i!r 3i Jill t&a4 II fjPjllf BeL- lit un I ill , Lsssssh Ijtll tea tfiterf -r' ShjI va!4 a?.-- rj Xje4 Swiff AJvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. 'erms of Subscription $1.50 4-tr Anntnt VOL. XLVI. WELDON, X. , TIUTKSDAY. JANUARY 18, 191.2. NO. 38 Don't I had been troubled, a Mrs. L Fincher, in a letter not taken down, until March, to have a doctor. He did all he could for me, but I got no better. I hurt all over, and 1 could not rest. At last, 1 tried Cardul, and soon I began to improve. Now I am in very good health, and able to do all my housework." Cardui Woman'sTonic You may wonder why Cardul Is so successful, after other remedies have failed. The answer Is that Cardul Is successful, because it is composed of scientific ingredients, that act curatively on the womanly system. It is a medicine for women, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, and restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness. If you suffer like Mrs. Fincher did, take Cardui. It will surely do for you, what it did for her. At all druggists. Wrtf to- Ladies' Adviaorr Dept. Qiittinooca Mediciae Co. OuHuoon. Tesa.. lor SttcHl liutneUua. and Sa-pss book, Iioe 30E II Day Piionb 2'l P. N. STAIN BACK, ;iix)i:ktaki:i. Weldon, Full Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G HOWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Seventeen years' Experience. 30i ioaaot THE BANK OF WFLDON WELDON'. X. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al'U'ST'Jiiril. 2. State of Nonh Carolina Depnsiiory. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcld ni Depository. Hl'or more than H yearn thin inMitiilum Las luenile.l Lanknm facili ties for th's section Its etnekholdi-rs ami din-i-tnrs luivi' hi-ctt uli-nlitir.l with the business interests nf Halifax and Nciitli:ini'tun enmities fur many years. Money i loaned iin upi -roved sceuiiiv m the l.'tr;il late of luteront six pur centum. Account" ol all an- wilie'ted. The surplus anil unlivtlcl prolits haviiiL' rruclied a sum equal to the Capital Stock, tlio lUnk lias, co'iinieiif nnr Jituuury I. I' established a Savmirs Department allowing interest on time drnils as follims: For Deposits allowed toremam three mouths or luiisev. J per cent Six months or longer, H per cent Twclw months 01 lonifi-i. 4 percent Forfurther information apply to the I'resid.nl or ( a-l.iei FSSSIDINT: Vli'l-l'KKUDKNl: liflllt.B W. K. DANIEL, W. It. SMITH. I(. S. Tli.WI.s, HE Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar make money, but's its a wise man that can save It." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up Collections, Loans. Accounts Solicited. fyf Btf Or R04f0KE RtflDS Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL $25,000. SURPLUS & PROFITS $2,900. OFFICERS: W. H. 8. Bi'auwrvx, President W. '. I u.i.. :'n.l ioi-l'rrsuli iit Jokm L. IVrriuaox, 1st Vice 1'rfiiiiU-iit A. W i- aslm i. II. A. 1'i.KAKAsr. Axilunt ( uslnrr. A complete line of new shoes from the makers. The store where Quality Counts. Best line ot high grade shoes in the city. Edwin Clapp Shoes? for men of good taste, $6.00 AND $6.50 Holeproof Hosiery. Let us show you. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. ' - mi an Suffer! little, for nearly 7 years writes from Peavy, Ala., "but I was when I went to bed and had "Home Trraimeut lor Women," sent Inc. fj 301 aoii taml 51. II Nhiiir I'ikinks "4 anil M. North Carolina. Hearse Service Any here. H oiJ $47,000. O made. 'Any man can 1 J VJ MI SHOULD WOMEN PROPOSE? Shyness and Diffidence are Not Essentially Feminine Qualities, But Simply the Result of Teach-inR. Hero romps a Social Science lecturer nml got-s further than the itihocatos of suffrage for women. (leorgu Willis Cooke, of Boston, thinks they should lie nllnwed to propose. Listen to him: "A girl liv all iih'iiiih," said lie, 'should propose to a mail if he is her ideal. Kroliomie independence will (five them this liherty. With the coming of KiilTi,iie they will act for tlii'in:-elves not. only politically lint socially, "li'llidence anil shyness of girls in loveiiiiiking is a subter fuge a part of the present so