j Jl ham iiinrnr rr afesattsiplfc AJvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XLVL WKLDOX, X. C, TIILl.KDAY, DKCKMIiKlt 21, 1!)1L NO. 34 Tim Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which has been in use for over 30 year, Iius bomo the nl;.Mi;iiuro of and ltw lx-i-n matin muter his pir. tfcvsr -cucam. Allow ll( om. t(, yolI hl tlll; All Counterfeit, Imitations mid " Jini-as-puuil" nro hut riM'riiiicntn ihut trllio with m il cikIiiiiu'it the. health of lul'uuU and tliihlreu Eieric-ri.:e u:iiu.l lOxneriineut. What is CASTORIA Castorlu Is a liurmleM substitute? for Castor Oil, Pare irorie, Jr-iH Hiid Soothing Synips., It is lMeiisant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor oilier .Narentio siibsliuu-e. ltd ago is its guarantee.. It destroys Worms anil allays Keterishness. It cures Df.irrhnui anil Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mill Fhittileiiey. It assimilates the Foi.il, regulates the Mom.u'h and ltowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. Tlio Children's I'auueea Tho -Uother's" l'riuml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Eeara the The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. OE AV I'lloNK 'S. P.N.tSTALNBACK. . : : rxDKKi'AKiiii. Weldon, Hull Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-oI-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. HOWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMEK. H Seventeen rears' Experience. lao mm OE3E20! or: as: THE BANK V L'LDOX. X. Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Ai ia si 'jui it, iv.'. Slate of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wekloti Depository. Capital and Surplns. $47,000. l or more than 1 vrars tliif institution lias pirn M.'.l banking facili- he- for this section. It's 8toel.liol.,"i and .In. clots have I. I identihed will, the business interests of llab!av and Northampton counties for main- years. Monev is loaned dpi-" approved socuuty at the leiral rate ot interest (iia pereeiitum. .Wcouuts ol'all aie solicited. The surplus an.l undivided prolils havm- renelie.l a sum eoual to the Capital stock, the Hank has. comim-ncim: .lanuary 1. I'H. established a Savours liepartmeiit allow in-interest ...Hi leposits a follows: lor Deposits allowed toremain throe mo ntl.s i I.oil'. i . '- pel cent months or longer, H per cent Tclw- nionlhs 01 loinrci I pel cent. Forfurtlierinmrmatwi apply to the I'resi.l. -tit " 1 ashler I'RKSIn.NT: Vl.aillKSU.KSI ,. 1 'Tavist Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can make money, but's its a wise man that can save it." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up Collections, Loans. Accounts Solicited. TtiE Bjk or RotfoKE Rwids Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL $25,000. Sl'KI'LUS & PROFITS $2,900. OFFICERS:- . H. S. nraowvs, President J"M I.. I'ATrKKSOS, 1st V id-I'.CSI.lellt ' ' ""'" II. . I i i:a-am. CIGARS, '.TOBACCOS. ETC Seasonable Soft Drinks UUlfM I M Signature of N loin I'iiosks LM i North Carolina. Hearse Servk OF WELDON wi'" A. D. CLARY Runs this Place, gjj Serriii Best of EverjlliDi jj In Season. ffe Good Meals Served at all Hour. FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES ?V WELDON. in. v. g That marKs It lv4res ICguides mm ,Vr . rvStYT WW Yn A V 2 JB dui ngw, The heart 3k i v. .. It rises i o mm ToJEmnu's Cfvrisimas Journal Wf6urD.N(?s6it 6 a. m. Got up an went downstares In my nlte close an was plckln things of the Crismas tree wen pa an ma cum dow n an sed for gudness salk boy yule catch yure deth of coled; go bak to b?d until It Is time to get up. 6:15 a. m Put my close on an went down stares ngen an et ten stlks of candy an' two ornges befoar pa cum do n an sed he wud whip me If I dldent go bak to bed an let him get sum slepe alter bein up so late the nlte befoar. but ma sed Jon doant destroy the Crismas Joy for our hoy: let him aloan. 6:30 a. ni. I hav got a ralerode track an trane an a hookln ladder an a set of dum bels, an Injun clubs an a air gun an a pistol that shutes ar- rers at a target an a hlstry book an a pare of mittens an sevrul sacks an boxes of candy an hav et sum moar. 7:30 a. in Pa an ma kep astln me why I dldent eat no brekfnst an pa sed he bet Ide ben etln candy alreddy In spite of his orders that I shuddent, but ma sed no doubt the xcltement of Crismas wbb enuf to take away my appc'-lt". 8 a. m. Grandpa an gramina-an-unkel Joe la here. Tliay brot me sum moar candy an a Indjiiu sute with a tommyhawk an a toipeder bote, that winds up and sales In the wotler. 