i "' AjrLisiiK Kates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Perms of Subscription... S l.i.0 u i i in WKI.DON. N. ('.. Till KSDAY, TKIilil AllV s. H)2. NO. 41 is ;3 2p 'we :5S: 10 ; i i. at rromnlcs DityslMnCtorfitr' re".;? itl Itt'stXciitains ndiher t ipiimi .: Inrphiar norMiocral. Nor N arcotic. Hi- C.C Al.i'OIIol, 3 PEK liiNP, AVortdiililcPirpaniinnfifAs r,i:i:ilniiii5ihcFooda!t(l!fi;i!i8 lingUif Sitntulis nndHiwdsi Q I till ill Unlace For Infants and Children The Kind Ycu Have . Always Bought Bears the " ( PumAia Sad-Jlx-Srvml 1 IhMtt&ih- I AprrffC Heiwily f.nC(instipa Moil. Sour Stoin:li.Uiarri Wnrnisfomulsious.FrYi'rish ni'ssomlLossoFSuE?. racS'mnle Siijiiaiarf of NEW YORK. VtV signature AU IK In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. rpoi I A V l'llo.Sg lonnoc N h.ii r I'lms k i.'I an. I .V HI P. N. STAIN. BACK, r rM)i:irrAKi:i. Weldon, North Carolina. Full Line of CASKLTS, COITINS and ROBLS. Day, Night nnd Out-of-Town Colls Promptly Attended to. l' I'unjiouy Weller .I'M!! WillilOW Htrolll'll Iclsiirel) ' Miiih.K- ilw li'tle old village streets. ! The i ; ,ii;t anhitei'turc, the odd mi- I xi.ecttii tui ii iiitu narrow Innc-H and : .tube piiniliivo aspect wire ull : to h.'i- d, I otcd eye. , .lean h:n -t. i!i n a cliiy (nun ih li: I ois. i . h, m il r that Bhe mlsbl :." il. v sliitit inn i'i'i tu the little j ,tw II.tlMlhn. v!!!:-ri' Hhe j ' mid Klimi . In tail;r'H l.lrtliilc. S'lf kept her t iipr-o fcr the Miiull !.i!:iin:ni kH hi' i.ail toM hiM' u( mid 1 milled nr I he llinl-e of IliK ileerlp ti"ll ,le;m Itoifil It utl.ild he imureu- ! .i.-.l she riiiihl ran l.!e tihmit It and see all the plai e her lather loved to i in ; Yes! There It it hln ingn , remliiiiK nwr the tirow (if the hill und Hl.adi'd by Kiant lir trees. ; "It'll vaeani'" Jean hreatlied Imp- ' pily and qnh heneil her pace ' .lean had no fear uf the so railed J haunted hoiii"c and heldea, n well kejit iansion lay within calling dis tance t nun her father's birthplace. .lean picked her steps daintily thtnnt;!i the need-grown paths like a maiive elf umoiiK the tall KranHes. Iiadily diiin't evapt'eiate one bit!" .lean s en s swept in the wide Coloni al ilinir and the wonderfully carved ( pillar caps, and what a love of a knocker!" She trlul the handle It was lock ed With n punt Jean went around to the back of tho houpe and discov ered the ,-lnntii;K celler door I Di.ddy used to slide down this." ! Jean laut'ied Hint tried to lift the i heavy dour. It yielded and she pick j ed her way down the dark stairs lift , 1 ii k hUh fluffy mauve laces as she wnf. I The place was fearfully dark and full of inii-ty oilors, Jean bravely : stilled her tears snd went up thq rreakinx stairs ami through the kitch en "If only v.e could have this In town," slpl.oil the lrl as she went thnuiKh room after room each one I'icuer mid tmre sunny than the lost. On the si-rend A. mr she found the H. G. HOWK, ri'M.k'Al. IHkliCIOH AM) I'.V.I! M.MIiK. H Seventeen years' litporiciue. Henrc Service Anywhere. W wf tmmm iiiMiny yiumrJUMa iiMWiimiwy Q OH THE BANK OF WELD0J Wi:i.!)()N. N. ( Orgnnized Under the Lnws ol the Stnte ol North Carolina, A l i l I' -'ti l 1 1 . I Slate of North Ciirnlin i Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weklmi Depository. Capital attfl Snrplns, $47,000. $lor more tlin H veaix tln inlitutii.n lia .i.ni.e.l bankinc facili ties for this section. I In dtoeklioMcis an. I .In ct.un Inn, 1,,-cti i.leiitilte.l with tlie business ititetcMti. of Hainan au.l Nuilliuiiiptun cuiinlii s lut nuay vears. Monev ii loancl upmi aimvcl s.-cunty at the b-iral iat of interest six per centum. Aecnuiils of all aie -olicilril. The surplus ami umlm.livl pmlit- baniiir ie:ii-li..l a -uni c.iial to the t'apital stuck, the I tank lias, ..inuiee.