IF" ill Ui P"si Sa (SI (1 (SBSl Advertising Rates Made Known on Application i ......... L.. xivi. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. I'erms of Subscription.-$1.50 Per Annum WELDON, N. ('., TIIUHSDAV. N() K.MUKli NO. 27 111 is 55? "tl 65' ft hi '14 ft!: t STILWELL'S DREAM. "Where There Is No Vision Peo i pie Perish " ALCOHOL 3 PKK l'i;T. ANoqfliililcPri'paraiiimfiifAs similniinSilicFouilanillieSula ( n ( I tr b ii nuii tts aiul Uuwvts of PromolisDirtcslionJCVftful rn'ss and IVsLConlatas nciiiw (piiini.Morplune nor Mineral. PtOTISAKCOTIC. Jtrryv.'f'MllSMWTIWH jix.Sma JhMltSdtt- ftfpmiwtl - HmM- Lcrifrd Suifor Anerfecl Reillf tlv forCoiKllW llun. Sum- Stoniacli.Ularriwi' Worms ,( omiilswiis.lvwribli lU's-taiulLoSSOrMttK Far. Simile Signum" NEW YORK. I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1 IT In Use For Over Thirty Years 717 hickk is a ma I Citv w hose n i well. Ill III Kansas ame is St il- m mwnnoTnn in j5- If H U I Ulllri THt aiMTftUft OMAMV, NCW VO CtTV. Exact Copy of Wrapper, pnnoE OE ) I'llONK '.'.'l. Nu, in I'lii'SKH - I ami 54. P. N. STAIN BACK. Weldon, North Carolina. Full Line ol CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-ol-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, G Fl'NLKAL DIKKCTOH AND EABALMF:K. Seventeen years' Experience. Mearse Service Arrywhere. noEraoi tnox aoc 11 THE BANK OF WELDON WKI.DON, N. Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, AI'iM'sT-MTII. lsii-.'. State f Nnlt Car lina Dep sit ry. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.' Capital anrl Surplus, $47,000. I or more than Is year this institution lias provided banking; fucili l - for IhiH section. Its stockholders an, I direelius haw been i.lcntilif.l mill the business interests of llahfut and Nnrtlniiiiptini counties fur many years. Money is loaned upon approved sec'tirily at the leual rale of iut..r....'t m,v it... i..'iitiiiii eeotmls of all ale -.ulit'ited. The surplus and undivided profits haunt' reaelied a Mini r,intl to the Capital stoek. the Bank lias. eointneucinir .laniiary I. Is. established a Savmcs llepartnienl ulliminif interest on tune iiepusit ax unions. i-p.isu allowed toremain lliiee months or loiisrer. - per cent ii "ithsor longer. :t per cent Twelve uionllisor lonter. 4 pel cent. Kfurtlieriiiformation apply to the I'lesident or I ashler. For Six I'HKHtllNT : W. K. DAMKL, Vll K I'IIKSlllKM : W. It. SMITH. Ii. AMI IKK: S I HA VIS, He dreamed a dream. ! His dream was ;ut air liin- of ; stei'l from the t?rainrii'lils of tin1 liiiilillf wt.'st direct to tilt ul f. People smileil. Tlie money crafts of Wnll street lunylir-il. lint- Wheii Ainericiin tinanciers turneil tlieir hacks on Stilwell's vision of sliiniii rails front Kansas Oity to the sea the ilreainer went to Holland and told his dream to the Dutch capitalists. They furnished the minify, and the Kansas City and Southern railroad was built. Stilwell's dream came true. To he sure, the author and Iniilder of the road in the out come was cheated out of his hard - f al lied share, hut the road is there lining husinss as the direct realization of Stil well's dream. And again the financiers pro nounced his dream a baseless fabric, impractical and absurd. They would not put a dollar in the enterprise. Hut Stihvell went about to make his other dream come true. This was the dream: He would build a railroad from Kansas City through Mex ico to the gulf. It was the old dream from a new viewpoint. Stilwell's dream was again the benign one of connecting the great granaries of the west with tidewater, thereby saving the farnif is the long haul trans portation. He dared to cut the parallels of latitude. He was like the czar of Rus sia who laid down his rule be tween two great cities and, de spite the remonstrances of en ! giiieers, said, "Huild it on that line." Somehow Stihvell is getting ; the money, and the Kansas City and ( h ient railroad is largely built. Oftentimes your dreamer is Ithe utilitarian. His vision makes thing count to pass. 1 There must he the dream. Columbus dreamed of the world ami found it. Napoleon i dreamed of an empire and won ! it. With tlieir natural eyes men 1 seeonly littlethings:they dream of great things, j It is the dreamer who hangs i the impossible bridge over the ! spanless chasm, lays a path for : thought on ocean's bottom, dis ! covers the new land, ssnds the ! message through the viewless j air. ' "Where there is no vision ; the people perish." Therefore ! the seer. HOMELIKE PHILOSOPHY. Save your Money 'A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can nake money, but's its a wise man that can save t." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per ent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up Collections, Loans. Accounts Solicited. TtfE BfiK of RouIoke RtflDS Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL $25,000. Sl'RPLl'S & PROMTS $2,900. OFFICERS: Witts HriMiwYN I'rt'Milrnt ' "lis L. pAmiwoN, 1st Vicc l'resnlenl V. ('. I'n in'. -nl ice I resilient i . A. Vt x , t'ak.'.xr. II, A. I'lKA-Axr, Assistant t ailner. immmmmmimmmmu-mm Li 1 n A. D. CLARY Run this Place. SurTim Beit of iTerjftini In Season. Oood MeaU Served at all Hours. FRUITS. CONFELTIONtKltd U t 9 v CII'.AHS. TOBACCOS. ETC Reasonable Soft Drinks . & t ROUND TRIP TICKIT I ""Xl'l'Uo.i "k m Ti .,n .. ,. i10 ii, -I n isiih ul ONI TO",","' 1 ",iv aiull flNI. If you feel like swearing, why swear. It's the feeling, and not the words that do the harm. V When u man has no longer any desire to live, his heart is as lonely as the grave which looks so restful to him away out in the shadows. j t- Scientists are attempting to give reasons for Noah's Hood. Sometime I hope the Hood will be able to give excuses for the scientists. V How useful nre you in the world, young man ? On this point hangs all your future sue cess. Not how beautiful or dainty, but what force tire you? V If you can't do any food your self, persuade your neighbor to do all the k'"1 lie cttn Drowned bodies are often used as a bridge for the living to es cape the Hood. Saved Many From Death. V. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., lielieyen he navcJ many lives in his Si yearn of experience in the drug buiincM." "What I alu a.yn like to ito," ho writes, 'n to recommend Ir. King'ai New Dis covery for weak, sore luugs, hard eolils, hoarseness, obstinate couirln, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affec tion, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors arc alive and well totlay because they took my advice to use it. 1 honestly believe its the best throat and lunf medicine that's made." Easy to prove he a right, tiei a trial bottle flee, or regular 50C. or f 10 bottle (iuar aateed by all druggist. Bakintf Powder Absolutely Pure Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Unto Phosphates i 13 1' VI 1JED. IF YOU BUT CARED- If you hut cared the world would smile again, The clouds that throng life's lowering sky would drift away, The heart would lose its restlessness and pain, And sorrows might turn to celestial day. The heart would beat with rapture wild and new, Though sick with hope so many years deferred; Life's sky would wear its fairest, brightest hue, Forgetful of what yesterday occurred. If you but cared the veil of blinding tears Would fall no more in secret o'er the eyes, But smiles would wreathe the lips through all the years. And they would breathe no vain and longing sighs. The praise and scorn of men would pass unheeded, The bitterest sneer would cause no pang of pain, VlTiat else besides thy love would then be needed ? For life would be a happy dream again. Life's day is swi'tly passing to its close, Soon will time ruthlessly seize youth's bloom, As gelid winds destroy the tender rose, Fach transient moment drives us near the tomb. If you but cared. Ah ! they are idle words; Still to the faintest hope I fondly cling, Though sorrow's billows ever wildly surge, My thoughts their way to you forever wing. WHO IS TO BLAME ? "I Never Had a Chance. THE PROBLEM OF HAPPINESS. 