pvertising Kates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Her Annum WELDON, X. C, TIIUliSDAV, DKCKMHKK 7, 1011. NO. :J2 GIVE AND FORGET. Lay Your (lift on the Altar and Then Your Hands 0(1. Tho Kind You, IUva Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias boroo tho sliitmturo of aid has been made tinder hN iier. (S jt&7jfarrAi ,onal ""PPrvlslon sin. o its In fancy. WV5. AllownoonotodcocLoyouli. this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nud "Just -iis-irond" are but I'.MTlmcnts that trifle with ad eudatifrer tho health of luliiuts and Children Experience atrainsi Uiperliueub What is CASTORIA Cmtorlu Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, gone. Drops and Koothlii(f Syrups, It is lMeiiMint. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Narcotic mlisdtnee. 1U age Is ltd Riiaranteo. It destroys Worms uml allays Fevertshncss. It cures Diarrluea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teetlilug Troubles, cures Constipation uml Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Hlotii.uh and Hoivcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'auaeea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 101 I OE 01 10 MV I'MONK 125. Nn.nr I'ih-sk' 'Jt anil M. P. N. STAliYBACJK, . ;.i:xi)i:HTAivi:i, Weldon, - . North Carolina. Full I In nl CASKFTS. COFFINS nnd PORFS. O Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to, H. G. ROWE. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND I MHALMHR. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. M LZ20Z20CZJ Z30 aoE THE BANK OF WELDON WKi.nox. x. v- Organized Under the Laws ol the State ol North Carolina, Anil ST-'oTII. I sir.'. Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. 1 Capital antl Sarplns, $47,000. K i: more than IS vers this institution lias provule.l t.unkintr farili lies fur tin nrvtion. It's HtooklmlX'r ami direeloi- haw "en i.lenlifie.1 Willi::.,- business interests of Halifax ami Northampton oouiities for many years. Money is loaned upon approve.! senility at the leiriil rat.' ol interest hi x per renin in. Aeeount of all are soln-ite.l. The surplus anil undivided prolits Imvinir reaelie.1 a nun etiual to the Capital tork, the Hank has. eoiuiiienoinir lanuary I. rt.ililislinl a Sluii.-.liepartmentallowini.' interest onto I, posits us IoIIowh: tor I'P-.-it allowed to remain three months or Imurer. J per rent. MX moiiilis or longer 3 percent. Twelve months or loinrer. 4 percent. Kou ntlieriuformation apply to the President or raliier rm.ii.Mt: vua-iHKsii.Kvr: ,'"!,1-li??:.-iu i: IIAMKL, W. It SMITH 11 ' ls Turn your back on the offering. Look up to heaven for strength if need be, think of the weather, or the damage the children are doing while you are worshiping or sac rificing, anything so that you do not hanker 10 have the gifi back. 1 he most beautiful of altar offer ings, the innst cosily of gilts, the most precious in the fragrance ol prayer and incense have been damaged, cheapened and more than wasted through a greedy lov ing and an uneasy desire to look over again, to finger and fondle and admire the gift. Turn your back quickly and forget il. Keep eyes, lianas and thoughts on some thing else. There have been godly moth ers who have yielded son or daugh ter to the keeping of someone else, they have trod on air as one thai overcometh and maketh great sac rifice. But later they cannot keep iheir hands off, and that is where ihe trouble lies. Some have yield ed up great interests in life as a sacrificial gift, but alas, cannot keep off ihe hands and the last es tate is worse than the first. It is much the same when favor is shown to others. An other wise sincere gratitude is frequently turned to hatred because of ihe later meddling. With your hands in a fidget and your thoughts ever following the offering, ihere is a cheapening and debasement. Alas, that there should be so many good ly gifts laid on the altar of service end with the purest intentions and yet degraded and become as a stench to the nostrils all because the unwise one failed to keep hands and thoughts off. There is the helping hand to ihe distressed, the helping hand to the impoverished, the open door and willing heart. You imagined that you had considered the under