-iti.' .lanuaiv I. I"ns. est.il.lislie.1 a Savours Department nlloniutr inten-t on time l lolbms: I' or Keposits alluwe.l toiematn tlM.-c m-.i.tbs in hitn.i t. '.' per cent Six months or lonirer. S per cent 'twelve niuul lis or homer. 1 percent Forfurthei information applv to tee I'lesnlcnt or t ashict . Ml K-l lill-lllKSr. 1 -A-ll IKK. W. I! SMITH. i;. S. nt.w IS, V . Yi wh,n th " IL old her i i C' ..UK- I Pi broke off and a-ked ipt'n'kly, .'! -'t n: yn'i h nkh i a - 1 lee mm' It VI 'be nia"cr vvlth '.'lu I wns only tiunkiiig , inch you look like a great pan. .y 'iere among the green pillows" "That la rather a funny thing to ell a girl who is startled out ol her .Ttu and Is wondering how she ever Managed to stumble on an evidently .-ane man " "Working among explosives nt the top of a vacant house," finished Han vers and Jean liked his laugh. Alter lulnlng It for a moment she said: "Where Is that awful" mom and where am I now?" "You are In my den," he said, "and Il la adjoining the awful one in v. hieh I luako experiments It watt ni.e of the latter that jou beard blow up." Ilanvers laughed ruefully, "Is It my turn to ask ipn-siuins'.'" Jean's eyes answered lilm. "Who are you and where did you come from? You don't live In i tie village -that I know." Jean wisely refrained Ito'ti asking Mm how he knew. Her cournge had returned but her nerves had taken a luuny little turn and she fult Mangely afraid of this man with his steady g'u vvir.g eyes. lie looked HI e ihe ".en who commamU by the v e a( ".il In his eyes. "I was tin: giie .t at a honse j ;'ity not ten miles (rem heie," Jean told him. My father was horn in 1 1 is house and I came over ti, .... t 1 am Jean Winslow." " Jean Winslow ! My lather and i James Window were friend- lias; your father ever mentioned' Johu Danvers? At lea-t I have ne;.ni ,jf Jean Winslow " Tlte girl liked the win ; n,,iuo ; was spoken. .She laugh- il m- i ex- ' tended her hand. 'Since v ..nJ J heard of one another--we - :! j shake hands" ' It seemed for Hie space ol a m otid ! as if Ihe turret in the Winslow i ,nie- ; stead was hung In midair. ' "Oh-b!" Jean cried afn-r ,t ni nt, "your head: Did sntneilnng hit em before I came?" She arose subt ly and before be viiil.l stop ! i i '-:;d taken off the bainlagi 'II,' she cried again. "Wbei will I hie: . one water?" ' It. Is nothing .t :ner. !i," Danvers said, but il"evleii I small lavatory It doesn'i thing except that it would better If jtej loth. l ' boyish lov in hi.- ,-ves i, smile to Jean's lip as -ihe .-Mel:; ' tu on hi-. I- was lieaitv 7- i-iml nv m ': m I 7 Hy iml WAbsoIutely Pure MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar 1 4 UNUTTtRED. to the -il any. I lunch ,e Itnir gill .1 .( ii' !y ''Inge nd ston '1 e tune ...e tlte I i '.el's poinle - ijlll . :,:e " he . a d TI.ev ! hl:l.v ,ip :,-ll. place'' . that I an 'ha thu ;:.!y. A word unuitered. a hand unpressed, A look unseen, or a thought unguessed And souls that were kindred may live apart. Never to meet or to know ihe truth. Never to jiues-, how heart beat with heart In the dim past days of a wasted youth. She shall not know how his pulses leapt As over his forehead her tresses fell When she leaned to give him the jessamine wreath- His hand (i nched hers, and her face flushed red With the passi.maie love thai choked her breath And saddens her life, now her youth is dead. A failed Wiiin.,ii who waits tor death And murmurs a name below her breath; A cynical m m who scoffs .iud iecrs At women and love in the open day, Mitt at night time kisses with hitter teats A faded Hanmeiii of jcssimine spray. lilY MUlnW P.iAYth. Lot pli, lilt iko l'RSIIlNT : W. K. DANIKL. fisliii m "It'i Vacant!" room with the bow window In which her father was horn. Jnn peered about as It' the very walls might wit t.s he emotion as she t,urreptltl i.