9 a. m. Pa showed me how to run the trane on the track an broke the nigln, but he sez It call be fixed. I'nkle Joe giv me a doller an I went out an hot sum burd shot to sbute In my air gun an sum candy. m o m It Isent cold If you don't sit rite beside the parlor winder whare I broke It axdently snutln with my air guu. Pa threttened to lick, me, but granipa sed boys will be boya an he was wors than me when he was my alge. ' 12 noon. It wuz too bad about gramma, but I cuddent help it. I wuz End Winter's Troubles. To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes ami lingers, chap pe.l liamls and lips, 'cliillilains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. Hut such trouble lly before Itticklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Great est healer of Burna, lloils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises, Kcieina and sprains. Only25ataUdruWiit. ana,. U k ? i a, -c e Anywhere. M WW "r-tS3r V&iC 3f Ml 1 l f mm -mr w w w- w w -mr , y w -mw-im i i ' j i The hearts slnglngKomeain-6 hert Is sinfeihg home. Wherier up and lown the world the restless feet mav rorir When comes thetime oy holly-leaves, o thu iflorv rw Hair tVA y s-7 w hibii on sDoui ana an arouna, on moyntaln, plain, and foam. The heart is singingfhome again the heart is stntfinri home. V . J ill he wanderylovel It leads us beneath t .HsT?echonsus with tempting hands from many Iknds afari u where the lotos drem is filled with r'are dellghti us where the silent snojvs gleam through tie endless nighti o an wno irvanaer ia,r Deneain siy 8 Droaa aome, is singing home again the heart is singing home. brings pitHure of the past a picture fair arid free ... ...... : A picture oi ineooa oia nome wnerever u may dbi AndNo'er hte wavevit sings to usi across the hill and plaini Ijntil the siu within us seems to echo the refrain. Wherever upand downHhe world the restless feet may roan The heart is singing homexagain-the heart is singing home. ovcij.. man m ewiy. Liai.u luem liKe a glory crisAt, in cadfrcice wnoxsieeps upon his aims bsiore the tireiessMoe. And he who bends above his desK, the For, sweeter than the clover-tang HU The heart is singing home- aain lhoheart is singing homer playln Injun on the trale and Missus Perkins (rum uex dore wuz here and she wuz talkln with gramma o 1 run up Lehlne them an tomiuj hawked gramma an Misses Perkins an then started to scalp Missus Perkins, but Jest her hare nun off an she looked so funny sltlin lhare hollhedded that gramma fainted an choaked on her false teeth when I bit her with the tommyhawk an .Missus Perkins went lioaui an gramma had to go to bed an the dnkter cum and glv her uiedslu. 3 p. m. It Is a loansum Crismas indede to punnlsh me tbay made me stay upstares an wuddent let me bar any Crismas dinner but i had foar pounds of candy an hav et moast of It an my torpeder bote Is sallln grate In the bath tub. 4 p. ni. I went to the winder to look out an fergot the bath tub an the wotter run over an the ceelln of the parlor fell axdently an grandpa an pa an unkel Joe an ma was axdent ly hurt so the dokter is bak agen an the plummer Is com In If thay can fined him. 7 p. ni. Gramma and grampa and unkel Joe has gone hoam an pa Is settln down stares with his arm In a sling whare the plasterln bro.ik It an he sez when it gets well ho will tend to my case o It la a sad world for llttel boys that In full of happiness one moment an filled with greet the nex an our cook has quit because 1 axdently shot a arrer frum my pistol Into her car an scaiet her so she dropped a pan of dishes that wuz mas best chlny an uroak them all up an she haB quit an the tire engines cum because I tried to fire up my broaken ralerode engine an thay got the tire out but tbare Is a whole in the side oi the house an pa swore dredful an so i ask why do thay giv a little hoy things that cause them so mutch Hub ble. A Terrible Blunder to neglect liver trouble Never do it. lake Dr. King's Sew Life Pills on tho lirst sign of constipation, biliousness, or inactive bowels and prevent virulent indigestion, jaundice or or gall stones. Tliey regulate liver, stomach and build up your health. Only 'f . at all drug gists. How dearly we pay for ihe things i we get for nothing. i.' 1 I r V feliowshio and Vnlrth iji.rvxi uiu iaiiiv? tvf ecu ui he earning star( i. tunics ureL. imunun auhhi full and strong, coaxing strains muotnow. drips frorrT honey comb, Man Shopper TtyWilpurD. Vesbif- a pallid, weary man; lie stoppelh olid of three. By Hit white cheek and blax- Ins eye. Now, wherefore stupyest me?" 