laking well when you advanced to ward the altar with your priceless gift of personal denial in behalf of the homeless who must perchance ever sit hereafter by your fireside. You imagined you were equal to the burden and had weighed well the expense and sacrifice- In your zeal and enthusiasm perhaps you cried out, "Behold my gift to the cause of humanity." But you lingered. You admired. You looked at yourself in the glass, as ii were, and smiled with an air of superiority. In other words, you played with the offering, you gossiped, you discussed its merits, and soon thai which should have been holy and of goodly savor, be came a nesting place for hornets and your reward only the stings and stabs of poisonous insecis. Lay your gift on the altar, then quickly turn your back and keeps hands off. There is too much giving and remembering, too much showing favor and keeping record, loo much sacrifice and sneaking back io steal the gift. Turn your back, hands off ! BREAKINU IT GENTLY. Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can make money, but's its n wise man that can save It." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per cent on SAV1NOS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up Collections, Loans. Accounts Solicited. V BjfiK or RotfoKE Rwios Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL $25,000. SURPLUS & PROFITS $2,900. OFFICERS: "X. s. ISi iiowvn, President " ' , .. ,.,. J'"i L. I'at, ,kson, 1st Vice-President ' -"" r II. A. I'n vast. Assistant t aslner. A D. CLARY Runs this Place. Mil Best sf Everythinff In Season. Uood Meals Served at all Hours. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES a i Seasonable Soft Drinks WELDON, N. U g ... j Aii.Sfr M nt CK1AKS, TOBACCOS, .CTC The squire's son, just ordained, had finished the morning service, returned to the vestry, having ac complished the service to his own satisfaction. "I think I got through without a mistake, John," he remarked to the old clerk, who was helping him off with his surplice. "It was first-rate, Master Dick," said the old man with enthusiasm; "I don'i know as I ever heard it bel ter. After a pause.he added. "But the old parson, he never gives us the evening service in the morn ing. " CamtdianCennjr A SCIENTIFIC THEORY. "Now they claim that the hu man body contains sulphur." "In what amount?" "Oh, in varying quantities." "Well thai may account for some girls making betier matches ihan others. " Saved Hjs Wile's Life. "Mv wife would have been in her rrave toilay," writei O. H. Brown, of Mutcapiue, Ala., "if it had not been for Ir. King' New Discovery. She wa down in her bed, not able to get up without help. Hhe had a acveie bron chial trouble and a dreaded cough. 1 got her a bottle of lr. King's New Dis covery, and she oon hciran to mend, and was well in a short time." InfuTTi i.i.. fr mmrha ami col.ls. its the most reliable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, croup and whooping oough. We., II. Trial botus mm ur aated by U diuggiaU. d) mm, BAKING Absolutely Pure Hconojiiizes Butter, Flour. 333; makes the food more aellilnj and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar A SONG IN THE NIGHT. A weird, sweet gloom, the perfumed Southern night, Envelop hill and vale, While far away, upon a sea of light, Star-craft in wonder sail. Along the hedgerow crimson poppies blaze Into red passion's fire, The primrose lifts its cup in purple haze Filled with ihe night's desire. So tense ihe silence, so profound its peace, Thai where the zephyrs went Their noiseless feet the tangled vines release In loving wonderment. A clump of myrtles bloomed along the hill, One strange bouquet of while, These, with the moon and starlight, seemed to fill The mystery of night. 