-lv ila'.ibed the tears trom her 11.-.' .motions were ver; tear the h'i: i i. " Tli.' utter 1 1 si li"ll of the grand old home that 'ltd h.ir n.n eii lier l.iiher's !., :...!. e very I, ,.ie room tha t' ) h very bie::ihini; bad nil ' e.pevl to U'strlng 1 , r r.erves I haven t 'he nur-'-rf with the iiltantom-lnii bonier or II little ti, M el i iv i i .ii I aw (nun t(e. out sid.o ' 1 sa'd hall aloud. .;ea,, . i oi'tage was at strangely low i lib vvlien. am r seeing ! nur-fc,.t-j- -lie discovered a smalt dark .ieii vva vvlili h led to the turn-' room in going to n.a'.e u. t'V i i'e gardens nnd . '- ii.g I tie in erlei't rei,'ii. World halV' Somehow Jc'in ur.eerstocd all that lie meant it the l:"!t short i , ntetiee. If you will let me I. dp," the mied swilil.v :nto his I've,;. After a moment of sileu-e Dnnvirs spoke It ou will coin uv,r tnivv ami l't Ihe nia'er give yen a cup of tea I will drive ji -ii over the ten miles I was Invited in Hie house parly," he .-anl and turm-d lo look at Jean. How long , illeie?" Jean knew ins lies ami moment. I'll..: -,!. i 'l-e' new gu": on going to be i hat the npual was in .-.lie looked only for a mis she said. "upoo she h. et her bean on flee- A complete line of new shoes from the makers. The store where Bast line of high grad3 shoes in the city. Edwin Clapp Shoes for men of good taste, $(.00 AND $15.0 Holeproof Hosiery. Let us show i she vlnd- her :iid "WD I you. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WRLDON, N. C. ian'npw!. and HIDES f-v M Bill Ilfflr4, v '.- .ct bdicc run r-f sl4 II - nil mtiuionmi 'ni. -tV!jPHmK..r.x Hi.,! ing Again lining Ihe llu'y 1. made her wnv careiullv up t ing slahs So Ion, I as the beating ow ii 1 ear. ilial die heard no save the imaginary ones of I i n atii n She turned the handle of th ih,. only one on that high lam ,n lot k. il She tried again I a great noise Tin- door opened sinideiilv a great sound like an expln-lon. , v. huge man loomed up In the way Ills face was stneaied nr. j hair v, as that of a wild men. A el had been swllliy lied . i , . ... 1. side of his bead 'Ohh!" Jean shrieked and Ml !o ap on 'he dusty floor of the 1 ' Ing When she regained conscionsii. she found that she was lying on wide, soft couch; the face bend g : over hers was neither grimy nor in fact nnythlf.g that suggested evil. It j sllll wore the towel bandaged ov. i one temple but the expression shinii.: In the eyes was tendernc s, fear ale, somelhing lht made Jean blush. "Great Scott! I thought I bait killed you!" he snld In the deep voice Jean had noun-how expected She laughed and sat up among the cushions. "It wouldn't have been your fault! was snooping and" He Won't l.lmp Now. No more limping for Tom Moon', of Coelirun, " I'1"1 ,,!'1 " ",v instep that nothing' seeme.l to help till uscil ltucklcn s Arnica salve, ne writes, "hut this wonderful healer soon enrol me " Heals old. run ninir sore", lyVcis, boils, hums. cuts, hinises, ecre. ma or piles. Try it. Only 'J"c. at all W?ges Eivjht Cents a Day Hlyher. Among the .-.tnilstics submitted In Ihe report of the slate department of lalior It Is shown that the average daily earnings are larger by eight cents than they were last year, Hit) figures being $;!."" as against $:.1S. Industrial prosperity is not simply a pockelbnok ami a pair ol willing hands working In harmony. The shares t' hlcb go to one on dividend day and :o Iho other on pay day are determined bv larger considerations. I'lciinomic conditions nre never permanently one sided Energy, guided by Judgment ami cautioned by frugality In the work r .hum, means product plus quiilltv in i lie counting room. I ght cents a (lay Is a good stgn In !.: ways than one. Hut it should have been more. The cost ol living sho ild not heat wages to Ihe wire ew York World. Cause of Writer's Cramp. A physlcli.il staiis that writer's cramp and allied muscular nficoimns nr. o, lutt-J by the il"" of too sniail a pc'ile. der Many of the o-n in i!i','ta in ci n moil use are too small to ai'ow n firm grip to be taken, and the i. snlt Is that the lingers (lose down i .'