ME i iif ertising Rates Made Known on Application ;0l. XLVI. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--! ,u i ir t i in WELDON, N. (. TIIUKSDAY. JANUARY 2.".. 1012. NO. 39 mm?' Gave Up Hope "I Buffered five years, with awful pains, due to woman ly troubles," writes Mrs. M. D. McPherson, from Chad bourn, N. C "They grew worse, till 1 would often faint I could not walk at all, and I had an awful hurting In my lide ; also a headache and a backache. I gave up and thought I would die, but my husband urged me to try Cardui, so, I began, and the first bottle helped me. By the time the third battle was used, I could do all my work. All the people around here said I would die, but Cardui relieved me." Cardui WomatfsTonic For more than 50 years, Cardui has been relieving woman's sufferings, and making weak women strong and well During this time, thousands of women have written, like Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the really surprising results they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic remedy for women. Cardui strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or pre vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles. If you are a woman, begin taking Cardui, todav. Vrlttte- iJidifi Adiriiiwr Det., Chitttnoora Mullein Co., Cfcattinotfi, Tinn fg, Sfical liutmcltoiu. ud 64-pa-e book. Home Trciioicitl lor WoMcn. " tcalket. J i The Girt in Yellow By Louho Merrifleld 3013 mo 011 N Hi II I' I'lloNKM 'Jl Ulld M. 11 30 II 1)V I'HOSI 2ft. P.N.STAIiNBACli, r. - i?y i ) i : itTA k i : i l Weldon, - - North Carolina. Full Line ot CASKETS, COFFINS Hnd ROUES. Day, NiRht and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. H Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere II (Copjrri(;l,t, Mil, by Auoclatitd Literary Frpg. ) It wi d.nk i.: Iragrant In the snrden N vtu lnt (he crowded rooms Willi n quick sense (,r r.-llif. He hated tRnrlug with h lot of other girl when the only one he wanted avoided him ''in he hnd caught her at Inst. And ie was virc that nn one would miss I" -.- of llutn. Mown through the ihudowy alleys of ihruMiery h strolled keeping In ' i w ti e faint gleam or her gown. It ns a ,,,le yellow one. Mighty few gliin 'Aure yellow. It suited Irma'l dark, pliiuant fare errect And she wore no jewels. He had noticed that alt-o. Nevln knew tlmt she must h.ivp seen him Ills cadet suit would have betrnvrd him if nothing else In the moonlight. Hut even the moon bare lv mv any light here under the pinen lie set his teeth and followed the I rail desperately. Kor four weeks the cadets had en ramped at Point of Vines and had owned I he place, but none of the boys had received a worse wound In the llstH of love than Ted Nevln. "You've got about as much show as Huffy Hiakc," the boys told him. Puffy was the homeliest and happiest boy In the troop, and absolutely Im perious to love. "You pick out your colonel s niece and you're only a year out of the Point." "The old man's got five nieces and three daughters." "As If that lessened their value, Ted, lad. (io to, child; go to." Rut Ted had met her eyes and he was not afraid. Diligently he at tached himself to the entourage of the colonel's wlfn Vnllantly he be came tame cat, and fetched and car ried for all of her three grown up daughters, and some of the other nieces, all to get a quick, flashing smile and a shy, sidelong glance of amused understanding from Irma's L30E 3013 E30E 30 THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, At';rsT2n'rii. i Stale of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. $47,000, H'or morp than 1" veara tliis institution ha prouded hanking fin ties fur this section. Its stoekholdets ami directors have been identified srith the business interests of Halifax and Snitlmniptoii cuiiuti. s fur many years. Money is loaned upon approved ceutity at tin I. l'uI into of interest six M centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus ami undivided profits lisvnur reached a sum i'ii:al b Ciital stock, the Hank lias, commencing .lautiaiv I. est.ildil Savings Department allowinir interest on time dt -posits a- follow I'm M