71 11 at was 1 I till- (HIM; .1 ceriieil i There is Always Something More that You Want to Oet. e assert ion uf woman con-tlit- trial of of Virginia, murder of his "I know the dream is over 1 know you cannot be In all the time to come the same That you have been to me; The color still is in the cheek The lustre in the eye But ah ! we two have parted hands Good-bye ! "Not that I love you less, For oh ! my heart is sore, That the lips that breathe your name Are less fond than of yore; But the unresting feet of time Have travelled on so fast ! And soul from soul lias grown away At last." I think I just stood still For I had found my ail But your rich life swept over me Beyond my weak recall; And now although the voice rings sweei, And clear the dear eyes shine, I know no part of all their wealth Is mine" hat bridge can sad love build Across this gulf of change, Who needs must work with broken hopes And fancies new and strange ? Alas, it is too late The hands slip slowly each from each Good-bye." Barton Grev. Binford of try tried it ii place the out Ulltf in young Beattie charged with the wife. "I never had a chance," she says, "My mother couldn't give me the training I ought to have had." Continuing Beukih said : '' lh, what is the usi illg to be good? I've but it's no go. 1 get somewhere, but soon up go eyebrows, and I'm turneil in the street again." She says she ''began to be had" at thirteen and at fifteen she was a mother. Who is to blame ? The girl blames her mother, and she may be right to some extent, but- When this girl "began to be bad dnl anyone intervene to save her? Did society? Society is too busy punishing the wicked to save the innocent. And, un fortunately, there was no ten der nursing of the wounds made by the girl's fall. She tried to be good and "Up went the eyebrows." Oh, the rarity of Christian charity under the sun! Somebody whis-; peredtothe woman of the house ! up went the eyebrows, out went ' the girl. Xow- j If this poor girl had fallen down and broken her arm there : world have been willing hands and tender ministrations. But when she fell down and broke her heart It is the way of the world. If you fall and lose an eye other eyes will stream with tears in the pity of it, but if you fall and lose vour soul all eves are dry. Started on the downward road at the ti nder age of thir teen an indiU'ereiit mother ' who did not understand or did 'not care -essaj ing to be an 1 honest girl ami thrust again i into t he street -; What chance had she ? She had the chance thai an unprotected lamb would have in the midst of ravening wolves the chance of a quivering kid in the lair of hungry tigers. An isolated case? Sorrow fully let us set down the fact that it is all too common. Go into the juvenile homes of the city and the reform schools of the State and you will discover plenty such. Children Cry FOR FLEICHER'S C ASTORI A KEEP YOUR ORIT. Do you remember that adver- tisement in which the baby is reaching for a bar soap which floats J in the water and the legend : I "He will not be happy until he: gets it ?" ! There is a true touch of human ! nature in the picture. Baby, youth, : man, woman we all reach lor 1 something that we fancy will make us happy. might draw a companion picture, a picture of the baby when he has got the bar of soap and write under it the words, "He's got it, but is not happy." Which would be another true picture of the nature that is in us all. We get what we want, but are not made happy thereby. "If my business were estab lished 1 would be a happy man," says one. "If 1 owned a good home I should be perfectly content and happy." "If 1 had a big farm like So and So," sighs the small owner. "If I had a million dollars," wails the prosperous business man. And soon. Whereas, none of these would be happy over the possession of the things they so rrdently wish for. Why? Because, in the first place, there is more enjoyment in getting things than in having them. The baby got his joy in getting the soap, not in possession of it. you wish for and get there is always something the mat ter witn it wncn you get it some j fly