.itly tn an effort lo l:i l.t the pen secure'v, and the long tension results In cramp. If thosi who write habitually will u-n penholder three or four limes as laige as those gem rally employed I hey will never have trouble vvilh 'heir lingers or wrist A good v.;i '0 , nlnrge ihe penholder is to ink'1 a bit of flexible India lubber tubing, and I lace It on the holder. This b-ith niveH a larger stem nnd affords an . :reealdy soft surface, which does not , -ed lo be grasped very tightly -or, other words, which does not tend to slip. And many a man lives the sim ple life because he has to. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ihe Hind You Hsvj Always Bought RnnU the "V Signature of CAf,, 1 dreamed i:M t.f chtM'iot : ()'i -r hill .iii.l vvi.l.iM lea. riirouch flow ery ;,'en anil u ildwoml I 1 1 1'liiiei! in chiidssh "Ice. Plucked blossoms for my niniher's imow, l;or she w as wuli me there. And 'neaih a droopino w allow bough Knelt down with me in prayer. And next I seemed to view lief. Bent o'er my little bed; With tiny hands I drew her Still nearer, while she said : "O, now 1 lay me down to sleep," And taught me to recite, "1 pray the Lord my soul to keep;" And kissed me a "good night. " I cherished that sweei vision, But waking hours, as w ell, Mring back those days elysian, That memory may tell How oft she sought that sacred place, Her closet, bowed her there, L-.nibraced me with a fond embrace, l:or nic sent up a prayer. And well do 1 remember When last we fondly met, Though age had stolen o'er het, And her pale cheek was wei Willi tears that grief had taught to flow, I ler heart oppressed with care -I low heavenly on her brow the glow As she knelt down in prayer When storm clouds hover o'er me And darken life's brief day, And hope's lone star before me Shed but a feeble ray. 1 mi n my eyes to childhood years To see a radiance there -A itiiiibwW through :l mother's lears. A sunshine in her prayer. SAY YES. i If 'le -' 1)0... '..' i i And mi is " -.,'' I lit! who would buil'l up s! I cli.ii'acli'f or siicti rd in Ii lies- must li'.'iru lo say no. ! Also ho must 1- .n ii'h i Both words a iv di-eisive I i: I HP! the final words, llosiia'r, dully, liable as you may. tin 1 time comi'S when you must end by saving yes or no. Kor iiislunrc - I Von si a ti 1 1 on lli ; of ;i now enterprise ; much to you, ' Mhers not lib ar threshold It ineiins It is feasible, r than volt have done it, A ml yet you , Linirer sliiveiini; on the brink And fear lo launeh awav. ' But - t llavintr carefully canvassed ' the matter, knowing its jiossi- liilities ami knowinr your abil ity to succeed if you try hard enough, why, then, come up to it, face it and say: "Yes, I will do it." Wli 'ii yon say that and mean it you have won half your bat tle. You waste no more time, in doubt and worry. The die being cast, the Rubicon crossed you expend your energy on the "task. Or Having wrestled with an un dertaking, the battle seems to be going against you. Your plans have been upset just as Our LL-2 : Fib." A family can suffer no -." affliction than to have a ch ject to fits or epilepsy. ' father or mother would i?;-. all to restore such a child to in: 'i am heartily cUd tu tt II "t. of our little boy who was coronlctcly cured ni fits. He commenced hv. ing them at 10 yars of age and had them fur four yean. 1 tried three duilors and one specialist but all 01 - " tlicrn raid he could not be cured, but Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv ue and Dr. Miles' Nerve and laver Pills made a complete cure. I.e is now l aic, lieaity and gay. It has been three fars since he had the last spelt. 