Deposits allowed toreiuain tlnee tnoiitlis or lonirer. J per cent months or longer, 3 per cent Twelve month-or lomrer. t .ei cent Forfiirtherinformation apply to the President or ( ashicr raiSUIIMT: V ll K-l'Kksl IlliN I : lAslllKH. W. K. HAMEL, V. K. M ITII. 1:. s TIIWls V if Si ."f&a I he II ' a H lon't you, Mr. Nevln?" Irma asitea leniurely. Tion't scold. I'll bo humble and m& nut you and I know, don't we, dear? We've known all the while, very time we met, and every time we lanced together, every time you looked at me. You did care, didn't you? Look at me now. I can see your eyea tn the moonlight, and tell, Irma." The girl caught her breath, and leaned back from hit reaching, eager arms, but they caught her and drew her close to him. When he raised his head from hers bis voice sounded husky and with a new ring of man liness. "I'm going to the colonel In the morning. I'm twenty-four, and will have my commission this year, and. by Jove, we'll be married as soon as he'll let you. Will you take thia world-wide trail with me, love?" She pushed him back from her laughingly, her eyes full of tears. "That'a the nearest approach you've made to a real proposal of marriage Elr, do you realize It?" she asked "You take a great deal for granted, sir, after one kiss." "Two," he corrected. "One. Of course it was It was long enough for two, but It was only one, really." Ted hesitated, and thought hard. "Did I only kiss you once tonlnht Irma?" he asked. "You should know." "Oh, of course, of course, I should know. Guess I do know, you sweet heart," he added fervently. "There comes the girls," whispered Irma, suddenly. "They've been down to the beach for a stroll. I think you know them all excepting Phyllis, my other cousin; the girl In yellow." Very dignified Ted looked as he stood up to face the ordeal when the flock of girls came up to them. Much he trusted to the discretion of Phyl lis, much to the memory of Phyllis, but even he was not prepared for the frank, cheery greeting he got from this new cousin of his love's "I'm ever bo pleased to met sou, Mr. Nevln; but you won't mind If I forget you, will you? I simply can't keep track of you boys nil in gray uniform. Why. I was Just telling the girl. A gray uniform followed me out Into the garden and kU: ed me without a blessed word and then vanished. How can I find out who wore It? Isn't It a mystery and a ro mance, all In one?" "It it's a tragedy," said Tel fer vently, but Irma's hnnd closed on his arm. "I wouldn't look too closely. Phyl lis," she said, shyly. "You know love Is blind." 3E 3 2 O Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can make money, but's its a wise man that can sae it." Old adages, but very true. Wc pay you 4 per cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up j Collections, Loans, Accounts Solicited. j TffE BjrfK OF RoiUiOKE Rwid$ Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ! CAPITAL $25,000. SURPLUS M'UuI iiS s:,;hh j OFFICERS: ' H. S. Bubuwvn, President W. Kim i'.i.i u-.- I'r.-i l.-nt Jon L. 1'attkrbon, 1st Vice-President '. A. i U. A. l'l.KAXANi. Assistant amei. II 11 Iif! A complete line of new shoes from the makers. The store where Quality Counts. Ba3t line ot high grade'shoes in the city. Edwin Olapp Shoes for men f good taste, $6.00 AN" D $0.50 Holeproof Hosiery. Let us show you. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, Nsvln Knew That She Must Hivi Seen Him. eyes I nderstund? Of courBe, sh( did. Who could hell) It, when hit hutiKrv. ideadlng haunted het day after day? and the toueh of hl hand as different from all othet hands, when they happened to dance together They did not talk while 'hey danced, and Irma smiled when he ihounht of thoso danees. Kven Aunt Kranees could not (ruess the possltilllties of a dance for gettliiK hetler a( itmlnted. even when one did not t;i!k. Put this was positively the only opportunity he had hud of seeing her alone, and Ted seized It. Vet when he finally caught up with her he was speechless. She had stopped, too. at sound of his hurrvitiR footsteps In the narrow, lude hordered walk. It was so dark he could not see her fare, and