cial teachings. When women nre taught or learn to act nat urally their present false mod esty will fall away and they will do the proposing, as they ought. "Shyness and dillidence are not essentially feminine quali ties, luit simply the result of teaching. Among the Zuni Indians these qualities are ex actly changed. It is the boy who is so called modest, diffi dent and shy. This is plain, for there ho leaves his own home when married, just as the girl does here. "Another reason why women should do the proposing is that they are getting better educa ted than the men, and there fore will select more intelligent ly and will be nioro cautious. Marriages will be happier, and in time it will be the women who will do the courting." I'rof Cooke will find many women who favor suffrage for the fair sex. but he ill not be able to discover many who are unwilling to allow th" men to (''Utiffue to have a monopoly of proposing. A CONSERVATIVE CONVERT. (ii'inue W. ('aide, the author of so iniinv "Vlitflitfiil stories' of tin-Smith, recoils nn inci ilent of his hovhooil days, which weie spent in New Orleans. A tierce old Colonel one day called his negro coachman to liim. "You were drunk yester day!" he roared. "What do mean by such a perforniunce?" ' Twas nn accident, sah.jion niah word," "An accident?" 'Ves, sah. In de inornin' I gets a jininiyjohn ob ruin for t' keep de rhcuinntiz from mail ole woman, nn', Marse John, I slips on de ice nn' buss de iiminviohn, an' de rum make ! i little puddles in de road, sail, I jes' gets down an some up. Pat's how it Marse John." "Yon black rascal! Den, i ' laps cum, How ! much did you drink ':" "Well, .larsc .Iiihn, sah,"an Rwcii d old Ned. with a twinkle in his rye. "I s'liose I nius' er saved more en a quart Francisco Chronicle. -San A (iirl's Wild Midnight Ride. In nam 't'oplc of a IVatlul fureat tire 111 (In-1 aiskill a yuiiiii.' mil roile horse luick nt iiinliiinlit ini'l iivi'il many lives. Hit ilii-'l wuh ulm itniK tint In is are olUn saw.l liy In. K nitf'tt New Discovery in eiiiinir lii.ulile, ccmarlM "'"I colds, which nnt'lit Iium- elided ui consumption or pneumonia. "It cured ineofa ilieailful rouuli and lunir disease," writes V. It. I'lilleison, Wi-lliiiirlon, Texas, "after four ill 0111 family had died with con sumption, and 1 trained "7 pounds." Nolhiuirso siireand safe for all throat and Iiiiik Irouliles. Price .Vic. and (I. I'lial hottle free, (iuaraiiteed hy all ilruintista. Vi'hen a woman begins saying nice things of her dearest enemy her friends begin to sit up and take notice. Frightful Polrr Winds hlow with terrillc foroe at the far north and play havoc with the skin, causing red, rouxh or sore chapped hands and lips, that need llueklen's Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes the skin soft and smooth. I'lirivaled for cold eorea also hums, boils, sores, ulcers cuts bruises and piles. Only i-n. at all drug gists. There is no use saying anything more about the weather in this col u in n KtST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. M WlSSMlWl Sl'Tll-"l S1'P hM l"0 .,.11 , rover SIXTV VKAKSI.v MII.I.10NS I.; ioti:HR fur llifir tilil.uKKN WII1LM ilTTIIINO. Willi I'liKI KCT Ml'CCKSM. It AI.I.AVll PAIN i Cl'KKSWINU COLIC, U , the I.! rtmcdf t.r WARRHlkA. It tl i b rnlnlrW liirmlfM. B 'art liMl atk for Mrt, u-in.low'i aoalhlnl HyTup," Uk W(Uwt aioJ. TiMVnwi By ITTLE An' Am' ahoo tha an' iweep. ' make ih a.n' keep ; U iol around A-liaf run to I A'FL ' In rlu i An' Ike Cobble-uM 'at gila yo Ef jo . Dm! Wt,toh One't they wa a little kajr wouldn't sty bia arayera. An' wken ke went to bed at nijkt away ua atain. V Hia mammy heerd kirn holler.an' kiadaddy keerd kirn bawl. An' when Ihcy Icrn't Ike kivvtra .An they aeeked him in the An' aeeked kirn up Ike cbimbly But all (key ever found waa tkiil An' the An' you An' the V v'iAn Ihe Lr li e (Republished by request.) SOIVi DAY YOU US .n'pre.e ttalKe CobbU-UM II sNii.YNg Some Jiiy you will regret it, The harsh word that you've said; And then perhaps 'twillbe too late, For the friend may be dead. Some day you will regret it, The sin you now commit; 'Twill be too late for