1 shall give Dr. Miles' medicines praise wherever 1 p . Y'iu are at liberty to u.-e this letter as y..u see (it and anyone writing to nie 1 will eladly answer il Ihcy entice stamp "r 'I'. M. llOGL'I'", Windfall, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine is just what it is represented to be, a medicine compounded especially for nervous diseases, such as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul sions and epilepsy. These diseases j frequently lead to insanity or cause i weak minds. Dr. Miles' Nervine i has proven most effective in reliev ing these dreaded maladies. I Sold by all druggists. If tha first bottla fads to benefit your money is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The Thrice-A-Weet Edition OF THE New York World the wind topple, over the toy , practically a Daily at the Price ol soldiers set up in a row. could cr if it would do good. You ask yourself: Is it worth while ?" 'I he tint" is crucial Say, ' Y !'' To give tip is to fail utterly. Say "Yes. If Ihe ship goes down 1 will go down with il still lighting." Sav 'Yes." When you have said that you have given hostages to fort title. Von will go at your job w ith vim and redeem t lie t line. There is tri nietnloiis jiovvi r in it tli etna t ion . To atlirm is tu t rv To : is to pill vi'iir dominant will lower into toot tun. ( Mice in motion nerv mi' energy will mppl v eli-city and momen tum. And on you go, A llii mal ion i opt iiio-ui --a v "Ves Yon an' ; a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price T HE great political campaigns are now at nana, ana you want the SHR SAW I tit: RIIINS. r -,.,.-1 U.1U , Representative Henry, of Texas, i j was praising a Washington heiress. "She is the right son," he said. ' "She w em abroad last year, and ' on her return n friend asked her : " 'Did vou see many picures . que old ruins ov er there?" i " 'Yes,' she answered, with a : taint smile, 'and six of ihem pro- J posed ' news accurately and promptly. The W orld long Fince established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week ediiion, which comes ev ; cry oilier day in the week, except ' Sunday It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice A- ! Week World also abounds in other iiliriti strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in tact, everything to be found in first-class daily'. The 1 hrice-A- Week World's t cgul ii sulscipiion price is only S per vear, and this pays for 156 pipct.s. We otter this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NL S together for one vear tor The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Fcr Women il (..IsV asv i e market peiivl, of Money is . reports s iv - I course : csasKiB.r-Tvwviws'iivasariri. IOWA WOMAN WELL AGAIN Have lVore Friends tlmn any o'.' a! ,v-v '. .uicrns. McCali'H i- icltai ,. I-;i-hi.n Tiiiide ninn.!.!.' : n:u- ;;i : i iik' lajmlred tl;ci'. :- :, r !-s vhnwti'g all tilt.' I.' .!csi ' : ' K'.i'.l r.aicrust' : is ii; : ! .-i i.'.i'lm sho:t f : tf. iiiatitm for wor. Snve Mi l..r Mil. i ccp in Stvl I'v so! 1 c at tmit-. I 'M!: ii; 31. v unc ui the Kl .. McCail i iti ' M,CU ?r d.'llrr'j.'l'r.. nubs" i 'i 1. II: )..., . McCALL'S MAGAZ' 23S-24G W. 37th St.,NewYc! ' s Lead a'l c-tliora in st 1 .' ..'...1 1 tlll I Si'ltl. ,.