even that 6ho turned from him. llefnre he knew or thought of what he would do next, he hnd reached out and taken her hands. She drooped her head and Ted bent quickly and kissed her not on the lips. She gave him no chance, hut on the check, her dear, soil cheek, with the flufTy, fra grant hair i urling around It. And then. Just as he was about to sm iik. theie lame the sound of laugh ter and meriy. girlish voices In the garden i lose by. "When- are you?" they called. "We're going down to the shore. It's too warm to dance." The next Instant Ted found himself alone The yellow dress had van ished precipitately down the dark pathway, and he went back to the hotel, glowing, triumphant and full of such assurance that when he saw th colonel's wife be went oyer and famed her ss If he already miiid her sunt. It was only after their next waltt that he found a chance of speaking to Irma She seemed so self possessed and gentle that he envied her. Ho almost trembled as he asked her If ho would go Into the garden with him. He wondered how she could help hearing his heart beat as they passed awav from the crowd together. There was Roman seat out on the terraces that overlooked the sea, and Ted led her there "I am afraid Aunt Ktances will mis m." Irma said, doubtfully. "We ehould have asked ber first, I think." four subs. She's good for an hour Irma, you darling, Isn't It great to be alone for half a minute. Oreat Scott, but I've worked for this." Boyishly, he threw hl hat o the ground and turned to ber. "I never wai sure until tonight, you know." "8ure of what?" "Of you. Just you," be aald aoftl under b't breath. -t jugk, fw AT ajjpoat too iur NEW KINK FOR THE DR'.'MMER Moving Picture Machines to Help Them Sell Gcods Is the Latest Brought Out. To bring a mac hine to I lie buyer's ofllce and to show It In action without the noise and crime of the factory la virtually what la sunwested by an In dlanupolls company The company manufactures a motion picture ma chine of a size lining Into a sales man's traveling case. In addition to enabling the salesman to enter a prospect's office and give a demonstration of the machine in op eration, says the Irou Age, (lima may bo shipped to prospective buyers w hen It muy not be neeessray to send the entire machine Then the Him ran bo shown at the regular motion picture Ins' It ut ion of the neighbor hood at little cost. The picture machine 1b equipped with an attachment for showing single slides, which of course may be colored ir may be n productions of drawings to elucidate ft at tires of the design not conveniently explained with the motion picture. Of course with a mo lion picture machine the reels may be stopped at any point and a definite operation studied with care. The possibilities of the application of the motion picture machine are of course great and It Is Interesting to edd that tho company has had Buch a degree of success In Introducing the machine that on October 1 It expects to have a plant of double present capacity for turning out films, slides and picture machines. Lost on Steamship. A new plot for tho writers of sea- tales became public property the oth or day when the Olympic, the largest ocean liner In the world, arrived at New York and reported that two stowaways found aboard soon after the liner left Southampton. Kngland broke out of the ship's Jail and man aged so successfully to hide them selves In the vessel's vast Interior thai they had not been discovered up to the time the passengers lauded The two stoaa)s after their disc ov erv were lu' l.ed In a third-class state room They osen"i! and disappeared somewhere nithln the ten t.iiles hid Ing space which the Olympic's myriad passages nnd placet of iuiH.?..!ii.ent present. Every exit was closely guarded as the passengers disem barked, but no trace was found of the wllv stowaways If they efcape al together their adventure will become an epic In sea tains A Oirl's Wild Midnight Ride. To warn people of a fearful forest lire in the I'ntskills a young girl rode horse buck nt midniglit and saved many lives. Her deed was gloiiouslmt bvesaieolten saved by Ir. Kinir's New Hiseovery in curing trouble, roughs and colds, which might have ended in consumption or pneumonia. "It cured meof a dieadful cough, and lung disease," writes W. It. Patterson, Wellington, Texas, "after four in our family had died with con sumption, and I gaiued pounds." Nothing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. , Price 'sic. anil $1. 