in the ointment of enjoyment, j And there is always something more that you want to get. 1 You see, the problem of person al happiness cannot be worked out by arithmetic. When you merely add to what you have something more of the same sort outside possession you do not get the an swer. And you slowly cry slowly learn the lesson than if you cannot be happy when you gel a thousand dollars ten thousand will not make you blessed. Happiness is 1101 in what tuu hau-, but in w hat you aie. Happiness is inside you. j WHEN OLD AUE IS A CURSE. "The Liver Pills act So Naturally and Easily." Such a statement, coming from the cashier of a bank, shows what confidence responsible people have in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: "I hove used Dr. Miles' Nerve und Liver Pills and aluo your Antl-l'uin Pills, on myself, with good ri-sults. The Liver Pills act so naturally and so easily that I fiearecly kmiw that I have taken a pill. Frequently being troubled with headache I take an Anil-Pain 1111 and net Immediate relief In every ease." A. I.. Wilson, Sparta. III. Mr. Wilson was fur a number of year eashler of tin! l''lrat National Panlt of Sparta. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills are different from others. Many kinds of liver pills are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy, natural way, with out griping or undue irritation. They are not habit forming. If the first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return the price. Ask him. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE New York World Practically a Daily at the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price T1 When il has lust self-respect. When thev have 110 aim in i uli life. ' 111; great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular i value to you now. T he 1 hnce-A- Week World also abounds in other ! strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, i every. lung to be found in first-class i daily. ! The Thrice A-Week World's i regular subsciption price is only S $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We oiler this unequalled ! newspaper and the KOANOKli I NF.WS together for one ' year for The regular subscription price ; of the two papers is $2.50. 16 $1,65 j When hope and cheer have ! fled. When ambition tioii are dead. and aspira- ONE OE THE NATIVES. INFLUENCE OF A OOOD MAN. A gentleman was once showing The influence of a good man lin a countryman round a oo, when ! ijcis luiig aficr lie is gone. A no they came to a cage containing alhlemati visiting in a small town once inquired: 'How is it 1 can not get a glass of liquor anywhere in this wretched village of yours?" "My lord," was the reply, "some thing over a hundred years ago a man named John Wesley came to these parts!" Hang on ! cling on ! No matter j what they say. 1 Push on ! Sing on ! Things will . come your way. j Sitting down and whining never ! helps a bit. 1 Best way to get there is by keep ing up your grit. j Don't give up hoping when the I ship goes down, Grab a spar or something just re- j fuse to drown. Don't think you're dying just be cause you're hit, j Smile in the face of danger and ! hang on to your grit. FoIks die too easy they sort of ; fade away; Make a little error and give up in j dismay. ! Kind of man that's needed is the man with ready wit, , To laugh at pain and trouble and i keep his grit. When the imagination is foul ! 1 and the thought impure. i "'"' When young people cannot live with it with anv comfort. j When they do not stand for anything in tlieir community. When they have for life, the desire ness. lost the zest for useful- McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Have More Friende than any other magazine or patterns. McCall's is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand 1,,-m, s Ht siiks showing all the latest dcsinas of Mi Call Patterns, each isstu i I r i'i il of sparkling short storic h.