0 night of silence, slumber of ihe soul Of eager, restless day, 1 marvel not yon bird could not withhold lis tove-impasiioned lay. Somehow the slender bands of sleep Untangled as I heard Faint echoes through my window creep Of singing mocking bird. I leaned without the casement far To hear each love-speni note: Then some one left the gates ajar Through which old mem'ries float. The years slipped back to other days, Each bar of song was twined about With one lost face, within whose gaze Old dreams and hopes went out. The years slipped back I knew not how, I only knew I heard a song; Then thought of some one's spoken vow And knew that love is strong. I wondered not that tears should fall; Who would not sadly weep as I Should some one from the hedgerow call Who long has dwelt on high. CETHSEJANE. In golden youth when seems the earth A summer land of singing mirth, When souls are glad and hearts are light, And not a shadow lurks in sight, We do not know it, but there lies Somewhere veiled under evening skies A garden which we all must see The garden of Gethsemane. With joyous steps we go our ways, Love lends a halo to our days; Light sorrows sail like clouds afar, We laugh, and say how we are; We hurry on; and hurrying, go Close 10 the borderland of woe, Thai waits for you, and waits for me Forever waits Gethsemane. Down shadowy lanes, across strange streams, Bridged over bv our broken dreams; Behind ihe misty caps of years, Beyond the great salt fount of tears, The garden lies. Strive as you may, You can not miss it in your way. All paths that have been, or shall be, Pass somewhere through Gethsemane. All those who journey, soon or laic. Must pass within the garden's gate; Must kneel alone in darkness there, And battle with some fierce despair. God pity those who can not say, "Not mine but Thine," who only pray, "Let this cup pass" and cannot see The purpose in Gethsemane. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. DEATH IS LIFE. How Much Happier We Would Be l( We Could Look On Death In That Light. Familiarize your mind with the inevitable event of death. Think of it as life ! Gloomy though the portal seems, death is the gate of life to a good and pious man. Think of it, therefore, not as death, but as glory going 10 heaven and 10 your Father. Re gard it in the same light as the good man who said, when 1 ex pressed my sorrow to see him sinking into the grave, "I am going home." If you think of it as death, then let it be the death of sin, the death of pain, the death of fear, the death of care, ihe death of Death. Regard its pangs and strug gles as the battle that 'goes before victory; its troubles as the swell of the sea on heaven's happy shore; and yon gloomy passage as the cy press shaded avenue that shall con duct your sieps to heaven. It is life through Christ and life in Christ; life most blissful, and life evermore. How much happier and holier we should be if we could look on death in that light. I have heard people say thai we should think each morning that we may be dead before night, and each night thai we may be dead before morning. True; yet how much better to think every morning, I may be in the heavenly city before night; and every single night that the head is laid on ihe pillow, and the eyes are closed for sleep, to think, next time I open them it may be to look on Jesus, and the land where there is no night, nor morning; nor sunset, nor cloud; nor grave, nor grief; nor sin; nor death, nor sorrow; nor toil, nor trouble; where "they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." Dr. Guthrie. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. KEEPING UP WITH LIZZIE." Society Must Quit Its Feverish Race for Display and Qo to the Land, Do Scientific Farming and Live the Simple Lite. Talk not of your charitable acts, but let them speak for themselves. Many a man saves money only to lose it by sending it to some man who didn't save any. And it's easier for a woman to trust her husband than it is to find a grocer willing to do it. A woman never slops to consid er how very uninteresiing her chil dren would be if they were some other woman's. Chicago Inter Ocean. VERY PROBABLE. "1 hear that Bilter's daughter eloped with his chauffeur," Yes; and Bilter wired his for giveness." "What did lie do that for?" "He said he thought now there might be a chance for him to use his car." Chicago News. CRUELTY OF LOVE. A New England sentimental ist couldn't marry the girl he loved, so stayed in bed 40 years. The old, old story. Just trying to lay down his life for her. DAILY THOUGHT. A strenuous soul hates cheap successes. It is the ardor of the assailant that makes the vigor of the defender. R. W Emerson. In his new book, "Keeping l'p With Lizzie," Irving liarh