'Trial bottle free, (iuaianteed hy all druggists. It's easy for an old bachelor to a v ife. All he has to do is pose as a woman hater and some to woman will do the rest. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE THE BYPRODUCT. The Best Things of Life Come Incidentally. "FATHER. TAKE iVIY HAND." BY HENRY N. COBB. The way is dark, my Father. While the cloud Is gathering thickly o'er my head, and loud The thunders roar above me. See, I stand Like one bewildered. Father, lake my hand, And through the gloom lead safely home, Thy child. The day goes fast, my Father, and the night Is drawing darkly down. My faithless sight Sees ghostly visions. Fears, a spectral band, F.ncompass me, O Father ! take my hand, And from the night lead up to light, Thy child. The way is long, my Father, and my soul Longs for the rest and quiet of the goal; While yet I journey through this weary land, Keep me from wandering. Father, take my hand; Quickly and straight lead to heaven's gate, Thy child. The path is rough, my Father. Many a thorn Flas pierced me; and my weary feet, all torn And bleeding mark the way. Yet thy command Bids me press forward. Father, lake my hand; Then, safe and blest, lead me up to rest, Thy child, The throng is great, my Father. Many a doubt And fear and danger compass me aboui'; And foes oppress me sore. I cannot stand Or go alone. O Father, take my hand, And through the throng lead safe along, Thy child. The cross is heavy, Father, I have borne It long, and still do bear it. Lei my worn And fainting spirit rise to that blest land Where crowns are given. Faiher, take my hand, And reaching down, lead to the crown, Thy child. Before you have gained wisdom in experience you fancy the buiik of life is easiest to win by frontal attack and you smash away at it. Later on you come to . see that a flank movement is best. That is 10 say: You try to do something by di rect effort and fail. Then you turn your attention to something else, and, lo, you find that which you sought at first. For instance : You want to be happy. You try to make yourself happy. You try hard and fail. Then quit trying and conclude that happiness is not won in that way. You conclude that it is best to make others hap py. You try that and the first thing you know you are happy. It is the byproduct. In looking for something else what you want turns up. You have won by the flank movement. There's popularity. You want to be popular and you try to be. But somehow your smiles do not win. Somehow peo ple come to see that you are work ing at the popularity business. You fail. Then you conclude it is better to deserve popularity than to win it; that it is better to try to be lovable than to be lovely. Then you are popular. A woman wants to be beautiful. She follows the directions of the experts of the Sunday papers, the beauty parlors, uses face creams and cosmetics and fails. She concludes it is better to have good health and a beautiful soul. She persevers and She is beautiful. It may be so even in making money. You try to get rich quick. You fail. Then you conclude you are not cut out for a millionaire. pin. Take What Pill ? Why, a Dr. Miles Antl-Pain Pill, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rheu matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Period ical Pains of women, and for pain in any part of the body. "I have used Dr, Wiles' medicines for over 12 years and find them excellent. I keep Dr. Miles' Anli-Pain Pills In the house all the time and would not think ot taking a journey without them, no matter how short a distance I am going. I cannot praise them enouch." Mifs Lou M. CnunCHILl. 63 High St, Pcnacook, N. II. At all druggists. 23 doses 25c. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The TMcfi-A-WfjEi Edition OF THE Hew York World Practically a Daily at the Price ol a Weekly. "THE GRACIOUS ANSWER" The way is dark, my child, bui leads to light. I would not always have thee walk by sight. My dealing now thou canst not understand, 1 meant it so; but I will take thy hand, And through the gloom lead safely home My child. The day goes fast, my child. But is the night Darker to me than day ? In Me is light. Keep close to Me, and every spectral band Of fear shall vanish. I will lake thy hand, And through the night lead up to light, My child. The way is long, my child. But it shall be Not one step longer than is best for thee; And thou shall know at last, when thou shalt stand Safe at the goal, how I did take thy hand, And quick and straight lead to heaven's gate, My child. The path is rough, my child. But Oh, how sweet Will be the rest, for weary pilgrims meet. When thou shall reach the borders of that land To which I lead thee, as I take thy hand, And safe and blest with Me shall rest, My child. The throng is great, my child. But at thy side Thy Faiher walks; then be not terrified, Fori am with thee; will thy toes command To let thee freely pass; will take thy hand, And through the throng lead safe along, My child. The cross is heavy, child. Yet there was One Who bore a heavier for thee; my Son, My well-beloved. For Him bear thine, and stand With Him at last; and, from thy Father's hand, Thy cross laid down, receive a crown, My child. - Henry N. Cobb. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you You decide to eo slowlv and safelv 1 want the news accurately and and be content. And the money comes. It is so of fame. He who sets out to be famous and thinks only of fame is apt to fail. When he reorganizes his life and concludes that it is belter to deserve fame than to acquire it he is going right ly about the matter. When he merits his fame he gets it. It is the byproduct. We are built that wav. ALL TkUK. Anything that is worth read ing at all, is worth reading again. i The man who produces excel- : lent writings usually does so in ; uboininable writing. There is a class of persons whose motto would seem to he: "When in doubt, lmck out." V ! Some people contend it's al-! ways the cream that rises to ! the top; but then again, there's ' ; froth ! ! I v : Blessed is the lawyer, for while the family scrappeth over ' the inheritance, ho merrily spendeth the same. promptly. The World long since ! established a record of impartiality, i and anybody can afford its Thrice- A-Week ediiion, which comes ev- ery other day in the week, except I Sunday. It will be of particular i value to you now. The Thrice A j NX'eek World also abounds in other I strong features, serial stories, hu ; mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, ! everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's i regular subsclption price is only j $1 per year, and this pays for 1 56 i papers. We offer this unequalled ! newspaper and the ROANOKE ! NEWS together for one year tor - - - win ! The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. i i i I i r' ' Women are inconsistent, we "I am at homo to no one c.v-: John U. Rockefeller, Jr., at a j know. i,ut wi,.lt ai,out ti,c nian eept Mr. lirown," said the lady .recent uiuner in iew torn saia oi ! to her new maid. "Now he success : j sine and remember that." i "Success depends a good deal McCaii's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Hav More Friends than any oth or magazine or pntturns. McCall s is the reliable l'ashi.m Guide monthly in one niilln ii one hundred thousand In im s. U showing all the latest ik's:;;". c M. C.'ill Patterns, each isuo is bnnful i.f sparkling short stories and In!;. ;ul information for women. Save Mo:iey and Keep in Styl by tiibsrribmcr tur MtCa i'a o"n.c ar once. Costs only $ cents a . ar. inr!.'..lmg any one ot tile celebrated MCLah l'..ltenis ircy. ! McCulI PatUTni UJ U oihfit t yle. til. t GMiipiuilv, ct tnomv and number told. Mnre d.