-lj-ftil information for women. Sut. Men.r ml Keep in Style hv tnhscrilii' - I t McC.tl'B M.iR.wme at once. Com omv . fi'U ft v .r, inflndiHR ny one ol the celelw.l. , .' IcOU l'.ltcrnu Irce. MtC'sll r.tterni Le.d il ethers In etvle !. .;.im,;nitv. eomnmv and miiiiher sold. M, . , i-is .fll McCall Patterns tluii any other !' tokc'et!ii,ed. None hifiher ihau iscettts. P t ,ii, your dealtr, or by mail Irom Mc.C ALL'S MAGAZINE 236-2-16 W. 37th St, New York City When tlieir neighbors would not consider their departure anv loss. kangaroo. "What is that?" inquired the countryman. "Oh," replied the gentleman, "thai is a native of Australia." Immediately the- countryman threw up his arms in horror, ex claiming, "Goodness gracious, my sister married one of them!" The only time a secret engage ment is secret is when one of the two hasn't heard of it. CASTOR I A For lufauti and Children. The Kind You Hau Always Bought Btgntuur of vt.! ;V." iH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. ir.s. Wi. ,a.n S'l.THiNil Svner ha. hern ...r,i fur ovr, S,.1'Y YKAKSI.v MILLIONS of .no. linns lor tlieir cllll.UKKN WI1U.H 1 1 :: rnisii, uh rFm ixr si cckss. it Miorill'.S the CHILD, sol ThSS the (H'MS AI.I.AVS.ll PAIN; CI HI'S W INDCOLIC. sinol I- the he.t remedy for OlAKHIItl-'A. II t. Rt tolnlely hsrinle... Be siir. and a-k for "Mr.. V.'inalow'a Boothia?; Svmp," and take BO etticr kind. lsreatr.6.vt cestu bottle. A man likes to think he bosses his wife even when he doesn't dare try. me y5 kidney fills When all the youthful fires have gone out and only embers , remain. When the individual has not learned the art of self-control and patience. S When the sap of life has gone and the individual is like i j juiivless orange. On Your Vacation! Takt this Handy p-n with you You can carry it fiat in vour tower vest or coat pocket. A lady can carry it in her purse or hand bag. It uttl not leak n -m if earned tipst dedt wfi- U it I tuarante ' v jtr ueo. s. Parker fjt,,JF Starts Much Trouble. If all people knr llmt m irleet of eon. stratum would result iu severe indigen When all the reserves of en tion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver j ergy and force have been pre trouble they would soon take l'r. King's maturely exhausted by II vie New Lite rill, iul eml il. us me oniy safe way. Best for biliousness, head ache, djspepKia. chills ami debility. l!oc at all ilrinrtciitK. Even a homely woman looks good after you get used to her. Balked at Cold Steel. "I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off," said 11. I. l'.ly, Itanium, Ohio, "al though a horrible ulcer had been the plague of my life for four years. Instead 1 used Bueklen'n Amies Salte. and my foot was soon completely cured." Heals Burns, Boils, Sores, Bruises, Eeiema, Pimples, Corns. Surest Pile cure 25c. at all drutrgisW. ious life. When it has left the individ ual ugly, disagreeable, touchy, cynical, critical, uncharitable, unkind. When the old have not won the respect, the confidence and the admiration of relatives and those nearest to them. When all that is good, sweet and noble has evaporated and life is empty. Success Magazine. PARKER JACK KNIFE SAtETY FOUNTAIN PEN Yon will find It tvtutW on your CurftM to aaaitiiM, couatrr horn, i tbt M-borc, wfatr yov I1 Irvqu novel for utd whrrr wrlttnf facilltiM tnty not b at hinrl And thla Ii Mftxy pM tbl will lut llntim. mcium It oo vslvrt. I mom or dlMppNrinf nwch.ntam to t out of ordor. Aulotalt), rinMHti. ytcnitnicn, vinnoann eina mviriii ol ry kind will find tbi. littla nn iml hlp and con niacr. nD it. Ilk llluMr-don. whh No I pn Md $5, M-ootdiag to ott. Any Pirkoi dtalrr will Mil you lh Jik KniO fliUty or ay other Parfcn rm on II day' frca trial If you cannot find a doalr. ordar dtrart. It In II day you return tha pan a unaatlafarlory. your ajKHity will bm nluadad. All Parfcaf Pma faava Lucky Carva Ink Favda. oravatirlnv air xpandinf ift reatrvotr by wartntb ol aba body lro lorviaa lab ioto cap. GEO. t FAMULR, Fra Parker Pen Company 175 Mill St, JimMviile, Wi. ACTUAL iMMa-Ma-aa-H R. E. DRAPER CO Incorporated The Satisfaction Store. Weldon. N. C. i

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