'Oh, sir!" the worrWM man exclaimed. I fain would have thee tell may flml Ithln this tore The thlnj-a they have to sell." For It was tn a Christmas store That all of this took place. "Twaa there the frenzied man was seen With hopeless, troubled face. Tho atrnnurer man wmil.t fatn begone Ktum him of haRffard eye; lteslticH. the aisle was crowded with The rolks who would go by. "I pray thee," said the stranger man, "(to cbuse thyself from me." "Ah, sir." tho other man Implored A woeful wight was he. "A tortoise comb, a pair of skates, A whole carload of toys, Borne thirties beside for all my friends, Ami for their girls and boya. "And hero I am; and 1 am here; Tho things oh. where are they? Kor male an.l female clerks conspire To hide from me the way. "lint this I know, and this alone; Three alslra across, then baek, Tour counters down, on counter Up, Then double on your track. "Tho elevator takes you neit, To Inn. I you otherwheres, And when you weary of Its crowd, You amblo down the stairs. "Hut still-but still, my honest friend, You do not reach the goal. TIs alwtiys 'on the other side It Is, upon my soul! "So here sin I, and ! am here. And yen are standing by, 1 rare not where the things may be, Hut where the deuo am I?" They led htm to an ambulance, Although he did resist, And now lu padded cell he cons Ills Christmas shopping list. He shrieks upon tle midnight clear, And on the noonday air: "Three aisles across, two counter! back. Then up and down the stair!" Oh. foollah men. take heed of this, before you go to shop, when you reach the outer door, it up your list and stop. If a woman is afraid of losing her hair she might lock it up m a sale. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mas. Winslow's Soothino Svace has been used lor over SIXTY YRAKS by MILLIONS of MormtKS (or their CItll.liRKN WHll.K TKHTUINQ, wilh 1'KKl'KCT BUCCBSS. It SOOTHl-S Ihe CHILD. SOI-'THNB the GUMS, ALLAYS all TAIN ; CURK8 WIND COLIC, and Is the best remedy for DIARKHCKA. It is ab solutely harmless. Be sure end ask for "Mrs. wiiMiow's Soothing Syrup," end take bo ether klad. Tire&ty-fiveccatsa boule. I It i 1 ll , -7 Whcr. 1 ft :, 1 A BASHFUL SANTA CLAUS (ronvriifiii. mil.) T was ( i i i ts t ii i as eve. Andrew Uilllngtou, with a neat Utile package In his breast pocket untl u throbbing heart beneath tin: name pocket, had been trying for mWnll hour to muster up enough courage to take out the package, and offer It, together with hia throbbing heart, to Amabel Tuttle. Amabel was Just sucb a young woman as just such a young man as Andrew would ardently desire to present with his throbbing heart and the contents of the neat package. The latter contained a ring, set with a single diamond The throbbing heart contained what Andrew was ready to promise should be life-long devotion to Amabel. Why go iuto detail regarding the whole year during which he had laid siege to the heart of Amabel? There had been moments this f'hrlstinas eve when Andrew's fingers nervously sought his breast pocket. Amabel knew he was on tho verge of proposing. Gracious mercy! The woman who cannot diagnose a threat ened proposal Is no woman ot all. The stammering speech, the flushed brow, tho hesitant remarks, the tixlty of stare all these and many other symptoms are to the average woman what temperature and respiration are to the specialist lu fevers. for some unexplained reason women like to postpone a proposal. They prolong the agony. They enjoy t Ii .--nlghs, the awkwardness, the anxiety of the swain. They revel In his ab ject willingness to sacvllice bluiseit, If need be. to gain their promise. I It may be that instinct teaches them tills Is the only moment when 'ie man will be a slave. At last, however, it became time for Andrew to Kay good-night. It was ChrlstLias eve, and he knew Amabel s family would have some little prepara tions to make for the festivities ol the morrow, lie did not. think for a ment of tho tremendous lact that when a young woman allows a young man to spend Christmas eve with ner she is writing ' Vi s" in large letters on the wall. No man can realize any-! thli'g et su. h times. Afirew sa'.d he must be going, after Aniali. l had began to wonder if he was going to talk about the weather and the latest book all evening "Must you go, really" she asked, brightly. "Walt Just a moment. I have something for you." She went into another room, then came back with a small