- r.tttt-ft s llitti any ' , -if liiylier tli.m 15c 1 1 by ih.ii! liotu Freed From Shooting Pains, Spinal Weakness, Dizziness, by Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. Special Sale ! ShockitiK Sounds I SOMi: l llINd M'W INMiHDICTS Ottlimtta, Iowa. "I'or years I was ' nlniost a constant siiU'er-r finni female j t rouble in ail its dr. ail f ti 1 f orm s; I shooting pain-- all over my hisiy. Mi k ' hen.lacl; e, spinal Weld- Mess, 01 i'iliess, il. pi cs - ion. and even thine; Unit was norri't. 1 iri. ii tnany (l( fc.. iloctorn in (litferent i i,, 1 I 111 the earth aie sotiu tunes hcaul licloic I a t c 1 itl.lt- ciutli'iua!..'. that wain id the j coniinir peril. Naluic's waiutuc aie I kind That dull pain or ache in Ihe i back win lis you the k :.iue n. 1 ! a! u-n lion if you wiiiihl escape llo.se iIui'lci- i oils nulla. lies. I'lopsy, lUahetes or ; liiiulit's .hseasc lal.e r'ci'lrii' liittel at once au.l sec l.ai'ka1 ' i'v ami ill A Wheeling (W. Va ) lawyer says that he has heard tnany queer verdicts in his lime, but the quain test was brought in not long ago. by a iury of mountaineers in a sparsely settled part of that Stale. This was the tirsi case for the r:P'C-' your lust reclines rdum. "My son ic j majority of the jury, and they reive.! ureal ticiieiit kidney au.l bind. 1. . 1 tcr llon.ly. South is ccrtainlv a irn al Tiv it ".Of. al all It Ihi'l itlth'." w t tte .--V : "ri. .lll'-V II 1 c I c purls of the I'niteil Slates, but I.Viha K. 1'inlvhnm's Veireta- ble t'onisuintl has dorie more forme than nil the doctors. 1 fed it my duty to toll you these facis. My In art is full of prntaiul.. to I.yilia K. rinkham's Vege table ("omiiound for my health." Mrs. Harkiiit K. Wami i kk, 524 S. Ransom Street, Ottumw a, Iowa. Consider "Well This Advice. No woman ku!V. ring from any form of female troubles should lose hope tin- We inivi on ban.l several constRn; mcntsi'l 'the latest in wool, Wash and l'i an-es-la.lu - titts. liather than re tain Hie-e -uits our heail.Uai'ten ileci ilci l.i put tliian on sale at half price h.i . as!, onlv . jbiMiith tT.-MI. I'ritl cess, while anil all othi r colors i' to K, ni.n -i. .0 to :i. W ash ' 'oat Suit" $1 to t'i. now si. as tu .i. JI to t.1 Net Waist r- I si ,., i,, e..'.o l.lack and col ore 1 sdk IMticuats s 1 to H now K.tw Voile kllts til to ?- DOW Jt'l.-iO lO.lioil vai.ls luce au.l eniliroiil- Clies t, .Jl Me. do for hours arguing and disputing til she has piven Lydia E. rinkham's The woisi that your neighbor ' does often seems belter than the best you can do. j Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 1 CASTORIA over it in the bare lime room at the rear ol the courtroom. At la: t they straggled back to their places, and (lie foreman, a lean, gaunt fel low, wiih a superlative solemn ex pression, voiced the general opin ion ; 'The jury don't think that he done it, for we allow he wa'n't Vegetable Compound a fair trial. 'i his fumoas remedy, the medicinal in (rreilients of which ere derived from native roots and herbs, has for neirly fort" years proved to be a most valua ble tonic nnd invicorntor of the fe male o'p.mism. Women everywherj bear villhiii testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia K. l'inkliam's Vegeta ble Compound. If jim want special oilvlee write to D'Uin I,, l lunnnui nieuienie m. iconii ihere hni ue think he u'milil hive slcntlal) I-jn-i, Mass Your letter will inert, but we tutus ne wouiu nave , ho mMi't nsi nnd an9wrn.d hr done it ef he'd had the chanst. 1 woiuuu uud Jiebl in Ktrict cotUlikuce. out ut hull' pi ice. 7'ie to aline sill.s. all cubits, now .'si to 7,'C. ." ami lie. calicoes o,. lo Ic. lo and l-'c iriiiubaiiiK 7 to He About S.isKi yai.ls .licss i;iii.iN to close out less than cost, tallies hats at half price, huts. .li iiiMretH.caipetini.rs and inattinirs at ami below cost. SPIERS BROS. WKLPOK, N. C. I'le-pj, e hli1:. i 'r-A.A on It J s its, '-i-ii t,.ttMi' T' JUrM WHIltAlO, LouisviLLMY.

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