God will , In judgment upon you sit. Some day you will regret it, The insult that you gave; The wounded look will come to you, As spectral as the grave. Some day you will regret it, The heart that you made sad; And oh! if you could call it back, The calling would make you glad. Some day you will regret it, The friendship that you broke; When God shall cast you in the dark, And you feel his vengeance stroke. Some day" you will regret it, The malice that you bore; When God shall call vou to account, When the limit of life is o'er. Some day you will regret it, The loving life you marred; When you can see a glimpse of light, Of heaven from which you are barred. Some day you will regret it, The evill tint! you did, When, perhaps, the one you wounded. Rests under the coffin lid. In your deeds of every day, See that no evil is let; And live your life so there will be, Nothing left to regret. A Hero In a Lighthouse. i Foy years .1. S. Ilonahiie, So. Haven, Mich., civil war captain, as a light house keeper, averted awful w recks, but a queer lact is, lie might have been a wreck, himself, if F.lcetric Bitters had not prevented. "They cured mo of kidney trouble and chills " he writes, "after I hail taken other so culled cures for years, without benefit and they also improved mv sight. Sow. at seventy, I am feeling line." Knr dyspepsia, indi gestion, all stomach, liver ami kidney troubles, they're without equal. Try tlicm. Only joe. at all druggists. A pretty girl never envies the brains of a homely girl. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY CwtiM. IWT. law, kr Jmm Orphanf Annie's come to if heuae to ww.th the cupa an' aauccra up, u' brvih cmmbl avway, ehickana ail lk tvrck a4(t (b lira, an' Wk Um WaU. an' Mrn her An! ill ui other akildarn. who Ike auapw tkinaja Ike kitcken fir an' kaa Ike moaieit fu Ike witck Ulea 'at Annie Ull aboui Outl down ke wain'l Iberai all! rwJter room a.n cubbyholi flue an' ever'wherea. I iueaa, kia panta an' roundabout An' nt time a. little girl 'u4 iJIva Uuh and rin An' mala fun f crtr'ttne, an' a.11 her Wood an' kin. An' wflc'i, when the; wu "company," an' ole folk wu thert. She mockfa 'em n aheeked 'm, an' aid ahe didn't ear I An' thiat at aha kicked her becla.an' turn't run an' hid, They waa two great big Black Thinji a-atandin' hj her tide, An' they anatched her through the ceilba' 'fere (he koowed what ahe'a abiHifl An' the Gobble-une 'U git you Ef you Don't Watch 0ot! An' litllt Orphant Annie tayi. when the blate lamp wick aputtera. an' the wind goes hear the crickela quit, a,n the moon Ughtnin' buga in dew ia all (quenched ,' ; Y)u better mind yer parenta. an' yer teachera fond an' dear, i$ ' An'.cliuriah them 'at lovea you, an' dry the orphant'a tear, p tne pore an neeay onee ai cjuaiera Gobble una 'II iit you t you Don't Wa,tch Out! WILL REGRET IT. WASN'T READY. Youth Who knocks? Voice Outside Opportunity Youth Not my getting up time yet, old man. Drop around in about an hour. Judge. $100 Per Plate was paid at a bitmui t to Henry Clay, in New Orleans in ISI'.'. Mighty custly lor those with stomach trouble or indiges tion. Today people everywhere use Dr. King's New Life Pills for thflne trou- M we aH jTpri kiiingy a,,,! bowel disorders. Kasy, cafe, euro. Only 20c. , at all dru?ist white Riiay. yjffywjrrjKM TO atay," kturth itdoii ia blue. tuoo-col ia gray, a.way au aooui BEMOANING THE PAST. Life Is Renlly Too Short For This Sort of Thing. It is not unusual to meet people who are always bemoaning the past. There are many such who spend more energy in think ing what they ought to have done, and chiding themselves for not having done it, than in thinking what they ought to do and plann ing how to doit. Life is really too short for this sort of thing; there is too much to be achieved in the present and in the future to justify continuous dwelling on unimproved opportu nities in the past. It is always in order and in time to turn over a new leaf to begin again, to make steppingstones of the sins and er rors and mistakes ot the past, re membering them only so long as to learn how to avoid and over come (hem in the future. "Oh, if I