package, 1 which she handed to him. j "Just a little Christinas remem-! brance. " she smiled. "You won't mind getting It ahead of time, will you? rtu.'li good friends as you and I needn't wait for Christmas day it self, need we?" She carefully stood Immediately be neath a spiny of mistletoe when she said this, but Andrew did not notice It. This Is rurther proof that love is blind. "Thank you," Andrew mumbled, nervously. "1 I 1 wish you a merry Christmas, Ani-nmahel." "That's nice of you, and I hopo you like the little gift. It really Isn't a gift, Andrew. It's Just a necktie i made for you myself. I wish It could have been something nicer but you'll let the sentiment that goes with it count for what It lacks In value or beauty, won't you?" She carelessly reached up and ad justed the spray of mistletoe, smiling also at Andrew. Andrew Btood there, turning the package over and over lu his hands, blind as ever. What Am abel thought we never will know. There must be times while a woman is landing a man that she Is so en raged with his obtuseness that she would keenly enjoy thumping him on the head with a shovel. AMONQ THE WISE SAYINGS. If Christmas came more than once a year, say four limes, the sheriff also would call around about that ofien. Yes? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I nri i I "Just a Little Christmas Remem I brance." i f ! Andrew got his eyes away rrom . hers long enough to ask: I "Are you going to have a Christmas j tree?" j "No. We're old-fashioned, you j know. We'ro Just going to hang up our stockings In front or the grate, and let Santa come right down the I chimney I love those old custom", don't you?" j As she spoke of the old customs j she once more pushed the spray of ; mistletoe up into place. This lime Andrew saw It, and away down deep in his heart he wished he were Just a good friend of Amabel's. ' You see, under the mistletoe, things may be done by good friends which would call out the troops If attempted by a lover who has not yet declared "Oh, Andrew!" his love In spec-h. but whosn every action tells what is aftccttng him. lie told her he hud spent a pleas ant evening: he thanked her for the little gift; he promised to come again, and he got out and away and then he realized that he had not given her the present he had meant to hand to her with a lew well choseu words which should cauo her to tall into his arms and promise to be his lorever. A iso, he realized that ne bad not even v, l-hi'd her a merry Christmas in the way he had planned to wish it. All the way home he abused him self lor being &uch a fool. Why, any man itb a spark of self-contldeace, he told himself, would have told the i girl what he hud In his heart and in his pocket for her would have mad a neat but effettie little speech of presentation, am! would have conclud ed his peroration with her head against his shoulder and ber plump i w hite hand In bid There came to him a flash ot in spiration. Why not play Santa Claus, take the ring to Amabel's borne, climb In a side window iioin the porch, deposit the ling and a note in her stocking'.' This would make her feel that he had planned it all as a real Christmas stir prise lor her. A Christmas gift and a Christmas proposal all at once would certainly anpeal to the roman tic side of any girl. So he wrote his note, wrapped It about the ring, replaced the ring and the note in the little box, wrapped It up, and betook himself to Amabel s 1 home. The porch from which he planned ; to effect his surreptitious entrance I was a side one. He remembered that last summer Amabel's father had Mil he must have the catch on the window repaired. He kuew perfectly well Amabel's father hadn't done so for he knew Amabel's father was llko all men. Through the side yard and over the porch rail he went. The window be found unfastened. Carefully he raised It and felt his way Into the room. To his astonishment he saw a ray of light, beneath the ilooi and heard voices In the adjoining room where the stockings were to be bung "Well, Amabel, " her father was say ing, "what dtd ltonieo have to say to night?" Tho reply was a Bnlff from Amabel, which Andrew Interpreted as being a suggestion to her lather that he mind tits own utiairs. "Did you give him the necktie?' Amabel's mother asked. "Yes." "Did he like It?" "He never looked at it." "Well, I muBl Bay! In my time a young man would have shown more gallantry " "Not a lllllhigton mother," Mr. Tuttle said. "They never think of what to say until a week later." Andrew