travalaia ol avary ktadwIU find tbla HtUapan great help aad con anianca. Bab alia. Ilk UluatraHoa. with No. 1 out. m V: wttb largv aiia gold paa, H 4 and s, at-ootdiag to aitc. Aay rararr dralar Will aU fou th lark Haifa Salary or y othar Par bar Paai oa 1 day a' Ira trial II yuu cannot Hud a oaaiar, oraar airan. 11 in la aaya you raturn tha pan as uoaatfefactory.yottf anoaay will oa refundad. AH Park at Pent bav Lucky Curra ink Faada. pravanflng air axpaaoing in rMrvult by wamit, ol ti oay 1 Iron lurcibs mm uno cap . cso. s. fajoxik, rna. Parker Pen Company 175 Mill SL, JtnetvilVe, Wit. KIMtSUlB E. DRAPER CO., Incorporated The Satisfaction Store, Weldon, N. C.

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