could live my life over again," says one "how differently I would act." But you cannot live it over again. The only thing vou can do is to live to-dav as well as you can, to straighten your lines ! of action, and see that they all j point upward, away from the ' wrong, toward the right. Time j spent in mere idle regrets is worse than wasted. The atmosphere of regret is de bilitating, enervating. It should be avoided by us as we avoid ma larial atmospheres and those satu rated with infection. A great pur pose will lift one out of regrets, and failing a great purpose many smaller ones will accomplish the same end. In such a world as this there is always enough affirmative positive good to be done to occupy all one's time and thought, all one's capacity of doing and willing. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound ia a reliable family medicine. Give it to your children, and take it yourself when you feel a cold coming on. It cheeks and cures coughs and colds and croup and prevents bronchitis and! pneu monia. K. CI. ARK Many a man's success is due 10 his ability to use other men's brains. Ultr I iniir!B. Hi,' lit hi I'll 'All fill I I II II Ml II M jam mm il Hi u ilJ'li I ilinll PF til Ilk til Kyr fM Mm I In A MODEL LOVE STORY. Her Bright Smi itaunted Him. Would you like a "real for sure" love story today ? The prettiest one I know is that of Arthur ForteHoue, neph ew of tllrt Duke oi I'oi 'All and OlgiiVoriiiliotr,ii Dukhoboi maid of Canada. A few years ago Forteocue, a dashing, handsome graduate of Oxford, with the wanderlust in bin veitiH, went away to Can ada to neek adventures. In Quebec bo heard many tales of those strnngo people, the Iiukhoborn their queer re ligiotm beliefs, their persecu tion in Russia and their coming to Uunada. Which appealed to Fortes cue. He determined to go on a visit to the community, study the people at first hand and write a book about them. The book was never written. One day in his travels thru the colony the young man met a band of women dressed in strange attire, drawing a plow and chanting a minor keyed song as they toiled at the ropes. As they passed his eyes rested for a moment on the sweet face of a girl in her teens. She look ed at him shyly, and he thought her face the most winsome he had ever seen. The incident was forgotten. But one day in a little cabin the vision of the girl's face flashed across his memory. He could not forget it. Impulsive ly be started to find her and after a long journey succeeded. He found the girl unaffected, but surprisingly sweet and wo manly. Alter weeks of hesitancy lie took the little maid to his heart tiid kissed her. Friends, beariii lie was to many the maid, tiied to ilis-j made Mini. They said bis fan c.v for the girl would fade Nevertheless the nobleman and the Dukhobor lass were wed de 1. The news went l ack to Eng land, and Fortescue was disin herited. But before he heard of bis disinheritance-little recked he was of the ways of aristoc racybe bad adopted the sim ple creed of the Dukhobors and entered tbo communal life. That was eight years ago. Fortescue by reason of his education has become a leader among the pious folk and is still very much in love with his pretty, gentle hearted wife. And thus endeth the true tale of Robert Fortescue, nobleman, and Olgn Yoriuhoff, Dukhobor maid. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Practical jokers are anything but joy-makers. : Judge not your neighbor un til you stand in his shoes. A soft answer will not turn away an agent with something to sell. :V A girl likes to be secretly en gaged so that she can tell all her girl friends. WHAT HE DREW. "Did your uncle leave you anything in his will?" 