grated his teeth. This was true, but not pleasant. ' Well, you couldn't Txpect him to: tell how he liked it when he hadn't) --c:i it." At -".fi -r.ld, stoutly. "And; it v been polite for him1 A DISBELIEVER. "Papa," said seven - year - old Annie, "Tommie is an infidel." "An infidel?" said papa. "What is an infidel?" "Why, he he does not believe iu Santa Claus." It takes a girl with a college ed ucation to misspel her front name. or I I to look at it right there besides, I fhi.iildu't have given It to him to night." "No," her mother said. "That made it look as though you expected some thing from him." Andrew was standing In the dark ness, in the middle ot the room. He wished the family would quit talking especially as they were talking of him and go to bed and allow him to drop bis gift into Amabel! stocking. He did not dare to move, for fear of ntiitiing Into noma furniture. Ha hardly dared breathe. Suddenly from down afreet cam the clang of a gong. Also the clatter f horses' hoofs on the frozen high way and the rumble of wheels. The noise Increased as the horses drew near, to subside and cease In tront Ot the house. The Tuttles heard it. "Must be a fire, or the patrol wag on," Mr. Tuttle exclaimed, throwing open the room where Andrew stood. A ndrew darted behind a bookcase Just iu time. Mr. Tuttle went through the room to the hall and opened the tront door. Mrs. Tuttle followed him, de spite Amabel's remonstrances that she would catch cold. There was the sound of hurried foosteps up the walk. "What's the matter!" Mr. Tuttle n sited. "Where la he?" said a voice. "Where's who?" "Patrolman Jones telephoned that he saw a man breaking into your house." Andrew shivered with alarm. Thle was a predicament. To be arrested as a burglar, to be carted off to Jail) without a chance to explain. He leered from behind the bookcase an kuw Amabel dreamily banging her stocking. He ewlftly came from hl hiding place, and silently hurried to! her side. Taking the package from; his pocket, he whispered: "Amabel! I I forgot to tell you I love you, and nere'a my proposal, and the engagement ring, too!" The mere fact that be had appeared thus mysteriously at her aide did not appeal to Amabel. She did not think or that at all. She said: "Oh, Andrew!" And she then allowed herself to fall into his arms. That there was much excited con versation In the ball, that men were running around the house and peerf g Into dark corner! In the basement A In the upper rooms waa aome!". which Andrew and Amabel tlrely unaware. Mr. and Mr- T'i' came back, after the officers bad ? . away utterly bewildered. Even tb had been so excited that the prefci,. . of Andrew struck them as nothing un usual. Amabel's shy but delighted . .. nnuneement of her engagement was re celved merrily, however. In feet, father and mother Tuttle and the young people got so deep in their plans for the future that they almost torgot the incident until suddenly Mr. Tuttle said: "I wonder who the dickens that burglar was, anyhow!" "1 I'll bet it was me!" Andrew stammered. "Well, I must fix that window tomor row," Mr. Tuttle decided. "Humph!" said Mrs. Henry Peck, "this napcr baa a lot of alleged Jokea about women giving their husband cigars for Christmas presents. I think that any woman who la fool enough to give her husband a box ot the Vila thlngi- ought to Why, where has lletirj gone?" Hut Henry was out in the hall shak ing hands with himself. Quieting Her Suspicions. "My dear," said the Suaplcloua Wife, "this sealskin sack you gave ma for" Christmas has the odor of gasoline." "Very likely," answered the Craft Husband. "But you know Santa Claua Is using an automobile now." Nevertheless, she had her doubtaj about It, fearing that ha had pur-' chased the garment second-handed of a cleaner Mora Bleeeed to Give. Stingy?" repeated the Neighbor, hood Gossip, "Is old man Tltewaddt stingy? Why, did you hear what he gave his wife for a Christmas pres ent He let her go to the dentist that morning and have ten aching teeta pulled, knowing very well that It would prevent her eating any of the Christmas dinner." Bia Case. A lel'ow who lived on the isthmus, Was'bothered somewhat by strabist.h ui us. . He said: "It Is sad, But my eyes, which are bad See New Year when . Chrlstbmus." What is more unfair than some specimens of the fair Sex. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, . . Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of AT THE PECKS.

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