ellcr has put his finger on the national weakness, which in a word is Extravagance. lie tells tho story of the young girl who comes homo from a fashionable boarding school and by her extravagant ways runs not only her only family, but a lot of tho neighbors. Lizzie must have this and that furnishings, service, ser vants, dress all on a scale of lavishness hitherto unknown. In order to "keep up with Liz zie" tho neighbor girls must have as much, and the commu nity is almost bankrupt. Keeping up with Lizzie ! That is tho bane of the well to do people of our day. Each one vies with his neighbor in prodigality of expenditure, and the merry race while it lasts is to the swift. Keeping up with Lizzie. Lizzie's folks buy an automo bile, and the children and often the wife say to the struggling head of the family, "Why, if Lizzie's folks can have an auto I don't see why we can't have one." And mortgages are filed on homes and money is borrowed and capital is absorbed in the purchase and costly mainte nance of the machines. Mr. Bacheller says the automobile craze is "The joyful death march of a race." Of course no part of this pro fuse spending of money is in dulged in by the toiling mil lions, who can never hope to afford expensive follies. They cannot, if they would, attempt the feat of Keeping up with Lizzie. But with us all what the neighbors do and what the neighbors spend have altogeth er too much effect upon what we do and spend. It is interesting to note what Mr. Bacheller believes to bo the way out of our maze of extrav agance, ne nntis tnat tne pro fessions are literally crowded to the death. Business is over done. What then? "Back to the land." Society must quit its feverish race for display supremacy, and more people must go to the land do scientific farming and live the simple life. Will they g"? 'It is bound to be by the great law of must,',' says Mr. Bach eller. If so, if our era of wasteful expenditure must give way to the producing instPad of the consuming of wealth then the "keeping up with Lizzie" epoch may not have been in vain. TENDERNESS. "I am all right now, thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy." The same relief is ready for you. Are you sure you do not need it? If Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy helped Charles Holmes, why won't it help you? "1 wa:; trouble J with heart disease, and alter reading about fJr. Miles' I leart Remedy, 1 got a boille. He lore 1 got the Heart Remedy 1 had to hit up mot of the niht, and (elt very bad at my Ktomach. Whatever 1 would eat made me feel worse, and my heart beat very fa&t. But thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, 1 am all right now. 1 eat good, sleep good, and feel like a new mm, al though I am ahno&t 63 years old. I have been a soldier in the late war of the rebellion, and was badly wounded." CI1ARLKS HOLMES, Private Co. B, 5.1th N. V. Infantry Volunteers, Walton, Delaware Co, N.V. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy is kept in thousands of homes as a friend always to be relied upon in time of need. Sold by all Druggists If th tint bottle falls to boneflt, you? money la returned. Ask any Druggist. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Tie Thrice-A-Week Elition OF THE New York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price GRAND SPECTACLE. End Winter's Troubles. To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chap ped hands and lips, chilblaius, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. Hut such trouble llv before Itucklen'a Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. (Ireat-. "hey regulate liver, stomach and build est healer of Hums, Boils, Piles, t uts, ; P y""f Health. (Inly :'.,e. at all drug ' A Terrible Blunder I to neglect liver trouble. Kcver do it. lake Dr. King's New Life 1'ills on the first sign of constipation, -biliouanrns, or iuactive bowels and prevent virulent indigestion, jaundice or or gall stones- Sores, Bruises, i:c.cma Only "'.c at all druggists. and sprains. Only a man who is known to be truthful can tell a lie big enough to attract attention. gists. There is spectacle that is grander than the ocean, and that is the sky. There is a spectacle that is grander than the sky, and that is the interior of the soul. Hugo. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ft! Kind You Han Always Bought 5 HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. I he I hnce-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subscipiion price is only $1 rer year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one P CC year for - - - vliOJ The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Bean the Signature of DIFFERENT. There are men who wait pa tiently for the free lunch to be served and then go home and start a rough house because dinner isn't ready on time. Atchison Globe. The choicest thing this has for a man is affection. world If a married man gets in bad, his wife always blames some other woman for it publicly, but privately she reads the riot act to him. REST ADD HUITH TO MOTHER AND WIID. If.. Wi.tt.aw'i SaoTfitttn Sv.rp h.i beta li.l lor over B1XTV VKARft hv MILLIONS of MOTHKK8 for their CH1L0KKN W111LK THKTIUNO, with I'KUFKCT RfCCKSS. 11 ROOTIinS Itic CKILU. HOFTKNS Hit UUMH, ALLAN'S all I'AIN ; CURKH WIND COLIC, wl Il thebnt rrmcdy tor DIAKKHlEA. II II ab solutely hsrmleta. Be iur and s.k for "Mra. Wiaiiow'a aoothiog ttvnip," and uk. a Ut kl.4. Tmi-&n ctiu . battle. Tenderness does not mean weakness, softness, effeminate ness. It is consistent with strength, manliness, truth and bravery. It does not show it self alone in the touch, hut in unselfishness, thoughtfulness, considerateness, forbearance, patience, long-suffering. But, however, it shows itself, it is as the blooms on tho peach, as spring showers on the earth, as die music of the angels steal ing down on the plains of Beth lehem. You may have much of this weultli to distribute, but you may give something better and spend a useful and benefi cial life if you will practice this lesson of shedding around you the grace of human tenderness, in word and act, and by the spirit of your life. F. P. Mayer. IF JUSTICE WERE DONE. Man "Who is the responsi ble person in this firm?" Office Boy "I'm the one who gets all the blame." A man might be crazy to go to church, too, if he was more inter ested in hats. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CANTOR I A iOLEYSBLDNEYPlllS) McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Har. Mora Fri.nd. than any oth r magazine or patterns. McCall s is th ; reliable Fashion Guide monthly i i one milium one hundred thotisa-. 1 Itnmi'a. B. sides showing all the late iicsii;.is of McCall Patterns, each i."-s;i . is br.nifnl of sparkling short stores and helpful information for women. Save Morur d Km. iaStrU by iubtt.it,: -tor McL.il'. MdRartnc at once. Co.U oi 3 crti a v,ir. including any oaf of thf ctlebril. j McCall Vanem. free. MrC.n Pattanu Ltmi all oiherl la Itylt. f- d.iti.'ik Mumimv Kid number lold. Men A -.. m rll McCM Pattern! Ihan any other t" -i...i!-rl.ii.nt.inrd. None hi.lter truB Ijceutl. )v Ir .tn ytnir dealer, or by mail Iron. McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37ua St. New York City On Your Vacation TV thig handy pm With yam. low can carry it flat in your fotavtv ff it or coat pocket. A laity can vdrrv it in hr pur 90 or hand Pag. It tvtll ntif Ira MwlfMrrtW UpWidt ttff iwt f guaranty this. CLO. 1 tXSSX.fl Ay 1 PARKER JACK KNIFE SAFETY FOUNTAIN PEN Yoej will (Wei il tamhaiJjl m yr rwrtl t aMMtatetM, ejouatrr ". ex the 1 ait on. whtr torn will ! frH 1 wJ tm r. wm4 wstora ftHnff IsHlitlfM MV Ml Im atl bant. Arte) thl to MfMr fwa that will teal Ufa, tcw H hM bo vaivaa. ptlotoM or 4Up9rimt aMrhatttatn la at ami al aardear. A u total, canoe lata. yew-hteei. wmtmnomitm aa.4 travalera a avarr ItlM will flatt tfcle HM Mn amm aneJ coa anlaac. Bali 4. Ilka llluatfaaoa). with No 2 pen. f) Mr with trsr aUa tola pan. 14 aWatr m war her Pathar Pan en II dar' fraa trial If yon cannot find a alaalar. oraat attract. If In It daya t ratura Iha pan aa unettUlartory, foi taooay wui aa bhiihii. All rarfcar raaa ktn Lax-try Carva Ink Pa 4a. awaattan air apanatny; la torciaf to raaarvolf try areata al $ mb was cap. CIO aV PAMUL, Pvaa. Parker Pen Company 175 Mill SU JanvUiWit. um.vnmmmmmm' R. E UKAPhK CO incorporated The Satisfaction Store, Weldon, N.'C. ' ua ' i i iniiiir""

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