'Only a responsibility." I "What do you mean?" i "He left me an equity in a j house lit; was buying on the in j stnllment plan and I've got to 'pay :io a month for twenty years to win." 1 AND HE BEAT IT. "1 will give you your dinner if you'll boat those rugs," said the woman with the gingham apron, at the back door. "Ah, madam," replied the. wanderer, his hat in iiis hand, "those rugs are really and truly beautiful exquisite. I don't think they possibly could be beat !" The Danger ol La drlppe Ir its fatal tendency to pnemonia. To pure your la grippe cough", take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound li K. Fish er, WaHhingtun, Kan , says: "I waa troubled with a severe attack 01 lairrippe that threatened pneumonia. A friend advised Foley, fl Honey aud Tar Com pound and I got relief after taking the Unit few doses. I took, three bottles and my logrippe was cured." Uet the gunuinc, in the yellow package. F.. CLBK "Dr. Miles' Nervine Raised Me From the Grave"-1 T"1 This is a strong statement to make, but it is exactly what Mrs. Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, said in expressing her opinion of this remedy, "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nmina raited me front the grave and I hire much confidence in it, I can never yenoui;h for your grand medicines. If anyone had offered me lioo.oo for the teeond botde of Nervine that 1 awd 1 would have said 'no indeed.'" MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR, Blum, Tax. Nervous exhaustion is a com mon occurence of modern life. The wear and tear on the nervous system is greater now than at any time since the world began. For sleeplessness, poor appetite and that "run down" feeling, nothing is so good as Dr. Miles' Nervine Your nerves are your life and lack of vital energy makes existence a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will tone up your nervous system. Ask any druggist. If tha (I ret bottle f alii to benefit, your money It returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Tie Tkrice-A-Week Edition OF THE New York World Practically a Dally at the Price of Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at s" low a price THE grent political r-amr"u?n are now at b:w ' want the news iiixui. i. promptly Th" Tur1: ' established u and anvho : im A Week f t. ery other duj in im Sunday. It will be ol p . . ; . .1 value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $ 1 per year, and this pays for 1 56 Daoers. We offer this unequalled newsnancr and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one $1.65 ; year for The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Hare More Friend than any other magaiine or patterns. McCall a ia the reliable Fashion Liuide monthly in nue million one hundred thousu'i l honu'H. Besides showing all the latest dt-siii'is of McCall Patterns, each issue is brimful of sparkling short etudes and helpful in formation (or women. Sot Money a4 Ke la Sl?l bf KinicriMiiii tor McCail'a Mairaiiiit ftl onct. Com oiilv emu t y&f, iucluiiinc toy one ol tht ecltbrattd McCall Palltrnct lrte. MrC.ll hiiOTu t-J ill eihm li Htlf. 61. MiDphmy. fC'iiiomv and Bumbtr fold. Mora dtalars aril McCall Panama than in? other two tiuketcppihlned. Nona higher than isctnta. buy Irum your dealer, or by mail from McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37 St, New York City nmmt'i toff, rwhai qmlien aal ft Cawii tm. We have on hand several conaiirnl mnnts of the latest in wool, Wash aud Princess ladies Nuts. Itather than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them nn sale at half price for cash only. llfiHuits 17.50. Prin cess, white and all other colors 5 to 17, now t'-VMi to t:t. Wash Cost Suits 14 to W, now II !)h to $3. ft to fr Net Waist n-H.l $1 7Mo.2.fto lllack and col ored silk Petticoats $4 to frl now K.W to fcl.75. Voile Skirts fU to $8 now 15.60 to it.'iO. lll.UdU yards lace aud embroid eries to close out at half price. 7T)C to f 1 MtMHalinc silks, all colors, now .') to 7 ic 5 and tic. calicoua "l to 4c. II) ami l'-'jc ginghams 7 to 9c. About 3,lKHi yards dress goods to close out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Rugs, druggets, carpetings and matting at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. .(li tl. if I s.k uiui.('pjrtfliwrl Mvltrt or kWo. lot I jMIItT, TtaMri pi- I A . MM HO t. I -impa fnr hu twu I..T4UMM I OBTAIN JUtfl ftlkk rT I I iwy, Hrw toiHaMit-1 . t r VaUlkftbi WOIIBMUMk I ..vm. D.Sl FT&CO. PATLbOT LAWVCCf. I nr. i Ufiil 1 SOS Sevesla St., WaakltcHen. 0. C. ' Special Sale ! 1 , rM.