-a.ers a. .1 Metal! falterns tnan any c-iner two make? (vmhinrit. N.Mif li:!itr ttian 1SCCUU. Iiviy ir..m youi dealer, or by man hoiu , McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th St, New York City 1 Ml tfquMI. the she She stayed at home all afternoon hut nobody was nouneeil. Then she sent the Ki'l. "lidn't anybody call)'" asked impatiently. "Yes, ma'am. Five nentle men. And 1 told 'em all you wasn't home to auyhody hut Mr. Hrown, ami they all went away, ma'am.'' 'You idiot! You have alien ated all my friends by your stu pidity. Didn't any of the gen tlemen leave any message ?" "Yessuin. After I'd said it four times 1 got it mixed up, an' 1 guess I told the last gun tleman that you was homo to everybody but Mr. Krown." "He 6ays, 'Ha I'm Brown,' an' then he turned around an' run oil jes' like the. rest .of e'm." Cleveland Star. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable family medicine, (.live it to your children, and take it youreell when you feel a cold coming on. It checks and cures coughs and colds and croup and prevents bronchitis and pneu monia. E. CLARK. on the recognition of values. The successful man knows what is ini-1 portant and what is unimportant. He doesn't waste time over trifles, j That, he knows, would be as silly ! as the Tarrytown girl's complaint. : "A Tarrytown girl, after reading a letter from her sweetheart, said pettishly: " 'I do wish Joe would learn to write more clearly. I can't tell from this postscript whether he is sending me 10,000 or 100,000 kisses.' " who slaves the greater part of his life to make fifty million dollars, and then acquires an i ambition to die poor ''. HOLDS THE RRCORI) Bpscial Sale ! "Old Hunks is the man in the community." 'What he been doing now ':" ' ( lot his wife out of the no tion of buying a fashionable mutt by teiiing ln'f iiial Inline, are made larger than they used to be because women's hands are growing bigger." PLRT PARAGRAPHS. Some women are really unhap- $100 Per Plate was paid at a laniiiet to Henry Clay, in Sew Orleans in IslJ. Mighty costly for those with stomach trouble or indigos- j py uness iley are miserable. nun. i ouuy u'oiii' even, w nere use Mr. King's New Life 1'ills for these trou bles as well as liver, kidney and bowel disonlers. Easy. afr, sure. Only 2. at ull druggists We have on hand several consign' . nieiits ol tlie latest in wool, Wash and meanest i l'l'tnecHK ladies Suits. Katlior than re- turn these suits our liea(liuaiters ueci i ded to put them on sale at half price lor cash only. !! Suits K.MI. Win ; cess, white und nil other colors to $7, now vi.'M to sSI. Wash ( oat Suits $1 to ! f't, nowH.ltstofcS. H!of."iNct Waist . t-.!iut.l n .7') tn V- ft'ifk nd cnl- ored silk Petticoats $1 to ll now f-'.HA to ja.T.'i. Voile kitt ir'li to $now $5.SO to . i .."ii. lii.tHM yaols laee and embroid- i i li s to close out at hull' price. 7."c. to 1 Messnline silks, all colors, now On to ; 7"e. 5 and tie. calicoes to 4c. in and 1-U' ginghams 7 to !c. About I a.lloo yards dress goods to close out less than cost. l adies hats at half price, i Hugs, druggets, carpeting and mattings j at and below cost. The world owes every man chance to earn an honest living. a Frightful Polrr Winds blor, with terrilic foiae at the far north and play havoc with the skin, causing d, rough or sore chapped hands and ips, that need P.ucklen's Arnica Salve lo heal them. It makes the skin soft a el smooth. I'm aled for cold sores also burns, boils, sores, ulcers, cuts bruises and piles. Only 25c. at all drug gists. A man thinks there is no sin unless it is found out, but a wo man thinks it nothing unless peo ple talk about it. Somehow we dislike the man who always tells the bare truih even more than the man who al ways lies to us. If people would always give the devil his due it would keep them hustling for coin. SPIERS BROS3 YFT.hON N r When a girl throws a man over he is apt to light on his knees in front of another girl. ,,.e nr.p.--' . i . l' r I Uhi . ,y. V ' Srtnl 4 r m , ,.u .i-r oui .t.l. on HOsV IO CST'.IN i liTV W'n ll IMVH V.'i'l y, I" l l'. Nlli'lit l;iw It il i'-l r ittlttli err 1. 1. t AT- ' n utrl- I i.Ii itiuillua. I PA I itl'iT LAW f 03 Soven'h St., Wash Tf "0. WELDON, N. C.

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